
Uploaded: 30 Aug, 2006
Previous uploads by this submitter: 0

Author: Jeremy Weatherford

Downloads: 52

XidusCore is a core for Genesis, written in ColdC. See
http://www.cold.org for more info about either of these things.
XidusCore's homepage is at http://cold.xidus.net. XidusCore's author
is Jeremy Weatherford, xidus@xidus.net.

XidusCore was written from scratch to be a small, usable, and
extendible core. It's not neccessarily a minimal codebase, although
the bells and whistles will be kept to a minimum. It's designed to be
a good place for people to start if they're interested in learning
more about ColdC, starting to write their own core, or just interested
in trying things out. XidusCore is, at least at the present time, not
neccessarily suitable for use as an active game, at least not without
a lot of work. The eventual goal is to produce a mature, stable
codebase which can be used as an active game server, however.