/* This code was made originally for MND mud. Created by Muerte/Ao and Lathander of MND */ /* Please e-mail code@mudsanddragons.com if you use this, just so we know if people are */ /* benefited by our releases */ /* Some credit somewhere in a HELP would be appreciated, but not required */ IN ACT_INFO.C Find: /* 'look direction' */ if (pexit->description != NULL && pexit->description[0] != '\0') { send_to_char(pexit->description, ch); } And replace the following: /* 'look direction' */ if ((pexit = ch->in_room->exit[door]) == NULL) { send_to_char("Nothing special there.\n\r", ch); return; } if (pexit->description != NULL && pexit->description[0] != '\0') send_to_char(pexit->description, ch); else send_to_char("Nothing special there.\n\r", ch); if (pexit->keyword != NULL && pexit->keyword[0] != '\0' && pexit->keyword[0] != ' ') WITH: /* look direction written by Muerte/Ao and Lathander of MND */ if ((pexit = ch->in_room->exit[door]) == NULL) { send_to_char("Nothing special there.\n\r", ch); return; } if (pexit->description != NULL && pexit->description[0] != '\0') { send_to_char(pexit->description, ch); } else if (IS_SET(pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED)) { act("The $d door is closed.", ch, NULL, dir_name[door], TO_CHAR); return; } printf_to_char(ch, "To the %s you see... %s \n\r%s \n\r", dir_name[door], pexit->u1.to_room->name, pexit->u1.to_room->description); show_list_to_char(pexit->u1.to_room->contents, ch, FALSE, FALSE); show_char_to_char(pexit->u1.to_room->people, ch); display_exits(ch, TRUE, pexit->u1.to_room->vnum); if (pexit->keyword != NULL && pexit->keyword[0] != '\0' && pexit->keyword[0] != ' ') ADD THIS AT THE BOTTOM. /* * Thanks to Zrin for auto-exit part. Written/Modified do_exit by Lathander of MND. */ void display_exits(CHAR_DATA * ch, bool fAuto, int room_vnum) { extern char *const dir_name[]; char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; EXIT_DATA *pexit; bool found; int door; ROOM_INDEX_DATA *target_room; if (fAuto) sprintf(buf, "{R[Exits:"); else if (IS_IMMORTAL(ch)) sprintf(buf, "Obvious exits from room %d:\n\r", room_vnum); else sprintf(buf, "Obvious exits:\n\r"); target_room = get_room_index(room_vnum); found = FALSE; for (door = 0; door <= 9; door++) { if ((pexit = target_room->exit[door]) != NULL && pexit->u1.to_room != NULL && can_see_room(ch, pexit->u1.to_room) && !IS_SET(pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED)) { found = TRUE; if (fAuto) { strcat(buf, " "); strcat(buf, dir_name[door]); } else { sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "%-5s - %s{x", capitalize(dir_name[door]), room_is_dark(pexit->u1.to_room) ? "Too dark to tell" : pexit->u1.to_room->name); if (IS_IMMORTAL(ch)) sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " (room %d)\n\r{x", pexit->u1.to_room->vnum); else sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "\n\r{x"); } } } if (!found) strcat(buf, fAuto ? " none" : "None.\n\r"); if (fAuto) strcat(buf, "]\n\r{x"); send_to_char(buf, ch); return; } MAKE CLEAN AND COPYOVER/REBOOT. THIS IS JUST A FIRST DRAFT OF THIS, AND THERE WILL BE SOME CHANGES IN THE FUTURE. WHEN YOU 'LOOK DIRECTION' IT WILL SHOW YOU EVERYTHING THAT IS IN THAT LOCATION. ENJOY, STAFF OF MND MUD http://www.mudsanddragons.com telnet://mudsanddragons.com:4000