/*************************************************************************** * This file contains auction code developed by Brian Babey, and any * * communication regarding it should be sent to [bbabey@iname.com] * * Web Address: http://www.erols.com/bribe/ * * * * Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are * * benefitting. We hope that you share your changes too. What goes * * around, comes around. * ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * ROM 2.4 is copyright 1993-1995 Russ Taylor * * ROM has been brought to you by the ROM consortium * * Russ Taylor (rtaylor@pacinfo.com) * * Gabrielle Taylor (gtaylor@pacinfo.com) * * Brian Moore (rom@rom.efn.org) * * By using this code, you have agreed to follow the terms of the * * ROM license, in the file Rom24/doc/rom.license * ***************************************************************************/ #if defined(macintosh) #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "merc.h" DECLARE_DO_FUN( do_auction ); void show_obj_stats( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj ); void auction_channel( char * msg ); void do_auction( CHAR_DATA *ch, char * argument ) { long silver, gold=0; OBJ_DATA * obj; char arg1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH], buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; argument = one_argument( argument, arg1 ); if ( ch == NULL || IS_NPC(ch) ) return; if ( arg1[0] == '\0') { if ( IS_SET(ch->comm,COMM_NOAUCTION) ) { REMOVE_BIT(ch->comm,COMM_NOAUCTION ); send_to_char("Auction channel is now ON.\n\r",ch); return; } SET_BIT(ch->comm,COMM_NOAUCTION); send_to_char("Auction channel is now OFF.\n\r",ch); return; } /* code now works fine for cancel :) */ if ( !str_cmp( arg1, "cancel" ) ) { if ( auction_info.owner == ch ) { sprintf( buf, "The Current auction has been cancelled, all money has been returned.\n\r"); auction_channel( buf ); auction_info.high_bidder->gold += auction_info.gold_held; auction_info.high_bidder->silver += auction_info.silver_held; obj_to_char( auction_info.item, auction_info.owner ); auction_info.item = NULL; auction_info.owner = NULL; auction_info.current_bid = 0; auction_info.status = 0; } else send_to_char("You are not allowed to cancel someone elses auction\n\r",ch); return; } /* end of cancel function */ if ( !str_cmp( arg1, "info" ) ) { obj = auction_info.item; if ( !obj ) { send_to_char("There is nothing up for auction right now.\n\r",ch); return; } if ( auction_info.owner == ch ) { sprintf( buf, "\n\rYou are currently auctioning %s.\n\r", obj->short_descr ); send_to_char( buf, ch ); return; } else show_obj_stats( ch, obj ); return; } if ( !str_cmp( arg1, "bid" ) ) { long bid; obj = auction_info.item; if ( !obj ) { send_to_char("There is nothing up for auction right now.\n\r",ch); return; } if ( argument[0] == '\0' ) { send_to_char("You must enter an amount to bid.\n\r",ch); return; } bid = atol( argument ); if ( bid <= auction_info.current_bid ) { sprintf(buf, "You must bid above the current bid of %ld silver.\n\r", auction_info.current_bid ); return; } if ( bid < MINIMUM_BID ) { sprintf( buf, "The minimum bid is %d silver.\n\r",MINIMUM_BID); send_to_char(buf,ch); return; } if ( (ch->silver + 100 * ch->gold) < bid ) { send_to_char("You can't cover that bid.\n\r",ch); return; } sprintf(buf, "%ld silver has been offered for %s.\n\r", bid, auction_info.item->short_descr); auction_channel( buf ); if ( auction_info.high_bidder != NULL ) { auction_info.high_bidder->gold += auction_info.gold_held; auction_info.high_bidder->silver += auction_info.silver_held; } silver = UMIN( ch->silver, bid ); if ( silver < bid ) { gold = ((bid - silver + 99 ) / 100 ); silver = bid - 100* gold; } ch->gold -= gold; ch->silver -= silver; auction_info.gold_held = gold; auction_info.silver_held = silver; auction_info.high_bidder = ch; auction_info.current_bid = bid; auction_info.status = 0; return; } if ( auction_info.item != NULL ) { send_to_char("There is already another item up for bid.\n\r",ch); return; } if ( (obj = get_obj_carry( ch, arg1, ch )) == NULL ) { send_to_char("You aren't carrying that item.\n\r",ch); return; } if ( IS_OBJ_STAT( obj, ITEM_NODROP ) ) { send_to_char("You can't let go of that item.\n\r",ch); return; } auction_info.owner = ch; auction_info.item = obj; auction_info.current_bid = 0; auction_info.status = 0; sprintf(buf,"Now taking bids on %s.\n\r", obj->short_descr ); auction_channel( buf ); obj_from_char( obj ); return; } void auction_update( ) { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH], temp[MAX_STRING_LENGTH], temp1[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; if ( auction_info.item == NULL ) return; auction_info.status++; if ( auction_info.status == AUCTION_LENGTH ) { sprintf(buf,"%s SOLD to %s for %ld silver.\n\r", capitalize(auction_info.item->short_descr), auction_info.high_bidder->name, auction_info.current_bid ); auction_channel( buf ); auction_info.owner->gold += auction_info.gold_held; auction_info.owner->silver += auction_info.silver_held; sprintf(temp1, "%ld gold ", auction_info.gold_held ); sprintf(temp, "%ld silver ", auction_info.silver_held ); sprintf(buf, "You receive %s%s%scoins.\n\r", auction_info.gold_held > 0 ? temp1 : "", ((auction_info.gold_held > 0) && (auction_info.silver_held > 0)) ? "and " : "", auction_info.silver_held > 0 ? temp : "" ); send_to_char( buf, auction_info.owner ); obj_to_char( auction_info.item, auction_info.high_bidder ); sprintf(buf, "A small man enters the room and hands you, %s.\n\r", capitalize(auction_info.item->short_descr) ); send_to_char( buf, auction_info.high_bidder ); auction_info.item = NULL; auction_info.owner = NULL; auction_info.high_bidder = NULL; auction_info.current_bid = 0; auction_info.status = 0; auction_info.gold_held = 0; auction_info.silver_held = 0; return; } if ( auction_info.status == AUCTION_LENGTH - 1 ) { sprintf(buf, "%s - going twice at %ld silver.\n\r", capitalize(auction_info.item->short_descr), auction_info.current_bid ); auction_channel( buf ); return; } if ( auction_info.status == AUCTION_LENGTH - 2 ) { if ( auction_info.current_bid == 0 ) { sprintf(buf, "No bids on %s - item removed.\n\r", auction_info.item->short_descr); auction_channel( buf ); obj_to_char( auction_info.item, auction_info.owner ); sprintf(buf, "%s is returned to you.\n\r", capitalize(auction_info.item->short_descr) ); send_to_char( buf, auction_info.owner ); auction_info.item = NULL; auction_info.owner = NULL; auction_info.current_bid = 0; auction_info.status = 0; return; } sprintf(buf, "%s - going once at %ld silver.\n\r", capitalize(auction_info.item->short_descr), auction_info.current_bid ); auction_channel( buf ); return; } return; } void auction_channel( char * msg ) { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d; sprintf(buf, "\n\r{C[AUCTION]{x %s", msg ); /* Add color if you wish */ for ( d = descriptor_list; d != NULL; d = d->next ) { CHAR_DATA *victim; victim = d->original ? d->original : d->character; if ( d->connected == CON_PLAYING && !IS_SET(victim->comm,COMM_NOAUCTION) && !IS_SET(victim->comm,COMM_QUIET) ) { send_to_char( buf, victim ); } } return; } /* * Show_obj_stats: code taken from stock identify spell (-Brian) */ void show_obj_stats( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj ) { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; AFFECT_DATA *paf; sprintf( buf, "Object '%s' is type %s, extra flags %s.\n\rWeight is %d, value is %d, level is %d.\n\r", obj->name, item_name(obj->item_type), extra_bit_name( obj->extra_flags ), obj->weight / 10, obj->cost, obj->level ); send_to_char( buf, ch ); switch ( obj->item_type ) { case ITEM_SCROLL: case ITEM_POTION: case ITEM_PILL: sprintf( buf, "Level %d spells of:", obj->value[0] ); send_to_char( buf, ch ); if ( obj->value[1] >= 0 && obj->value[1] < MAX_SKILL ) { send_to_char( " '", ch ); send_to_char( skill_table[obj->value[1]].name, ch ); send_to_char( "'", ch ); } if ( obj->value[2] >= 0 && obj->value[2] < MAX_SKILL ) { send_to_char( " '", ch ); send_to_char( skill_table[obj->value[2]].name, ch ); send_to_char( "'", ch ); } if ( obj->value[3] >= 0 && obj->value[3] < MAX_SKILL ) { send_to_char( " '", ch ); send_to_char( skill_table[obj->value[3]].name, ch ); send_to_char( "'", ch ); } if (obj->value[4] >= 0 && obj->value[4] < MAX_SKILL) { send_to_char(" '",ch); send_to_char(skill_table[obj->value[4]].name,ch); send_to_char("'",ch); } send_to_char( ".\n\r", ch ); break; case ITEM_WAND: case ITEM_STAFF: sprintf( buf, "Has %d charges of level %d", obj->value[2], obj->value[0] ); send_to_char( buf, ch ); if ( obj->value[3] >= 0 && obj->value[3] < MAX_SKILL ) { send_to_char( " '", ch ); send_to_char( skill_table[obj->value[3]].name, ch ); send_to_char( "'", ch ); } send_to_char( ".\n\r", ch ); break; case ITEM_DRINK_CON: sprintf(buf,"It holds %s-colored %s.\n\r", liq_table[obj->value[2]].liq_color, liq_table[obj->value[2]].liq_name); send_to_char(buf,ch); break; case ITEM_TREASURECHEST: if ( obj->contains == NULL ) stc("The treasure chest is empty... unfortunately.\n\r",ch); break; case ITEM_CONTAINER: sprintf(buf,"Capacity: %d# Maximum weight: %d# flags: %s\n\r", obj->value[0], obj->value[3], cont_bit_name(obj->value[1])); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (obj->value[4] != 100) { sprintf(buf,"Weight multiplier: %d%%\n\r", obj->value[4]); send_to_char(buf,ch); } break; case ITEM_WEAPON: send_to_char("Weapon type is ",ch); switch (obj->value[0]) { case(WEAPON_EXOTIC) : send_to_char("exotic.\n\r",ch); break; case(WEAPON_SWORD) : send_to_char("sword.\n\r",ch); break; case(WEAPON_DAGGER) : send_to_char("dagger.\n\r",ch); break; case(WEAPON_SPEAR) : send_to_char("spear/staff.\n\r",ch); break; case(WEAPON_MACE) : send_to_char("mace/club.\n\r",ch); break; case(WEAPON_AXE) : send_to_char("axe.\n\r",ch); break; case(WEAPON_FLAIL) : send_to_char("flail.\n\r",ch); break; case(WEAPON_WHIP) : send_to_char("whip.\n\r",ch); break; case(WEAPON_POLEARM): send_to_char("polearm.\n\r",ch); break; default : send_to_char("unknown.\n\r",ch); break; } if (obj->pIndexData->new_format) sprintf(buf,"Damage is %dd%d (average %d).\n\r", obj->value[1],obj->value[2], (1 + obj->value[2]) * obj->value[1] / 2); else sprintf( buf, "Damage is %d to %d (average %d).\n\r", obj->value[1], obj->value[2], ( obj->value[1] + obj->value[2] ) / 2 ); send_to_char( buf, ch ); if (obj->value[4]) /* weapon flags */ { sprintf(buf,"Weapons flags: %s\n\r",weapon_bit_name(obj->value[4])); send_to_char(buf,ch); } break; case ITEM_ARMOR: sprintf( buf, "Armor class is %d pierce, %d bash, %d slash, and %d vs. magic.\n\r", obj->value[0], obj->value[1], obj->value[2], obj->value[3] ); send_to_char( buf, ch ); break; } if (!obj->enchanted) for ( paf = obj->pIndexData->affected; paf != NULL; paf = paf->next ) { if ( paf->location != APPLY_NONE && paf->modifier != 0 ) { sprintf( buf, "Affects %s by %d.\n\r", affect_loc_name( paf->location ), paf->modifier ); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (paf->bitvector) { switch(paf->where) { case TO_AFFECTS: sprintf(buf,"Adds %s affect.\n", affect_bit_name(paf->bitvector)); break; case TO_OBJECT: sprintf(buf,"Adds %s object flag.\n", extra_bit_name(paf->bitvector)); break; case TO_IMMUNE: sprintf(buf,"Adds immunity to %s.\n", imm_bit_name(paf->bitvector)); break; case TO_RESIST: sprintf(buf,"Adds resistance to %s.\n\r", imm_bit_name(paf->bitvector)); break; case TO_VULN: sprintf(buf,"Adds vulnerability to %s.\n\r", imm_bit_name(paf->bitvector)); break; default: sprintf(buf,"Unknown bit %d: %d\n\r", paf->where,paf->bitvector); break; } send_to_char( buf, ch ); } } } for ( paf = obj->affected; paf != NULL; paf = paf->next ) { if ( paf->location != APPLY_NONE && paf->modifier != 0 ) { sprintf( buf, "Affects %s by %d", affect_loc_name( paf->location ), paf->modifier ); send_to_char( buf, ch ); if ( paf->duration > -1) sprintf(buf,", %d hours.\n\r",paf->duration); else sprintf(buf,".\n\r"); send_to_char(buf,ch); if (paf->bitvector) { switch(paf->where) { case TO_AFFECTS: sprintf(buf,"Adds %s affect.\n", affect_bit_name(paf->bitvector)); break; case TO_OBJECT: sprintf(buf,"Adds %s object flag.\n", extra_bit_name(paf->bitvector)); break; case TO_WEAPON: sprintf(buf,"Adds %s weapon flags.\n", weapon_bit_name(paf->bitvector)); break; case TO_IMMUNE: sprintf(buf,"Adds immunity to %s.\n", imm_bit_name(paf->bitvector)); break; case TO_RESIST: sprintf(buf,"Adds resistance to %s.\n\r", imm_bit_name(paf->bitvector)); break; case TO_VULN: sprintf(buf,"Adds vulnerability to %s.\n\r", imm_bit_name(paf->bitvector)); break; default: sprintf(buf,"Unknown bit %d: %d\n\r", paf->where,paf->bitvector); break; } send_to_char(buf,ch); } } } return; }