#LINUX Shell Script  by: Mike Lynch
#This is a simple backup script for backing up your entire mud files.
#I recommend placing the file in your /bin directory and doing a hash.
#Or type "./Backup.Script" to execute the script.
#I've tried to comment everything to make it easy to learn and modify
#this script to fit your personal needs.  Also I think these same date file 
#principles can be used to create dated log files. Plus, the same concept can
#be applied to C based muds using time.h to have backup files generated by 
#online command or automated upon startup.  
#Feel free to modify, enhance, whatever to this...for further information check
#your favorite linux site for documentation on shell scripting.
#Your output file will be: MonthDayYear.mud.tar.gz

#*****************Modify the following two settings.********************
#It is best to use the full path in the following modifications.

Back_Dir="/User/Backup"  #Replace /User/Backup with your desired Backup directory.
Mud_Dir="/User/Mud"  #Replace /User/Mud with your main Mud directory.

#    *************No More Modifications Required****************

#Get the date for the filename.
shdate=`date +%b%d%y`

#Save our current directory location.

#Change to the Backup file directory.
cd $Back_Dir

#Create a gzip compressed tar file of the Mud Directory.
echo Compressing...
tar -czf ${shdate}.mud.tar.gz $Mud_Dir

#Return to the previous working directory.
cd $tmp_dir

#Print some info on the screen.

echo Your mud has been backed up to file:
echo ${Back_Dir}/${shdate}.mud.tar.gz 
echo Backup Complete.
echo Linux Mud Backup Shell Script  by: Golorn