If you alter the code could you please leave the credits in the code (.help 
credits) and also don't change the version so much that it doesn't say NUTS 
anymore when a user does the .version command. I find it annoying that after 
I've spent months of time working on this software someone comes along, changes
a few commands then pretends its all their own work. If you have a problem 
with any references to my name or the NUTS name being in your talker then 
don't use my software, its that simple, go write your own from scratch. 

This software is freeware, it is *NOT* public domain, I retain copyright, and 
since there is code in here that I have used in a commercial system I have 
written I will take legal action on anyone and their institution/employer who 
I find using it to their own commercial advantage by way of selling the code
of either this or a modified version. I have no problems with anyone running a 
pay-to-use talker using NUTS however.
	You are perfectly free to modify the code to suit your needs and 
distribute modified versions *BUT* if you do could you please leave my name,
the NUTS name and the code header in the code and also note the fact that the
code isn't 100% original.

Neil Robertson - September 1996