MORGUE /* Code adapted from Belar's Rom24 code.( ) Ported to Smaug 1.4 by Desden - Dic 1998 ( ) */ 1.- Add in MUD.H : #define ROOM_VNUM_MORGUE XXXX /*Where XXXX is your chosen room */ 2.- Add in MAKEOBJS.C : Into the function make_corpse(): ROOM_INDEX_DATA *location; location = get_room_index ( ROOM_VNUM_MORGUE ); Now look at the end of this function for: obj_to_room( corpse, ch->in_room ); and change it to: if (IS_NPC(ch)) obj_to_room( corpse, ch->in_room ); else obj_to_room (corpse,location); 3.- Note: If you want than only low levels can benefit the Morgue room, you can limit it changing: if (IS_NPC(ch)) to if (IS_NPC(ch)|| ch->level > XX ) /* where XX is max character level */ 3.- Now, do a 'make clean' and a 'make'. And that's all. Now when a character dies, the corpse goes to the morgue room. /* Desden, el Chaman Tibetano (Jose Luis Sogorb), Diciembre de 1998 */ /* Email: */