Allships Command v2.0 What this does: This will replace your stock allships command and allow you to browse certain ship classes if you so desire. It also allows for ships to have little 2 character tags that identify the ship class. ie. (SF) = starfighter. What you will need to change: spacec.c *Always remember to backup the files you will change incase of an error with installation, or an error with the code. cp .bak What you will need to add: Nothing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- space.c Find, void do_allships( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) Comment out the entire function or delete it and replace it with, #define ALL_SHIP -1 void do_allships(CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument) { SHIP_DATA *ship; int count = 0; int ship_class = 0; int stfcount = 0; int midcount = 0; int capcount = 0; int placount = 0; int mobcount = 0; if ( argument[0] == '\0' ) { send_to_char("&CSyntax&B: &Wfreeships &B[&wall&B/&wfighter&B/&wmidsize&B/&wcapital&B]\n\r", ch ); return; } else if ( !str_cmp(argument, "all" ) ) ship_class = ALL_SHIP; else if ( !str_cmp(argument, "fighter" ) ) ship_class = FIGHTER_SHIP; else if ( !str_cmp(argument, "midsize" ) ) ship_class = MIDSIZE_SHIP; else if ( !str_cmp(argument, "capital" ) ) ship_class = CAPITAL_SHIP; else ship_class = ALL_SHIP; count = 0; send_to_char( "\n\r&B------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\r", ch ); send_to_char( "&CThe following ships are currently formed&B:\n\r", ch ); send_to_char( "&CShip Price Location\n\r", ch ); for ( ship = first_ship; ship; ship = ship->next ) { if ( ship->class > SHIP_PLATFORM ) continue; if ( ship_class != ALL_SHIP && ship->class != ship_class ) continue; { ch_printf( ch, "&B(&w%s&B) %s%-35s %-15s ", ship->class == FIGHTER_SHIP ? "SF" : (ship->class == MIDSIZE_SHIP ? "MS" : (ship->class == CAPITAL_SHIP ? "CS" : (ship->class == SHIP_PLATFORM ? "PF" : "??" ) ) ), ship->type == MOB_SHIP ? "&Y" : (ship->type == SHIP_REPUBLIC ? "&r" : (ship->type == SHIP_IMPERIAL ? "&g" : (ship->type == SHIP_CIVILIAN ? "&C" : "&w" ) ) ), ship->name, ship->owner ); if( ship->type == MOB_SHIP || ship->class == SHIP_PLATFORM ) { ch_printf( ch, "" ); mobcount++; } if ( !str_cmp(ship->owner, "Public") ) { ch_printf( ch, "500 to rent.\n\r" ); } else if ( str_cmp(ship->owner, "" ) ) ch_printf( ch, "%s", "\n\r" ); else ch_printf( ch, "%ld to buy.\n\r", get_ship_value(ship) ); count++; stfcount++; } } if ( count ) { ch_printf( ch, "\n\r&B------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\r" ); ch_printf( ch, " &CFighters&B: &W%3d &CMidships&B: &W%3d\n\r", stfcount, midcount ); ch_printf( ch, " &CCapitals&B: &W%3d &CPlatform&B: &W%3d\n\r", capcount, placount ); ch_printf( ch, " &CMob Ship&B: &W%3d\n\r", mobcount ); ch_printf( ch, " &CTotal&B: &W%3d\n\r", count ); ch_printf( ch, "&B------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\r" ); return; } else { send_to_char( "&rThere are no ships currently formed.\n\r", ch ); return; } } #undef ALL_SHIP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- make clean make copyover/reboot the mud There, that wasn't too bad. Any problems please contact me at the provided email address, -,,,.,,,,- _'Diablo'_ Star Wars Development '''''' [*]------------------------------------------------[*] ||| If you have any problems please contact me at: ||| ||| ||| [*]------------------------------------------------[*]