From: Whiplash Subject: Hidden items/Search skill Here's a bit of code I threw together that implements hidden items in your MUD, this is different than invis items, in that a player can HIDE an item, and then another player can SEARCH for it, to reveal it. We use SEARCH as a skill, and our skill_table stuff is hella different from Merc/ROM, so I haven't included it here, but it's better that you decide what classes, and levels you want this skill to affect anyway, other than that, everything should be included here. If you use OLC, you'll wana add support for the ITEM_HIDDEN bit in bit.c Oh yeah, I don't require any credit for this.. but you can't take any either :) Note -- Original code allowed players to hide cursed or nodrop noremove items. This fixes that problem -- Leviticus /* Hidden Items by from South of Heaven MUD */ /* Modfied to disallow hiding cursed or nodrop noremove items -- Leviticus /* in merc.h add */ extern sh_int gsn_search; /* add the new extra_flag bit for objects */ #define ITEM_HIDDEN (xx) /* whatever you have free */ /* in db.c, in the rest of the gsn's add */ sh_int gsn_search; /* in handler.c, in bool can_see_obj add */ if(IS_SET(obj->extra_flags,ITEM_HIDDEN)) return FALSE; /* in act_info.c in char format_obj_to_char */ if(IS_OBJ_STAT(obj,ITEM_HIDDEN)) strcat(buf,"(Hidden) "); /* * This command checks for hidden objects */ void do_search( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) { OBJ_DATA *obj; if(IS_NPC(ch)) return; if(ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_search] < 1) { send_to_char("You search around clumsily.\n\r",ch); return; } if(number_percent() < ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_search] ) { check_improve(ch,gsn_search,TRUE,4); send_to_char("You search the room..\n\r",ch); for(obj = ch->in_room->contents; obj != NULL; obj = obj->next_content) { if(IS_SET(obj->extra_flags,ITEM_HIDDEN) ) { printf_to_char(ch,"You reveal %s\n\r",obj->short_descr); REMOVE_BIT(obj->extra_flags,ITEM_HIDDEN); } } send_to_char("You have searched everywhere.\n\r",ch); WAIT_STATE(ch,24); } else send_to_char("You didn't uncover anything unusual.\n\r",ch); check_improve(ch,gsn_search,FALSE,4); WAIT_STATE(ch,24); return; } /* * Modified "Hide" skill, this allows hiding objects as well. */ void do_hide( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) { /*===== new from here.. */ OBJ_DATA *obj; char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; argument = one_argument(argument, arg ); if(arg[0] != '\0') { if(( obj = get_obj_carry(ch,arg)) == NULL) { send_to_char("You don't have that item.\n\r",ch); return; } /* Addition begins here -- Leviticus */ if (IS_OBJ_STAT(obj,ITEM_NODROP) || IS_OBJ_STAT(obj,ITEM_NOREMOVE) ) { send_to_char( "You can't let go of it.\n\r", ch ); return; } /* Addition ends here -- Leviticus */ obj_from_char(obj); SET_BIT(obj->extra_flags,ITEM_HIDDEN); obj_to_room(obj,ch->in_room); act("$n hides $p.",ch,obj,NULL,TO_ROOM); act("You hide $p.",ch,obj,NULL,TO_CHAR); return; } else /*===== to here.. */ send_to_char( "You attempt to hide.\n\r", ch ); if ( IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_HIDE) ) REMOVE_BIT(ch->affected_by, AFF_HIDE); if ( IS_NPC(ch) || number_percent( ) < ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_hide] ) { SET_BIT(ch->affected_by, AFF_HIDE); check_improve(ch,gsn_hide,TRUE,3); } else check_improve(ch,gsn_hide,FALSE,3); return; }