
Uploaded: 14 May, 2006
Previous uploads by this submitter: 0

Author: Shawn Hill

Downloads: 100

Welcome to iDiRT! I am glad that you have decided to use this MUD software. First off, lets tell you what you have just gotten. iDiRT is based from the DIRT 3.1.2 code, by Alf and Nicknack which in turn is based from AberMUD IV.

iDiRT is a simple MUD system that involves finding treasures, solving quests, killing mobiles, and exploring a world. The system can easily be added onto, as long as you know how to code in C. If you do not know how to code in C yet, a good time to learn would be before you dive into modifying the iDiRT code. Not knowing what you are doing can lead to creating crash bugs, and a headache.

With that little introduction aside I would just like to say that I hope that you enjoy using iDiRT, I enjoyed writing it.

Shawn Hill (,