 * Copyright (c) 2000 Fatal Dimensions
 * See the file "LICENSE" or information on usage and redistribution
 * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

/* Ported to Smaug 1.4a by Samson of Alsherok.
 * Consolidated for cross-codebase compatibility by Samson of Alsherok.
 * Modifications and enhancements to the code
 * Copyright (c)2001-2003 Roger Libiez ( Samson )
 * Registered with the United States Copyright Office
 * TX 5-562-404
 * I condensed the 14 or so Fatal Dimensions source code files into this
 * one file, because I for one find it far easier to maintain when all of
 * the functions are right here in one file.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fnmatch.h>

#if defined(I3CIRCLE)
   #include "conf.h"
   #include "sysdep.h"
   #include "structs.h"
   #include "utils.h"
   #include "comm.h"
   #include "db.h"
   #include "handler.h"
   #include "interpreter.h"
   #include "i3.h"
   char log_buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

#if defined(I3SMAUG) || defined(I3CHRONICLES)
   #include "mud.h"
   #include "factions.h"
   #include "files.h"
   #include "i3.h"
#if defined(I3ROM) || defined(I3MERC) || defined(I3UENVY)
   #include "merc.h"
   #ifdef I3ROM
      #include "tables.h"
#ifdef I3ACK
   #include "ack.h"

/* Global variables for I3 */
char debugstring[MSL];     /* Sole purpose of this is to gather up pieces of a packet for debugging */
bool packetdebug = FALSE;  /* Packet debugging toggle, can be turned on to check outgoing packets */
int i3wait; 		   /* Number of game loops to wait before attempting to reconnect when a socket dies */
int reconattempts; 	   /* Number of attempts to reconnect that have been made */
time_t ucache_clock;	   /* Timer for pruning the ucache */

I3_MUD *this_mud;
I3_MUD *first_mud;
I3_MUD *last_mud;

I3_CHANNEL *first_I3chan;
I3_CHANNEL *last_I3chan;
I3_BLOCK *first_i3block;
I3_BLOCK *last_i3block;
UCACHE_DATA *first_ucache;
UCACHE_DATA *last_ucache;

char I3_input_buffer[256*256];
char I3_output_buffer[256*256];
long I3_input_pointer = 0;
long I3_output_pointer = 4;
char I3_currentpacket[256*256];
char *I3_THISMUD;
int  I3_socket;

void i3_printf( CHAR_DATA *ch, const char *fmt, ... ) __attribute__ ( ( format( printf, 2, 3 ) ) );
void i3pager_printf( CHAR_DATA *ch, const char *fmt, ... ) __attribute__ ( ( format( printf, 2, 3 ) ) );
void i3bug( const char *format, ... ) __attribute__ ( ( format( printf, 1, 2 ) ) );
void i3log( const char *format, ... ) __attribute__ ( ( format( printf, 1, 2 ) ) );

char *const perm_names[] =
   "Notset", "None", "Mort", "Imm", "Admin", "Imp"

int get_permvalue( char *flag )
    int x;

    for ( x = 0; x < (sizeof(perm_names) / sizeof(perm_names[0])); x++ )
      if ( !str_cmp(flag, perm_names[x]) )
        return x;
    return -1;

 * Pick off one argument from a string and return the rest.
 * Understands quotes. do not mess with case.
 * as opposed to native one_argument which ignores case.
char *i3one_argument( char *argument, char *arg_first )
   char cEnd;
   int count;

   count = 0;

   while ( isspace(*argument) )

   cEnd = ' ';
   if ( *argument == '\'' || *argument == '"' )
	cEnd = *argument++;

   while ( *argument != '\0' || ++count >= 255 )
	if ( *argument == cEnd )
	*arg_first = (*argument);
   *arg_first = '\0';

   while ( isspace(*argument) )

   return argument;

/* Generic log function which will route the log messages to the appropriate system logging function */
void i3log( const char *format, ... )
   char buf[MSL];
   va_list ap;

   va_start( ap, format );
   vsnprintf( buf, MSL - 1, format, ap );
   va_end( ap );

#ifdef I3ROM
   wiznet( buf, NULL, NULL, WIZ_SECURE, 0, 0 );
   log_string( buf );

/* Generic bug logging function which will route the message to the appropriate function that handles bug logs */
void i3bug( const char *format, ... )
   char buf[MSL];
   va_list ap;

   va_start( ap, format );
   vsnprintf( buf, MSL - 1, format, ap );
   va_end( ap );

#ifdef I3SMAUG
   bug( "%s", buf );
   bug( buf, 0 );

void escape_smaug_color( char *buffer, const char *txt )
    const char *point;

    for( point = txt ; *point ; point++ )
        *buffer = *point;
        if( *point == '&' )
            *++buffer = '&';
        *++buffer = '\0';
    *buffer = '\0';

/* You need to change the &, } and { tokens in the table below, and in the if statement
 * in i3_tagtofish to match what your mud uses to identify a color token with.
 * & is the foreground text token.
 * } is the blink text token.
 * { is the background text token.

#define I3MAX_ANSI 50
#define COL_INVALID -1

const char *i3ansi_conversion[I3MAX_ANSI][3] =
	 * Conversion Format Below:
	 * Foreground Standard Colors
	{ "&x", "%^BLACK%^",   "\033[0;0;30m" }, /* Black */
	{ "&r", "%^RED%^",     "\033[0;0;31m" }, /* Dark Red */
	{ "&g", "%^GREEN%^",   "\033[0;0;32m" }, /* Dark Green */
	{ "&O", "%^ORANGE%^",  "\033[0;0;33m" }, /* Orange/Brown */
	{ "&b", "%^BLUE%^",    "\033[0;0;34m" }, /* Dark Blue */
	{ "&p", "%^MAGENTA%^", "\033[0;0;35m" }, /* Purple/Magenta */
	{ "&c", "%^CYAN%^",    "\033[0;0;36m" }, /* Cyan */
	{ "&w", "%^WHITE%^",   "\033[0;0;37m" }, /* Grey */

	/* Background colors */
	{ "{x", "%^B_BLACK%^",   "\033[40m" }, /* Black */
	{ "{r", "%^B_RED%^",     "\033[41m" }, /* Red */
	{ "{g", "%^B_GREEN%^",   "\033[42m" }, /* Green */
	{ "{O", "%^B_ORANGE%^",  "\033[43m" }, /* Orange */
	{ "{Y", "%^B_YELLOW%^",  "\033[43m" }, /* Yellow, which may as well be orange since ANSI doesn't do that */
	{ "{B", "%^B_BLUE%^",    "\033[44m" }, /* Blue */
	{ "{p", "%^B_MAGENTA%^", "\033[45m" }, /* Purple/Magenta */
	{ "{c", "%^B_CYAN%^",    "\033[46m" }, /* Cyan */
	{ "{w", "%^B_WHITE%^",   "\033[47m" }, /* White */

	/* Text Affects */
	{ "&d", "%^RESET%^",     "\033[0m" }, /* Reset Text */
	{ "&D", "%^RESET%^",     "\033[0m" }, /* Reset Text */
	{ "&L", "%^BOLD%^",      "\033[1m" }, /* Bolden Text(Brightens it) */
	{ "&*", "%^EBOLD%^",	 "\033[0m" }, /* Assumed to be a reset tag to stop bold */
	{ "&u", "%^UNDERLINE%^", "\033[4m" }, /* Underline Text */
	{ "&$", "%^FLASH%^",     "\033[5m" }, /* Blink Text */
	{ "&i", "%^ITALIC%^",    "\033[3m" }, /* Italic Text */
	{ "&v", "%^REVERSE%^",   "\033[7m" }, /* Reverse Background and Foreground Colors */
	{ "&s", "%^STRIKEOUT%^", "\033[9m" }, /* Strikeover */

	/* Foreground extended colors */
	{ "&z", "%^BLACK%^%^BOLD%^",   "\033[0;1;30m" }, /* Dark Grey */
	{ "&R", "%^RED%^%^BOLD%^",     "\033[0;1;31m" }, /* Red */
	{ "&G", "%^GREEN%^%^BOLD%^",   "\033[0;1;32m" }, /* Green */
	{ "&Y", "%^YELLOW%^",          "\033[0;1;33m" }, /* Yellow */
	{ "&B", "%^BLUE%^%^BOLD%^",    "\033[0;1;34m" }, /* Blue */
	{ "&P", "%^MAGENTA%^%^BOLD%^", "\033[0;1;35m" }, /* Pink */
	{ "&C", "%^CYAN%^%^BOLD%^",    "\033[0;1;36m" }, /* Light Blue */
	{ "&W", "%^WHITE%^%^BOLD%^",   "\033[0;1;37m" }, /* White */

	/* Blinking foreground standard color */
	{ "}x", "%^BLACK%^%^FLASH%^",           "\033[0;5;30m" }, /* Black */
	{ "}r", "%^RED%^%^FLASH%^",             "\033[0;5;31m" }, /* Dark Red */
	{ "}g", "%^GREEN%^%^FLASH%^",           "\033[0;5;32m" }, /* Dark Green */
	{ "}O", "%^ORANGE%^%^FLASH%^",          "\033[0;5;33m" }, /* Orange/Brown */
	{ "}b", "%^BLUE%^%^FLASH%^",            "\033[0;5;34m" }, /* Dark Blue */
	{ "}p", "%^MAGENTA%^%^FLASH%^",         "\033[0;5;35m" }, /* Magenta/Purple */
	{ "}c", "%^CYAN%^%^FLASH%^",            "\033[0;5;36m" }, /* Cyan */
	{ "}w", "%^WHITE%^%^FLASH%^",           "\033[0;5;37m" }, /* Grey */
	{ "}z", "%^BLACK%^%^BOLD%^%^FLASH%^",   "\033[1;5;30m" }, /* Dark Grey */
	{ "}R", "%^RED%^%^BOLD%^%^FLASH%^",     "\033[1;5;31m" }, /* Red */
	{ "}G", "%^GREEN%^%^BOLD%^%^FLASH%^",   "\033[1;5;32m" }, /* Green */
	{ "}Y", "%^YELLOW%^%^FLASH%^",          "\033[1;5;33m" }, /* Yellow */
	{ "}B", "%^BLUE%^%^BOLD%^%^FLASH%^",    "\033[1;5;34m" }, /* Blue */
	{ "}P", "%^MAGENTA%^%^BOLD%^%^FLASH%^", "\033[1;5;35m" }, /* Pink */
	{ "}C", "%^CYAN%^%^BOLD%^%^FLASH%^",    "\033[1;5;36m" }, /* Light Blue */
	{ "}W", "%^WHITE%^%^BOLD%^%^FLASH%^",   "\033[1;5;37m" }  /* White */

 * Simple check to test if a particular code is a valid color. If not, then we can find
 * other things to do, in some cases. -Orion
int I3_validcolor( char code[3] )
   int c = 0, colmatch = COL_INVALID;

   if( code[0] && code[1] && ( code[0] == '&' || code[0] == '{' || code[0] == '}' ) )
	for( c = 0; c < I3MAX_ANSI; c++ )
	   if( i3ansi_conversion[c][0][0] == code[0] && i3ansi_conversion[c][0][1] == code[1] )
		colmatch = c;
   return colmatch;

 * Convert txt into pinkfish valid color codes, while parsing the color code information in
 * the proper manner. Color codes should be changed to reflect local color. & is the basic
 * color, { is the background color, and } is blinking color. -Orion
char *I3_tagtofish( const char *txt )
    int c, x, count = 0;
    static char tbuf[MSL*3];
    char code[3];

    if( !txt || *txt == '\0' )
	return "";

    tbuf[0] = '\0';

    for( count = 0; count < MSL; count++, txt++ )
	if( *txt == '\0' )

	if( *txt != '&' && *txt != '{' && *txt != '}' )
	   tbuf[count] = *txt;
	    code[0] = *txt;
	    code[1] = *(++txt);
	    code[2] = '\0';

	    if ( !code[1] || code[1] == '\0' )
		tbuf[count] = code[0];
	    else if ( code[0] == code[1] )
		tbuf[count] = code[0];
	    else if ( ( c = I3_validcolor( code ) ) != COL_INVALID )
		for( x = 0; i3ansi_conversion[c][1][x]; x++, count++ )
		    tbuf[count] = i3ansi_conversion[c][1][x];
		tbuf[count]   = code[0];
		tbuf[++count] = code[1];
    tbuf[count] = '\0';

    return tbuf;

/* Takes the string you pass it and converts its Pinkfish color tags into ANSI codes */
char *I3_fishtoansi( const char *inbuf, CHAR_DATA *ch )
   char *cp, *cp2;
   char col[30];
   static char abuf[MSL*3];
   int len;
   bool found = FALSE;

   /* catch the trivial case first (for speed) */
   cp = strstr( inbuf, "%^" );
   if( !cp )
      strcpy( abuf, inbuf );
	return abuf;

   abuf[0] = '\0';
   col[0] = '\0';

      cp2 = strstr( cp+2, "%^" );
      if (!cp2) break; /* unmatched single %^ */

      /* ok, we have 2 delimiters now.
       * get the converted color and its length */

      len = cp2 - cp + 2;
      if( len == 4 )
      { /* means "%^%^" which is the escape */
         len = 2;
         strcpy( col, "%^" );
         if( I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(ch), I3_COLOR ) )
	      int c;

            for( c = 0; c < I3MAX_ANSI; c++ )
	         if( !strncmp( cp, i3ansi_conversion[c][1], len ) )
	            strcpy( col, i3ansi_conversion[c][2] );
	            len = strlen( col );
		      found = TRUE;
            strcpy( col, "" );
            len = 0;
            found = TRUE;
	if( !found )
	   strcpy( col, cp );

      /* copy the first part into the buffer and add the converted color code */
      strncat( abuf, inbuf, cp-inbuf );
      strncat( abuf, col, len );
      inbuf = cp2+2;

   } while( (cp = strstr( inbuf, "%^" )) );

   /* copy the rest */
   strcat( abuf, inbuf );
   return abuf;

/* Generic substitute for write_to_buffer since not all codebases seem to have it */
void to_char_buffer( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, const char *txt, int length )
   write_to_buffer( d, txt, 0 );

/* Generic substitute for send_to_char with color support */
void i3_to_char( const char *txt, CHAR_DATA *ch )
   char buf[MSL*3];
   char buf2[MSL*3];

   if( !ch )
	i3bug( "%s", "i3_to_char: NULL ch!" );

   if( IS_NPC( ch ) )

   if( !ch->desc )
	i3bug( "i3_to_char: NULL descriptor for %s!", CH_NAME(ch) );

   snprintf( buf, MSL*3, "%s", I3_tagtofish( txt ) );
   snprintf( buf2, MSL*3, "%s", I3_fishtoansi( buf, ch ) );
   to_char_buffer( ch->desc, buf2, 0 );
   to_char_buffer( ch->desc, "\033[0m", 0 ); /* Reset color to stop bleeding */

/* Generic substitute for ch_printf that passes to i3_to_char for color support */
void i3_printf( CHAR_DATA *ch, const char *fmt, ... )
   char buf[MSL*2];
   va_list args;

   va_start( args, fmt );
   vsprintf( buf, fmt, args );
   va_end( args );

   i3_to_char( buf, ch );

/* Generic send_to_pager type function to send to the proper code for each codebase */
void i3send_to_pager( const char *txt, CHAR_DATA *ch )
#if defined(I3SMAUG) || defined(I3CHRONICLES) || defined(I3ROM)
   char buf[MSL*3];
   char buf2[MSL*3];

   snprintf( buf, MSL*3, "%s", I3_tagtofish( txt ) );
   snprintf( buf2, MSL*3, "%s\e[0m", I3_fishtoansi( buf, ch ) );

#if defined(I3SMAUG) || defined(I3CHRONICLES)
   send_to_pager_color( buf2, ch );
#elif defined(I3ROM)
   page_to_char( buf2, ch );
   i3_to_char( txt, ch );

/* Generic pager_printf type function */
void i3pager_printf( CHAR_DATA *ch, const char *fmt, ... )
   char buf[MSL*2];
   va_list args;
   va_start( args, fmt );
   vsprintf( buf, fmt, args );
   va_end( args );

   i3send_to_pager( buf, ch );

/*  I3_getarg: extract a single argument (with given max length) from
 *  argument to arg; if arg==NULL, just skip an arg, don't copy it out
const char *I3_getarg( const char *argument, char *arg, int length )
  int len = 0;

  while( *argument && isspace( *argument ) )

  if( arg )
    while( *argument && !isspace( *argument ) && len < length-1 )
      *arg++= *argument++, len++;
    while( *argument && !isspace( *argument ) )

  while( *argument && !isspace( *argument ) )

  while( *argument && isspace( *argument ) )

  if( arg )
    *arg = 0;

  return argument;

/* Check for a name in a list */
int I3_hasname( const char *list, const char *name )
   const char *p;
   char arg[MIL];

   if( !list )

   p = I3_getarg( list, arg, MIL );
   while( arg[0] )
      if( !strcasecmp( name, arg ) )
        return 1;
      p = I3_getarg( p, arg, MIL );
   return 0;

/* Add a name to a list */
void I3_flagchan( char **list, const char *name )
  char buf[MSL];

  if( I3_hasname( *list, name ) )

  if( *list && *list[0] != '\0' )
    sprintf( buf, "%s %s", *list, name );
    strcpy( buf, name );
  if( *list )
    I3STRFREE( *list );
  *list = I3STRALLOC( buf );

/* Remove a name from a list */
void I3_unflagchan( char **list, const char *name )
   char buf[MSL];
   char arg[MIL];
   const char *p;

   buf[0] = '\0';
   p = I3_getarg( *list, arg, MIL );
   while( arg[0] )
      if( strcasecmp( arg, name ) )
         if( buf[0] )
	      strcat( buf, " " );
         strcat( buf, arg );
      p = I3_getarg( p, arg, MIL );
   I3STRFREE( *list );
   *list = I3STRALLOC( buf );

 * You need to change the & and { tokens to match what your mud uses to identify color tags.
 * & is the forgound color, { is the background color, and } is the blinking color. Returns
 * the string length of an argument, excluding valid color codes. -Orion
int I3_strlen_color( const char *argument )
   int i, length;
   const char *str;
   char code[3];

   str = argument;
   if( argument[0] == '\0' )
	return 0;

   for( length = i = 0; i < strlen( argument ); i++ )
	if( str[i] != '&' && str[i] != '{' && str[i] != '}' )

	code[0] = str[i];
	code[1] = str[++i];
	code[2] = '\0';

	if ( I3_validcolor( code ) == COL_INVALID )
	   if ( !code[1] || code[1] == '\0' || code[0] == code[1] )
	   	length += 2;
   return length;

 * You need to change the & and { tokens to match what your mud uses to identify color tags.
 * & is the forgound color, { is the background color, and } is the blinking color. This
 * function returns the max length of a field up to a certain point. Color codes included or
 * excluded at your leisure. -Orion
int I3_strnlen_color( const char *argument, int maxsize, bool total )
   int i, length;
   const char *str;
   char code[3];

   str = argument;
   if( argument[0] == '\0' )
	return 0;

   for( length = i = 0; i < strlen( argument ); i++ )
	if ( length >= maxsize )

	if( str[i] != '&' && str[i] != '{' && str[i] != '}' )

	code[0] = str[i];
	code[1] = str[++i];
	code[2] = '\0';

	if ( I3_validcolor( code ) == COL_INVALID )
	   if ( !code[1] || code[1] == '\0' || code[0] == code[1] )
	   	length += 2;

   if ( total )
	return i;

   return length;

 * Returns an initial-capped string.
char *i3capitalize( const char *str )
   static char strcap[MSL];
   int i;

   for ( i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++ )
	strcap[i] = tolower( str[i] );
   strcap[i] = '\0';
   strcap[0] = toupper( strcap[0] );
   return strcap;

/* Borrowed from Samson's new_auth snippet - checks to see if a particular player exists in the mud.
 * This is called from i3locate and i3finger to report on offline characters.
bool i3exists_player( char *name )
   struct stat fst;
   char buf[MSL];

#ifdef I3CIRCLE
   return FALSE;
   /* Stands to reason that if there ain't a name to look at, they damn well don't exist! */
   if( !name || !str_cmp( name, "" ) )
      return FALSE;

   sprintf( buf, "%s%c/%s", PLAYER_DIR, tolower( name[0] ), i3capitalize( name ) );

   if( stat( buf, &fst ) != -1 )
	return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

bool verify_i3layout( const char *fmt, int number )
   const char *c;
   int i = 0;

   c = fmt;
   while( ( c = strchr(c, '%') ) != NULL )
      if( *( c+1 ) == '%' )  /* %% */
         c += 2;

      if( *(c+1) != 's' )  /* not %s */
         return FALSE;


   if( i != number )
      return FALSE;

   return TRUE;

#ifdef I3CIRCLE
bool str_prefix( const char *astr, const char *bstr )
    if ( !astr )
	bug( "Strn_cmp: null astr." );
	return TRUE;

    if ( !bstr )
	bug( "Strn_cmp: null bstr." );
	return TRUE;

    for ( ; *astr; astr++, bstr++ )
	if ( LOWER(*astr) != LOWER(*bstr) )
	    return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

char *rankbuffer( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   static char rbuf[MSL];

   if( IS_IMMORTAL(ch) )
      strcpy( rbuf, "&YStaff" );

      if( CH_RANK(ch) && CH_RANK(ch)[0] != '\0' )
         sprintf( rbuf, "&Y%s", CH_RANK(ch) );
      strcpy( rbuf, "&BPlayer" );

   	if( CH_RANK(ch) && CH_RANK(ch)[0] != '\0' )
	   sprintf( rbuf, "&B%s", CH_RANK(ch) );
   return rbuf;

/* Fixed this function yet again. If the socket is negative or 0, then it will return
 * a FALSE. Used to just check to see if the socket was positive, and that just wasn't
 * working for the way some places checked for this. Any negative value is an indication
 * that the socket never existed.
bool I3_is_connected( void )
    if( I3_socket < 1 )
	return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

 * Add backslashes in front of the " and \'s
char *I3_escape( char *ps ) 
    static char new[MSL];
    char *pnew = new;

    while( ps[0] ) 
	if( ps[0] == '"' ) 
	    pnew[0]= '\\';
	if( ps[0] == '\\' ) 
	    pnew[0] = '\\';
	pnew[0] = ps[0];
    pnew[0] = 0;
    return new;

 * Remove "'s at begin/end of string
 * If a character is prefixed by \'s it also will be unescaped
void I3_remove_quotes( char **ps ) 
    char *ps1, *ps2;

    if( *ps[0] == '"' )
    if( (*ps)[strlen(*ps)-1] == '"' )
	(*ps)[strlen(*ps)-1] = 0;

    ps1 = ps2 = *ps;
    while( ps2[0] ) 
	if( ps2[0] == '\\' ) 
	ps1[0] = ps2[0];
    ps1[0] = 0;

/* Searches through the channel list to see if one exists with the localname supplied to it. */
I3_CHANNEL *find_I3_channel_by_localname( char *name )
    I3_CHANNEL *channel = NULL;

    for( channel = first_I3chan; channel; channel = channel->next )
	if( !channel->local_name )

	if( !str_cmp( channel->local_name, name ) )
	   return channel;
    return NULL;

/* Searches through the channel list to see if one exists with the I3 channel name supplied to it.*/
I3_CHANNEL *find_I3_channel_by_name( char *name ) 
    I3_CHANNEL *channel = NULL;

    for( channel = first_I3chan; channel; channel = channel->next )
	if( !str_cmp( channel->I3_name, name ) )
	   return channel;
    return NULL;

/* Sets up a channel on the mud for the first time, configuring its default layout.
 * If you don't like the default layout of channels, this is where you should edit it to your liking.
I3_CHANNEL *new_I3_channel( void ) 
    I3_CHANNEL *new;

    I3CREATE( new, I3_CHANNEL, 1 );
    I3LINK( new, first_I3chan, last_I3chan, next, prev );
    return new;

/* Deletes a channel's information from the mud. */
void destroy_I3_channel( I3_CHANNEL *channel )
   int x;

   if ( channel == NULL )
	i3bug( "%s", "destroy_I3_channel: Null parameter" );

   if( channel->local_name )
      I3STRFREE( channel->local_name );
   if( channel->host_mud )
      I3STRFREE( channel->host_mud );
   if( channel->I3_name )
      I3STRFREE( channel->I3_name );
   if( channel->layout_m )
      I3STRFREE( channel->layout_m );
   if( channel->layout_e )
      I3STRFREE( channel->layout_e );

   for( x = 0; x < MAX_I3HISTORY; x++ )
	if( channel->history[x] && channel->history[x] != '\0' )
	   I3STRFREE( channel->history[x] );

   I3UNLINK( channel, first_I3chan, last_I3chan, next, prev );
   I3DISPOSE( channel );

/* Finds a mud with the name supplied on the mudlist */
I3_MUD *find_I3_mud_by_name( char *name ) 
    I3_MUD *this;

    for( this = first_mud; this; this = this->next )
	if( !str_cmp( this->name, name ) )
	    return this;

    return NULL;

I3_MUD *new_I3_mud( char *name )
   I3_MUD *new, *mud_prev;

   I3CREATE( new, I3_MUD, 1 );
   new->name = I3STRALLOC( name );

   for( mud_prev = first_mud; mud_prev; mud_prev = mud_prev->next )
      if( strcasecmp( mud_prev->name, name ) >= 0 )

   if( !mud_prev )
      I3LINK( new, first_mud, last_mud, next, prev );
      I3INSERT( new, mud_prev, first_mud, next, prev );

   return new;

void destroy_I3_mud( I3_MUD *mud )
    if( mud == NULL ) 
	i3bug( "%s", "destroy_I3_mud: Null parameter" );

    if( mud->name )
       I3STRFREE( mud->name );
    if( mud->ipaddress )
       I3STRFREE( mud->ipaddress );
    if( mud->mudlib )
       I3STRFREE( mud->mudlib );
    if( mud->base_mudlib )
       I3STRFREE( mud->base_mudlib );
    if( mud->driver )
       I3STRFREE( mud->driver );
    if( mud->mud_type )
       I3STRFREE( mud->mud_type );
    if( mud->open_status )
       I3STRFREE( mud->open_status );
    if( mud->admin_email )
       I3STRFREE( mud->admin_email );
    if( mud->telnet )
       I3STRFREE( mud->telnet );
    if( mud->web )
       I3STRFREE( mud->web );
    if( mud != this_mud )
       I3UNLINK( mud, first_mud, last_mud, next, prev );
    I3DISPOSE( mud );

 * Close the socket to the router.
void I3_connection_close( bool reconnect ) 
   i3log( "%s", "Closing connection to Intermud-3 router." );
   close( I3_socket );
   I3_socket = -1;
   if( reconnect )
      if( reconattempts <= 5 )
	   i3wait = 100; /* Wait for 100 game loops */
	   i3log( "%s", "Will attempt to reconnect in approximately 5 seconds." );
	else if( reconattempts <= 20 )
	   i3wait = 5000; /* Wait for 5000 game loops */
         i3log( "%s", "Will attempt to reconnect in approximately 15 minutes due to extended failures." );
         i3wait = -2; /* Abandon attempts - probably an ISP failure anyway if this happens :) */
	   i3log( "%s", "Abandoning attempts to reconnect to Intermud-3 router. Too many failures." );

 * Write a string into the send-buffer. Does not yet send it.
void I3_write_buffer( char *msg )
   long newsize = I3_output_pointer+strlen( msg );

   if( newsize > 256*256-1 )
	i3bug( "I3_write_buffer: buffer too large (would become %ld)", newsize );
   if( packetdebug )
	strcat( debugstring, msg );
   strcpy( I3_output_buffer + I3_output_pointer, msg );
   I3_output_pointer = newsize;

/* Use this function in place of I3_write_buffer ONLY if the text to be sent could 
 * contain color tags to parse into ANSI codes. Otherwise it will mess up the packet.
void send_to_i3( const char *text )
   char buf[MSL*3];

   snprintf( buf, MSL*3, "%s", I3_tagtofish( text ) );
   I3_write_buffer( buf );

 * Writes the string into the socket, prefixed by the size.
bool I3_write_packet( char *msg ) 
   int oldsize, size, check;
   char *s = I3_output_buffer;

   oldsize = size = strlen( msg+4 );
   s[3] = size%256;
   size >>= 8;
   s[2] = size%256;
   size >>= 8;
   s[1] = size%256;
   size >>= 8;
   s[0] = size%256;
   check = write( I3_socket, msg, oldsize + 4 );
   if( !check || ( check < 0 && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK ) )
	if( check < 0 )
	   i3log( "%s", "Write error on socket." );
	   i3log( "%s", "EOF encountered on socket write." );
  	I3_connection_close( TRUE );
	return FALSE;

   if( check < 0 ) /* EAGAIN */
	return TRUE;

   if( packetdebug )
	i3log( "Packet sent: %s", debugstring );
	debugstring[0] = '\0';
   I3_output_pointer = 4;
   return TRUE;

void I3_send_packet( void )
   I3_write_packet( I3_output_buffer );

 * Put a I3-header in the send-buffer. If a field is NULL it will
 * be replaced by a 0 (zero).
void I3_write_header( char *identifier, char *originator_mudname, char *originator_username, char *target_mudname, char 
*target_username ) 
    I3_write_buffer( "({\"" );
    I3_write_buffer( identifier );
    I3_write_buffer( "\",5," );
    if( originator_mudname ) 
	I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
	I3_write_buffer( originator_mudname );
	I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
    else I3_write_buffer( "0," );

    if( originator_username )  
	I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
	I3_write_buffer( originator_username );
	I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
    else I3_write_buffer( "0," );

    if( target_mudname ) 
	I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
	I3_write_buffer( target_mudname );
	I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
    else I3_write_buffer( "0," );

    if( target_username ) 
	I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
	I3_write_buffer( target_username );
	I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
    else I3_write_buffer( "0," );

 * Gets the next I3 field, that is when the amount of {[("'s and
 * ")]}'s match each other when a , is read. It's not foolproof, it
 * should honestly be some kind of statemachine, which does error-
 * checking. Right now I trust the I3-router to send proper packets
 * only. How naive :-) [Indeed Edwin, but I suppose we have little choice :P - Samson]
 * ps will point to the beginning of the next field.
char *I3_get_field( char *packet, char **ps )
    int count[256];
    char has_apostrophe = 0, has_backslash = 0;
    char foundit = 0;

    bzero( count, sizeof(count) );

    *ps = packet;
    while( 1 ) 
	switch( *ps[0] ) 
	    case '{': if( !has_apostrophe ) count['{']++; break;
	    case '}': if( !has_apostrophe ) count['}']++; break;
	    case '[': if( !has_apostrophe ) count['[']++; break;
	    case ']': if( !has_apostrophe ) count[']']++; break;
	    case '(': if( !has_apostrophe ) count['(']++; break;
	    case ')': if( !has_apostrophe ) count[')']++; break;
	    case '\\':
		if( has_backslash )
		    has_backslash = 0;
		    has_backslash = 1;
	    case '"':
		if( has_backslash ) 
		    has_backslash = 0;
		    if( has_apostrophe )
			has_apostrophe = 0;
			has_apostrophe = 1;
	    case ',':
	    case ':':
		if( has_apostrophe )
		if( has_backslash )
		if( count['{'] != count['}'] )
		if( count['['] != count[']'] )
		if( count['('] != count[')'] )
		foundit = 1;
	if( foundit )
    *ps[0] = 0;
    return *ps;

 * Read the header of an I3 packet. pps will point to the next field
 * of the packet.
void I3_get_header( char **pps, I3_HEADER *header ) 
    char *ps = *pps, *next_ps;

    header->originator_mudname[0] = '\0';		header->originator_mudname[255] = '\0';
    header->originator_username[0] = '\0';	header->originator_username[255] = '\0';
    header->target_mudname[0] = '\0';		header->target_mudname[255] = '\0';
    header->target_username[0] = '\0';		header->target_username[255] = '\0';

    I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
    ps = next_ps;
    I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
    I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
    strncpy( header->originator_mudname, ps, 254 );
    ps = next_ps;
    I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
    I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
    strncpy( header->originator_username, ps, 254 );
    ps = next_ps;
    I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
    I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
    strncpy( header->target_mudname, ps, 254 );
    ps = next_ps;
    I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
    I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
    strncpy( header->target_username, ps, 254 );
    *pps = next_ps;

 * Returns a CHAR_DATA structure which matches the string
CHAR_DATA *I3_find_user( char *name ) 

    for ( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next ) 
	if( d->character && !str_cmp( CH_NAME(d->character), name ) ) 
	   return d->character;
    return NULL;

/* Be careful with an IP block - Last resort measure, etc. */
bool i3blocked( const char *ignore )
   I3_BLOCK *temp;
   I3_MUD *mud;
   char *ps;
   char mudname[MSL], ipbuf[MSL];

   /* Wildcard support thanks to Xorith */
   for( temp = first_i3block; temp; temp = temp->next )
	if( !fnmatch( temp->name, ignore, 0 ) )
	   return TRUE;

   /* In theory, getting this far should be the result of an IP:Port block */
   ps = strchr( ignore, '@' );

   if( ignore[0] == '\0' || ps == NULL ) 
	return FALSE;

   ps[0] = '\0';
   strcpy( mudname, ps+1 );

   for( mud = first_mud; mud; mud = mud->next )
	if( !str_cmp( mud->name, mudname ) )
	   sprintf( ipbuf, "%s:%d", mud->ipaddress, mud->player_port );
	   for( temp = first_i3block; temp; temp = temp->next )
		if( !str_cmp( temp->name, ipbuf ) )
		   return TRUE;
   return FALSE;

/* Beefed up to include wildcard ignores and user-level IP ignores.
 * Be careful when setting IP based ignores - Last resort measure, etc.
bool i3ignoring( CHAR_DATA *ch, const char *ignore )
   I3_IGNORE *temp;
   I3_MUD *mud;
   char *ps;
   char ipbuf[MSL], mudname[MSL];

   /* Wildcard support thanks to Xorith */
   for( temp = FIRST_I3IGNORE(ch); temp; temp = temp->next )
	if( !fnmatch( temp->name, ignore, 0 ) )
	   return TRUE;

   /* In theory, getting this far should be the result of an IP:Port block */
   ps = strchr( ignore, '@' );

   if( ignore[0] == '\0' || ps == NULL ) 
	return FALSE;

   ps[0] = '\0';
   strcpy( mudname, ps+1 );

   for( mud = first_mud; mud; mud = mud->next )
	if( !str_cmp( mud->name, mudname ) )
	   sprintf( ipbuf, "%s:%d", mud->ipaddress, mud->player_port );
	   for( temp = FIRST_I3IGNORE(ch); temp; temp = temp->next )
		if( !str_cmp( temp->name, ipbuf ) )
		   return TRUE;
   return FALSE;

/* The all important startup packet. This is what will be initially sent upon trying to connect
 * to the I3 router. It is therefore quite important that the information here be exactly correct.
 * If anything is wrong, your packet will be dropped by the router as invalid and your mud simply
void I3_startup_packet( void ) 
   char s[MIL];

   if( !I3_is_connected() )

   I3_output_pointer = 4;
   I3_output_buffer[0] = '\0';

   i3log( "Sending startup_packet to %s", this_mud->routerName );

   I3_write_header( "startup-req-3", this_mud->name, NULL, this_mud->routerName, NULL );
   sprintf( s, "%d", this_mud->password );
   I3_write_buffer( s );
   I3_write_buffer( "," );
   sprintf( s, "%d", this_mud->mudlist_id );
   I3_write_buffer( s );
   I3_write_buffer( "," );
   sprintf( s, "%d", this_mud->chanlist_id );
   I3_write_buffer( s );
   I3_write_buffer( "," );
   sprintf( s, "%d", this_mud->player_port );
   I3_write_buffer( s );
   I3_write_buffer( ",0,0,\"" );

   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->mudlib );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->base_mudlib );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->driver );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->mud_type );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->open_status );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->admin_email );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"," );

   I3_write_buffer( "([\"emoteto\":" );
   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->emoteto ? "1" : "0" );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"news\":" );
   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->news ? "1" : "0" );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"ucache\":" );
   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->ucache ? "1" : "0" );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"auth\":" );
   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->auth ? "1" : "0" );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"ftp\":" );
   sprintf( s, "%d", this_mud->ftp );
   I3_write_buffer( s );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"nntp\":" );
   sprintf( s, "%d", this_mud->nntp );
   I3_write_buffer( s );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"rcp\":" );
   sprintf( s, "%d", this_mud->rcp );
   I3_write_buffer( s );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"amrcp\":" );
   sprintf( s, "%d", this_mud->amrcp );
   I3_write_buffer( s );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"tell\":" );
   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->tell ? "1" : "0" );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"beep\":" );
   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->beep ? "1" : "0" );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"mail\":" );
   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->mail ? "1" : "0" );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"file\":" );
   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->file ? "1" : "0" );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"url\":" );
   sprintf( s, "\"%s\"", this_mud->web );
   I3_write_buffer( s );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"http\":" );
   sprintf( s, "%d", this_mud->http );
   I3_write_buffer( s );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"smtp\":" );
   sprintf( s, "%d", this_mud->smtp );
   I3_write_buffer( s );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"pop3\":" );
   sprintf( s, "%d", this_mud->pop3 );
   I3_write_buffer( s );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"locate\":" );
   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->locate ? "1" : "0" );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"finger\":" );
   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->finger ? "1" : "0" );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"channel\":" );
   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->channel ? "1" : "0" );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"who\":" );
   I3_write_buffer( this_mud->who ? "1" : "0" );
   I3_write_buffer( ",]),0,})\r" );

   I3_send_packet( );

/* This function saves the password, mudlist ID, and chanlist ID that are used by the mud.
 * The password value is returned from the I3 router upon your initial connection.
 * The mudlist and chanlist ID values are updated as needed while your mud is connected.
 * Do not modify the file it generates because doing so may prevent your mud from reconnecting
 * to the router in the future. This file will be rewritten each time the I3_shutdown function
 * is called, or any of the id values change.
void I3_save_id( void )
   FILE *fp;

   if( ( fp = fopen( I3_PASSWORD_FILE, "w" ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3log( "%s", "Couldn't write to I3 password file." );

   fprintf( fp, "%s", "#PASSWORD\n" );
   fprintf( fp, "%d %d %d\n", this_mud->password, this_mud->mudlist_id, this_mud->chanlist_id );
   FCLOSE( fp );

/* The second most important packet your mud will deal with. If you never get this
 * coming back from the I3 router, something was wrong with your startup packet
 * or the router may be jammed up. Whatever the case, if you don't get a reply back
 * your mud won't be acknowledged as connected.
int I3_process_startup_reply( char *s ) 
   char *ps = s, *next_ps;
   I3_HEADER header;

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );

   /* Recevies the router list. Nothing much to do here until there's more than 1 router. */
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   i3log( "%s", ps ); /* Just checking for now */
   ps = next_ps;

   /* Receives your mud's updated password, which may or may not be the same as what it sent out before */
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   this_mud->password = atoi( ps );
   ps = next_ps;

   i3log( "Received startup_reply from %s", header.originator_mudname );
   I3_save_id( );
   reconattempts = 0;
   i3wait = 0;
   i3log( "%s", "Intermud-3 Network connection complete." );
   return 0;

void I3_process_chanack( char *s )
   CHAR_DATA *ch;
   I3_HEADER header;
   char *next_ps, *ps = s;
   char message[MSL];

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );

   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( message, ps );
   ps = next_ps;

   if( ( ch = I3_find_user( header.target_username ) ) == NULL )
      i3log( "%s", message );
	i3_printf( ch, "&G%s\n\r", message );

void I3_send_error( char *mud, char *user, char *code, char *message ) 
    if( !I3_is_connected() )

    I3_write_header( "error", I3_THISMUD, 0, mud, user );
    I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
    I3_write_buffer( code );
    I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
    I3_write_buffer( message );
    I3_write_buffer( "\",0,})\r" );

    I3_send_packet( );

void I3_process_error( char *s ) 
   CHAR_DATA *ch;
   I3_HEADER header;
   char *next_ps, *ps = s;
   char type[MSL], message[MSL], error[MSL];

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );

   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( type, ps );
   ps = next_ps;

   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( message, ps );

   sprintf( log_buf, "*@%s", header.originator_mudname );
   if( i3blocked( log_buf ) )

   /* Since VargonMUD likes to spew errors for no good reason.... */
   if( !str_cmp( header.originator_mudname, "VargonMUD" ) )

   sprintf( error, "Error: from %s to %s@%s\n\r%s: %s",
	header.originator_mudname, header.target_username, header.target_mudname, type, message );

   if( ( ch = I3_find_user( header.target_username ) ) == NULL )
      i3log( "%s", error );
	i3_printf( ch, "%s\n\r", error );

int i3todikugender( int gender )
   int sex = 0;

   if( gender == 0 )
      sex = SEX_MALE;

   if( gender == 1 )
	sex = SEX_FEMALE;

   if( gender > 1 )

   return sex;

int dikutoi3gender( int gender )
   int sex = 0;

   if( gender > 2 || gender < 0 )
      sex = 2; /* I3 neuter */
   if( gender == SEX_MALE )
	sex = 0; /* I3 Male */

   if( gender == SEX_FEMALE )
	sex = 1; /* I3 Female */

   return sex;

/* This is very possibly going to be spammy as hell */
void I3_show_ucache_contents( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   UCACHE_DATA *user;
   int users = 0;

   i3send_to_pager( "Cached user information\n\r", ch );
   i3send_to_pager( "User                          | Gender ( 0 = Male, 1 = Female, 2 = Neuter )\n\r", ch );
   i3send_to_pager( "---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\r", ch );
   for( user = first_ucache; user; user = user->next )
	i3pager_printf( ch, "%-30s %d\n\r", user->name, user->gender );
   i3pager_printf( ch, "%d users being cached.\n\r", users );

int I3_get_ucache_gender( char *name )
   UCACHE_DATA *user;

   for( user = first_ucache; user; user = user->next )
	if( !str_cmp( user->name, name ) )
	   return user->gender;

   /* -1 means you aren't in the list and need to be put there. */
   return -1;

/* Saves the ucache info to disk because it would just be spamcity otherwise */
void I3_save_ucache( void )
   FILE *fp;
   UCACHE_DATA *user;

   if( ( fp = fopen( I3_UCACHE_FILE, "w" ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3log( "%s", "Couldn't write to I3 ucache file." );

   for( user = first_ucache; user; user = user->next )
	fprintf( fp, "%s", "#UCACHE\n" );
	fprintf( fp, "Name %s~\n", user->name );
	fprintf( fp, "Sex  %d\n", user->gender );
	fprintf( fp, "Time %ld\n", (long int)user->time );
	fprintf( fp, "%s", "End\n\n" );
   fprintf( fp, "%s", "#END\n" );
   FCLOSE( fp );

void I3_prune_ucache( void )
   UCACHE_DATA *ucache, *next_ucache;

   for( ucache = first_ucache; ucache; ucache = next_ucache )
	next_ucache = ucache->next;

	/* Info older than 30 days is removed since this person likely hasn't logged in at all */
	if( current_time - ucache->time >= 2592000 )
	   I3STRFREE( ucache->name );
	   I3UNLINK( ucache, first_ucache, last_ucache, next, prev );
	   I3DISPOSE( ucache );
   I3_save_ucache( );

/* Updates user info if they exist, adds them if they don't. */
void I3_ucache_update( char *name, int gender )
   UCACHE_DATA *user;

   for( user = first_ucache; user; user = user->next )
      if( !str_cmp( user->name, name ) )
	   user->gender = gender;
	   user->time = current_time;
   I3CREATE( user, UCACHE_DATA, 1 );
   user->name = I3STRALLOC( name );
   user->gender = gender;
   user->time = current_time;
   I3LINK( user, first_ucache, last_ucache, next, prev );

   I3_save_ucache( );

void I3_send_ucache_update( char *visname, int gender )
   char buf[10];

   if( !I3_is_connected() )

   I3_write_header( "ucache-update", I3_THISMUD, NULL, NULL, NULL );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( visname );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( visname );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
   sprintf( buf, "%d", gender );
   I3_write_buffer( buf );
   I3_write_buffer( ",})\r" );

   I3_send_packet( );


void I3_process_ucache_update( char *s )
   char *ps = s, *next_ps;
   I3_HEADER header;
   char username[MSL], visname[MSL], buf[MSL];
   int sex, gender;

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );

   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( username, ps );

   ps = next_ps;
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( visname, ps );

   ps = next_ps;
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   gender = atoi( ps );

   sprintf( buf, "%s@%s", visname, header.originator_mudname );
   if( i3blocked( buf ) )
   sex = I3_get_ucache_gender( buf );

   if( sex == gender )

   I3_ucache_update( buf, gender );

int I3_send_chan_user_req( char *targetmud, char *targetuser )
   if( !I3_is_connected() )
	return 0;

   I3_write_header( "chan-user-req", I3_THISMUD, NULL, targetmud, NULL );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( targetuser );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",})\r" );

   I3_send_packet( );

   return 0;

int I3_process_chan_user_req( char *s )
   char buf[MSL];
   char *ps = s, *next_ps;
   CHAR_DATA *ch;
   I3_HEADER header;
   int sex, gender;

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );

   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );

   sprintf( buf, "%s@%s", header.originator_username, header.originator_mudname );
   if( i3blocked( buf ) )
	return 0;

   if( ( ch = I3_find_user( ps ) ) == NULL ) 
	if( !i3exists_player( ps ) )
	   I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "No such player." );
	   I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "That player is offline." 
	return 0;

   if( I3PERM(ch) < I3PERM_MORT )
	I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "No such player." );
	return 0;

   if( I3ISINVIS(ch) )
      I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "That player is offline." );
	return 0;

   if( i3ignoring( ch, buf ) )
      I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "That player is offline." );
	return 0;

   /* Since this is a gender thing, we need to gather that info. It's assumed anything above 2
    * is generally referred to as an "it" anyway, so send them a neuter if it's above 2.
    * And I3 genders are in a different order from standard Diku genders, so this complicates matters some.
   gender = CH_SEX(ch);

   sex = dikutoi3gender( gender );

   I3_write_header( "chan-user-reply", I3_THISMUD, NULL, header.originator_mudname, NULL );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( CH_NAME(ch) );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( CH_NAME(ch) );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
   sprintf( buf, "%d", sex );
   I3_write_buffer( buf );
   I3_write_buffer( ",})\r" );

   I3_send_packet( );

   return 0;

int I3_process_chan_user_reply( char *s )
   char *ps = s, *next_ps;
   I3_HEADER header;
   char username[MSL], visname[MSL], buf[MSL];
   int sex, gender;

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );

   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( username, ps );

   ps = next_ps;
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( visname, ps );

   ps = next_ps;
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   gender = atoi( ps );

   sprintf( buf, "%s@%s", visname, header.originator_mudname );
   if( i3blocked( buf ) )
	return 0;
   sex = I3_get_ucache_gender( buf );

   if( sex == gender )
      return 0;

   I3_ucache_update( buf, gender );
   return 0;

int I3_process_mudlist( char *s ) 
   char *ps = s, *next_ps;
   I3_MUD *mud;
   I3_HEADER header;

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   this_mud->mudlist_id = atoi( ps );
   I3_save_id( );

   ps = next_ps;
   ps += 2;

   while( 1 ) 
	char *next_ps2;
	I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
	I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
	mud = find_I3_mud_by_name( ps );
	if( mud == NULL ) 
	   mud = new_I3_mud( ps );

	ps = next_ps;
	I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps2 );

	if( ps[0] != '0' ) 
	   ps += 2;

	   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
	   mud->status = atoi( ps );
	   ps = next_ps;

	   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
	   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
	   if( mud->ipaddress )
		I3STRFREE( mud->ipaddress );
	   mud->ipaddress = I3STRALLOC( ps );
	   ps = next_ps;

	   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
	   mud->player_port = atoi( ps );
	   ps = next_ps;

	   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
	   mud->imud_tcp_port = atoi( ps );
	   ps = next_ps;

	   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
	   mud->imud_udp_port = atoi( ps );
	   ps = next_ps;

	   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
	   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
	   if( mud->mudlib )
		I3STRFREE( mud->mudlib );
	   mud->mudlib = I3STRALLOC( ps );
	   ps = next_ps;

	   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
	   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
	   if( mud->base_mudlib )
		I3STRFREE( mud->base_mudlib );
	   mud->base_mudlib = I3STRALLOC( ps );
	   ps = next_ps;

	   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
	   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
	   if( mud->driver )
		I3STRFREE( mud->driver );
	   mud->driver = I3STRALLOC( ps );
	   ps = next_ps;

	   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
	   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
	   if( mud->mud_type )
		I3STRFREE( mud->mud_type );
	   mud->mud_type = I3STRALLOC( ps );
	   ps = next_ps;

	   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
	   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
	   if( mud->open_status )
		I3STRFREE( mud->open_status );
	   mud->open_status = I3STRALLOC( ps );
	   ps = next_ps;

	   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
	   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
	   if( mud->admin_email )
		I3STRFREE( mud->admin_email );
	   mud->admin_email = I3STRALLOC( ps );
	   ps = next_ps;

	   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );

	   ps += 2;
	   while( 1 ) 
		char *next_ps3;
		char key[MIL];

		if( ps[0] == ']' )

		I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps3 );
		I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
		strcpy( key, ps );
		ps = next_ps3;
		I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps3 );

		switch( key[0] ) 
		case 'a': 
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "auth" ) )
			mud->auth = ps[0] == '0' ? 0 : 1;
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "amrcp" ) )
			mud->amrcp = atoi( ps );
		case 'b':
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "beep" ) )
			mud->beep = ps[0] == '0' ? 0 : 1;
		case 'c': 
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "channel" ) )
			mud->channel = ps[0] == '0' ? 0 : 1;
		case 'e': 
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "emoteto" ) )
			mud->emoteto = ps[0] == '0' ? 0 : 1;
		case 'f': 
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "file" ) )
			mud->file = ps[0] == '0' ? 0 : 1;
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "finger" ) )
			mud->finger = ps[0] == '0' ? 0 : 1;
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "ftp" ) ) 
			mud->ftp = atoi( ps );
		case 'h': 
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "http" ) )
			mud->http = atoi( ps );
		case 'l': 
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "locate" ) )
			mud->locate = ps[0] == '0' ? 0 : 1;
		case 'm':
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "mail" ) )
			mud->mail = ps[0] == '0' ? 0 : 1;
		case 'n': 
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "news" ) )
			mud->news = ps[0] == '0' ? 0 : 1; 
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "nntp" ) )
			mud->nntp = atoi( ps );
		case 'p': 
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "pop3" ) )
			mud->pop3 = atoi( ps );
		case 'r': 
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "rcp" ) )
			mud->rcp = atoi( ps );
		case 's': 
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "smtp" ) )
			mud->smtp = atoi( ps );
		case 't': 
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "tell" ) )
			mud->tell = ps[0] == '0' ? 0 : 1;
		case 'u': 
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "ucache" ) )
			mud->ucache = ps[0] == '0' ? 0 : 1;
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "url" ) )
			I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
			if( mud->web )
			   I3STRFREE( mud->web );
			mud->web = I3STRALLOC( ps );
		case 'w':
		    if( !str_cmp( key, "who" ) )
			mud->who = ps[0] == '0' ? 0 : 1;

		ps = next_ps3;
		if( ps[0] == ']' )
	   ps = next_ps;

	   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
	   ps = next_ps;

	ps = next_ps2;
	if( ps[0] == ']' )
   return 0;

int I3_process_chanlist_reply( char *s ) 
   char *ps = s, *next_ps;
   I3_CHANNEL *channel;
   I3_HEADER header;

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   this_mud->chanlist_id = atoi( ps );
   I3_save_id( );

   ps = next_ps;
   ps += 2;

   while( 1 ) 
	char *next_ps2;

	I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
	I3_remove_quotes( &ps );

	if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_name( ps ) ) == NULL ) 
	   channel = new_I3_channel();
	   channel->I3_name = I3STRALLOC( ps );

	ps = next_ps;
	I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps2 );
	if( ps[0] != '0' ) 
	   ps += 2;
	   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
	   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
	   channel->host_mud = I3STRALLOC( ps );
	   ps = next_ps;
	   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
	   channel->status = atoi( ps );
	ps = next_ps2;
	if( ps[0] == ']' )
   return 0;

int I3_send_channel_message( I3_CHANNEL *channel, char *name, char *message ) 
    if( !I3_is_connected() )
	return 0;

    I3_write_header( "channel-m", I3_THISMUD, name, NULL, NULL );
    I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
    I3_write_buffer( channel->I3_name );
    I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
    I3_write_buffer( name );
    I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
    send_to_i3( I3_escape( message ) );
    I3_write_buffer( "\",})\r" );

    I3_send_packet( );

    return 0;

int I3_send_channel_emote( I3_CHANNEL *channel, char *name, char *message ) 
   char buf[MSL];

   if( !I3_is_connected() )
	return 0;

   if( strstr( message, "$N" ) == NULL )
	sprintf( buf, "$N %s", message );
	strcpy( buf, message );

   I3_write_header( "channel-e", I3_THISMUD, name, NULL, NULL );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( channel->I3_name );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( name );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   send_to_i3( I3_escape( buf ) );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",})\r" );

   I3_send_packet( );

   return 0;

int I3_send_channel_t( I3_CHANNEL *channel, char *name, char *tmud, char *tuser, char *msg_o, char *msg_t, char *tvis )
   if( !I3_is_connected() )
	return 0;

   I3_write_header( "channel-t", I3_THISMUD, name, NULL, NULL );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( channel->I3_name );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( tmud );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( tuser );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   send_to_i3( I3_escape( msg_o ) );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   send_to_i3( I3_escape( msg_t ) );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( name );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( tvis );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",})\r" );

   I3_send_packet( );

   return 0;

int I3_token( char type, char *string, char *oname, char *tname )
   char code[51];
   char *p = '\0';

   switch( type )
         code[0] = type;
	   code[1] = '\0';
         return 1;
	case '$':
	   strcpy( code, "$" );
      case ' ':
         strcpy( code, " " );
      case 'N': /* Originator's name */
         strncpy( code, oname, 49 );
	   code[50] = '\0';
      case 'O': /* Target's name */
         strncpy( code, tname, 49 );
	   code[50] = '\0';

   p = code;
   while( *p != '\0' )
      *string = *p++;
      *++string = '\0';
   return( strlen( code ) );

void I3_message_convert( char *buffer, const char *txt, char *oname, char *tname )
    const char *point;
    int skip = 0;

    for( point = txt ; *point ; point++ )
        if( *point == '$' )
            if( *point == '\0' )
              skip = I3_token( *point, buffer, oname, tname );
            while( skip-- > 0 )
        *buffer = *point;
        *++buffer = '\0';
    *buffer = '\0';

char *I3_convert_channel_message( const char *message, char *sname, char *tname )
   static char msgbuf[MSL];

   /* Sanity checks - if any of these are NULL, bad things will happen - Samson 6-29-01 */
   if( !message )
	i3bug( "%s", "I3_convert_channel_message: NULL message!" );
	return "ERROR";

   if( !sname )
	i3bug( "%s", "I3_convert_channel_message: NULL sname!" );
	return "ERROR";

   if( !tname )
	i3bug( "%s", "I3_convert_channel_message: NULL tname!" );
	return "ERROR";

   I3_message_convert( msgbuf, message, sname, tname );
   return msgbuf;

void update_chanhistory( I3_CHANNEL *channel, char *message )
   char msg[MSL], buf[MSL];
   struct tm *local;
   time_t t;
   int x;

   if( !channel )
	i3bug( "%s", "update_chanhistory: NULL channel received!" );

   if( !message || message[0] == '\0' )
	i3bug( "%s", "update_chanhistory: NULL message received!" );

   strcpy( msg, message );
   for( x = 0; x < MAX_I3HISTORY; x++ )
      if( channel->history[x] == NULL )
         t = time( NULL );
         local = localtime( &t );
         sprintf( buf, "&R[%-2.2d/%-2.2d %-2.2d:%-2.2d] &G%s\n\r",
		local->tm_mon+1, local->tm_mday, local->tm_hour, local->tm_min, msg );
         channel->history[x] = I3STRALLOC( buf );

	   if( IS_SET( channel->flags, I3CHAN_LOG ) )
      	FILE *fp;
      	sprintf( log_buf, "../i3/%s.log", channel->local_name );
      	if ( ( fp = fopen( log_buf, "a" ) ) == NULL )
	   	   perror( log_buf );
	   	   i3bug( "Could not open file %s!", log_buf );
	   	   fprintf( fp, "%s\n", channel->history[x] );
	   	   FCLOSE( fp );

      if( x == MAX_I3HISTORY - 1 )
         int y;

         for( y = 1; y < MAX_I3HISTORY; y++ )
            int z = y-1;

            if( channel->history[z] != NULL )
               I3STRFREE( channel->history[z] );
               channel->history[z] = I3STRALLOC( channel->history[y] );

         t = time( NULL );
         local = localtime( &t );
         sprintf( buf, "&R[%-2.2d/%-2.2d %-2.2d:%-2.2d] &G%s\n\r",
		local->tm_mon+1, local->tm_mday, local->tm_hour, local->tm_min, msg );
	   I3STRFREE( channel->history[x] );
         channel->history[x] = I3STRALLOC( buf );

	   if( IS_SET( channel->flags, I3CHAN_LOG ) )
      	FILE *fp;
      	sprintf( log_buf, "../i3/%s.log", channel->local_name );
      	if ( ( fp = fopen( log_buf, "a" ) ) == NULL )
	   	   perror( log_buf );
	   	   i3bug( "Could not open file %s!", log_buf );
	   	   fprintf( fp, "%s\n", channel->history[x] );
	   	   FCLOSE( fp );

int I3_process_channel_t( char *s )
   char *ps = s, *next_ps;
   I3_HEADER header;
   CHAR_DATA *vch = NULL;
   char targetmud[MIL], targetuser[MIL], message_o[MSL], message_t[MSL], buf[MSL];
   char visname_o[MIL], visname_t[MIL], sname[MIL], tname[MIL], lname[MIL], tmsg[MSL], omsg[MSL];
   I3_CHANNEL *channel = NULL;

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );

   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );

   if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_name( ps ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3log( "I3_process_channel_t: received unknown channel (%s)", ps );
	return 0;

   if( !channel->local_name )
	return 0;

   ps = next_ps;
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( targetmud, ps );

   ps = next_ps;
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( targetuser, ps );

   ps = next_ps;
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( message_o, ps );

   ps = next_ps;
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( message_t, ps );

   ps = next_ps;
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( visname_o, ps );

   ps = next_ps;
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( visname_t, ps );

   sprintf( sname, "%s@%s", visname_o, header.originator_mudname );
   sprintf( tname, "%s@%s", visname_t, targetmud );

   strcpy( log_buf, sname );
   if( i3blocked( log_buf ) )
	return 0;

   sprintf( omsg, "%s", I3_convert_channel_message( message_o, sname, tname ) );
   sprintf( tmsg, "%s", I3_convert_channel_message( message_t, sname, tname ) );

   for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next ) 
	if( !d->character )

	vch = d->original ? d->original : d->character;

	if( !I3_hasname( I3LISTEN(vch), channel->local_name ) || I3_hasname( I3DENY(vch), channel->local_name ) )

	sprintf( lname, "%s@%s", CH_NAME(vch), I3_THISMUD );
	if( d->connected == CON_PLAYING && !i3ignoring( vch, sname ) )
	   if( !str_cmp( lname, tname ) )
            sprintf( buf, channel->layout_e, channel->local_name, tmsg );
		i3_printf( vch, "%s\n\r", buf );
            sprintf( buf, channel->layout_e, channel->local_name, omsg );
		i3_printf( vch, "%s\n\r", buf );
   update_chanhistory( channel, omsg );
   return 0;

int I3_process_channel_m( char *s ) 
   char *ps = s, *next_ps;
   I3_HEADER header;
   CHAR_DATA *vch = NULL;
   char visname[MSL], message[MSL], buf[MSL];
   I3_CHANNEL *channel;

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );

   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );

   if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_name( ps ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3log( "channel_m: received unknown channel (%s)", ps );
	return 0;

   if( !channel->local_name )
	return 0;

   ps = next_ps;
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( visname, ps );

   ps = next_ps;
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( message, ps );

   sprintf( buf, "%s@%s", visname, header.originator_mudname );
   if( i3blocked( buf ) )
	return 0;

   sprintf( buf, channel->layout_m, channel->local_name, visname, header.originator_mudname, message );
   for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
	if( !d->character )

      vch = d->original ? d->original : d->character;

	if( !I3_hasname( I3LISTEN(vch), channel->local_name ) || I3_hasname( I3DENY(vch), channel->local_name ) )

	if( d->connected == CON_PLAYING && !i3ignoring( vch, visname ) )
	   i3_printf( vch, "%s\n\r", buf );
   update_chanhistory( channel, buf );
   return 0;

int I3_process_channel_e( char *s ) 
   char *ps = s, *next_ps;
   I3_HEADER header;
   CHAR_DATA *vch = NULL;
   char visname[MSL], message[MSL], msg[MSL], buf[MSL];
   I3_CHANNEL *channel;

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );

   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );

   if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_name( ps ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3log( "channel_e: received unknown channel (%s)", ps );
	return 0;

   if( !channel->local_name )
	return 0;

   ps = next_ps;
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );

   sprintf( visname, "%s@%s", ps, header.originator_mudname );

   ps = next_ps;
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( message, ps );
   strcpy( log_buf, visname );
   if( i3blocked( log_buf ) )
	return 0;

   sprintf( msg, "%s", I3_convert_channel_message( message, visname, visname ) );
   sprintf( buf, channel->layout_e, channel->local_name, msg );

   for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
	if( !d->character )

      vch = d->original ? d->original : d->character;

	if( !I3_hasname( I3LISTEN(vch), channel->local_name ) || I3_hasname( I3DENY(vch), channel->local_name ) )

	if( d->connected == CON_PLAYING && !i3ignoring( vch, visname ) )
	   i3_printf( vch, "%s\n\r", buf );
   update_chanhistory( channel, buf );
   return 0;

int I3_process_chan_who_req( char *s )
   I3_HEADER header;
   char *ps = s, *next_ps;
   char buf[MSL], ibuf[MSL];
   I3_CHANNEL *channel;

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );

   sprintf( ibuf, "%s@%s", header.originator_username, header.originator_mudname );
   if( i3blocked( ibuf ) )
	return 0;

   if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_name( ps ) ) == NULL )
	sprintf( buf, "The channel you specified (%s) is unknown at %s", ps, I3_THISMUD );
	I3_escape( buf );
	I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-channel", buf );
	i3log( "chan_who_req: received unknown channel (%s)", ps );
	return 0;
   if( !channel->local_name ) 
	sprintf( buf, "The channel you specified (%s) is not registered at %s", ps, I3_THISMUD );
	I3_escape( buf );
	I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-channel", buf );
	return 0;

   I3_write_header( "chan-who-reply", I3_THISMUD, NULL, header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( channel->I3_name );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",({" );

   for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
	if( !d->character )

      if( I3ISINVIS(d->character) )

	if( I3_hasname( I3LISTEN(d->character), channel->local_name ) && !i3ignoring( d->character, ibuf )
	 && !I3_hasname( I3DENY(d->character), channel->local_name ) )
	   I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
	   I3_write_buffer( CH_NAME(d->character) );
	   I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
   I3_write_buffer( "}),})\r" );
   I3_send_packet( );
   return 0;

int I3_process_chan_who_reply( char *s ) 
    char *ps = s, *next_ps;
    I3_HEADER header;
    CHAR_DATA *ch;

    I3_get_header( &ps, &header );
    if( ( ch = I3_find_user( header.target_username ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3bug( "I3_process_chan_who_reply(): user %s not found.", header.target_username );
	return 0;

    I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
    I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
    i3_printf( ch, "I3 reply from %s for %s\n\r", header.originator_mudname, ps );

    ps = next_ps;
    I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
    ps += 2;
    while( 1 ) 
	if( ps[0] == '}' ) 
	    i3_to_char( "No information returned or no people listening.\n\r", ch );
	    return 0;

	I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
	I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
	i3_printf( ch, "- %s\n\r", ps );

	ps = next_ps;
	if( ps[0]== '}' )

    return 0;

int I3_send_chan_who( CHAR_DATA *ch, I3_CHANNEL *channel, I3_MUD *mud ) 
    if( !I3_is_connected() )
	return 0;

    I3_write_header( "chan-who-req", I3_THISMUD, CH_NAME(ch), mud->name, NULL );
    I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
    I3_write_buffer( channel->I3_name );
    I3_write_buffer( "\",})\r" );

    I3_send_packet( );

    return 0;

int I3_send_beep( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *to, I3_MUD *mud )
    if( !I3_is_connected() )
	return 0;

    I3_escape( to );
    I3_write_header( "beep", I3_THISMUD, CH_NAME(ch), mud->name, to );
    I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
    I3_write_buffer( CH_NAME(ch) );
    I3_write_buffer( "\",})\r" );

    I3_send_packet( );

    return 0;

int I3_process_beep( char *s ) 
   char buf[MSL];
   char *ps = s, *next_ps;
   CHAR_DATA *ch;
   I3_HEADER header;

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );
   sprintf( buf, "%s@%s", header.originator_username, header.originator_mudname );
   if( i3blocked( buf ) )
	return 0;

   if( ( ch = I3_find_user( header.target_username ) ) == NULL ) 
	if( !i3exists_player( header.target_username ) )
	   I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "No such player." );
	   I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "That player is offline." 
	return 0;

   if( I3PERM(ch) < I3PERM_MORT )
	I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "No such player." );
	return 0;

   if( I3ISINVIS(ch) )
      I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "That player is offline." );
	return 0;

   if( i3ignoring( ch, buf ) )
      I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "That player is offline." );
	return 0;

   if( I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(ch), I3_BEEP ) )
	sprintf( buf, "%s is not accepting beeps.", CH_NAME(ch) );
	I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", buf );
	return 0;

   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );

   i3_printf( ch, "&Y\a%s@%s beeps you.\n\r", ps, header.originator_mudname );
   return 0;

void I3_beep( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char *ps;
   char mud[MIL];
   I3_MUD *pmud;

   if( I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(ch), I3_DENYBEEP ) )
	i3_to_char( "You are not allowed to use i3beeps.\n\r", ch );

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3beep user@mud\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3beep [on]/[off]\n\r", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( argument, "on" ) )
	i3_to_char( "You now send and receive i3beeps.\n\r", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( argument, "off" ) )
	I3SET_BIT( I3FLAG(ch), I3_BEEP );
	i3_to_char( "You no longer send and receive i3beeps.\n\r", ch );

   if( I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(ch), I3_BEEP ) )
	i3_to_char( "Your i3beeps are turned off.\n\r", ch );

   if( I3ISINVIS(ch) )
	i3_to_char( "You are invisible.\n\r", ch );

   ps = strchr( argument, '@' );

   if( argument[0] == '\0' || ps == NULL ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YYou should specify a person and a mud.\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch);

   ps[0] = 0;
   strcpy( mud, ps );

   if( ( pmud = find_I3_mud_by_name( mud ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YNo such mud known.\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( I3_THISMUD, pmud->name ) )
	i3_to_char( "Use your mud's own internal system for that.\n\r", ch );

   if( pmud->status >= 0 ) 
	i3_printf( ch, "%s is marked as down.\n\r", pmud->name );

   if( pmud->beep == 0 )
	i3_printf( ch, "%s does not support the 'beep' command. Sending anyway.\n\r", pmud->name );

   I3_send_beep( ch, argument, pmud );
   i3_printf( ch, "&YYou beep %s@%s.\n\r", i3capitalize( argument ), pmud->name );

int I3_send_tell( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *to, I3_MUD *mud, char *message )
   if( !I3_is_connected() )
	return 0;

   I3_escape( to );
   I3_write_header( "tell", I3_THISMUD, CH_NAME(ch), mud->name, to );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( CH_NAME(ch) );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   send_to_i3( message );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",})\r" );

   I3_send_packet( );

   return 0;

int I3_process_tell( char *s ) 
   char buf[MSL];
   char *ps = s, *next_ps;
   CHAR_DATA *ch;
   I3_HEADER header;

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );
   sprintf( buf, "%s@%s", header.originator_username, header.originator_mudname );
   if( i3blocked( buf ) )
	return 0;

   if( ( ch = I3_find_user( header.target_username ) ) == NULL ) 
	if( !i3exists_player( header.target_username ) )
	   I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "No such player." );
	   I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "That player is offline." 
	return 0;

   if( I3PERM(ch) < I3PERM_MORT )
	I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "No such player." );
	return 0;

   if( I3ISINVIS(ch) )
      I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "That player is offline." );
	return 0;

   if( i3ignoring( ch, buf ) )
      I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "That player is offline." );
	return 0;

   if( I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(ch), I3_TELL ) )
	sprintf( buf, "%s is not accepting tells.", CH_NAME(ch) );
	I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", buf );
	return 0;

   if( CH_AFK(ch) )
	sprintf( buf, "%s is currently AFK. Try back later.", CH_NAME(ch) );
	I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", buf );
	return 0;

   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   i3_printf( ch, "&Y%s@%s tells you: ", ps, header.originator_mudname );

   sprintf( buf, "'%s@%s'", ps, header.originator_mudname );
   if( I3REPLY(ch) )
      I3STRFREE( I3REPLY(ch) );
   I3REPLY(ch) = I3STRALLOC( buf );

   ps = next_ps;
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   i3_printf( ch, "&c%s\n\r", ps );
   return 0;

void I3_tell( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char to[MIL], *ps;
   char mud[MIL];
   I3_MUD *pmud;

   if( I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(ch), I3_DENYTELL ) )
	i3_to_char( "You are not allowed to use i3tells.\n\r", ch );

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3tell <user@mud> <message>\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3tell [on]/[off]\n\r", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( argument, "on" ) )
	i3_to_char( "You now send and receive i3tells.\n\r", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( argument, "off" ) )
	I3SET_BIT( I3FLAG(ch), I3_TELL );
	i3_to_char( "You no longer send and receive i3tells.\n\r", ch );

   if( I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(ch), I3_TELL ) )
	i3_to_char( "Your i3tells are turned off.\n\r", ch );

   if( I3ISINVIS(ch) )
	i3_to_char( "You are invisible.\n\r", ch );

   argument = i3one_argument( argument, to );
   ps = strchr( to, '@' );

   if( to[0] == '\0' || argument[0] == '\0' || ps == NULL ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YYou should specify a person and a mud.\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch);

   ps[0] = '\0';
   strcpy( mud, ps );

   if( ( pmud = find_I3_mud_by_name( mud ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YNo such mud known.\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( I3_THISMUD, pmud->name ) )
	i3_to_char( "Use your mud's own internal system for that.\n\r", ch );

   if( pmud->status >= 0 ) 
	i3_printf( ch, "%s is marked as down.\n\r", pmud->name );

   if( pmud->tell == 0 )
	i3_printf( ch, "%s does not support the 'tell' command. Sending anyway.\n\r", pmud->name );

   I3_send_tell( ch, to, pmud, argument );
   i3_printf( ch, "&YYou tell %s@%s: &c%s\n\r", i3capitalize( to ), pmud->name, argument );

void I3_reply( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char buf[MSL];

   if( I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(ch), I3_DENYTELL ) )
	i3_to_char( "You are not allowed to use i3tells.\n\r", ch );

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3reply <message>\n\r", ch );

   if( I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(ch), I3_TELL ) )
	i3_to_char( "Your i3tells are turned off.\n\r", ch );

   if( I3ISINVIS(ch) )
	i3_to_char( "You are invisible.\n\r", ch );

   if( !I3REPLY(ch) )
	i3_to_char( "You have not yet received an i3tell?!?\n\r", ch );

   sprintf( buf, "%s %s", I3REPLY(ch), argument );
   I3_tell( ch, buf );

int I3_send_who( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *mud ) 
    if( !I3_is_connected() )
	return 0;

    I3_escape( mud );
    I3_write_header( "who-req", I3_THISMUD, CH_NAME(ch), mud, NULL );
    I3_write_buffer( "})\r" );

    I3_send_packet( );

    return 0;

/* This is where the incoming results of a who-reply packet are processed.
 * Note that rather than just spit the names out, I've copied the packet fields into
 * buffers to be output later. Also note that if it receives an idle value of 9999
 * the normal 30 space output will be bypassed. This is so that muds who want to
 * customize the listing headers in their who-reply packets can do so and the results
 * won't get chopped off after the 30th character. If for some reason a person on
 * the target mud just happens to have been idling for 9999 cycles, their data may
 * be displayed strangely compared to the rest. But I don't expect that 9999 is a very
 * common length of time to be idle either :P
 * Receving an idle value of 19998 may also cause odd results since this is used
 * to indicate receipt of the last line of a who, which is typically the number of
 * visible players found.
int I3_process_who_reply( char *s ) 
    char *ps =s, *next_ps, *next_ps2; 
    CHAR_DATA *ch;
    I3_HEADER header;
    char person[MSL], title[MIL];
    int idle;

    I3_get_header( &ps, &header );

    if( ( ch = I3_find_user( header.target_username ) ) == NULL ) 
	return 0;


    while( 1 ) 
	if( ps[0] == '}' ) 
	    i3_to_char( "No information returned.\n\r", ch );
	    return 0;

	I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );

	ps += 2;
	I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps2 );
	I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
	sprintf( person, "%s", ps );
	ps = next_ps2;
	I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps2 );
	idle = atoi( ps );
	ps = next_ps2;
	I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps2 );
	I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
	sprintf( title, "%s", ps );
	ps = next_ps2;

      if( idle == 9999 )
         i3_printf( ch, "%s %s\n\r\n\r", person, title );
	else if( idle == 19998 )
	   i3_printf( ch, "\n\r%s %s\n\r", person, title );
      else if( idle == 29997 )
	   i3_printf( ch, "\n\r%s %s\n\r\n\r", person, title );
	   i3_printf( ch, "%s %s\n\r", person, title );

	ps = next_ps;
	if( ps[0] == '}' )

    return 0;

 * Found it much easier to simply route the input through I3_strlen_color. -Orion
int i3const_color_str_len( const char *argument )
    return I3_strlen_color( (char *) argument );

 * Pretty much the same as above, except it returns the size of a field, up to the
 * maxlength, including any color codes that fit within that character limit. -Orion
int i3const_color_strnlen( const char *argument, int maxlength )
    int total = 0, color = 0, diff = 0;

    total = I3_strnlen_color( (char *) argument, maxlength, TRUE );
    color = I3_strnlen_color( (char *) argument, maxlength, FALSE );
    diff  = total - color;

    if ( color < maxlength )
	return ((total-color) + maxlength);

    return total;

 * Align a field in a certain manner, by size. -Orion
const char *i3const_color_align( const char *argument, int size, int align )
    int space = (size - i3const_color_str_len( argument ));
    static char buf[MSL];

    if ( align == ALIGN_RIGHT || i3const_color_str_len( argument ) >= size )
	sprintf( buf, "%*.*s", i3const_color_strnlen( argument, size ), i3const_color_strnlen( argument, size ), 
argument );
    else if ( align == ALIGN_CENTER )
	sprintf( buf, "%*s%s%*s", ( space/2 ), "", argument, ((space/2) * 2) == space ? (space/2) : ((space/2) + 1), "" 
	sprintf( buf, "%s%*s", argument, space, "" );

    return buf;

/* You can customize the output of this - to a point. Because of how the I3 packets are formatted
 * you need to send even the listing header as a person+info packet. It should be fairly obvious
 * how to change this around if you really want to. Use the bogusidle variable for the idle time
 * on a divider, like what I've done here for headerbuf. If you wish to subvert this with your
 * own custom who list, add a #define I3CUSTOMWHO to one of your H files, and make your own
 * I3_process_who_req function somewhere else in your code.
int I3_process_who_req( char *s ) 
   char *ps = s;
   I3_HEADER header;
   CHAR_DATA *person;
   char ibuf[MSL], personbuf[MSL], headerbuf[MSL], tailbuf[MSL], smallbuf[MSL], rank[MSL];
   char buf[300], outbuf[400], stats[20];
   int pcount = 0, amount, xx, yy;
   long int bogusidle = 9999;
   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );

   sprintf( ibuf, "%s@%s", header.originator_username, header.originator_mudname );
   if( i3blocked( ibuf ) )
	return 0;

   I3_write_header( "who-reply", I3_THISMUD, NULL, header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username );
   I3_write_buffer( "({" );

   I3_write_buffer( "({\"" );
      outbuf[0] = '\0';

      sprintf( buf, "&R-=[ &WPlayers on %s &R]=-", I3_THISMUD );           
      amount = 78 - I3_strlen_color( buf ); /* Determine amount to put in front of line */

      if( amount < 1 )
         amount = 1;

      amount = amount / 2;

      for( xx = 0 ; xx < amount ; xx++ )
         strcat( outbuf, " " );

      strcat( outbuf, buf );
      send_to_i3( I3_escape( outbuf ) );

   I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
   sprintf( smallbuf, "%ld", -1l );
   I3_write_buffer( smallbuf );

   I3_write_buffer( ",\"" );
   send_to_i3( "&x-" );

   I3_write_buffer( "\",}),({\"" );
      outbuf[0] = '\0';

      sprintf( buf, "&Y-=[ &Wtelnet://%s:%d &Y]=-", this_mud->telnet, this_mud->player_port );           
      amount = 78 - I3_strlen_color( buf ); /* Determine amount to put in front of line */

      if( amount < 1 )
         amount = 1;

      amount = amount / 2;

      for( xx = 0 ; xx < amount ; xx++ )
         strcat( outbuf, " " );

      strcat( outbuf, buf );
      send_to_i3( I3_escape( outbuf ) );

   I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
   sprintf( smallbuf, "%ld", bogusidle );
   I3_write_buffer( smallbuf );

   I3_write_buffer( ",\"" );
   send_to_i3( "&x-" );

   I3_write_buffer( "\",})," );

   xx = 0;
   for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
	if( d->character && d->connected == CON_PLAYING )
	   if( I3PERM(d->character) >= I3PERM_IMM )

         if( I3PERM(d->character) < I3PERM_MORT )

	   if( I3ISINVIS(d->character) )

    	   sprintf( ibuf, "%s@%s", header.originator_username, header.originator_mudname );
    	   if( i3ignoring( d->character, ibuf ) )


   if( xx > 0 )
      I3_write_buffer( "({\"" );
      strcpy( headerbuf, "&B--------------------------------=[ &WPlayers &B]=---------------------------------" );
      send_to_i3( I3_escape( headerbuf ) );
      I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
      sprintf( smallbuf, "%ld", bogusidle );
      I3_write_buffer( smallbuf );
      I3_write_buffer( ",\"" );
      send_to_i3( "&x-" );
      I3_write_buffer( "\",})," );

      /* This section is displaying only players - not imms */
      for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next ) 
	   if( d->character && d->connected == CON_PLAYING ) 
	      if( I3PERM(d->character) >= I3PERM_IMM )

            if( I3PERM(d->character) < I3PERM_MORT )

	      if( I3ISINVIS(d->character) )

    	      sprintf( ibuf, "%s@%s", header.originator_username, header.originator_mudname );
    	      if( i3ignoring( d->character, ibuf ) )

            person = d->character;

	      I3_write_buffer( "({\"" );

	      sprintf( rank, "%s", rankbuffer( person ) );
		sprintf( outbuf, "%s", i3const_color_align( rank, 20, ALIGN_CENTER ) );
            send_to_i3( I3_escape( outbuf ) );

	      I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
	      sprintf( smallbuf, "%ld", -1l );
	      I3_write_buffer( smallbuf );
	      I3_write_buffer( ",\"" );
            strcpy( stats, "&z[" );
            if( CH_AFK(person) )
               strcat( stats, "AFK" );
               strcat( stats, "---" );
            strcat( stats, "]&G" );

	      sprintf( personbuf, "%s %s%s", stats, CH_NAME(person), CH_TITLE(person) );
	      send_to_i3( I3_escape( personbuf ) );
    	      I3_write_buffer( "\",})," );

   yy = 0;
   for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
	if( d->character && d->connected == CON_PLAYING )
	   if( I3PERM(d->character) < I3PERM_IMM )

	   if( I3ISINVIS(d->character) )

    	   sprintf( ibuf, "%s@%s", header.originator_username, header.originator_mudname );
    	   if( i3ignoring( d->character, ibuf ) )


   if( yy > 0 )
      I3_write_buffer( "({\"" );
      strcpy( headerbuf, "&R-------------------------------=[ &WImmortals &R]=--------------------------------" );
      send_to_i3( I3_escape( headerbuf ) );
      I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
	if( xx > 0 )
	   sprintf( smallbuf, "%ld", bogusidle * 3 );
         sprintf( smallbuf, "%ld", bogusidle );
      I3_write_buffer( smallbuf );
      I3_write_buffer( ",\"" );
      send_to_i3( "&x-" );
      I3_write_buffer( "\",})," );

      /* This section is displaying only immortals, not players */
      for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next ) 
	   if( d->character && d->connected == CON_PLAYING ) 
	      if( I3PERM(d->character) < I3PERM_IMM )

	      if( I3ISINVIS(d->character) )

    	      sprintf( ibuf, "%s@%s", header.originator_username, header.originator_mudname );
    	      if( i3ignoring( d->character, ibuf ) )

            person = d->character;

	      I3_write_buffer( "({\"" );

	      sprintf( rank, "%s", rankbuffer( person ) );
		sprintf( outbuf, "%s", i3const_color_align( rank, 20, ALIGN_CENTER ) );
            send_to_i3( I3_escape( outbuf ) );

	      I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
	      sprintf( smallbuf, "%ld", -1l );
	      I3_write_buffer( smallbuf );
	      I3_write_buffer( ",\"" );
            strcpy( stats, "&z[" );
            if( CH_AFK(person) )
               strcat( stats, "AFK" );
               strcat( stats, "---" );
            strcat( stats, "]&G" );

	      sprintf( personbuf, "%s %s%s", stats, CH_NAME(person), CH_TITLE(person) );
	      send_to_i3( I3_escape( personbuf ) );
    	      I3_write_buffer( "\",})," );

   I3_write_buffer( "({\"" );
   sprintf( tailbuf, "&Y[&W%d Player%s&Y]", pcount, pcount == 1 ? "" : "s" );
   send_to_i3( I3_escape( tailbuf ) );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
   sprintf( smallbuf, "%ld", bogusidle * 2 );
   I3_write_buffer( smallbuf );
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"" );
   sprintf( tailbuf, "&Y[&WHomepage: %s&Y] [&W%3d Max Since Reboot&Y]", this_mud->web, I3MAXPLAYERS );
   send_to_i3( I3_escape( tailbuf ) );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",}),}),})\r" );

   I3_send_packet( );

   return 0;

int I3_send_emoteto( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *to, I3_MUD *mud, char *message ) 
   char buf[MSL];

   if( !I3_is_connected() )
	return 0;

   if( strstr( message, "$N" ) == NULL )
	sprintf( buf, "$N %s", message );
	strcpy( buf, message );

   I3_escape( to );
   I3_write_header( "emoteto", I3_THISMUD, CH_NAME(ch), mud->name, to );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( CH_NAME(ch) );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   send_to_i3( buf );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",})\r" );

   I3_send_packet( );

   return 0;

int I3_process_emoteto( char *s ) 
   CHAR_DATA *ch;
   I3_HEADER header;
   char *ps = s, *next_ps;
   char visname[MIL];
   char message[MSL], msg[MSL], buf[MSL];

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );

   sprintf( buf, "%s@%s", header.originator_username, header.originator_mudname );
   if( i3blocked( buf ) )
	return 0;

   if( ( ch = I3_find_user( header.target_username ) ) == NULL ) 
	if( !i3exists_player( header.target_username ) )
	   I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "No such player." );
	   I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "That player is offline." 
	return 0;

   if( I3PERM(ch) < I3PERM_MORT )
	I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "No such player." );
	return 0;

   if( I3ISINVIS(ch) || i3ignoring( ch, buf ) )
      I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "That player is offline." );
	return 0;

   if( !ch->desc )
      I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "That player is offline." );
	return 0;

   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   sprintf( visname, "%s@%s", ps, header.originator_mudname );

   ps = next_ps;  
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( message, ps );

   if( strstr( message, "$N" ) == NULL )
	strcat( message, " (from $N)" );

   sprintf( msg, "&c%s\n\r", I3_convert_channel_message( message, visname, visname ) );
   i3_to_char( msg, ch );
   return 0;

int I3_send_finger( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *user, char *mud ) 
    if( !I3_is_connected() )
	return 0;

    I3_escape( mud );
    I3_escape( user );

    I3_write_header( "finger-req", I3_THISMUD, CH_NAME(ch), mud, NULL );
    I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
    I3_write_buffer( user );
    I3_write_buffer( "\",})\r" );

    I3_send_packet( );

    return 0;

/* The output of this was slightly modified to resemble the Finger snippet */
int I3_process_finger_reply( char *s ) 
    I3_HEADER header;
    CHAR_DATA *ch;
    char *ps = s, *next_ps;
    char title[MSL], homepage[MSL], email[MSL], last[MSL], level[MSL];

    I3_get_header( &ps, &header );
    if( ( ch = I3_find_user( header.target_username ) ) == NULL ) 
	return 0;

    I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
    I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
    i3_printf( ch, "&wI3FINGER information for &G%s@%s\n\r", ps, header.originator_mudname );
    i3_to_char( "&w-------------------------------------------------\n\r", ch );
    ps = next_ps;

    I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
    I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
    sprintf( title, "%s", ps );
    ps = next_ps;

    I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
    I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
    ps = next_ps;

    I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
    I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
    sprintf( email, "%s", ps );
    ps = next_ps;

    I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
    I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
    sprintf( last, "%s", ps );
    ps = next_ps;

    I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
    ps = next_ps;

    I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
    I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
    ps = next_ps;

    I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
    I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
    sprintf( level, "%s", ps );
    ps = next_ps;

    I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
    I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
    sprintf( homepage, "%s", ps );

    i3_printf( ch, "&wTitle: &G%s\n\r", title );
    i3_printf( ch, "&wLevel: &G%s\n\r", level );
    i3_printf( ch, "&wEmail: &G%s\n\r", email );
    i3_printf( ch, "&wHTTP : &G%s\n\r", homepage );
    i3_printf( ch, "&wLast on: &G%s\n\r", last );

    return 0;

int I3_process_finger_req( char *s ) 
   I3_HEADER header;
   CHAR_DATA *ch;
   char *ps = s, *next_ps;
   char smallbuf[MSL], buf[MSL];

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );

   sprintf( buf, "%s@%s", header.originator_username, header.originator_mudname );
   if( i3blocked( buf ) )
	return 0;

   if( ( ch = I3_find_user( ps ) ) == NULL ) 
	if( !i3exists_player( ps ) )
	   I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "No such player." );
	   I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "That player is offline." 
	return 0;

   if( I3PERM(ch) < I3PERM_MORT )
	I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "No such player." );
	return 0;

   if( I3ISINVIS(ch) || i3ignoring( ch, buf ) )
      I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", "That player is offline." );
	return 0;

   if( I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(ch), I3_DENYFINGER ) || I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(ch), I3_PRIVACY ) )
	sprintf( buf, "%s is not accepting fingers.", CH_NAME(ch) );
      I3_send_error( header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username, "unk-user", buf );
	return 0;

   i3_printf( ch, "%s@%s has requested your i3finger information.\n\r",
	header.originator_username, header.originator_mudname );

   I3_write_header( "finger-reply", I3_THISMUD, NULL, header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( I3_escape( CH_NAME(ch) ) );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( I3_escape( CH_NAME(ch) ) );
   send_to_i3( I3_escape( CH_TITLE(ch) ) );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"\",\"" );			/* real name */
   if( ch->pcdata->email )
	if( !IS_SET( ch->pcdata->flags, PCFLAG_PRIVACY ) )
	   I3_write_buffer( ch->pcdata->email );			/* email address */
	   I3_write_buffer( "[Private]" );
   I3_write_buffer( "Not supported" );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
#ifdef I3CIRCLE
   sprintf( smallbuf, "%d", -1 );
   strcpy( smallbuf, ctime( CH_LOGON(ch) ) ); /* online since */
   I3_write_buffer( smallbuf );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
   sprintf( smallbuf, "%ld", -1l );
   I3_write_buffer( smallbuf );			/* idle since */
   I3_write_buffer( ",\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( "[PRIVATE]" );			/* IP address */
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   sprintf( buf, "%s", rankbuffer( ch ) );
   send_to_i3( buf );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   if( ch->pcdata->homepage )
      I3_write_buffer( I3_escape( ch->pcdata->homepage ) );
	I3_write_buffer( "Not Provided" );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",})\r" );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"Not Suported\",})\r" );		/* No extra info */

   I3_send_packet( );

   return 0;

int I3_send_locate( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *user )
   if( !I3_is_connected() )
	return 0;

   I3_escape( user );
   I3_write_header( "locate-req", I3_THISMUD, CH_NAME(ch), NULL, NULL );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( user );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",})" );

   I3_send_packet( );

   return 0;

int I3_process_locate_reply( char *s ) 
   char mud_name[MSL], user_name[MSL], status[MSL];
   char *ps = s, *next_ps;
   CHAR_DATA *ch;
   I3_HEADER header;

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );

   if( ( ch = I3_find_user( header.target_username ) ) == NULL ) 
	return 0;

   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( mud_name, ps );
   ps = next_ps;

   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( user_name, ps );
   ps = next_ps;

   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   ps = next_ps;

   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );
   strcpy( status, ps );
   if( !str_cmp( status, "active" ) )
	strcpy( status, "Online." );

   if( !str_cmp( status, "exists, but not logged on" ) )
	strcpy( status, "Offline." );

   i3_printf( ch, "&RI3 Locate: &Y%s@%s: &c%s\n\r", user_name, mud_name, status );
   return 0;

int I3_process_locate_req( char *s ) 
   char *ps = s, *next_ps;
   I3_HEADER header;
   char smallbuf[MSL], buf[MSL];
   CHAR_DATA *ch;
   bool choffline = FALSE;

   I3_get_header( &ps, &header );
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );
   I3_remove_quotes( &ps );

   sprintf( buf, "%s@%s", header.originator_username, header.originator_mudname );
   if( i3blocked( buf ) )
	return 0;

   if( ( ch = I3_find_user( ps ) ) == NULL ) 
	if( i3exists_player( ps ) )
	   choffline = TRUE;
	   return 0;

   if( ch )
      if( I3PERM(ch) < I3PERM_MORT )
         return 0;

      if( I3ISINVIS(ch) )
         choffline = TRUE;

      sprintf( buf, "%s@%s", header.originator_username, header.originator_mudname );
      if( i3ignoring( ch, buf ) )
	   choffline = TRUE;

   I3_write_header( "locate-reply", I3_THISMUD, NULL, header.originator_mudname, header.originator_username );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( I3_THISMUD );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",\"" );
   if( !choffline )
      I3_write_buffer( CH_NAME(ch) );
	I3_write_buffer( i3capitalize(ps) );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
   sprintf( smallbuf, "%ld", -1l );
   I3_write_buffer( smallbuf );
   if( !choffline )
      I3_write_buffer( ",\"active\",})" );
	I3_write_buffer( ",\"exists, but not logged on\",})" );

   I3_send_packet( );

   return 0;

int I3_send_channel_listen( I3_CHANNEL *channel, bool lconnect ) 
    if( !I3_is_connected() )
	return 0;

    I3_write_header( "channel-listen", I3_THISMUD, NULL, I3_ROUTER_NAME, NULL );
    I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
    I3_write_buffer( channel->I3_name );
    I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
    if( lconnect )
	I3_write_buffer( "1,})\r" );
	I3_write_buffer( "0,})\r" );

    I3_send_packet( );

    return 0;

#if defined(KEY)
#undef KEY

#define KEY( literal, field, value )				\
				if ( !str_cmp( word, literal ) )	\
				{						\
				      field = value;			\
				      fMatch = TRUE;			\
				      break;				\

 * Read a string from file fp using I3STRALLOC [Taken from Smaug's fread_string]
char *i3fread_string( FILE *fp )
    char buf[MSL];
    char *plast;
    char c;
    int ln;

    plast = buf;
    buf[0] = '\0';
    ln = 0;

     * Skip blanks.
     * Read first char.
	if ( feof(fp) )
	    i3bug( "%s", "i3fread_string: EOF encountered on read." );
	    return I3STRALLOC( "" );
	c = getc( fp );
    while ( isspace(c) );

    if ( ( *plast++ = c ) == '~' )
	return I3STRALLOC( "" );

    for ( ;; )
	if ( ln >= (MSL - 1) )
	     i3bug( "%s", "i3fread_string: string too long" );
	     *plast = '\0';
	     return I3STRALLOC( buf );
	switch ( *plast = getc( fp ) )
	    plast++; ln++;

	case EOF:
	    i3bug( "%s", "i3fread_string: EOF" );
	    *plast = '\0';
	    return I3STRALLOC( buf );

	case '\n':
	    plast++;  ln++;
	    *plast++ = '\r';  ln++;

	case '\r':

	case '~':
	    *plast = '\0';
	    return I3STRALLOC( buf );

 * Read a number from a file. [Taken from Smaug's fread_number]
int i3fread_number( FILE *fp )
    int number;
    bool sign;
    char c;

        if ( feof(fp) )
          i3log( "%s", "i3fread_number: EOF encountered on read." );
          return 0;
	c = getc( fp );
    while ( isspace(c) );

    number = 0;

    sign   = FALSE;
    if ( c == '+' )
	c = getc( fp );
    else if ( c == '-' )
	sign = TRUE;
	c = getc( fp );

    if ( !isdigit(c) )
	i3log( "i3fread_number: bad format. (%c)", c );
	return 0;

    while ( isdigit(c) )
        if ( feof(fp) )
          i3log( "%s", "i3fread_number: EOF encountered on read." );
          return number;
	number = number * 10 + c - '0';
	c      = getc( fp );

    if ( sign )
	number = 0 - number;

    if ( c == '|' )
	number += i3fread_number( fp );
    else if ( c != ' ' )
	ungetc( c, fp );

    return number;

 * Read to end of line into static buffer [Taken from Smaug's fread_line]
char *i3fread_line( FILE *fp )
    static char line[MSL];
    char *pline;
    char c;
    int ln;

    pline = line;
    line[0] = '\0';
    ln = 0;

     * Skip blanks.
     * Read first char.
	if ( feof(fp) )
	    i3bug( "%s", "i3fread_line: EOF encountered on read." );
	    strcpy( line, "" );
	    return line;
	c = getc( fp );
    while ( isspace(c) );

    ungetc( c, fp );
	if ( feof(fp) )
	    i3bug( "%s", "i3fread_line: EOF encountered on read." );
	    *pline = '\0';
	    return line;
	c = getc( fp );
	*pline++ = c; ln++;
	if ( ln >= (MSL - 1) )
	    i3bug( "%s", "i3fread_line: line too long" );
    while ( c != '\n' && c != '\r' );

	c = getc( fp );
    while ( c == '\n' || c == '\r' );

    ungetc( c, fp );
    *pline = '\0';
    return line;

 * Read one word (into static buffer). [Taken from Smaug's fread_word]
char *i3fread_word( FILE *fp )
    static char word[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char *pword;
    char cEnd;

	if ( feof(fp) )
	    i3log( "%s", "i3fread_word: EOF encountered on read." );
	    word[0] = '\0';
	    return word;
	cEnd = getc( fp );
    while ( isspace( cEnd ) );

    if ( cEnd == '\'' || cEnd == '"' )
	pword   = word;
	word[0] = cEnd;
	pword   = word+1;
	cEnd    = ' ';

    for ( ; pword < word + MAX_INPUT_LENGTH; pword++ )
	if ( feof(fp) )
	    i3log( "%s", "i3fread_word: EOF encountered on read." );
	    *pword = '\0';
	    return word;
	*pword = getc( fp );
	if ( cEnd == ' ' ? isspace(*pword) : *pword == cEnd )
	    if ( cEnd == ' ' )
		ungetc( *pword, fp );
	    *pword = '\0';
	    return word;

    i3log( "%s", "i3fread_word: word too long" );
    return NULL;

 * Read a letter from a file. [Taken from Smaug's fread_letter]
char i3fread_letter( FILE *fp )
    char c;

        if ( feof(fp) )
          i3log( "%s", "i3fread_letter: EOF encountered on read." );
          return '\0';
	c = getc( fp );
    while ( isspace(c) );

    return c;

 * Read to end of line (for comments). [Taken from Smaug's fread_to_eol]
void i3fread_to_eol( FILE *fp )
    char c;

	if ( feof(fp) )
	    i3log( "%s", "i3fread_to_eol: EOF encountered on read." );
	c = getc( fp );
    while ( c != '\n' && c != '\r' );

	c = getc( fp );
    while ( c == '\n' || c == '\r' );

    ungetc( c, fp );

void i3init_char( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   if( IS_NPC(ch) )

#if !defined (I3CIRCLE)
   I3LISTEN(ch)	    = NULL;
   I3DENY(ch)         = NULL;
   I3REPLY(ch)	    = NULL;
   I3FLAG(ch)         = 0;
   I3SET_BIT( I3FLAG(ch), I3_COLOR ); /* Default color to on. People can turn this off if they hate it. */
   I3PERM(ch)        = I3PERM_NOTSET;


void I3_char_login( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   int gender, sex;
   char buf[MSL];

   if( !this_mud )

   /* Somewhat ugly looking, but this should be the only place level gets checked directly now.
    * This will also catch upgraders from old clients - provided they've got their levels set right.
    * If the mud doesn't use levels, the CH_LEVEL macro can be altered to suit whatever system it does use.
    * Samson 6-25-03
   if( I3PERM(ch) == I3PERM_NOTSET )
      if( CH_LEVEL(ch) < this_mud->minlevel )
	   I3PERM(ch) = I3PERM_NONE;
      else if( CH_LEVEL(ch) >= this_mud->minlevel && CH_LEVEL(ch) < this_mud->immlevel )
	   I3PERM(ch) = I3PERM_MORT;
      else if( CH_LEVEL(ch) >= this_mud->immlevel && CH_LEVEL(ch) < this_mud->adminlevel )
	   I3PERM(ch) = I3PERM_IMM;
      else if( CH_LEVEL(ch) >= this_mud->adminlevel && CH_LEVEL(ch) < this_mud->implevel )
	   I3PERM(ch) = I3PERM_ADMIN;
      else if( CH_LEVEL(ch) >= this_mud->implevel )
	   I3PERM(ch) = I3PERM_IMP;

   if( !I3_is_connected() )
	if( I3PERM(ch) >= I3PERM_IMM && i3wait == -2 )
	   i3_to_char( "&RThe Intermud-3 connection is down. Attempts to reconnect were abandoned due to excessive 
failures.\n\r", ch );

   if( I3PERM(ch) < I3PERM_MORT )

   if( this_mud->ucache == TRUE )
      sprintf( buf, "%s@%s", CH_NAME(ch), I3_THISMUD );
      gender = I3_get_ucache_gender( buf );
      sex = dikutoi3gender( CH_SEX(ch) );

      if( gender == sex )

      I3_ucache_update( buf, sex );
	if( !I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(ch), I3_INVIS ) )
         I3_send_ucache_update( CH_NAME(ch), sex );

bool i3load_char( CHAR_DATA *ch, FILE *fp, char *word )
   bool fMatch = FALSE;

   if( IS_NPC(ch) )
	return FALSE;

   switch( UPPER(word[0]) )
	case 'I':
	   KEY( "i3perm", I3PERM(ch), i3fread_number( fp ) );
	   if( !str_cmp( word, "i3flags" ) )
		I3FLAG(ch) = i3fread_number( fp );
		I3_char_login( ch );
		fMatch = TRUE;

	   /* Legacy support - will be removed in a later version */
	   if( !str_cmp( word, "i3invis" ) )
		int tempinvis = i3fread_number( fp );
		if( tempinvis == TRUE )
		   I3SET_BIT( I3FLAG(ch), I3_INVIS );
		I3_char_login( ch );
		fMatch = TRUE;

	   if( !str_cmp( word, "i3listen" ) )
		I3LISTEN(ch) = i3fread_string( fp );
		if( I3LISTEN(ch) != NULL && I3_is_connected() )
		   I3_CHANNEL *channel = NULL;
		   char *channels = I3LISTEN(ch);
		   char arg[MIL];

		   while( channels[0] != '\0' )
			channels = i3one_argument( channels, arg );

			if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_localname( arg ) ) == NULL )
			   I3_unflagchan( &I3LISTEN(ch), arg );
			if( channel && I3PERM(ch) < channel->i3perm )
			   I3_unflagchan( &I3LISTEN(ch), arg );
		fMatch = TRUE;

	   if( !str_cmp( word, "i3deny" ) )
		I3DENY(ch) = i3fread_string( fp );
		if( I3DENY(ch) != NULL && I3_is_connected() )
		   I3_CHANNEL *channel = NULL;
		   char *channels = I3DENY(ch);
		   char arg[MIL];

		   while( channels[0] != '\0' )
			channels = i3one_argument( channels, arg );

			if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_localname( arg ) ) == NULL )
			   I3_unflagchan( &I3DENY(ch), arg );
			if( channel && I3PERM(ch) < channel->i3perm )
			   I3_unflagchan( &I3DENY(ch), arg );
		fMatch = TRUE;

         if( !str_cmp( word, "i3ignore" ) )
            I3_IGNORE *temp;

	      I3CREATE( temp, I3_IGNORE, 1 );
            temp->name = i3fread_string( fp );
	      I3LINK( temp, FIRST_I3IGNORE(ch), LAST_I3IGNORE(ch), next, prev );
	      fMatch = TRUE;
   return fMatch;

void i3save_char( CHAR_DATA *ch, FILE *fp )
   I3_IGNORE *temp;

   if( IS_NPC(ch) )

   fprintf( fp, "i3perm       %d\n", I3PERM(ch) );
   fprintf( fp, "i3flags	%d\n", I3FLAG(ch) );
   if( I3LISTEN(ch) && str_cmp( I3LISTEN(ch), "" ) )
      fprintf( fp, "i3listen	%s~\n", I3LISTEN(ch) );
   if( I3DENY(ch) && str_cmp( I3DENY(ch), "" ) )
      fprintf( fp, "i3deny	%s~\n", I3DENY(ch) );
   for( temp = FIRST_I3IGNORE(ch); temp; temp = temp->next )
      fprintf( fp, "i3ignore	%s~\n", temp->name );

void I3_readucache( UCACHE_DATA *user, FILE *fp )
   char *word;
   bool fMatch;

   for ( ; ; )
	word   = feof( fp ) ? "End" : i3fread_word( fp );
	fMatch = FALSE;

	switch ( UPPER(word[0]) )
	   case '*':
	      fMatch = TRUE;
	      i3fread_to_eol( fp );

	   case 'N':
		KEY( "Name",		user->name,		i3fread_string( fp ) );

         case 'S':
		KEY( "Sex",			user->gender,	i3fread_number( fp ) );

	   case 'T':
		KEY( "Time",		user->time,		i3fread_number( fp ) );

	   case 'E':
	      if ( !str_cmp( word, "End" ) )

	if( !fMatch )
	   i3bug( "I3_readucache: no match: %s", word );

void I3_load_ucache( void )
    FILE *fp;
    UCACHE_DATA *user;

    i3log( "%s", "Loading ucache data..." );

    if( ( fp = fopen( I3_UCACHE_FILE, "r" ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3log( "%s", "No ucache data found." );

    for ( ; ; )
	char letter;
	char *word;

	letter = i3fread_letter( fp );
	if ( letter == '*' )
	   i3fread_to_eol( fp );

	if ( letter != '#' )
	   i3bug( "%s", "I3_load_ucahe: # not found." );

      word = i3fread_word( fp );
	if ( !str_cmp( word, "UCACHE" ) )
	   I3CREATE( user, UCACHE_DATA, 1 );
	   I3_readucache( user, fp );
	   I3LINK( user, first_ucache, last_ucache, next, prev );
         if ( !str_cmp( word, "END"	) )
	   i3bug( "I3_load_ucache: bad section: %s.", word );
    FCLOSE( fp );

void I3_fread_config_file( FILE *fin )
   char *word;
   bool fMatch;

   for( ;; )
	word   = feof( fin ) ? "end" : i3fread_word( fin );
	fMatch = FALSE;
	switch( word[0] ) 
	   case '#':
		fMatch = TRUE;
		i3fread_to_eol( fin );
	   case 'a':
		KEY( "adminemail",	this_mud->admin_email,	i3fread_string( fin ) );
		KEY( "adminlevel",	this_mud->adminlevel,	i3fread_number( fin ) );
		KEY( "amrcp",		this_mud->amrcp,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
		KEY( "auth",		this_mud->auth,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
		KEY( "autoconnect",	this_mud->autoconnect,	i3fread_number( fin ) );
	   case 'b':
		KEY( "basemudlib",	this_mud->base_mudlib,	i3fread_string( fin ) );
		KEY( "beep",		this_mud->beep,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
	   case 'c':
		KEY( "channel",		this_mud->channel,	i3fread_number( fin ) );
	   case 'd':
		KEY( "driver",		this_mud->driver,		i3fread_string( fin ) );
	   case 'e':
		KEY( "emoteto",		this_mud->emoteto,	i3fread_number( fin ) );
		if( !str_cmp( word, "end" ) )
#if defined(I3CHRONICLES)
		   char lib_buf[MSL];

		    * Adjust mudlib information based on already supplied info (mud.h). -Orion
		   if( this_mud->mudlib )
			I3STRFREE( this_mud->mudlib );
		   this_mud->mudlib = STRALLOC( lib_buf );

		    * Adjust base_mudlib information based on already supplied info (mud.h). -Orion
		   sprintf( lib_buf, "%s", CODEBASE_VERSION_TITLE );
		   if( this_mud->base_mudlib )
		        I3STRFREE( this_mud->base_mudlib );
		   this_mud->base_mudlib = STRALLOC( lib_buf );
	   case 'f':
		KEY( "file",		this_mud->file,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
		KEY( "finger",		this_mud->finger,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
		KEY( "ftp",			this_mud->ftp,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
	   case 'h':
		KEY( "http",		this_mud->http,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
	   case 'i':
		KEY( "immlevel",		this_mud->immlevel,	i3fread_number( fin ) );
		KEY( "implevel",		this_mud->implevel,	i3fread_number( fin ) );
	   case 'l':
		KEY( "locate",		this_mud->locate,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
	   case 'm':
		KEY( "mail",		this_mud->mail,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
		KEY( "minlevel",		this_mud->minlevel,	i3fread_number( fin ) );
		KEY( "mudlib",		this_mud->mudlib,		i3fread_string( fin ) );
		KEY( "mudtype",		this_mud->mud_type,	i3fread_string( fin ) );
	   case 'n':
		KEY( "news",		this_mud->news,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
		KEY( "nntp",		this_mud->nntp,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
	   case 'o':
		KEY( "openstatus",	this_mud->open_status,	i3fread_string( fin ) );
	   case 'p':
		KEY( "port",		this_mud->routerPort,	i3fread_number( fin ) );
		KEY( "pop3",		this_mud->pop3,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
	   case 'r':
		KEY( "rcp",			this_mud->rcp,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
		KEY( "router",		this_mud->routerIP,	i3fread_string( fin ) );
		KEY( "routername",	this_mud->routerName,	i3fread_string( fin ) );
	   case 's':
		KEY( "smtp",		this_mud->smtp,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
	   case 't':
		KEY( "tell",		this_mud->tell,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
		KEY( "telnet",		this_mud->telnet,		i3fread_string( fin ) );
		KEY( "thismud",		this_mud->name,		i3fread_string( fin ) );
	   case 'u':
		KEY( "ucache",		this_mud->ucache,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
	   case 'w':
		KEY( "web",			this_mud->web,		i3fread_string( fin ) );
		KEY( "who",			this_mud->who,		i3fread_number( fin ) );

	if( !fMatch ) 
	   i3bug( "I3_fread_config_file: Bad keyword: %s\n\r", word );

bool I3_read_config( int mudport ) 
   FILE *fin, *fp;

   i3log( "%s", "Loading Intermud-3 network data..." );

   if( ( fin = fopen( I3_CONFIG_FILE, "r" ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3log( "%s", "Can't open configuration file: i3.config" );
	i3log( "%s", "Network configuration aborted." );
	return FALSE;

   if( !this_mud )
      I3CREATE( this_mud, I3_MUD, 1 );

   if( this_mud->ipaddress )
   	I3STRFREE( this_mud->ipaddress );
   this_mud->ipaddress = I3STRALLOC( "" );
   this_mud->status 	 = -1;
   this_mud->autoconnect = 0;
   this_mud->player_port = mudport; /* Passed in from the mud's startup script */
   this_mud->password 	 = 0;
   this_mud->mudlist_id  = 0;
   this_mud->chanlist_id = 0;
   this_mud->minlevel 	 = 10; /* Minimum default level before I3 will acknowledge you exist */
   this_mud->immlevel    = 103; /* Default immortal level */
   this_mud->adminlevel  = 113; /* Default administration level */
   this_mud->implevel    = 115; /* Default implementor level */

   if( ( fp = fopen( I3_PASSWORD_FILE, "r" ) ) != NULL )
 	char *word;

      word = i3fread_word( fp );

      if( !str_cmp( word, "#PASSWORD" ) )
	   char *ln = i3fread_line( fp );
	   int pass, mud, chan;

	   pass = mud = chan = 0;
	   sscanf( ln, "%d %d %d", &pass, &mud, &chan );
	   this_mud->password 	 = pass;
	   this_mud->mudlist_id  = mud;
	   this_mud->chanlist_id = chan;
      FCLOSE( fp );

   for( ; ; )
    	char letter;
 	char *word;

   	letter = i3fread_letter( fin );

	if( letter == '#' )
	   i3fread_to_eol( fin );

	if( letter != '$' )
	   i3bug( "%s", "I3_read_config: $ not found" );

	word = i3fread_word( fin );
	if( !str_cmp( word, "I3CONFIG" ) )
	   I3_fread_config_file( fin );
      else if( !str_cmp( word, "END" ) )
	   i3bug( "I3_read_config: Bad section in config file: %s", word );
   FCLOSE( fin );

   if( !this_mud->name || this_mud->name[0] == '\0' )
	i3log( "%s", "Mud name not loaded in configuration file." );
	i3log( "%s", "Network configuration aborted." );
	destroy_I3_mud( this_mud );
	return FALSE;

   if( !this_mud->routerName || this_mud->routerName[0] == '\0' )
	i3log( "%s", "No router name loaded in config file." );
	i3log( "%s", "Network configuration aborted." );
	destroy_I3_mud( this_mud );
	return FALSE;

   if( !this_mud->telnet || this_mud->telnet[0] == '\0' )
	this_mud->telnet = I3STRALLOC( "Address not configured" );

   if( !this_mud->web || this_mud->web[0] == '\0' )
	this_mud->web = I3STRALLOC( "Address not configured" );

   I3_THISMUD = this_mud->name;
   I3_ROUTER_NAME = this_mud->routerName;
   return TRUE;

void I3_readblock( I3_BLOCK *block, FILE *fin ) 
   char *word;
   bool fMatch;

   for ( ; ; )
	word   = feof( fin ) ? "End" : i3fread_word( fin );
	fMatch = FALSE;

	switch ( UPPER(word[0]) )
	   case '*':
	      fMatch = TRUE;
	      i3fread_to_eol( fin );

	   case 'N':
		KEY( "Name",		block->name,		i3fread_string( fin ) );

	   case 'E':
	      if ( !str_cmp( word, "End" ) )
	if( !fMatch )
	   i3bug( "I3_readblock: no match: %s", word );

void I3_loadblocks( void )
   FILE *fin;
   I3_BLOCK *block;

   first_i3block = NULL;
   last_i3block = NULL;

   i3log( "%s", "Loading blocked list..." );

   if( ( fin = fopen( I3_BLOCK_FILE, "r" ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3log( "%s", "No block list defined." );

   for ( ; ; )
	char letter;
	char *word;

	letter = i3fread_letter( fin );
	if ( letter == '*' )
	   i3fread_to_eol( fin );

	if ( letter != '#' )
	   i3bug( "%s", "I3_loadblocks: # not found." );

      word = i3fread_word( fin );
	if ( !str_cmp( word, "I3BLOCK" ) )
	   I3CREATE( block, I3_BLOCK, 1 );
	   I3_readblock( block, fin );
	   I3LINK( block, first_i3block, last_i3block, next, prev );
         if ( !str_cmp( word, "END"	) )
	   i3bug( "I3_loadblocks: bad section: %s.", word );
   FCLOSE( fin );

void I3_write_blocks( void ) 
   FILE *fout;
   I3_BLOCK *block;

   if( ( fout = fopen( I3_BLOCK_FILE, "w" ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3log( "%s", "Couldn't write to block list file." );

   for( block = first_i3block; block; block = block->next ) 
	fprintf( fout, "%s", "#I3BLOCK\n" );
	fprintf( fout, "Name   %s~\n", block->name );
	fprintf( fout, "%s", "End\n\n" );
   fprintf( fout, "%s", "#END\n" );
   FCLOSE( fout );

void I3_readchannel( I3_CHANNEL *channel, FILE *fin ) 
   char *word;
   bool fMatch;

   for ( ; ; )
	word   = feof( fin ) ? "End" : i3fread_word( fin );
	fMatch = FALSE;

	switch ( UPPER(word[0]) )
	   case '*':
	      fMatch = TRUE;
	      i3fread_to_eol( fin );

	   case 'C':
		KEY( "ChanName",		channel->I3_name,		i3fread_string( fin ) );
		KEY( "ChanMud",		channel->host_mud,	i3fread_string( fin ) );
		KEY( "ChanLocal",		channel->local_name,	i3fread_string( fin ) );
		KEY( "ChanLayM",		channel->layout_m,	i3fread_string( fin ) );
		KEY( "ChanLayE",		channel->layout_e,	i3fread_string( fin ) );
		KEY( "ChanLevel",		channel->i3perm,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
	      KEY( "ChanStatus",	channel->status,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
		KEY( "ChanFlags", 	channel->flags,		i3fread_number( fin ) );

	   case 'E':
	      if ( !str_cmp( word, "End" ) )
		   /* Legacy support to convert channel permissions */
		   if( channel->i3perm > I3PERM_IMP )
			/* The I3PERM_NONE condition should realistically never happen.... */
      		if( channel->i3perm < this_mud->minlevel )
	   		   channel->i3perm = I3PERM_NONE;
      		else if( channel->i3perm >= this_mud->minlevel && channel->i3perm < this_mud->immlevel )
	   		   channel->i3perm = I3PERM_MORT;
      		else if( channel->i3perm >= this_mud->immlevel && channel->i3perm < this_mud->adminlevel )
	   		   channel->i3perm = I3PERM_IMM;
      		else if( channel->i3perm >= this_mud->adminlevel && channel->i3perm < this_mud->implevel )
	   		   channel->i3perm = I3PERM_ADMIN;
      		else if( channel->i3perm >= this_mud->implevel )
	   		   channel->i3perm = I3PERM_IMP;
	if( !fMatch )
	   i3bug( "I3_readchannel: no match: %s", word );

void I3_loadchannels( void )
   FILE *fin;
   I3_CHANNEL *channel;

   first_I3chan = NULL;
   last_I3chan = NULL;

   i3log( "%s", "Loading channels..." );

   if( ( fin = fopen( I3_CHANNEL_FILE, "r" ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3log( "%s", "No channel config file found." );

   for ( ; ; )
	char letter;
	char *word;

	letter = i3fread_letter( fin );
	if ( letter == '*' )
	   i3fread_to_eol( fin );

	if ( letter != '#' )
	   i3bug( "%s", "I3_loadchannels: # not found." );

      word = i3fread_word( fin );
	if ( !str_cmp( word, "I3CHAN" ) )
	   int x;

	   I3CREATE( channel, I3_CHANNEL, 1 );
	   I3_readchannel( channel, fin );

	   for( x = 0; x < MAX_I3HISTORY; x++ )
		channel->history[x] = NULL;
	   I3LINK( channel, first_I3chan, last_I3chan, next, prev );
         if ( !str_cmp( word, "END"	) )
	   i3bug( "I3_loadchannels: bad section: %s.", word );
   FCLOSE( fin );

void I3_write_channel_config( void ) 
    FILE *fout;
    I3_CHANNEL *channel;

    if( ( fout = fopen( I3_CHANNEL_FILE, "w" ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3log( "%s", "Couldn't write to channel config file." );

    for( channel = first_I3chan; channel; channel = channel->next ) 
	if( channel->local_name ) 
	    fprintf( fout, "%s", "#I3CHAN\n" );
	    fprintf( fout, "ChanName   %s~\n", channel->I3_name );
    	    fprintf( fout, "ChanMud    %s~\n", channel->host_mud );
	    fprintf( fout, "ChanLocal  %s~\n", channel->local_name );
	    fprintf( fout, "ChanLayM   %s~\n", channel->layout_m );
	    fprintf( fout, "ChanLayE   %s~\n", channel->layout_e );
	    fprintf( fout, "ChanLevel  %d\n", channel->i3perm );
	    fprintf( fout, "ChanStatus %d\n", channel->status );
	    fprintf( fout, "ChanFlags  %d\n", channel->flags );
	    fprintf( fout, "%s", "End\n\n" );
    fprintf( fout, "%s", "#END\n" );
    FCLOSE( fout );

void I3_mudlist( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) 
   I3_MUD *mud;
   char buf[MSL], outbuf[MSL];
   char filter[MIL];
   int mudcount = 0;
   bool all = FALSE;

   argument = i3one_argument( argument, filter );

   if( !str_cmp( filter, "all" ) ) 
	all = TRUE;
	argument = i3one_argument( argument, filter );

   if( first_mud == NULL )
	i3_to_char( "There are no muds to list!?\n\r", ch );

   i3pager_printf( ch, "%-30s%-7.7s%-22.22s%-15.15s %s\n\r", "Name", "Type", "Mudlib", "Address", "Port" );
   for( mud = first_mud; mud; mud = mud->next ) 
	if( mud == NULL )
	   i3bug( "%s", "I3_mudlist: NULL mud found in listing!" );

	if( mud->name == NULL )
	   i3bug( "%s", "I3_mudlist: NULL mud name found in listing!" );

      if( filter[0] &&
        str_prefix( filter, mud->name ) &&
        ( mud->mud_type && str_prefix( filter, mud->mud_type ) ) &&
        ( mud->mudlib && str_prefix( filter, mud->mudlib ) ) )

	if( !all && mud->status == 0 )


	switch( mud->status )
	case -1:
          sprintf( buf, "%-30s%-7.7s%-22.22s%-15.15s %d\n\r",
             mud->name, mud->mud_type, mud->mudlib, mud->ipaddress, mud->player_port );
	case 0:
	    sprintf( buf, "%-26s(down)\n\r", mud->name );
	    sprintf( buf, "%-26s(rebooting, back in %d seconds)\n\r", mud->name, mud->status );
      escape_smaug_color( outbuf, buf );
	i3send_to_pager( outbuf, ch );
   i3pager_printf( ch, "%d total muds listed.\n\r", mudcount );

void I3_chanlist( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) 
   I3_CHANNEL *channel;
   char filter[MSL];
   char buf[MSL];
   bool all = FALSE, found = FALSE;

   argument = i3one_argument( argument, filter );

   if( !str_cmp( filter, "all" ) && I3_is_connected() )
	all = TRUE;

   i3send_to_pager( "&cLocal name          Perm  I3 Name             Hosted at           Status\n\r", ch );
   i3send_to_pager( "&c-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\r", ch );
   for( channel = first_I3chan; channel; channel = channel->next ) 
	found = FALSE;

	if( !all && !channel->local_name )

	if( I3PERM(ch) < I3PERM_ADMIN && !channel->local_name )

	if( I3PERM(ch) < channel->i3perm )

	if( channel->local_name && I3_hasname( I3LISTEN(ch), channel->local_name ) )	
	   found = TRUE;

	sprintf( buf, "&C%c &W%-18s&Y%-8s&B%-20s&P%-20s%-8s\n\r",
	    found ? '*' : ' ',
	    channel->local_name ? channel->local_name : "Not configured",
          perm_names[channel->i3perm], channel->I3_name, channel->host_mud,
	    channel->status == 0 ? "&GPublic" : "&RPrivate" );

      i3send_to_pager( buf, ch );

   strcpy( buf, "&C*: You are listening to these channels.\n\r" );
   i3send_to_pager( buf, ch );

void I3_setup_channel( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) 
   char localname[MIL];
   char I3_name[MIL];
   char perm[MIL];
   I3_CHANNEL *channel, *channel2;
   int permvalue = I3PERM_MORT;

   argument = i3one_argument( argument, I3_name );
   argument = i3one_argument( argument, localname );
   argument = i3one_argument( argument, perm );

   if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_name( I3_name ) ) == NULL )
	i3_to_char("&YUnknown channel\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3chanlist&Y to get an overview of the channels available)\n\r", ch );

   if( localname[0] == '\0' )
	if( !channel->local_name ) 
	    i3_printf( ch, "Channel %s@%s isn't configured.\n\r", channel->I3_name, channel->host_mud );

	if( channel->i3perm > I3PERM(ch) )
	   i3_printf( ch, "You do not have sufficient permission to remove the %s channel.\n\r", channel->local_name );

	for( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next )
	   if( !d->character )

	   if( I3_hasname( I3LISTEN(d->character), channel->local_name ) )
		I3_unflagchan( &I3LISTEN(d->character), channel->local_name );
	   if( I3_hasname( I3DENY(d->character), channel->local_name ) )
		I3_unflagchan( &I3DENY(d->character), channel->local_name );
	i3log( "setup_channel: removing %s as %s@%s", channel->local_name, channel->I3_name, channel->host_mud );
      I3_send_channel_listen( channel, FALSE );
      I3STRFREE( channel->local_name );
	if( channel->local_name ) 
	   i3_printf( ch, "Channel %s@%s is already known as %s.\n\r", channel->I3_name, channel->host_mud, 
channel->local_name );
	if( ( channel2 = find_I3_channel_by_localname( localname ) ) ) 
	   i3_printf( ch, "Channel %s@%s is already known as %s.\n\r", channel2->I3_name, channel2->host_mud, 
channel2->local_name );

	if( perm && perm[0] != '\0' )
	   permvalue = get_permvalue( perm );
	   if( permvalue < 0 || permvalue > I3PERM_IMP )
	      i3_to_char( "Invalid permission setting.\n\r", ch );
	   if( permvalue > I3PERM(ch) )
	      i3_to_char( "You cannot assign a permission value above your own.\n\r", ch );

	channel->local_name = I3STRALLOC( localname );
	channel->i3perm = permvalue;
      channel->layout_m = I3STRALLOC( "&R[&W%s&R] &C%s@%s: &c%s" );
      channel->layout_e = I3STRALLOC( "&R[&W%s&R] &c%s" );
	i3_printf( ch, "%s@%s is now locally known as %s\n\r",
	    channel->I3_name, channel->host_mud, channel->local_name );
	i3log( "setup_channel: setting up %s@%s as %s", channel->I3_name, channel->host_mud, channel->local_name );
      I3_send_channel_listen( channel, TRUE );

void I3_edit_channel( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) 
   char localname[MIL];
   char arg2[MIL];
   I3_CHANNEL *channel;

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3 editchan <localname> localname <new localname>\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3 editchan <localname> perm <type>\n\r", ch );

   argument = i3one_argument( argument, localname );

   if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_localname( localname ) ) == NULL )
	i3_to_char("&YUnknown local channel\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3chanlist&Y to get an overview of the channels available)\n\r", ch );

   argument = i3one_argument( argument, arg2 );

   if( channel->i3perm > I3PERM(ch) )
	i3_to_char( "You do not have sufficient permissions to edit this channel.\n\r", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( arg2, "localname" ) )
	i3_printf( ch, "Local channel %s renamed to %s.\n\r", channel->local_name, argument );
	I3STRFREE( channel->local_name );
	channel->local_name = I3STRALLOC( argument );

   if( !str_cmp( arg2, "perm" ) || !str_cmp( arg2, "permission" ) )
	int permvalue = get_permvalue( argument );

	if( permvalue < 0 || permvalue > I3PERM_IMP )
	   i3_to_char( "Invalid permission setting.\n\r", ch );
	if( permvalue > I3PERM(ch) )
	   i3_to_char( "You cannot set a permission higher than your own.\n\r", ch );
	if( channel->i3perm > I3PERM(ch) )
	   i3_to_char( "You cannot edit a channel above your permission level.\n\r", ch );
	channel->i3perm = permvalue;
	i3_printf( ch, "Local channel %s permission changed to %s.\n\r", channel->local_name, argument );

   I3_edit_channel( ch, "" );

void I3_chan_who( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) 
   char channel_name[MIL];
   I3_CHANNEL *channel;
   I3_MUD *mud;

   argument = i3one_argument( argument, channel_name );

   if( !channel_name || channel_name[0] == '\0' || !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3chanwho <local channel> <mud>\n\r", ch );

   if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_localname( channel_name ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YUnknown channel.\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3chanlist&Y to get an overview of the channels available)\n\r", ch );

   if( ( mud = find_I3_mud_by_name( argument ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YUnknown mud.\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch );

   if( mud->status >= 0 ) 
	i3_printf( ch, "%s is marked as down.\n\r", mud->name );

   I3_send_chan_who( ch, channel, mud );

void I3_listen_channel( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) 
   char channel_name[MIL];
   I3_CHANNEL *channel;

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3listen <local channel name>\n\r", ch );

   argument = i3one_argument( argument, channel_name );

   if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_localname( channel_name ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YUnknown channel.\n\r"
	   "(use &Wi3chanlist&Y to get an overview of the channels available)\n\r", ch );

   if( I3_hasname( I3LISTEN(ch), channel->local_name ) )
	i3_printf( ch, "You no longer listen to %s\n\r", channel->local_name );
	I3_unflagchan( &I3LISTEN(ch), channel->local_name );
      if( I3PERM(ch) < channel->i3perm )
	   i3_printf( ch, "Channel %s is above your permission level.\n\r", channel->local_name );
	i3_printf( ch, "You now listen to %s\n\r", channel->local_name );
	I3_flagchan( &I3LISTEN(ch), channel->local_name );

void I3_deny_channel( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) 
   char vic_name[MIL];
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   I3_CHANNEL *channel;

   argument = i3one_argument( argument, vic_name );

   if( !vic_name || vic_name[0] == '\0' || !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3deny <person> <local channel name>\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3deny <person> [tell/beep/finger]\n\r", ch );

   if( !( victim = I3_find_user( vic_name ) ) )
	i3_to_char( "No such person is currently online.\n\r", ch );

   if( I3PERM(ch) <= I3PERM(victim) )
      i3_to_char( "You cannot alter their settings.\n\r", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( argument, "tell" ) )
	if( !I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(victim), I3_DENYTELL ) )
	   I3SET_BIT( I3FLAG(victim), I3_DENYTELL );
	   i3_printf( ch, "%s can no longer use i3tells.\n\r", CH_NAME(victim) );
	i3_printf( ch, "%s can use i3tells again.\n\r", CH_NAME(victim) );

   if( !str_cmp( argument, "beep" ) )
	if( !I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(victim), I3_DENYBEEP ) )
	   I3SET_BIT( I3FLAG(victim), I3_DENYBEEP );
	   i3_printf( ch, "%s can no longer use i3beeps.\n\r", CH_NAME(victim) );
	i3_printf( ch, "%s can use i3beeps again.\n\r", CH_NAME(victim) );

   if( !str_cmp( argument, "finger" ) )
	if( !I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(victim), I3_DENYFINGER ) )
	   I3SET_BIT( I3FLAG(victim), I3_DENYFINGER );
	   i3_printf( ch, "%s can no longer use i3fingers.\n\r", CH_NAME(victim) );
	i3_printf( ch, "%s can use i3fingers again.\n\r", CH_NAME(victim) );

   if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_localname( argument ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YUnknown channel.\n\r"
	   "(use &Wi3chanlist&Y to get an overview of the channels available)\n\r", ch );

   if( I3_hasname( I3DENY(ch), channel->local_name ) )
	i3_printf( ch, "%s can now listen to %s\n\r", victim->name, channel->local_name );
	I3_unflagchan( &I3DENY(ch), channel->local_name );
	i3_printf( ch, "%s can no longer listen to %s\n\r", victim->name, channel->local_name );
	I3_flagchan( &I3DENY(ch), channel->local_name );

void free_i3chardata( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   I3_IGNORE *temp, *next;

   if( IS_NPC(ch) )

   if( I3LISTEN(ch) )
      I3STRFREE( I3LISTEN(ch) );

   if( I3DENY(ch) )

   if( I3REPLY(ch) )

   if( FIRST_I3IGNORE(ch) )
      for( temp = FIRST_I3IGNORE(ch); temp; temp = next )
         next = temp->next;
	   I3STRFREE( temp->name );
    	   I3UNLINK( temp, FIRST_I3IGNORE(ch), LAST_I3IGNORE(ch), next, prev );
    	   I3DISPOSE( temp );
#ifndef I3CIRCLE
   I3DISPOSE( CH_I3DATA(ch) );

void I3_mudinfo( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) 
   I3_MUD *mud;

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YWhich mud do you want information about?\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch );

   if( ( mud = find_I3_mud_by_name( argument ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YUnknown mud.\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch );

   i3_printf( ch, "Information about %s\n\r\n\r", mud->name );
   if( mud->status == 0 )
	i3_to_char( "Status     : Currently down\n\r", ch );
   else if ( mud->status > 0 )
	i3_printf(ch, "Status     : Currently rebooting, back in %d seconds\n\r", mud->status );
   i3_printf( ch, "MUD port   : %s %d\n\r", mud->ipaddress, mud->player_port );
   i3_printf( ch, "Base mudlib: %s\n\r", mud->base_mudlib );
   i3_printf( ch, "Mudlib     : %s\n\r", mud->mudlib );
   i3_printf( ch, "Driver     : %s\n\r", mud->driver );
   i3_printf( ch, "Type       : %s\n\r", mud->mud_type );
   i3_printf( ch, "Open status: %s\n\r", mud->open_status );
   i3_printf( ch, "Admin      : %s\n\r", mud->admin_email );
   if( mud->web )
      i3_printf( ch, "URL        : %s\n\r", mud->web );

   i3_to_char( "Supports   : ", ch );
   if (mud->tell)	i3_to_char( "tell, ", ch );
   if (mud->beep)	i3_to_char( "beep, ", ch );
   if (mud->emoteto)	i3_to_char( "emoteto, ", ch );
   if (mud->who)		i3_to_char( "who, ", ch );
   if (mud->finger)	i3_to_char( "finger, ", ch );
   if (mud->locate)	i3_to_char( "locate, ", ch );
   if (mud->channel)	i3_to_char( "channel, ", ch );
   if (mud->news)	i3_to_char( "news, ", ch );
   if (mud->mail)	i3_to_char( "mail, ", ch );
   if (mud->file)	i3_to_char( "file, ", ch );
   if (mud->auth)	i3_to_char( "auth, ", ch );
   if (mud->ucache)	i3_to_char( "ucache, ", ch );
   i3_to_char( "\n\r", ch );

   i3_to_char( "Supports   : ", ch );
   if (mud->smtp)	i3_printf( ch, "smtp (port %d), ", mud->smtp );
   if (mud->http)	i3_printf( ch, "http (port %d), ", mud->http );
   if (mud->ftp)		i3_printf( ch, "ftp  (port %d), ", mud->ftp );
   if (mud->pop3)	i3_printf( ch, "pop3 (port %d), ", mud->pop3 );
   if (mud->nntp)	i3_printf( ch, "nntp (port %d), ", mud->nntp );
   if (mud->rcp)		i3_printf( ch, "rcp  (port %d), ", mud->rcp );
   if (mud->amrcp)	i3_printf( ch, "amrcp (port %d), ",mud->amrcp );
   i3_to_char( "\n\r", ch );

void I3_chanlayout( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) 
    I3_CHANNEL *channel = NULL;
    char arg1[MIL];
    char arg2[MIL];

    if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3chanlayout <localchannel> <layout> <format...>\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "Layout can be one of these: layout_e layout_m\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "Format can be any way you want it to look, provided you have the proper number of %s tags in 
it.\n\r", ch );

    argument = i3one_argument( argument, arg1 );
    argument = i3one_argument( argument, arg2 );

    if( !arg1 || arg1[0] == '\0' )
	I3_chanlayout( ch, "" );
    if( !arg2 || arg2[0] == '\0' )
	I3_chanlayout( ch, "" );
    if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	I3_chanlayout( ch, "" );

    if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_localname( arg1 ) ) == NULL ) 
	    i3_to_char( "&YUnknown channel.\n\r"
		"(use &Wi3chanlist&Y to get an overview of the channels available)\n\r", ch );
    if( !str_cmp( arg2, "layout_e" ) )
	if( !verify_i3layout( argument, 2 ) )
	   i3_to_char( "Incorrect format for layout_e. You need exactly 2 %s's.\n\r", ch );
	strcpy( channel->layout_e, argument );
	i3_to_char( "Channel layout_e changed.\n\r", ch );

    if( !str_cmp( arg2, "layout_m" ) )
	if( !verify_i3layout( argument, 4 ) )
	   i3_to_char( "Incorrect format for layout_m. You need exactly 4 %s's.\n\r", ch );
	strcpy( channel->layout_m, argument );
	i3_to_char( "Channel layout_m changed.\n\r", ch );

    I3_chanlayout( ch, "" );

void I3_connect( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) 
    if( I3_is_connected() ) 
	i3_to_char( "The MUD is already connected to the Intermud-3 router.\n\r", ch );

    i3_to_char( "Connecting to Intermud-3 router\n\r", ch );
    I3_main( TRUE, this_mud->player_port, FALSE );

void free_i3data( void )
   I3_MUD *mud, *next_mud;
   I3_CHANNEL *channel, *next_chan;
   UCACHE_DATA *ucache, *next_ucache;

   if( first_I3chan )
	for( channel = first_I3chan; channel; channel = next_chan )
	   next_chan = channel->next;
	   destroy_I3_channel( channel );

   if( first_mud )
	for( mud = first_mud; mud; mud = next_mud )
	   next_mud = mud->next;
	   destroy_I3_mud( mud );

   if( first_ucache )
	for( ucache = first_ucache; ucache; ucache = next_ucache )
	   next_ucache = ucache->next;
	   I3STRFREE( ucache->name );
	   I3UNLINK( ucache, first_ucache, last_ucache, next, prev );
	   I3DISPOSE( ucache );

void I3_disconnect( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) 
   if( !I3_is_connected() ) 
	i3_to_char( "The MUD isn't connected to the Intermud-3 router.\n\r", ch );

   i3_to_char( "Disconnecting from Intermud-3 router.\n\r", ch );

   I3_shutdown( 0 );

void I3_block( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   I3_BLOCK *temp;

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "&GThe mud currently has the following block list:\n\r\n\r", ch );

	if( !first_i3block )
	   i3_to_char( "&YNothing\n\r\n\r", ch );
	   i3_to_char( "&YTo add a block, just specify a target. Suggested targets being user@mud or IP:Port\n\r", ch 
	   i3_to_char( "&YUser@mud blocks can also have wildcard specifiers, such as *@Mud or User@*\n\r", ch );
      for( temp = first_i3block; temp; temp = temp->next )
	   i3_printf( ch, "&Y\t  - %s\n\r", temp->name );

   if( !fnmatch( argument, I3_THISMUD, 0 ) )
	i3_to_char( "&YYou don't really want to do that....\n\r", ch );

   for( temp = first_i3block; temp; temp = temp->next )
	if( !str_cmp( temp->name, argument ) )
	   I3STRFREE( temp->name );
	   I3UNLINK( temp, first_i3block, last_i3block, next, prev );
	   I3DISPOSE( temp );
	   i3_printf( ch, "&YThe mud no longer blocks %s.\n\r", argument );

   I3CREATE( temp, I3_BLOCK, 1 );
   temp->name = I3STRALLOC( argument );
   I3LINK( temp, first_i3block, last_i3block, next, prev );
   i3_printf( ch, "&YThe mud now blocks all incoming traffic from %s.\n\r", temp->name );

void I3_ignore( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   I3_IGNORE *temp;
   char buf[MSL];

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "&GYou are currently ignoring the following:\n\r\n\r", ch );

	if( !FIRST_I3IGNORE(ch) )
	   i3_to_char( "&YNobody\n\r\n\r", ch );
	   i3_to_char( "&YTo add an ignore, just specify a target. Suggested targets being user@mud or IP:Port\n\r", ch 
	   i3_to_char( "&YUser@mud ignores can also have wildcard specifiers, such as *@Mud or User@*\n\r", ch );
      for( temp = FIRST_I3IGNORE(ch); temp; temp = temp->next )
	   i3_printf( ch, "&Y\t  - %s\n\r", temp->name );


   sprintf( buf, "%s@%s", CH_NAME(ch), I3_THISMUD );
   if( !str_cmp( buf, argument ) )
	i3_to_char( "&YYou don't really want to do that....\n\r", ch );

   if( !fnmatch( argument, I3_THISMUD, 0 ) )
	i3_to_char( "&YIgnoring your own mud would be silly.\n\r", ch );

   for( temp = FIRST_I3IGNORE(ch); temp; temp = temp->next )
	if( !str_cmp( temp->name, argument ) )
	   I3STRFREE( temp->name );
	   I3UNLINK( temp, FIRST_I3IGNORE(ch), LAST_I3IGNORE(ch), next, prev );
	   I3DISPOSE( temp );
	   i3_printf( ch, "&YYou are no longer ignoring %s.\n\r", argument );

   I3CREATE( temp, I3_IGNORE, 1 );
   temp->name = I3STRALLOC( argument );
   I3LINK( temp, FIRST_I3IGNORE(ch), LAST_I3IGNORE(ch), next, prev );
   i3_printf( ch, "&YYou now ignore %s.\n\r", temp->name );

void I3_color( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   if( I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(ch), I3_COLOR ) )
	i3_to_char( "I3 color is now off.\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "&RI3 c&Yo&Gl&Bo&Pr &Ris now on.\n\r", ch );

void I3_invis( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   if( I3INVIS(ch) )
	i3_to_char( "You are now i3visible.\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "You are now i3invisible.\n\r", ch );

void I3_debug( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   packetdebug = !packetdebug;

   if( packetdebug )
      i3_to_char( "Packet debugging enabled.\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "Packet debugging disabled.\n\r", ch );


void I3_send_user_req( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char user[MSL], mud[MSL];
   char *ps;
   I3_MUD *pmud;

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "&YQuery who at which mud?\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch );
   if( ( ps = strchr( argument, '@' ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YYou should specify a person and a mud.\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch);

   ps[0] = 0;
   strcpy( user, argument );
   strcpy( mud, ps+1 );

   if( user[0] == 0 || mud[0] == 0 ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YYou should specify a person and a mud.\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch );

   if( ( pmud = find_I3_mud_by_name( mud ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YNo such mud known.\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch );

   if( pmud->status >= 0 ) 
	i3_printf( ch, "%s is marked as down.\n\r", pmud->name );

   I3_send_chan_user_req( pmud->name, user );

int I3_send_channel_admin( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *chan_name, char *list )
   if( !I3_is_connected() )
	return 0;

   I3_write_header( "channel-admin", I3_THISMUD, CH_NAME(ch), I3_ROUTER_NAME, NULL );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( chan_name );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
   I3_write_buffer( list );
   I3_write_buffer( "})\r" );

   I3_send_packet( );

   return 0;

void I3_admin_channel( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   I3_CHANNEL *channel = NULL;
   char arg1[MIL], arg2[MIL], buf[MSL];

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3adminchan <localchannel> <add|remove> <mudname>\n\r", ch );
   argument = i3one_argument( argument, arg1 );
   argument = i3one_argument( argument, arg2 );

   if( !arg1 || arg1[0] == '\0' )
      I3_admin_channel( ch, "" );

   if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_localname( arg1 ) ) == NULL )
	i3_to_char( "No such channel with that name here.\n\r", ch );

   if( !arg2 || arg2[0] == '\0' )
	I3_admin_channel( ch, "" );

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	I3_admin_channel( ch, "" );

   if( !str_cmp( arg2, "add" ) )
      sprintf( buf, "({\"%s\",}),({}),", argument );
	I3_send_channel_admin( ch, channel->I3_name, buf );
	i3_to_char( "Channel mudlist updated.\n\r", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( arg2, "remove" ) )
	sprintf( buf, "({}),({\"%s\",}),", argument );
	I3_send_channel_admin( ch, channel->I3_name, buf );
	i3_to_char( "Channel mudlist updated.\n\r", ch );

   I3_admin_channel( ch, "" );

int I3_send_channel_add( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *arg, int type )
   if( !I3_is_connected() )
	return 0;

   I3_write_header( "channel-add", I3_THISMUD, CH_NAME(ch), I3_ROUTER_NAME, NULL );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( arg );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"," );
   switch( type )
	   i3bug( "%s", "I3_send_channel_add: Illegal channel type!" );
	   return 0;
	case 0:
	   I3_write_buffer( "0,})\r" );
	case 1:
	   I3_write_buffer( "1,})\r" );
	case 2:
	   I3_write_buffer( "2,})\r" );

   I3_send_packet( );

   return 0;

void I3_addchan( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   I3_CHANNEL *channel;
   char arg[MIL], arg2[MIL], buf[MSL];
   int type, x;

   argument = i3one_argument( argument, arg );
   argument = i3one_argument( argument, arg2 );

   if( argument[0] == '\0' || arg[0] == '\0' || arg2[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3addchan <channelname> <localname> <type>\n\r\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "Channelname should be the name seen on 'chanlist all'\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "Localname should be the local name you want it listed as.\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "Type can be one of the following:\n\r\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "0: selectively banned\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "1: selectively admitted\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "2: filtered - valid for selectively admitted ONLY\n\r", ch );

   if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_name( arg ) ) != NULL )
	i3_printf( ch, "&R%s is already hosted by %s.\n\r", channel->I3_name, channel->host_mud );

   if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_localname( arg2 ) ) != NULL )
	i3_printf( ch, "&RChannel %s@%s is already locally configured as %s.\n\r",
	   channel->I3_name, channel->host_mud, channel->local_name );

   if( !isdigit( argument[0] ) )
	i3_to_char( "&RInvalid type. Must be numerical.\n\r", ch );
	I3_addchan( ch, "" );

   type = atoi( argument );
   if( type < 0 || type > 2 )
	i3_to_char( "&RInvalid channel type.\n\r", ch );
	I3_addchan( ch, "" );

   i3_printf( ch, "&GAdding channel to router: &W%s\n\r", arg );
   I3_send_channel_add( ch, arg, type );

   I3CREATE( channel, I3_CHANNEL, 1 );
   channel->I3_name = I3STRALLOC( arg );
   channel->host_mud = I3STRALLOC( I3_THISMUD );
   channel->local_name = I3STRALLOC( arg2 );
   channel->i3perm = I3PERM_MORT;
   channel->layout_m = I3STRALLOC( "&R[&W%s&R] &C%s@%s: &c%s" );
   channel->layout_e = I3STRALLOC( "&R[&W%s&R] &c%s" );
   for( x = 0; x < MAX_I3HISTORY; x++ )
	channel->history[x] = NULL;
   I3LINK( channel, first_I3chan, last_I3chan, next, prev );

   if( type != 0 )
      sprintf( buf, "({\"%s\",}),({}),", I3_THISMUD );
      I3_send_channel_admin( ch, channel->I3_name, buf );
      i3_to_char( "&GChannel mudlist updated.\n\r", ch );

   i3_printf( ch, "&Y%s@%s &Wis now locally known as &Y%s\n\r", channel->I3_name, channel->host_mud, 
channel->local_name );
   I3_send_channel_listen( channel, TRUE );


int I3_send_channel_remove( CHAR_DATA *ch, I3_CHANNEL *channel )
   if( !I3_is_connected() )
	return 0;

   I3_write_header( "channel-remove", I3_THISMUD, CH_NAME(ch), I3_ROUTER_NAME, NULL );
   I3_write_buffer( "\"" );
   I3_write_buffer( channel->I3_name );
   I3_write_buffer( "\",})\r" );

   I3_send_packet( );
   return 0;

void I3_removechan( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   I3_CHANNEL *channel = NULL;

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "&YUsage: i3removechan <channel>\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "&WChannelname should be the name seen on 'chanlist all'\n\r", ch );

   if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_name( argument ) ) == NULL )
	i3_to_char( "&RNo channel by that name exists.\n\r", ch );

   if( str_cmp( channel->host_mud, I3_THISMUD ) )
	i3_printf( ch, "&R%s does not host this channel and cannot remove it.\n\r", I3_THISMUD );

   i3_printf( ch, "&YRemoving channel from router: &W%s\n\r", channel->I3_name );
   I3_send_channel_remove( ch, channel );

   i3_printf( ch, "&RDestroying local channel entry for &W%s\n\r", channel->I3_name );
   destroy_I3_channel( channel );


void I3_saveconfig( void )
   FILE *fp;

   if( ( fp = fopen( I3_CONFIG_FILE, "w" ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3log( "%s", "Couldn't write to i3.config file." );

   fprintf( fp, "%s", "$I3CONFIG\n\n" );
   fprintf( fp, "%s", "# When changing this information, be sure you don't remove the tildes!\n" );
   fprintf( fp, "%s", "# Set autoconnect to 1 to automatically connect at bootup.\n" );
   fprintf( fp, "%s", "# This information can be edited online using 'i3 config'\n" );
   fprintf( fp, "thismud      %s~\n", this_mud->name );
   fprintf( fp, "autoconnect  %d\n",  this_mud->autoconnect );
   fprintf( fp, "telnet       %s~\n", this_mud->telnet );
   fprintf( fp, "web          %s~\n", this_mud->web );
   fprintf( fp, "adminemail   %s~\n", this_mud->admin_email );
   fprintf( fp, "openstatus   %s~\n", this_mud->open_status );
   fprintf( fp, "mudtype      %s~\n", this_mud->mud_type );
   fprintf( fp, "basemudlib   %s~\n", this_mud->base_mudlib );
   fprintf( fp, "mudlib       %s~\n", this_mud->mudlib );
   fprintf( fp, "driver       %s~\n", this_mud->driver );
   fprintf( fp, "minlevel     %d\n",  this_mud->minlevel );
   fprintf( fp, "immlevel     %d\n",  this_mud->immlevel );
   fprintf( fp, "adminlevel   %d\n",  this_mud->adminlevel );
   fprintf( fp, "implevel     %d\n\n",  this_mud->implevel );
   fprintf( fp, "%s", "# The router information. Currently only one.\n" );
   fprintf( fp, "%s", "# Information below this point cannot be edited online.\n" );
   fprintf( fp, "router       %s~\n", this_mud->routerIP );
   fprintf( fp, "port         %d\n", this_mud->routerPort );
   fprintf( fp, "routername   %s~\n\n", this_mud->routerName );
   fprintf( fp, "%s", "# The services provided by your mud.\n" );
   fprintf( fp, "%s", "# Do not turn things on unless you KNOW your mud properly supports them!\n" );
   fprintf( fp, "%s", "# Refer to for public packet 
specifications.\n" );
   fprintf( fp, "tell         %d\n", this_mud->tell );
   fprintf( fp, "beep         %d\n", this_mud->beep );
   fprintf( fp, "emoteto      %d\n", this_mud->emoteto );
   fprintf( fp, "who          %d\n", this_mud->who );
   fprintf( fp, "finger       %d\n", this_mud->finger );
   fprintf( fp, "locate       %d\n", this_mud->locate );
   fprintf( fp, "channel      %d\n", this_mud->channel );
   fprintf( fp, "news         %d\n", this_mud->news );
   fprintf( fp, "mail         %d\n", this_mud->mail );
   fprintf( fp, "file         %d\n", this_mud->file );
   fprintf( fp, "auth         %d\n", this_mud->auth );
   fprintf( fp, "ucache       %d\n\n", this_mud->ucache );
   fprintf( fp, "%s", "# Port numbers for OOB services. Leave as 0 if your mud does not support these.\n" );
   fprintf( fp, "smtp         %d\n", this_mud->smtp );
   fprintf( fp, "ftp          %d\n", this_mud->ftp );
   fprintf( fp, "nntp         %d\n", this_mud->nntp );
   fprintf( fp, "http         %d\n", this_mud->http );
   fprintf( fp, "pop3         %d\n", this_mud->pop3 );
   fprintf( fp, "rcp          %d\n", this_mud->rcp );
   fprintf( fp, "amrcp        %d\n", this_mud->amrcp );
   fprintf( fp, "%s", "end\n" );
   fprintf( fp, "%s", "$END\n" );
   FCLOSE( fp );

void I3_setconfig( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char arg[MIL];

   argument = i3one_argument( argument, arg );

   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "&GConfiguration info for your mud. Changes save when edited.\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "&GYou can set the following:\n\r\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "&wShow       : &GDisplays your current congfiguration.\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "&wAutoconnect: &GA toggle. Either on or off. Your mud will connect automatically with it on.\n\r", 
ch );
	i3_to_char( "&wMudname    : &GThe name you want displayed on I3 for your mud.\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "&wTelnet     : &GThe telnet address for your mud. Do not include the port number.\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "&wWeb        : &GThe website address for your mud. In the form of:\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "&wEmail      : &GThe email address of your mud's administrator. Needs to be valid!!\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "&wStatus     : &GThe open status of your mud. IE: Public, Development, etc.\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "&wMudtype    : &GWhat type of mud you have. Diku, Rom, Smaug, Merc, etc.\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "&wBaselib    : &GThe base version of the codebase you have.\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "&wMudlib     : &GWhat you call the current version of your codebase.\n\r", ch );
 	i3_to_char( "&wMinlevel   : &GMinimum level at which I3 will recognize your players.\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "&wImmlevel   : &GThe level at which immortal commands become available.\n\r", ch );
 	i3_to_char( "&wAdminlevel : &GThe level at which administrative commands become available.\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "&wImplevel   : &GThe level at which implementor commands become available.\n\r", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "show" ) )
	i3_printf( ch, "&wMudname       : &G%s\n\r", this_mud->name );
	i3_printf( ch, "&wAutoconnect   : &G%s\n\r", this_mud->autoconnect == TRUE ? "Enabled" : "Disabled" );
	i3_printf( ch, "&wTelnet        : &G%s:%d\n\r", this_mud->telnet, this_mud->player_port );
	i3_printf( ch, "&wWeb           : &G%s\n\r", this_mud->web );
	i3_printf( ch, "&wEmail         : &G%s\n\r", this_mud->admin_email );
	i3_printf( ch, "&wStatus        : &G%s\n\r", this_mud->open_status );
	i3_printf( ch, "&wMudtype       : &G%s\n\r", this_mud->mud_type );
	i3_printf( ch, "&wBaselib       : &G%s\n\r", this_mud->base_mudlib );
	i3_printf( ch, "&wMudlib        : &G%s\n\r", this_mud->mudlib );
 	i3_printf( ch, "&wMinlevel      : &G%d\n\r", this_mud->minlevel );
	i3_printf( ch, "&wImmlevel      : &G%d\n\r", this_mud->immlevel );
 	i3_printf( ch, "&wAdminlevel    : &G%d\n\r", this_mud->adminlevel );
	i3_printf( ch, "&wImplevel      : &G%d\n\r", this_mud->implevel );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "autoconnect" ) )
	this_mud->autoconnect = !this_mud->autoconnect;

	if( this_mud->autoconnect )
	   i3_to_char( "Autoconnect enabled.\n\r", ch );
	   i3_to_char( "Autoconnect disabled.\n\r", ch );
	I3_saveconfig( );

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	I3_setconfig( ch, "" );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "implevel" ) && I3PERM(ch) == I3PERM_IMP )
	int value = atoi( argument );

	this_mud->implevel = value;
	I3_saveconfig( );
	i3_printf( ch, "Implementor level changed to %d\n\r", value );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "adminlevel" ) )
	int value = atoi( argument );

	this_mud->adminlevel = value;
	I3_saveconfig( );
	i3_printf( ch, "Admin level changed to %d\n\r", value );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "immlevel" ) )
	int value = atoi( argument );

	this_mud->immlevel = value;
	I3_saveconfig( );
	i3_printf( ch, "Immortal level changed to %d\n\r", value );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "minlevel" ) )
	int value = atoi( argument );

	this_mud->minlevel = value;
	I3_saveconfig( );
	i3_printf( ch, "Minimum level changed to %d\n\r", value );

   if( I3_is_connected() )
	i3_printf( ch, "%s may not be changed while the mud is connected.\n\r", arg );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "mudname" ) )
	I3STRFREE( this_mud->name );
	this_mud->name = I3STRALLOC( argument );
	I3_THISMUD = argument;
	unlink( I3_PASSWORD_FILE );
	I3_saveconfig( );
	i3_printf( ch, "Mud name changed to %s\n\r", argument );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "telnet" ) )
	I3STRFREE( this_mud->telnet );
	this_mud->telnet = I3STRALLOC( argument );
	I3_saveconfig( );
	i3_printf( ch, "Telnet address changed to %s:%d\n\r", argument, this_mud->player_port );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "web" ) )
	I3STRFREE( this_mud->web );
	this_mud->web = I3STRALLOC( argument );
	I3_saveconfig( );
	i3_printf( ch, "Website changed to %s\n\r", argument );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "email" ) )
	I3STRFREE( this_mud->admin_email );
	this_mud->admin_email = I3STRALLOC( argument );
	I3_saveconfig( );
	i3_printf( ch, "Admin email changed to %s\n\r", argument );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "status" ) )
	I3STRFREE( this_mud->open_status );
	this_mud->open_status = I3STRALLOC( argument );
	I3_saveconfig( );
	i3_printf( ch, "Status changed to %s\n\r", argument );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "mudtype" ) )
	I3STRFREE( this_mud->mud_type );
	this_mud->mud_type = I3STRALLOC( argument );
	I3_saveconfig( );
	i3_printf( ch, "Mud type changed to %s\n\r", argument );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "baselib" ) )
	I3STRFREE( this_mud->base_mudlib );
	this_mud->base_mudlib = I3STRALLOC( argument );
	I3_saveconfig( );
	i3_printf( ch, "Base mudlib changed to %s\n\r", argument );

   if( !str_cmp( arg, "mudlib" ) )
	I3STRFREE( this_mud->mudlib );
	this_mud->mudlib = I3STRALLOC( argument );
	I3_saveconfig( );
	i3_printf( ch, "Mudlib changed to %s\n\r", argument );

   I3_setconfig( ch, "" );

void I3_permstats( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3perms <user>\n\r", ch );

   if( !( victim = I3_find_user( argument ) ) )
	i3_to_char( "No such person is currently online.\n\r", ch );

   if( I3PERM(victim) < 0 || I3PERM(victim) > I3PERM_IMP )
	i3_printf( ch, "&R%s has an invalid permission setting!\n\r", CH_NAME(victim) );

   i3_printf( ch, "&YPermissions for %s: %s\n\r", CH_NAME(victim), perm_names[I3PERM(victim)] );

void I3_permset( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   char arg[MIL];
   int permvalue;

   argument = one_argument( argument, arg );

   if( !arg || arg[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3permset <user> <permission>\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "Permission can be one of: None, Mort, Imm, Admin, Imp\n\r", ch );

   if( !( victim = I3_find_user( arg ) ) )
	i3_to_char( "No such person is currently online.\n\r", ch );

   permvalue = get_permvalue( argument );

   if( permvalue < 0 || permvalue > I3PERM_IMP )
	i3_to_char( "Invalid permission setting.\n\r", ch );

   if( permvalue > I3PERM(ch) )
	i3_to_char( "You cannot set permissions higher than your own.\n\r", ch );

   if( permvalue == I3PERM(ch) && I3PERM(ch) != I3PERM_IMP )
	i3_to_char( "You cannot set permissions equal to your own. Someone higher up must do this.\n\r", ch );

   if( I3PERM(ch) < I3PERM(victim) )
	i3_to_char( "You cannot reduce the permissions of someone above your own.\n\r", ch );

   I3PERM(victim) = permvalue;
   i3_printf( ch, "&YPermission level for %s has been changed to %s\n\r", CH_NAME(victim), perm_names[permvalue] );

void I3_who( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   I3_MUD *mud;

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YGet an overview of which mud?\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch );

   if( ( mud = find_I3_mud_by_name( argument ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YNo such mud known.\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( I3_THISMUD, mud->name ) )
	i3_to_char( "Use your mud's own internal system for that.\n\r", ch );

   if( mud->status >= 0 ) 
	i3_printf( ch, "%s is marked as down.\n\r", mud->name );

   if( mud->who == 0 )
	i3_printf( ch, "%s does not support the 'who' command. Sending anyway.\n\r", mud->name );

   I3_send_who( ch, mud->name );

void I3_locate( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "Locate who?\n\r", ch );
   I3_send_locate( ch, argument );

void I3_finger( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char user[MSL], mud[MSL];
   char *ps;
   I3_MUD *pmud;

   if( I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(ch), I3_DENYFINGER ) )
	i3_to_char( "You are not allowed to use i3finger.\n\r", ch );

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3finger <user@mud>\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "Usage: i3finger privacy\n\r", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( argument, "privacy" ) )
	if( !I3IS_SET( I3FLAG(ch), I3_PRIVACY ) )
	   I3SET_BIT( I3FLAG(ch), I3_PRIVACY );
	   i3_to_char( "I3 finger privacy flag set.\n\r", ch );
	i3_to_char( "I3 finger privacy flag removed.\n\r", ch );

   if( I3ISINVIS(ch) )
	i3_to_char( "You are invisible.\n\r", ch );

   if( ( ps = strchr( argument, '@' ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YYou should specify a person and a mud.\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch);

   ps[0] = 0;
   strcpy( user, argument );
   strcpy( mud, ps+1 );

   if( user[0] == 0 || mud[0] == 0 ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YYou should specify a person and a mud.\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch );

   if( ( pmud = find_I3_mud_by_name( mud ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YNo such mud known.\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch );

   if( !str_cmp( I3_THISMUD, pmud->name ) )
	i3_to_char( "Use your mud's own internal system for that.\n\r", ch );

   if( pmud->status >= 0 ) 
	i3_printf( ch, "%s is marked as down.\n\r", pmud->name );

   if( pmud->finger == 0 )
	i3_printf( ch, "%s does not support the 'finger' command. Sending anyway.\n\r", pmud->name );

   I3_send_finger( ch, user, pmud->name );

void I3_emote( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char to[MIL], *ps;
   char mud[MIL];
   I3_MUD *pmud;

   if( I3ISINVIS(ch) )
	i3_to_char( "You are invisible.\n\r", ch );

   argument = i3one_argument( argument, to );
   ps = strchr( to, '@' );

   if( to[0] == '\0' || argument[0] == '\0' || ps == NULL ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YYou should specify a person and a mud.\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch);

   ps[0] = 0;
   strcpy( mud, ps );

   if( ( pmud = find_I3_mud_by_name( mud ) ) == NULL ) 
	i3_to_char( "&YNo such mud known.\n\r"
	    "(use &Wi3mudlist&Y to get an overview of the muds available)\n\r", ch);

   if( pmud->status >= 0 )  
	i3_printf( ch, "%s is marked as down.\n\r", pmud->name );

   if( pmud->emoteto == 0 )
	i3_printf( ch, "%s does not support the 'emoteto' command. Sending anyway.\n\r", pmud->name );

   I3_send_emoteto( ch, to, pmud, argument );

 * Setup a TCP session to the router. Returns socket or <0 if failed.
int I3_connection_open( char *host, int rport ) 
   struct sockaddr_in sa;
   struct hostent *hostp;
   int x = 1;

   i3log( "Attempting connect to %s on port %d", host, rport );

   I3_socket = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
   if( I3_socket < 0 )
	i3log( "%s", "Cannot create socket!" );
      I3_connection_close( TRUE );
	return -1;

   if( setsockopt( I3_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (void *) &x, sizeof(x) ) < 0 )
	perror( "I3_connection_open: SO_KEEPALIVE" );
      I3_connection_close( TRUE );
	return -1;

   if( ( x = fcntl( I3_socket, F_GETFL, 0 ) ) < 0 )
      i3log( "%s", "I3_connection_open: fcntl(F_GETFL)" );
      I3_connection_close( TRUE );
      return -1;

   if( fcntl( I3_socket, F_SETFL, x | O_NONBLOCK ) < 0 )
      i3log( "%s", "I3_connection_open: fcntl(F_SETFL)" );
      I3_connection_close( TRUE );
      return -1;

   memset( &sa, 0, sizeof( sa ) );
   sa.sin_family = AF_INET;

   if ( !inet_aton( host, &sa.sin_addr ) )
	hostp = gethostbyname( host );
	if( !hostp )
	   i3log( "%s", "I3_connection_open: Cannot resolve router hostname." );
         I3_connection_close( TRUE );
	   return -1;
	memcpy( &sa.sin_addr, hostp->h_addr, hostp->h_length );

   sa.sin_port = htons( rport );

   if( connect( I3_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa) ) < 0 )
	if( errno != EINPROGRESS )
	   i3log( "%s", "I3_connection_open: Unable to connect to router." );
         I3_connection_close( TRUE );
	   return -1;
   i3log( "%s", "Connected to Intermud-3 router." );
   return I3_socket;

 * Read one I3 packet into the I3_input_buffer
void I3_read_packet( void ) 
   long size;

   memcpy( &size, I3_input_buffer, 4 );
   size = ntohl( size );

   memcpy( I3_currentpacket, I3_input_buffer + 4, size );
   I3_currentpacket[size+1] = 0;

   memcpy( I3_input_buffer, I3_input_buffer + size + 4, I3_input_pointer - size - 4 );
   I3_input_pointer -= size + 4;

 * Read the first field of an I3 packet and call the proper function to
 * process it. Afterwards the original I3 packet is completly messed up.
void I3_parse_packet( void ) 
   char *ps, *next_ps;

   ps = I3_currentpacket;
   if( ps[0] != '(' || ps[1] != '{' ) 

   if( packetdebug )
      i3log( "%s", ps );

   ps += 2;
   I3_get_field( ps, &next_ps );

   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"tell\"" ) ) 
	I3_process_tell( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"beep\"" ) )
	I3_process_beep( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"emoteto\"" ) ) 
	I3_process_emoteto( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"channel-m\"" ) ) 
	I3_process_channel_m( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"channel-e\"" ) ) 
	I3_process_channel_e( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"finger-req\"" ) ) 
	I3_process_finger_req( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"finger-reply\"" ) ) 
	I3_process_finger_reply( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"locate-req\"" ) ) 
	I3_process_locate_req( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"locate-reply\"" ) ) 
	I3_process_locate_reply( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"chan-who-req\"" ) ) 
	I3_process_chan_who_req( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"chan-who-reply\"" ) ) 
	I3_process_chan_who_reply( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"ucache-update\"" ) )
	I3_process_ucache_update( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"who-req\"" ) ) 
	I3_process_who_req( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"who-reply\"" ) ) 
	I3_process_who_reply( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"chanlist-reply\"" ) ) 
	I3_process_chanlist_reply( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"startup-reply\"" ) ) 
	I3_process_startup_reply( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"mudlist\"" ) ) 
	I3_process_mudlist( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"error\"" ) ) 
	I3_process_error( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"chan-ack\"" ) )
	I3_process_chanack( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"channel-t\"" ) )
	I3_process_channel_t( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"chan-user-req\"" ) )
	I3_process_chan_user_req( next_ps );
   if( !str_cmp( ps, "\"chan-user-reply\"" ) )
	I3_process_chan_user_reply( next_ps );

/* Used only during copyovers */
void fread_mudlist( FILE *fin, I3_MUD *mud )
   char *word;
   char *ln;
   bool fMatch;
   int x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x12;

   for ( ; ; )
	word   = feof( fin ) ? "End" : i3fread_word( fin );
	fMatch = FALSE;

	switch ( UPPER(word[0]) )
	   case '*':
	      fMatch = TRUE;
	      i3fread_to_eol( fin );

	   case 'B':
		KEY( "Baselib",		mud->base_mudlib,		i3fread_string( fin ) );

	   case 'D':
		KEY( "Driver",		mud->driver,		i3fread_string( fin ) );

	   case 'E':
		KEY( "Email",		mud->admin_email,		i3fread_string( fin ) );
	      if ( !str_cmp( word, "End" ) )
		   char lib_buf[MSL];

               strcpy( lib_buf, I3DRIVER );
               I3STRFREE( this_mud->driver );
               this_mud->driver = I3STRALLOC( lib_buf );
	   case 'I':
		KEY( "IP",			mud->ipaddress,		i3fread_string( fin ) );

	   case 'M':
		KEY( "Mudlib",		mud->mudlib,		i3fread_string( fin ) );

	   case 'O':
		KEY( "Openstatus",	mud->open_status,		i3fread_string( fin ) );
		if( !str_cmp( word, "OOBPorts" ) )
	         ln = i3fread_line( fin );

	         sscanf( ln, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d", &x1, &x2, &x3, &x4, &x5, &x6, &x7 );
		   mud->smtp  = x1;
		   mud->ftp   = x2;
		   mud->nntp  = x3;
		   mud->http  = x4;
		   mud->pop3  = x5;
		   mud->rcp   = x6;
		   mud->amrcp = x7;
		   fMatch = TRUE;

	   case 'P':
		if( !str_cmp( word, "Ports" ) )
	         ln = i3fread_line( fin );

	         sscanf( ln, "%d %d %d ", &x1, &x2, &x3 );
		   mud->player_port   = x1;
		   mud->imud_tcp_port = x2;
		   mud->imud_udp_port = x3;
		   fMatch = TRUE;

	   case 'S':
		KEY( "Status",		mud->status,		i3fread_number( fin ) );
		if( !str_cmp( word, "Services" ) )
	         ln = i3fread_line( fin );

	         sscanf( ln, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", 
			&x1, &x2, &x3, &x4, &x5, &x6, &x7, &x8, &x9, &x10, &x11, &x12 );
		   mud->tell    = x1;
		   mud->beep    = x2;
		   mud->emoteto = x3;
		   mud->who     = x4;
		   mud->finger  = x5;
		   mud->locate  = x6;
		   mud->channel = x7;
		   mud->news    = x8;
		   mud->mail    = x9;
		   mud->file    = x10;
		   mud->auth    = x11;
		   mud->ucache  = x12;
		   fMatch = TRUE;

	   case 'T':
		KEY( "Telnet",		mud->telnet,		i3fread_string( fin ) );
		KEY( "Type",		mud->mud_type,		i3fread_string( fin ) );

	   case 'W':
		KEY( "Web",			mud->web,			i3fread_string( fin ) );

	if ( !fMatch )
	    i3bug( "I3_readmudlist: no match: %s", word );

/* Called only during copyovers */
void I3_loadmudlist( void )
    FILE *fin;
    I3_MUD *mud;

    if( ( fin = fopen( I3_MUDLIST_FILE, "r" ) ) == NULL ) 

    for ( ; ; )
	char letter;
	char *word;

	letter = i3fread_letter( fin );
	if ( letter == '*' )
	   i3fread_to_eol( fin );

	if ( letter != '#' )
	   i3bug( "%s", "I3_loadmudlist: # not found." );

      word = i3fread_word( fin );
	if ( !str_cmp( word, "MUDLIST" ) )
	   word = i3fread_word( fin );
	   if( !str_cmp( word, "Name" ) )
		char *tmpname;

		tmpname = i3fread_string( fin );
		mud = new_I3_mud( tmpname );
		fread_mudlist( fin, mud );
	      i3bug( "%s", "fread_mudlist: No mudname saved, skipping entry." );
		i3fread_to_eol( fin );
		for( ; ; )
               word   = feof( fin ) ? "End" : i3fread_word( fin );
		   if( str_cmp( word, "End" ) )
			i3fread_to_eol( fin );
         if ( !str_cmp( word, "END"	) )
	   i3bug( "I3_loadmudlist: bad section: %s.", word );
    FCLOSE( fin );
    unlink( I3_MUDLIST_FILE );

/* Called only during copyovers */
void I3_loadchanlist( void )
    FILE *fin;
    I3_CHANNEL *channel;

    if( ( fin = fopen( I3_CHANLIST_FILE, "r" ) ) == NULL ) 

    for ( ; ; )
	char letter;
	char *word;

	letter = i3fread_letter( fin );
	if ( letter == '*' )
	   i3fread_to_eol( fin );

	if ( letter != '#' )
	   i3bug( "%s", "I3_loadchanlist: # not found." );

      word = i3fread_word( fin );
	if ( !str_cmp( word, "I3CHAN" ) )
	   int x;

	   I3CREATE( channel, I3_CHANNEL, 1 );
	   I3_readchannel( channel, fin );

	   for( x = 0; x < MAX_I3HISTORY; x++ )
		channel->history[x] = NULL;
	   I3LINK( channel, first_I3chan, last_I3chan, next, prev );
         if ( !str_cmp( word, "END"	) )
	   i3bug( "I3_loadchanlist: bad section: %s.", word );
    FCLOSE( fin );
    unlink( I3_CHANLIST_FILE );

/* Called only during copyovers */
void I3_savemudlist( void )
   FILE *fp;
   I3_MUD *mud;

   if( ( fp = fopen( I3_MUDLIST_FILE, "w" ) ) == NULL )
	i3bug( "%s", "I3_savemudlist: Unable to write to mudlist file." );

   for( mud = first_mud; mud; mud = mud->next )
	/* Don't store muds that are down, who cares? They'll update themselves anyway */
      if( mud->status == 0 )

	fprintf( fp, "%s", "#MUDLIST\n" );
	fprintf( fp, "Name		%s~\n", mud->name );
	fprintf( fp, "Status		%d\n", mud->status );
	fprintf( fp, "IP			%s~\n", mud->ipaddress );
	fprintf( fp, "Mudlib		%s~\n", mud->mudlib );
	fprintf( fp, "Baselib		%s~\n", mud->base_mudlib );
	fprintf( fp, "Driver		%s~\n", mud->driver );
	fprintf( fp, "Type		%s~\n", mud->mud_type );
	fprintf( fp, "Openstatus	%s~\n", mud->open_status );
	fprintf( fp, "Email		%s~\n", mud->admin_email );
      if( mud->telnet )
	   fprintf( fp, "Telnet		%s~\n", mud->telnet );
	if( mud->web )
	   fprintf( fp, "Web		%s~\n", mud->web );
	fprintf( fp, "Ports %d %d %d\n", mud->player_port, mud->imud_tcp_port, mud->imud_udp_port );
	fprintf( fp, "Services %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
	   mud->tell, mud->beep, mud->emoteto, mud->who, mud->finger, mud->locate, mud->channel, mud->news, mud->mail,
	   mud->file, mud->auth, mud->ucache );
	fprintf( fp, "OOBports %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", mud->smtp, mud->ftp, mud->nntp, mud->http, mud->pop3, mud->rcp, 
mud->amrcp );
	fprintf( fp, "%s", "End\n\n" );
   fprintf( fp, "%s", "#END\n" );
   FCLOSE( fp );

/* Called only during copyovers */
void I3_savechanlist( void )
   FILE *fp;
   I3_CHANNEL *channel;

   if( ( fp = fopen( I3_CHANLIST_FILE, "w" ) ) == NULL )
	i3bug( "%s", "I3_savechanlist: Unable to write to chanlist file." );

   for( channel = first_I3chan; channel; channel = channel->next )
	/* Don't save local channels, they are stored elsewhere */
	if( channel->local_name )

	fprintf( fp, "%s", "#I3CHAN\n" );
	fprintf( fp, "ChanMud		%s~\n", channel->host_mud );
	fprintf( fp, "ChanName		%s~\n", channel->I3_name );
	fprintf( fp, "ChanStatus	%d\n", channel->status );
	fprintf( fp, "%s", "End\n\n" );
   fprintf( fp, "%s", "#END\n" );
   FCLOSE( fp );

/* Used during copyovers */
void I3_loadhistory( void )
   char filename[256];
   FILE *tempfile;
   I3_CHANNEL *tempchan = NULL;
   int x;

   for( tempchan = first_I3chan; tempchan; tempchan = tempchan->next )
	if( !tempchan->local_name )

      sprintf( filename, "%s/%s.hist", "../i3", tempchan->local_name );

      if( !( tempfile = fopen( filename, "r" ) ) )

      for( x = 0; x < MAX_I3HISTORY; x++ )
         if( feof( tempfile ) )
		tempchan->history[x] = NULL;
            tempchan->history[x] = I3STRALLOC( i3fread_line( tempfile ) );
      FCLOSE( tempfile );
	unlink( filename );

/* Used during copyovers */
void I3_savehistory( void )
   char filename[256];
   FILE *tempfile;
   I3_CHANNEL *tempchan = NULL;
   int x;

   for( tempchan = first_I3chan; tempchan; tempchan = tempchan->next )
	if( !tempchan->local_name )

	if( !tempchan->history[0] )

	sprintf( filename, "%s/%s.hist", "../i3", tempchan->local_name );

      if( !( tempfile = fopen( filename, "w" ) ) )

      for( x = 0; x < MAX_I3HISTORY; x++ )
	   if( tempchan->history[x] != NULL )
            fprintf( tempfile, "%s", tempchan->history[x] );
      FCLOSE( tempfile );

 * Connect to the router and send the startup-packet.
 * Mud port is passed in from main() so that the information passed along to the I3
 * network regarding the mud's operational port is now determined by the mud's own
 * startup script instead of the I3 config file.
void I3_main( bool forced, int mudport, bool isconnected )
   I3_CHANNEL *channel;

   i3wait = 0;
   reconattempts = 0;
   this_mud = NULL;
   first_mud = NULL;
   last_mud = NULL;
   first_ucache = NULL;
   last_ucache = NULL;
   debugstring[0] = '\0';

   if( !I3_read_config( mudport ) )
	this_mud = NULL;
	I3_socket = -1;

   if( ( !this_mud->autoconnect && !forced && !isconnected ) || ( isconnected && I3_socket < 1 ) )
	i3log( "%s", "Intermud-3 network data loaded. Autoconnect not set. Will need to connect manually." );
	I3_socket = -1;
	i3log( "%s", "Intermud-3 network data loaded. Initialiazing network connection..." );

   I3_loadchannels( );

   if( this_mud->ucache == TRUE )
      I3_load_ucache( );
	I3_prune_ucache( );
	ucache_clock = current_time + 86400;

   if( I3_socket < 1 )
      I3_socket = I3_connection_open( this_mud->routerIP, this_mud->routerPort );

   if( I3_socket < 1 )
	i3wait = 100;

   sleep( 1 );

   i3log( "%s", "Intermud-3 Network initialized." );

   if( !isconnected )
      I3_startup_packet( );

   for( channel = first_I3chan; channel; channel = channel->next )
	if( channel->local_name && channel->local_name[0] != '\0' )
	   i3log( "Subscribing to %s", channel->local_name );
	   I3_send_channel_listen( channel, TRUE );

int I3_send_shutdown( int delay ) 
   I3_CHANNEL *channel;
   char s[MIL];

   if( !I3_is_connected() )
	return 0;

   for( channel = first_I3chan; channel; channel = channel->next )
	if( channel->local_name && channel->local_name[0] != '\0' )
	   I3_send_channel_listen( channel, FALSE );

   I3_write_header( "shutdown", I3_THISMUD, NULL, I3_ROUTER_NAME, NULL );
   sprintf( s, "%d", delay );
   I3_write_buffer( s );
   I3_write_buffer( ",})\r" );

   if( !I3_write_packet( I3_output_buffer ) )
	I3_connection_close( FALSE );

   return 0;

 * Check for a packet and if one available read it and parse it.
 * Also checks to see if the mud should attempt to reconnect to the router.
 * This is an input only loop. Attempting to use it to send buffered output
 * just wasn't working out, so output has gone back to sending packets to the
 * router as soon as they're assembled.
void I3_loop( void ) 
   I3_CHANNEL *channel;
   int ret;
   long size;
   fd_set in_set, out_set, exc_set;
   static struct timeval null_time;

   FD_ZERO( &in_set  );
   FD_ZERO( &out_set );
   FD_ZERO( &exc_set );

   if( i3wait > 0 )

   /* This condition can only occur if you were previously connected and the socket was closed.
    * Will increase the interval between attempts if it takes more than 20 initial tries,
    * and will abandon attempts to reconnect if it takes more than 100 tries.
   if( i3wait == 1 )
      I3_socket = I3_connection_open( this_mud->routerIP, this_mud->routerPort ); 
	if( I3_socket < 1 )
         if( reconattempts <= 5 )
	      i3wait = 100; /* Wait for 100 game loops */
	   else if( reconattempts <= 20 )
	      i3wait = 5000; /* Wait for 5000 game loops */
            i3wait = -2; /* Abandon attempts - probably an ISP failure anyway if this happens :) */
		i3log( "%s", "Abandoning attempts to reconnect to Intermud-3 router. Too many failures." );

      sleep( 1 );

      i3log( "%s", "Connection to Intermud-3 router reestablished." );
      i3log( "%s", "Resetting channel connections." );
      for( channel = first_I3chan; channel; channel = channel->next )
	   if( !channel->local_name || channel->local_name[0] == '\0' )
         I3_send_channel_listen( channel, FALSE );
	   I3_send_channel_listen( channel, TRUE );

   if( !I3_is_connected() )

   /* Will prune the cache once every 24hrs after bootup time */
   if( ucache_clock <= current_time )
	ucache_clock = current_time + 86400;
	I3_prune_ucache( );

   FD_SET( I3_socket, &in_set );
   FD_SET( I3_socket, &out_set );
   FD_SET( I3_socket, &exc_set );

   if( select( I3_socket+1, &in_set, &out_set, &exc_set, &null_time ) < 0 ) 
	perror( "I3_loop: select: Unable to poll I3_socket!" );
	I3_connection_close( TRUE );

   if( FD_ISSET( I3_socket, &exc_set ) )
	FD_CLR( I3_socket, &in_set );
	FD_CLR( I3_socket, &out_set );
	i3log( "%s", "Exception raised on socket." );
	I3_connection_close( TRUE );

   if( FD_ISSET( I3_socket, &in_set ) )
	ret = read( I3_socket, I3_input_buffer + I3_input_pointer, MSL );
	if( !ret || ( ret < 0 && errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK ) )
	   FD_CLR( I3_socket, &out_set );
	   if( ret < 0 )
		i3log( "%s", "Read error on socket." );
		i3log( "%s", "EOF encountered on socket read." );
  	   I3_connection_close( TRUE );
	if( ret < 0 ) /* EAGAIN */

	I3_input_pointer += ret;

   memcpy( &size, I3_input_buffer, 4 );
   size = ntohl( size );

   if( size <= I3_input_pointer - 4 )

 * Shutdown the connection to the router.
void I3_shutdown( int delay )
   I3_CHANNEL *channel;

   if( I3_socket < 1 )
	i3log( "%s", "I3_shutdown was called but no socket existed" );

   for( channel = first_I3chan; channel; channel = channel->next )
	if( !channel->local_name || channel->local_name[0] == '\0' )
	i3log( "Unsubscribing from %s", channel->local_name );
      I3_send_channel_listen( channel, FALSE );
   free_i3data( );

   /* Flush the outgoing buffer */
   if( I3_output_pointer != 4 )
	I3_write_packet( I3_output_buffer );
   I3_send_shutdown( delay );
   I3_connection_close( FALSE );
   I3_input_pointer = 0;
   I3_output_pointer = 4;
   I3_save_id( );
   sleep( 2 ); /* Short delay to allow the socket to close */

char *I3_find_social( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *sname, char *person, char *mud, bool victim )
   static char socname[MSL];
   SOCIAL_DATA *social;
   char *c;
   int cmd;
   bool found;

   socname[0] = '\0';

   for( c = sname; *c; *c = tolower(*c), c++ );

   if( ( social = find_social( sname ) ) == NULL )
	i3_printf( ch, "&YSocial &W%s&Y does not exist on this mud.\n\r", sname );
	return socname;

   if( person && person[0] != '\0' && mud && mud[0] != '\0' )
	if( person && person[0] != '\0' && !str_cmp( person, CH_NAME(ch) ) 
	 && mud && mud[0] != '\0' && !str_cmp( mud, I3_THISMUD ) )
	   if( !social->others_auto )
		i3_printf( ch, "&YSocial &W%s&Y: Missing others_auto.\n\r", social->name );
		return socname;
 	   strcpy( socname, social->others_auto );
	   if( !victim )
		if( !social->others_found )
		   i3_printf( ch, "&YSocial &W%s&Y: Missing others_found.\n\r", social->name );
		   return socname;
	      strcpy( socname, social->others_found );
		if( !social->vict_found )
		   i3_printf( ch, "&YSocial &W%s&Y: Missing vict_found.\n\r", social->name );
		   return socname;
		strcpy( socname, social->vict_found );
	if( !social->others_no_arg )
	   i3_printf( ch, "&YSocial &W%s&Y: Missing others_no_arg.\n\r", social->name );
	   return socname;
	strcpy( socname, social->others_no_arg );
   found  = FALSE;
   for ( cmd = 0; social_table[cmd].name[0] != '\0'; cmd++ )
	if( sname[0] == social_table[cmd].name[0] && !str_prefix( sname, social_table[cmd].name ) )
	    found = TRUE;

   if ( !found )
	i3_printf( ch, "&YSocial &W%s&Y does not exist on this mud.\n\r", sname );
	return socname;

   if( person && person[0] != '\0' && mud && mud[0] != '\0' )
	if( person && person[0] != '\0' && !str_cmp( person, CH_NAME(ch) ) 
	 && mud && mud[0] != '\0' && !str_cmp( mud, I3_THISMUD ) )
	   if( !social_table[cmd].others_auto )
		i3_printf( ch, "&YSocial &W%s&Y: Missing others_auto.\n\r", sname );
		return socname;
	   strcpy( socname, social_table[cmd].others_auto );
	   if( !victim )
		if( !social_table[cmd].others_found )
		   i3_printf( ch, "&YSocial &W%s&Y: Missing others_found.\n\r", sname );
		   return socname;
	      strcpy( socname, social_table[cmd].others_found );
		if( !social_table[cmd].vict_found )
		   i3_printf( ch, "&YSocial &W%s&Y: Missing vict_found.\n\r", sname );
		   return socname;
		strcpy( socname, social_table[cmd].vict_found );
	if( !social_table[cmd].others_no_arg )
	   i3_printf( ch, "&YSocial &W%s&Y: Missing others_no_arg.\n\r", sname );
	   return socname;
	strcpy( socname, social_table[cmd].others_no_arg );
   return socname;

/* Modified form of Smaug's act_string */
char *i3act_string( const char *format, CHAR_DATA *to, CHAR_DATA *ch, void *arg1 )
   static char * const he_she  [] = { "it",  "he",  "she" };
   static char * const him_her [] = { "it",  "him", "her" };
   static char * const his_her [] = { "its", "his", "her" };
   static char buf[MSL];
   char *point = buf;
   const char *str = format;
   const char *i;
   CHAR_DATA *vch = (CHAR_DATA *) arg1;

   while( *str != '\0' )
      if( *str != '$' )
         *point++ = *str++;
      if( !arg1 && *str >= 'A' && *str <= 'Z' )
	   i3bug( "i3act_string: missing arg1 for code %c:", *str );
         i3bug( "%s", format );
         i = " <@@@> ";
         switch( *str )
		   i3bug( "i3act_string: bad code %c.", *str );
		   i = " <@@@> ";

	      case '$': 
	         i = "$";
            case 't': i = (char *) arg1;					break;
            case 'T': i = (char *) arg1;					break;
            case 'n':
		   i = "$N";
            case 'N':
		   i = "$O";
            case 'e': 
		   if( CH_SEX(ch) > 2 || CH_SEX(ch) < 0 )
		      i = "it";
		      i = he_she[URANGE( 0, CH_SEX(ch), 2 )];
            case 'E':
		   if( CH_SEX(vch) > 2 || CH_SEX(vch) < 0 )
		      i = "it";
		      i = he_she[URANGE( 0, CH_SEX(vch), 2 )];
            case 'm': 
		   if( CH_SEX(ch) > 2 || CH_SEX(ch) < 0 )
		      i = "it";
		      i = him_her[URANGE( 0, CH_SEX(ch), 2 )];
            case 'M': 
		   if( CH_SEX(vch) > 2 || CH_SEX(vch) < 0 )
		      i = "it";
		      i = him_her[URANGE( 0, CH_SEX(vch), 2 )];
            case 's':
		   if( CH_SEX(ch) > 2 || CH_SEX(ch) < 0 )
		      i = "its";
		      i = his_her[URANGE( 0, CH_SEX(ch), 2 )];
            case 'S': 
		   if( CH_SEX(vch) > 2 || CH_SEX(vch) < 0 )
		      i = "its";
		      i = his_her[URANGE( 0, CH_SEX(vch), 2 )];
      while( (*point = *i) != '\0' )
         ++point, ++i;
   *point = '\0';
   return buf;

CHAR_DATA *I3_make_skeleton( char *name )
   CHAR_DATA *skeleton;

   I3CREATE( skeleton, CHAR_DATA, 1 );

#ifdef I3CIRCLE
   skeleton-> = I3STRALLOC( name );
   skeleton->player.short_descr = I3STRALLOC( name );
   skeleton->in_room = real_room( 1 );
   skeleton->name = I3STRALLOC( name );
   skeleton->short_descr = I3STRALLOC( name );
   skeleton->in_room = get_room_index( ROOM_VNUM_LIMBO );

   return skeleton;

void I3_purge_skeleton( CHAR_DATA *skeleton )
   if( !skeleton )

#ifdef I3CIRCLE
   I3STRFREE( skeleton-> );
   I3STRFREE( skeleton->player.short_descr );
   I3STRFREE( skeleton->name );
   I3STRFREE( skeleton->short_descr );
   I3DISPOSE( skeleton );

void I3_send_social( I3_CHANNEL *channel, CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   CHAR_DATA *skeleton = NULL;
   char *ps;
   char socbuf_o[MSL], socbuf_t[MSL], msg_o[MSL], msg_t[MSL];
   char arg1[MIL], person[MSL], mud[MSL], user[MSL], buf[MSL];
   int x;

   person[0] = '\0';
   mud[0] = '\0';

   /* Name of social, remainder of argument is assumed to hold the target */
   argument = i3one_argument( argument, arg1 );

   sprintf( user, "%s@%s", CH_NAME(ch), I3_THISMUD );
   if( !str_cmp( user, argument ) )
	i3_to_char( "Cannot target yourself due to the nature of I3 socials.\n\r", ch );

   if( argument && argument[0] != '\0' )
      if( ( ps = strchr( argument, '@' ) ) == NULL )
	   i3_to_char( "You need to specify a person@mud for a target.\n\r", ch );
         for( x = 0; x < strlen( argument ); x++ )
	      person[x] = argument[x];
	      if( person[x] == '@' )
         person[x] = '\0';

         ps[0] = '\0';
	   strcpy( mud, ps+1 );

   sprintf( socbuf_o, "%s", I3_find_social( ch, arg1, person, mud, FALSE ) );

   if( socbuf_o && socbuf_o[0] != '\0' )
      sprintf( socbuf_t, "%s", I3_find_social( ch, arg1, person, mud, TRUE ) );

   if( ( socbuf_o && socbuf_o[0] != '\0' ) && ( socbuf_t && socbuf_t[0] != '\0' ) )
	if( argument && argument[0] != '\0' )
	   int sex;

	   sprintf( buf, "%s@%s", person, mud );
	   sex = I3_get_ucache_gender( buf );
	   if( sex == -1 )
	      /* Greg said to "just punt and call them all males".
		 * I decided to meet him halfway and at least request data before punting :)
            I3_send_chan_user_req( mud, person );
		sex = SEX_MALE;
		sex = i3todikugender( sex );

	   skeleton = I3_make_skeleton( buf );
	   CH_SEX(skeleton) = sex;

	strcpy( msg_o, (char *)i3act_string( socbuf_o, NULL, ch, skeleton ) );
	strcpy( msg_t, (char *)i3act_string( socbuf_t, NULL, ch, skeleton ) );

	if( !skeleton )
	   I3_send_channel_emote( channel, CH_NAME(ch), msg_o );
	   sprintf( buf, "%s", person );
	   buf[0] = tolower( buf[0] );
	   I3_send_channel_t( channel, CH_NAME(ch), mud, buf, msg_o, msg_t, person );
	if( skeleton )
	   I3_purge_skeleton( skeleton );

/* This function should coincide with the command struct below */
void I3_other( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   i3_to_char( "&GGeneral Usage:\n\r", ch );
   i3_to_char( "&G------------------------------------------------\n\r\n\r", ch );
   i3_to_char( "&wList channels available                : &Gi3chanlist [all] [filter]\n\r", ch );
   i3_to_char( "&wTo tune into a channel                 : &Gi3listen <localchannel>\n\r", ch );
   i3_to_char( "&wTo see who is listening on another mud : &Gi3chanwho <channel> <mud>\n\r", ch );
   i3_to_char( "&wList muds connected to I3              : &Gi3mudlist [filter]\n\r", ch );
   i3_to_char( "&wInformation on another mud             : &Gi3mudinfo <mud>\n\r", ch );
   i3_to_char( "&wIgnore someone who annoys you          : &Gi3ignore <string>\n\r", ch );
   i3_to_char( "&wMake yourself invisible to I3          : &Gi3invis\n\r", ch );
   i3_to_char( "&wToggle I3 color                        : &Gi3color\n\r", ch );

   if( I3PERM(ch) >= I3PERM_IMM )
      i3_to_char( "\n\r&YImmortal functions\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&Y------------------------------------------------\n\r\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&YGeneral statistics:\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&wi3ucache\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&wi3user <person@mud>\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&wi3perms <user>\n\r\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&YChannel control:\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&wi3deny <person> <local channel>\n\r", ch );

   if( I3PERM(ch) >= I3PERM_ADMIN )
      i3_to_char( "\n\r&RAdministrative functions\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&R------------------------------------------------\n\r\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&RLocal channel setup and editing:\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&wi3setchan <i3channelname> <localname> [level]\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&wi3editchan <localchannel>\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&wi3chanlayout <localchannel> <message> <emote>\n\r\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&RNew channel creation and administration:\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&wi3addchan <channel> <type>\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&wi3removechan <channel>\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&wi3adminchan <localchannel> <add|remove> <mudname>\n\r\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&RTraffic control and permissions:\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&wi3block <string>\n\r", ch );
      i3_to_char( "&wi3permset <user> <permission>\n\r", ch );

const	struct	i3cmd_type	i3cmd_table	[] =
   /* The revamped Merc-like command table. The I3_other function should coincide with this. */
   /* Command name,	Function called,			Permission,	Need to be connected? */

   { "i3",			I3_other,				I3PERM_MORT, 	FALSE },
   { "i3listen",		I3_listen_channel,		I3PERM_MORT,	TRUE },
   { "i3chanlist",	I3_chanlist,			I3PERM_MORT,	TRUE },
   { "i3mudlist",		I3_mudlist,				I3PERM_MORT,	TRUE },
   { "i3chanwho",		I3_chan_who,			I3PERM_MORT,	TRUE },
   { "i3mudinfo",		I3_mudinfo,				I3PERM_MORT,	TRUE },
   { "i3invis",		I3_invis,				I3PERM_MORT,	FALSE },
   { "i3who",		I3_who,				I3PERM_MORT, 	TRUE },
   { "i3finger",		I3_finger,				I3PERM_MORT, 	TRUE },
   { "i3locate",		I3_locate,				I3PERM_MORT, 	TRUE },
   { "i3tell",		I3_tell,				I3PERM_MORT, 	TRUE },
   { "i3reply",		I3_reply,				I3PERM_MORT, 	TRUE },
   { "i3emote",		I3_emote,				I3PERM_MORT, 	TRUE },
   { "i3beep",		I3_beep,				I3PERM_MORT, 	TRUE },
   { "i3ignore",		I3_ignore,				I3PERM_MORT, 	FALSE },
   { "i3color",         I3_color,                     I3PERM_MORT,      FALSE },
   { "i3connect",		I3_connect,				I3PERM_IMM,	FALSE },
   { "i3disconnect",	I3_disconnect,			I3PERM_IMM,	TRUE },
   { "i3user",		I3_send_user_req,			I3PERM_IMM,	TRUE },
   { "i3ucache",		I3_show_ucache_contents,	I3PERM_IMM,	TRUE },
   { "i3perms",		I3_permstats,			I3PERM_IMM,	FALSE },
   { "i3deny",		I3_deny_channel,			I3PERM_IMM,	TRUE },
   { "i3permset",		I3_permset,				I3PERM_ADMIN,	FALSE },
   { "i3setchan",		I3_setup_channel,			I3PERM_ADMIN,	TRUE },
   { "i3chanlayout",	I3_chanlayout,			I3PERM_ADMIN,	TRUE },
   { "i3addchan",		I3_addchan,				I3PERM_ADMIN,	TRUE },
   { "i3removechan",	I3_removechan,			I3PERM_ADMIN,	TRUE },
   { "i3adminchan",	I3_admin_channel,			I3PERM_ADMIN,	TRUE },
   { "i3editchan",	I3_edit_channel,			I3PERM_ADMIN,	TRUE },
   { "i3block",		I3_block,				I3PERM_ADMIN,	TRUE },
   { "i3config",		I3_setconfig,			I3PERM_ADMIN,	FALSE },
   { "i3debug",		I3_debug,				I3PERM_ADMIN,	FALSE },

   { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }

 * This is how channels are interpreted. If they are not commands
 * or socials, this function will go through the list of channels
 * and send it to it if the name matches the local channel name.
bool I3_command_hook( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *command, char *argument ) 
   I3_CHANNEL *channel;
   int x;

   if( IS_NPC(ch) )
	return FALSE;

   if( !ch->desc )
	return FALSE;

   if( !this_mud )
	i3log( "%s", "Ooops. I3 called with missing configuration!" );
	return FALSE;

   if( I3PERM(ch) <= I3PERM_NONE )
	return FALSE;

#ifdef I3CIRCLE
   skip_spaces( &argument );

   /* Simple command interpreter menu. Nothing overly fancy etc, but it beats trying to tie directly into the mud's
    * own internal structures. Especially with the differences in codebases. If this looks eerily similar to the Merc
    * command table setup, that's because it's a simplified version of exactly that :)
   for( x = 0; i3cmd_table[x].name != NULL; x++ )
      if( I3PERM(ch) < i3cmd_table[x].level )

      if( !str_cmp( command, i3cmd_table[x].name ) )
	   if( i3cmd_table[x].connected == TRUE && !I3_is_connected() )
		i3_to_char( "The mud is not currently connected to I3.\n\r", ch );
		return TRUE;

         ( *i3cmd_table[x].function )( ch, argument ); 
         return TRUE;

   /* Assumed to be going for a channel if it gets this far */

   if( ( channel = find_I3_channel_by_localname( command ) ) == NULL )
	return FALSE;

   if( I3PERM(ch) < channel->i3perm )
	return FALSE;

   if( I3_hasname( I3DENY(ch), channel->local_name ) )
	i3_printf( ch, "You have been denied the use of %s by the administration.\n\r", channel->local_name );
	return TRUE;

   if( !argument || argument[0] == '\0' )
	i3_printf( ch, "&cThe last %d %s messages:\n\r", MAX_I3HISTORY, channel->local_name );
	for( x = 0; x < MAX_I3HISTORY; x++ )
	   if( channel->history[x] != NULL )
		i3_printf( ch, "%s", channel->history[x] );
	return TRUE;

   if( I3PERM(ch) >= I3PERM_ADMIN && !str_cmp( argument, "log" ) )
	if( !I3IS_SET( channel->flags, I3CHAN_LOG ) )
	   I3SET_BIT( channel->flags, I3CHAN_LOG );
	   i3_printf( ch, "&RFile logging enabled for %s, PLEASE don't forget to undo this when it isn't needed!\n\r", 
channel->local_name );
	   I3REMOVE_BIT( channel->flags, I3CHAN_LOG );
	   i3_printf( ch, "&GFile logging disabled for %s.\n\r", channel->local_name );
	return TRUE;

   if( !I3_hasname( I3LISTEN(ch), channel->local_name ) )
	i3_printf( ch, "&YYou were trying to send something to an I3 "
	   "channel but you're not listening to it.\n\rPlease use the command "
	   "'&Wi3listen %s&Y' to listen to it.\n\r", channel->local_name );
	return TRUE;

   switch( argument[0] )
	case ',':
         /* Strip the , and then extra spaces - Remcon 6-28-03 */
         argument = ( argument + 1 );
         while( isspace( *argument ) ) argument++;
         I3_send_channel_emote( channel, CH_NAME(ch), argument );
	case '@':
	   I3_send_social( channel, ch, argument+1 );
	   I3_send_channel_message( channel, CH_NAME(ch), argument );
   return TRUE;