
Uploaded: 15 Sep, 2012
Previous uploads by this submitter: 0

Author: Geoff Davis, Greg Buxton

Downloads: 62

CircleMUD^2 Change Log


GD = Geoff Davis ( Since: 03/2006 // offline at posting 09/14/2012
GB = Greg Buxton ( Since: 03/2006 // offline at posting 09/14/2012


- GB - Subversion repository created, CircleMUD^2 begins.

- GD - Renamed all structures to camel-case POSIX-style names
- GD - Split logging code into log.[ch]
- GD - Added hashMap module

- GB - Doxygen commenting of existing code begins

- GD - Added DAO module
- GD - Updated bitvectors to use BIT_nn constants
- GB - Started process of converting file storage to DAO
- GB - Started process of splitting code into seperate files by grouping

- GD - Tweaking and optimizing of DAO module
- GB - Removed subcommands
- GB - Removed do_gen_tog, moving functionality into do_toggle

- GD - Update to hashMap module
- GD - Update to DAO module

- GD - Recode of DAO module

- GB - hashMap-conversion branch started
- GD - Updated some functions to more descriptive names

- GB - hashMap-conversion progress
- GD - Updated command system to use pointers instead of table indexes
- GD - Added bitvector and type query functions to DAO module
- GD - Filename cleanup, act.* -> act_*

- GB - hashMap-conversion progress. world[] prepped for removal
- GD - Added ACMD() registry and DAO command saving
- GD - Removed immortal levels and replaced with AUTH_ flags
- GD - Added shared string module
- GD - Updated DAO code to use shared strings

- GB - hashMap-conversion progress.
- GB - worldconv util created to convert stock world to CM^2 DAO format
- GD - Update to act(). Added new macros and changed target to bitvector

- GB - hashMap-conversion complete. RNums and prototype arrays are gone
- GD - Added newBits() function to DAO module
- GD - Updated isname() to accept abbreviations, added isfullname()
- GB - Updated READMEs, ChangeLog, in preperation for testing release

—–> RELEASE: 0.5.151 (Testing release for new world code)