**** About the directories ***

The server has a fixed directory structure and expects certain files to be
in certain directories which I shall describe below...


This directory contains the config file which contains all the parameters
necessary to boot the server and also the room description and message
board files. These are in the form of <room name>.R and <room name>.B
respectively. Also the 2 ban files: sitebans and userbans are stored here
which store banned sites and banned users.


This contains all the help files. 'Nuff said really.


This contains the user files, these being their data file (.D), 
profile/description (.P) and any mail they may have (.M).


This is where mail to other linked talkers is temporarily spooled ready
to be sent off or while it is being received.

Outgoing mail filenames are in the format of: OUT_<from>_<to>@<service to>

eg OUT_Fred_Neil@talker2

Incoming ones are: IN_<to>_<from>@<service_from>

eg IN_Neil_Fred@talker1