I have a mud code base I coded that I would like to share with the mudding community. It's a Rom2.4 derivative that has been highly modified (cliche, I know). Anyway the mud I coded it all on pissed me off too much so I left (I was only one doing any work...20 areas by me AND all the code except a small amount of default changes). I took out all code that wasn't mine (about 500 lines worth) and am now left with just my code base and I wanted to share it with the mudding community. It can be run as-is or, more likely, scavanged for bits and pieces by other coders. It has a lot of stuff i'm sure lots of diku/merc/rom coders would love to get hold of (or am I being conceited about what I coded:P). Specifically I coded these major changes/additions (but not just these): - Mobile tracking (yeah, you hit that mob and run and it will come after you). - Object limits. You can set limits on items so that only a limited number of them can exist (like you might only want 4 swords of super-power in the mud so you set this and it limits it to 4). - Clan system where induction can be by mortal leaders that imms make 'leader'. Inducted players gain clan specific skills/spells. - Aging. Players age and eventually die of old age. This is dependant on race, constitution and a random amount. (Humans live ~400 hours of play) For hard-core IMPS who like to make players suffer. Easy to remove. - Starvation and dehydration. Players can die of these if they ggo without food and water long enough (start taking small damage which builds up if they don't eat/drink for a long time). - Con death. Players lose constition if they die too often. (1 con/4 deaths). - A few new wiz commands (renaming players online, reseting areas, limit maxxing and a few others I can't remember off hand). - Some "unique" race code (I use the term unique and "totally original" very loosely). This includes races getting some natural abilities (giant door bashing, changling shapeshifting - even making 3 arms to triple wield or hold an item while dual wielding or some such combo)...stuff like that. - A fully implemented dual wield system. No, you can't hold that shield and light while your hacking away with two swords (unless your a changeling who's shifted into three armed form). - About 200 new skills/spells ranging from elemental summoing and group gating to necromancer animate dead and power word kills (I hate muds that just implement simple modified damage spells). There's actually a pile of code that can be used from here. EVERY skill/spell was coded by me, none are snippets or other people's work (except the base diku/merc/rom stuff of course). A lot are probably done in existing snippets but I haven't seen those and I wrote these ones all from scratch. And so on...(lots more actually but I can't remember all the specifics) If you're interested it took me about 6 months to code all this and write 20 areas for the mud I was on (which you probably aren't interested in hearing, but I like to bitch). It does have some bugs in it but nothing that crashes it or anything on a regular basis. [It can run for days stright with 40+ players]. But, as I stated earlier, it's most likely use is for coders/admins who want to butcher it for specific bits and pieces. ALL my areas that I wrote for this mud will come packed with it too (some are huge..one is 300 rooms, another is 250...lots of rooms, mobs, objects and special progs for items and mobs too taht I coded into the code base). The code base compiles and runs on any OS that can run stock Rom2.4 since I didn't add any new socket or server dependant code. (actually, rename and limits won't work on DOS/macintosh as I used POSIX system calls but those are the only exceptions). Tartarus@smug.smug.student.adelaide.edu.au