Uploaded: 03 Jun, 2012
Previous uploads by this submitter: 0

Author: Joseph Arnusch

Downloads: 27

1) Fixed a crash bug caused by a porting issue


CHANGELOG FROM 1.0 -> 1.1:
1) Fixed Memory Leak in free_group()
2) Moved from SimpleList to Iterated List for safety reason
3) Summoned Creatures now automatically join your group if you are the leader
4) Groups started by NPCs or inhabited by NPCS no longer appear on the group list
5) NPC and PC groups are identified when looking at the room.

:: Patch created using tbaMUD 3.63 r313 ::


This is a new patch for tbaMUD 3.63 r306+ that separates the follower and group systems. With it, groups become their own entity, and it becomes quite easy to add things like group names, group levels, group treasury etc..

500H 130M 82V 671G > group list
# Group Leader # of Members In Zone
1 ) Vatiken 2 Ebenridge
2 ) Taoth 1 The Builder Academy Zone