I modified a blackjack snippet I found on the web from a guy named Nivek, however the original only allowed two people to play. This allows for as many people as you want to play at any time from any area. This adds a new connection state, though you do not have to. For some reason I just felt it should be limited. Also if you do not have a channel called OOC delete the reference to it in do_blackjack or replace it with a channel you want. Just so you know immortals can perform any command they want to by typing "/l " just like in the editing buffer. Another thing for the do_blackjack function new games are announced to the mud via the talk_info() function, if you don't have that make sure to replace it with however you want. Any questions and/or comments email richardortiz@cox.net. in comm.c: -in function void game_loop(): after: case CON_PLAYING: interpret( d->character, cmdline ); break; case CON_EDITING: edit_buffer( d->character, cmdline ); break; insert: case CON_BLACKJACK: do_blackjack( d->character, cmdline ); break; in db.c: -at the top where the definitions are: after: OBJ_DATA * extracted_obj_queue; EXTRACT_CHAR_DATA * extracted_char_queue; instert: BLACKJACK_DATA * first_blackjack; BLACKJACK_DATA * last_blackjack; in mud.h: after: typedef struct skill_type SKILLTYPE; insert: typedef struct blackjack_data BLACKJACK_DATA; typedef struct card_data CARD_DATA; after: extern int MAX_PC_CLASS; insert: #define MAX_CARDS 52 #define MAX_HELD_CARDS 10 #define MAX_BLACKJACK_PLAYERS 8 // 7 + Dealer #define STATUS_HOLD 0 #define STATUS_TAKEBETS 1 #define STATUS_DEAL 2 #define STATUS_DEALEXTRA 3 #define STATUS_FINISH 4 add CON_BLACKJACK to the connection types: wherever you want insert: struct blackjack_data { BLACKJACK_DATA * next; BLACKJACK_DATA * prev; CHAR_DATA * player[MAX_BLACKJACK_PLAYERS]; // player[0] is always Dealer CHAR_DATA * first_gambler; CHAR_DATA * last_gambler; bool hold; int status; CHAR_DATA * pturn; int deck[208]; int cards_drawn; int num_players; CARD_DATA * dealerhand; int num_cards; int count; int game_num; CHAR_DATA * created_by; }; struct card_data { int card[MAX_HELD_CARDS]; int finished; int num_cards; }; struct cards { int total; char *name; }; extern const struct cards allcards[208]; in the char_data struct add: BLACKJACK_DATA * cur_blackjack; CHAR_DATA * next_gambler; CHAR_DATA * prev_gambler; CARD_DATA * hand; int count; bool dealout; int blackjack_bet; after: extern OBJ_DATA * first_object; extern OBJ_DATA * last_object; insert: extern BLACKJACK_DATA * first_blackjack; extern BLACKJACK_DATA * last_blackjack; add DECLARE_DO_FUN( do_blackjack to the function definitions: add the following definitions after the section for the file you placed the functions in: void shuffle_cards args( ( BLACKJACK_DATA *game ) ); int total_cards args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) ); int total_dealer_cards args( ( BLACKJACK_DATA *game ) ); void reset_cards args( ( CARD_DATA *hand ) ); void reset_deck args( ( BLACKJACK_DATA *game ) ); void display_status args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) ); in update.c: -at the local function definitions near the top add: void update_blackjack args( ( void ) ); in function void update_handler(): after: obj_act_update(); insert: update_blackjack(); add function void update_blackjack() from below. I use BFD but if you don't make sure to add the necessary ifchecks in the tables.c so the commands will work. Other than that add the functions below and then make clean and recompile. Hope ya like it. -----------functions------------------- add this function to update.c void update_blackjack( ) { BLACKJACK_DATA *game; CHAR_DATA *player = NULL, *tmp = NULL, *tmp2 = NULL; char tmpbuf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; for ( game = first_blackjack; game; game = game->next ) { if ( !game || !game->first_gambler ) break; switch ( game->status ) { case STATUS_HOLD: if ( --game->count <= 0 ) { game->hold = TRUE; game->pturn = game->first_gambler; game->num_cards = 0; if ( game->cards_drawn > 207 ) { shuffle_cards(game); for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( tmp && tmp->desc ) ch_printf( tmp, "The dealer reshuffles the deck.\n\r" ); } } if ( !game->dealerhand ) CREATE( game->dealerhand, CARD_DATA, 1 ); reset_cards(game->dealerhand); for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( !tmp || !tmp->desc ) continue; tmp->dealout = FALSE; if ( !tmp->hand ) CREATE( tmp->hand, CARD_DATA, 1 ); reset_cards( tmp->hand ); tmp->blackjack_bet = 0; tmp->count = 120; tmp->hand->num_cards = 0; ch_printf( tmp, "Betting has commenced.\n\r" ); } game->status = STATUS_TAKEBETS; display_status(game->first_gambler); } else { for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( tmp && tmp->desc ) { if ( game->count % 15 == 0 ) ch_printf( tmp, "The blackjack game will start in %d seconds.\n\r", game->count ); } } } break; case STATUS_TAKEBETS: if ( game->hold ) { player = game->pturn; //msg current player to make a bet if ( player && player->desc && !player->dealout ) { if ( --player->count <= 0 ) { player->dealout = TRUE; game->hold = FALSE; for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( tmp == player ) send_to_char( "You have been dealt out of this hand for taking too long.\n\r", player ); else ch_printf( tmp, "%s has been dealt of the hand for taking too long.\n\r", player->name ); } } else { if ( player->count % 20 == 0 ) { ch_printf( player, "You have %d minutes %d seconds to place a bet.\n\r", player->count/60, player->count%60 ); display_status(player); } } } else { if ( !game->last_gambler || game->pturn == game->last_gambler ) { game->hold = TRUE; game->status = STATUS_DEAL; game->pturn = game->first_gambler; } else { game->pturn = game->pturn->next_gambler; game->pturn->count = 120; } } } else { if ( !game->last_gambler || game->pturn == game->last_gambler ) { game->pturn = game->first_gambler; game->hold = TRUE; game->status = STATUS_DEAL; } else { game->pturn = game->pturn->next_gambler; game->pturn->count = 120; game->hold = TRUE; } } break; case STATUS_DEAL: if ( game->cards_drawn >= (207-((game->num_players*2)+2)) ) { shuffle_cards(game); for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( !tmp || !tmp->desc ) continue; send_to_char( "The dealer reshuffles the cards.\n\r", tmp ); } } // This is the face down card for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( !tmp || !tmp->desc || tmp->dealout ) continue; ch_printf( tmp, "You recieve a %s face down from the dealer.\n\r", allcards[game->deck[game->cards_drawn]].name); tmp->hand->card[tmp->hand->num_cards] = game->deck[game->cards_drawn]; game->cards_drawn++; tmp->hand->num_cards++; } sprintf( tmpbuf, "%s", allcards[game->deck[game->cards_drawn]].name); game->dealerhand->card[game->num_cards] = game->deck[game->cards_drawn]; game->cards_drawn++; game->num_cards++; // This is the face up card for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( !tmp || !tmp->desc || tmp->dealout ) continue; ch_printf( tmp, "You recieve a %s face up from the dealer.\n\r", allcards[game->deck[game->cards_drawn]].name); for ( tmp2 = game->first_gambler; tmp2; tmp2 = tmp2->next_gambler ) { if ( !tmp2 || !tmp2->desc ) continue; if ( tmp2 == tmp ) continue; ch_printf( tmp2, "%s recieves a %s face up from the dealer.\n\r", tmp->name, allcards[game->deck[game->cards_drawn]].name); } tmp->hand->card[tmp->hand->num_cards] = game->deck[game->cards_drawn]; game->cards_drawn++; tmp->hand->num_cards++; ch_printf( tmp, "Your total hand is worth %d.\n\r", total_cards(tmp) ); } for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { ch_printf( tmp, "The dealer draws a %s from the deck.\n\r", allcards[game->deck[game->cards_drawn]].name ); } game->dealerhand->card[game->num_cards] = game->deck[game->cards_drawn]; game->cards_drawn++; game->num_cards++; game->hold = TRUE; game->pturn = game->first_gambler; for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( tmp && tmp->desc ) tmp->count = 120; } game->status = STATUS_DEALEXTRA; break; case STATUS_DEALEXTRA: if ( game->hold ) { player = game->pturn; if ( player && player->desc && !player->dealout ) { if ( --player->count <= 0 ) { player->dealout = TRUE; game->hold = FALSE; for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( !tmp || !tmp->desc ) continue; if ( tmp == player ) send_to_char( "You have been dealt out of this hand for taking too long.\n\r", player ); else ch_printf( tmp, "%s has been dealt of the hand for taking too long.\n\r", player->name ); } } else { if ( player->count % 20 == 0 ) { ch_printf( player, "You have %d seconds to hit or stay.\n\r", player->count ); display_status(player); } } } else { if ( !game->last_gambler || game->pturn == game->last_gambler ) { game->hold = TRUE; game->status = STATUS_FINISH; game->pturn = game->first_gambler; } else { game->pturn = game->pturn->next_gambler; game->pturn->count = 120; game->hold = TRUE; } } } else { if ( !game->last_gambler || game->pturn == game->last_gambler ) { game->pturn = game->first_gambler; game->hold = TRUE; game->status = STATUS_FINISH; } else { game->pturn = game->pturn->next_gambler;; game->hold = TRUE; game->pturn->count = 120; } } break; case STATUS_FINISH: while ( total_dealer_cards(game) < 17 && game->num_cards < MAX_HELD_CARDS ) { if ( game->cards_drawn > 207 ) { shuffle_cards(game); } for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( !tmp || !tmp->desc ) continue; ch_printf( tmp, "The dealer draws a %s from the deck.\n\r", allcards[game->deck[game->cards_drawn]].name ); } game->dealerhand->card[game->num_cards] = game->deck[game->cards_drawn]; game->cards_drawn++; game->num_cards++; for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( !tmp || !tmp->desc ) continue; ch_printf( tmp, "The dealers hand total increases to %d.\n\r", total_dealer_cards(game) ); } } if ( total_dealer_cards(game) > 21 ) { for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( !tmp || !tmp->desc ) continue; send_to_char( "The dealer has busted, everyone wins!.\n\r", tmp ); if ( !tmp->dealout ) { tmp->gold += tmp->blackjack_bet; ch_printf( tmp, "You have won %d from the blackjack game.\n\r", tmp->blackjack_bet ); tmp->blackjack_bet = 0; } } } else { for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( !tmp || !tmp->desc ) continue; ch_printf( tmp, "The dealer stayed at %d.\n\r", total_dealer_cards(game) ); if ( !tmp->dealout ) { if ( total_cards(tmp) > total_dealer_cards(game) ) { tmp->gold += tmp->blackjack_bet; ch_printf( tmp, "You have won %d from the blackjack game.\n\r", tmp->blackjack_bet ); for ( tmp2 = game->first_gambler; tmp2; tmp2 = tmp2->next_gambler ) { if ( !tmp2 || !tmp2->desc || tmp2 == tmp ) continue; ch_printf( tmp2, "%s won %d from the blackjack game.\n\r", tmp->name, tmp->blackjack_bet ); } } else if ( total_cards(tmp) == total_dealer_cards(game) ) { ch_printf( tmp, "You pushed the dealer and keep your bet of %d.\n\r", tmp->blackjack_bet ); for ( tmp2 = game->first_gambler; tmp2; tmp2 = tmp2->next_gambler ) { if ( !tmp2 || !tmp2->desc || tmp2 == tmp ) continue; ch_printf( tmp2, "%s pushed the dealer and kept the bet of %d.\n\r", tmp->name, tmp->blackjack_bet ); } } else { ch_printf( tmp, "The dealers hand beat yours, you loose your bet of %d.\n\r", tmp->blackjack_bet ); tmp->gold -= tmp->blackjack_bet; for ( tmp2 = game->first_gambler; tmp2; tmp2 = tmp2->next_gambler ) { if ( !tmp2 || !tmp2->desc || tmp2 == tmp ) continue; ch_printf( tmp2, "%s lost %d from the blackjack game.\n\r", tmp->name,tmp->blackjack_bet ); } } tmp->blackjack_bet = 0; } } } game->hold = TRUE; game->count = 60; game->status = STATUS_HOLD; break; default: break; } } } ------------------- add these functions in whatever file you decide, i personally put it in my player.c const struct cards allcards[208]={ {2, "2 of clubs"}, {2, "2 of hearts"}, {2, "2 of diamonds"}, {2, "2 of spades"}, {3, "3 of clubs"}, {3, "3 of hearts"}, {3, "3 of diamonds"}, {3, "3 of spades"}, {4, "4 of clubs"}, {4, "4 of hearts"}, {4, "4 of diamonds"}, {4, "4 of spades"}, {5, "5 of clubs"}, {5, "5 of hearts"}, {5, "5 of diamonds"}, {5, "5 of spades"}, {6, "6 of clubs"}, {6, "6 of hearts"}, {6, "6 of diamonds"}, {6, "6 of spades"}, {7, "7 of clubs"}, {7, "7 of hearts"}, {7, "7 of diamonds"}, {7, "7 of spades"}, {8, "8 of clubs"}, {8, "8 of hearts"}, {8, "8 of diamonds"}, {8, "8 of spades"}, {9, "9 of clubs"}, {9, "9 of hearts"}, {9, "9 of diamonds"}, {9, "9 of spades"}, {10, "10 of clubs"}, {10, "10 of hearts"}, {10, "10 of diamonds"}, {10, "10 of spades"}, {10, "Jack of clubs"}, {10, "Jack of hearts"}, {10, "Jack of diamonds"}, {10, "Jack of spades"}, {10, "Queen of clubs"}, {10, "Queen of hearts"}, {10, "Queen of diamonds"}, {10, "Queen of spades"}, {10, "King of clubs"}, {10, "King of hearts"}, {10, "King of diamonds"}, {10, "King of spades"}, {11, "Ace of clubs"}, {11, "Ace of hearts"}, {11, "Ace of diamonds"}, {11, "Ace of spades"}, {2, "2 of clubs"}, {2, "2 of hearts"}, {2, "2 of diamonds"}, {2, "2 of spades"}, {3, "3 of clubs"}, {3, "3 of hearts"}, {3, "3 of diamonds"}, {3, "3 of spades"}, {4, "4 of clubs"}, {4, "4 of hearts"}, {4, "4 of diamonds"}, {4, "4 of spades"}, {5, "5 of clubs"}, {5, "5 of hearts"}, {5, "5 of diamonds"}, {5, "5 of spades"}, {6, "6 of clubs"}, {6, "6 of hearts"}, {6, "6 of diamonds"}, {6, "6 of spades"}, {7, "7 of clubs"}, {7, "7 of hearts"}, {7, "7 of diamonds"}, {7, "7 of spades"}, {8, "8 of clubs"}, {8, "8 of hearts"}, {8, "8 of diamonds"}, {8, "8 of spades"}, {9, "9 of clubs"}, {9, "9 of hearts"}, {9, "9 of diamonds"}, {9, "9 of spades"}, {10, "10 of clubs"}, {10, "10 of hearts"}, {10, "10 of diamonds"}, {10, "10 of spades"}, {10, "Jack of clubs"}, {10, "Jack of hearts"}, {10, "Jack of diamonds"}, {10, "Jack of spades"}, {10, "Queen of clubs"}, {10, "Queen of hearts"}, {10, "Queen of diamonds"}, {10, "Queen of spades"}, {10, "King of clubs"}, {10, "King of hearts"}, {10, "King of diamonds"}, {10, "King of spades"}, {11, "Ace of clubs"}, {11, "Ace of hearts"}, {11, "Ace of diamonds"}, {11, "Ace of spades"}, {2, "2 of clubs"}, {2, "2 of hearts"}, {2, "2 of diamonds"}, {2, "2 of spades"}, {3, "3 of clubs"}, {3, "3 of hearts"}, {3, "3 of diamonds"}, {3, "3 of spades"}, {4, "4 of clubs"}, {4, "4 of hearts"}, {4, "4 of diamonds"}, {4, "4 of spades"}, {5, "5 of clubs"}, {5, "5 of hearts"}, {5, "5 of diamonds"}, {5, "5 of spades"}, {6, "6 of clubs"}, {6, "6 of hearts"}, {6, "6 of diamonds"}, {6, "6 of spades"}, {7, "7 of clubs"}, {7, "7 of hearts"}, {7, "7 of diamonds"}, {7, "7 of spades"}, {8, "8 of clubs"}, {8, "8 of hearts"}, {8, "8 of diamonds"}, {8, "8 of spades"}, {9, "9 of clubs"}, {9, "9 of hearts"}, {9, "9 of diamonds"}, {9, "9 of spades"}, {10, "10 of clubs"}, {10, "10 of hearts"}, {10, "10 of diamonds"}, {10, "10 of spades"}, {10, "Jack of clubs"}, {10, "Jack of hearts"}, {10, "Jack of diamonds"}, {10, "Jack of spades"}, {10, "Queen of clubs"}, {10, "Queen of hearts"}, {10, "Queen of diamonds"}, {10, "Queen of spades"}, {10, "King of clubs"}, {10, "King of hearts"}, {10, "King of diamonds"}, {10, "King of spades"}, {11, "Ace of clubs"}, {11, "Ace of hearts"}, {11, "Ace of diamonds"}, {11, "Ace of spades"}, {2, "2 of clubs"}, {2, "2 of hearts"}, {2, "2 of diamonds"}, {2, "2 of spades"}, {3, "3 of clubs"}, {3, "3 of hearts"}, {3, "3 of diamonds"}, {3, "3 of spades"}, {4, "4 of clubs"}, {4, "4 of hearts"}, {4, "4 of diamonds"}, {4, "4 of spades"}, {5, "5 of clubs"}, {5, "5 of hearts"}, {5, "5 of diamonds"}, {5, "5 of spades"}, {6, "6 of clubs"}, {6, "6 of hearts"}, {6, "6 of diamonds"}, {6, "6 of spades"}, {7, "7 of clubs"}, {7, "7 of hearts"}, {7, "7 of diamonds"}, {7, "7 of spades"}, {8, "8 of clubs"}, {8, "8 of hearts"}, {8, "8 of diamonds"}, {8, "8 of spades"}, {9, "9 of clubs"}, {9, "9 of hearts"}, {9, "9 of diamonds"}, {9, "9 of spades"}, {10, "10 of clubs"}, {10, "10 of hearts"}, {10, "10 of diamonds"}, {10, "10 of spades"}, {10, "Jack of clubs"}, {10, "Jack of hearts"}, {10, "Jack of diamonds"}, {10, "Jack of spades"}, {10, "Queen of clubs"}, {10, "Queen of hearts"}, {10, "Queen of diamonds"}, {10, "Queen of spades"}, {10, "King of clubs"}, {10, "King of hearts"}, {10, "King of diamonds"}, {10, "King of spades"}, {11, "Ace of clubs"}, {11, "Ace of hearts"}, {11, "Ace of diamonds"}, {11, "Ace of spades"} }; int total_cards( CHAR_DATA *ch ) { int i; int aces=0, total=0; for ( i = 0; i < ch->hand->num_cards;i++){ total += allcards[ch->hand->card[i]].total; if ( allcards[ch->hand->card[i]].total == 11 ) aces++; } if ( total > 21 && aces ){ total -= 10; aces--; } if ( total > 21 && aces ){ total -= 10; aces--; } if ( total > 21 && aces ){ total -= 10; aces--; } if ( total > 21 && aces ){ total -= 10; aces--; } return total; } int total_dealer_cards( BLACKJACK_DATA *game ) { int i; int aces=0, total=0; for ( i = 0; i < game->num_cards;i++){ total += allcards[game->dealerhand->card[i]].total; if ( allcards[game->dealerhand->card[i]].total == 11 ) aces++; } if ( total > 21 && aces ){ total -= 10; aces--; } if ( total > 21 && aces ){ total -= 10; aces--; } if ( total > 21 && aces ){ total -= 10; aces--; } if ( total > 21 && aces ){ total -= 10; aces--; } return total; } void reset_deck( BLACKJACK_DATA *game ) { int x; if ( game ) { for ( x = 0; x < 208; x++ ) { game->deck[x] = -1; } } } void shuffle_cards ( BLACKJACK_DATA *game ) { int i,j; int count=0; bool found = FALSE; game->cards_drawn = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 208;i++) { game->deck[i] = -1; } while ( count < 208 ) { i = number_range( 0, 207 ); for ( j = 0; j < 208; j++) { if ( game->deck[j] == i ) { found = TRUE; break; } else if ( game->deck[j] == -1 ) break; } if ( !found ) { game->deck[count] = i; count++; } found = FALSE; } return; } void reset_cards( CARD_DATA *hand ) { int x; if ( hand ) { for ( x = 0; x < MAX_HELD_CARDS; x++ ) { hand->card[x] = 0; } } } void do_blackjack( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) { BLACKJACK_DATA *game; CHAR_DATA *tmp; char arg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; char arg2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; if ( IS_NPC(ch) ) return; if ( !IS_SET( ch->in_room->nroom_flags , NROOM_BLACKJACKROOM ) ) { send_to_char( "You are not in a blackjack room.\n\r", ch ); return; } if ( argument[0] == '\0' ) { if ( ch->cur_blackjack ) { game = ch->cur_blackjack; if ( game->hold && ch == game->pturn ) { ch_printf( ch, "The game is waiting for you to %s.\n\r", game->status == STATUS_TAKEBETS ? "place a bet" : game->status == STATUS_DEALEXTRA ? "choose whether to hit or to stay." : "" ); ch_printf( ch, "You have %d minutes %d seconds left to decide.\n\r\n\r", ch->count/60, ch->count%60 ); } else if ( ch->dealout ) { send_to_char( "You have either been dealt out of this hand or you busted.\n\r\n\r", ch ); } display_status(ch); } else { send_to_char( "Syntax: blackjack \n\r", ch ); send_to_char( "Where field is on of the following:\n\r", ch ); send_to_char( " create, join, leave, list, bet, stay, hit\n\r", ch ); } return; } argument = one_argument(argument,arg); if ( !str_cmp(arg,"say") ) { do_say(ch,argument); display_status(ch); return; } if ( !str_cmp(arg,"ooc") ) { do_ooc(ch,argument); display_status(ch); return; } if ( get_trust(ch) > LEVEL_IMMORTAL && !str_cmp( arg, "/!" ) ) { DO_FUN *last_cmd; int substate = ch->substate; last_cmd = ch->last_cmd; ch->substate = SUB_RESTRICTED; interpret(ch, argument); ch->substate = substate; ch->last_cmd = last_cmd; return; } argument = one_argument(argument,arg2); if ( !str_cmp(arg,"create") ) { if ( ch->cur_blackjack ) { send_to_char( "You are already in a blackjack game, leave before creating a new one.\n\r", ch ); return; } CREATE( game, BLACKJACK_DATA, 1 ); game->player[1] = ch; game->created_by = ch; LINK( ch, game->first_gambler, game->last_gambler, next_gambler, prev_gambler ); game->hold = TRUE; game->status = STATUS_HOLD; game->count = 60; game->num_cards = 0; shuffle_cards(game); ch->dealout = FALSE; game->num_players = 1; // Not including the dealer of course ch->cur_blackjack = game; if ( last_blackjack ) game->game_num = last_blackjack->game_num++; else if ( first_blackjack ) game->game_num = first_blackjack->game_num++; else game->game_num = 1; LINK( game, first_blackjack, last_blackjack, next, prev ); act( AT_PLAIN, "You have created a new blackjack game, the game will commence in 30 seconds.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR ); sprintf( buf, "$n has created a new blackjack game numbered %d.", game->game_num ); act( AT_PLAIN, buf, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); sprintf( buf, "NEW BLACKJACK GAME #%d: Created by %s.", game->game_num, ch->name ); game_info( AT_RED, buf ); ch->desc->connected = CON_BLACKJACK; return; } if ( !str_cmp(arg,"join") ) { int num; bool found = FALSE; if ( !is_number(arg2) ) { send_to_char( "Syntax: blackjack join \n\r", ch ); send_to_char( "Type blackjack list to view created games and their numbers.\n\r", ch ); return; } num = atoi(arg2); for ( game = first_blackjack; game; game = game->next ) { if ( game->game_num == num ) { found = TRUE; break; } } if ( found ) { if ( game->num_players == MAX_BLACKJACK_PLAYERS ) { send_to_char( "Sorry but that blackjack game is full.\n\r", ch ); return; } ch_printf( ch, "You have joined GAME #%d\n\r", game->game_num ); game->num_players++; ch->cur_blackjack = game; if ( game->status == STATUS_HOLD ) ch_printf( ch, "The game will start in %d seconds.\n\r", game->count ); else { send_to_char( "The current hand is still in progress, you will join in when the hand finishes.\n\r", ch ); ch->dealout = TRUE; } for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) ch_printf( tmp, "%s has entered the blackjack game.\n\r", ch->name ); LINK( ch, game->first_gambler, game->last_gambler, next_gambler, prev_gambler ); ch->desc->connected = CON_BLACKJACK; sprintf( buf, "%s has joined blackjack game #%d", ch->name, game->game_num ); game_info( AT_RED, buf ); } else { send_to_char( "A blackjack game with that game number could not be located.\n\r", ch ); send_to_char( "Type 'blackjack list' to view created games and their numbers.\n\r", ch ); } return; } if ( !str_cmp( arg, "leave" ) ) { if ( !ch->cur_blackjack ) { send_to_char( "You are not currently in a blackjack game.\n\r", ch ); return; } game = ch->cur_blackjack; game->num_players--; for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( tmp != ch ) ch_printf( tmp, "%s has left the game.\n\r", ch->name ); } UNLINK( ch, game->first_gambler, game->last_gambler, next_gambler, prev_gambler ); if ( game->num_players == 0 ) { UNLINK( game, first_blackjack, last_blackjack, next, prev ); } if ( ch->blackjack_bet > 0 ) { ch->gold -= ch->blackjack_bet; } ch->cur_blackjack = NULL; ch_printf( ch, "You have left the blackjack game.\n\r" ); ch->desc->connected = CON_PLAYING; return; } if ( !str_cmp( arg, "bet" ) ) { int bet; if ( !ch->cur_blackjack ) { send_to_char( "You are not currently in a blackjack game.\n\r", ch ); return; } if ( ch->dealout ) { send_to_char( "You have been dealt out of this hand, wait until the next one.\n\r", ch ); return; } game = ch->cur_blackjack; if ( game->status != STATUS_TAKEBETS ) { send_to_char( "The game is not at the betting phase yet.\n\r", ch ); return; } if ( game->pturn != ch ) { send_to_char( "It is not your turn to bet.\n\r", ch ); return; } if ( !is_number(arg2) ) { send_to_char( "You must enter an amount to bet.\n\r", ch ); return; } bet = atoi(arg2); if ( bet < 1 || bet > 10000 ) { send_to_char( "Place a bet between 1 and 10,000 coins.\n\r", ch ); return; } if ( ch->gold < bet ) { send_to_char( "You don't have that much gold to bet\n\r", ch ); return; } ch->blackjack_bet = bet; ch_printf( ch, "You placed a bet of %d on this hand of blackjack.\n\r", bet ); ch->count = 0; for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( !tmp || !tmp->desc || tmp == ch ) continue; ch_printf( tmp, "%s has placed a bet of %d on this blackjack game.\n\r", ch->name, bet ); } game->hold = FALSE; return; } if ( !str_cmp(arg,"hit") ) { if ( !ch->cur_blackjack ) { send_to_char( "You are not currently in a blackjack game.\n\r", ch ); return; } if ( ch->dealout ) { send_to_char( "You have been dealt out of this hand, wait until the next one.\n\r", ch ); return; } game = ch->cur_blackjack; if ( game->status != STATUS_DEALEXTRA ) { send_to_char( "The game is not at the hit/stay phase yet.\n\r", ch ); return; } if ( game->pturn != ch ) { send_to_char( "It is not your turn to hit/stay.\n\r", ch ); return; } if ( game->cards_drawn > 207 ) { shuffle_cards(game); for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( tmp && tmp->desc ) ch_printf( tmp, "The dealer reshuffles the deck.\n\r" ); } } for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( tmp && tmp->desc ) ch_printf( tmp, "%s get%s a %s from the dealer.\n\r", tmp == ch ? "You" : ch->name, tmp == ch ? "" : "s", allcards[game->deck[game->cards_drawn]].name ); } ch->hand->card[ch->hand->num_cards] = game->deck[game->cards_drawn]; ch->hand->num_cards++; game->cards_drawn++; if ( total_cards( ch ) > 21 ) { send_to_char( "You busted, maybe you'll win next game.\n\r", ch ); ch->dealout = TRUE; ch->gold -= ch->blackjack_bet; ch->blackjack_bet = 0; if ( game->num_players <= 1 ) { game->hold = TRUE; game->count = 60; game->status = STATUS_HOLD; return; } for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( tmp && tmp->desc && (tmp != ch) ) ch_printf( tmp, "%s busted.\n\r", ch->name ); } game->hold = FALSE; return; } ch_printf( ch, "Your hand total is now %d.\n\r", total_cards(ch)); if ( ch->hand->num_cards == MAX_HELD_CARDS ) { send_to_char( "You have reached the maximum allowed cards for a player.\n\r", ch ); do_blackjack( ch, "stay" ); } return; } if ( !str_cmp(arg,"stay") ) { if ( !ch->cur_blackjack ) { send_to_char( "You are not currently in a blackjack game.\n\r", ch ); return; } if ( ch->dealout ) { send_to_char( "You have been dealt out of this hand, wait until the next one.\n\r", ch ); return; } game = ch->cur_blackjack; if ( game->status != STATUS_DEALEXTRA ) { send_to_char( "The game is not at the hit/stay phase yet.\n\r", ch ); return; } if ( game->pturn != ch ) { send_to_char( "It is not your turn to hit/stay.\n\r", ch ); return; } for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( !tmp || tmp == ch ) continue; ch_printf( tmp, "%s chooses to stay.\n\r", ch->name ); } game->hold = FALSE; return; } if ( !str_cmp(arg,"list") ) { int cnt = 0; for ( game = first_blackjack; game; game = game->next ) { cnt++; ch_printf( ch, "#%d: Created by: %s\n\r", game->game_num, game->created_by->name ); ch_printf( ch, "Current Gamblers: " ); for ( tmp = game->first_gambler; tmp; tmp = tmp->next_gambler ) { if ( !tmp || !tmp->desc ) continue; ch_printf( ch, "%s%s", tmp->name, tmp == game->last_gambler ? "" : ", " ); } send_to_char( "\n\r--------------------------------------------------------------\n\r", ch ); } ch_printf( ch, "Total of %d blackjack games in progress.\n\r", cnt ); return; } do_blackjack(ch, ""); return; } void display_status( CHAR_DATA *ch ) { BLACKJACK_DATA *game; if ( !ch || !ch->desc ) return; if ( !ch->cur_blackjack ) return; game = ch->cur_blackjack; switch ( game->status ) { case STATUS_HOLD: ch_printf( ch, "&W[&RGame Status&W] Waiting for next game to start!\n\r" ); ch_printf( ch, "&W[&RNumber of Players&W] %d player%s\n\r", game->num_players, game->num_players == 1 ? "" : "s" ); break; case STATUS_TAKEBETS: ch_printf( ch, "&W[&RGame Status&W] Taking Bets!\n\r" ); if ( game->num_players > 1 ) { if ( game->pturn == game->last_gambler ) ch_printf( ch, "&W[&RLast Better&W] %s\n\r", game->pturn->name ); else ch_printf( ch, "&W[&RCurrent Better&W] %s [&RNext Better&W] %s\n\r", game->pturn->name, game->pturn->next_gambler->name ); } if ( ch->blackjack_bet ) ch_printf( ch, "&W[&RYour Bet&W] %d\n\r", ch->blackjack_bet ); if ( game->pturn == ch ) ch_printf( ch, "\n\rTYPE: BET <1-10,000> to place your bet\n\r\n\r" ); break; case STATUS_DEAL: case STATUS_DEALEXTRA: ch_printf( ch, "&W[&RGame Status&W] Taking Bets!\n\r" ); if ( game->num_players > 1 ) { if ( game->pturn == game->last_gambler ) ch_printf( ch, "&W[&RLast Player&W] %s\n\r", game->pturn->name ); else ch_printf( ch, "&W[&RCurrent Player&W] %s [&RNext Player&W] %s\n\r", game->pturn->name, game->pturn->next_gambler->name ); } ch_printf( ch, "&W[&RYour Bet&W] %d &W[&RHand Worth&W] %d\n\r", ch->blackjack_bet, total_cards(ch) ); if ( game->pturn == ch ) ch_printf( ch, "\n\rTYPE: HIT or STAY\n\r\n\r" ); break; case STATUS_FINISH: ch_printf( ch, "&W[&RGame Status&W] Finishing Hand!\n\r\n\r" ); break; default: break; } ch_printf( ch, "&W[&ROther Options&W] LEAVE, SAY, OOC\n\r" ); }