Uploaded: 30 Aug, 2006
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Author: Robert Bradley

Downloads: 49

README for SmallCore 1.0

By: Robert Bradley


All you need are working executables of genesis and coldcc.
Source code and win32 binaries for these files can be found
at the following URLs:

- Source code:
- Win32 binaries:

Additionally, I will be making a package available soon that
will include some files to make compiling the source with
VC++ much easier.

Be sure to check my web site for any news, updates, and
additional releases.



SmallCore contains only 5 commands which should allow
the building of a complete core without ever touching
the textdump file. The following is a list of the

o say Allows communication with other
programmer accounts.

o ; (eval) Lets you evaluate an expression. (ie:

o list Displays a methods code in an easy
copy paste format.
(ie: list $programmer.list_cmd)

o program Programs or re-programs coldc methods.
(ie: program $programmer.some_cmd)

o quit Logoff the core.

Object Reference

This section contains a brief explanation of some of the
objects to get you started. For information on the coldc
language, you can refer to:


o $root System object - required. Parent to all
other objects.

o $sys System object - required. Contains some
system methods, and .startup(), the entry
point to the core.

o $libraries Parent to objects which handle different
data types. (ie: If you entered the code
"test".length(), the driver would look
for .length() on $string.)

o $network Handles all network connections. This
object is automatically initialized by
$sys.startup(). To add a new listening
port, simply create a child of
$incoming_port and set its port via the
.port() method. Likewise create a child
of $incoming_conn to handle the connection.
Refer to $prog_port and $prog_conn for

o $programmer Children of this object are the individual
programmer login accounts. To create a new
account, create a child of this object, it
must use this naming convention,
$programmer_<name> (ie: Robert would be
$programmer_robert). Use the .password()
method to set the account password and the
account will be ready. $programmer contains
all of the command methods for the users,
and templates for the commands are stored in

For further information, please refer to or if you
have a specific question or suggestions, you may e-mail me at:
