 * [S]imulated [M]edieval [A]dventure multi[U]ser [G]ame      |   \\._.//   *
 * -----------------------------------------------------------|   (0...0)   *
 * SMAUG 1.4 (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998  by Derek Snider      |    ).:.(    *
 * -----------------------------------------------------------|    {o o}    *
 * SMAUG code team: Thoric, Altrag, Blodkai, Narn, Haus,      |   / ' ' \   *
 * Scryn, Rennard, Swordbearer, Gorog, Grishnakh, Nivek,      |~'~.VxvxV.~'~*
 * Tricops and Fireblade                                      |             *
 *  The MUDprograms are heavily based on the original MOBprogram code that  *
 *  was written by N'Atas-ha.						    *
 *  Much has been added, including the capability to put a "program" on     *
 *  rooms and objects, not to mention many more triggers and ifchecks, as   *
 *  well as "script" support.						    *
 *                                                                          *
 *  Error reporting has been changed to specify whether the offending       *
 *  program is on a mob, a room or and object, along with the vnum.         *
 *                                                                          *
 *  Mudprog parsing has been rewritten (in mprog_driver). Mprog_process_if  *
 *  and mprog_process_cmnd have been removed, mprog_do_command is new.      *
 *  Full support for nested ifs is in.                                      *

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "mud.h"

 * Recursive function used by the carryingvnum ifcheck.
 * It loops thru all objects belonging to a char (in nested containers)
 * and returns TRUE if it finds a matching vnum.
 * I declared it static to limit its scope to this file.  --Gorog
 * This recursive function works by using the following method for
 * traversing the nodes in a binary tree:
 *    Start at the root node
 *    if there is a child then visit the child
 *       if there is a sibling then visit the sibling
 *    else
 *    if there is a sibling then visit the sibling
static bool carryingvnum_visit( CHAR_DATA * ch, OBJ_DATA *obj, int vnum )
   pager_printf(ch, "***obj=%s vnum=%d\n\r", obj->name, obj->pIndexData->vnum );
   if ( obj->wear_loc == -1 && obj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
        return TRUE;
   if ( obj->first_content )  /* node has a child? */
      if ( carryingvnum_visit( ch, obj->first_content, vnum ) )
         return TRUE;
      if ( obj->next_content ) /* node has a sibling? */
         if ( carryingvnum_visit( ch, obj->next_content, vnum ) )
            return TRUE;
   if ( obj->next_content )  /* node has a sibling? */
      if ( carryingvnum_visit( ch, obj->next_content, vnum ) )
         return TRUE;
   return FALSE;

/*  Defines by Narn for new mudprog parsing, used as 
   return values from mprog_do_command. */
#define COMMANDOK    1
#define IFTRUE       2
#define IFFALSE      3
#define ORTRUE       4
#define ORFALSE      5
#define FOUNDELSE    6
#define FOUNDENDIF   7
#define IFIGNORED    8
#define ORIGNORED    9

/* Ifstate defines, used to create and access ifstate array
   in mprog_driver. */
#define MAX_IFS     20		/* should always be generous */
#define IN_IF        0
#define IN_ELSE      1
#define DO_IF        2
#define DO_ELSE      3

#define MAX_PROG_NEST   20

int mprog_do_command( char *cmnd, CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor, 
                      OBJ_DATA *obj, void *vo, CHAR_DATA *rndm, 
                      bool ignore, bool ignore_ors );

 *  Mudprogram additions
CHAR_DATA *supermob;
struct act_prog_data *room_act_list;
struct act_prog_data *obj_act_list;
struct act_prog_data *mob_act_list;

 * Local function prototypes

char *	mprog_next_command	args( ( char* clist ) );
bool	mprog_seval		args( ( char* lhs, char* opr, char* rhs,
                                        CHAR_DATA *mob ) );
bool	mprog_veval		args( ( int lhs, char* opr, int rhs,
                                        CHAR_DATA *mob ) );
int	mprog_do_ifcheck	args( ( char* ifcheck, CHAR_DATA* mob,
				       CHAR_DATA* actor, OBJ_DATA* obj,
				       void* vo, CHAR_DATA* rndm ) );
void	mprog_translate		args( ( char ch, char* t, CHAR_DATA* mob,
				       CHAR_DATA* actor, OBJ_DATA* obj,
				       void* vo, CHAR_DATA* rndm ) );
void	mprog_driver		args( ( char* com_list, CHAR_DATA* mob,
				       CHAR_DATA* actor, OBJ_DATA* obj,
				       void* vo, bool single_step ) );

bool mprog_keyword_check	args( ( const char *argu, const char *argl ) );

void oprog_wordlist_check( char *arg, CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor, OBJ_DATA *obj, void *vo, int type, OBJ_DATA *iobj );
void set_supermob(OBJ_DATA *obj);
bool oprog_percent_check( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor, OBJ_DATA *obj, void *vo, int type);
void rprog_percent_check( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor, OBJ_DATA *obj, void *vo, int type);
void rprog_wordlist_check( char *arg, CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor,
			  OBJ_DATA *obj, void *vo, int type, ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room );

 * Local function code and brief comments.

/* if you dont have these functions, you damn well should... */

char * strstr(s1,s2) const char *s1; const char *s2;
  char *cp;
  int i,j=strlen(s1)-strlen(s2),k=strlen(s2);
    return NULL;
  for(i=0; i<=j && strncmp(s1++,s2, k)!=0; i++);
  return (i>j) ? NULL : (s1-1);


void init_supermob()
   RID *office;

   supermob = create_mobile(get_mob_index( 3 ));
   office = get_room_index ( 3 );
   char_to_room( supermob, office );

#ifdef NOTDEFD
   CREATE( supermob, CHAR_DATA, 1 );
   clear_char( supermob );

   supermob->name 		= STRALLOC("supermob");
   supermob->short_descr 	= STRALLOC("supermob");
   supermob->long_descr 	= STRALLOC("supermob is here");

   CREATE( supermob_index, MOB_INDEX_DATA, 1 )

#undef RID

/* Used to get sequential lines of a multi line string (separated by "\n\r")
 * Thus its like one_argument(), but a trifle different. It is destructive
 * to the multi line string argument, and thus clist must not be shared.
char *mprog_next_command( char *clist )

  char *pointer = clist;

  while ( *pointer != '\n' && *pointer != '\0' )
  if ( *pointer == '\n' )
    *pointer++ = '\0';
  if ( *pointer == '\r' )
    *pointer++ = '\0';

  return ( pointer );


/* These two functions do the basic evaluation of ifcheck operators.
 *  It is important to note that the string operations are not what
 *  you probably expect.  Equality is exact and division is substring.
 *  remember that lhs has been stripped of leading space, but can
 *  still have trailing spaces so be careful when editing since:
 *  "guard" and "guard " are not equal.
bool mprog_seval( char *lhs, char *opr, char *rhs, CHAR_DATA *mob )

  if ( !str_cmp( opr, "==" ) )
    return ( bool )( !str_cmp( lhs, rhs ) );
  if ( !str_cmp( opr, "!=" ) )
    return ( bool )( str_cmp( lhs, rhs ) );
  if ( !str_cmp( opr, "/" ) )
    return ( bool )( !str_infix( rhs, lhs ) );
  if ( !str_cmp( opr, "!/" ) )
    return ( bool )( str_infix( rhs, lhs ) );

  sprintf( log_buf, "Improper MOBprog operator '%s'", opr );
  progbug( log_buf, mob );
  return 0;


bool mprog_veval( int lhs, char *opr, int rhs, CHAR_DATA *mob )

  if ( !str_cmp( opr, "==" ) )
    return ( lhs == rhs );
  if ( !str_cmp( opr, "!=" ) )
    return ( lhs != rhs );
  if ( !str_cmp( opr, ">" ) )
    return ( lhs > rhs );
  if ( !str_cmp( opr, "<" ) )
    return ( lhs < rhs );
  if ( !str_cmp( opr, "<=" ) )
    return ( lhs <= rhs );
  if ( !str_cmp( opr, ">=" ) )
    return ( lhs >= rhs );
  if ( !str_cmp( opr, "&" ) )
    return ( lhs & rhs );
  if ( !str_cmp( opr, "|" ) )
    return ( lhs | rhs );

  sprintf( log_buf, "Improper MOBprog operator '%s'", opr );
  progbug( log_buf, mob );

  return 0;


#define isoperator(c) ((c)=='='||(c)=='<'||(c)=='>'||(c)=='!'||(c)=='&'||(c)=='|')
#define MAX_IF_ARGS 6
 * This function performs the evaluation of the if checks.  It is
 * here that you can add any ifchecks which you so desire. Hopefully
 * it is clear from what follows how one would go about adding your
 * own. The syntax for an if check is: ifcheck ( arg ) [opr val]
 * where the parenthesis are required and the opr and val fields are
 * optional but if one is there then both must be. The spaces are all
 * optional. The evaluation of the opr expressions is farmed out
 * to reduce the redundancy of the mammoth if statement list.
 * If there are errors, then return BERR otherwise return boolean 1,0
 * Redone by Altrag.. kill all that big copy-code that performs the
 * same action on each variable..
int mprog_do_ifcheck( char *ifcheck, CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor,
		      OBJ_DATA *obj, void *vo, CHAR_DATA *rndm )
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char opr[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char *chck, *cvar;
    char *argv[MAX_IF_ARGS];
    char *rval = "";
    char *q, *p = buf;
    int argc = 0;
    CHAR_DATA *chkchar = NULL;
    OBJ_DATA *chkobj = NULL;
    int lhsvl, rhsvl = 0;
    if ( !*ifcheck )
	progbug("Null ifcheck", mob);
	return BERR;

     * New parsing by Thoric to allow for multiple arguments inside the
     * brackets, ie: if leveldiff($n, $i) > 10
     * It's also smaller, cleaner and probably faster
    strcpy(buf, ifcheck);  opr[0] = '\0';
    while ( isspace(*p) ) ++p;
    argv[argc++] = p;
    while ( isalnum(*p) ) ++p;
    while ( isspace(*p) ) *p++ = '\0';
    if ( *p != '(' )
	progbug("Ifcheck Syntax error (missing left bracket)", mob);
	return BERR;

    *p++ = '\0';
    /* Need to check for spaces or if name( $n ) isn't legal --Shaddai */
    while ( isspace(*p) ) *p++ = '\0';
    for (;;)
	argv[argc++] = p;
	while ( *p == '$' || isalnum(*p) ) ++p;
	while ( isspace(*p) ) *p++ = '\0';
	    case ',':
		*p++ = '\0';
		while ( isspace(*p) ) *p++ = '\0';
		if ( argc >= MAX_IF_ARGS )
		    while ( *p && *p != ')' ) ++p;
		    if ( *p )
			*p++ = '\0';
		    while ( isspace(*p) ) *p++ = '\0';
		    goto doneargs;
	    case ')':
		*p++ = '\0';
		while ( isspace(*p) ) *p++ = '\0';
	    	goto doneargs;
		progbug("Ifcheck Syntax warning (missing right bracket)", mob);
		goto doneargs;
    q = p;
    while ( isoperator(*p) ) ++p;
    strncpy(opr, q, p-q);
    opr[p-q] = '\0';
    while ( isspace(*p) ) *p++ = '\0';
    rval = p;
    while ( *p && !isspace(*p) ) ++p;
    while ( *p ) ++p;
    *p = '\0';

    chck = argv[0] ? argv[0] : "";
    cvar = argv[1] ? argv[1] : "";
     * chck contains check, cvar is the variable in the (), opr is the
     * operator if there is one, and rval is the value if there was an
     * operator.
    if ( cvar[0] == '$' )
	    case 'i':	chkchar = mob;			break;
	    case 'n':	chkchar = actor;		break;
	    case 't':	chkchar = (CHAR_DATA *)vo;	break;
	    case 'r':	chkchar = rndm;			break;
	    case 'o':	chkobj = obj;			break;
	    case 'p':	chkobj = (OBJ_DATA *)vo;	break;
		sprintf(rval, "Bad argument '%c' to '%s'", cvar[0], chck);
		progbug(rval, mob);
		return BERR;
	if ( !chkchar && !chkobj )
	    return BERR;
    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "rand") )
	return (number_percent() <= atoi(cvar));
    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "economy") )
	int idx = atoi(cvar);
	if ( !idx )
	    if ( !mob->in_room )
		progbug( "'economy' ifcheck: mob in NULL room with no room vnum "
		    "argument", mob );
		return BERR;
	    room = mob->in_room;
	    room = get_room_index(idx);
	if ( !room )
	    progbug( "Bad room vnum passed to 'economy'", mob );
	    return BERR;
	return mprog_veval( ((room->area->high_economy > 0) ? 1000000000 : 0)
	    + room->area->low_economy, opr, atoi(rval), mob );
    if (!str_cmp(chck, "mobinarea"))
	int vnum = atoi(cvar);
	int lhsvl;
	int world_count;
	int found_count;
	CHAR_DATA *tmob;
	MOB_INDEX_DATA *m_index;
	if (vnum < 1 || vnum > 32767)
	    progbug("Bad vnum to 'mobinarea'", mob);
	    return BERR;
	m_index = get_mob_index(vnum);
	    world_count = 0;
	    world_count = m_index->count;
	lhsvl = 0;
	found_count = 0;
	for(tmob = first_char; tmob && found_count != world_count;
	    tmob = tmob->next)
	    if(IS_NPC(tmob) && tmob->pIndexData->vnum == vnum)
		if(tmob->in_room->area == mob->in_room->area)
	rhsvl = atoi(rval);

	/* Changed below from 1 to 0 */
	if(rhsvl < 0)
	    rhsvl = 0;
	    strcpy(opr, "==");
	return mprog_veval(lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob);

    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "mobinroom") )
	int vnum = atoi(cvar);
	int lhsvl;
	if ( vnum < 1 || vnum > 32767 )
	    progbug( "Bad vnum to 'mobinroom'", mob );
	    return BERR;
	lhsvl = 0;
	for ( oMob = mob->in_room->first_person; oMob;
	    oMob = oMob->next_in_room )
	if ( IS_NPC(oMob) && oMob->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
	rhsvl = atoi(rval);
	/* Changed below from 1 to 0 */
	if ( rhsvl < 0 ) rhsvl = 0;
	    if ( !*opr )
		strcpy( opr, "==" );
	return mprog_veval(lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob);

    if(!str_cmp(chck, "mobinworld"))
	int vnum = atoi(cvar);
	int lhsvl;
	MOB_INDEX_DATA *m_index;
	if(vnum < 1 || vnum > 32767)
	    progbug("Bad vnum to 'mobinworld'", mob);
	    return BERR;
	m_index = get_mob_index(vnum);
	    lhsvl = 0;
	    lhsvl = m_index->count;
	rhsvl = atoi(rval);
	/* Changed below from 1 to 0 */
	if(rhsvl < 0)
	    rhsvl = 0;
	    strcpy(opr, "==");
	return mprog_veval(lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob);
    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "timeskilled") )
	if ( chkchar )
	    pMob = chkchar->pIndexData;
	else if ( !(pMob = get_mob_index(atoi(cvar))) )
	    progbug("TimesKilled ifcheck: bad vnum", mob);
	    return BERR;
	return mprog_veval(pMob->killed, opr, atoi(rval), mob);
    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "ovnumhere") )
	OBJ_DATA *pObj;
	int vnum = atoi(cvar);
	if ( vnum < 1 || vnum > 32767 )
	    progbug("OvnumHere: bad vnum", mob);
	    return BERR;
	lhsvl = 0;

	for ( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
	    if ( pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
	for ( pObj = mob->in_room->first_content; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
	    if ( pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
	rhsvl = is_number(rval) ? atoi(rval) : -1;
	/* Changed from 1 to 0 */
	if ( rhsvl < 0 )
	    rhsvl = 0;
	if ( !*opr )
	    strcpy(opr, "==");
	return mprog_veval(lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob);
    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "otypehere") )
	OBJ_DATA *pObj;
	int type;
	if ( is_number(cvar) )
	    type = atoi(cvar);
	    type = get_otype(cvar);
	if ( type < 0 || type > MAX_ITEM_TYPE )
	    progbug("OtypeHere: bad type", mob);
	    return BERR;
	lhsvl = 0;

	for ( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
	    if ( pObj->item_type == type )
	for ( pObj = mob->in_room->first_content; pObj;
	      pObj = pObj->next_content )
	    if ( pObj->item_type == type )
	rhsvl = is_number(rval) ? atoi(rval) : -1;
	/* Change below from 1 to 0 */
	if ( rhsvl < 0 )
	    rhsvl = 0;
	if ( !*opr )
	    strcpy(opr, "==");
	return mprog_veval(lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob);
    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "ovnumroom") )
	OBJ_DATA *pObj;
	int vnum = atoi(cvar);
	if ( vnum < 1 || vnum > 32767 )
	    progbug("OvnumRoom: bad vnum", mob);
	    return BERR;
	lhsvl = 0;
	for ( pObj = mob->in_room->first_content; pObj;
	    pObj = pObj->next_content )
	if ( pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
	rhsvl = is_number(rval) ? atoi(rval) : -1;
	/* Changed below from 1 to 0 so can check for == no items Shaddai */
	if ( rhsvl < 0 )
	    rhsvl = 0;
	if ( !*opr )
	    strcpy(opr, "==");
	return mprog_veval(lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob);
    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "otyperoom") )
	OBJ_DATA *pObj;
	int type;
	if ( is_number(cvar) )
	    type = atoi(cvar);
	    type = get_otype(cvar);
	if ( type < 0 || type > MAX_ITEM_TYPE )
	    progbug("OtypeRoom: bad type", mob);
	    return BERR;
	lhsvl = 0;

	for ( pObj = mob->in_room->first_content; pObj;
	    pObj = pObj->next_content )
	if ( pObj->item_type == type )
	rhsvl = is_number(rval) ? atoi(rval) : -1;
	/* Changed below from 1 to 0 */
	if ( rhsvl < 0 )
	    rhsvl = 0;
	if ( !*opr )
	    strcpy(opr, "==");
	return mprog_veval(lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob);
    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "ovnumcarry") )
	OBJ_DATA *pObj;
	int vnum = atoi(cvar);
	if ( vnum < 1 || vnum > 32767 )
	    progbug("OvnumCarry: bad vnum", mob);
	    return BERR;
	lhsvl = 0;

	for ( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
	    if ( pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
	rhsvl = is_number(rval) ? atoi(rval) : -1;

	if ( rhsvl < 0 )
	    rhsvl = 0;
	if ( !*opr )
	    strcpy(opr, "==");
	return mprog_veval(lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob);
    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "otypecarry") )
	OBJ_DATA *pObj;
	int type;
	if ( is_number(cvar) )
	    type = atoi(cvar);
	    type = get_otype(cvar);
	if ( type < 0 || type > MAX_ITEM_TYPE )
	    progbug("OtypeCarry: bad type", mob);
	    return BERR;
	lhsvl = 0;
	for ( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
	    if ( pObj->item_type == type )
	rhsvl = is_number(rval) ? atoi(rval) : -1;
	/* Changed below from 1 to 0 Shaddai */
	if ( rhsvl < 0 )
	    rhsvl = 0;
	if ( !*opr )
	    strcpy(opr, "==");
	return mprog_veval(lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob);
    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "ovnumwear") )
	OBJ_DATA *pObj;
	int vnum = atoi(cvar);
	if ( vnum < 1 || vnum > 32767 )
	    progbug("OvnumWear: bad vnum", mob);
	    return BERR;
	lhsvl = 0;
	for ( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
	    if ( pObj->wear_loc != WEAR_NONE &&
		pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
	rhsvl = is_number(rval) ? atoi(rval) : -1;
	/* Changed below from 1 to 0 */
	if ( rhsvl < 0 )
	    rhsvl = 0;
	if ( !*opr )
	    strcpy(opr, "==");
	return mprog_veval(lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob);
    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "otypewear") )
	OBJ_DATA *pObj;
	int type;
	if ( is_number(cvar) )
	    type = atoi(cvar);
	    type = get_otype(cvar);
	if ( type < 0 || type > MAX_ITEM_TYPE )
	    progbug("OtypeWear: bad type", mob);
	    return BERR;
	lhsvl = 0;
	for ( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
	    if ( pObj->wear_loc != WEAR_NONE && 
		pObj->item_type == type )
	rhsvl = is_number(rval) ? atoi(rval) : -1;
	/* Changed below from 1 to 0 so can have == 0 Shaddai */
	if ( rhsvl < 0 )
	    rhsvl = 0;
	if ( !*opr )
	    strcpy(opr, "==");
	return mprog_veval(lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob);
    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "ovnuminv") )
	OBJ_DATA *pObj;
	int vnum = atoi(cvar);
	if ( vnum < 1 || vnum > 32767 )
	    progbug("OvnumInv: bad vnum", mob);
	    return BERR;
	lhsvl = 0;

	for ( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
	    if ( pObj->wear_loc == WEAR_NONE
	    &&   pObj->pIndexData->vnum == vnum )
	rhsvl = is_number(rval) ? atoi(rval) : -1;
	/* Changed 1 to 0 so can have == 0 */
	if ( rhsvl < 0 )
	    rhsvl = 0;
	if ( !*opr )
	    strcpy(opr, "==");
	return mprog_veval(lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob);
    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "otypeinv") )
	OBJ_DATA *pObj;
	int type;
	if ( is_number(cvar) )
	    type = atoi(cvar);
	    type = get_otype(cvar);
	if ( type < 0 || type > MAX_ITEM_TYPE )
	    progbug("OtypeInv: bad type", mob);
	    return BERR;
	lhsvl = 0;
	for ( pObj = mob->first_carrying; pObj; pObj = pObj->next_content )
	    if ( pObj->wear_loc == WEAR_NONE
	    &&   pObj->item_type == type )
	rhsvl = is_number(rval) ? atoi(rval) : -1;
	/* Changed below from 1 to 0 for == 0 Shaddai */
	if ( rhsvl < 0 )
	    rhsvl = 0;
	if ( !*opr )
	    strcpy(opr, "==");
	return mprog_veval(lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob);
    if ( chkchar )
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "ispacifist") )
	    return (IS_NPC(chkchar) && xIS_SET(chkchar->act, ACT_PACIFIST));
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "ismobinvis") )
	    return (IS_NPC(chkchar) && xIS_SET(chkchar->act, ACT_MOBINVIS));
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "mobinvislevel") )
	    return (IS_NPC(chkchar) ?
		mprog_veval(chkchar->mobinvis, opr, atoi(rval), mob) : FALSE);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "ispc") )
	    return IS_NPC(chkchar) ? FALSE : TRUE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "isnpc") )
	    return IS_NPC(chkchar) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "cansee") )
	    return can_see( mob , chkchar );
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "ispassage") )
	    if ( find_door( chkchar, rval , TRUE ) == NULL )
		return FALSE;
		return TRUE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "isopen" ) )
	    EXIT_DATA *pexit;

	    if ( (pexit = find_door( chkchar, rval, TRUE)) == NULL )
		return FALSE;
	    if (!IS_SET (pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED))
		return TRUE;
	    return FALSE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "islocked" ) )
	    EXIT_DATA *pexit;

	    if ( (pexit = find_door( chkchar, rval, TRUE)) == NULL )
		return FALSE;
	    if (IS_SET (pexit->exit_info, EX_LOCKED))
		return TRUE;
	    return FALSE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "ispkill") )
	    return IS_PKILL(chkchar) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "isdevoted") )
	    return IS_DEVOTED(chkchar) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "canpkill") )
	    return CAN_PKILL(chkchar) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "ismounted") )
	    return (chkchar->position == POS_MOUNTED);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "ismorphed") )
	    return (chkchar->morph != NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "isnuisance" ) )
	    return (!IS_NPC(chkchar)? chkchar->pcdata->nuisance? TRUE: FALSE: FALSE);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "isgood") )
	    return IS_GOOD(chkchar) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "isneutral") )
	    return IS_NEUTRAL(chkchar) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "isevil") )
	    return IS_EVIL(chkchar) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "isfight") )
	    return who_fighting(chkchar) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "isimmort") )
	    return (get_trust(chkchar) >= LEVEL_IMMORTAL);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "ischarmed") )
	    return IS_AFFECTED(chkchar, AFF_CHARM) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "isflying") )
	    return IS_AFFECTED(chkchar, AFF_FLYING) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "isthief") )
	    return ( !IS_NPC(chkchar) && xIS_SET(chkchar->act, PLR_THIEF) );
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "isattacker") )
	    return ( !IS_NPC(chkchar) && xIS_SET(chkchar->act, PLR_ATTACKER) );
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "iskiller") )
	    return ( !IS_NPC(chkchar) && xIS_SET(chkchar->act, PLR_KILLER) );
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "isfollow") )
	    return (chkchar->master != NULL
	         && chkchar->master->in_room == chkchar->in_room);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "isaffected") )
	    int value = get_aflag(rval);
	    if ( value < 0 || value > MAX_BITS )
		progbug("Unknown affect being checked", mob);
		return BERR;
	    return IS_AFFECTED(chkchar, value) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "numfighting") )
	    return mprog_veval(chkchar->num_fighting-1, opr, atoi(rval), mob );
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "hitprcnt") )
	    return mprog_veval(chkchar->hit/chkchar->max_hit, opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "inroom") )
	    return mprog_veval(chkchar->in_room->vnum, opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "wasinroom") )
	    if ( !chkchar->was_in_room )
		return FALSE;
	    return mprog_veval(chkchar->was_in_room->vnum, opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "norecall") )
	    return IS_SET(chkchar->in_room->room_flags, ROOM_NO_RECALL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "sex") )
	    return mprog_veval(chkchar->sex, opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "position") )
	    return mprog_veval(chkchar->position, opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "doingquest") )
	    return IS_NPC(chkchar) ? FALSE
	      : mprog_veval(chkchar->pcdata->quest_number, opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "ishelled") )
	    return IS_NPC(chkchar) ? FALSE
	       : mprog_veval(chkchar->pcdata->release_date, opr, atoi(rval), mob);  

	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "level") )
	    return mprog_veval(get_trust(chkchar), opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "goldamt") )
	    return mprog_veval(chkchar->gold, opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "class") )
	    if ( IS_NPC(chkchar) )
		return mprog_seval(npc_class[chkchar->class], opr, rval, mob);
	    return mprog_seval((char *)class_table[chkchar->class]->who_name,
		opr, rval, mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "weight" ) )
	    return mprog_veval(chkchar->carry_weight, opr, atoi(rval), mob );
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "hostdesc") )
	    if ( IS_NPC(chkchar) || !chkchar->desc->host )
		return FALSE;
	    return mprog_seval(chkchar->desc->host, opr, rval, mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "multi") )
	    CHAR_DATA *ch;
	    int lhsvl = 0;
	    for ( ch = first_char; ch; ch = ch->next )
		if ( !IS_NPC( chkchar ) && !IS_NPC( ch )
		&&    ch->desc
		&&    chkchar->desc
		&&    QUICKMATCH(ch->desc->host, chkchar->desc->host) )
	    rhsvl = atoi(rval);
	    if ( rhsvl < 0 ) rhsvl = 0;
	    if ( !*opr ) strcpy( opr, "==" );
	    return mprog_veval(lhsvl, opr, rhsvl, mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "race") )
	    if ( IS_NPC(chkchar) )
		return mprog_seval(npc_race[chkchar->race], opr, rval, mob);
	    return mprog_seval((char *)race_table[chkchar->race]->race_name,
		opr, rval, mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "morph" ) )
	    if ( chkchar->morph == NULL )
		return FALSE;
	    if ( chkchar->morph->morph == NULL )
		return FALSE;
	    return mprog_veval(chkchar->morph->morph->vnum, opr, rhsvl, mob );
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "nuisance") )
	    if ( IS_NPC( chkchar ) || !chkchar->pcdata->nuisance )
		return FALSE;
	    return mprog_veval(chkchar->pcdata->nuisance->flags, opr, rhsvl, mob );
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "clan") )
	    if ( IS_NPC(chkchar) || !chkchar->pcdata->clan )
		return FALSE;
	    return mprog_seval(chkchar->pcdata->clan->name, opr, rval, mob);
	/* Check added to see if the person isleader of == clan Shaddai */
	if (!str_cmp (chck, "isleader"))
	    CLAN_DATA *temp;
	    if ( IS_NPC ( chkchar ) )
		return FALSE;
	    if ( (temp = get_clan( rval )) == NULL )
		return FALSE;
	    if ( mprog_seval(chkchar->name, opr, temp->leader, mob)
	    ||	 mprog_seval(chkchar->name, opr, temp->number1, mob)
	    ||   mprog_seval(chkchar->name, opr, temp->number2, mob) )
		return TRUE;
		return FALSE;

	/* Is char wearing some eq on a specific wear loc?  -- Gorog */
	if (!str_cmp (chck, "wearing"))
	    OBJ_DATA *obj;
	    int i=0;
	    for (obj=chkchar->first_carrying; obj; obj=obj->next_content)
		if ( chkchar==obj->carried_by )
		    pager_printf(chkchar, "count=%d obj name=%s\n\r", i, obj->name);
		if ( chkchar==obj->carried_by
		&&   obj->wear_loc > -1 
		&&  !str_cmp(rval, item_w_flags[obj->wear_loc]) )
		    return TRUE;
	    return FALSE;
	/* Is char wearing some specific vnum?  -- Gorog */
	if (!str_cmp (chck, "wearingvnum"))
	    OBJ_DATA *obj;

	    if ( !is_number(rval) )
		return FALSE;
	    for (obj=chkchar->first_carrying; obj; obj=obj->next_content)
		if ( chkchar==obj->carried_by
		&&   obj->wear_loc > -1 
		&&   obj->pIndexData->vnum == atoi(rval) )
		    return TRUE;
	    return FALSE;
	/* Is char carrying a specific piece of eq?  -- Gorog */
	if (!str_cmp (chck, "carryingvnum"))
	    int vnum;

	    if ( !is_number(rval) )
		return FALSE;
	    vnum = atoi(rval);
	    if ( !chkchar->first_carrying )
		return FALSE;
	    return (carryingvnum_visit(chkchar, chkchar->first_carrying, vnum));
	/* Check added to see if the person isleader of == clan Gorog */
	if (!str_cmp (chck, "isclanleader"))
	    CLAN_DATA *temp;
	    if ( IS_NPC ( chkchar ) )
		return FALSE;
	    if ( (temp = get_clan( rval )) == NULL )
		return FALSE;
	    if ( mprog_seval(chkchar->name, opr, temp->leader, mob ) )
		return TRUE;
		return FALSE;
	if (!str_cmp (chck, "isclan1"))
	    CLAN_DATA *temp;
	    if ( IS_NPC ( chkchar ) )
		return FALSE;
	    if ( (temp = get_clan( rval )) == NULL )
		return FALSE;
	    if ( mprog_seval(chkchar->name, opr, temp->number1, mob ) )
		return TRUE;
		return FALSE;
	if (!str_cmp (chck, "isclan2"))
	    CLAN_DATA *temp;
	    if ( IS_NPC ( chkchar ) )
		return FALSE;
	    if ( (temp = get_clan( rval )) == NULL )
		return FALSE;
	    if ( mprog_seval(chkchar->name, opr, temp->number2, mob ) )
		return TRUE;
		return FALSE;
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "council") )
	    if ( IS_NPC(chkchar) || !chkchar->pcdata->council )
		return FALSE;
	    return mprog_seval(chkchar->pcdata->council->name, opr, rval, mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "deity") )
	    if (IS_NPC(chkchar) || !chkchar->pcdata->deity )
		return FALSE;
	    return mprog_seval(chkchar->pcdata->deity->name, opr, rval, mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "guild") )
	    if ( IS_NPC(chkchar) || !IS_GUILDED(chkchar) )
		return FALSE;
	    return mprog_seval(chkchar->pcdata->clan->name, opr, rval, mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "clantype") )
	    if ( IS_NPC(chkchar) || !chkchar->pcdata->clan )
		return FALSE;
	    return mprog_veval(chkchar->pcdata->clan->clan_type, opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "waitstate") )
	    if ( IS_NPC( chkchar ) || !chkchar->wait )
		return FALSE;
	    return mprog_veval(chkchar->wait, opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "asupressed") )
	    return mprog_veval( get_timer( chkchar, TIMER_ASUPRESSED ), opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "favor") )
	    if ( IS_NPC(chkchar) || !chkchar->pcdata->favor )
		return FALSE;
	    return mprog_veval(chkchar->pcdata->favor, opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "hps") )
	    return mprog_veval(chkchar->hit, opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "mana") )
	    return mprog_veval(chkchar->mana, opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "str") )
	    return mprog_veval(get_curr_str(chkchar), opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "wis") )
	    return mprog_veval(get_curr_wis(chkchar), opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "int") )
	    return mprog_veval(get_curr_int(chkchar), opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "dex") )
	    return mprog_veval(get_curr_dex(chkchar), opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "con") )
	    return mprog_veval(get_curr_con(chkchar), opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "cha") )
	    return mprog_veval(get_curr_cha(chkchar), opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "lck") )
	    return mprog_veval(get_curr_lck(chkchar), opr, atoi(rval), mob);
    if ( chkobj )
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "objtype") )
	    return mprog_veval(chkobj->item_type, opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "leverpos") )
	    int isup = FALSE, wantsup=FALSE;
	    if ( chkobj->item_type != ITEM_SWITCH || chkobj->item_type != ITEM_LEVER
	    || chkobj->item_type != ITEM_PULLCHAIN )
		return FALSE;

	    if ( IS_SET( obj->value[0], TRIG_UP ) )
		isup = TRUE;
	    if ( !str_cmp( rval, "up" ) )
		wantsup = TRUE;
	    return mprog_veval( wantsup, opr, isup, mob );
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "objval0") )
	    return mprog_veval(chkobj->value[0], opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "objval1") )
	    return mprog_veval(chkobj->value[1], opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "objval2") )
	    return mprog_veval(chkobj->value[2], opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "objval3") )
	    return mprog_veval(chkobj->value[3], opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "objval4") )
	    return mprog_veval(chkobj->value[4], opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	if ( !str_cmp(chck, "objval5") )
	    return mprog_veval(chkobj->value[5], opr, atoi(rval), mob);
     * The following checks depend on the fact that cval[1] can only contain
     * one character, and that NULL checks were made previously.
    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "number") )
	if ( chkchar )
	    if ( !IS_NPC(chkchar) )
		return FALSE;
	    lhsvl = (chkchar == mob) ? chkchar->gold : chkchar->pIndexData->vnum;
	    return mprog_veval(lhsvl, opr, atoi(rval), mob);
	return mprog_veval(chkobj->pIndexData->vnum, opr, atoi(rval), mob);
    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "time") )
	return mprog_veval(time_info.hour, opr, atoi(rval), mob );
    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "name") )
	if ( chkchar )
		return mprog_seval(chkchar->name, opr, rval, mob);
	return mprog_seval(chkobj->name, opr, rval, mob);

    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "rank") ) /* Shaddai */
	if ( chkchar && !IS_NPC( chkchar ) )
	    return mprog_seval(chkchar->pcdata->rank, opr, rval, mob);
	return FALSE;

    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "mortinworld") )   /* -- Gorog */
	for ( d = first_descriptor; d; d = d->next ) 
	    if   ( d->connected == CON_PLAYING
	    &&     d->character
	    &&     get_trust(d->character) < LEVEL_IMMORTAL
	    &&     nifty_is_name(d->character->name, cvar) )
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "mortinroom") )   /* -- Gorog */
	for ( ch = mob->in_room->first_person; ch; ch = ch->next_in_room )
	    if ( (!IS_NPC(ch))
	    &&   get_trust(ch) < LEVEL_IMMORTAL
	    &&   nifty_is_name(ch->name, cvar) )
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "mortinarea") )   /* -- Gorog */
	for ( ch = first_char; ch; ch = ch->next )
	    if ( (!IS_NPC(ch))
	    &&   ch->in_room->area == mob->in_room->area
	    &&   get_trust(ch) < LEVEL_IMMORTAL
	    &&   nifty_is_name(ch->name, cvar) )
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;

    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "mortcount") )   /* -- Gorog */
	CHAR_DATA *tch;
	int count = 0;
	int rvnum = atoi( cvar );

	room = get_room_index ( rvnum ? rvnum : mob->in_room->vnum );    

	for ( tch = room?room->first_person:NULL; tch; tch = tch->next_in_room )
	    if ( (!IS_NPC(tch))
	    &&   get_trust(tch) < LEVEL_IMMORTAL )
	return mprog_veval(count, opr, atoi(rval), mob);

    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "mobcount") )   /* -- Gorog */
	CHAR_DATA *tch;
	int count = -1;
	int rvnum = atoi( cvar );

	room = get_room_index ( rvnum ? rvnum : mob->in_room->vnum );    

	for ( tch = room?room->first_person:NULL; tch; tch = tch->next_in_room )
	    if ( (IS_NPC(tch)) )
	return mprog_veval(count, opr, atoi(rval), mob);

    if ( !str_cmp(chck, "charcount") )   /* -- Gorog */
	CHAR_DATA *tch;
	int count = -1;
	int rvnum = atoi( cvar );

	room = get_room_index ( rvnum ? rvnum : mob->in_room->vnum );    

	for ( tch = room?room->first_person:NULL; tch; tch = tch->next_in_room )

	if ( ((!IS_NPC(tch))
	&&      get_trust(tch) < LEVEL_IMMORTAL)
	||      IS_NPC(tch) )		/* mortal or mob */
	return mprog_veval(count, opr, atoi(rval), mob);

     * Ok... all the ifchecks are done, so if we didnt find ours then something
     * odd happened.  So report the bug and abort the MUDprogram (return error)
    progbug( "Unknown ifcheck", mob );
    return BERR;
#undef isoperator
#undef MAX_IF_ARGS

/* This routine handles the variables for command expansion.
 * If you want to add any go right ahead, it should be fairly
 * clear how it is done and they are quite easy to do, so you
 * can be as creative as you want. The only catch is to check
 * that your variables exist before you use them. At the moment,
 * using $t when the secondary target refers to an object 
 * i.e. >prog_act drops~<nl>if ispc($t)<nl>sigh<nl>endif<nl>~<nl>
 * probably makes the mud crash (vice versa as well) The cure
 * would be to change act() so that vo becomes vict & v_obj.
 * but this would require a lot of small changes all over the code.

 *  There's no reason to make the mud crash when a variable's
 *  fubared.  I added some ifs.  I'm willing to trade some 
 *  performance for stability. -Haus
 *  Added char_died and obj_extracted checks	-Thoric
void mprog_translate( char ch, char *t, CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor,
                    OBJ_DATA *obj, void *vo, CHAR_DATA *rndm )
 static char *he_she        [] = { "it",  "he",  "she" };
 static char *him_her       [] = { "it",  "him", "her" };
 static char *his_her       [] = { "its", "his", "her" };
 CHAR_DATA   *vict             = (CHAR_DATA *) vo;
 OBJ_DATA    *v_obj            = (OBJ_DATA  *) vo;

/* Fix crash bug :)  SHADDAI */
if ( v_obj && v_obj->serial )
  vict = NULL;
  v_obj = NULL;

 *t = '\0';
 switch ( ch ) {
     case 'i':
	 if ( mob && !char_died(mob) )
	   if (mob->name)
              one_argument( mob->name, t );
         } else
	    strcpy( t, "someone" );

     case 'I':
	 if ( mob && !char_died(mob) )
	   if (mob->short_descr)
              strcpy( t, mob->short_descr );
           } else {
	      strcpy( t, "someone" );
         } else
	    strcpy( t, "someone" );

     case 'n':
         if ( actor && !char_died(actor) )
	   if ( can_see( mob,actor ) )
	     one_argument( actor->name, t );
           if ( !IS_NPC( actor ) )
  	     *t = UPPER( *t );
	      strcpy( t, "someone" );

     case 'N':
         if ( actor && !char_died(actor) ) 
            if ( can_see( mob, actor ) )
	       if ( IS_NPC( actor ) )
		 strcpy( t, actor->short_descr );
		   strcpy( t, actor->name );
		   strcat( t, actor->pcdata->title );
	      strcpy( t, "someone" );
	      strcpy( t, "someone" );

     case 't':
         if ( vict && !char_died(vict) )
	   if ( can_see( mob, vict ) )
	     one_argument( vict->name, t );
           if ( !IS_NPC( vict ) )
	     *t = UPPER( *t );
	      strcpy( t, "someone" );


     case 'T':
         if ( vict && !char_died(vict) ) 
            if ( can_see( mob, vict ) )
	       if ( IS_NPC( vict ) )
		 strcpy( t, vict->short_descr );
		 strcpy( t, vict->name );
		 strcat( t, " " );
		 strcat( t, vict->pcdata->title );
	      strcpy( t, "someone" );
	      strcpy( t, "someone" );
     case 'r':             
         if ( rndm && !char_died(rndm) )
	   if ( can_see( mob, rndm ) )
	     one_argument( rndm->name, t );
           if ( !IS_NPC( rndm ) )
	     *t = UPPER( *t );
	   strcpy( t, "someone" );

     case 'R':
	 if ( rndm && !char_died(rndm) )
            if ( can_see( mob, rndm ) )
	       if ( IS_NPC( rndm ) )
		 strcpy( t, rndm->name );
		 strcat( t, " " );
		 strcat( t, rndm->pcdata->title );
	      strcpy( t, "someone" );
	      strcpy( t, "someone" );

     case 'e':
         if ( actor && !char_died(actor) )
	   can_see( mob, actor ) ? strcpy( t, he_she[ actor->sex ] )
	                         : strcpy( t, "someone" );
	      strcpy( t, "it" );
     case 'm':
         if ( actor && !char_died(actor) )
	   can_see( mob, actor ) ? strcpy( t, him_her[ actor->sex ] )
                                 : strcpy( t, "someone" );
	      strcpy( t, "it" );
     case 's':
         if ( actor && !char_died(actor) )
	   can_see( mob, actor ) ? strcpy( t, his_her[ actor->sex ] )
	                         : strcpy( t, "someone's" );
	      strcpy( t, "its'" );
     case 'E':
         if ( vict && !char_died(vict) )
	   can_see( mob, vict ) ? strcpy( t, he_she[ vict->sex ] )
                                : strcpy( t, "someone" );
	      strcpy( t, "it" );
     case 'M':
         if ( vict && !char_died(vict) )
	   can_see( mob, vict ) ? strcpy( t, him_her[ vict->sex ] )
                                : strcpy( t, "someone" );
	      strcpy( t, "it" );
     case 'S':
         if ( vict && !char_died(vict) )
	   can_see( mob, vict ) ? strcpy( t, his_her[ vict->sex ] )
                                : strcpy( t, "someone's" ); 
	      strcpy( t, "its'" );

     case 'j':
	 if (mob && !char_died(mob))
	    strcpy( t, he_she[ mob->sex ] );
         } else {
	    strcpy( t, "it" );
     case 'k':
	 if( mob && !char_died(mob) )
	   strcpy( t, him_her[ mob->sex ] );
         } else {
	    strcpy( t, "it" );
     case 'l':
	 if( mob && !char_died(mob) )
	   strcpy( t, his_her[ mob->sex ] );
         } else {
	    strcpy( t, "it" );

     case 'J':
         if ( rndm && !char_died(rndm) )
	   can_see( mob, rndm ) ? strcpy( t, he_she[ rndm->sex ] )
	                        : strcpy( t, "someone" );
	      strcpy( t, "it" );
     case 'K':
         if ( rndm && !char_died(rndm) )
	   can_see( mob, rndm ) ? strcpy( t, him_her[ rndm->sex ] )
                                : strcpy( t, "someone's" );
	      strcpy( t, "its'" );
     case 'L':
         if ( rndm && !char_died(rndm) )
	   can_see( mob, rndm ) ? strcpy( t, his_her[ rndm->sex ] )
	                        : strcpy( t, "someone" );
	      strcpy( t, "its" );

     case 'o':
         if ( obj && !obj_extracted(obj) )
           can_see_obj( mob, obj ) ? one_argument( obj->name, t )
                                   : strcpy( t, "something" );
              strcpy( t, "something" );

     case 'O':
         if ( obj && !obj_extracted(obj) )
	   can_see_obj( mob, obj ) ? strcpy( t, obj->short_descr )
                                   : strcpy( t, "something" );
	      strcpy( t, "something" );

     case 'p':
         if ( v_obj && !obj_extracted(v_obj) )
	   can_see_obj( mob, v_obj ) ? one_argument( v_obj->name, t )
                                     : strcpy( t, "something" );
	      strcpy( t, "something" );

     case 'P':
         if ( v_obj && !obj_extracted(v_obj) )
	   can_see_obj( mob, v_obj ) ? strcpy( t, v_obj->short_descr )
                                     : strcpy( t, "something" );
	      strcpy( t, "something" );

     case 'a':
         if ( obj && !obj_extracted(obj) ) 
	    strcpy( t, aoran(obj->name) );
          switch ( *( obj->name ) )
	    case 'a': case 'e': case 'i':
            case 'o': case 'u': strcpy( t, "an" );
            default: strcpy( t, "a" );
	      strcpy( t, "a" );

     case 'A':
         if ( v_obj && !obj_extracted(v_obj) )
	      strcpy( t, aoran(v_obj->name) );
	      strcpy( t, "a" );

     case '$':
         strcpy( t, "$" );

         progbug( "Bad $var", mob );



/*  The main focus of the MOBprograms.  This routine is called 
 *  whenever a trigger is successful.  It is responsible for parsing
 *  the command list and figuring out what to do. However, like all
 *  complex procedures, everything is farmed out to the other guys.
 *  This function rewritten by Narn for Realms of Despair, Dec/95.
void mprog_driver ( char *com_list, CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor,
		   OBJ_DATA *obj, void *vo, bool single_step)
  char tmpcmndlst[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ];
  char *command_list;
  char *cmnd;
  CHAR_DATA *rndm  = NULL;
  CHAR_DATA *vch   = NULL;
  int count        = 0;
  int ignorelevel  = 0;
  int iflevel, result;
  bool ifstate[MAX_IFS][ DO_ELSE + 1 ];
  static int prog_nest;
  /* Next couple of checks stop program looping. -- Altrag */
  if ( mob == actor )
    progbug( "triggering oneself.", mob );
  if ( ++prog_nest > MAX_PROG_NEST )
    progbug( "max_prog_nest exceeded.", mob );

  /* Make sure all ifstate bools are set to FALSE */
  for ( iflevel = 0; iflevel < MAX_IFS; iflevel++ )
    for ( count = 0; count < DO_ELSE; count++ )
      ifstate[iflevel][count] = FALSE;

  iflevel = 0;

   * get a random visible player who is in the room with the mob.
   *  If there isn't a random player in the room, rndm stays NULL.
   *  If you do a $r, $R, $j, or $k with rndm = NULL, you'll crash
   *  in mprog_translate.
   *  Adding appropriate error checking in mprog_translate.
   *    -Haus
   * This used to ignore players MAX_LEVEL - 3 and higher (standard
   * Merc has 4 immlevels).  Thought about changing it to ignore all
   * imms, but decided to just take it out.  If the mob can see you, 
   * you may be chosen as the random player. -Narn

  count = 0;
  for ( vch = mob->in_room->first_person; vch; vch = vch->next_in_room )
    if ( !IS_NPC( vch )
       &&  can_see( mob, vch ) )
        if ( number_range( 0, count ) == 0 )
	  rndm = vch;
  strcpy( tmpcmndlst, com_list );
  command_list = tmpcmndlst;
  if ( single_step )
    if ( mob->mpscriptpos > strlen( tmpcmndlst ) )
       mob->mpscriptpos = 0;
       command_list += mob->mpscriptpos;
    if ( *command_list == '\0' )
	command_list = tmpcmndlst;
	mob->mpscriptpos = 0;

  /* From here on down, the function is all mine.  The original code
     did not support nested ifs, so it had to be redone.  The max 
     logiclevel (MAX_IFS) is defined at the beginning of this file, 
     use it to increase/decrease max allowed nesting.  -Narn 

  while ( TRUE )
    /* With these two lines, cmnd becomes the current line from the prog,
       and command_list becomes everything after that line. */
    cmnd         = command_list;
    command_list = mprog_next_command( command_list );

    /* Are we at the end? */
    if ( cmnd[0] == '\0' )
      if ( ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] || ifstate[iflevel][IN_ELSE] )
        progbug( "Missing endif", mob );

    /* Evaluate/execute the command, check what happened. */
    result = mprog_do_command( cmnd, mob, actor, obj, vo, rndm, 
            ( ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] && !ifstate[iflevel][DO_IF] )
            || ( ifstate[iflevel][IN_ELSE] && !ifstate[iflevel][DO_ELSE] ),
            ( ignorelevel > 0 ) );

    /* Script prog support  -Thoric */
    if ( single_step )
      mob->mpscriptpos = command_list - tmpcmndlst;

    /* This is the complicated part.  Act on the returned value from
       mprog_do_command according to the current logic state. */
    switch ( result )
    case COMMANDOK:
#ifdef DEBUG
log_string( "COMMANDOK" );
      /* Ok, this one's a no-brainer. */

    case IFTRUE:
#ifdef DEBUG
log_string( "IFTRUE" );
      /* An if was evaluated and found true.  Note that we are in an
         if section and that we want to execute it. */
      if ( iflevel == MAX_IFS )
        progbug( "Maximum nested ifs exceeded", mob );

      ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] = TRUE; 
      ifstate[iflevel][DO_IF] = TRUE;

    case IFFALSE:
#ifdef DEBUG
log_string( "IFFALSE" );
      /* An if was evaluated and found false.  Note that we are in an
         if section and that we don't want to execute it unless we find
         an or that evaluates to true. */
      if ( iflevel == MAX_IFS )
        progbug( "Maximum nested ifs exceeded", mob );
      ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] = TRUE; 
      ifstate[iflevel][DO_IF] = FALSE;

    case ORTRUE:
#ifdef DEBUG
log_string( "ORTRUE" );
      /* An or was evaluated and found true.  We should already be in an
         if section, so note that we want to execute it. */
      if ( !ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] )
        progbug( "Unmatched or", mob );
      ifstate[iflevel][DO_IF] = TRUE;

    case ORFALSE:
#ifdef DEBUG
log_string( "ORFALSE" );
      /* An or was evaluated and found false.  We should already be in an
         if section, and we don't need to do much.  If the if was true or
         there were/will be other ors that evaluate(d) to true, they'll set
         do_if to true. */
      if ( !ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] )
        progbug( "Unmatched or", mob );

    case FOUNDELSE:
#ifdef DEBUG
log_string( "FOUNDELSE" );
      /* Found an else.  Make sure we're in an if section, bug out if not.
         If this else is not one that we wish to ignore, note that we're now 
         in an else section, and look at whether or not we executed the if 
         section to decide whether to execute the else section.  Ca marche 
         bien. */
      if ( ignorelevel > 0 )

      if ( ifstate[iflevel][IN_ELSE] )
        progbug( "Found else in an else section", mob );
      if ( !ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] )
        progbug( "Unmatched else", mob );

      ifstate[iflevel][IN_ELSE] = TRUE;
      ifstate[iflevel][DO_ELSE] = !ifstate[iflevel][DO_IF];
      ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF]   = FALSE;
      ifstate[iflevel][DO_IF]   = FALSE;

    case FOUNDENDIF:
#ifdef DEBUG
log_string( "FOUNDENDIF" );
      /* Hmm, let's see... FOUNDENDIF must mean that we found an endif.
         So let's make sure we were expecting one, return if not.  If this
         endif matches the if or else that we're executing, note that we are 
         now no longer executing an if.  If not, keep track of what we're 
         ignoring. */
      if ( !( ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] || ifstate[iflevel][IN_ELSE] ) )
        progbug( "Unmatched endif", mob );

      if ( ignorelevel > 0 )      

      ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF]   = FALSE;
      ifstate[iflevel][DO_IF]   = FALSE;
      ifstate[iflevel][IN_ELSE] = FALSE;
      ifstate[iflevel][DO_ELSE] = FALSE;


    case IFIGNORED:
#ifdef DEBUG
log_string( "IFIGNORED" );
      if ( !( ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] || ifstate[iflevel][IN_ELSE] ) )
        progbug( "Parse error, ignoring if while not in if or else", mob );

    case ORIGNORED:
#ifdef DEBUG
log_string( "ORIGNORED" );
      if ( !( ifstate[iflevel][IN_IF] || ifstate[iflevel][IN_ELSE] ) )
        progbug( "Unmatched or", mob );
      if ( ignorelevel == 0 )
        progbug( "Parse error, mistakenly ignoring or", mob );


    case BERR:
#ifdef DEBUG
log_string( "BERR" );

/* This function replaces mprog_process_cmnd.  It is called from 
 * mprog_driver, once for each line in a mud prog.  This function
 * checks what the line is, executes if/or checks and calls interpret
 * to perform the the commands.  Written by Narn, Dec 95.
int mprog_do_command( char *cmnd, CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor, 
                      OBJ_DATA *obj, void *vo, CHAR_DATA *rndm, 
                      bool ignore, bool ignore_ors )
  char firstword[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  char *ifcheck;
  char buf[ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH ];
  char tmp[ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH ];
  char *point, *str, *i;
  int validif, vnum;

  /* Isolate the first word of the line, it gives us a clue what
     we want to do. */
  ifcheck = one_argument( cmnd, firstword );

  if ( !str_cmp( firstword, "if" ) )
    /* Ok, we found an if.  According to the boolean 'ignore', either
       ignore the ifcheck and report that back to mprog_driver or do
       the ifcheck and report whether it was successful. */
    if ( ignore )
      return IFIGNORED;
      validif = mprog_do_ifcheck( ifcheck, mob, actor, obj, vo, rndm );

    if ( validif == 1 )
      return IFTRUE;

    if ( validif == 0 )
      return IFFALSE;

    return BERR;

  if ( !str_cmp( firstword, "or" ) )
    /* Same behavior as with ifs, but use the boolean 'ignore_ors' to
       decide which way to go. */
    if ( ignore_ors )
      return ORIGNORED;
      validif = mprog_do_ifcheck( ifcheck, mob, actor, obj, vo, rndm );

    if ( validif == 1 )
      return ORTRUE;

    if ( validif == 0 )
      return ORFALSE;

    return BERR;

  /* For else and endif, just report back what we found.  Mprog_driver
     keeps track of logiclevels. */
  if ( !str_cmp( firstword, "else" ) )
    return FOUNDELSE;

  if ( !str_cmp( firstword, "endif" ) )
    return FOUNDENDIF;

  /* Ok, didn't find an if, an or, an else or an endif.  
     If the command is in an if or else section that is not to be 
     performed, the boolean 'ignore' is set to true and we just 
     return.  If not, we try to execute the command. */

  if ( ignore )
    return COMMANDOK;

  /* If the command is 'break', that's all folks. */
  if ( !str_cmp( firstword, "break" ) )
    return BERR;

  vnum = mob->pIndexData->vnum;
  point   = buf;
  str     = cmnd;

  /* This chunk of code taken from mprog_process_cmnd. */
  while ( *str != '\0' )
    if ( *str != '$' )
      *point++ = *str++;
    mprog_translate( *str, tmp, mob, actor, obj, vo, rndm );
    i = tmp;
    while ( ( *point = *i ) != '\0' )
      ++point, ++i;
  *point = '\0';

  interpret( mob, buf );  

  /* If the mob is mentally unstable and does things like fireball
     itself, let's make sure it's still alive. */
  if ( char_died( mob ) )
    bug( "Mob died while executing program, vnum %d.", vnum );
    return BERR;

  return COMMANDOK;

 * Global function code and brief comments.

bool mprog_keyword_check( const char *argu, const char *argl )
    char word[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char arg1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char arg2[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    int i;
    char *arg, *arglist;
    char *start, *end;

    strcpy( arg1, strlower( argu ) );
    arg = arg1;
    strcpy( arg2, strlower( argl ) );
    arglist = arg2;

    for ( i = 0; i < strlen( arglist ); i++ )
	arglist[i] = LOWER( arglist[i] );
    for ( i = 0; i < strlen( arg ); i++ )
	arg[i] = LOWER( arg[i] );
    if ( ( arglist[0] == 'p' ) && ( arglist[1] == ' ' ) )
	arglist += 2;
	while ( ( start = strstr( arg, arglist ) ) )
	    if ( (start == arg || *(start-1) == ' ' )
    	    && ( *(end = start + strlen( arglist ) ) == ' '
    	    ||   *end == '\n'
    	    ||   *end == '\r'
    	    ||   *end == '\0' ) )
		return TRUE;
		arg = start+1;
	arglist = one_argument( arglist, word );
	for ( ; word[0] != '\0'; arglist = one_argument( arglist, word ) )
	    while ( ( start = strstr( arg, word ) ) )
		if ( ( start == arg || *(start-1) == ' ' )
	    	&& ( *(end = start + strlen( word ) ) == ' '
	    	||   *end == '\n'
	    	||   *end == '\r'
	    	||   *end == '\0' ) )
		    return TRUE;
		    arg = start +1;
/*    bug( "don't match" ); */
    return FALSE;

/* The next two routines are the basic trigger types. Either trigger
 *  on a certain percent, or trigger on a keyword or word phrase.
 *  To see how this works, look at the various trigger routines..
void mprog_wordlist_check( char *arg, CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor,
			  OBJ_DATA *obj, void *vo, int type )

  char	      temp1[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ];
  char	      temp2[ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH ];
  char	      word[ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH ];
  MPROG_DATA *mprg;
  char       *list;
  char       *start;
  char       *dupl;
  char       *end;
  int	      i;

  for ( mprg = mob->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
    if ( mprg->type == type )
	strcpy( temp1, mprg->arglist );
	list = temp1;
	for ( i = 0; i < strlen( list ); i++ )
	  list[i] = LOWER( list[i] );
	strcpy( temp2, arg );
	dupl = temp2;
	for ( i = 0; i < strlen( dupl ); i++ )
	  dupl[i] = LOWER( dupl[i] );
	if ( ( list[0] == 'p' ) && ( list[1] == ' ' ) )
	    list += 2;
	    while ( ( start = strstr( dupl, list ) ) )
	      if ( (start == dupl || *(start-1) == ' ' )
		  && ( *(end = start + strlen( list ) ) == ' '
		      || *end == '\n'
		      || *end == '\r'
		      || *end == '\0' ) )
		  mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
		dupl = start+1;
	    list = one_argument( list, word );
	    for( ; word[0] != '\0'; list = one_argument( list, word ) )
	      while ( ( start = strstr( dupl, word ) ) )
		if ( ( start == dupl || *(start-1) == ' ' )
		    && ( *(end = start + strlen( word ) ) == ' '
			|| *end == '\n'
			|| *end == '\r'
			|| *end == '\0' ) )
		    mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
		  dupl = start+1;



void mprog_percent_check( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor, OBJ_DATA *obj,
			 void *vo, int type)
 MPROG_DATA * mprg;

 for ( mprg = mob->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
   if ( ( mprg->type == type )
       && ( number_percent( ) <= atoi( mprg->arglist ) ) )
       mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
       if ( type != GREET_PROG && type != ALL_GREET_PROG )



void mprog_time_check( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor, OBJ_DATA *obj,
                         void *vo, int type)
 MPROG_DATA * mprg;
 bool       trigger_time;

 for ( mprg = mob->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
     trigger_time = ( time_info.hour == atoi( mprg->arglist ) );     

     if ( !trigger_time )
       if ( mprg->triggered )
         mprg->triggered = FALSE;

     if ( ( mprg->type == type )
       && ( ( !mprg->triggered ) || ( mprg->type == HOUR_PROG ) ) )
       mprg->triggered = TRUE;
       mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );

void mob_act_add( CHAR_DATA *mob )
  struct act_prog_data *runner, *tmp_mal;

  for( runner = mob_act_list; runner; runner = runner->next )
    if( runner->vo == mob )
  CREATE( runner, struct act_prog_data, 1 ); 
  runner->vo = mob;
  runner->next = NULL; 
   * The head of the list is being changed in
   * aggr_update, So append to the end of the list 
   * instead. -Druid
  if( mob_act_list )
    tmp_mal = mob_act_list;
    while( tmp_mal->next != NULL )
      tmp_mal = tmp_mal->next;
    /* put at the end */
    tmp_mal->next = runner;   
    mob_act_list = runner;

/* The triggers.. These are really basic, and since most appear only
 * once in the code (hmm. i think they all do) it would be more efficient
 * to substitute the code in and make the mprog_xxx_check routines global.
 * However, they are all here in one nice place at the moment to make it
 * easier to see what they look like. If you do substitute them back in,
 * make sure you remember to modify the variable names to the ones in the
 * trigger calls.
void mprog_act_trigger( char *buf, CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *ch,
		       OBJ_DATA *obj, void *vo)
    MPROG_ACT_LIST *tmp_act, *tmp_mal;
    MPROG_DATA *mprg;
    bool found = FALSE;

    if ( IS_NPC( mob )
    &&   HAS_PROG( mob->pIndexData, ACT_PROG ) )
	/* Don't let a mob trigger itself, nor one instance of a mob
	  trigger another instance. */
	if ( IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pIndexData == mob->pIndexData )

	/* make sure this is a matching trigger */
	for ( mprg = mob->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
	    if ( mprg->type == ACT_PROG
	    &&   mprog_keyword_check( buf, mprg->arglist ) )
		found = TRUE;
	if ( !found )

	CREATE( tmp_act, MPROG_ACT_LIST, 1 );

 * Losing the head of the list -Druid
if( mob->mpactnum > 0 )
  tmp_mal = mob->mpact;
  while( tmp_mal->next != NULL )
    tmp_mal = tmp_mal->next;
  /* Put at the end */
  tmp_mal->next = tmp_act;   
  mob->mpact = tmp_act;

tmp_act->next = NULL;
tmp_act->buf = str_dup( buf );
tmp_act->ch = ch;
tmp_act->obj = obj;
tmp_act->vo = vo;
mob_act_add( mob );


void mprog_bribe_trigger( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *ch, int amount )

  char        buf[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ];
  MPROG_DATA *mprg;
  OBJ_DATA   *obj;

  if ( IS_NPC( mob )
      && can_see( mob, ch )
      && HAS_PROG( mob->pIndexData, BRIBE_PROG ) )
      /* Don't let a mob trigger itself, nor one instance of a mob
         trigger another instance. */
      if ( IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pIndexData == mob->pIndexData )

      obj = create_object( get_obj_index( OBJ_VNUM_MONEY_SOME ), 0 );
      sprintf( buf, obj->short_descr, amount );
      STRFREE( obj->short_descr );
      obj->short_descr = STRALLOC( buf );
      obj->value[0]    = amount;
      obj = obj_to_char( obj, mob );
      mob->gold -= amount;

      for ( mprg = mob->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
	if ( ( mprg->type == BRIBE_PROG )
	&& ( amount >= atoi( mprg->arglist ) ) )
	    mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, ch, obj, NULL, FALSE );


void mprog_death_trigger( CHAR_DATA *killer, CHAR_DATA *mob )
    if ( IS_NPC(mob) && killer != mob
    &&   HAS_PROG(mob->pIndexData, DEATH_PROG) )
	mob->position = POS_STANDING;
	mprog_percent_check( mob, killer, NULL, NULL, DEATH_PROG );
	mob->position = POS_DEAD;
    death_cry( mob );

void mprog_entry_trigger( CHAR_DATA *mob )
    if ( IS_NPC(mob)
    &&   HAS_PROG(mob->pIndexData, ENTRY_PROG) )
	mprog_percent_check( mob, NULL, NULL, NULL, ENTRY_PROG );


void mprog_fight_trigger( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *ch )
    if ( IS_NPC( mob )
    &&   HAS_PROG( mob->pIndexData, FIGHT_PROG ) )
	mprog_percent_check( mob, ch, NULL, NULL, FIGHT_PROG );


void mprog_give_trigger( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    char        buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    MPROG_DATA *mprg;

    if ( IS_NPC( mob )
    &&   can_see( mob, ch )
    &&   HAS_PROG( mob->pIndexData, GIVE_PROG ) )
	/* Don't let a mob trigger itself, nor one instance of a mob
	trigger another instance. */
	if ( IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pIndexData == mob->pIndexData )

	for ( mprg = mob->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
	    one_argument( mprg->arglist, buf );

	    if ( mprg->type == GIVE_PROG
	    &&  (!str_cmp(obj->name, mprg->arglist)
	       || !str_cmp("all", buf)) )
		mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, ch, obj, NULL, FALSE );

void mprog_greet_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch )
 CHAR_DATA *vmob, *vmob_next;

#ifdef DEBUG
 sprintf( buf, "mprog_greet_trigger -> %s", ch->name );
 log_string( buf );

 for ( vmob = ch->in_room->first_person; vmob; vmob = vmob_next )
   vmob_next = vmob->next_in_room;
   if ( !IS_NPC( vmob )
        || !can_see( vmob, ch )
        || vmob->fighting
        || !IS_AWAKE( vmob ) )

  /* Don't let a mob trigger itself, nor one instance of a mob
     trigger another instance. */
  if ( IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pIndexData == vmob->pIndexData )

   if ( HAS_PROG(vmob->pIndexData, GREET_PROG) )
     mprog_percent_check( vmob, ch, NULL, NULL, GREET_PROG );
   else if ( HAS_PROG(vmob->pIndexData, ALL_GREET_PROG) )


void mprog_hitprcnt_trigger( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *ch)
    MPROG_DATA *mprg;

    if ( IS_NPC( mob )
    &&   HAS_PROG(mob->pIndexData, HITPRCNT_PROG) )
	for ( mprg = mob->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
	    if ( mprg->type == HITPRCNT_PROG
	    &&  (100*mob->hit / mob->max_hit) < atoi(mprg->arglist) )
	    mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, ch, NULL, NULL, FALSE );

void mprog_random_trigger( CHAR_DATA *mob )
    if ( HAS_PROG(mob->pIndexData, RAND_PROG) )

void mprog_time_trigger( CHAR_DATA *mob )
    if ( HAS_PROG(mob->pIndexData, TIME_PROG) )

void mprog_hour_trigger( CHAR_DATA *mob )
    if ( HAS_PROG(mob->pIndexData, HOUR_PROG) )

void mprog_speech_trigger( char *txt, CHAR_DATA *actor )
    CHAR_DATA *vmob;

    for ( vmob = actor->in_room->first_person; vmob; vmob = vmob->next_in_room )
	if ( IS_NPC(vmob) && HAS_PROG(vmob->pIndexData, SPEECH_PROG) )
	    if ( IS_NPC(actor) && actor->pIndexData == vmob->pIndexData )
	    mprog_wordlist_check( txt, vmob, actor, NULL, NULL, SPEECH_PROG );

void mprog_script_trigger( CHAR_DATA *mob )
    MPROG_DATA * mprg;

    if ( HAS_PROG(mob->pIndexData, SCRIPT_PROG) )
	for ( mprg = mob->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
	    if ( mprg->type == SCRIPT_PROG
	    &&  (mprg->arglist[0] == '\0'
	      || mob->mpscriptpos != 0
	      || atoi(mprg->arglist) == time_info.hour) )
		mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE );

void oprog_script_trigger( OBJ_DATA *obj )
    MPROG_DATA * mprg;

    if ( HAS_PROG(obj->pIndexData, SCRIPT_PROG) )
      for ( mprg = obj->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
	if ( mprg->type == SCRIPT_PROG )
	  if ( mprg->arglist[0] == '\0'
	  ||   obj->mpscriptpos != 0
	  ||   atoi( mprg->arglist ) == time_info.hour )
	     set_supermob( obj );
	     mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, supermob, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE );
	     obj->mpscriptpos = supermob->mpscriptpos;

void rprog_script_trigger( ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room )
    MPROG_DATA * mprg;

    if ( HAS_PROG(room, SCRIPT_PROG) )
      for ( mprg = room->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
	if ( mprg->type == SCRIPT_PROG )
	  if ( mprg->arglist[0] == '\0'
	  ||   room->mpscriptpos != 0
	  ||   atoi( mprg->arglist ) == time_info.hour )
	     rset_supermob( room );
	     mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, supermob, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE );
	     room->mpscriptpos = supermob->mpscriptpos;

 *  Mudprogram additions begin here
void set_supermob( OBJ_DATA *obj)
  OBJ_DATA *in_obj;
  CHAR_DATA *mob;
  char buf[200];

  if ( !supermob )
    supermob = create_mobile(get_mob_index( 3 ));

  mob = supermob;   /* debugging */


  for ( in_obj = obj; in_obj->in_obj; in_obj = in_obj->in_obj )

  if ( in_obj->carried_by )
      room = in_obj->carried_by->in_room;
      room = obj->in_room;


  if (supermob->short_descr)

  supermob->short_descr = QUICKLINK(obj->short_descr);
  supermob->mpscriptpos = obj->mpscriptpos;

  /* Added by Jenny to allow bug messages to show the vnum
     of the object, and not just supermob's vnum */
  sprintf( buf, "Object #%d", obj->pIndexData->vnum );
  STRFREE( supermob->description );
  supermob->description = STRALLOC( buf );

  if(room != NULL)
    char_from_room (supermob );
    char_to_room( supermob, room); 

void release_supermob( )
  char_from_room( supermob );
  char_to_room( supermob, get_room_index( 3 ) );

bool oprog_percent_check( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor, OBJ_DATA *obj,
			 void *vo, int type)
    MPROG_DATA * mprg;
    bool executed = FALSE;

    for ( mprg = obj->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
	if ( mprg->type == type
	&& ( number_percent( ) <= atoi( mprg->arglist ) ) )
	    executed = TRUE;
	    mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
	    if ( type != GREET_PROG )

    return executed;

 * Triggers follow

 *  Hold on this
void oprog_act_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    set_supermob( obj );
    if ( HAS_PROG(obj->pIndexData, ACT_PROG) )
	oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, ACT_PROG );


void oprog_greet_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    OBJ_DATA *vobj;

    for ( vobj=ch->in_room->first_content; vobj; vobj = vobj->next_content )
	if ( HAS_PROG(vobj->pIndexData, GREET_PROG) )
	    set_supermob( vobj );  /* not very efficient to do here */
	    oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, vobj, NULL, GREET_PROG );

void oprog_speech_trigger( char *txt, CHAR_DATA *ch )
    OBJ_DATA *vobj;

    /* supermob is set and released in oprog_wordlist_check */
    for ( vobj=ch->in_room->first_content; vobj; vobj = vobj->next_content )
	if ( HAS_PROG(vobj->pIndexData, SPEECH_PROG) )
	    oprog_wordlist_check(txt, supermob, ch, vobj, NULL, SPEECH_PROG, vobj);


 * Called at top of obj_update
 * make sure to put an if(!obj) continue
 * after it
void oprog_random_trigger( OBJ_DATA *obj )
    if ( HAS_PROG(obj->pIndexData, RAND_PROG) )
	set_supermob( obj );

 * in wear_obj, between each successful equip_char 
 * the subsequent return
void oprog_wear_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    if ( HAS_PROG(obj->pIndexData, WEAR_PROG) )
	set_supermob( obj );
	oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, WEAR_PROG );

bool oprog_use_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj, CHAR_DATA *vict,
                        OBJ_DATA *targ, void *vo )
    bool executed = FALSE;

    if ( HAS_PROG(obj->pIndexData, USE_PROG) )
	set_supermob( obj );
	if ( obj->item_type == ITEM_STAFF || obj->item_type == ITEM_WAND
	||   obj->item_type == ITEM_SCROLL )
	    if ( vict )
		executed = oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, vict, USE_PROG );
		executed = oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, targ, USE_PROG );
	    executed = oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, USE_PROG );
    return executed;

 * call in remove_obj, right after unequip_char   
 * do a if(!ch) return right after, and return TRUE (?)
 * if !ch
void oprog_remove_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    if ( HAS_PROG(obj->pIndexData, REMOVE_PROG) )
	set_supermob( obj );
	oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, REMOVE_PROG );

 * call in do_sac, right before extract_obj
void oprog_sac_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    if ( HAS_PROG(obj->pIndexData, SAC_PROG) )
	set_supermob( obj );
	oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, SAC_PROG );

 * call in do_get, right before check_for_trap
 * do a if(!ch) return right after
void oprog_get_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    if ( HAS_PROG(obj->pIndexData, GET_PROG) )
	set_supermob( obj );
	oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, GET_PROG );

 * called in damage_obj in act_obj.c
void oprog_damage_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    if ( HAS_PROG(obj->pIndexData, DAMAGE_PROG) )
	set_supermob( obj );
	oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, DAMAGE_PROG );

 * called in do_repair in shops.c
void oprog_repair_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    if ( HAS_PROG(obj->pIndexData, REPAIR_PROG) )
	set_supermob( obj );
	oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, REPAIR_PROG );

 * call twice in do_drop, right after the act( AT_ACTION,...)
 * do a if(!ch) return right after
void oprog_drop_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    if ( HAS_PROG(obj->pIndexData, DROP_PROG) )
	set_supermob( obj );
	oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, DROP_PROG );

 * call towards end of do_examine, right before check_for_trap
void oprog_examine_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    if ( HAS_PROG(obj->pIndexData, EXA_PROG) )
	set_supermob( obj );
	oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, EXA_PROG );

 * call in fight.c, group_gain, after (?) the obj_to_room
void oprog_zap_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    if ( HAS_PROG(obj->pIndexData, ZAP_PROG) )
	set_supermob( obj );
	oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, ZAP_PROG );

 * call in levers.c, towards top of do_push_or_pull
 *  see note there 
void oprog_pull_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    if ( HAS_PROG(obj->pIndexData, PULL_PROG) )
	set_supermob( obj );
	oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, PULL_PROG );

 * call in levers.c, towards top of do_push_or_pull
 *  see note there 
void oprog_push_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    if ( HAS_PROG(obj->pIndexData, PUSH_PROG) )
	set_supermob( obj );
	oprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, obj, NULL, PUSH_PROG );

void obj_act_add( OBJ_DATA *obj );
void oprog_act_trigger( char *buf, OBJ_DATA *mobj, CHAR_DATA *ch,
			OBJ_DATA *obj, void *vo )
    if ( HAS_PROG(mobj->pIndexData, ACT_PROG) )
	MPROG_ACT_LIST *tmp_act, *tmp_mal;
	CREATE(tmp_act, MPROG_ACT_LIST, 1);

 * Losing the head of the list -Druid
if( mobj->mpactnum > 0 )
  tmp_mal = mobj->mpact;
  while( tmp_mal->next != NULL )
    tmp_mal = tmp_mal->next;
  /* Put at the end */
  tmp_mal->next = tmp_act;   
  mobj->mpact = tmp_act;

tmp_act->next = NULL;
tmp_act->buf = str_dup( buf );
tmp_act->ch = ch;
tmp_act->obj = obj;
tmp_act->vo = vo;
obj_act_add( mobj );


void oprog_wordlist_check( char *arg, CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor,
			  OBJ_DATA *obj, void *vo, int type, OBJ_DATA *iobj )
  char        temp1[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ];
  char        temp2[ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH ];
  char        word[ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH ];
  MPROG_DATA *mprg;
  char       *list;
  char       *start;
  char       *dupl;
  char       *end;
  int         i;

  for ( mprg = iobj->pIndexData->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
    if ( mprg->type == type )
	strcpy( temp1, mprg->arglist );
	list = temp1;
	for ( i = 0; i < strlen( list ); i++ )
	  list[i] = LOWER( list[i] );
	strcpy( temp2, arg );
	dupl = temp2;
	for ( i = 0; i < strlen( dupl ); i++ )
	  dupl[i] = LOWER( dupl[i] );
	if ( ( list[0] == 'p' ) && ( list[1] == ' ' ) )
	    list += 2;
	    while ( ( start = strstr( dupl, list ) ) )
	      if ( (start == dupl || *(start-1) == ' ' )
		  && ( *(end = start + strlen( list ) ) == ' '
		      || *end == '\n'
		      || *end == '\r'
		      || *end == '\0' ) )
		  set_supermob( iobj );
		  mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
		  release_supermob() ;
		dupl = start+1;
	    list = one_argument( list, word );
	    for( ; word[0] != '\0'; list = one_argument( list, word ) )
	      while ( ( start = strstr( dupl, word ) ) )
		if ( ( start == dupl || *(start-1) == ' ' )
		    && ( *(end = start + strlen( word ) ) == ' '
			|| *end == '\n'
			|| *end == '\r'
			|| *end == '\0' ) )
		    set_supermob( iobj );
		    mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
		  dupl = start+1;


 *  room_prog support starts here

void rset_supermob( ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room)
  char buf[200];

  if (room)
    supermob->short_descr = QUICKLINK(room->name);
    supermob->name        = QUICKLINK(room->name);
    supermob->mpscriptpos = room->mpscriptpos;

    /* Added by Jenny to allow bug messages to show the vnum
       of the room, and not just supermob's vnum */
    sprintf( buf, "Room #%d", room->vnum );
    STRFREE( supermob->description );
    supermob->description = STRALLOC( buf );

    char_from_room (supermob );
    char_to_room( supermob, room); 

void rprog_percent_check( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor, OBJ_DATA *obj,
			 void *vo, int type)
    MPROG_DATA * mprg;


    for ( mprg = mob->in_room->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
	if ( mprg->type == type
	&&   number_percent() <= atoi(mprg->arglist) )
	    mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
	    if( type!=ENTER_PROG )

 * Triggers follow

 *  Hold on this
 * Unhold. -- Alty
void room_act_add( ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room );
void rprog_act_trigger( char *buf, ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room, CHAR_DATA *ch,
			OBJ_DATA *obj, void *vo )
    if ( HAS_PROG(room, ACT_PROG) )
	MPROG_ACT_LIST *tmp_act, *tmp_mal;
	CREATE(tmp_act, MPROG_ACT_LIST, 1);

 * Losing the head of the list -Druid
if( room->mpactnum > 0 )
  tmp_mal = room->mpact;
  while( tmp_mal->next != NULL )
    tmp_mal = tmp_mal->next;
  /* Put at the end */
  tmp_mal->next = tmp_act;   
  room->mpact = tmp_act;

tmp_act->next = NULL;      
tmp_act->buf = str_dup( buf );
tmp_act->ch = ch;
tmp_act->obj = obj;
tmp_act->vo = vo;
room_act_add( room );


void rprog_leave_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    if ( HAS_PROG(ch->in_room, LEAVE_PROG) )
	rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
	rprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, NULL, NULL, LEAVE_PROG );

void rprog_enter_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    if ( HAS_PROG(ch->in_room, ENTER_PROG) )
	rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
	rprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, NULL, NULL, ENTER_PROG );

void rprog_sleep_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    if ( HAS_PROG(ch->in_room, SLEEP_PROG) )
	rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
	rprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, NULL, NULL, SLEEP_PROG );

void rprog_rest_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   if( HAS_PROG(ch->in_room, REST_PROG) )
	rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
	rprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, NULL, NULL, REST_PROG );

void rprog_rfight_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   if( HAS_PROG(ch->in_room, RFIGHT_PROG) )
	rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
	rprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, NULL, NULL, RFIGHT_PROG );

void rprog_death_trigger( CHAR_DATA *killer, CHAR_DATA *ch )
   if( HAS_PROG(ch->in_room, RDEATH_PROG) )
	rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
	rprog_percent_check( supermob, ch, NULL, NULL, RDEATH_PROG );

void rprog_speech_trigger( char *txt, CHAR_DATA *ch )
   if( HAS_PROG(ch->in_room, SPEECH_PROG) )
	/* supermob is set and released in rprog_wordlist_check */
	rprog_wordlist_check( txt, supermob, ch, NULL, NULL, SPEECH_PROG, ch->in_room );

void rprog_random_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   if ( HAS_PROG(ch->in_room, RAND_PROG) )
	rset_supermob( ch->in_room );

void rprog_wordlist_check( char *arg, CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor,
			  OBJ_DATA *obj, void *vo, int type, ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room )

  char        temp1[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ];
  char        temp2[ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH ];
  char        word[ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH ];
  MPROG_DATA *mprg;
  char       *list;
  char       *start;
  char       *dupl;
  char       *end;
  int         i;

  if ( actor && !char_died(actor) && actor->in_room )
    room = actor->in_room;

  for ( mprg = room->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
    if ( mprg->type == type )
	strcpy( temp1, mprg->arglist );
	list = temp1;
	for ( i = 0; i < strlen( list ); i++ )
	  list[i] = LOWER( list[i] );
	strcpy( temp2, arg );
	dupl = temp2;
	for ( i = 0; i < strlen( dupl ); i++ )
	  dupl[i] = LOWER( dupl[i] );
	if ( ( list[0] == 'p' ) && ( list[1] == ' ' ) )
	    list += 2;
	    while ( ( start = strstr( dupl, list ) ) )
	      if ( (start == dupl || *(start-1) == ' ' )
		  && ( *(end = start + strlen( list ) ) == ' '
		      || *end == '\n'
		      || *end == '\r'
		      || *end == '\0' ) )
		  rset_supermob( room );
		  mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
		  release_supermob() ;
		dupl = start+1;
	    list = one_argument( list, word );
	    for( ; word[0] != '\0'; list = one_argument( list, word ) )
	      while ( ( start = strstr( dupl, word ) ) )
		if ( ( start == dupl || *(start-1) == ' ' )
		    && ( *(end = start + strlen( word ) ) == ' '
			|| *end == '\n'
			|| *end == '\r'
			|| *end == '\0' ) )
		    rset_supermob( room );
		    mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );
		  dupl = start+1;

void rprog_time_check( CHAR_DATA *mob, CHAR_DATA *actor, OBJ_DATA *obj,
			void *vo, int type )
  MPROG_DATA * mprg;
  bool 	       trigger_time;

  for ( mprg = room->mudprogs; mprg; mprg = mprg->next )
    trigger_time = ( time_info.hour == atoi( mprg->arglist ) );

    if ( !trigger_time )
      if ( mprg->triggered )
        mprg->triggered = FALSE;

    if ( mprg->type == type
	&& ( ( !mprg->triggered ) || ( mprg->type == HOUR_PROG ) ) )
      mprg->triggered = TRUE;
      mprog_driver( mprg->comlist, mob, actor, obj, vo, FALSE );

void rprog_time_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   if ( HAS_PROG(ch->in_room, TIME_PROG))
	rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
	rprog_time_check( supermob, NULL, NULL, ch->in_room, TIME_PROG );

void rprog_hour_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch )
   if ( HAS_PROG(ch->in_room, HOUR_PROG))
	rset_supermob( ch->in_room );
	rprog_time_check( supermob, NULL, NULL, ch->in_room, HOUR_PROG );
/* Written by Jenny, Nov 29/95 */
void progbug( char *str, CHAR_DATA *mob )
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    int vnum = mob->pIndexData ? mob->pIndexData->vnum : 0;

     * Check if we're dealing with supermob, which means the bug occurred
     * in a room or obj prog.
    if ( vnum == 3 )
	 * It's supermob.  In set_supermob and rset_supermob, the description
	 * was set to indicate the object or room, so we just need to show
	 * the description in the bug message.
	sprintf( buf, "%s, %s.", str, mob->description == NULL ? "(unknown)" : mob->description );
	sprintf( buf, "%s, Mob #%d.", str, vnum );

    bug( buf, 0 );

void room_act_add( ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room )
  struct act_prog_data *runner, *tmp_ral;

  for( runner = room_act_list; runner; runner = runner->next )
    if( runner->vo == room )
  CREATE( runner, struct act_prog_data, 1 );
  runner->vo = room;
  runner->next = NULL; 
   * The head of the list is being changed in
   * room_act_update, So append to the end of the list 
   * instead. -Druid
  if( room_act_list )
    tmp_ral = room_act_list;
    while( tmp_ral->next != NULL )
      tmp_ral = tmp_ral->next;
    /* put at the end */
    tmp_ral->next = runner;   
    room_act_list = runner;

void room_act_update( void )
  struct act_prog_data *runner;
  MPROG_ACT_LIST *mpact;
  while ( (runner = room_act_list) != NULL )
    ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room = runner->vo;
    while ( (mpact = room->mpact) != NULL )
      if ( mpact->ch->in_room == room )
        rprog_wordlist_check(mpact->buf, supermob, mpact->ch, mpact->obj,
                             mpact->vo, ACT_PROG, room);
      room->mpact = mpact->next;
    room->mpact = NULL;
    room->mpactnum = 0;
    room_act_list = runner->next;

void obj_act_add( OBJ_DATA *obj )
  struct act_prog_data *runner, *tmp_oal;

  for( runner = obj_act_list; runner; runner = runner->next )
    if( runner->vo == obj )
  CREATE( runner, struct act_prog_data, 1 );
  runner->vo = obj;
  runner->next = NULL; 
   * The head of the list is being changed in
   * obj_act_update, So append to the end of the list 
   * instead. -Druid
  if( obj_act_list )
    tmp_oal = obj_act_list;
    while( tmp_oal->next != NULL )
      tmp_oal = tmp_oal->next;
    /* put at the end */
    tmp_oal->next = runner;   
    obj_act_list = runner;

void obj_act_update( void )
  struct act_prog_data *runner;
  MPROG_ACT_LIST *mpact;
  while ( (runner = obj_act_list) != NULL )
    OBJ_DATA *obj = runner->vo;
    while ( (mpact = obj->mpact) != NULL )
      oprog_wordlist_check(mpact->buf, supermob, mpact->ch, mpact->obj,
                           mpact->vo, ACT_PROG, obj);
      obj->mpact = mpact->next;
    obj->mpact = NULL;
    obj->mpactnum = 0;
    obj_act_list = runner->next;