
Uploaded: 08 Sep, 2006
Previous uploads by this submitter: 0

Author: Mike Garner

Downloads: 73

TinyMAZE started off as a small project designed to increase my
knowledge of C. I got my hands on a copy of TinyMUSE-1.9f3 and started
making modifications to the code. After 6 months or so, I made the change
from serverbase TinyMUSE-1.9f3 to TinyMAZE-1.0a1 and the game DreamsMAZE
was born.

I developed more and more features until I made the realization that
some serious problems couldn't be resolved without rewriting most of the
program core. By this time there was a good-sized user base and I couldn't
rewrite what I needed to without resetting all the players. I made the
decision to hand DreamsMAZE over and begin work on a new version. About
90% of the code from DreamsMAZE was thrown away and work on a simple new
server was started. This version was designed to be faster, more
configurable, more stable, and more friendly. After a few weeks, the code
was usable and the game MedievalMAZE was born. Features from TinyMAZEv1
were re-added using new code and new features were developed.