I'm a relatively new programmer, so I take no responsability for the -=negative=- things that might happen to your mud if this code is added. Please note this code was written for the rom codebase. If you do use this code, have suggestions, etc I'd REALLY apreciatate an email to: jarett_69@hotmail.com -or- langton_designs@hotmail.com Thanks. Directions: add this line to interp.c: { "dice", do_dice, POS_STANDING, 0, LOG_NORMAL, 1 }, add this line to interp.h: DECLARE_DO_FUN( do_dice ); add the code below to the bottom of the act_info.c file: /* BEGIN DICE FUNCTION */ void do_dice (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument) { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; int dice1; int dice2; int dicer; int reward; if (ch->in_room->vnum != ROOM_VNUM_DICE) { send_to_char("You need to be at the Stag and Lion Dice Room, in Baerlon.\n\r",ch); return; } if (ch->gold <= 9) { send_to_char ("{WYou don't have enough gold to play dice.\n\r{WThe cost to play dice is 10 gold.\n\r{x", ch); return; } WAIT_STATE (ch, PULSE_VIOLENCE); dice1 = number_range (1, 6); dice2 = number_range (10, 100); dicer = dice (dice1, dice2); ch->gold -= 10; sprintf (buf, "{WYou are given {B%d{W, {C%d{W sided dice.\n\r{x", dice1, dice2); send_to_char (buf, ch); sprintf (buf, "{WYou {GRoll{W {B%d{W, {C%d{W sided dice, the result is {w%d{W.\n\r{x", dice1, dice2, dicer); send_to_char (buf, ch); act ("{WYou see someone hand {M$n{W some dice.\n\r{M$n {Wshakes the dice violently, then drops them on the table.{x", ch,$ if (dicer <= 200) { send_to_char ("{WYou {Dlose{W, the house {wwins{W.\n\r{x", ch); act ("{WDice fly across the room! $n lost to the house and is pissed!{x", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM); return; } if (dicer >= 201) { send_to_char ("{WYou {wwin{W, the house {Dloses{W.\n\r{x", ch); reward = number_range (20, 150); sprintf (buf, "{WYou are rewarded {Y%d{W gold coins for your impressive win.{x\n\r", reward); send_to_char (buf, ch); act ("{WFree beer for everyon! $n beat the house!{x\n\r", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM); ch->gold += reward; return; } } /* END DICE FUNCTION */