
Uploaded: 04 Jun, 2006
Previous uploads by this submitter: 0

Author: Hera

Downloads: 106

Fishing snippet offers a simple but expandible form of entertainment for players that also provides them with a food source that can be sold. If your mud uses cooking to cook raw meats, make sure to make the fishcatch object with a raw flag.

Players have to have a fishing pole and hold it to fish. They also need to have bait in their inv. They must be standing in a room of sector type WATER_SWIM or WATER_NOSWIM (adjust to fit your code) to fish.

You will need to create the following:
Object Types:
Specific Objects:
fishcatch - declared in your game as a specific vnum

Feel free to use this snippet as you see fit, but please keep the tag at the top to give me credit for the time spent on it, especially if you plant to post the code to a web site or ftp site. The DOT license forbids profit made from this code.