------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | These snippets were all written by Erwin S. Andreasen, erwin@pip.dknet.dk | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | License License agreement | | auction.v2 Fully automated auction channel | | board-1.zip Multiple bulletin boards rather than one note_list | | buy.v1 Multiple object buy routine | | disable.v1 Disabling of commands | | merc.dual.v1 Secondary weapon code (dual-wielding) | | mercobjl.v1 Goes through all obj resets and writes obj info to a file | | redit.v2.zip Reset editing code | | romobjl.v1 Goes through all obj resets and writes obj info to a file | | scan.v1 Classic "scan" command (shows surrounding characters) | | wizutil.v3 Various administrative utility commands | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | easnip9601.zip Everything listed above | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All of these snippets are available from http://www.pip.dknet.dk/~pip1773/ If you do not have WWW access, ftp to login.dknet.dk and look in /pub/ea