
Uploaded: 14 May, 2006
Previous uploads by this submitter: 0

Author: Alastair Neil

Downloads: 117

This is a stripped down release of the code and minimal world files for Archipelago. The code has only been tested under Linux - but given a reasonably gnu-ish system it should work. As Archipelago is based on CircleMud 2.2 all caveats and license restrictions apply. This includes the DikuMud license restrictions - that the original dikumud creators names must appear in the login screen and credits. If you plan on modifying Archipelago it would be nice if the Archipelago team were credited as well and also Jeremy Elison of course.

I haven't had much time to prepare documentation - though I have included some admittedly slightly dated html files from the Archipelago web site which describe the environment.

The source code is considerably enhanced from the CircleMud 2.2 distribution. Archipelago source weighs in at a smidgen over 60K lines, CircleMud 2.2 has about 30K. The source code is not well commented I'm afraid - but it is yours to modify as you please (as long as you keep to the typical Circle/Diku license agreements).