This function allows an immortal to rename a player. NPCs can not be renamed this way, only players. The pfile in the PLAYER_DIR are removed upon renaming and recreated with the new player name. If an immortal is renamed (and it's on a unix system), the immortal entry in the GOD_DIR are removed and recreated as well. Use this code at your own risk. I make no guarantees about anything. :) Also, it should be used according to the diku/merc/ROM copywrite licenses. If you use it, I would appreciate appropriate credit within the code (leaving the headers to functions, etc) as well as in any help files you have to give credit to writers of snippets. Also, please email me to let me know that you're using it at the following address: Thanks! Any questions, comments, suggestions, or bug reports (please sent NICELY) should also be sent to that address. Thale (Andrew Maslin - ------------------------- /* * Coded by: Thale (Andrew Maslin) * Syntax: Rename * Limitations: This header must be kept with this function. In addition, * this file is subject to the ROM license. The code in this file is * copywritten by Andrew Maslin, 1998. If you have a "credits" help in your * mud, please add the name Thale to that as credit for this function. */ void do_rename(CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument) { CHAR_DATA *victim; FILE *fp; char strsave[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; char *name; char arg1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; char arg2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; char playerfile[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; if (!IS_IMMORTAL(ch)) { send_to_char("You don't have the power to do that.\n\r",ch); return; } argument = one_argument(argument,arg1); argument = one_argument(argument,arg2); if (arg1[0] == '\0') { send_to_char("Rename who?\n\r",ch); return; } if (arg2[0] == '\0') { send_to_char("What should their new name be?\n\r",ch); return; } arg2[0] = UPPER(arg2[0]); if ((victim = get_char_world(ch,arg1)) == NULL) { send_to_char("They aren't connected.\n\r",ch); return; } if (IS_NPC(victim)) { send_to_char("Use string for NPC's.\n\r",ch); return; } if (!check_parse_name(arg2)) { sprintf(buf,"The name {c%s{x is {Rnot allowed{x.\n\r",arg2); send_to_char(buf,ch); return; } sprintf(playerfile, "%s%s", PLAYER_DIR, capitalize(arg2)); if ((fp = fopen(playerfile, "r")) != NULL) { sprintf(buf,"There is already someone named %s.\n\r",capitalize(arg2)); send_to_char(buf,ch); fclose(fp); return; } if ((victim->level >= ch->level) && (victim->level >= ch->trust) &&((ch->level != IMPLEMENTOR) || (ch->trust != IMPLEMENTOR)) &&(ch != victim)) { send_to_char("I don't think that's a good idea.\n\r",ch); return; } if (victim->position == POS_FIGHTING) { send_to_char("They are fighting right now.\n\r",ch); return; } name = str_dup(victim->name); sprintf( strsave, "%s%s", PLAYER_DIR, capitalize(victim->name)); arg2[0] = UPPER(arg2[0]); free_string(victim->name); victim->name = str_dup(arg2); save_char_obj(victim); unlink(strsave); #if defined(unix) if (IS_IMMORTAL(victim)) { sprintf(strsave,"%s%s", GOD_DIR, capitalize(name)); unlink(strsave); } #endif if (victim != ch) { sprintf(buf,"{YNOTICE: {xYou have been renamed to {c%s{x.\n\r",arg2); send_to_char(buf,victim); } send_to_char("Done.\n\r",ch); return; }