
Uploaded: 25 Aug, 2006
Previous uploads by this submitter: 0

Author: Xrakisis

Downloads: 218

Hi All,
I started this mud from Rom:Quickmud and worked on it a bunch.. was running 3 muds simultaniously and didnt have the time to work on all three so im shutting down my rom mud, here ya go..
Things i added to this codebase:
-ChangeLog, info channel, Relevel command, Call All/Claim in,
-Added Critical Hit, Counter Strike added, Dynamic Room Descriptions,
-my Rom Consecrate Snippit used as well as 100 weapon levels
see below for consecrate menu
-put in GW enters/leaves
-put in height and weight, second command to dual wield
-21 Dragonlance Pantheon gods in
-GW playerid in

Races: draconian, gnome, hobbit, kender, troll, pixie, half-elf, half-giant, duergar, minotaur, centaur and drow, on top of stock races.

Paladin, AntiPaladin, Necromancer, Ranger, Monk, and Bard Classes added on top of the 4 stock classes, thief, warrior, cleric, mage..

consecrate dagger
[**********[Consecrate Menu]**********]
Weapon Name: a standard issue dagger
Weapon Attack Type: pierce
Weapon Damage: 2 d 5
Weapon Level: 0, Weapon Points: 0
Weapon Experiance: 0, EXP til next Level: 100
[**********[Consecrate Menu]**********]
Upgrade Costs:
Poison(5) Vampiric(5) Flaming(5) Frost(5) Shocking(5) Sharp(5)
Number of Die +1 (5)
Damage ammount of Die +1 (1)
[**********[Consecrate Menu]**********]
