
Uploaded: 03 Jul, 2015
Previous uploads by this submitter: 0

Author: Silence, Rannoch, Lilliana

Downloads: 19

If you search //Silence you will find a list of "new" classes with a very in depth list of spells/skills that were suggested to me by a player.
If you add the area, room 2099 has a much easier read list to check the info. I implemented a lot of this stuff to my project, Reanimation
while it was running. The mud has been down for about three years and as of this point I have no time to code so I thought I would give
back a little to the community that helped me out so much. If anyone would like to see actual code to any of the skills/spells I will be more
than happy to upload the code.

I credit the ideas to Rannoch and his wife/girlfriend Lilliana; with touches of my own.

Name Sildenar Forest~
Builders Rannoch Lilliana~
VNUMs 2000 2099
Credits {G[{W60 70{G]{r Rannoch {MSildenar Forest{x~

Many thanks to everyone in this community.
Silence Tyire