; the server uses a hash search on the first character of the command,
; so 'l' will point to the command 'look', but ONLY if 'look' is the
; first 'l' in the list.
; a command can have an alias too, simply alias: <name>, aliases
; which are substrings of the command name (so 'l' with name 'look')
; will be discarded.
; $Id: commands.dat,v 1.39 2004/04/19 19:59:00 druid Exp $

name: down
alias: d
function: do_down
allowed_states: idle

name: east
alias: e
function: do_east
allowed_states: idle

name: north
alias: n
function: do_north
allowed_states: idle

name: south
alias: s
function: do_south
allowed_states: idle

name: west
alias: w
function: do_west
allowed_states: idle

name: up
alias: u
function: do_up
allowed_states: idle

name: look
alias: l
function: do_look
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,fighting

; now the other commands

name: affects
alias: aff
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping,fighting
function: do_affects

name: afk
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping
function: do_afk

name: alias
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping,fighting
function: do_alias

name: apropos
function: do_apropos

name: areas
function: do_areas
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: armor
alias: arm
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping,fighting
function: do_armor

name: assist
function: do_assist
allowed_states: idle

name: auction
function: do_auction
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating

name: backstab
alias: bs
allowed_states: idle,fighting
function: do_backstab

name: balance
function: do_balance

name: bash
function: do_bash
allowed_states: idle,fighting

name: battle
function: do_battle
allowed_states: idle

name: bid
function: do_bid
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating

name: board
function: do_board
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating

name: brag
function: do_brag
allowed_states: idle,resting,fighting

name: buy
function: do_buy

name: cast
alias: c
function: do_cast
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating

name: channel
function: do_channel

name: circle
function: do_circle

name: clan
function: do_clan
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: clanadd
function: do_clanadd
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: clanremove
function: do_clanremove
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: close
function: do_close

name: commands
function: do_commands

name: compress
function: do_compress

name: consider
function: do_consider

name: config
function: do_config
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: deposit
function: do_deposit

name: disengage
function: do_disengage

name: ditch
function: do_ditch

name: drink
function: do_drink

name: drop
function: do_drop

name: eat
function: do_eat

name: emote
alias: :
function: do_emote
allowed_states: idle,resting,fighting

name: enter
function: do_enter

name: equipment
function: do_equipment
allowed_states: idle,fighting,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: exits
function: do_exits
allowed_states: idle,fighting

name: flee
alias: fl
function: do_flee
allowed_states: fighting

name: flurry
alias: flu
function: do_flurry
allowed_states: fighting

name: fly
function: do_fly

name: follow
function: do_follow

name: get
function: do_get

name: give
function: do_give

name: group
function: do_group

name: grouphand
function: do_grouphand

name: help
function: do_help

name: inventory
alias: i
function: do_inventory
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: i3
function: do_i3
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: kill
;alias: ki
alias: k
function: do_kill
allowed_states: idle,fighting

name: keylock
function: do_keylock
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: kick
function: do_kick
allowed_states: idle,fighting

name: last
function: do_last

name: learn
function: do_learn
allowed_states: idle

name: list
function: do_list
allowed_states: idle

name: lockpick
function: do_lockpick
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating

name: mana
function: do_mana
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: meditate
function: do_meditate
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating

name: note
function: do_note
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating

name: open
function: do_open

name: password
function: do_password

name: practice
function: do_practice

name: pray
function: do_pray

name: prompt
function: do_prompt

name: peek
function: do_peek
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating

name: put
function: do_put

name: quit
function: do_quit
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: raceinfo
function: do_raceinfo

name: remove
function: do_remove

name: reply
function: do_reply

name: report
function: do_report
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating

name: rescue
function: do_rescue

name: rest
function: do_rest
allowed_states: idle,meditating,resting

name: sacrifice
alias: sac
function: do_sacrifice

name: save
function: do_save

name: say
function: do_say

name: scan
alias: sca
function: do_scan

name: scalp
function: do_scalp

name: score
function: do_score
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping,fighting

name: search
function: do_search

name: sell
function: do_sell

name: setpager
function: do_setpager

name: showprompt
function: do_showprompt

name: skills
function: do_skills
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping,fighting

name: sleep
function: do_sleep

name: sneak
function: do_sneak

name: socials
function: do_socials

name: spells
function: do_spells
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping,fighting

name: stand
alias: wake
function: do_stand
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping,fighting

name: stats
function: do_stats
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping,fighting

name: suggest
function: do_suggest

name: swap
function: do_swap

name: taunt
function: do_taunt

name: tell
function: do_tell
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping,fighting

name: track
function: do_track
allowed_states: idle

name: trophy
function: do_trophy

name: time
function: do_time
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: title
function: do_title
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: unlearn
function: do_unlearn
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: unlock
function: do_unlock
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating

name: wake
function: do_wake

name: wear
function: do_wear

name: weather
function: do_weather

name: where
function: do_where
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: who
function: do_who
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: wield
function: do_wear

name: wimpy
function: do_wimpy

name: withdraw
function: do_withdraw

name: world
function: do_world
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: visible
alias: vis
function: do_visible

; special commands (guilds/clans/remort)

name: cadd
function: do_clanadd

name: cremove
function: do_clanremove

name: remort
function: do_remort
level: 100

; You don't want to do this!! :P

name: delete
function: do_delete
allowed_states: idle

; building commands

name: aassign
function: do_aassign
level: 996
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: acreate
function: do_acreate
level: 999
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: addcustom
function: do_addcustom
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: aranges
function: do_aranges
level: 999
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: aset
function: do_aset
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: astat
function: do_astat
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: checkarea
function: do_checkarea
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: goto
function: do_goto
level: 990
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: loadarea
function: do_loadarea
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: mfind
function: do_mfind
level: 990
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: mload
function: do_mload
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: pset
function: do_pset
level: 997
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: pstat
function: do_pstat
level: 990
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: ocreate
function: do_ocreate
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: oedit
function: do_oedit
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: ofind
function: do_ofind
level: 990
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: oload
function: do_oload
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: olist
function: do_olist
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: ostat
function: do_ostat
level: 990
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: ranges
function: do_ranges
level: 996
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: rclone
function: do_rclone
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: rdelete
function: do_rdelete
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: redit
function: do_redit
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: rlink
function: do_rlink
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: rlist
function: do_rlist
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: rmake
function: do_rmake
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: rstat
function: do_rstat
level: 990
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: savearea
function: do_savearea
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: spellcheck
function: do_spellcheck
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: sset
function: do_sset
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

; misc. immortal commands

name: advance
function: do_advance
level: 999
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: allow
function: do_allow
level: 996
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: at
function: do_at
level: 991
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: bamfin
function: do_bamfin
level: 990
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: bamfout
function: do_bamfout
level: 990
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: ban
function: do_ban
level: 996
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: bgset
function: do_bgset
level: 995
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: cloak
function: do_cloak
level: 1000
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: connections
function: do_connections
level: 995
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: coordgen
function: do_coordgen
level: 1000
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: destroy
function: do_destroy
level: 998
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: disconnect
function: do_disconnect
level: 995
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: echo
function: do_echo
level: 994
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: findpath
function: do_findpath
level: 998

name: force
function: do_force
level: 993
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: freeze
function: do_freeze
level: 996
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: grace
function: do_grace
level: 999
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: hashstats
function: do_hashstats
level: 1000
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: holylight
function: do_holylight
level: 990
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: holywalk
function: do_holywalk
level: 990
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: loadup
function: do_loadup
level: 998
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: map
function: do_map
level: 990

name: modules
function: do_modules
level: 1000
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: log
function: do_log
level: 995
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: namegen
function: do_namegen
level: 991
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: nourish
function: do_nourish
level: 995
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: peace
function: do_peace
level: 991
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: prename
function: do_prename
level: 997
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: purge
function: do_purge
level: 997
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: reload
function: do_reload
level: 998
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: reset
function: do_reset
level: 995
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: restore
function: do_restore
level: 995
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: return
function: do_return
level: 998
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: sconfig
function: do_sconfig
level: 1000
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: shutdown
function: do_shutdown
level: 999

name: silence
function: do_silence
level: 996
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: sla
function: do_sla
level: 995
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: slay
function: do_slay
level: 995
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping,fighting

name: snoop
function: do_snoop
level: 998
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: switch
function: do_switch
level: 998
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: take
function: do_take
level: 995
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: transfer
function: do_transfer
level: 995
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: uptime
function: do_uptime
level: 1000
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: vnums
function: do_vnums
level: 990
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: wizhelp
function: do_wizhelp
level: 990
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping

name: wizinvis
function: do_wizinvis
level: 990
allowed_states: idle,resting,meditating,sleeping