/* sac.cpp - Hera, of Athens - The Mud athens.boue.ca port 9000 hera_of_athens@yahoo.com */ #include "include.h" void do_sacrifice( char_data *ch, char *argument ) { char arg[MIL]; OBJ_DATA *obj; one_argument( argument, arg ); if ( arg[0] == '\0' || !str_cmp( arg, ch->name ) ) { act( "`c$n offers $mself to the gods, who graciously decline.`x", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); act( "`cThe gods appreciate your offer and may accept it later.`x", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR ); return; } obj = get_obj_list( ch, arg, ch->in_room->contents ); if ( obj == NULL ) { ch->printlnf( "`cYou can't find it.`x\n\r"); return; } if ( obj->item_type == ITEM_CORPSE_PC ) { if (obj->contains) { ch->printlnf( "`cThe gods would not appreciate that.`x"); return; } } if ( !obj->item_type == ITEM_FOOD ) { ch->printlnf( "`cThat is not an acceptable sacrifice.`x" ); return; } if ( obj->item_type == ITEM_FOOD ) { ch->printlnf( "`mYou send up a burnt offering to the gods`m.`x"); act( "`c$n's offering sends a spiral of smoke to the gods.`x", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); wiznet("$N sends up $p as a burnt offering.", ch,obj,0,0,0); extract_obj( obj ); return; }else{ ch->printlnf( "`cThat is not an acceptable sacrifice.`x" ); return; } }