{13 50} Silence UnderDark~
16000 16300

enforcer eye~
The enforcer eye~
A large eye watches all your moves
These eyes are all over the Under dark, they make sure all the rules are
obeyed.  They are just that, huge eyes that float above the ground.  The  
eye has a dark brown shell, with a huge pupil that never seems to blink.
The pupil is a very dark green and takes in every action you do. ~
A CDEF 0 0
32 0 10d10+1000 5d5+1000 6d4+9 none
-10 -10 -10 3
EF 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
floating eye~
The floating eye~
A floating eye drifts in and out of the shadows
The eye flies at about your head level watching everything that happens. 
These eyes have been known to steal from people and to play "jokes" on
others.  The eye's pupil is a very dark grey and you can't tell where it is
A D -350 0
18 0 3d9+283 5d5+1000 2d7+4 none
-3 -3 -3 6
EF 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
The prisoner~
A prisoner stares at you from the back of the cell
You look at this prisoner disgusted, how could anyone be put in a jail in
this city?  This fellow must have committed the ultimate in crimes.  He
stares at you and does nothing else.  It looks as if he has lost the will to
live, you wonder what the enforcers did to him.
AB C -200 0
18 0 3d9+283 5d5+1000 2d7+4 punch
-3 -3 -3 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
great enforcer eye~
The great enforcing eye~
A huge eye floats in the air here, ready to punish all
This eye is the right hand of the Beholder who is in charge of the
enforcers.  The shell of this eye is brown and crusty, almost like scales. 
The pupil of this eye is a very deep red.  Looking at it makes you slightly
A CDEF 0 0
43 0 25d10+2500 5d5+1000 3d12+15 none
-15 -15 -15 2
EF 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
beholder eye~
The huge beholder~
A huge beholder watches over the other enforcers
A globular body greets your curious gaze.  This beholder is the head of the
enforcers of the Underdark.  The enforcers keep a tenuous peace, keeping
prolonged fights from occurring but allowing stealing and assassinations. 
This body is a sphere with ten eyestalks ontop.  A huge eleventh eye
resides in the central area.  A large mouth with razor sharp teeth lies below
this huge eye.  The body is protected by a hard chitinous covering.
50 0 50d10+4250 5d5+5000 5d8+19 bite 
-20 -20 -20 0
EF 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
The beholder~
A beholder of incredible size floats here scheming against the world       
A huge spherical body floats in the air here.  Ontop of the sphere reside 10
moving eyestalks.  A huge eye is in the centre of the sphere.  This huge eye
seems to disrupt your casting abilities.  This beholder lives in this city and
masterminds many evil operations.
ABC CDEFH -1000 0
49 0 50d10+4000 5d5+1000 4d10+18 charge
-19 -19 -19 1
EF 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
svirfneblin deep gnome~
The svirfneblin~
A brownish grey gnome watches you warily
Before you stands a svirfneblin, a deep gnome.  Much like a regular gnome
the only real difference is the fact that this gnome's skin is a brownish grey
and he is going slightly bald.
AC E -500 0
19 0 3d9+308 5d5+1000 2d7+5 punch     
-4 -4 -4 5
EIKR 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
drow trader~
The drow trader~
A drow trader goes about his business
A black-skinned and pale-haired elf stands before you heading somewhere
with a purpose to sell his goods.  Although he looks skinny he looks very
deadly and quick.
A D -750 0
16 0 3d9+233 5d5+1000 2d6+4 pound      
-2 -2 -2 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
dwarf duergar~
The duergar~
A dark dwarf wanders about
Before you stands an emaciated, evil-visaged dwarf.  His skin is dark grey. 
He wears clothing that is a dark grey, he seems to blend into his
A C -600 0
21 0 4d10+360 5d5+1000 4d4+5 pound     
-5 -5 -5 5
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
necromancer mage~
The necromancer~
A necromancer dressed in flowing dark robes
You turn your gaze on a necromancer who seems to have power flowing
through every one of her movements.  Her visage is gaunt and strained, it
seems as if at every moment she is concentrating on a spell of some sort. ~
AB D -150 0
43 0 25d10+2500 5d5+1000 3d12+15 punch
-15 -15 -15 2
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium 0
The behir~
A behir stands here waiting for orders from it's master
Before you stands a snake-like reptilian monster with a dozen legs that
must allow it to move with considerable speed, you recall that you once
heard stories of these creatures climbing walls.  The head is more
crocodilian than snake-like.  The scales are ultramarine with bands of
grey-brown.  The belly is pale blue.
AB D -100 0
38 0 10d10+1600 5d5+1000 5d6+12 bite
-13 -13 -13 3
EF L 0 I
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
The fighter~
A very evil looking fighter chats with his companions
This fighter looks like a bounty hunter who has had some luck.  Your mind
goes wild imagining the many possibilities of why he is in the Under Dark,
perhaps there is some creature that has had a reward placed on it's head,
whatever the reason is the fighter doesn't seem that happy that you are
staring at him.
ABT C -750 0
43 0 25d10+2500 5d5+1000 3d12+15 pound
-15 -15 -15 2
CEIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
high priest~
A high priest of Xevior~
A priest of Xevior stands with his fellow group members
Before you stands a cleric of Xevior.  He is tall and lanky, he seems to
shimmer in and out of existence much like a mirage.  He bears the design
of Xevior on his forehead.
AB CDEFH -666 0
43 0 25d10+2500 5d5+1000 3d12+15 slap
-15 -15 -15 2
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
lizard man~
The lizard man~
A reptilian man stands in the shadows off to the side
A figure of muscular build who looks vaguely human.  He is covered in
little scales and seems to be light green in colour.  He stares at you as you
look at him.  Ready for any move you may make on him.
A D -600 0
16 0 3d9+233 5d5+1000 2d6+4 bite     
-2 -2 -2 6
EIKR 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
purple worm~
The purple worm~
A purple worm bursts from the ground before you
Before you lies a worm of incredible size and power.  The worm is about
40 feet long and is purple in colour.  The worm has huge teeth which it
uses to slowly crush it's prey if they are unlucky enough not to be
swallowed whole.
ABF HQ -100 0
44 0 25d10+2750 5d5+1000 8d4+15 none
-15 -15 -15 2
EFU 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
purple worm huge~
The huge purple worm~
A huge purple worm erupts from the earth before you
This worm is almost 60 feet long and 13 feet in diameter.  It is a very dark
purple and has teeth about 4 inches long each.  The mouth is so large that
it looks like a small cavern.  You can only see the front of the worm since
it's whole mass can not possibly fit in the corridor. ~
ABF HQ -250 0
48 0 25d10+3750 5d5+1000 6d6+18 bite
-18 -18 -18 1
EFU 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
underling beholder~
The beholder's underling~
An underling of the beholder carries out it's malicious plans
Before you stands a human who takes orders from the beholder.  His life
goal is to serve the beholder.  He is dressed in green and black.  On his
hands he wears a pair of gauntlets that bear the beholders symbol, an eye
with ten eyestalks around it.
AG DF -750 0
43 0 25d10+2500 5d5+1000 3d12+15 pound
-15 -15 -15 2
EF 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
beholder legionnaire~
The beholder legionnaire~
A robed legionnaire bearing the emblem of the beholder stands alert
You see before you a robed figure who looks vaguely human.  You've
heard stories that the beholder's forces weren't human now you know they
aren't, you look closer to see just what type of humanoid he is.  Then he
looks straight at you and you see glowing red eyes.  This figure is a
githzerai!  You wonder how that happened.
AG DF -850 0
46 0 25d10+3250 5d5+1000 6d6+16 pound
-16 -16 -16 2
EF 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
beholder attendant~
The supreme attendant~
A robed attendant seems mildly annoyed with your intrusion
This figure is robed and looks almost human.  Then you notice his eyes,
they glow green in this light.  His gaze challenges you to either attack or
leave him in peace.  He holds himself with confidence and you realise it
would no easy matter to defeat him.
AB DF -900 0
48 0 25d10+3750 5d5+1000 6d6+18 pound
-18 -18 -18 1
EF 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
grell brain~
The grell~
A large ugly floating brain with a beak wants to be fed
The appearance of this dreadful creature is fearsome indeed: a body like a
giant exposed brain approximately five feet in diameter and with a frontal
beak, below which trail ten six foot long tentacles hang.  The body of the
grell is a drab olive colour streaked with white; the tentacles are pale
olive-green.  This grell is the beloved pet of the beholder. ~
ABF H -750 0
46 0 25d10+3250 5d5+1000 6d6+16 none
-16 -16 -16 2
F 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
barkeep bartender~
The Barkeep~
The barkeep stands here ready to help you if you can pay
You are looking at the barkeep of the gemstone.  This is his establishment,
and you get the feeling if you do anything destructive or stupid he will
make you pay.
95 0 50d10+22500 5d5+5000 12d15+68 pound
-71 -71 -71 -37
EFIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
patron duergar~
The duergar patron~
A duergar sits here drinking ale while staring at you
This duergar stares right back at you as you check him over.  He would
stand about four feet tall at max you figure.  Built like an ox this guy could
easily pick you up.  You figure he frequents the Gemstone since he just
seems to fit in.
AG E -500 0
11 0 2d8+134 5d5+100 1d10+2 punch           
1 1 1 7
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
patron drow~
The drow patron~
A drow sits here quietly minding his own business
The drow doesn't seem to be looking at anything at all.  His dark skin
blends in with the murky lighting.  The drow looks quick and deadly. ~
AB D -600 0
13 0 2d10+170 5d5+100 2d5+3 punch    
-1 -1 -1 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
patron human~
The human patron~
A human is sitting here very drunk and very loud
This drunk is a slob, he has no life.  You can tell that he is fat and out of
shape, the only thing going for him is the fact that he looks strong.  He has
a gut that hangs out right over his belt, and a few scars on his face
AG E -250 0
14 -1 2d10+190 5d5+100 1d12+3 punch   
-1 -1 -1 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
adventurer caris~
Caris the experienced adventurer sits here watching you
Caris looks to be a well seasoned adventurer, he has much equipment that
he has taken care of.  Caris is human and has dark brown hair, he is quite
good looking.  His eyes are green and seem to hold the key to power in
AB E 0 0
22 0 5d10+400 5d5+1000 4d4+6 punch     
-5 -5 -5 5
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
adventurer antryg~
Antryg sits here sipping on his beer
Antryg is dressed in long robes that cover up his body.  You can't tell how
built he is, but you do know he looks very deadly and dangerous ~
AB E 0 0
22 0 5d10+400 5d5+1000 4d4+6 punch     
-5 -5 -5 5
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
gremlin form~
The gremlin~
A small dark form jeers at you from the shadows
You are looking at a small ugly creature.  It is staring right at you, with
beady yellow eyes.  It's skin is a dark greenish colour and looks to be
slimy.  This little fellow has nasty little teeth and questing hands that pick
up anything.
ACG PQ -50 0
17 0 3d9+258 5d5+1000 3d4+4 punch     
-3 -3 -3 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
creature slime~
The slime creature~
A weird shape made of slime flows along the wall
The slime is green and oozes slowly down the wall onto the floor.  You
look closely and notice with a start that it seems to be alive.  The slime is
slowly eating it's way through the wall and floor.
AG 0 0 0
20 0 3d9+333 5d5+1000 2d8+5 magic     
-4 -4 -4 5
EF 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
huge rat~
The huge rat~
A huge rat about five feet long stares right at you
This is an incredibly huge rat, you have never seen anything comparable
on the surface.  The rat has green eyes that seem to shimmer with hatred. 
The rat's fur is black and brown and very dirty.
AG 0 0 0
19 0 3d9+308 5d5+1000 2d7+5 charge     
-4 -4 -4 5
EF 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
jinxkin humanoid~
The jinxkin~
A small dirty humanoid form peers down at you from the rafters
Before you stands what looks like a diminutive human wearing baggy
clothing and an ill-fitting leather helmet.  You realise right away, this is
one of the "little people" who cause trouble.  You then notice this jinxkin
has dirty but sharp nails.
ACG PQ -400 0
22 0 5d10+400 5d5+1000 4d4+6 punch     
-5 -5 -5 5
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
jermlaine human form~
The jermlaine~
A short human form watches you from the shadows
You see a small ugly human form.  It is wearing baggy clothing and an ill-
fitting leather helmet.  The jermlaine is close enough to notice that the
clothing isn't actually clothing but it is folds of skin and the helmet is just
the head, all leathery and smooth.  The limbs of this creature are knotty
and bowed, with hands and feet tipped with thick nails which are filthy.
ACG P -600 0
21 0 4d10+360 5d5+1000 4d4+5 punch     
-5 -5 -5 5
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
bodak humanoid~
The bodak~
A grey skinned demonic humanoid sits on the throne waiting for you
Before you stands a bodak, rarely seen on this plane.  The bodak you
figure was summoned by a mage and quickly defeated him.  The bodak
has dark grey, pearly skin.  It's muscular body has no hair, and the head is
long with oddly distorted features.  The eyes are milky-white, vertical
ovals of large size.
AB DFHJ -999 0
45 0 25d10+3000 5d5+1000 8d4+16 pound
-15 -15 -15 2
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
The mage~
The sucked corpse of a once powerful mage rises to attack
This mage once summoned a bodak, his greatest achievement.  The mage
then found out just how little his own power was.  The bodak sucked his
life away and left him as this husk, skin that clings to the bones.  The mage
stares at you, his eyes bloodshot and sunken into their sockets. ~
ABF D -500 0
38 0 10d10+1600 5d5+1000 5d6+12 magic
-13 -13 -13 3
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
iron golem~
The iron golem~
A huge iron statue of a human stands to the side
This looks to be an iron statue of a human.  The statue stands a good
fifteen feet tall.  In fact it almost looks as if it can move.  You then glance
at it's eyes and notice with a shock that they are watching you. ~
AB D 0 0
40 0 15d10+1850 5d5+1000 4d8+13 pound
-13 -13 -13 3
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
stone golem~
The stone golem~
A large stone statue stands waiting next to the wall
This is a large stone statue of a man.  The statue stands ten feet tall and
looks powerful enough to rip off your head without straining.  The statue
looks as if it is watching you.
AB D 0 0
39 0 15d10+1700 5d5+1000 5d6+13 pound
-13 -13 -13 3
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
human warlord itreres~
A huge man rests here watching you as your barge into his room
This is Itreres, a guest of the bodak.  He comes here hoping to forge an
alliance with one of the most powerful figures in the underdark.  Itreres is
a bear of a man, he ripples with muscles.  He has scars all over his arms
and you are pretty sure all over his body.
AB N -500 0
42 0 25d10+2250 5d5+1000 3d12+14 slap
-14 -14 -14 3
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
The imp~
A small imp is here spying for the bodak
This is a small imp who has become the familiar of the bodak.  He is the
eyes and ears of the bodak, if the bodak so desires.
39 0 15d10+1700 5d5+1000 5d6+13 charge
-13 -13 -13 3
EF 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
minor demon babau~
The babau~
A dark twisted form a demon is ready to devour you
Before you stands a demon of incredible horror.  The demon has a
horn-like growth that projects from the back of the skull.  The demon is
tall and appears much as a skeleton in form-fitting black leather.  Its
extremities are larger than normal, however.  Its feet, hands, and head are
the size of a hill giant's.  The taloned fingers are deadly.  This is the babau.
ACF J -1000 0
40 0 15d10+1850 5d5+1000 4d8+13 slash
-13 -13 -13 3
EKNU 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
The servant~
A servant stands off to the side ready to serve his master
This is a servant.  He is ready to serve whomever his current master is.~
ABG J 0 0
10 0 2d7+121 5d5+100 2d4+2 punch       
1 1 1 7
EI 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
gibbering mouther lump~
The gibbering mouther~
A lump of earthy material lies in the corner
The so called lump is in fact a gibbering mouther.  The gibbering mouther
is an amoeboid-like form of life, composed of all mouths and eyes.  The
thing looks like a large blob that has eyes and mouths all over it, the blob
is basically earthy in colour.
ACF BEJQ -1000 0
41 0 25d10+2000 5d5+1000 4d8+14 charge
-14 -14 -14 3
EF 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
worker female~
The worker of the night~
A luscious female offers her services to you
You behold a beautiful girl who is yours to command.. for a price.  You
realise if you touch the goods her "boss" will be mighty upset. ~
AC J 0 0
12 0 2d10+150 5d5+100 1d10+3 slap    
0 0 0 7
EK 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium 0
maid woman~
A maid of passion~
A truly beautiful woman offers to serve your every desire
This woman is dressed in what you think is a maid's costume.  She is very
beautiful and her shape awakens your desire.  She looks disappointed
when she realises that you haven't paid for her services and ignores you
from then on.
AC J 0 0
13 0 2d10+170 5d5+100 2d5+3 slap    
-1 -1 -1 6
EK 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium 0
granter man~
A granter of pleasure~
A very handsome man stands ready to grant you anything you want
This man is truly amazing.  He is muscular and well built.  Everything
about him is perfect.  He looks you over and licks his lips indicating he's
ready when you have paid up.
AC J 0 0
11 0 2d8+134 5d5+100 1d10+2 pound          
1 1 1 7
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
noble customer~
A preferred customer~
A slobbering man of noble birth has obviously been here before
This a noble who has a bit too much time on his hands.  He has spent quite
a fortune in this establishment.  He is a little overweight and his belly
spills over his pants.
AC J 0 0
14 0 2d10+190 5d5+100 1d12+3 pound   
-1 -1 -1 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
man pimp~
The pimp~
A man sits behind the desk waiting for you to pay for the services
This the pimp of the girls and guys of this establishment.  He wears
expensive jewellery and has a few gold teeth.  He seems nice enough here
but you realise that he must be a terror to his underlings. ~
AC J -1000 0
16 0 3d9+233 5d5+1000 2d6+4 punch     
-2 -2 -2 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
halfling patron~
The halfling patron~
A halfling sits here drinking ale watching the crowd carefully
This halfling is just like any other, short and diminutive.  The only
difference being this halfling looks to be very dangerous.  He seems to
have the confidence that one could only find if he had been brought up on
the streets of this foul city.
AB J -500 0
13 0 2d10+170 5d5+100 2d5+3 punch    
-1 -1 -1 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
half-orc patron~
The half-orc~
A half-orc sits here leering at all who pass
This half-orc is extremely built with many scars over it's ugly visage.  The
half-orc has a huge nose and it's teeth are yellow and fang like.  The
half-orc is guzzling down the ale looking for trouble.
AB J -900 0
11 0 2d8+134 5d5+100 1d10+2 claw          
1 1 1 7
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
gnome patron~
The svirfneblin patron~
A deep gnome sits here watching his back
This deep gnome sits at the table watching for suckers to prey upon.  His
skin is grey and his eyes are also grey.  He looks to be very dangerous. ~
AB J -750 0
12 0 2d10+150 5d5+100 1d10+3 punch   
0 0 0 7
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
inn keeper~
The inn keeper~
The inn keeper stands ready behind the bar for your order
The inn keeper is huge and looks to be very very deadly should you not
pay up for food eaten.  Apart from that the inn keeper is a very kind person
who listens patiently to the stories of the adventurers that pass through
ABT J 0 0
95 0 50d10+22500 5d5+5000 16d15+68 pound
-71 -71 -71 -37
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
A duergar adventurer sits here telling his heroic tales to those around
Before you sits a duergar of impressive build.  From the mutterings around
you know his name is Limbeck, a hero down here.  He has reputedly killed
a purple worm single handed.
AB J -500 0
33 0 10d10+1100 5d5+1000 6d4+10 punch
-11 -11 -11 3
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
A deep gnome adventurer is resting on the bed
This deep gnome goes by the name Geg, which you overheard while
walking through the inn.  He is one of the heroes of this city, and for that
reason many people are after his life.
AB J -600 0
30 0 6d12+853 5d5+1000 4d6+8 pound     
-9 -9 -9 3
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
A drow warrior sits here watching you carefully
This is Drevlin, one of the drow's most powerful warrior.  He once
defeated the drow weapon's master without a weapon.  He is very ruthless
and quick.  His dark skin and pointed ears makes him look like a demon. ~
ABT J -999 0
31 0 6d12+928 5d5+1000 4d6+9 slash
-10 -10 -10 3
EFIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
A half-orc of incredible size growls a challenge at you
This half-orc goes by the name Jarre.  He is huge and very very ugly.  He is
the champion of this facility, although the inn keeper doesn't allow him to
fight inside the inn, Jarre has crushed many an opponents skull just outside
the door.
ABT J -999 0
30 0 6d12+853 5d5+1000 4d6+8 slash     
-9 -9 -9 3
EFIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
serving wench~
The serving wench~
A serving wench hurries from table to table fulfilling orders
Tired and exhausted, this girl is not that pretty to look at.  You wonder
what she would be like if hadn't been worked to the bone for about three
years now.  Her hair you figure hasn't been washed for a few days now,
although that is better than you yourself.
AB J 0 0
13 0 2d10+170 5d5+100 2d5+3 punch    
-1 -1 -1 6
EI 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium 0
slave dealer~
The Slave Dealer~
The slave dealer stands ready to sell you slaves
The slave dealer is huge and looks mighty mean.  He patiently waits for
you to decide on which slave you wish to buy.
BT 0 900 0
95 0 50d10+22500 5d5+5000 15d15+68 pound
-71 -71 -71 -37
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
slave trader~
The slave trader~
A slave trader wonders if you are a perspective buyer
The slave trader deals in slaves.  This trader is obviously very wealthy
sporting much jewellery that he has garnished from this prosperous
AC J -500 0
23 0 5d10+450 5d5+1000 3d6+6 punch     
-6 -6 -6 4
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
merchant slave buyer~
A slaver buyer~
A merchant looks ready to buy all the slaves he sees.
The mecrchant has a cruel look in his eye, he looks like the type of
master that any slave would dread.
AC J -900 0
21 0 4d10+360 5d5+1000 4d4+5 pound     
-5 -5 -5 5
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
orc slave~
The orc slave~
An orc slave stands here waiting for orders.
The orc slave looks none to pleased about being a slave.
ABC 0 0 0
18 0 3d9+283 5d5+1000 2d7+4 punch    
-3 -3 -3 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
goblin slave~
The goblin slave~
A goblin slave waits for his orders.
The goblin slave watches you with distrust and hatred.
ABC 0 0 0
16 0 3d9+233 5d5+1000 2d6+4 punch     
-2 -2 -2 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
male human slave~
A male human slave~
A male human slave waits for his orders.
A male human slave stands before you with his back rigid, his spirit hasn't
been broken... yet.
ABC 0 0 0
19 0 3d9+308 5d5+1000 2d7+5 punch     
-4 -4 -4 5
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
female human slave~
the female human slave~
A female human slave waits for her orders.
A female human slave stands before you watching you carefully. ~
ABC 0 0 0
11 0 2d8+134 5d5+100 1d10+2 slap          
1 1 1 7
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
kobold slave~
The kobold~
A small kobold stands ready.
A small kobold looks like a strong fierce fighter.
ABCT 0 0 0
20 0 3d9+333 5d5+1000 2d8+5 slash     
-4 -4 -4 5
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
EIK 0 medium 0
elf slave~
The elven slave~
An elven slave stands ready for orders.
The elven slave looks as if he would defend his master, if he had to. ~
ABC 0 0 0
24 0 5d10+500 5d5+1000 2d10+6 punch    
-6 -6 -6 4
EIKR 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
dwarf slave~
The dwarven slave~
A dwarven slave stands ready for his orders.
The dwarven slave looks outright rebellious, but you realise he would fight
if ordered to.
ABC 0 0 0
26 0 5d10+600 5d5+1000 3d7+7 pound     
-7 -7 -7 4
EIKR 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
bar tender~
The Bar Tender~
A large man stands behind the counter ready to take your order
Before you stands a large man who has seen everything in his life.  He is a
retired adventurer and can defeat any mortal who would be idiotic enough
to attack him.
ABT C 0 0
95 0 50d10+22500 5d5+5000 12d15+68 slash
-71 -71 -71 -37
CEFIJK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
drow adventurer~
A drow adventurer sits with his party watching you.
This adventurer's name is well known in this establishment, he goes by the
name Prax.  He is an accomplished mage, and seems to breathe magic. ~
AB D -500 0
28 0 6d12+703 5d5+1000 2d12+8 pound    
-8 -8 -8 4
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
drow warrior~
A drow warrior watches you keenly while sipping his ale
This drow is a very strong warrior.  He has never been defeated in his
entire career.  He goes by the name Thespan.
ABT 0 -600 0
26 0 5d10+600 5d5+1000 3d7+7 slash     
-7 -7 -7 4
EIJK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
drow thief~
A drow thief sits at the table with his companions watching you
This drow is not to be trusted, he has a well earned reputation of being
able to steal anything off of anyone.  Maybe you should check your gold. ~
ABS 0 -600 0
26 0 5d10+600 5d5+1000 3d7+7 punch     
-7 -7 -7 4
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
gnome mage~
A deep gnome mage sits quietly watching you with disinterest
This gnome has just begun to build herself a reputation.  She is has just on
the threshold of becoming powerful, no easy feat in the Underdark.  She is
clearly very intelligent and cunning.
ABR D -600 0
16 0 3d9+233 5d5+1000 2d6+4 punch    
-2 -2 -2 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium 0
gnome thief~
A deep gnome thief sits back guzzling ale and chats with his companions
This gnome is a part of this adventuring group that is just on the verge of
becoming a powerful force in the Underdark, given a few more years and
they will be a force to be reckoned with.  Knowing this one of the city's
beholder's has outfitted them and protects them.
ABS 0 -700 0
16 0 3d9+233 5d5+1000 2d6+4 pound      
-2 -2 -2 6
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
duergar warrior~
A duergar warrior drains his ale with his fellows
This warrior's name is Emba. Although this group is a strange sight in the
Underdark due to their different races they work well together.  You
wonder if this group is an indication that the under world races may be
getting closer together, which would be a very bad thing for the surface
ABT 0 -800 0
17 0 3d9+258 5d5+1000 3d4+4 slash     
-3 -3 -3 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
drow thief~
A drow thief sits with his companions and watches you
This drow thief has just begun to give himself a name in the Underdark. 
From the conversations around you, you figure his name is Shillikif.  This
group has reputedly found a way into the githzerai keep from the
ABS 0 -700 0
16 0 3d9+233 5d5+1000 2d6+4 punch     
-2 -2 -2 6
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
drow Yie'Stei~
Yie'Stei the watchful mage waits for you to buy something
Yie'Stei is a drow mage of some repute, he's been able to maintain this
shop even while others have tried to take it from him.  He has a very
profitable business going.
ABR D 0 0
50 0 50d10+4250 5d5+5000 5d8+19 magic
-20 -20 -20 0
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
drow zae'tres~
Zae'tres watches you, waiting for you to buy something
Zae'tres is a drow merchant who has a booming trade here in the
Underdark.  When the town was first established he quickly realised that
there would be a profitable trade in selling arms, especially drow arms to
those who visit this unique city.
ABT D 0 0
95 0 50d10+22500 5d5+5000 12d15+68 pound
-71 -71 -71 -37
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
duergar Raesarnt~
Raesarnt the duergar armourer waits patiently on you
Raesarnt is a duergar who is now making a bundle in dealing with armour
and selling it at a ridiculous price.  Raesarnt is a stocky little fellow who
obviously has been through a lot in his life.  He walks with a quiet
confidence of one who has seen everything and knows nothing can best
him. ~
ABT D 0 0
95 0 50d10+22500 5d5+5000 12d15+68 pound
-71 -71 -71 -37
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
satori human~
Satori the jeweller waits to buy what you have to offer her
Satori is one of the few female merchants of the Underdark.  It is
rumoured that she killed all her rivals by murdering them while they slept. 
She is a beautiful lady who always gets her way.
ABT D -999 0
40 0 15d10+1850 5d5+1000 4d8+13 slash
-13 -13 -13 3
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium 0
Jiestis watches you to see that you steal nothing and pay for all
Jiestis is a svirfneblin, a deep gnome.  He sells many varieties of roots and
mushrooms to those of the Underdark.  It is rumoured that some of his
food has healing properties.  Jiestis is a small figure who is easy to
overlook, yet he seems to be very very powerful, not a person to mess
AB D 0 0
49 0 50d10+4000 5d5+1000 4d10+18 pound
-19 -19 -19 1
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
svirfneblin gnome~
The svirfneblin~
A svirfneblin looks at you with hatred and mistrust
This svirfneblin or deep gnome has taken sanctuary in the embassy.  By
the way he is acting you figure he is running from something.  He is
dressed is dark grey clothing and stands a good five feet tall.
AG 0 -500 0
17 0 3d9+258 5d5+1000 3d4+4 punch     
-3 -3 -3 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
svirfneblin dignitary~
The svirfneblin dignitary~
A svirfneblin dignitary looks up surprised by your entry
This is a svirfneblin dignitary who is using the embassy as a place of rest. 
He has just been rather shaken up by his visit to the drow city and has
come here to find comfort in the safe walls of this building.  He is dressed
in different shades of grey and sports a nice looking necklace ~
AG 0 -500 0
16 0 3d9+233 5d5+1000 2d6+4 punch     
-2 -2 -2 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
svirfneblin caretaker~
The caretaker~
The caretaker of the embassy watches you with mistrust
This is the caretaker of the embassy.  It is his duty to make sure that the
building is kept clean and open all year round.  He was once a powerful
figure in his homeland, but he fell out of favour and was sent here.  He
does his duty with a fanatic pride.
AB 0 -700 0
17 0 3d9+258 5d5+1000 3d4+4 punch     
-3 -3 -3 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
The footpad~
A footpad slinks through the shadows
This is one of the younger thieves of the guild.  He has considerable
experience, like all the thieves in the Underdark.  Although he has plenty
of experience his skills aren't refined like those of his superiors. ~
A Q -450 0
16 0 3d9+233 5d5+1000 2d6+4 pound     
-2 -2 -2 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
The cutpurse~
A cutpurse moves silently through the shadows
This thief has begun his climb to the top.  He has just begun to prove
himself to the guild, by working the streets he is looking for that perfect
steal or kill.
AH Q -600 0
17 0 3d9+258 5d5+1000 3d4+4 punch     
-3 -3 -3 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
The filcher~
A filcher walks silently along the street
This figure is a thief of minor repute.  He's been in the city for awhile now
and knows who to pick on.  He is lean but covered in muscles, with many
scars from countless fights.
AH D -600 0
18 0 3d9+283 5d5+1000 2d7+4 punch    
-3 -3 -3 6
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
The rogue~
A rogue disappears amongst the shadows
This thief is on the threshold of becoming a high ranking member of the
guild.  He only has to make his name even and bigger, and thus he is
willing to take greater risks.
AHS DQ -700 0
19 0 3d9+308 5d5+1000 2d7+5 punch     
-4 -4 -4 5
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
The sharper~
A sharper guards the entrance to the guild
This thief has finally made it into the guild itself.  Although just a guard,
he is proud to be in the guild's main building.  He will defend the guild
with his life.
ABFS D -500 0
21 0 4d10+360 5d5+1000 4d4+5 slash     
-5 -5 -5 5
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
magsman thief~
The magsman~
A thief rests in the comfort of the guild
This thief is dressed richly and has lots of money.  He is very confident in
his ability to both kill and steal.  He lives in the guild where the head thief
can watch him.
ABS D -500 0
23 0 5d10+450 5d5+1000 3d6+6 punch     
-6 -6 -6 4
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
master thief~
The master thief~
A master thief sits here watching you carefully
This thief is one of the most powerful figures of the guild.  He is dressed in
silk and has many items of jewellery.  The thief movements are as fluid as
water, he seems to flow rather than move.
ABS DEF -700 0
25 0 5d10+550 5d5+1000 2d10+7 slap    
-7 -7 -7 4
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
head thief~
The head thief~
The head thief stares at you daring you to challenge him
This is the head of the guild.  He isn't that tall nor impressive in size.  But
he has a quiet certainty about him, all his movements are precise and
calculated.  The thief has a cunning that made him the head of this guild,
and he makes sure non of the other thieves gets near him in power. ~
ABS DEF -1000 0
47 0 25d10+3500 5d5+1000 6d6+17 pound
-17 -17 -17 2
EFIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
The guild's mage is resting here
This is the thieve's guild main mage.  He is the only one who power
anywhere near that of the head's.  Meliadus is dressed in a long flowing
robe and lights the room with a rob shaped like a hand holding an orb. ~
ABR DEFH -500 0
40 0 15d10+1850 5d5+1000 4d8+13 magic
-13 -13 -13 3
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
The trainer~
The trainer of the thieve's guild stands here
This is the trainer of the thieve's guild.  He is the one that helps the thieves
increase in ability and skill.  He is also the only member of the guild who
is stronger than the leader.
50 0 50d10+4250 5d5+5000 5d8+19 slash
-20 -20 -20 0
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
bravo assassin~
The bravo~
A bravo flits from shadow to shadow, ready to strike
Before you stands a human of extreme danger, he is an assassin.  He is
dressed in black.  He is very skilled at the art of hitting the critical spot,
so watch your back.
AG Q -900 0
20 0 3d9+333 5d5+1000 2d8+5 pound     
-4 -4 -4 5
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
murderer assassin~
The murderer~
A drow murderer blends into the shadows watching for an opening ~
This is a drow assassin, he blends into the shadows on each side of the
street.  You can barely make out his form as he moves silently, looking for
the opening.
AG DPQ -999 0
21 0 4d10+360 5d5+1000 4d4+5 pound     
-5 -5 -5 5
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
thug assassin~
The thug~
A thug looks at you looking to kill you
This assassin is very dangerous, he is built and strong.  He flits in and out
of the shadows.  As an assassin he has the capability of nailing you with a
critical hit, watch your back and don't hang around. ~
AG DPQ -999 0
22 0 5d10+400 5d5+1000 4d4+6 pound     
-5 -5 -5 5
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
killer assassin~
The killer~
A killer steps in and out of the shadows
Before you stands a killer of extreme power and might, although if you can
survive the first hit, you may be able to kill him.  Do not be deceived by
the match up, his strike is deadly.
AG DQ -999 0
23 0 5d10+450 5d5+1000 3d6+6 pound     
-6 -6 -6 4
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
The assassin~
An assassin dressed in black appears from the shadows
This assassin is very dangerous.  There are very few creatures out there
who match up with the power of the assassin.  Should you take the time to
read all of this, I caution you to move right away.
AG D -999 0
25 0 5d10+550 5d5+1000 2d10+7 pound    
-7 -7 -7 4
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
expert assassin~
The expert assassin~
An expert assassin watches you calmly, ready to strike
This assassin has become extremely powerful and dangerous.  The
assassin is sheathed completely in black.  Wearing a mask you can not tell
what this assassin really looks like.
AG D -999 0
27 0 5d10+650 5d5+1000 5d4+7 pound     
-8 -8 -8 4
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
senior assassin~
The senior assassin~
An assassin of extreme beauty and power waits for the perfect moment
This assassin is ready to kill you if need be.  His list of victims is way too
long to write out.  One of the most powerful assassins of the land, he can
take out almost foe.
AG D -999 0
29 0 6d12+778 5d5+1000 2d12+8 pound    
-9 -9 -9 3
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
prime assassin~
The prime assassin~
An assassin of exceptional power waits calmly to kill you
This is one of the most powerful assassins in the realm.  His power goes
beyond just fighting, he is versed in the art of death.  He has practised
many long hours to learn how to hit the critical spot.
AG D -999 0
31 0 6d12+928 5d5+1000 4d6+9 pound
-10 -10 -10 3
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
guildmaster assassin~
The guildmaster~
An assassin of awesome repute stands here debating to kill you
This is the most powerful assassin in the realm, he has the ability to kill
any mortal.  His price is extremely high, but he has never failed. ~
AG D -999 0
46 0 25d10+3250 5d5+1000 6d6+16 pound
-16 -16 -16 2
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
assassin trainer~
The trainer~
The assassin's trainer stands here ready to help you progress 
This is a figure of extreme power.  He can defeat anything that walks the
land and is mortal.
ABK DN 0 0
50 0 50d10+4250 5d5+5000 5d8+19 pound
-20 -20 -20 0
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
darken beast~
The darken beast~
A disfigured cross between a large bat and a weasel screams at you
This is creature is about five feet tall with wings that spread out ten feet
wide.  The wings are membrane and you can see the sickly green blood
pulsating through them.  The beast's eyes are a dirty reddish colour and the
focus right at you.
AG F -500 0
44 0 25d10+2750 5d5+1000 8d4+15 charge
-15 -15 -15 2
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
The skyzorr'n~
A skyzorr'n wanders about
A skyzorr'n is a race of insectoid beings.  The skyzorr'n looks rather like a
large bipedal ant.  Its head is rather small but with two large compound
eyes and fair-sized mandibles.  No ears, as such, are present, but there are
three tiny, well covered holes on either side of the head.  The body is thin
and stick-like.  It has four arm/claw appendages, with reasonably
developed pincer-hands on the two uppermost and dagger-like claws on
the two lower ones.
AG F -600 0
45 0 25d10+3000 5d5+1000 8d4+16 claw
-15 -15 -15 2
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
dretch demon~
The dretch~
A dretch preforms the tasks Eurandus asks of it
Before you stands a creature with a round, rubbery body and thin, spindly
arms and legs.  It has a small head set squarely on it's shoulders.  The hair
is sparse and bristly, the ears are lopped and they stick out.  The eyes are
slanted downward and the nose appears to be squashed.  The mouth is
slack and slobbering with many small fangs.
AG F -800 0
46 0 25d10+3250 5d5+1000 6d6+16 slash
-16 -16 -16 2
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
platinum golem statue~
The platinum golem~
A huge statue made of platinum watches you as if it were alive
This is a huge golem, but not like any you have seen before.  This golem is
made out of platinum and it looks to be very strong.  You wouldn't want to
end up in a battle with a foe like this if you were weak. ~
AG H 0 0
47 0 25d10+3500 5d5+1000 6d6+17 pound
-17 -17 -17 2
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
duergar merchant~
A powerful duergar merchant is here to buy weird creatures
This is Gulthac who has a booming trade dealing with all sorts of
grotesque creatures, like the ones that Eurandus creates.  He is a powerful
warrior and is rarely beaten in a fight.
AGT J -800 0
46 0 25d10+3250 5d5+1000 6d6+16 pound
-16 -16 -16 2
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
mage eurandus~
Eurandus stands before you in all his might...
Before you stand a figure who is very impressive.  He looks to be as strong
as the stronger fighter and as quick as any thief.  He has jet black hair
which he holds back in braids.  He is very handsome, but his eyes give
away his insanity.
AGR H -999 0
47 0 25d10+3500 5d5+1000 6d6+17 pound
-17 -17 -17 2
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
The Keeper~
The Keeper stands here watching over his wards
This man seems as if he comes from the earth, his visage seems to be
carved from the very stones of the underdark.  His gaze pierces through the
darkness between you and him and penetrates into your mind.  You can
tell that this man is extremely powerful.
AGT DH 0 0
49 0 50d10+4000 5d5+1000 4d10+18 pound
-19 -19 -19 1
EFIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
The xaren~
A xaren blends into the surrounding rock making it very hard to see
The xaren is a relative of the xorn.  The creature before you has three legs
and three appendages which serve as arms.  Each of the appendages has
three large claws on them.  On the top of the creature, where the head
should be is a huge gaping mouth.  On both sides of the appendage facing
you are two large eyes.  The skin of this creature looks just like rock and
thus it seems to fade into the background.
AB D -500 0
48 0 25d10+3750 5d5+1000 6d6+18 claw
-18 -18 -18 1
EFIK 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
cloaker cloak~
The cloaker~
A cloak rises off the floor and stares at you with two glowing eyes
This is a cloaker, a shadow-dwelling, unearthly creature.  A cloaker
resembles a large semicircular cloak or blanket with two claw-like
appendages at the tips and a long, mace-like tail.  Black eyespots cover its
back like buttons on a cloak, and when the tail is hidden it is almost
impossible to distinguish from a real cloak.  In the middle of the front is a
large gaping mouth and two glowing eyespots.
AB F -999 0
48 0 25d10+3750 5d5+1000 6d6+18 charge
-18 -18 -18 1
EFIK 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0
human fighter~
Lord Rygar~
A human fighter sits at a table minding his own business
Before you sits Lord Rygar, a fighter of some repute.  People have said
that he once killed a wrym single handed.  He is a brute of a man, with
muscles rippling all over his body.  He sports a long black beard and his
hair is black.  He looks very evil.
ABT 0 -500 0
25 0 5d10+550 5d5+1000 2d10+7 slash    
-7 -7 -7 4
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
half-orc thief~
A half-orc sits with a human discussing terms for a job
This is Orak, a half-orc thief.  A member of the thieves guild, he operates
freely.  Orak has a great name, although slow at times his remarkable
dexterity and intelligence has helped him become one of the leading
thieves in the Underdark.
ABS 0 -500 0
26 0 5d10+600 5d5+1000 3d7+7 punch     
-7 -7 -7 4
EIKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
drow mage~
A drow mage lies on the bed meditating
This is Sabrakarn a drow mage.  He has become a powerful force in the
politics of his homeland.  He is here to learn new destructive spells so he
can become the most feared drow in the land
ABR 0 -700 0
26 0 5d10+600 5d5+1000 3d7+7 punch     
-7 -7 -7 4
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
svirfneblin fighter~
A svirfneblin fighter rests on the bed
This is Hangharid, a svirfneblin fighter.  He has vanquished many foes and
all his enemies fear him.  Even though he is a gnome, he has strength that
rivals that of an ogre.
ABT 0 -500 0
24 0 5d10+500 5d5+1000 2d10+6 punch    
-6 -6 -6 4
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
drow cleric~
A drow cleric sits cross legged on the ground
Sifrim is one of the few powerful drow clerics.  He is dressed all in black
and stares at your with glowing eyes.  A dangerous fellow by far. ~
ABQ 0 -800 0
25 0 5d10+550 5d5+1000 2d10+7 punch    
-7 -7 -7 4
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
duergar fighter~
A duergar fighter polishes his sword
This is Wismarel, a duergar fighter.  Wismarel is here to find his fortune
and hopes to find many powerful magical items.
ABT 0 -500 0
26 0 5d10+600 5d5+1000 3d7+7 punch     
-7 -7 -7 4
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
human mage~
A human mage opens his eyes as you barge into his room
This is Methuen, a mage.  Methuen has come to the Underdark in search
of magical items to enhance his considerable magical prowess. ~
ABR 0 -400 0
27 0 5d10+650 5d5+1000 5d4+7 slap     
-8 -8 -8 4
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
human fighter~
A human fighter lies on her bed deep in thought
This is Cedrena, a fighter.  She seeks items of power and might to enhance
her fighting abilities.  She is also seeking the fabled purple worms of the
ABT 0 -250 0
25 0 5d10+550 5d5+1000 2d10+7 slash    
-7 -7 -7 4
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium 0
inn keep~
The inn keep~
The inn keep stands ready to take your order
This is the inn keep of the Traveller's Den.  He makes sure everyone gets
what they want and provides soft beds for those who wish to stay here. ~
ABT 0 0 0
95 10 50d10+22500 5d5+5000 16d15+68 pound
-71 -71 -71 -37
EFIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
clan member~
The demon clan member~
A member of the demon clan watches you warily
Before you stands a human who is dressed in black and red.  He has
dedicated his life to serving the demons of the abyss.  His eyes glow with
fanatical desire to be one with the demons.
ABG N -500 0
17 0 3d9+258 5d5+1000 3d4+4 slap      
-3 -3 -3 6
EIKU 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
demon clan mage~
A demon clan mage~
A clan mage walks about lost in thought
This is one of the clan mages, he is dressed in flowing red and black robes. 
He is also wearing red and black bracers.
ABGR N -600 0
21 0 4d10+360 5d5+1000 4d4+5 punch     
-5 -5 -5 5
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
demon clan fighter~
A demon clan fighter~
A fighter dressed in black and red platemail watches you
Before you stands an impressive fighter who is sheathed completely in
black and red platemail.  He wields a glowing blade that seems to be
possessed by an evil force.
ABT N -900 0
23 0 5d10+450 5d5+1000 3d6+6 slash     
-6 -6 -6 4
EIKU 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
demon summoner~
The demon summoner~
A summoner stands here chanting to bring a demon to this plane
This mage is dressed in a flowing black and red robe.  His eyes glow with
the power that is coursing through his body as he attempts to bring demons
to this plane of existence.
ABR N -600 0
27 0 5d10+650 5d5+1000 5d4+7 slap     
-8 -8 -8 4
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
The cambion~
A cambion stands off to the side watching carefully
Before you stands a cross between a demon and a human.  His build is
stocky and strong.  He has scaly skin and fangs.  Small fangs protrude
from his head.
ABGT N -999 0
30 0 6d12+853 5d5+1000 4d6+8 claw     
-9 -9 -9 3
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
noble cambion~
A noble cambion~
A cambion dressed richly stares right at you
Before you stands a noble cambion.  These happen when a human female
mates with a demon lord.  He looks very human, just the glowing red eyes
and dark skin give him away.  He opens his mouth and you notice small
red fangs instead of teeth.
ABG N -999 0
35 0 10d10+1300 5d5+1000 4d7+11 pound
-11 -11 -11 3
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
clan head~
The head of the clan stands here devising a plan to rule the world
This is Irmugar the clan leader.  He got to this position by killing the
former leader and conspiring with many of the demon lords.  With their
support he took control of the clan and now is attempting to open
permanent gates to the abyss so the demons can come and go as they
please. ~
ABT HN -999 0
37 0 10d10+1500 5d5+1000 3d10+12 pound
-12 -12 -12 3
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
demon hezron~
The hezron~
A large demon springs at you
Before you stands an ugly demon.  His skin is dark green with splashes of
red.  His eyes glow green in the light.  His skin is smooth and shimmers in
the light.  He stands about six feet tall and four feet across.  Down his back
he has spikes and his hands end with large claws. ~
ABF 0 -999 0
25 0 5d10+550 5d5+1000 2d10+7 slash    
-7 -7 -7 4
EFNU 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
eye of fear and flame~
An eye of fear and flame~
A weird hooded human stares at your a large glowing red eye
The eye of fear and flame is a hooded man-sized figure.  You can't see the
face since the interior of the hood is an opaque black screen.  You can
sense an aura of pure evil emanating from this creature.
ABG 0 -999 0
25 0 5d10+550 5d5+1000 2d10+7 slash     
-7 -7 -7 4
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
The revenant~
A revenant wanders the street searching for revenge
This humanoid figure presents a pale, corpse-like appearance, with pallid
skin drawn tightly over hollow cheekbones; its flesh is unusually cold and
clammy.  Its eyes - sunken in the face - are dull and heavy lidded. ~
ABG 0 -500 0
25 0 5d10+550 5d5+1000 2d10+7 punch     
-7 -7 -7 4
EIK 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium 0
eye killer~
The eye killer~
An eye killer rests in the shadows
This creature has a bat-like upper torso on the body of a large snake.  Its
stunted wings cannot support flight.  The upper part of its body is a dark
grey-green while the lower part is a medium green flecked with dull
yellow. Its eyes are disproportionably large and apparently lidless. ~
ABG 0 -700 0
24 0 5d10+500 5d5+1000 2d10+6 charge    
-6 -6 -6 4
EF L 0 I
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium 0

scale eye~
Scale of the enforcer~
A brown scale glitters somewhat in the lighting~
armor C AD
9 9 9 0 0
30 5 10 P
1 1
13 1
blood eye~
Blood shot eye~
A blood shot eye that looks half mad~
wand A AO
22 2 2 'flamestrike' 0
15 3 0 P
eye slime~
Slime of the enforcing eye~
Brown putrid slime~
potion G A
23 'detect invis' 'heal' 'detect magic' ''
10 1 1000 P
eye justice~
A huge eye of justice~
The ripped out eye of the enforcer beholder~
staff A AO
20 2 2 'lightning bolt' 0
20 3 10000 P
eye stalk beholder~
Beholder's eyestalk~
An eyestalk of a beholder~
staff A AO
20 2 2 'energy drain' 0
15 3 1500 P
gnome mace~
Glinting gnome mace~
A dull greyish mace of gnomish design~
weapon I AN
mace 4 5 pound 0
17 4 10 P
13 1
18 1
19 5
drow sword darkness~
Sword of darkness~
A drow blade seems to cast a shadow of darkness around it~
weapon C AN
sword 4 4 slice 0
15 4 10 P
1 1
18 3
19 3
grey helm~
Dark grey helm~
A helm of duergar make lies abandoned off to the side~
armor G AE
5 5 5 0 0
20 3 10 P
1 1
19 2
sleeves knowledge~
Sleeves of knowledge~
Sleeves that bear many arcane signs rest here~
armor FG AI
14 14 13 10 0
43 3 110 P
3 2
12 15
blood stone~
A piece of polished blood stone~
A small polished stone that has flecks of red in a dark green base~
treasure C A
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 P
breast plate~
Breast plate of strength~
A breast plate emits an aura of power~
armor AG AD
25 25 25 20 0
43 4 100 P
1 5
13 50
18 5
19 7
holy symbol xevior~
A shining holy symbol of Xevior~
A holy symbol of Xevior floats above the ground~
armor HIJ AO
0 0 0 0 0
43 3 1100 P
4 2
leather pants~
Ripped leather pants~
A pair of dirty ripped leather pants lies abandoned on the floor~
armor C AF
5 5 5 0 0
16 3 0 P
purple worm scale~
Small purple worm scale~
A small scale from a purple looks as if it can be worn on the arm~
armor I AM
14 15 13 6 0
44 3 220 P
13 25
18 4
huge purple worm scale~
Huge purple worm scale~
A huge purple worm scale lies discarded off to the side~
armor C AJ
15 15 16 5 0
46 4 10 P
12 20
13 15
19 4
gauntlet eye~
Gauntlets of the eye~
A pair of gauntlets with the design of an eye on them rest here~
gold amethyst~
armor A AH
14 13 14 5 0
43 3 1000 P
13 30
18 4
helm eye~
Helm of the eye~
A helm lies here with a huge eye centred on it~
armor A AE
15 14 14 6 0
46 4 100 P
5 2
12 15
13 15
17 -5
24 -2
A very sharp large pin~
A small pin glints in the light~
weapon F AN
dagger 5 5 pierce 0
22 1 10 P
1 -3
13 -15
18 2
19 2
muck branch~
Very muddy branch~
A branch covered in muck lies discarded off to the side~
weapon BHL AN
mace 5 5 blast 0
21 15 0 P
2 -2
18 -5
19 2
A small deadly dart~
A little dart lies on the ground~
weapon F AN
exotic 1 1 slash 0
1 0 0 P
1 -2
3 1
18 2
A black wand inlaid with gold symbols~
A small black wand waits to be tested~
wand B AO
30 10 10 'faerie fog' 0
20 2 1000 P
Girth of protection~
A girth lies here glowing softly with power~
armor AGM AL
15 14 15 6 0
45 2 100 P
13 20
17 -10
Dull eyes~
Two small eyes that have lost their shine wait to be used~
armor ABHM AE
11 12 11 0 0
38 1 100 P
4 -3
iron sword~
An Iron Sword~
A very large sword made out of iron lies ready~
weapon B AN
sword 5 8 slash 0
40 45 1000 P
1 2
13 10
18 2
19 4
stone mace~
A Huge Stone Mace~
A large mace made completely of stone waits to be used~
weapon B AN
mace 4 10 pound 0
38 25 1000 P
1 1
18 2
19 5
Black Shield of Protection~
A black shield waits to protect it's owner~
armor BIM AJ
14 14 14 6 0
42 4 100 P
17 -15
A small black stone~
A very small black stone almost escapes your notice~
armor CFGLM AO
0 0 0 0 0
39 1 0 0 
1 -3
5 -3
14 -150
18 -5
19 -5
Demon Horn~
A glowing demon horn waits to be wielded~
weapon AJ AN
exotic 4 10 stab 0
40 4 0 P
17 -10
18 1
19 4
translucent robe~
Translucent Robe~
A semi-transparent robe lies on the floor~
armor I AK
4 4 4 0 0
13 2 0 P
5 1
13 10
Belt of pleasure~
A thin belt lies on the ground offering you much joy~
armor I AL
4 4 4 0 0
11 1 0 P
2 1
noble ring~
Ring of nobility~
A small beautiful ring is ready to worn~
treasure I AB
0 0 0 0 0
14 1 100 P
3 -2
13 5
19 1
gold teeth~
Gold Teeth~
A couple golden teeth wait to be used~
armor I AE
4 4 4 0 0
16 1 0 P
1 -1
19 2
broken bottle~
A broken bottle~
A broken bottle lies on the ground~
weapon C AN
exotic 3 3 slash 0
11 2 0 P
2 -1
19 2
dusty boots~
A pair of dusty boots~
A pair of dusty boots lie forgotten on the ground~
armor CM AG
8 8 8 0 0
33 2 600 P
2 -3
14 -50
19 -3
gnome hat~
A gnome hat~
A gnome hat rests here just waiting to be taken~
armor B AE
10 10 10 0 0
30 2 2300 P
2 2
18 3
boots of flying~
Boots of flying~
A pair of boots hover just above the ground~
armor FGM AG
18 18 18 9 0
31 2 1000 P
14 200
2 4
bracer strength~
Bracer of strength~
A very powerful looking bracer hums on the ground~
armor BG AL
21 20 21 12 0
30 3 0 P
1 4
19 3
slaver whip~
Slaver's Whip~
A long dangerous looking whip waits to used against a slave~
weapon B AN
whip 4 7 whip 0
23 4 900 P
4 -4
5 -2
18 -4
19 5
A pair of manacles~
A pair of manacles waits to be worn~
armor BM AH
0 0 0 0 0
20 4 1000 P
1 -3
5 -3
13 -25
A mage cloak~
A long flowing cloak that glows lies here~
armor A AC
9 9 9 0 0
28 2 600 P
12 25
jagged long sword~
A jagged long sword~
A jagged long sword rests on the ground~
weapon B AN
sword 6 5 slash 0
26 5 1000 P
17 -10
18 4
ebony dagger~
An ebony dagger~
An ebony dagger lies off to your side~
weapon B AN
dagger 6 5 pierce 0
26 4 4900 P
17 -10
18 3
19 3
glowing sphere~
A glowing sphere~
A glowing sphere lights up the room~
light A AO
0 0 -1 0 0
3 0 0 P
12 20
blue bracer~
A midnight blue bracer~
A dark blue bracer lies on the ground~
armor B AM
4 5 5 0 0
16 3 1900 P
2 1
ebony morning star~
An ebony morning star~
An ebony morning star rests on the ground~
weapon B AN
mace 4 5 blast 0
17 6 1000 P
5 1
18 2
19 4
drow chainmail~
Black drow chainmail~
A black suit of chainmail lies ready to be taken~
armor B AD
5 5 5 0 0
16 5 120 P
2 1
13 4
drow sword~
A drow sword~
A dark sword lies on the ground~
weapon G AN
sword 3 4 slice 0
10 5 1200 P
18 1
19 1
drow dagger~
A drow dagger~
A dark dagger lies on the ground~
weapon G AN
dagger 3 3 pierce 0
11 3 1200 P
18 2
19 1
drow mace~
A drow mace~
A dark mace lies on the ground~
weapon G AN
mace 3 3 pound 0
11 4 1200 P
18 1
19 2
duergar breastplate~
Duergar breastplate~
A breastplate of duergar make lies ready~
armor G AD
5 5 5 0 0
12 4 1180 P
17 -5
duergar helm~
A duergar helm~
A helm of duergar make lies ready~
armor G AE
3 3 3 0 0
6 2 420 P
17 -3
duergar shield~
A duergar shield~
A shield of duergar designs lies ready~
armor G AJ
3 3 3 0 0
6 3 420 P
17 -2
duergar leggings~
Duergar leggings~
A pair of leggings lie ready~
armor G AF
5 5 5 0 0
12 4 1800 P
17 -2
duergar bracer~
A duergar bracer~
A bracer of duergar design lies ready~
armor G AM
6 6 6 0 0
11 3 1800 P
17 -2
brown mushroom~
A brown mushroom~
A brown mushroom lies here looking tasty~
food I A
12 12 0 0 0
1 2 0 P
large mushroom~
A large mushroom~
A large mushroom lies on the ground~
food I A
25 25 0 0 0
1 5 0 P
red moss~
Red moss~
Some red moss lies on the ground~
pill I A
12 'cure critical' 'cure critical' 'giant strength' ''
5 2 100 P
dirty root~
A dirty root~
A dirty root lies on the ground~
pill I A
15 'armor' 'shield' 'stone skin' ''
5 1 100 P
scroll reveal~
Scroll of reveal~
A scroll lies on the ground~
scroll 0 A
15 'faerie fog' '' '' ''
5 1 0 P
hand shocking grasp~
Hand of shocking grasp~
A hand lies on the ground~
wand A AO
55 4 4 'identify' 0 
20 2 100 P
potion detection~
Potion of detection~
A potion of detection waits to be used~
potion 0 A
15 'detect invis' 'detect magic' 'detect poison' 'detect evil'
10 2 100 P
svirfneblin leggings~
Svirfneblin leggings~
A pair of svirfneblin leggings lies on the ground waiting to be taken~
armor G AF
6 6 6 0 0
17 3 110 P
1 1
17 -5
necklace nobility~
Necklace of nobility~
A beautiful necklace waits to be worn~
armor G AC
5 5 5 0 P
16 3 100 P
1 1
3 -1
4 -1
5 1
17 -4
broadsword vision~
A broadsword named 'Vision'~
A beautifully crafted broadsword lies on the ground~
weapon AB AN
sword 4 4 slice 0
17 4 1000 P
1 1
13 10
18 2
19 2
thieve's patch~
Thieve's patch~
A small patch lies on the ground~
armor F AM
5 5 5 0 0
16 2 1000 P
2 2
18 5
thieve's gloves~
Thieve's gloves~
A pair of thin leather gloves rests on the ground~
armor G AH
5 5 5 0 0
18 2 1100 P
2 2
18 3
gold chain~
A gold chain~
A gold chain glints in the light~
armor G AC
5 5 6 0 0
19 2 11 P
18 1
20 -1
21 -2
22 -2
23 -1
24 -2
lucky dice~
Lucky dice~
A pair of dice glow softly~
treasure AG AO
0 0 0 0 0
20 2 1110 P
13 20
18 1
20 -1
21 -1
22 -1
23 -2
24 -1
dark cloak~
A dark cloak~
A very dark cloak lies in the shadows~
armor CG AC
7 6 6 0 0
23 3 1000 P
2 2
17 -4
18 3
golden earring~
Golden earring~
A small golden earring glints softly in the light~
armor G AE6
8 8 8 5 0
25 1 1000 P
2 1
3 1
13 10
jewelled dagger~
A jewelled dagger~
A jewelled dagger looks as if it could cut through anything~
weapon BG AN
dagger 4 11 pierce D
47 3 30000 P
2 2
17 -5
18 8
19 2
A hand grasping an orb~
A hand grasping an orb lies on the ground~
light AG AO
0 0 -1 0 0
15 3 0 P
12 50
19 1
A long flowing robe~
A beautiful robe lies pooled on the ground~
armor G AK
13 13 13 6 0
40 4 5000 P
12 50
3 2
blade of poison~
A blade of poison~
A dark blade rests here humming quietly~
weapon BCG AN
dagger 4 5 pierce H
20 3 100 P
18 1
19 3
assassin's sleeves~
Assassin's sleeves~
A pair of black sleeves rests here~
armor CG AI
6 6 7 0 0
22 3 100 P
18 1
19 2
skull tattoo~
Skull tattoo~
A weird glimmer lies on the ground, shaped like a skull~
armor G AM
0 0 0 0 0
23 1 0 P
13 5
19 2
choke wire~
A choke wire~
A thin wire lies on the ground humming~
weapon BC AN
exotic 5 5 crush 0
25 1 0 O
18 -5
19 4
assassin's mask~
An assassin's mask~
A mask keep changing on the ground~
armor CG AE
9 9 7 5 0
27 3 100 P
1 1
5 -1
13 20
flaming dagger tattoo~
Flaming dagger tattoo~
A weird glimmer lies on the ground, shaped like a dagger~
armor G AM
9 9 8 4 0
29 1 10 P
19 2
wyvern tattoo~
Wyvern tattoo~
A weird glimmer lies on the ground, shaped like a wyvern~
armor G AM
7 7 7 0 0
31 1 100 P
18 1
19 2
dragon tattoo~
Dragon tattoo~
A weird glimmer lies on the ground, shaped like a dragon~
armor G AM
19 19 19 7 0
46 1 100 P
18 5
19 5
diamond helm~
A diamond helm~
A helm sparkles and glints in the light~
armor G AE
15 16 15 8 0
47 2 1000 P
13 25
19 3
keeper's shield~
The keeper's shield~
A large shield that looks as if it were made of stone lies here~
armor G AJ
16 15 16 8 0
49 10 1000 P
13 50
17 -15
20 -2
21 -2
23 -2
clan ring~
A demon clan signet ring~
A red and black ring glows and hums softly on the ground~
treasure ABEG AB
0 0 0 0 0
17 1 100 P
12 10
13 15
18 1
demon bracer~
Demon bracer~
A black and red bracer lies on the ground~
armor ABEG AM
7 7 5 0 0
21 3 500 P
12 15
demon blade~
A demon blade~
A black blade hums on the ground~
weapon BEGJ AN
dagger 5 6 slash 0
23 6 1000 P
17 -5
18 3
19 3
gem gate~
Gem of gate~
A large black gem lies on the ground~
wand BEG AO
35 5 5 'bless' 0
25 3 100 P
demon plate~
Demon Plate~
A black suite of plate mail rests on the ground~
armor BEGJ AD
10 10 10 4 0
30 9 1000 P
17 -5
19 2
demon fire~
Demon fire~
A weird flame burns here~
armor BEG AJ
22 20 20 12 0
37 5 1000 P
17 -15
19 6
fire gem~
A fire gem~
A large red gem seems to be on fire~
wand AG AO
35 5 5 'fireball' 0
30 3 1000 P
Statue of the a God~
A statue of a god stands off to the side~
container 0 0
1000 4 0 0 0
1 0 0 P
brains of the god~
A foul greyish mush sits here~
money A A
0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1000 P
gold pile merchants~
merchant's gold~
Merchant's gold sits here in a pile~
money 0 A
0 0 0 0 0
1 1 10000 P
gold pile~
not so rich merchant gold~
A small pile of gold~
money 0 A
50000 0 0 0 0
1 1 1000 P

Chamber of Silence~
You are standing in Silence's relaxation room.  The walls are pitch black
while the floor flows from one colour to another causing weird shadows
and colours to bounce off the walls.  Against the wall is a large map.  On
the south wall stands a large window.

There are no exits from Silence's Chamber.
0 8 1
1 -1 16349
1 -1 16482
1 -1 4025
The map sits against the north wall.  It is a rough sketch of the Underdark,
showing only the lay out of the streets.  It looks as follows. 
Well once it looked as follows :)
   #*! beholder!*!   !*|  gremlins          !*#
   #******************************************#!demon     !       
   #HHHHHHHHH*/------\*/----\*/-------------\*#!  clan    !        
   ##########*! bodak!*!    !*! inn         !*#!          !       
   #HHHHHH***/-----\***/--------------_-\    *##############       
   #HHHHHH***\-----]***\-------!        !*****#   #####
   #***************************! eyes   !*/_-\#   #***#
   #/--\*SSSSSSSSSS*/_-------\*|        |*\--/#####* *#
   #   |*  Stores  *\--------/*\--------/*********** *#
   #   !**********************************/---------\*#
   #   !*##########*/-----_-----------\***\-----!ma !*#
   #*##\--/*#######*!                 !*********!ge !*#
   #**|**********##*!                 !*/-----\*!   |*#
   ####*/---------\*! thieves         !*!ass  |*\---/*#
   #*!         !*##*|                 !*! ass !*******#
   #*! inn     |*##*\-----------------/*!  ins----!####
   #*\---------/*##*********************\_----    --\#
The mirror offers a view of the world, constantly changing with such
complexity that only a god could understand what is being shown. ~
Corner of Wyrm Street and Sunset~
You stand in the north western corner of the Underdark.  The bustling
streets sound distant and the hum of people moving and talking barely
reaches your ears.  The only light in this section of the city comes from
your light source.  You stands against the huge cavern's walls.  Water
glints in the light on the walls.

Worm Street goes east, and Sunset goes south
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16002
Sunset road goes onwards
0 -1 16022
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of

Wyrm streets continues to the east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16003
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16001
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of

Wyrm streets continues to the east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16004
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16002
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of

Wyrm streets continues to the east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16005
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16003
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of

Wyrm streets continues to the east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16006
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16004
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of

Wyrm streets continues to the east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16007
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16005
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of

Wyrm streets continues to the east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16008
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16006
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of
slaves.  The floating orbs flicker on and off creating a chaotic lighting.

Wyrm streets goes east and west. Ruby Avenue lies to the south 
0 1|8 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16009
Ruby Avenue goes south
0 -1 16026
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16007
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of

Wyrm streets continues to the east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16010
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16008
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of

Wyrm streets continues to the east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16011
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16009
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of
slaves.  The orbs flicker on and off chaoticly.

Wyrm streets continues to the east and west.
0 1|8 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16012
Moonlight Ave heads back to the centre of the city
0 -1 16031
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16010
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of

Wyrm streets continues to the east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16013
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16011
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of

Wyrm streets continues to the east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16014
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16012
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of

Wyrm streets continues to the east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16015
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16013
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of

Wyrm streets continues to the east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16016
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16014
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of

Wyrm streets continues to the east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16017
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16015
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of

Wyrm streets continues to the east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16018
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16016
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of

Wyrm streets continues to the east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16019
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16017
Wyrm street~
This part of the city is rarely travelled.  Wyrm street continues along the
cavern wall.  You hear the muffled shouts of the merchants and screams of
slaves.  The floating orbs at this section of the road flicker on and off.

Wyrm streets continues to the east and west.
0 1|8 1
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16020
Wyrm street goes on
0 -1 16018
North east corner on Wrym and Sunrise~
You stand in the north east corner of the city.  There is an eerie calm here,
muffled echoes bounce off the cavern walls and into your ear.  You can
hear the screams of the slave, the talking of adventurers.  The cavern walls
loom up to the east and north of you.  You light doesn't even illuminate up
to the ceiling.  Darkness surrounds you.  The ground is hard and grey.  The
walls are grey, and glint with wetness.  You wish you could recall to
Midgaard, but alas, that is impossible.

Wyrm street goes to the west and Sunrise lies to the south.
0 1|8|8192 1
Sunrise will eventually lead to the way out
0 -1 16033
Wyrm street stretches to the west end of the city
0 -1 16019
Moonlight ave~
You stand on Moonlight avenue, thinking the name is a cruel joke on
surface dwellers for you wish you could see the moon, not the continuous
darkness that lives in this city.  Everywhere darkness creeps, even with the
lights that adorn some of the streets, it is still dark. To your east lies the
entrance to a dark building and it see to just disappear into the night.  The
door seems to be rusted shut.

North and south moonlight continues, east is the door.
0 1|8|8192 1
Moonlight continues
0 -1 16031
A door bars your entry to this dark building.
1 -1 16274
Moonlight goes on and on
0 -1 16032
The door is old and is beginning to rust.  You notice what you think are
little scratch marks near the bottom of the door.  You bend down and look,
seeing that there is a vague outline of a small door in the large door.~
North end of sunset~
You stand almost in the very north west corner of the city.  The streets up
here are not as used as those towards the centre of the city.  To the south
you see some of the dwellings of the creatures that inhabit this gloomy
city.  There is nothing of note that you can see here, but then again it could
just be the darkness that lies just beyond your insignificant circle of light.

To the north is the corner of the city, to the south sunset continues 
0 1|8|8192 1
The northwest corner of the city is there
0 -1 16001
Sunset continues
0 -1 16023
You wonder who it was that named these dreadful streets such cheery
names.  The street upon which you stand is nothing like sunset, the only
reason you can even think up is the fact that sunset if on the west side of
the city.  Screams echo towards you from all sides assaulting your senses. 
You eyes hurt from trying to pierce the darkness that lies everywhere.  The
ground is rough through your boots.  The air is cool, and the cavern wall to
your west glints with wetness.

Sunset continues north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
Sunset goes north
0 -1 16022
Sunset continues
0 -1 16024
You stand on sunset.  There is little that you can see here, your light just
fades into darkness without illuminating anything.  For some reason this
section of the city is very quiet.  The silence here in fact is over powering,
you can barely stand it after all the noises of the city.  The single floating
orb flickers on and off.

Sunset goes on to the north and south
0 1|8 1
Sunset continues
0 -1 16023
Sunset continues
0 -1 16036
Before a huge dwelling~
You stand before of what seems to be a house.  It seems to be made up of a
dark blue rock.  The house, if that is what it is, seems to be very dark with
no windows.  The house stretches to the east and west.  The walls are very
smooth and glint in your light.  The entrance is to the north. 

To the north is a door, to the south is sunset
0 1|8|8192 1
A large door stands before you
1 -1 16228
The road sunset lies there
0 -1 16039
This is a huge door with nothing of note on it.  The door is very polished
and reflects your light back into your eyes.  You test the handle and notice
that the door is unlocked.
Ruby Street~
You stand on ruby street, probably named so because of the faint reddish
tinge of the street itself.  You look around you trying to see anything, but
the only thing that greets your gaze is pitch black.

To the north is Wyrm street, to the south ruby street
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street
0 -1 16008
Ruby street
0 -1 16027
Ruby Street~
This is ruby street, where the shadows seem to come alive.  Everything
seems to crawl and move in the darkness that your light does not pierce. 
The glow of your light attracts the attention of everything around you, you
feel as if things are watching you, sizing you, seeing if you are weak.

Ruby street continues north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
Ruby street
0 -1 16026
Ruby street
0 -1 16028
Ruby Street~
You stand on Ruby street, one of the streets of gems.  You heard a voice
while walking through the Underdark that these streets were named so
because they were once veins of gems.  The were hollowed out after years
of struggle leaving tunnels all over this area, a mage cast a very powerful
spell and created this section of the cavern.  The air is stuffy and moist

Ruby street goes on north and south, east is Sapphire street
0 1|8|8192 1
Ruby street
0 -1 16027
Sapphire street
0 -1 16029
Ruby street
0 -1 16043
Sapphire Street~
Sapphire street is a very short street.  The ground here is greenish in your
light.  The darkness seems to fade some here.  To the east you see a light
burning on a building.

Ruby street is to the west, Sapphire continues east.
0 1|8|8192 1
Sapphire street
0 -1 16030
Ruby street
0 -1 16028
Sapphire street before the tavern~
You stand on sapphire street just before a tavern.  A ball of light floats out
of your reach above you.  It illuminates a sign that says 'The Gemstone.' 
The door has been painted many different colours, you figure they were
trying to catch the colours of all the gems.  From behind the door you can
make out bits and pieces of conversation.

To the east is Moonlight Avenues, to the west Sapphire
0 1|8|8192 1
The door to The Gemstone
1 -1 16246
Moonlight Ave
0 -1 16032
Sapphire street
0 -1 16029
The door to the Gemstone seems to be well used.  The paint is beginning
to flake off, there are little cuts in the door itself.  The handle has been
shaped into what seems to be a miner's pick. ~
Moonlight Avenue~
You stand on moonlight avenue... and you realise the name given to this
street is totally wrong.  There is nothing of beauty on this street.  The
ground is a bleak grey.  The only redeeming feature of this street is the fact
that there are little glowing balls of light above your head illuminating the
street somewhat.

To the north is Wyrm street, moonlight stretches south
0 1|8|8192 1
Wyrm street
0 -1 16011
Moonlight Avenue
0 -1 16021
Moonlight Avenue~
Small balls of light illuminate a grey street.  There is really nothing of note
on this street.  The ground seems to be slightly wet, but then the air is also
moist and cool.

Moonlight continues north and south. Sapphire street is west 
0 1|8|8192 1
Moonlight avenue
0 -1 16021
Moonlight avenue
0 -1 16044
Sapphire Street
0 -1 16030
You stand at the northern end of sunrise.  The cavern walls rise above the
edge of your light and you figure they rise even farther than that.  The
sounds of the city are distant here, although you can hear them echoing off
the cavern walls.

North is the northeastern corner of the city,  south Sunrise goes on. 
0 1|8|8192 1
The northeastern corner of the Underdark
0 -1 16020
0 -1 16034
You stand on sunrise, the eastern most street in the Underdark.  The east
wall is actually the cavern wall.  Every ten feet or so a small ball of light
floats in the air above your head.

Sunrise continues to the north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16033
0 -1 16035
You stand on sunrise, the eastern most street in the Underdark.  The east
wall is actually the cavern wall.  Every ten feet or so a small ball of light
floats in the air above your head.

Sunrise continues to the north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16034
0 -1 16058
You stand at the west end of the cavern.  The street here is illuminated by
small glowing orbs that are above your head.  The street is level and a nice
grey colour, not depressing.  To the south lies a home of a resident of this
dark city.

Sunset continues north and east, to the south is a door.
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16024
0 -1 16037
Door blocking your way into a home
1 -1 16484
The door is made of a dark metal.  The handle seems to be regular.  The
door has nothing of interest on it.  A rather boring door it is. ~ 
You stand along Sunset at part of the residential area of the city.  A little
glowing orb hovers above your head.  The floor is flat and nondescript.  To
the south lies one of the residential homes 

Sunset goes on to the east and west.  To the south is a door 
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16038
Door blocking your way into a home
1 -1 16485
0 -1 16036
The door is made of a dark metal.  The handle seems to be regular.  The
door has nothing of interest on it.  A rather boring door it is.~ S

You stand along Sunset at part of the residential area of the city.  A little
glowing orb hovers above your head.  The floor is flat and nondescript.  To
the south lies one of the residential homes 

Sunset goes on to the east and west.  To the south is a door 
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16039
Door blocking your way into a home
1 -1 16486
0 -1 16037
The door is made of a dark metal.  The handle seems to be regular.  The
door has nothing of interest on it.  A rather boring door it is.~ 
You stand on sunset, named so for the simple fact that it is on the western
side of the city.  To the north is a large house, much like a mansion.  An
entrance to a home is to the south.

Sunset goes east and west.  To the north is a walkway, south is a door
0 1|8|8192 1
Before the huge dwelling
0 -1 16025
0 -1 16040
Door to a home
1 -1 16487
0 -1 16038
A simple door made of a grey material serves as the entrance to this house. 
There are no marks on this door.
You stand at a junction of streets.  There is a large glowing orb that floats
in the air, lighting the way east, west and south.  The ground is even and
well travelled.

Sunset goes south and west.  Ruby street is west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Ruby street
0 -1 16041
0 -1 16061
0 -1 16039
Ruby Street~
You stand on Ruby street.  An orb lights the way as it floats above you
head.  The ground is reddish and well travelled.  Shadows lie on either side
of you and they seem to breath with their own life.

Ruby continues to the east, to the west is Sunset
0 1|8|8192 1
Ruby street
0 -1 16042
0 -1 16040
Ruby Street~
You stand on Ruby street.  An orb lights the way as it floats above you
head.  The ground is reddish and well travelled.  Shadows lie on either side
of you and they seem to breath with their own life.

Ruby continues to the east, to the west is Sunset
0 1|8|8192 1
Ruby street
0 -1 16043
0 -1 16041
Ruby Street~
Ruby street goes on.  The red on the ground is beginning to annoy you. 
Shadows dance all around you as your light and the floating orbs pierce the
blackness.  The air is cold and damp here.

Ruby street continues north and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Ruby street
0 -1 16028
Ruby street
0 -1 16042
Moonlight Avenue~
Moonlight avenue is a really boring street.  Nothing of interest lies
anywhere in your view.  Of course, the dark prevents you from seeing far
anyways.  Little orbs of light float above your head.

Moonlight continues north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
Moonlight Avenue
0 -1 16032
Moonlight Avenue
0 -1 16045
Moonlight Avenue~
Moonlight avenue is a boring street.  Nothing exciting happens here, you
wonder if it is the name.  The street is clean and well travelled.  You seem
oddly at ease on this street.  The shadows seem less dangerous here.  The
light of the floating orbs is unsure and insecure, they seem to flicker in and

Moonlight Avenues goes north and south, to the east is Diamond street 
0 1|8 1
Moonlight avenue
0 -1 16044
Diamond street
0 -1 16046
Moonlight avenue
0 -1 16065
Diamond Street~
You stand on diamond street, another of the gem streets.  The ground 
glitters in the light.  There are fewer orbs of light in the air here, causing
more shadows to fall everywhere and to invade all.  The sounds of laughter
and screaming reach your ears.

Diamond street continues east, to the west is Moonlight Avenue 
0 1|8|8192 1
Diamond street
0 -1 16047
Moonlight Avenue
0 -1 16045
Diamond Street~
The street glitters in the light cast from your light source and from the orbs
above.  You look up and see only blackness.  You can't pierce the
darkness.  Screams from the slaves reach your ears.

Diamond streets continues east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Diamond street
0 -1 16052
Diamond street
0 -1 16046
Diamond Street~
Diamond street is wide here.  For what reason, that lies beyond your grasp. 
There are little bits of stone and wood that lie scattered across your path. 
Only a few glowing orbs shine here.

Diamond street lies east and south
0 1|8|8192 1
Diamond street
0 -1 16049
Diamond street
0 -1 16052
Diamond Street~
The ground shines in your light.  Only a single glowing orb casts it's eerie
light to make the shadows fade.

Diamond street lies east, south and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Diamond street
0 -1 16050
Diamond street
0 -1 16053
Diamond street
0 -1 16048
Diamond Street~
The ground shines in your light.  Only a single glowing orb casts it's eerie
light to make the shadows fade.

Diamond street lies east, south and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Diamond street
0 -1 16051
Diamond street
0 -1 16054
Diamond street
0 -1 16049
Diamond Street~
Diamond street is wide here.  For what reason, that lies beyond your grasp. 
There are little bits of stone and wood that lie scattered across your path. 
Only a few glowing orbs shine here.

Diamond street lies east and south
0 1|8|8192 1
Diamond street
0 -1 16055
Diamond street
0 -1 16050
Diamond Street~
You stand on Diamond street.  A few orbs float above your head
dissipating the darkness to some extent.  The shadows seem to dance all
around you.  Every once in awhile a scream reaches your ears, a
frightening hollow scream of shear horror and pain.

Diamond street goes east, north, west.  Emerald street is south 
0 1|8|8192 1
Diamond street
0 -1 16048
Diamond street
0 -1 16053
Emerald street
0 -1 16068
Diamond street
0 -1 16047
Diamond Street~
The ground shimmers and shines in your light.  A few orbs float above
your head, glowing softly.  You look up and just see darkness, as if the
orbs didn't do anything.  An impenetrable field of black.

Diamond street lies north, east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Diamond street
0 -1 16049
Diamond street
0 -1 16054
Diamond street
0 -1 16052
Diamond Street~
You stand in a dark area of the city.  There are very few glowing orbs
along this street.  You wonder what the shadows hide here.  For some
reason this section of the city is quiet.  No sound reaches your ears.  You
begin to see shapes forming in the shadows.

Diamond street continues north, east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Diamond street
0 -1 16050
Diamond street
0 -1 16055
Diamond street
0 -1 16053
Diamond Street~
Diamond street is larger here.  The ground glitters in the light.  Muffled
cries of anguish reverberate off the walls of the buildings around you.  The
air is cool, and shadows seem to cling to everything.

Diamond street continues north, east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Diamond street
0 -1 16051
Diamond street
0 -1 16056
Diamond street
0 -1 16054
Diamond Street~
You stand on diamond street.  The glowing orbs that frequent the city are
visibly reduced here.  The shadows are more apparent and the darkness
that you know fills the whole cavern seems to press down on you.  The
street sparkles in the vague light.

Diamond Street continues to the east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Diamond street
0 -1 16057
Diamond street
0 -1 16055
Diamond Street~
You stand on Diamond street, one of the gemstone streets.  You have
heard that these streets got their names because they were once large veins
of gems in the cavern.  You don't know if this is true, but the floor glitters
as if it were covered in diamonds.

Sunrise is to the east, Diamond street to the west
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16059
Diamond street
0 -1 16056
You are travelling on Sunrise, the road that travels along the eastern side
of the cavern.  There are little orbs of light that float a few feet above your
head and illuminate the road.  The road is soft and moist.  You do not
really fear of being attacked from the east, but some of the shadows on
your western side seem menacing, anything could be hiding in them.

Sunrise continues north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16035
0 -1 16059
Junction of Sunrise and Diamond~
You stand where Diamond street meets Sunrise.  You look down Diamond
street and see very few glowing orbs to illuminate the street.  Shadowy
figures walk down the road doing their thing.  The sounds of the city are
quite audible here bouncing off the cavern wall into your ear. 

Sunrise goes north and south, Diamond goes west
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16058
0 -1 16071
Diamond street
0 -1 16057
You stand on Sunset, the street that travels along the western end of the of
Underdark.  The sounds of the market reach you ears here.  Small glowing
orbs light the way every ten feet giving everything around you a faint glow. 
You feel as if you are walking in a dream.

Sunset continues north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16040
0 -1 16062
Sunset is a road that is very well travelled.  Glowing orbs float in the air
every ten feet lighting your path.  Although the orbs light most of the
street, off to the side the street remains shrouded in black. 

Sunset continues north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16061
0 -1 16063
Sunset is a road that is very well travelled.  Glowing orbs float in the air
every ten feet lighting your path.  Although the orbs light most of the
street, off to the side the street remains shrouded in black. 

Sunset continues north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16062
0 -1 16064
You stand on Sunset, to your north glowing orbs light a long street.  Every
ten feet a small orb glows in the air.  The bustling market area is to the
south.  The name sunset is a strange name for a road under ground.  There
is not even the slightest ray of sunlight that reaches this dark place.  The
only light is cast by the lights creatures carry and the glowing orbs that
have been set up in most places.

South is Sunset and Slaver's Route, north Sunset stretches on 
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16063
Slaver's and Sunset
0 -1 16078
Moonlight Avenue~
You stand on Moonlight Avenue.  A clean basically well lit street.  Orbs
float closer together here than on most street and they seem just to be a bit
brighter.  It's almost as if you are walking in moonlight here.  You look up
just to see what you can see, and notice that you can't see anything, just a
barrier of black.

Moonlight lies to the north and south.
0 1|8|8192 1
Moonlight Avenue
0 -1 16045
Moonlight Avenue
0 -1 16066
Moonlight Avenue~
You stand on a clean street.  Although screams reach your ears they don't
seem to be as bad.  This street almost seems to be a happy place.  The
shadows are few, and the lighting is good.  Although you still can't see
what it above you, you can see quit well in your immediate surroundings.    

Moonlight avenue continues north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
Moonlight Avenue
0 -1 16065
Moonlight Avenue
0 -1 16067
Moonlight Avenue~
You stand between two large buildings.  To the east you know is the whore
house and to your west is a large residence.  You are close to the market
area, very close.  You see people walking to your south through the
Slaver's Square inspecting the goods.

Moonlight avenue continues north, to the south is the Slaver's Route 
0 1|8|8192 1
Moonlight Avenue
0 -1 16066
Slaver's Route
0 -1 16084
Emerald Street~
You stand on Emerald street, a quiet street.  Glowing orbs float in the air
every 15 feet or so.  Shadows form anywhere they can.  The ground on this
street is greenish.

To the north is Diamond street, Emerald continues south
0 1|8|8192 1
Diamond street
0 -1 16052
Emerald street
0 -1 16069
Emerald Street~
Emerald street is a short street compared to the other streets in this city. 
There is little of note on this street, it just passes between the whore house
and the inn.  The ground is greenish and sparkles gently in the light.

Emerald street continues north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
Emerald street
0 -1 16068
Emerald street
0 -1 16070
Emerald Street~
You stand on emerald street, a small shadowy street.  Shadows obscure
everything that is even remotely far away.  Flickering glowing orbs light
the way every fifteen feet.  Darkness forms at the edge of the circles of
light formed by these orbs.  It's almost as if the darkness down here has
form.  This street is rarely used, 'cept by those fleeing. 

Emerald street continues north, the Slaver's Route is south 
0 1|8 1
Emerald street
0 -1 16069
Slaver's Route
0 -1 16087
You wander Sunrise, see that is stretches far off in both directions.  Small
glowing orbs cast light a flickering light in circles every ten feet.  To the
east side of the street is the cavern wall, to the west the city stretches out.

Sunrise continues north and south
0 1|8 1
Sunrise and Diamond
0 -1 16059
0 -1 16072
Sunrise hugs the cavern wall here.  The cavern wall sparkles with little
droplets of water that cling to it.  Muffled shouts and screams bounce of
the wall surround you.  Darkness hovers above your head seeming ready to
snuff out the little orbs that glow every ten feet.

Sunrise continues north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16071
0 -1 16073
You stand on Sunrise, the eastern most street of the Underdark.  The street
stretches to the north.  Glowing orbs float above your head every ten feet. 
Even with the orbs, darkness seems to eat the light with an appetite.  The
air is moist and warm.  The smells of the city strike your nose as

Sunrise continues north, to the south is The Slaver's Route 
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16072
Slaver's Route
0 -1 16093
Slaver's Route~
You stand at the end of the Slaver's route.  This is part of the residential
area of the Underdark.  For some reason the screams of the slaves do not
reach you ears.  The road is well lit with the little floating orbs.

Residential homes lie north and south.  The route stretches west 
0 1|8|8192 1
A door blocks your entry
1 -1 16488
The Slaver's Route
0 -1 16075
A door blocks your entry
1 -1 16492
A relatively common door stand before you.~
Slaver's Route~
You stand along the residential section of the Slaver's Route.  It is here
where the citizens of the Underdark live, well some of them at least.  The
street is well lit compared with the rest of the city.  The street seems
slightly less menacing here.  Somehow the screams of the slaves does not
penetrate to this section of the street.

Houses are the north and south.  The Slaver's Route is east and west 
0 1|8|8192 1
A door blocks your entry
1 -1 16489
The slaver's route
0 -1 16076
A door hinders your passage
1 -1 16493
The slaver's route
0 -1 16074
A small regular looking door, it has all the normal door stuff~ 
Slaver's Route~
You stand on the Slaver's Route along the residential area.  The faint
aroma of smoke filters through the air mingling with the smell of sweat of
thousands of bodies.  The little orbs that fly above your head shed an
almost friendly light over the area.  You think you here the cry of a baby
off in the distance.

The Slaver's Route is east and west.  Doors are to the north and south. 
0 1|8|8192 1
A door blocks your passage
1 -1 16490
The slaver's route
0 -1 16077
A door is in your way
1 -1 16494
The slaver's route
0 -1 16075
A normal wooden door stands before you, nothing special about it~ 
Slaver's Route~
You stand on the western side of the business area of the Underdark.  The
hum of people buy, selling and trading is overwhelming.  Everywhere you
look you see people.  Above your head, the floating orbs generate their soft
light to basically illuminate everything.

To the east and west the route goes on.  To the south is gathering space,
and to the north is a door to a home
0 1|8|8192 1
The slaver's route
0 -1 16078
The gathering space
0 -1 16094
The slaver's route
0 -1 16076
A simple metal door with bars over the windows~
Slaver's Route~
You stand on the slaver's route.  The darkness of the city seems to descend
upon you here.  It's as if the floating orbs don't do their job.  The screams
of slaves assault your ears.
The ground is charred and you see little bits of what was once a humanoid.

The slaver's route is east and west.  To the north lies Sunset, south is the
gathering space.
0 1|8 1
0 -1 16064
The slaver's route
0 -1 16079
The gathering space
0 -1 16095
Slaver's route
0 -1 16077
charred bits humanoid~
On the ground here lie little burnt chunks of what was probably some
person trying to escape this place.  While investigating the remains you
realize that not only is the light slightly different here so is the ground. 
Perhaps you would be able to recall from this zone here. ~
Slaver's Route~
You stand along the slaver's route.  The road is well worn and clean. 
Screams of slaves surround you.  The orbs glow brightly and illuminate
almost everything around you.

To the north is the entrance to Bodak's residence.  The slaver's route
continues east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
A massive door blocks your entry to Bodak's residence
1 -1 16275
Slaver's route
0 -1 16080
Slaver's route
0 -1 16078
This door is highly ornate and covered with many magical symbols.  The
handle has been moulded to look like a human body with scars all over it.
Slaver's Route~
You are walking along the slaver's route.  Screams of the slaves that
walked this road echo in the air.  You can hear the whip of the slave
master as he screams at the slaves to keep on moving.  With a jolt, you
realise those sounds were just not your imagination, you can hear them
coming from all around you.

The slaver's route goes on east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Slaver's route
0 -1 16081
Slaver's route
0 -1 16079
Slaver's Route~
You stand along the Slaver's route, it is here that most slave flocks travel
to their destinations, be their destination the drow cities, New Thalos, or
the mines under midgaard.  The floating orbs cast their eerie glow on

Slaver's routes continues east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Slaver's route
0 -1 16082
0 -1 560
Slaver's route
0 -1 16080
Slaver's Route~
You are walking along the slaver's route.  The slaver's route was developed
to generate trade, which it did.  In fact, it did such a good job that the
Underdark became a power in the politics of the world.  You can get
basically anything you want in the Underdark.  The glowing orbs light up
the many opportunities that a person can have down here... 

The slaver's route continues east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Slaver's route
0 -1 16083
Slaver's route
0 -1 16081
Slaver's Route~
This is the slaver's route, the same as the rest of the this road.  All around
you people move around on their respective duties.  The shadows seem to
breath and hide all sorts of unknown dangers.  Floating orbs that are
evenly spaced light the way, well they sorta light the way. 

Slaver's route continues east and west, south is the Slave's square 
 0 1|8|8192 1
Slaver's route
0 -1 16084
Slave's square
0 -1 16098
Slaver's route
0 -1 16082
Slaver's Route (midtown)~
You are currently along the slaver's route where it meets Moonlight
avenue.  Yells of slaves surround you once again.  The sounds of the
market reverberate in your mind.  You stand along the northern edge of the
market, dead centre of the Underdark.

East and west is the slaver's route.  North is moonlight avenue, to the south
is the slave's square and beyond that the market area. 
0 1|8|8192 1
Moonlight avenue
0 -1 16067
Slaver's route
0 -1 16085
Slave's square
0 -1 16099
Slaver's route
0 -1 16083
Slaver's route, before the Whore House~
The slaver's route, almost everyone in the Underdark has walked along
these famous stones.  It was along this road that the city was made. 
Without the slave trade, the city would not have expanded as fast as it did
when the city was first built.  The Underdark has since become a trade
centre where those who dwell beneath the ground and those above can
interact in relative safety.

To the north is the whore house, east and west the Slaver's route 
0 1|8|8192 1
A door blocks your way to the whore house
1 -1 16299
Slaver's route
0 -1 16086
Slaver's route
0 -1 16084
This door has carved into it a naked female human in the act of making
love to a naked female drow.  The carving is quite intricate and leaves
nothing to the imagination.  Enter at your own risk.
Slaver's Route~
You walk along the main trade route of the city, the slaver's route.  As you
walk, you listen to the buzz of creatures interacting with one another.  You
have hear blades clanging in a heated battle, the yells of the shop keepers
trying to sell their wares, the ultimate silence that only death can bring

The slaver's route continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Slaver's route
0 -1 16087
Slaver's route
0 -1 16085
Slaver's Route at Emerald~
As you walk deeper into the city, you realise that this city is huge and
therefore confusing.  It's seems lawless, but then you see a floating eye
teleport a person to their jails.  You wonder what laws a city like this has,
then you see a person in a fight being taken away also.  Maybe there are
rules after all...

To the north is Emerald street, Slaver's goes east and west 
0 1|8|8192 1
Emerald street
0 -1 16070
Slaver's route
0 -1 16086
0 -1 16088
Slaver's Route before the Inn~
You stop for a second to look around.  You take in everything you can
about this weird and twisted underground city.  The sounds of thousands
fills your ears.  The smell of sweat and blood forces you to wheeze.  The
dim glow of the orbs makes you squint to see shapes that are beyond your
light source.  A dangerous city indeed, made even more so be the fact that

To the north is The Floating Eye (an inn).  Slaver's does east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands in the doorway to The Floating Eye
1 -1 16305
Slaver's route
0 -1 16089
Slaver's route
0 -1 16067
0 -1 16087
This is the door to The Floating Eye, in the dead centre of it is has a large
painted eyeball.  From behind the door you can hear the sounds of laughter
and talking.
Slaver's Route Before the Prisons~
You stand on the slaver's route.  The road stretches on between two huge
buildings.  The building to the south is the head quarters for the guardian
eyes and to the north is the inn.  The road here is very clean and better lit
then most of the city.  The shadow's seem less ominous here.  A couple
orbs seem to have stopped functioning here. 
South is the entrance to the Guardian Eye's headquarters and the prisons.

Slaver's route continues east and west
0 1|8 1
Slaver's route
0 -1 16090
Door to the guardian eye's H.Q.
1 -1 16327
Slaver's route
0 -1 16088
This door is massive and seems to be extremely strong.  There is no handle
of the door all you have to do is push it open.~
Slaver's Route~
You are walking along the slaver's route.  The slaver's route is a wide
street with plenty of room for flocks of slaves.  The street is well worn,
worn down by the feet of the enslaved and imprisoned.  To the west you
can hear a slave master shouting at his slaves.  Small glowing orbs light
the way for you.

The slaver's route continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Slaver's route
0 -1 16091
Slaver's route
0 -1 16089
Slaver's Route~
You walk along the slaver's route.    The sounds of people living, dying, 
fighting threatens to overwhelm your senses.  The smell of human and non-human 
bodies irritates your nose.  The sweet, tangy smell of sweat and blood causes 
your stomach to turn.
Squinting in the dim light, you think you see a huddled form lying off 
to the side of the road.

The slaver's route continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Slaver's route
0 -1 16092
Slaver's route
0 -1 16090
form body huddled~
You see a huddled form of what seems to be a slave.  It is dressed in dirty
rags and stares blankly into the distance.  With your knowledge and
experience with death, you realise that this form fits in quite well with all
the other dead bodies you have encountered in your life.  The body seems
to have been beaten and whipped 'till the slave died. ~ 
Slaver's Route~
You stand on the slaver's route, so named for the simple reason that the
slaver's use this road to transport their merchandise.  The slaver's in the
Underdark are renowned for their cruelty, you can tell that this rumour is
true by all the screams of pain and horror that seem to come from all
around you.  The shadows of the city seem to live and breed by
themselves.  Above your head are small floating orbs that bathe the street
with a dim light.

To the east is the eastern entrance, to the west, the slaver's route. 
0 1|8|8192 1
Before the eastern entrance
0 -1 16093
Slaver's route
0 -1 16091
floating orbs orb light~
A small glowing orb of light is floating a few feet above your head.  The
orb gives out a dim light that barely illuminates everything around you. 
These orbs seem to be along all the streets in the Underdark.  The orb
itself is about 4 inches wide and is spherical.
Before the east entrance~
You stand just at the east entrance to the Underdark.  Before you looms a
huge cavern, or so you think, since you can't tell with your eyes.  Darkness
is everywhere, there is a layer of light that has been formed by a series of
floating orbs that rest above your head.  Above this layer of light, darkness
lies.  It is because of this that you think you stand in a huge cavern.  The
air smells of thousands living in a confined space with little fresh air.  The
air itself is moist and warm.  Sounds assault your ears, not just the buzzing
of people. but also agonized screams.  The shadows seems to speak of
death.  Welcome to the Underdark. 

The north and south is Sunrise, to the east is the entrance and to the west is
the Slaver's route and farther down, the market area.
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16073
A huge door blocks the way out
1 -1 16227
0 -1 16102
Slaver's route
0 -1 16092
floating orbs orb light~
A small glowing orb of light is floating a few feet above your head.  The
orb gives out a dim light that barely illuminates everything around you. 
These orbs seem to be along all the streets in the Underdark.  The orb
itself is about 4 inches wide and is spherical.
door entrance~
An enormous door that is covered with arcane symbols.  There seem to be
scratch marks on the door.  You wonder if the warning about being unable
to recall from this place is true...
The Gathering Place~
You are in the north west corner of the gathering place.  It is here that the
denizens of the Underdark come to meet to discuss business.  The lighting
here is dimmer than in most places.  Dark shapes seem to blend in and out
of the shadows.  Somehow the sounds of the city do not invade this place
so it is quiet enough to discuss without shouting.  The square is basically
clear but the dimness makes it impossible to see farther than 10 feet, thus
making it perfect for meetings of a discrete manner.  It seems as if some
orbs have stopped working.

North is the Slaver's Route, the meeting place continues east and south 
0 1|8 1
Slaver's route
0 -1 16077
Gathering place
0 -1 16095
Gathering place
0 -1 16096
The Gathering Place~
You stand at the north east corner of the gathering place.  Around you is a
mist that seems to come from nothing.  The mist limits your vision to
about 7 feet in any direction.  The only sounds that reach you ears are
muffled and distorted making it impossible to understand them.  Dark
forms wander at the edge of your vision, you can't tell if it your
imagination or reality.

North is the Slaver's route, west and south the gathering place lies
0 1|8|8192 1
Slaver's route
0 -1 16078
Gathering place
0 -1 16094
0 -1 16097
The Gathering Place~
You stand in the south west corner of the gathering place.  All around you
the air seems to be distorted, sounds that should be close sound far away. 
Shapes have no tangible form.  Some mage spent a lot of time setting up
this area for discrete meetings.

North and east the place goes on.  South is the street of the gods 
0 1|8|8192 1
The gathering place
0 -1 16094
The gathering place
0 -1 16097
The street of the Gods
0 -1 16111
The Gathering Place~
You are in the south east corner of the gathering place.  There are no lights
here.  The only illumination is from your light source.  No sounds reach
your ears only your breathing and the blood gushing through your body. 
Everything seems to be distance, nothing looks real.  You feel isolated
from society as a whole, ignored, worthless.  There is nothing to live for,
people whisper in the shadows, plotting the downfall of the world. 
Nothing can stop it, there is no point.  How can you as an individual make
a difference?  For a moment, these words form in the air "Welcome to the
darkside" you feel empty and drained.  No life stirs within, a chill
threatens to overcome your entire being.

The gathering place continues north and west.  To the south lies the street
of the Gods
0 1|8|8192 1
The gathering place
0 -1 16095
The street of the gods
0 -1 16112
The gathering place
0 -1 16096
0 -1 16095
The Slave's Square~
You are in one of the most oppressed regions of the Underdark.  It is here
that the capitalist dream has become totally realised.  The oppression and
repression of those who should be free is evident in everything that stands
in this square.  Stocks to hold the bad slaves, a guillotine to kill the slaves
that stand up for their rights.  The slaves are reduced to animals in this

To the north is the Slaver's route, east and south lies the square 
0 1|8|8192 1
The slaver's route
0 -1 16083
The slave's square
0 -1 16099
The slave's square
0 -1 16100
You see before the symbol of pure oppression.  Blood stained and well
used, it stands empty but not for long.
This is the guillotine, it is used to dispose of the mischievous slaves who
for some mistaken reason thought they were actually free to do what they
wanted.  The blade is rusted with dried up blood.  A faint aroma or death
emanates from the basket that holds the heads of the chopped bodies. ~
The Slave's Square~
You are in the north east corner the slave's square.  The name is a cruel
slavers joke, they have given the slaves this square.  The square is the only
thing the slaves have, and it is used for their maiming, sentencing and
execution.  The ground is clean, with dark brown spots here and there. 
The dark brown stains are stains of blood.

North is the slaver's route, west and south lies the slave's square 
0 1|8|8192 1
Slaver's route
0 -1 16084
The slave's square
0 -1 16101
The slave's square
0 -1 16098
The slave's square~
You stand in the south west corner of the slave's square.  Here you can
clearly hear the screams of slaves dying, from the past, the present and the
future.  Some twisted mage made it possible to hear these screams.  The
smell of decaying corpses reaches your nostrils every now and then.  The
ground has dark brown stains on it.  The cruel reality of slavery can be felt
by your soul, causing is to ache to own and manipulate other beings.  You
can realise this desire to the west.

The slave's square continues north and east.  South is the street of the Gods
and to the west is the entrance to the Slave Market.
0 1|8|8192 1
The slave's square
0 -1 16098
The slave's square
0 -1 16101
The street of the gods
0 -1 16117
The door to the slave market
1 -1 16319
A great iron door that has a huge stock engraved into it.~ 
The slave's square~
You stand in the south east corner of the slave's square.  It is here that the
slaves are brought to be sold and destroyed.  All around you are signs of
oppression.  On the ground is a stained mosaic.  The screams of hatred and
pain fill your being with pity and excitement.

North and west is the square, south is the street of the gods. 
0 1|8|8192 1
The slave's square
0 -1 16099
The street of the gods
0 -1 16118
The slave's square
0 -1 16100
mosaic stain~
A mosaic of a large whip striking a defiant slave lies on the ground here. 
The little stones have been stained with the blood of many slaves who may
or may not have done something wrong. ~
You stand on sunrise the eastern most street in the Underdark.  The street
name is a joke on those surface dwellers who may crave the sun.  Sunrise
travels along the eastern cavern wall.  The Underdark is a huge city
compared to midgaard.  The city that was founded has grown to fill the
cavern and thrives in the dark.  Over half the people who live here can see
in the dark, the floating orbs were placed for the surface dwellers so they
could kinda see.

North is the eastern entrance, south Sunrise continues.
0 1|8|8192 1
The eastern entrance to the Underdark
0 -1 16093
0 -1 16103
floating orbs orb light~
A small glowing orb of light is floating a few feet above your head.  The
orb gives out a dim light that barely illuminates everything around you. 
These orbs seem to be along all the streets in the Underdark.  The orb
itself is about 4 inches wide and is spherical.
Sunrise before the cages~
You are walking along Sunrise, a clean and broad street.  Small floating
orbs light the way, casting a surrealistic haze on all around you.  The
sounds of the city bounce of the cavern wall to the east and find their way
into your ears.  The smell of sweat engages your nose.  A dark forbidding
enters your head, the shadows begin to come alive.  Always, just out of
your sight, a shape flits in and out of the shadows. 

North and west sunrise goes on.  South is the entrance to the cages. 
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16102
The cages
1 -1 16438
0 -1 16104
A huge oaken door stands in your way.  Emblazed on it is sketch of an iron
cage containing many weird and exotic creatures.
floating orbs orb light~
A small glowing orb of light is floating a few feet above your head.  The
orb gives out a dim light that barely illuminates everything around you. 
These orbs seem to be along all the streets in the Underdark.  The orb
itself is about 4 inches wide and is spherical.
You are walking down sunrise.  Glowing orbs light the way into dimness. 
You can make out very few features of the city here.  Only the muffled
agonized cries and the hum of thousands talking indicate that this is a huge
city.  Built in the recent past, the city has undergone major growth and
now is about 2 times larger than Midgaard.  This is the meeting place of
the rogues and thieves from the world of sun and moon and those who
dwell beneath the earth.

Sunrise continues east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16103
0 -1 16105
floating orbs orb light~
A small glowing orb of light is floating a few feet above your head.  The
orb gives out a dim light that barely illuminates everything around you. 
These orbs seem to be along all the streets in the Underdark.  The orb
itself is about 4 inches wide and is spherical.
You are walking down the east side of the Underdark.  This huge dark city
hides all sorts of criminal activity.  But at the surface, the city is calm, no
fighting on the streets.  The only reason there is no fighting is that fact that
huge guardian eyes float through the city preventing open fights.  Glowing
orbs float in the air, casting their dim glow on all around.  Illuminating
basically nothing but giving some light. 

Sunrise goes east and south
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16104
0 -1 16106
You are walking down Sunrise.  Sunrise runs down the east side of the
city.  The name comes from the humour of the founder of this city.  A joke
on the surface dwellers, causing them, hopefully, to ache for the sun.  The
smell of sweat has begun to recede, soon you probably won't be able to
smell it at all.

Sunrise continues east and south
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16105
0 -1 16107
Sunrise before the Prisons~
You are standing on Sunrise just before the Guardian Prisons.  The door to
this huge building is to the west.  You can clearly hear voices pleading for
their lives.  You wonder if the voices you hear are from the past, the
present or the future.  Some mages in this city have twisted tastes and have
cast spells to allow you to hear the past, the present and the future.

Sunrise goes north and south, a door to the prisons is west 
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16106
0 -1 16144
The door to the guardian prisons
1 -1 16337
A huge door stands before you.  There is no handle on this door, all you
have to do is push on it and it opens.  Small scratches cover this side of the
door, they look like claw marks.~
Street of the Gods, Silence~
You are standing at the western edge of the city just before the cavern
wall.  The buzz of the people is almost non-existent here.  This part of the
city like most of the city isn't very well lit.  A solitary glowing orb floats
casting a thin circle of light on the ground.  As with all sections of this
street, this part has been dedicated to a god, Silence.  As soon as you
realise this, you understand why this section of the city is so quiet. A statue
of a githzerai seems to be kneeling to a statue of Silence.

To the North lies an entrance to a house, east the street goes onwards 
0 1|8|8192 1
A door blocks the way into the home
1 -1 16497
The street of the Gods
0 -1 16109
The regular looking door, decorated with the symbol of Silence. ~
statue githzerai~
The githzerai is humanoid.  Dressed in a monastic robe there is a sense of
power that flows from his pose.  The githzerai are a race of humanoids that
were enslaved by the mind flayers, there they were scarred for all eternity.
The githzerai is human in height and weight.  Most githzerai are strong,
and very capable with mental powers.  This statue is very lifelike, and it's
eyes seem to glow in the weird lighting of the orb.~ 
statue silence~
This is a statue of the god of agility and speed.  He is dressed totally in a
black ninja outfit.  In one hand he wields a tiger's claw the other hand
seems to glow.  You tap the hand and no sound comes out.  On pedestal
there is a note that reads

    Silence is both provider and destroyer, to be blessed by him is to           
be blessed indeed.

You take one final look at this impressive almost life like representation of
Silence and notice that it's eyes glow purple and seem to be watching your
every move.
Street of the Gods, Snikt~
You are standing along the street of the Gods.  This section has been
devoted to Snikt.  The lighting here is clear, and very different from the
rest of the city.  To the side of the street stands a statue of a weird alien.

The street continues east and west, to the north is a door to a home 
0 1|8 1
A doorway to a house
1 -1 16496
The street of the Gods
0 -1 16110
The street of the Gods
0 -1 16108
A regular looking door with a huge symbol of Snikt emblazed onto it.~ 
statue alien~
This is a statue of the queen alien.  The queen is a true monstrosity with
triple jaws, a bony, black head frill, and a spike on her tail about the size
of your thigh.  She seems to be deep in meditation.
Street of the Gods, Ironhand~
You are walking along the street of the Gods.  This section has been
dedicated to Ironhand.  The street is clean and lit with the same dim light
as the rest, 'cept here it reminds you of the light cast from a monitor late at
night.  On the ground are seem to be  a series of confusing symbols which
you presume are mystic symbols of some sort. 

The street of the gods continues east and west, north is the entrance to a
home.  South Sunset goes on.
0 1|8|8192 1
A door to a home
1 -1 16495
The street of the Gods
0 -1 16111
0 -1 16124
The street of the Gods
0 -1 16109
symbols ground~
The symbols are as follows.  They stand out because they glow in a deep
blue and seem to pulsate.

    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    CHAR_DATA *v_next;
    int sn;

    if ( ch->position != POS_FIGHTING )
        return FALSE;

The go on, but you can't make much sense of them.  Obviously Ironhand
was way beyond this mortal world and was involved in the workings of the
A plain and simple door, with the symbol of Ironhand engraved into it.~ 
Street of the Gods, Strahd~
This segment of the street honours Strahd, known to few as the mighty
coder.  The street has all sorts of arcane symbols on it.  Orbs have been
spaced every ten feet, lighting your way.  To the side of the street stands a
statue of a martial artist.

The street of the gods goes east and west, north is the gathering place.  To
the south is the entrance to the darkened root.
0 1|8|8192 1
The gathering place
0 -1 16096
The street of the Gods
0 -1 16112
The darkened root
0 -1 16360
The street of the Gods
0 -1 16110
statue martial artist~
Before you stands a statue of a martial artist.  He is dressed in long robes
and holds his hands up in a defensive posture.
arcane symbols street~
The following has been engraved into the ground with great care. 
bool spec_kungfu_poison( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    CHAR_DATA *victim;

    if ( ch->position != POS_FIGHTING
    || ( victim = ch->fighting ) == NULL
    ||   number_percent( ) > 2 * ch->level )
        return FALSE;

And it goes on, but you can't make much sense of it.  Strahd is one of the
true gods of merc, knowing enough to alter the very fabric of the mortal
Street of the Gods, Lenny~
You wander down the only truly holy street of the Underdark.  Each
section of this street has been dedicated to a different god from the
different realms of some MUDs.  Here the street has been dedicated to
Lenny, the immortal with a twisted sense of humour. A list of his creations
floats in the air along with the flickering floating orbs.  To the side of the
street is a statue of a monkey.

East and west the street of the gods continues, north is gathering place To
the south is the entrance to the Sparkling Jewel
0 1|8 1
The gathering place
0 -1 16097
The street of the gods
0 -1 16113
The entrance to the Sparkling Jewel
0 -1 16359
The street of the gods
0 -1 16111
A list floats above the ground showing off all of Lenny's creations.  These
creations include his marvellous house, Gilligan's island and Sesame
street.  Each of the creations being truly unique.
statue monkey~
Before you stands a statue of a monkey.  The monkey looks like a cute
little bugger with very sharp little teeth.
Street of the Gods, Jhaele~
You walk down the street of the gods, where a few of the gods from the
realms of mud are being honoured.  The ground is jet black and so is the
wall to the north, the orbs here glow blue.  A sense of complete despair
and oppression fills your being.  The true might of the gods dawns upon

East and west the street continues, south is the Dented Shield 
0 1|8|8192 1
The street of the gods
0 -1 16114
The Dented Shield
0 -1 16358
The street of the gods
0 -1 16112
Street of the Gods, Reflection~
This segment of the Underdark has been dedicated to Reflection, the
goddess of beauty and love.  All around you the golden light of the orbs
illuminates objects of sheer beauty.  The beauty of Reflection comes out in
all the objects along this road.  You feel the need to stop and just let all
this beauty into your soul.

The street of the gods goes east and west, south is the Cracked Sword 
0 1|8|8192 1
The street of the gods
0 -1 16115
The Cracked Sword
0 -1 16357
The street of the gods
0 -1 16113
Street of the Gods, Dizzy~
You have entered the section of the street of gods that has been obviously
dedicated to Dizzy.  The reason why this is obvious is the fact that you feel
very nauseous and confused.  You are having problems figuring out up and
down, left and right.  The ground seems to be rising up to your face. 

The street of the gods continues east and west, south is the Glowing Hand 
0 1|8|8192 1
The street of the gods
0 -1 16116
The glowing hand
0 -1 16356
The street of the gods
0 -1 16114
Street of the Gods, Raptor~
You walk along the part of the street of the gods that honours Raptor. 
Raptor is one of those all powerful immortals who has figured out the very
fabric of the worlds.  On the ground lie a bunch of arcane and mystic

The street goes on east and west, to the north is the entrance to the slave
market, and south is Jasper avenue
0 1|8|8192 1
A door blocks your entry to the slave's market
1 -1 16319
The street of the gods
0 -1 16117
Azurite street
0 -1 16126
The street of the gods
0 -1 16115
A simple wooden door, with a guillotine engraved into it~
arcane mystic road symbols~
The following symbols rest on the road here.

    number = number_argument( argument, arg );
    count  = 0;
    for ( obj = object_list; obj != NULL; obj = obj->next )
    {      if (can_see_obj( ch, obj ) && is_name( arg, obj->name ) )        
     {   if (++count == number )
          return obj;

The presence of Raptor can be felt keenly in Farside
Street of the Gods, RoX~
This section of the street has been dedicated to RoX.  The street is clean
and well built, no bugs in it.  Orbs float every ten feet, although the street
is clean, the shadows are darker than they should be and whisper of
assassins.  The lighting cast from the orbs is not white, it's cobalt blue. 
The screams of the city do not penetrate into this section.  On the ground
lie holy symbols of Farside, RoX's playground.

East and west the street continues, north is the slave's square and south is
the entrance to Shadow's Shadow (a tavern)
0 1|8|8192 1
The slave's square
0 -1 16100
The street of the gods
0 -1 16118
The door to Shadow's Shadow
1 -1 16348
The street of the gods
0 -1 16116
A well built oaken door.  On the door is an engraving of a person walking. 
Behind and below the person is his shadow, and beyond this is yet another
symbols ground~
The follow has been carefully written into the ground.

    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    CHAR_DATA *v_next;
         int rnd_say;

    if ( ch->fighting != NULL )
                return FALSE;

And on the gibberish goes.  Below all of this, the following has been

    RoX, the leader of Farside.  May he live in peace and harmony.             
All praises go out to RoX

Street of the Gods, Soapbox~
This street has been built to honour the gods of the realms.  Since the
street was built, the Underdark has flourished.  You have heard rumours
that at certain sections on this street, you can actually recall.  The street
has been indeed blessed by the gods.  On the ground are a series of arcane

The street goes on east and west, to north is the gathering place. 
0 1|8|8192 1
The gathering place
0 -1 16101
The street of the gods
0 -1 16119
The street of the gods
0 -1 16117
ground arcane symbols~
The following glows green on the ground:

   We praise Soapbox in all his might and wisdom.  His open minded           
 thoughts on how the realms should work.  One of the greatest immortals    
 that have ever ruled a realm.

Street of the Gods, Garion~
You are standing on the street of the gods.  Instead of building a temple,
the denizens of the Underdark built a road dedicated to them.   This
section of the road honours Garion and his true understanding of the fabric
of life.  Garion with his foresight to bring people together so they can
defend themselves from their enemies and unite for a common goal. 

The street goes on east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
The street of the gods
0 -1 16120
The street of the gods
0 -1 16118
Street of the Gods, Calliope~
You are walking along the street of the gods.  The street is of exquisite
craftsmanship.  The road turns to cobble stones, which are bright red and
yellow, in honor of Calliope.  You can feel a reasuring presence that surrounds
you with happiness and delight.  In the middle of the street there lies
a huge black obsidian ball.

The street goes on south and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
The street of the gods
0 -1 16121
The street of the gods
0 -1 16119
This ball reflects your light as you come closer to get a better look.
The ball looks to be flawless and perfect, much like the immortal who
it was crafted for.  The blackness of the obsidian is so deep that it
causes your light to be absorded dimming the street.
Street of the Gods, Garth~
You stand along the street of the gods.  This section has been dedicated to
Garth.  The road here has been polished so it shines as you pass by.  The
glowing orbs seem to flicker on and off here.  You've heard stories about
Garth's love for the day lit world, maybe this space provides the access?

The street continues west and south
0 1|8 1
The street of the gods
0 -1 16122
The street of the gods
0 -1 16120
Street of the Gods, Varcel, before the prisons~
You are walking along the street of the gods.  It is here that the citizens of
the Underdark present their worship.  The gods of the realms have blessed
the Underdark as a whole with great karma for this ingenious way of
showing their devotion.

The street continues south and north.  To the east is the entrance to the
guardian prisons.
0 1|8|8192 1
The street of the gods
0 -1 16121
The door to the guardian prisons
1 -1 16338
The street of the gods
0 -1 16123
A huge iron bound door sits in this doorway.  There is one item of note
about this door, it has no handle.  All you have to do is push on it and it
Street of the Gods, Etaine~
You stand at the beginning of the street of the gods, this street has been
dedicated to the many gods of different realms of mud.  The road here has
been polished and the glowing orbs seem to glow a little bit brighter here. 
Although different then having a temple in the city to worship the gods in,
the gods have come to accept the street.

To the south is the road of shadows, north the street continues 
0 8|8192 1
The street of the gods
0 -1 16122
The road of shadows
0 -1 16139
You are walking along sunset.  The screams of the slaves reaches your ears
quite clearly here.  The awful stench of a rotting corpse causes your eyes to
water.  There are glowing orbs floating in the air every ten feet or so,
casting everything in a dim light, like the light of the predawn. 

North is the street of the gods, south lies sunset
0 1|8|8192 1
Street of the gods
0 -1 16110
0 -1 16125
This is Sunset, the street of the west.  This street makes it's way down the
west side of the Underdark.  Scream find their way to your ears, and the
murky dark seems to overpower your soul here.  As the rest of the city,
there a little floating orbs that float in the air, giving the area a dim look.

Sunset continues north and south.
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16124
Sunset at the road of shadows
0 -1 16128
Azurite Street~
This is azurite street.  The street is modest, with very little to note.  The
street itself seems to be a deep blue.  The glowing orbs float in the air
illuminating very little.  The hustling market area can be seen to the north.

North is the street of the gods, south azurite continues
0 1|8|8192 1
Street of the gods
0 -1 16116
Azurite street
0 -1 16127
Azurite Street~
You are walking along azurite street.  Azurite street, like the rest of the
gemstone streets was named after the mineral that was mined there. 
Before the Underdark was built, the entire area was a huge mine of
different precious stones.  Azurite has left it's mark on the street.  The
street still seems to be blue in colour.  The glowing orbs illuminate next to

North and south Azurite street continues
0 1|8|8192 1
Azurite street
0 -1 16126
Azurite and the road of shadows
0 -1 16134
Road of Shadows at Sunset~
You are standing at the beginning of the road of Shadows.  The reason for
this name is very obvious.  All around you more shadows then there should
be form.  Everything seems to be cloaked in it's own shadow.  The light of
the orbs and from your light source does nothing to illuminate the area. 

Sunset goes north and south.  The road of shadows heads east. ~
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16125
Road of shadows
0 -1 16129
0 -1 16198
Road of Shadows~
You are walking down the road of shadows.  Everything seems to be
distorted because they are enveloped in shadows.  Shapes seem to filter in
and out of the shadows.  The glowing orbs fail to pierce the darkness of
the shadows.  The hum of the city buzzes constantly in your ears. 

The road of shadows continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Road of shadows
0 -1 16130
Road of shadows
0 -1 16128
Road of Shadows~
You wander down this road of shadows.  Everything is covered by
shadows.  You have an uneasy feeling about what could be hiding in the
shadows of this city.  Every now and then a scream pierces through the
regular hum of the city.  From all around you, you feel creatures watching

The road of shadows continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Road of shadows
0 -1 16131
Road of shadows
0 -1 16129
Road of Shadows~
There is very little of note at this point on the road.  Everything is obscure
to your view.  Nothing seems to be natural, with very little light
penetrating down to the street.  The glowing orbs, although glowing as
they normally do, don't give off enough light here to light up the area. 

The road of shadows continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Road of shadows
0 -1 16132
Road of shadows
0 -1 16130
Road of Shadows~
You are walking along the road of shadows.  You can barely see the
ground you are walking on.  It's as if you are walking in every shadow ever
created.  The glowing orbs glow as the regularly do but the light itself
seems to cast a shadow on everything. 

The road of shadows continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The road of shadows
0 -1 16133
The road of shadows
0 -1 16131
Road of Shadows~
This is the road of shadows, a place where thieves walk unmolested.  You
carefully peer around you hoping to pierce the shadows with your gaze, but
you fail miserably.  The road of shadows allows straight passage from the
east side of the city to the west.  Very little lives along this street, but from
all around you, you feel you are being sized up and inspected... 

The road of shadows continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The road of shadows at Azurite street
0 -1 16134
The road of shadows
0 -1 16132
Road of Shadows at Azurite~
You are standing at the junction of Azurite and the road of shadows.  The
blue road of azurite is covered by a layer of shadow.  The shadows deepen
to the east and west, north and south they seem to clear up some. 

To the north and south Azurite runs, to the east and west the road of
Shadows seems to disappear into darkness.
0 1|8|8192 1
Azurite street
0 -1 16127
The road of shadows
0 -1 16135
Azurite street
0 -1 16179
The road of shadows
0 -1 16133
Road of Shadows~
You are walking along the road of shadows, a road travelled by many in
this city.  You realise if you were on the surface, only thieves and assassins
would wander a road like this, but down here, many of the denizens of the
Underdark like the shadows thus they walk this road frequently.

East the road of shadows goes on.  West the road of shadows meet Azurite. 
0 1|8|8192 1
Road of shadows
0 -1 16136
Road of shadows at azurite street
0 -1 16134
Road of Shadows~
You walk down the road of shadows wondering how all these shadows are
formed.  In the air above your head, the glowing orbs shed light, but even
the light itself seems to give off shadows.  Perhaps some deranged mage
cast a huge spell along this road to give it this affect.  Whatever the reason
is, you can barely see anything around you.

The road of shadows continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The road of shadows
0 -1 16137
The road of shadows
0 -1 16135
Road Of Shadows~
You are walking down the road of shadows.  The whole length of this
street is dark, as if you are walking in a huge shadow.  Every now and then
a scream pierces through the darkness.  Glowing orbs float above your
head, but they don't seem to shed much light and they flicker on and off. 

The road of shadows continues east and west.  South stand a shadowy door 
0 1|8 1
The road of shadows
0 -1 16138
A shadowy door stands in the dark
1 -1 16369
The road of shadows
0 -1 16136
A door stands here, partially obscured by shadows.  You see small scribble
engraved into it.  Staring at it for awhile, you think you make out the

     Only the true and strong may enter this building, 
      for it is protected by the gods.

You have heard rumours that a very strong group of worshippers live in
the Underdark, and you also heard that they attack any who enter their
place of worship....
Road of Shadows~
This is the road of shadows, a road where thieves and assassins wander
freely, but then again, they do so in the whole of the Underdark.  All
around you darkness blocks your vision.  The glowing orbs don't shed any
light onto the street.  Everything is dark.

The road of shadows continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The road of shadows
0 -1 16139
The road of shadows
0 -1 16137
Road of Shadows~
You travel down the road of shadows.  There is nothing that you can see
clearly through the veil of darkness.  Everything is covered by a blanket of
grey, the lighting is that of being in a shadow.  The darkness here seems to
be so thick that even the noise of the city does not penetrate it.  To the
north, the darkness clears up considerably.

North is the beginning of the street of Gods.  East and west the road of
shadows stretches onwards.
0 1|8|8192 1
The street of the gods
0 -1 16123
The road of shadows
0 -1 16140
The road of shadows
0 -1 16138
Road of Shadows~
You walk along this dark and gloomy road.  The shadows seem to live and
breed here, they cover everything and get stronger in every crack. 
Glowing orbs float above you but shed no light, just more shadows it
seems.  Everything seems to be black, grey and white.  Colour does not
exist on this road.

The road of shadows continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The road of shadows
0 -1 16141
The road of shadows
0 -1 16139
Road of Shadows~
You stand on the road of shadows.  This road clearly takes it name by the
simple fact that everything is covered by shadows.  Even the floating orbs
seems to radiate not light, but the grey of shadows.  Along this street,
everything loses it's colour and becomes black and white.

The road of shadows continues east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
The road of shadows
0 -1 16142
The road of shadows
0 -1 16140
Road of Shadows~
You stand at the beginning of the road of shadows.  Darkness surrounds
you and all your equipment.  Everything has a shadow, including your light
source.  It's as if you left the world and came to a place where colour and
light does not exist.  Nothing has colour, just a different shade of grey.

The road of shadows travels west.  East and south is Sunrise 
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16143
0 -1 16174
The road of shadows
0 -1 16141
You are standing along Sunrise.  The floating orbs glow merrily in the
dark, shedding their dim glow over the road.  Screams from the city centre
reach your ears occasionally.  The air is stuffy and warm, it seems to press
down on you.

Sunrise goes north and south.  West is the road of shadows 
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16144
0 -1 16173
Road of shadows
0 -1 16142
You are walking along Sunrise, the road of the east.  This road travels the
length of the city along the eastern side.  Glowing orbs float in the air
every ten feet casting an eerie dim on all the light strikes. 

Sunrise goes north and south, to the east the forgotten alley begins 
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16107
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16145
0 -1 16143
Forgotten Alley~
You stand at the beginning of the forgotten alley.  There is very little along
this small dark street.  Thieves and assassins often use this dark little street
as a meeting place.  Floating orbs hang in the air every fifteen feet, making
the street darker than most.

To the east they alley leads into darkness.  West is Sunrise 
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16146
0 -1 16144
Forgotten Alley~
This street is narrow and dark.  There are many crevices to the side that
are pitch black.  You think you are being watched as you walk carefully
down this street.  Your light source only illuminates the ground directly
ahead of you, while the floating orbs barely light up anything. 

The alley continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16147
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16145
Forgotten Alley~
You are walking along the forgotten alley, named this just for the fun of it. 
Most people in the Underdark know of this dark side street, but most have
never travelled it.  The floating orbs glow dimly every fifteen feet. 

The alley goes on east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16148
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16146
Forgotten Alley~
This little dark street is the forgotten alley.  As you walk down it you being
to realise that there really is little of note on it.  The street is dark, and
dirty.  The only good thing about this little alley is the fact that the hum of
the city has died down.

The alley continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16149
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16147
Forgotten Alley~
You are walking down the forgotten alley.  The only sounds that reach you
are the soft murmurs of people talking in quiet voices.  Darkness surrounds
you and the floating orbs are spaced ever twenty feet here.  The orb above
you flickers in and out chaotically.

The alley continues east and west
0 1|8 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16150
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16148
Forgotten Alley~
You have come to a bend in the forgotten alley.  It is very dark in this
corner as there are no glowing orbs around you, there is one to the north
and one to the west.  You think you hear the soft thud of footsteps behind

The alley goes north and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16151
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16149
Forgotten Alley~
You are walking along the forgotten alley.  It is very quiet in this part of
the alley.  A single glowing orb lights the area around you with a dim
glow.  The ground seems to pitch black, not even your own light source
makes it any colour.

The alley goes north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16152
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16150
Forgotten Alley~
It is very dark here as the only orb you can see is to the south.  The
darkness bears down on you.  Your light source can only show you what is
ahead of you for five feet.

The alley continues north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16153
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16151
Forgotten Alley~
You stand at a turn in the alley.  It is very very dark here, you can barely
make out a glowing orb far to the south and nothing to the east. 

The alley goes east and south
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16154
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16152
Forgotten Alley~
You are walking along a small alley way, away from the rest of the city.  It
is very quiet and very dark here.  You can't make out the ground or the
walls that rise up to the north and east of you.

The alley continues south and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16155
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16153
Forgotten Alley~
You are walking down the forgotten alley.  A place where darkness hides
anything that happens. All around you the darkness hovers, and hides
anything that may be dangerous.

The alley continues north and south.
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16154
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16156
Forgotten Alley~
This is the forgotten alley, a small dark street that goes nowhere.  Glowing
orbs float here and there sporadically.

The alley goes north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16155
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16157
Forgotten Alley~
This is the forgotten alley, a small dark street that goes nowhere.  Glowing
orbs float here and there sporadically.

The alley continues north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16156
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16159
Dark Entrance Way~
You are standing on a dark walkway before a huge house.  It is this house
that the alley goes around.  You wonder what sort of maniac would live in
a dark, quiet and dangerous place like this.  There are no lights around. 

To the east is the forgotten alley, west is the door in.
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16160
A door blocks your way in
1 -1 16424
This is a huge black door.  There is little of note on the door, 'cept that it
seems to be very very old.~
Forgotten Alley~
You are walking along a dark small street.  It is very dark here, with a
flickering floating orb that floats high above you being the only point of
light apart from your light source.

The alley goes north and south, to the west is a dark entrance way 
0 1|8 16159
The forgotten alley
0 -1 6000
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16161
A dark entrance way
0 -1 16159
Forgotten Alley~
You are walking along the forgotten alley.  It is quiet at this section of the
alley, but if you listen carefully you think you can hear the soft thuds of a
person walking behind you.

The alley continues north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16160
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16162
Forgotten Alley~
You stand at a corner in the alley.  To the west you can see a dim point of
light in the air.  It is very dark and you can't make out much of the street
that you are travelling along.

The alley goes north and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16161
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16163
Forgotten Alley~
You wander along the forgotten alley.  It is dark and silent here.  The alley
seems to exude an aura of death.  No wonder the regular citizens of the
Underdark do not venture into this area.

The alley goes east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16162
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16164
Forgotten Alley~
You walk down the forgotten alley.  Everything is dark, and there is little
light.  A solitary orb floats above your head casting it's glow on the street.

The alley goes east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16163
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16165
Forgotten Alley~
There is a strong sense of death here.  It seems to be living in the dark that
surrounds you.  There are no sounds here, not even the tread of a mouse.  It
is so quiet that it seems as if it is the silence of death. 

The alley continues east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16164
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16167
Forgotten Alley~
You are walking down through the forgotten alley.  The sounds of the city
are dim here.  Very little can be heard from the city.  A sense of death
hangs in the air.  A solitary glowing orb floats in the air, flickering on and
off giving off a little illumination so you can barely see the road. 

The alley goes north and south
0 1|8 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16169
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16168
The Forgotten Alley~
You stand at a turning point of the alley.  It is deathly quiet here.  The
darkness bears down on you.  The air is cool and moist causing you to
shiver.  You have heard that death lives in this alley, one of the reasons
why the citizens of the Underdark do not venture here.

To the east and north the alley continues, west is a dark door. 
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16168
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16165
A dark door
1 -1 16397
A dark door stands here.  A dark dagger has been engraved deep into the
wood.  The door seems to be rotting a little.~
Forgotten Alley~
You are walking in the forgotten alley.  It is very quiet here, no sounds
from the city touch this region.  Death seems to be living in the darkness
that is all around you.

The alley continues north and south.
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16166
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16167
Forgotten Alley~
You stand at a corner in the forgotten alley.  Darkness surrounds you very
being.  Your light source does little to relieve the dark. 

The alley goes west and south
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16166
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16170
Forgotten Alley~
You are walking down the forgotten alley.  There is a floating orb that
lights the way somewhat.  You can hear the faint hum of the city coming
from the west.

The alley continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16169
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16172
Forgotten Alley~
You stand at the beginning of the forgotten alley.  It is dark here, and a
floating orb lights up very little.  The sounds of the city reach your ears. 
Rumours that death lives in this alley have reached your ears as you
travelled through the Underdark.

To the east the forgotten alley disappears into darkness.  West is Sunrise 
0 1|8|8192 1
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16170
0 -1 16173
You are walking along Sunrise.  There are glowing orbs spaced every ten
feet along this long road.  Everything is bathed in the soft glow of the orbs.

To the east lies the forgotten alley.  North and west is Sunrise 
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16143
The forgotten alley
0 -1 16172
0 -1 16174
You are walking down Sunrise.  Sunrise runs along the east side of the
Underdark.  Glowing orbs float in the air every ten feet.  The sounds of the
city reach you ears clearly.

Sunrise continues east and south.  North is the road of shadows 
0 1|8|8192 1
The road of shadows
0 -1 16142
0 -1 16173
0 -1 16175
You are heading along Sunrise.  This street is relatively well lit compared
to the rest of the city.  Floating orbs float every five feet in the air.

Sunrise continues north and south.
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16174
0 -1 16176
You are walking on Sunrise.  This street gets it's name from the fact that it
is on the east side of the city, and the founder of the city had a twisted
sense of humour.  Floating orbs have been placed every five feet. 

Sunrise goes on north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16175
0 -1 16177
You are on sunrise.  The sounds of the city strike your ears as a harsh
rumble.  The smell of thousands living in a confined space with little fresh
air assaults your nose.  Small glowing orbs float in the air every five feet. 
The orbs here don't seem to be working properly since they flicker on and

Sunrise continues north and south
0 1|8 1
0 -1 16176
0 -1 16178
You are standing at the true beginning of Sunrise.  This street runs from
here all the way to the northern edge of the cavern.  The street is well
travelled.  You stand in the southern end of the city, it is here that the
thieves and assassins live out most of their existence.  There are floating
orbs that shed light on this street.  These orbs have been placed every five
or so feet in the air above your head.

Sunrise continues to the north, south is Death's lane
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16177
Death's lane
0 -1 16192
floating orbs orb light~
A small glowing orb of light is floating a few feet above your head.  The
orb gives out a dim light that barely illuminates everything around you. 
These orbs seem to be along all the streets in the Underdark.  The orb
itself is about 4 inches wide and is spherical.
Azurite Street~
You wander down azurite street.  The actual street has a tinge of blue, the
colour of azurite.  The screams from the slaves far to the north of you can
be heard clearly here.

To the north azurite meets the road of shadows and south it continues 
0 1|8|8192 1
Azurite at road of shadows
0 -1 16134
Azurite street
0 -1 16180
Azurite Street~
This is azurite street, a gemstone street.  Once long ago it is said that this
entire cavern was filled with veins of gems and precious metals.  It was
first mined by the duergar who lost it to the drow.  Much later a mighty
wizard came to the area and created a huge cavern from the many tunnels. 
Where the mighty veins once were now only roads exist. 

North and south azurite street stretches onwards
0 1|8|8192 1
Azurite street
0 -1 16179
Azurite street
0 -1 16181
Azurite Street~
You are on azurite street.  You can basically see very little, but you do
notice that the ground of this street is blueish.  The glowing orbs here
flicker on and off.  Because of this flickering the normally dull and dim
lighting is very erratic and strange.

Azurite continues north and south
0 1|8 1
Azurite street
0 -1 16180
1 -1 16374
Azurite street
0 -1 16182
The wall at this section of the street seems to have a very very faint outline
to it.  The only reason why you even notice this is because you are taking
the time to examine the wall here. ~
Azurite Street~
You wander along azurite street.  There is little of note along this section
of the street.  The hum of the city seems to be distant, the smell of it's
citizens seems to have diminished.  The only minor interest is the fact that
the street is slight blueish.

Azurite continues north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16181
0 -1 16183
Azurite Street~
You are walking along azurite street.  Azurite street, like the rest of the
gemstone streets was named after the mineral that was mined there. 
Before the Underdark was built, the entire area was a huge mine of
different precious stones.  Azurite has left it's mark on the street.  The
street still seems to be blue in colour.  The glowing orbs illuminate next to

North Azurite street continues, south is the start of Death's lane 
0 1|8|8192 1
Azurite street
0 -1 16182
Death's lane
0 -1 16184
Death's Lane~
You stand at the beginning of death's lane.  The main reason for this is the
fact that there have been many deaths along this street.  The lighting here
is less than it normally is.  Glowing orbs seem to be placed every fifteen
feet.  The sounds of the city are very low here, only a faint murmur reaches
your ears.

To the east death's lane stretches, north azurite street begins. 
0 1|8|8192 1
Azurite street
0 -1 16183
Death's lane
0 -1 16185
Death's Lane~
You are walking down one of the most dangerous streets in the Underdark. 
Thieves, rogues and assassins meet here to settle disputes.  The air is cool
and dry.  The street is basically quiet with the sounds of the city but a faint
memory.  Glowing orbs grow more scarce to the east. 

East and west death's lane continues
0 1|8|8192 1
Death's lane
0 -1 16186
Death's lane
0 -1 16184
Death's Lane~
You are heading along death's lane, the playground for assassins and
thieves.  The street seems to be permanently stained a dark brown, the
colour of dried blood.  Silence reigns here.  No sounds but the sound of
your blood rushes through you head.

Death's lane goes on east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Death's lane
0 -1 16187
Death's lane
0 -1 16185
Death's Lane~
You are walking down death's lane.  No sounds escape this street.  Even
the sound of your foot steps is non-existent here.  Darkness surrounds you,
your light source barely pierces the veil that shrouds all in a blanket.

East and west death's lane stretches onwards
0 1|8|8192 1
Death's lane
0 -1 16188
Death's lane
0 -1 16186
Death's Lane~
You stand at the darkest section of death's lane.  It is here that most of the
killings have occurred.  The ground is permanently stained with blood. 
You realise that there is no law here.  Your light barely illuminates the
ground and doesn't cut through the darkness past four feet.  You are
surrounded by a solid wall of darkness.

Death's lane continues east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Death's lane
0 -1 16189
Death's lane
0 -1 16187
Death's Lane~
You are walking through one of the deadliest regions of the Underdark. 
Here assassins can strike without fear of their victims screaming.  The
shadows are so deep that even a person wearing white could hide without
being seen.

Death's lane goes east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Death's lane
0 -1 16190
Death's lane
0 -1 16188
Death's Lane~
This is death's lane, where the assassins and thieves come to settle old
scores.  The sounds of the city are very faint here.  The lighting is non-
existent.  The air seems to whisper of death.

Death's lane continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Death's lane
0 -1 16191
Death's lane
0 -1 16189
Death's Lane~
You are walking down death's lane.  The street seems to be a dark brown,
very much like the colour of dried blood.  The sounds of the city are a dim
murmur in the background.  A solitary glowing orb spreads it's dim light in
a small circle a little to the east.

Death's Lane continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Death's lane
0 -1 16192
Death's lane
0 -1 16190
Death's Lane~
This is death's lane.  A most dangerous street that even the people of the
Underdark will not go near. The only reason to travel along this deadly
street is when a person is trying to find an assassin to either kill or hire.

East and south death's lane continues, north is Sunrise begins 
0 1|8|8192 1
0 -1 16178
Death's lane
0 -1 16193
Death's lane
0 -1 16191
Death's Lane~
You are travelling along death's lane.  The light is very dim here coming
for two glowing orbs.  The sounds of the city seem very distant and the air
is cool.  Darkness seems to pool in every crevice.

Death's lane heads north and east
0 1|8|8192 1
Death's lane
0 -1 16192
Death's lane
0 -1 16194
Death's Lane~
You stand along the southern edge of the Underdark.  The huge city
spreads out to the north, of course you are just guessing this fact since
there is a wall directly to your north.  It is very dark here, the darkness
seems to weigh down on you.

Death's lane continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
Death's lane
0 -1 16195
Death's lane
0 -1 16193
Death's Lane~
You are walking along death's lane, the most dangerous street in the
Underdark.  The building to your north, you have heard, is the assassin's
guild.  The darkness seems to hold your fate with a concealed dagger. 

West and east the lane continues
0 1|8|8192 1
A wall
1 -1 16414
Death's lane
0 -1 16196
Death's lane
0 -1 16194
The wall is grubby and slimy.  But as you inspect it, it seems as if there is
a small crease in the wood.  You look even closer and you think you can
see the outline of a door.~
Death's Lane~
You are walking down death's lane.  The sounds of the city are very dim
here.  The light here is caused by you, no other light penetrates into this
section of the city.  Death seems to walk in the shadows and thus it seems
to be surrounding you.

West and south the lane goes onwards
0 1|8|8192 1
Death's lane
0 -1 16197
Death's lane
0 -1 16195
Beginning of Death's Lane~
You stand at the most southern end of the Underdark.  There are a few
glowing orbs that have been set up here.  The orbs seem to flicker on and
off.  From this point you can hear, by some fluke of acoustics, the loud
buzz of the city.  The smell of the city's denizens reaches your nose with
painful clarity.  The cavern walls rise up all around you but north. 

Death's lane goes on to the north
0 1|8 1
Death's lane
0 -1 16196
1 -1 7399
This is the cavern wall. It is wet and glistens in your light source.  On the
ground there seem to be footsteps that go right up to the cavern wall. 
Once you realise this, you look at the wall more carefully.  You now notice
that there seems to be a rock that could act like a door handle.. ~
floating orbs orb light~
A small glowing orb of light is floating a few feet above your head.  The
orb gives out a dim light that barely illuminates everything around you. 
These orbs seem to be along all the streets in the Underdark.  The orb
itself is about 4 inches wide and is spherical.
Beginning of Sunset~
You are standing at the beginning of Sunset a street that travels along the
west side of the Underdark.  This street is very busy are this point.  It
seems as if the inn that lies to your south is very popular.  The sounds of
the city press down on you, blocking out all else.  A scream barely pierces
through the loud hum of the city.

North sunset meets the road of shadows.  South is traveller's crescent. 
0 1|8|8192 1
Sunset at the road of shadows
0 -1 16128
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16201
Traveller's Crescent~
You stand at the west side of the city along traveller's crescent.  You have
heard rumours that githzerai have been seen walking around this part of
the road.  Glowing orbs in the air light the area around you.  The orbs seem
to be flickering on and off.  Screams reach your ears here, the screams of
slaves being whipped.  The smell of sweat and perspiration is sickly sweet
to your nose, and tangy to your taste.

Traveller's crescent goes east and south
0 8 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16200
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16218
1 -1 16222
The cavern wall looms above you to the west.  The wall is covered with
water that glistens in your light.  Fascinated you look at the reflected light
and notice that there seems to be an outline of a door on the wall.  You
look carefully and you are rewarded with a handle to this door. ~ 
floating orbs orb light~
A small glowing orb of light is floating a few feet above your head.  The
orb gives out a dim light that barely illuminates everything around you. 
These orbs seem to be along all the streets in the Underdark.  The orb
itself is about 4 inches wide and is spherical.
Traveller's Crescent~
You are walking along traveller's crescent.  Compared to the rest of the
city this street is well kept, neat, tidy and well lit.  The glowing orbs seem
to glow stronger along this street.  You can hear the sounds of the city no
problem here.

The crescent continues east and west
0 8|8192 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16201
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16199
floating orbs orb light~
A small glowing orb of light is floating a few feet above your head.  The
orb gives out a dim light that barely illuminates everything around you. 
These orbs seem to be along all the streets in the Underdark.  The orb
itself is about 4 inches wide and is spherical.
Traveller's Crescent~
This is the traveller's crescent.  Named so because of the inn that lies to
your south.  The Traveller's Den is the name of the inn, thus the name of
the crescent.  This street basically heads around in a circle, cut off from
the rest of the city, the inn provides a secluded spot to conduct business.

North is Sunset, east and west the crescent continues
0 8|8192 1
0 -1 16198
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16202
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16200
Traveller's Crescent~
You are wandering down the traveller's crescent.  A nice secluded section
of the Underdark.  The light for once is nice on the eyes and you don't have
to squint.  The sounds of the city buzz at a bearable level. 

East and west the crescent stretches
0 8|8192 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16203
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16201
Traveller's Crescent~
You are walking along the side of the traveller's den.  The glowing orbs
light the way with an almost cheerful glow.  The sounds of the city are a
nice background hum.

The crescent continues east and west
0 8|8192 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16204
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16202
Traveller's Crescent~
You walk down traveller's crescent.  The light of the orbs lights the path
with a beautiful glow.  Shadows exist where they should not everywhere. 
You hear laughter dancing through the air.

The crescent goes on east and west
0 8|8192 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16205
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16203
Traveller's Crescent~
The crescent beckons to you, it seems to glow with joy and happiness. 
This is a total change from the rest of the city, where the city is normally
dark and obscure, the street here is well lit and bright.  Nothing seems
menacing here.

The crescent continues south and west
0 8|8192 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16206
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16204
Traveller's Crescent~
You stroll along the crescent with a bounce in your step.  The light here
glows merrily causing your equipment to glint brightly.  The air itself
seems to be charged with excitement and joy.  Every now and then
laughter drifts past your ears.

The crescent continues north and south
0 8|8192 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16205
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16207
Traveller's Crescent~
You are walking down the traveller's crescent.  This clean and bright street
makes it's way in a circle like fashion.  You can almost imagine trees
standing at the edge of the street.  The glowing orbs float brightly in the

South and north the crescent continues
0 8|8192 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16206
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16208
Traveller's Crescent~
You stand just before the traveller's inn.  The inn stands to your west and
the crescent goes all the way around it.  The bright and happy floating orbs
hang in the air merrily casting there glow on all the beautiful objects that
lie around this area.

Traveller's crescent goes north and south, to the west is the inn 
0 8|8192 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16207
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16209
The entrance to the traveller's den
1 -1 16442
The large purple door stands just before you.  Upon the door you see a
beer mug with a huge head of foam.~
Traveller's Crescent~
You wander along traveller's crescent.  The glowing orbs flicker on and off
strongly casting their light on everything around.  Your equipment glints
and sparkles in the light.  Somehow there is a slight breeze here that
caresses your face and cools you down.

Traveller's crescent heads north and west
0 8 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16208
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16210
Traveller's Crescent~
You are walking down traveller's crescent.  The street is a light grey and
seems to glow in the beautiful light from the orbs.  The dark grey wall of
the inn rises up to your north.  The crescent travels along the wall. 

The crescent goes east and west
0 8|8192 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16209
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16211
Traveller's Crescent~
You are heading along traveller's crescent.  The air itself seems to glow
with life, no shadows press down on you.  It's as if the area has been lit by
the midday sun.

The crescent travels east and west
0 8|8192 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16210
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16212
Traveller's Crescent~
You are wandering down traveller's crescent.  You can almost imagine
birds singing in the background.  The sounds of the city are virtually non-
existent.  A quiet sanctuary in the southwest end of the Underdark. 

Traveller's crescent continues east and west
0 8|8192 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16211
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16213
Traveller's Crescent~
This is traveller's crescent, a quiet serene place.  It stands out in this city of
darkness and death.  Although death is still easy to come by, the lighting
here brighten everything up.  The street is clean and glows in the light.

Traveller's crescent heads east and west
0 8|8192 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16212
Traveller's crescent
0 0 16214
Traveller's Crescent~
You head down traveller's crescent.  No shadows lie off to the side of the
road, so there is no hidden threat (unless invisible).  The glowing orbs here
seems to flicker on and off, but even with this inconsistent lighting, the
street seems to glow with life.

The crescent continues east and west
0 8 1
Traveller's crescent

0 -1 16213
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16215
Traveller's Crescent~
You are standing at the southwest corner of the Underdark.  The cavern
walls loom up to the south and west.  The lighting here reflects off the
walls into your eyes.  It's a blinding effect and forces you to squint. 

The crescent continues north and east
0 8|8192 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16216
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16214
Traveller's Crescent~
You stroll down traveller's crescent.  The air here is warm and dry.  The
light is bright and causes the cavern wall to your west to sparkle.  The
street is clean and a light grey.

The crescent continues north and south
0 8|8192 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16217
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16215
Traveller's Crescent~
You are walking along the eastern cavern wall.  The wall glistens in the
bright crisp light.  No shadows form against the walls and the screams of
the city do not exist here.  You stop for a second to reflect on this amazing
part of the Underdark.

The crescent heads north and south
0 8|8192 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16218
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16216
Traveller's Crescent~
You travel along the crescent.  The light is bright and seems to give off
life.  You wonder if there is any hope for the Underdark to become a place
of life rather than death.  Death is a part of the Underdark no matter where
you are, you realise that when you notice the blood stain on the road.

The crescents goes north and south
0 8|8192 1
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16199
Traveller's crescent
0 -1 16217
Dark Tunnel~
You stand in a dark tunnel.   You light source illuminates a cleanly cut
tunnel.  You seem to be standing where it ends. On the wall you see
scribbled in blood:

Progress only if thee canst be seen or if thou art powerful 
The air is dry but cold.  The floor is even without any marks of tools.  The
walls are straight without any indication that mining tools have carved this
tunnel, only to the north are there any marks at all. 

The tunnel plunges into darkness to the south
0 1|8 1
a panel
1 -1 9669
To dark to see
0 -1 16220
marks wall north panel~
The north wall seems to have a small handle on it, you look carefully and
think you see a panel of rock that can be moved out of the way. ~
Destroyed Section of the Tunnel~
You stand in the midst of ruin and destruction.  The floor seems to have
been totally demolished.  Your light shows you a seen of pure destruction
that could only have been caused by something huge.  Bones lie scattered
around and you even see one imbedded into the ceiling.  You realise you
better move before you get nailed.

The tunnel heads north and east
0 1|8 1
Your light does not shed any clue as to what lies there
0 -1 16219
You cannot pierce the darkness
0 -1 16221
Bones lie scattered everywhere.  It seems as if they have all been broken
by a tremendous force.  You notice that there seems to be a white powder
on the ground, by the destruction you figure it is crushed bone. ~
Quiet Desolation~
This whole section of the tunnel has been destroyed.  The ground lies in
shambles, you notice huge slabs of rock that jut out into you circle of light. 
The walls that should be smooth, have scratches all over them even
sections of the ceiling are missing.  An incredible force has passed through
this section of the tunnel.

The tunnel continues east and west
0 1|8 1
You can not see what lies in that direction
0 -1 16222
Your light cannot pierce the veil of darkness
0 -1 16220
The Hidden Way~
You stand at the end of the tunnel.  To the east is a smooth wall with
markings.  The tunnel has been well built, in fact very well built.  There
are no scratches in the walls, floor or ceiling.  The air is dry and cool. 

The tunnel plunges into darkness to the west
0 1|8 1

1 -1 16199
The tunnel heads into pure darkness
0 -1 16221
door wall markings~
On the east wall you see the following

Beware, you are about to enter the Underdark.  Remember to honour thy
oath and to progress the cause.  Watch your back if you wish to survive. 
The great lord cannot help you escape if you find trouble.

You think for a bit then realize that it means you cannot recall from the
Underdark.  You then see the outline of the door into the Underdark. ~
Vast Corridor~
You stand on a huge corridor that runs steeply upwards and downwards. 
There is room enough in this corridor for ten humans to walk abreast.  The
corridor seems to descend into darkness.

Up leads to the sewers of Midgaard, down the corridor continues 
0 1|8 1
The sewers of Midgaard
0 -1 7399
The corridor descends
0 -1 16224
Vast Corridor~
You are walking down through a huge corridor.  The walls are dark grey. 
The floor of the corridor has been worn down by the feet of many.  You
are walking along the path that connects the Underdark to the surface
world.  An series of uninteresting scribbles sit on the walls.

The corridor heads up and down
0 1|8 1
The corridor
0 -1 16223
The vast corridor
0 -1 16225
You see the following written in a glowing blue:

The city of the Underdark has been written by Silence.  You may not like
the fact that most of the city has no recall, but it's worth it and there a few
are places that you can recall, just look for them.
Vast Corridor~
This is a huge corridor with room for ten humans to walk side by side. 
The walls are a very deep dark grey, with the north wall being even darker
than the south wall.  The floor has been worn down by the feet of the
oppressed.  This is the way the slaver's take their slaves from the surface

The corridor continues down and up
0 1|8 1
1 -1 16456
The vast corridor
0 -1 16224
The vast corridor
0 -1 16226
The northern wall is almost black in colour.  It's as if it has been burnt by a
powerful spell.  The wall has small cracks along it.  In the middle of this
section of the wall is a small symbol, it looks like a demon's claw.
Vast Corridor~
You are walking through a huge corridor, the corridor that connects the
Underdark to the surface.  You can feel a breeze coming from above you. 
The walls are basically black to your eyes.  The only light comes from
your light source.

The corridor heads downwards and up
0 1|8|8192 1
The vast corridor
0 -1 16225
The vast corridor
0 -1 16227
Before the entrance to the Underdark~
You stand before a huge door.  The corridor can easily fit fifteen humans
standing side by side here.  The floor has levelled off and has been worn
smooth by the dragging feet of the slave flocks. You stand just before the
Underdark.  The Underdark is a huge city that rivals it's surface counterpart,
Midgaard.  From what you have heard, anything goes in the Underdark.  A
dangerous place at best, only those who have had at least ten levels of
experience should venture into it.  On the wall to the north are a series of 
markings that you can't make out at this distance.

A huge door stands to the west, the way to the surface is up. 
0 1|8 1
A huge door blocks your way into the Underdark.
1 -1 16093
The huge corridor leads upwards to freedom
0 -1 16226
markings wall~
The following has been scratched into the wall:

This is the city named the Underdark.  It was created by a crazy mage
years ago, and has prospered here below Midgaard.  For some reason, the
mage cast a mighty spell that cursed the entire city preventing people from
recalling out of it.  This makes it a perfect place to sell slaves and buy
slaves.  Although most think it as being lawless, there is a code and this
code is enforced by huge floating eyes.

Good luck,
This door is just incredible in it's size, ten people can easily walk through
it at a time.  The door is made of steel and glint dully in the light. 
Although huge, the door is well oiled and will open smoothly. ~
Entry Hall~
You are standing in a large spacious hallway.  The floor is made of a
polished black marble that catches the light and disperses it around.  The
walls are made of what you think is jade, but it could just be a thin layer of
jade.  The green seems to fade to black as it goes lower to the ground. 
There is a large fur skin that lies right next to the door.  The west wall has
a small closet in it.

The hall delves further into the house to the north.  South is the door 
0 1|8|8192 1
The hall goes on
0 -1 16231
The a door stands there
1 -1 16025
fur skin~
The fur of this skin is a very dark red, so dark that it seems black.  The fur
is soft and very smooth.  You have no idea as to what animal has this
colour and texture of fur.  Certainly nothing on the surface. ~ 
This is a spacious closet, with hooks and hangers to clothing.  There are
also shelves that can hold helms and helmets.  One the north wall of the
closet are a series of small nails, you realise these provide a place for
weapons.  The closet is currently empty.
The door is large with no obvious handle.  All you have to do to open this
door is push on it.  There is a round hole high up on it that you can look
out onto to the street with.
Jaded Hall~
You stand at the west end of this beautiful hall.  The walls are a deep
shade of green, the colour of pure jade.  The walls seem to be made of jade
which would explain the colour.  The soft glint of your light plays on the
floor.  The floor is clean and so are the walls.  Everything is neat.  The hall
is about twenty feet wide and stretches above your head about twenty feet. 
The scope of these halls just takes your breath away. 

The hall stretches to the east
0 1|8|8192 1
The hall goes onwards
0 -1 16230
Jaded Hall Before a Beautiful Door~
You are in a large spacious hall.  The north wall has been covered with
jade and every once in awhile your light dances off the wall into your eye. 
The hall has been lit, but the light that is already there is murky and your
light source seems harsh compared to the soft light that fills the hall.

The hall continues east and west, south is a beautiful door 
0 1|8|8192 1
The hall continues
0 -1 16231
A beautiful door
beautiful door~
1 -1 16237
The hall goes on
0 -1 16229
door beautiful~
The door seems to have been made of pure onyx.  It is a black so deep that
it absorbs your light.  A huge eye made of gold stands in the centre of the
door, the gold sparkle and glints in the light.  The pupil of the eye looks to
be a huge ruby.  There is no apparent handle on this door.~ 
Jaded Hall~
You stand in a large spacious hall.  The lighting in this hall causes your
metal equipment to glint softly.  You detect the faint aroma of a subdued
incense.  The floor is made of onyx.

The entrance lies to the south, the hall goes east and west 
0 1|8|8192 1
The hall goes on
0 -1 16232
The entrance lies in this direction
0 -1 16228
The hall continues
0 -1 16230
Jaded Hall~
You are walking in a large hall, the hall is about twenty feet wide and the
ceiling floats way above your head.  The walls glint in your light, while the
murky soft light permeates everywhere else.  You think the soft light is
coming from the ceiling although you can't be sure.  The floor is very
smooth and polished.
Along the north wall stands a statue.

The hall continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The hall stretches onwards
0 -1 16233
The hall heads on
0 -1 16231
This looks to be a statue of a githzerai.  The githzerai, a humanoid race
that fought the mind flayers and won their freedom with their win over the
mind flayers.  This githzerai stands about seven feet tall and three feet
wide.  He holds a huge silver sword that glows red.  On the pedestal you
read the following:

    Our paths are entwined in this enterprise, never forget the power          
          of the githzerai.  We will win against all odds. ~
Jaded Hall~
You are walking through a huge hall.  The hall has not grown smaller in
anyway, in fact it almost looks as if the ceiling has become higher.  The
walls are bare, but even though they are bare, they are beautiful and
captivating.  Your light seems to play with the jade and cause many
colours to come scintillating out of the wall.

South stretches a corridor, west the hall goes onwards
0 1|8|8192 1
A corridor makes it's way south
0 -1 16234
The hall stretches on
0 -1 16232
Jaded Corridor~
You are walking down a jaded corridor, the walls are a deep green.  The
floor is polished onyx.  A soft glow lights everything around you while you
light creates a circle of bright light.  The corridor is about fifteen feet
across and to the ceiling it is about twenty feet.

East and west are doors, north and south the corridor goes on 
0 1|8|8192 1
The jaded hall
0 -1 16233
A door
1 -1 16240
The jaded corridor
0 -1 16235
A door
1 -1 16241
This door is regular sized and has a handle on it.  The door is made of a
very dark wood that compliments the jaded walls. ~
Jaded Corridor~
You are standing at the south end of this green and black corridor.  You
have noticed that in these halls there are few decorations.  A soft flickering
glow lights everything around you chaotically.  You light dances of the
floor and onto the walls.  The walls are a deep green and the floor is
polished onyx.

East and west are doors, the corridor heads north
0 1|8 1
The jaded corridor
0 -1 16234
A door
1 -1 16242
A door
1 -1 16243
This door is regular sized and has a handle on it.  The door is made of a
very dark wood that compliments the jaded walls. ~
Vast Hall~
You stand in a large hall.  The ceiling stands about thirty feet overhead
and shimmers and sparkles.  The floor is made of onyx and is polished. 
The north and west walls are jade, but covered with tapestries.  The
tapestries depict many different figures, but prominent is a huge githzerai
wielding a flawing silver sword defending a huge beholder. 

The hall stretches south and east
0 1|8|8192 1
The vast hall stretches onwards
0 -1 16237
The vast hall continues
0 -1 16238
Entrance to the Vast Hall~
You stand just inside an enormous hall.  The floor is a polished onyx and
reflects your light.  The ceiling stands an incredible thirty feet above your
head.  The wall to the east is a deep green with a large tapestry that has a
large glowing eye woven into it.

A beautiful door stands to the north, south and west the hall lies 
0 1|8|8192 1
A beautiful door
beautiful door~
1 -1 16230
The hall stretches
0 -1 16239
The hall stretches onwards
0 -1 16236
beautiful door~
This door seems to have been made of pure onyx.  It is a black so deep that
it absorbs your light.  A huge eye made of gold stands in the centre of the
door, the gold sparkle and glints in the light.  The pupil of the eye looks to
be a huge ruby.  There is no apparent handle on this door. ~
Vast Hall~
You are standing in the south west corner of this huge hall.  The walls are
covered with tapestries.  The tapestries add flashes of colour to the
normally green wall, the folds of clothing seem to muffle all sounds you
make.  The ceiling floats about thirty feet above your head. 

The hall continues to the north and east
0 1|8|8192 1
The hall stretches onwards
0 -1 16236
This huge hall spans farther in this direction
0 -1 16239
The tapestries on the wall depict a strange scene.  There are two tapestries,
each one complimenting the other.  In one, there is a mind flayer who
seems to be controlling a huge beholder.  In the other, the beholder has this
mind flayer in it's huge gaping mouth and there is a large githzerai
wielding a flaming silver sword to the side watching in awe.
Vast Hall~
This section of the hall is much like the rest with one major difference
there is an incredibly detailed mosaic on the floor.  The mosaic depicts a
huge beholder floating above a large gathering of githzerai.  The githzerai
seem to be paying homage to the beholder, and a large githzerai stands off
to the side watching.  The eyes of all the figures in the mosaic seem to
glow green.

The hall goes north and to the west
0 1|8|8192 1
The vast hall
0 -1 16237
The vast hall
0 -1 16238
Guest Chamber~
You are standing in a well furnished room.  There is a bed against the far
wall and a small table next to it.  The walls are jaded and very clean.  The
room is about fifteen feet wide.  The ceiling is about ten feet off the

The only exit is the door to the west
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands here
1 -1 16234
This door is regular sized and has a handle on it.  The door is made of a
very dark wood that compliments the jaded walls. ~
Guest Chamber~
You stand in a neat and tidy room.  There is a very comfortable looking
bed against the south wall.  On the floor there is a nice fur matt that is dark
brown in colour and very soft.  This room is not currently being used thus
you fear to tread here in case you mess it up.

The sole exit is the door to the east
0 1|8|8192 1
A door blocks the way
1 -1 16234
This door is regular sized and has a handle on it.  The door is made of a
very dark wood that compliments the jaded walls. ~
Guest Chamber~
This is a beautiful guest room.  This room is reserved for dignitaries and
those very special guests to this house.  The floor is deep blue with twirls
of red in it.  The bed looks extremely comfortable, so comfy that you wish
you could just lie down on it and fall asleep.  The walls are the same deep
green but here they have thin veins of gold in them. 

The only way out is the door to the west
0 1|8|8192 1
A well crafted door stands here
1 -1 16235
This door is regular sized and has a handle on it.  The door is made of a
very dark wood that compliments the jaded walls. ~
The Supreme Attendant's Chamber~
You have stumbled into the chamber that houses the supreme attendant of
the beholder.  On the north wall a large painted eye stares down at you. 
The ceiling is about thirty feet off the ground in here.  The bed is simple
and there is no other furniture.  A large flaming silver sword has been
painted onto the south wall.

The solitary exit is the door to the east
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands here
1 -1 16235
This door is regular sized and has a handle on it.  The door is made of a
very dark wood that compliments the jaded walls. ~
The Gemstone~
You are standing in the midst of a crowded tavern, at the north east side. 
A bard sits on a stool playing his lute.  The lute is just a tad out of tune and
every now and then a cord causes you to cringe.  Laughter and shouting
surrounds you.  Tables stand where there is room, and over half of them
are occupied.  The table tops are covered with empty and half filled
tankards of ale.

The tavern continues south and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The tavern lies there
0 -1 16246
The tavern continues
0 -1 16247
The Gemstone~
You are surrounded by people drinking and chatting.  The people aren't
just human, there are a bunch of other humanoid races.  The strong aroma
of hard alcohol stings your nose.  The tavern itself is dark with little
lighting.  One the walls are small cases of different gemstones. 

The tavern continues east and north
0 1|8|8192 1
The tavern goes on in this direction
0 -1 16247
The tavern continues
0 -1 16246
The Gemstone~
You are standing just before the entrance to the Gemstone.  In the dim
light you can make out the huddled forms of people are tables.  The air is
thick with smoke, and smells of alcohol.  The floor remarkably is clean
and so are the walls, the tables are another story.  It seems to be a friendly
enough place, well as friendly as you can get in the Underdark. 

The exit is a door to the south, the tavern lies to the north and west 
0 1|8|8192 1
The tavern continues
0 -1 16244
A door blocks the way out
1 -1 16030
The tavern continues
0 -1 16245
The door on this side is scratched and has many sword marks in it.  You
look carefully and notice a few jagged edges of glass still stuck into the
The Gemstone~
You are standing at the bar of the Gemstone.  The counter of the bar is
covered with glasses and bottles.  A still lit pipe sits on the counter off to
the side.  People seem to just be hanging around with nowhere to go.  The
floor is sticky here, you figure someone spilt their drink not long ago.  A
slumped form lies against the north wall.

The tavern goes east and south
0 1|8|8192 1
The tavern goes on
0 -1 16244
The tavern continues
0 -1 16245
form slumped~
This is the body of a very very drunk duergar.  So drunk that he has passed
out.  Just looking at him you can smell the alcohol that covers his clothing. 
He seems to be sleeping with his mouth open and little droplets of droll
escape from this open passage and drip onto his tunic. ~ 
Deserted Warehouse~
You are standing in the so called deserted warehouse and you are
beginning to wonder if it really is that deserted.  You keep hearing weird
noises from behind the walls and above your head.  It is dark in here and
there is no light.  Your circle of light illuminates debris on the ground and
walls that look as if they will fall over with even the slightest pressure.

West goes towards the entrance and you can go north, east and south 
0 1|8|8192 1
You can't tell
0 -1 16249
You can't tell
0 -1 16254
You can't tell
0 -1 16251
The entrance is this way
0 -1 16274
Confusing Passage~
You are walking along a very small passage that barely has room for your
body to squeeze through.  The passage keeps twisting and turning, with
walls that seem to spring out of nowhere.  You keep hearing a knocking
sound from the rafters and walls.  The walls are made of wood and seem to
have been erected by chance rather than by planning.

There is a small door to the west, the warehouse continues south 
0 1|8|8192 1
The main corridor of the warehouse
0 -1 16248
A small door
1 -1 16250
This is a small wooden door
Cluttered Room~
You step into a room that looks like it is a disaster site.  Broken boards lie
scattered all along the ground.  The room is about ten feet by ten feet.  It's
almost impossible to walk thanks to all the broken wood on the ground.  A
few rafters are broken and touch the floor near the middle of this room.

The sole exit is east
0 1|8|8192 1
A small door
1 -1 16249
This is a small wooden door
Twisting Passage~
You slowly make your way through a very cluttered passage.  The passage
keeps twisting and goes seemingly in a full circle.  The passage is dark and
almost every three feet it turns.  The walls are made of wood, and are very

The main corridor is to the north, west is a small wooden panel that looks
as if it can be opened.  South is a small door.
0 1|8|8192 1
The main passage of the warehouse
0 -1 16248
A small door blocks your way
1 -1 16253
A wooden panel
1 -1 16252
This is a small wooden door
A panel on the west wall looks as if it can easily be moved. ~ 
Small Dusty Enclave~
You stand in a small space between walls.  You see dust all over the floor. 
The walls are rough and have nails sticking out of them.  The floor is
cluttered with broken table legs.  The rafters hang low in the air easily
within hands reach.

The only exit is the panel to the east
0 1|8|8192 1
A wooden panel
1 -1 16251
A panel on the east walls looks as if it can easily be moved. ~ 
Chaotic Cluttered Room~
You step into a room of pure disorder and chaos.  Wooden beams lie
strewn across the floor.  A few rafters hang down from the ceiling and
touch the ground.  The ground is messy and covered with dust.  The walls
are rough and are in shambles.

The solitary exit it to the north
0 1|8|8192 1
A small wooden door
1 -1 16251
A small wooden door~
Dark Chaotic Corridor~
You have to carefully step through this section of the main corridor.  You
wonder what happened here, it looks as if a hurricane has come through
and thrown everything onto the floor and broken it all.  You light
illuminates the destruction all around you.  The walls are made of a dark
wood with panels here and there.

The corridor continues east and west, panels to the north and south offer
0 1|8|8192 1
A sliding panel
1 -1 16256
The dark main corridor plunges deeper into this building 
0 -1 16257
A broken wooden panel offers entry into a small room
1 -1 16255
The corridor leads eventually out
0 -1 16248
This is a wooden panel about three feet wide, it would barely allow you to
push your way through into the next room.
Dark Small Room~
You are standing in a circle of light that is caused by your light source. 
The floor is covered with dust and little foot marks in the cover of dust. 
The rafters reach the ground and the walls seem to be leaning in to one

The sole exit is north, through the panel
0 1|8|8192 1
A broken wooden panel allows you to pass into the main corridor 
1 -1 16254
This panel is made of a dark brown wood, and has a huge crack right down
the middle.  The crack is so large your light source passes through it and
illuminates a narrow band beyond the panel.~
Cramped Room~
You are standing in a very small room with very little room to manoeuvre. 
The ceiling stand in easy reach of your grasping hand.  The wooden floor
is covered with dust and broken bits of furniture.

The sole exit is the panel to the south
0 1|8|512|8192 1
A wooden panel slides to give an exit
1 -1 16254
This is a wooden panel that slides to give access to what is beyond it.  The
panel is about three feet wide and six feet tall.
Twisting Dark Corridor~
You are walking through a very twisty corridor.  The walls are made of
wood and seem to lean inwards.  The whole building from this location
seems as if it should fall down into a heap, and yet it manages to remain

The corridor goes west and south to the north is a small door 
0 1|8|8192 1
A small dark wooden door
1 -1 16258
The cluttered way goes on
0 -1 16259
The corridor heads out
0 -1 16254
This is a small wooden door that looks very old, the wood is beginning to
crack and the door seems to be stuck.~
Damp Cluttered Room~
You are standing in a small room that has planks covering the floor.  You
light source causes the walls to gleam in their wetness.  The floor seems to
be covered with a very thin layer of water.  The planks allow you to stand
without getting wet.

The sole exit is the door to the south
0 1|8|8192 1
A door blocks the way out
1 -1 16257
This is a very old door, it shows it's age with a series of cracks that run
down the length of the door

Very Cluttered Corridor~
You find it difficult to step and actually have your foot touch the ground
here.  The wooden floor is literally covered by about a foot of junk. 
Broken boards and furniture cover the floor.  The walls are well ventilated.

The corridor continues north and east
0 1|8|8192 1
The dark corridor continues
0 -1 16257
The corridor seems to clear up some
0 -1 16260
Dark Corridor~
This part of the corridor to your surprise is relatively neat.  There are no
boards or smashed pieces of wood lying on the floor.  The only covering
that the wooden floor has is a layer of dust.  The walls are basically
complete, with only the odd hole here and there.

The corridor continues north and west.  A door stands to the east 
0 1|8|8192 1
The dark corridor becomes very chaotic
0 -1 16262
A door stands ready to be used
1 -1 16261
The corridor goes on
0 -1 16259
A Dim Room~
You stand in a room that has a large hole in the ceiling, with a floating orb
above it that casts a thin light into this small room.  The ceiling is
scattered on the floor in a large jumble of wooden beams and planks. 
A door stands to the west
0 1|8|8192 1
A door lies here
1 -1 16260
This is a smallish door that is made of old dark wood.
Shadowy Jumbled Corridor~
You are walking through a corridor that is strewn with wood and broken
beams.  Every second step you take you step on a broken item.  You also
hear knocking on the wood every once in awhile.

The corridor continues north and south, to the east is a door 
0 1|8|8192 1
The corridor continues in disarray
0 -1 16264
A door stands here
1 -1 16263
The corridor seems to clear in this direction
0 -1 16260
This door was once painted, and now the black paint is peeling off.  The
paint has left a small pile at the bottom of the door. ~
A Gloomy Room~
Your light fails to pierce the darkness in this room completely causing it to
seem like a dream.  You can make out the shapes of broken items on the
floor, and you see dark areas on the wall.

A door stands to the west
0 1|8|8192 1
A door is here
1 -1 16262
This door was once painted black, now the paint lies in a pile on the floor. 
There seem to be small scratch marks on the door. ~ 
The Corridor in the Abandoned Warehouse~
You are walking along the corridor.  The floor is slightly clearer here, with
only a couple wooden beams lying on it.  You think you here scratching
beyond the walls.

The corridor continues east and south.
0 1|8|8192 1
The corridor goes onwards
0 -1 16265
The corridor stretches
0 -1 16262
The Corridor is Bathed in a Weird Light~
The corridor here is light.  An eerie glow seems to emanate from the walls
and floor.  Everything is bathed is the soft green glow.  The floor here is
basically spotless and the walls are holeless.  You feel as if the gods are
with you.

The corridor continues east and west
0 8 1
The corridor plunges into darkness
0 -1 16266
The corridor disappears into the dark
0 -1 16264
Corridor in the Warehouse~
You are walking in a very dark section of the warehouse.  The darkness is
so complete that your light barely pierces the darkness.  The darkness
clings to everything you own.  You almost trip as your foot catches a
hidden beam lying on the ground.

The corridor goes south and west.  To the east is a door
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands here
1 -1 16267
The corridor goes on
0 -1 16268
A weird glow comes from this direction
0 -1 16265
The door is a door, small but you can pass through it.
Cramped Dim Room~
You are standing in cramped quarters, just barely enough for you and a
few others.  The walls are whole, except a large hole in the west wall. 
Through the hole you can hear the faint sounds of the city that lies outside
this building.

A door allows passage to the west
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands here
1 -1 16266
This is a small door, but it is large enough for you to pass through it.~ 
The Corridor~
You are standing in the corridor of the abandoned warehouse.  It is
basically quiet here, except for the persistent tapping that seems to come
from the rafters and the walls.

The corridor goes north and west, to the south a door stands. 
0 1|8|8192 1
The corridor meanders through the building
0 -1 16266
The corridor continues on it's merry course
0 -1 16270
A door blocks your way
1 -1 16269
This is a regular door that is very old.
The Old Office~
You are standing in the old office of this warehouse.  A broken desk still
rests against the east wall.  The chair has long since crumbled with age. 
The floor is covered with dust, but has many foot prints in it. 

A door stands to the north.
0 1|8 1
A door stands here
1 -1 16268
The desk is very old and you are afraid to touch it lest it fall apart.  The
surface of the desk has all sort of scratch marks and there seems to be
teeth marks on one of the legs.
This door is just a very old door that is made of oak.
Corridor of Darkness~
The corridor seems to breed darkness here, you wonder how this place
could have become so dark.  Your light surrounds you with a bubble of
light, beyond which you can't see a thing.

The corridor continues west and south.
0 1|8|8192 1
The corridor is there also
0 -1 16271
The corridor plunges into the warehouse.
0 -1 16268
End of the Corridor~
You have reached the end of the corridor that wanders through the
warehouse.  Like most of the corridor, this section has broken beams and
wood scattered along the floor.  It's as if a tornado came through and
deposited these items.

The corridor heads north, to the south lies a door.
0 1|8|8192 1
The corridor goes on
0 -1 16270
A door stands here
1 -1 16272
This door is very old, and the hinges are rusty.  There is a large crack that
has formed by the age of the oak.
Old Recreation Area~
You are standing in what was once the area that the workers came to relax
in.  By the wreckage on the floor, you figure there was once a table and a
bunch of chairs.  The room has been ravaged by, what you think,
thousands of little hands.

A door lies to the north and to the west
0 1|8|8192 1
The door to the corridor
1 -1 16271
A door blocks your entry
1 -1 16273
The door is just your regular very old door
Abandoned Rest Room~
You are standing in what was once the washroom for the workers in this
warehouse.  The stall that was here has long since been destroyed and it's
wreckage lies on the floor.  Where the toilet was is quite obvious, there is
a round hole in the ground.

The door to the rec room is to the east
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands here
1 -1 16272
The door is just your typical door.
This is the hole where people used to deposit their waste.  It no longer
smells, and you thankfully can't see the bottom. ~
Entrance To An Abandoned Warehouse~
You are standing just inside what was once a large warehouse.  For a long
time it has been abandoned.  The walls now have holes in them and the
floor has dust and broken beams.  You hear a faint knocking that comes
from above you and around you.  Perhaps this building isn't that

A corridor that leads into the building heads east, west is a door to the city.
0 1|8|8192 1
The corridor plunges deep within the building
0 -1 16248
The exit door
1 -1 16021
The door on this side has many small scratch marks and it looks as if
someone or something took a hammer to it and tried to break it down. ~ 
Entrance Hall~
You are standing in a very neat and ornate entrance hall.  The inhabitants
of this large manor are obviously very rich.  The floor is a polished white
marble and the walls azure in colour.  You detect the faint aroma of
incense filtering through the air.

To the east lies the main hall, south is the door out
0 1|8|8192 1
The main hall
0 -1 16278
A door blocks your passage out
1 -1 16079
The door on this side has many designs carved into it.  The handle seems
to be made of pure gold and has been designed like a dragon. ~ 
Main Hall~
You are standing in the main hall of this beautiful mansion.  Although very
simple, the beauty of the hall is striking.  The pure white of the floor
contrasts with the azure walls.  You notice that you are not making any
marks on the white marble, must be some spell that keeps the floor
perfectly white.

The hall splits north and east, to the west is the entrance hall 
0 1|8|8192 1
The hall heads onwards
0 -1 16279
The hall delves further into the mansion
0 -1 16290
You see the entrance hall
0 -1 16275
Hallway in the mansion~
You are walking down a hallway in this huge mansion.  The ceiling lies
above your head about twenty feet.  The walls are slowly changing colour,
from azure to a deep crimson.

A door lies to the west, the hallway continues north and south 
0 1|8|8192 1
The hallway continues
0 -1 16281
You see the main hall
0 -1 16278
A door rests here
1 -1 16280
The door is a simple wooden door.
Guest Room~
You are standing in a finely furnished guest room.  The floor here is
wooden and well polished.  A rug lies in the centre of the chamber, a bear
skin at that.  The walls are also made of wood.  A large bed lies against the
far wall and on the south wall is a desk.  With the desk a chair stands ready
to be used.

The sole exit is to the east.
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands ready
1 -1 16279
The door is a simple wooden door.

Hallway in the Mansion~
You are standing on the fine white floor.  The faint aroma of incense
filters to your nose.  The ceiling lies way above your head.  The west wall
is crimson a striking contrast against the white floor. 

The hallway heads north, east and south, along the west wall a door stands 
0 1|8|8192 1
The hallway continues
0 -1 16286
The hallway goes
0 -1 16283
The hallway continues
0 -1 16279
A door stands here
1 -1 16282
The door is highly ornate~
Guest Chamber~
You stand within a well furnished room.  This chamber has everything you
would expect from a guest room.  Nothing of real interest lies in this room. 
The floor is wooden and the walls are also wooden.

The sole exit is the door to the east
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands in your way
1 -1 16281
The door is very ornate~
A Hallway in the Mansion~
The walls in this section of the mansion are dark forest green.  The floor is
still pure white without a trace of dirt.  Against the east wall a huge mural
has been painted.  The mural depicts a luscious forest filled with many
exotic plants and animals.

A door stands to the south, and to the west the hallway stretches. 
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands ready
1 -1 16287
The door is ornate with a large tree that has been carved onto it~ 
You are standing in what is obviously a washroom.  There is a basin with a
faucet on it.  As you bring your hand near it water starts to flow.  There is
a stool with a hole in the middle of it against the south wall.  And against
the west all is a shower head.

A door stands to the east
0 1|8|2048|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16286
The door is a simple wooden door~
Small Well Furnished Chamber~
You stand in a small room.  The floor here is grey marble and polished
with a large glowing red pentagon in the middle of the room.  A small cot
lies against the south wall and a table rests against the north wall.  A small
candle burns low on the table.

A door is to the west
0 8|8192 1
A door blocks the way out
1 -1 16286
A well made door of oak.  There are many mystic symbols inlaid with
silver that run the length of the door.~
End of Hall in the Mansion~
This is the end of the hall.  On the north wall is a large painting of many
exotic and weird creatures locked in combat.  A dragon seems to be
coming overhead of the weird creatures.  The floor is white and the ceiling
is crimson.

Doors are to the east and west.  The hall heads south
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands here
1 -1 16285
The hall goes on
0 -1 16281
A door stands here
1 -1 16284
The door is oaken and well made.~
Dining Hall~
You are in the dining hall of this mansion.  A long table stretches east. 
The wall is dark grey and the walls are sky blue.  The table is large enough
for fifteen people no problem.  You are standing at the west end of the

The hall stretches to the east.  To the north is a door.
0 1|8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16283
A simple wooden door~
Dining Hall~
You stand at the east end of the dining hall.  The table stretches to the
west.  The floor is dark grey and against the north wall stands a painting. 
The painting depicts a cavern entrance and has two glowing red eyes that
seems to be staring right at you.

The dining hall stretches to the west
0 1|8|8192 1
1 -1 16289
The dining hall goes on
0 -1 16287
As you look closely at the painting you think you notice a small knob that
you could push to open up a secret way.~
Secret Chamber~
You are standing in a sparse chamber.  The floor is black and the walls are
dark grey.  There seems to be no furniture in this room although there are a
series of mystic symbols on the floor and the walls around you. 

There are no obvious exits...
0 1|8|8192 1
1 -1 16296
1 -1 16288
Main Hall~
You are walking down a beautifully striking hall.  The floor is pure white
and glows in your light source.  The walls are azure.  Along the sides of
the hall stand statues of different creatures, perhaps of arcane design. 

The hall continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The hall goes on
0 -1 16291
The hall goes on
0 -1 16278
statue statues~
These statues are of different creatures.  They all look weird and fierce,
you recognize a sphinx and what looks like a huge purple worm.  The rest
are unknown to you.
The Main Hall~
You feel as if you are walking down an art gallery.  There are statues that
line both sides of this hall.  The ceiling rests way above your head and the
floor is pure white.

The hall continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The hall continues
0 -1 16292
The hall continues
0 -1 16290
statues statue~
The statues are of many different creatures.  Some seem to be of arcane
design.  There are also some statues of small devilish creatures, jermlaine
and gremlins.~
Main Hall~
You are heading along the main hall to the audience chamber of this
impressive mansion.  The floor is pure white without a single blemish. 
The walls are azure and seem to glow in this section.  The ceiling is way
above your head.  A statue stands in the southeast corner. 

The hall goes north and west.
0 1|8 1
The hall goes on
0 -1 16293
The hall continues
0 -1 16291
This is a statue of a demon.  The demon seems to have no sex and looks
very strong.  The workmanship of the statue is so great that you can almost
feel the evil and cunning of this creature.~
Main Hall~
You are walking down the main hall of this residence.  The floor continues
to be spotless and white.  The walls are azure while statues stand along
both sides of the hall.

The hall continues north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
The hall goes on
0 -1 16294
The hall continues
0 -1 16292
statues statue~
The statues are those of many different exotic birds.  You see many of the
different flying creatures that roam this land.  A few of the statues hang in
the air above the ground.  The greatest statue is that of a silver dragon who
flies above your head.
Main Hall~
You stand before large double doors to the north.  The floor is white and
two large statues stand to either side of the doors.  The walls are azure and
the ceiling is way above your head.

A large door stands to the north, the hall continues south 
0 1|8|8192 1
Huge double doors wait to be used
1 -1 16295
The hall continues
0 -1 16293
Before you stand two huge doors made of oak.~
Audience Chamber~
You stand in the southeast corner of a vast audience chamber.  The floor
here is dark grey and the walls are midnight blue.  The ceiling lies about
twenty feet from the floor.  Your nose catches the faint smell of incense. 
You see a throne in the northwest corner of the chamber.

The chamber goes on north and west.  A door stands to the south 
0 1|8|8192 1
The audience chamber
0 -1 16297
Huge double doors wait to be used
1 -1 16294
The audience chamber
0 -1 16296
Before you stand two huge doors made of oak.~
Audience Chamber~
You are in the southwest corner of the audience chamber.  On the south
wall is a huge painting of a cave entrance with two glowing red eyes
staring right at you.  The floor is dark grey and the west wall is midnight
blue.  You notice the lack of any furniture except the throne to the north.

The chamber continues north and east.
0 1|8|8192 1
The audience chamber
0 -1 16298
The audience chamber
0 -1 16295
1 -1 16289
As you look carefully at this painting you notice that there seems to be a
small button that you can press.  Your experience with secret doors makes
you pretty certain that this is yet another one.~
Audience Chamber~
You are standing in the north east corner of the audience chamber.  The
walls are midnight blue without anything on them.  The floor is a dark
grey and the ceiling floats way above your head.  The only furniture in this
room is the throne to the west.

The chamber continues south and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The audience chamber
0 -1 16295
The audience chamber
0 -1 16298
Audience Chamber~
You stand at the north west corner of the chamber.  It is here that the
throne stands.  The throne is pitch black and seems to trap your light.  The
floor here seems to change from light grey to dark grey continuously.  The
walls remain constant with the midnight blue.

The chamber continues south and east
0 1|8|8192 1
The audience chamber
0 -1 16297
The audience chamber
0 -1 16296
The throne is very black, so black that is catches and keeps the light that
hits it.  On the arm rests are written many arcane symbols in gold.  The
throne seems exude an aura of power and evil.~
Entrance to the Whore House~
You stand just before the entrance door.  You can clearly smell incense
that makes you just a little bit dizzy.  The place is lit by a few candles that
have been placed in holders that stand off against the walls. 

Doors stand north, east and south.
0 8|8192 1
A door blocks your way into the whoring area
1 -1 16301
A door stands in the way to the paying room
1 -1 16300
A door offers the way out
1 -1 16085
The door is a simple wooden door.~
Paying Room~
This is the room where one pays for the services of the women and men of
this establishment.  A desk rests in the middle of the room and a chair sits
behind it.  A candle rests of the desk spreading it's soft circle of light
around most of the room leaving only the corners of the room dark. You
notice a sign on the wall.

The sole exit is the door to the west.
0 8|8192 1
The door stands ready to be used
1 -1 16299
The door is a simple wooden door.~
The sign reads as follows:

     This building should only be entered if you are over 18 years              
          of age.  All minors shall be persecuted.
Whoring Area~
You are standing in a large room that is dimly lit.  There are small beds
and cushions spread all about the room.  A couple incense burners have
been placed against the walls and their scent awaken certain feelings in

The room spreads out north and east, and a door lies to the south 
0 8|8192 1
The whoring area
0 -1 16303
The whoring area
0 -1 16302
The door that leads out
1 -1 16299
A simple wooden door.
Whoring Area~
You are standing in the south eastern section of this large spacious room. 
The dim light allows to see figures that are embraced in various positions
among the cushions.  Along the walls are many murals that depict many
interesting couples engaged in one of life's greatest experiences. 

The room continues north and west.
0 8|8192 1
The room goes on
0 -1 16304
The room continues
0 -1 16301
Whoring Area~
You stand in the northwest corner of the whoring room.  The floor is
covered with cushions and beds.  Intermingled with the aroma of incense
you can detect the faint smell of perfume.  The walls are covered with
paintings of couples in all sorts of positions, including ones you never
thought possible.

The room continues east and south
0 8|8192 1
The room goes on
0 -1 16304
The room continues
0 -1 16301
Whoring Area~
This is the northeast corner of the room.  Soft cushions still cover the floor
as do all kind of beds.  In some of these beds you can see the movements
of couples in the act of reproduction.  You also hear faint moans coming
from all around.  Intermingled with the smell of incense is the smell of

The room goes on south and west
0 8|8192 1
The room continues
0 -1 16302
The room goes on
0 -1 16303
Entrance to the Traveller's Den~
You are standing at the entrance of the traveller's den.  You can hear the
din of people chatting and eating in this dim establishment.  You can smell
fresh food being cooked for all the patrons.

The door out is to the south, the way into the inn is north 
0 8|8192 1
The inn is this way
0 -1 16306
A door stands here
1 -1 16088
The door is large and well built~
Entrance Hall to the Inn~
You are walking down the entrance way of the inn.  The walls are wooden
and you can smell the faint scent of pine emanating from the wood.  You
can hear the buzz of many conversations coming from the east. 

A door stands to the north, east is the common room.
0 8|8192 1
Door to the washroom
1 -1 16307
The common room
0 -1 16308
The entrance hall
0 -1 16305
This is obviously the door to the washroom.  The words "rest room"
indicate this fact.~
Rest Room~
You are standing in the rest room of the inn.  There is a basin to wash your
hands and face, done magically.  There is a small bowl that you relieve
yourself in.  All in all, this washroom is very clean and neat. 

The sole exit is the door to the south
0 8|2048|8192 1
The door out
1 -1 16306
On this side, the door is a regular door
Common Room~
You are standing in the common room of the inn.  You can see the counter
in the north east corner of this room.  Tables are scattered around the
room.  Patrons fill the room and there is some smoke in the air. 

The common room continues north and east, west is the hall, and south is
a door to a room.
0 8|8192 1
The common room
0 -1 16310
The common room
0 -1 16311
A door to a room
1 -1 16309
The entrance way
0 -1 16306
The door is a simple wooden door
Inn Room~
You are standing in one of the guest rooms of the inn.  From this room you
can tell that this inn is a high quality inn.  The floor is clean and the bed is

The way out if the door to the north
0 1|8|8192 1
The door leads out to the common room
1 -1 16308
The door is a simple wooden door
Common Room~
You are in the north western corner of this large common room.  Tables sit
scattered around without apparent order.  You catch snatches of the many
conversations that are going on.  The atmosphere is merry and happy, as it
normally is in a place where they serve many alcoholic beverages. 

The common room continues east and south
0 8|8192 1
The common room and bar
0 -1 16314
The common room
0 -1 16308
Common Room~
You are in the south eastern corner of the common room.  Tables and
chairs lie all about.  The floor is clean and well swept.  In the dim lighting
you can see figures huddled over their mugs of ale discussing business. 

The common rooms goes on north and west.  A door stands to the east and
leads to more rooms.  There is also a door to the south
0 8|8192 1
The common room
0 -1 16314
A door stands ready to be used
1 -1 16313
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16312
The common room
0 -1 16308
The door is a normal wooden door~
Inn Room~
You stand in a well furnished and neat room where the many travellers
who pass through the den stay.  The room is spacious enough and has a
bed and a chester drawers.

The sole exit is the door to the north
0 1|8|8192 1
The door waits to be used
1 -1 16311
The door is a normal wooden door~
Hall to the Inn Rooms~
You are standing in a dimly lit hallway with doors on either side.  The
floor is hard wood and the walls are also made of wood.  Along the walls
torches burn to light the area, although they don't do a very good job. 

To the west is a door, north and south are doors to room and the hall
continues to the east.
0 8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16315
The hallway continues
0 -1 16317
A door stands ready
1 -1 16316
The door is ready to be used
1 -1 16311

The door is regular wooden door~
Common Room~
The north eastern corner of the common room.  This is where the Inn
Keeper sells his wares.  A few patrons sit along the bar sipping their drinks
watching alertly for trouble.

The common room continues south and west
0 8|8192 1
The common room
0 -1 16311
The common room
0 -1 16310
Inn Room~
You stand in a tidy and neat room.  The floor is clean and the bed is made. 
This room has all the marks of a good inn.  There are no holes in the wall

The door is the to south
0 1|8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16313
The door is a simple wooden door~
Inn Room~
You are standing in one of the guest rooms of the inn.  From this room you
can tell that this inn is a high quality inn.  The floor is clean and the bed is

The way out if the door to the north
0 1|8|8192 1
The door leads out to the hallway
1 -1 16313
The door is a simple wooden door
Traveller's Den Hallway~
You are at the end of the hall to the rooms of this fine inn.  The hall is lit
by a few torches that hang off between the doors.

A Door leads to a room to the south, the hallway heads west 
0 8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16318
The hallway heads back towards the common room
0 -1 16313
The door is of the simple wooden variety~
Inn Room~
You stand in a well furnished and neat room, the kind that you would
expect from a god quality inn.  As with all the other rooms in this room,
the bed has been made ready to be slept in.

The sole exit is the door to the north
0 1|8|8192 1
The door stands ready
1 -1 16317
The door is a simple wooden door~
Entrance to the Slaver's Market~
You stand within the halls of one of the most oppressing buildings of all
the realms.  It is here that people come to buy and sell slaves as if they
were pets.  The floor in this section is actually tidy, but you can here the
screams of the slaves from behind the bars or their cages. 

North a door offers a way into the dirty cages of the slaves, you can leave
by going east or south and west goes further into this building 
0 1|8|8192 1
The bars can be opened like a door
1 -1 16320
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16100
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16116
The slave hall goes on
0 -1 16321
These bars have the shape of a door in them~
The door is huge and made of oak~
Slave Cage~
You are standing in the eastern end of the slave cage, it is here that the
slaves are kept for their perspective buyers.  The conditions are terrible,
rags lie in the corner and the smell is truly oppressive and disgusting, it
threatens to release your last meal.

The cages continues west, a door in the bars is to the south 
0 1|8|8192 1
The bars wait to allow you to leave
1 -1 16319
The cage continues
0 -1 16322
These bars have the shape of a door in them~
Slave Hall~
You are standing in the slave hall, it is here that the buyers stand to inspect
the slaves that lie or stand safely through the bars to the north.  You can
see the dirt and terrible conditions through the bars, yet you can't smell the
scents that should accompany this scene.

The hall continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The slave hall
0 -1 16319
The slave hall
0 -1 16323
Slave Cage~
You are currently in the slave cage, the smell is incredible.  At times your
stomach threatens to rebel and release it's latest meal.  The sounds of the
slaves crying and cursing fill your ears.  The ground is covered in dirt and
some hay, it's as if these slaves are not humanoids. 

The cage continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The cage continues
0 -1 16320
The cage goes on
0 -1 16324
Slave Hall~
You continue to walk down this exhibition hall.  The bars continue along
the north wall.  You can see slaves staring at your with anger and some
seem resigned to their fate.  The floor in this hall has gold inlaid in it, a
blatant statement of wealth in the midst of this oppression. 

The hall continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The slave hall
0 -1 16321
The slave hall
0 -1 16325
Slave Cage~
You are in the area where the slaves are kept.  The floor is covered with
rags and hay.  The sounds of slaves crying and screaming assault you with
each step you take.  On the north wall here is a large painting of a black
barbed whip, to remind the slaves that they are slaves.

The cage continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The cage continues
0 -1 16322
The cage continues
0 -1 16326
Slave Hall~
This is the west side of the slave hall.  The bars still travel along to the
north of you.  You can see slaves huddled in the corner fearing for their
lives.  You feel a surge of lust to own one of your fellow humanoids, to
control it and make it suffer.  Then you realise that you can fulfil this
desire by simply buying a slave from the Slave Dealer. 

The hall continues to the east, a door through the bars is north 
0 1|8|8192 1
A door leads through the bars
1 -1 16326
The slave hall
0 -1 16323
The door offers an entrance to the slave cage
Slave Cage~
This is the western side of the slave's "living" quarters.  It is no better than
the rest of the cage.  The floor is covered with old and smelly hay
intermingled with rags and other things you don't want to think about.  The
smell of sweat, garbage and death hang in the air. 

The cage continues to the east, south is a door through the bars 
0 1|8|8192 1
The slave cage
0 -1 16324
A door offers entrance to the slave hall
1 -1 16325
This door has been placed between the bars and seems to be solid enough~
Before the Northern Entrance of the Prisons~
You are standing just before the north entrance to the prisons of the
Underdark.  This is where all those who have disobeyed the few rules of
this city are brought to be punished.  The head guardian eye is also located
in this huge building.  You figure this is the reason why the ceiling is a
good thirty feet above your head.

A door exits north, a prison cell is east, the hall continues south and west.
0 8|8192 1
A huge door that has no handle leads out
1 -1 16089
A barred door allows you into a prison cell
barred door~
1 -1 16328
The prison hall goes on
0 -1 16330
The prison hall goes on
0 -1 16329
This door is huge and has no handle on it.  The door is large enough to
allow the spherical bodies of the guardian eyes to pass freely. ~
barred door~
This is the prison door.  It is made of bars like the rest of the way into this
prison cell
Prison Cell~
This is a dark cramped cell.  The only good thing about it is the that fact
that it is clean.  You notice that you can't hear a single noise, not even the
sound of your own breathing.

The sole exit is through the door to the west
0 1|8|2048|8192 1
The prison door
1 -1 16327
The door is a solid series of bars that allow only your arm to pass while
Prison Hall~
You are standing in the hallway of the prison.  You can hear agonized
screams of prisoners.  The hall is about fifteen feet wide and the ceiling
rests far above your head.  The walls are grey and the ground is black. 

The hall continues east and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
Before the northern entrance
0 -1 16327
The prison hall
0 -1 16342
Prison Hall~
You are walking through a large spacious hallway.  The muffled cries of
the prisoners reach your ears.  The floor is pitch black and the walls are

The hall continues north and south, east and west are doors to cells. 
0 1|8|8192 1
Before the northern entrance
0 -1 16327
A prison door
1 -1 16331
The prison hall
0 -1 16333
A prison door~
1 -1 16332
prison door~
The door is made out of solid iron.  It is huge and extremely hard to budge. 
You figure nothing could dent this door.
Prison Cell~
You stand in a cramped prison cell.  The walls are black and the floor is
dark grey.  There is no light in this little room.  There is a bench against
the far wall and a hole in the ground in the corner. 

The sole exit is the door to the west.
0 1|8|512|8192 1
The prison door
1 -1 16330
The door is made of solid iron.  You strain against it and it finally gives
way after placing your entire weight and strength against it.~ 
This is hole is used for bodily functions.  You can detect the putrid smell
of raw faeces coming from the hole.~
Prison Cell~
You stand in a cramped prison cell.  The walls are black and the floor is
dark grey.  There is no light in this little room.  There is a bench against
the far wall and a hole in the ground in the corner. 

The sole exit is the door to the east
0 1|8|512|8192 1
The prison door
1 -1 16330
The door is made of solid iron.  You strain against it and it finally gives
way after placing your entire weight and strength against it.~ 
This is hole is used for bodily functions.  You can detect the putrid smell
of raw faeces coming from the hole.~
Prison Hall~
You are walking down the prison hallway.  This is where the eyes bring
the ones who break their code of living.  You see no signs of struggle and
nothing is broken.  The eyes also make this building their home base and
you know that somewhere in it rests the enforcer beholder, the leader of
the eyes.

The hall continues north and south, prison cells lie east and west. 
0 1|8|8192 1
The prison hall
0 -1 16330
A prison door
1 -1 16335
The prison hall
0 -1 16336
A prison door
1 -1 16334
The door is made of solid iron and looks as if nothing could dent or break
Prison Cell~
You stand in a cramped prison cell.  The walls are black and the floor is
dark grey.  There is no light in this little room.  There is a bench against
the far wall and a hole in the ground in the corner. 

The sole exit is the door to the east
0 1|8|512|8192 1
The prison door
1 -1 16333
The door is made of solid iron.  You strain against it and it finally gives
way after placing your entire weight and strength against it.~ 
This is hole is used for bodily functions.  You can detect the putrid smell
of raw faeces coming from the hole.~
Prison Cell~
You stand in a cramped prison cell.  The walls are black and the floor is
dark grey.  There is no light in this little room.  There is a bench against
the far wall and a hole in the ground in the corner. 

The sole exit is the door to the west
0 1|8|512|8192 1
The prison door
1 -1 16333
The door is made of solid iron.  You strain against it and it finally gives
way after placing your entire weight and strength against it.~ 
This is hole is used for bodily functions.  You can detect the putrid smell
of raw faeces coming from the hole.~
Prison Hall~
You are standing in the hall of this prison.  From this position you can see
the hall stretching north with the doors to the cells on either side.  A few
enforcer eyes patrol the hall.  You can hear the screams of the prisoners
coming from the cells.

The hall continues north, east and west.  South is a prison cell 
0 1|8|8192 1
The prison hall
0 -1 16333
Before the eastern entrance
0 -1 16337
A prison door
1 -1 16339
Before the western entrance
0 -1 16338
The door is made of solid iron and looks as if nothing could harm it ~
The eastern entrance~
You stand just before the eastern entrance to the prisons of the underdark. 
It is here that the enforcer eyes bring those who have broken the few rules
of this city.  The screams of the prisoners echo through the hall.  The floor
is black and the walls are dark grey.  The hall is about fifteen feet wide
and the ceiling lies about thirty feet above your head. 

The door out is east, to the south is a prison cell guarded by an iron door
and west the hall continues.
0 1|8|8192 1
The entrance door
1 -1 16107
A prison door
1 -1 16341
The prison hall
0 -1 16336
This door is huge and has no handle, it allows the enforcer eyes to come in
and out of the building without a problem.~
The prison door is made completely of iron.  The door is about four inches
thick and looks as if nothing could even dent it.~
Western Entrance~
You stand before the western entrance to the prisons of the underdark. 
This building is where all those who have broken the few rules of the
underdark are brought to serve sentences.  The fact that this building exists
proves that the Underdark is not a lawless city, but that it in fact has a few
laws that are kept.

The hall continues east, there is a prison cell to the south, and the exit to
the Underdark is west.
0 1|8|8192 1
The prison hall
0 -1 16336
A prison door
1 -1 16340
The entrance door
1 -1 16122
This door is built completely of iron.  It is huge and very very hard to
The entrance door is huge.  The door has no handle and to open it all you
have to do is push it open.
Prison Cell~
You stand in a cramped prison cell.  The walls are black and the floor is
dark grey.  There is no light in this little room.  There is a bench against
the far wall and a hole in the ground in the corner. 

The sole exit is the door to the north
0 1|8|512|8192 1
The prison door
1 -1 16336
The door is made of solid iron.  You strain against it and it finally gives
way after placing your entire weight and strength against it.~ E
This is hole is used for bodily functions.  You can detect the putrid smell
of raw faeces coming from the hole.~
Prison Cell~
You stand in a cramped prison cell.  The walls are black and the floor is
dark grey.  There is no light in this little room.  There is a bench against
the far wall and a hole in the ground in the corner. 

The sole exit is the door to the north
0 1|8|512|8192 1
The prison door
1 -1 16338
The door is made of solid iron.  You strain against it and it finally gives
way after placing your entire weight and strength against it.~ E
This is hole is used for bodily functions.  You can detect the putrid smell
of raw faeces coming from the hole.~
Prison Cell~
You stand in a cramped prison cell.  The walls are black and the floor is
dark grey.  There is no light in this little room.  There is a bench against
the far wall and a hole in the ground in the corner. 

The sole exit is the door to the north
0 1|8|512|8192 1
The prison door
1 -1 16337
The door is made of solid iron.  You strain against it and it finally gives
way after placing your entire weight and strength against it.~ E
This is hole is used for bodily functions.  You can detect the putrid smell
of raw faeces coming from the hole.~
Prison Hall~
You are standing is a huge hall.  The walls are bare and the floor is solid
black.  The muffled screams of terror come from the prison cells.  The hall
is about fifteen feet wide and the ceiling rests about thirty feet above your

The hall continues east and west.  To the south is a prison cell 
0 1|8|8192 1
The prison hall
0 -1 16329
A prison door
1 -1 16343
The prison hall
0 -1 16344
The door is made of solid iron.
Prison Cell~
This is a dark cramped cell.  The only good thing about it is the that fact
that it is clean.  You notice that you can't hear a single noise, not even the
sound of your own breathing.  You notice a cot against the far wall and a
hole in the corner.

The sole exit is through the door to the north
0 1|8|2048|8192 1
The prison door
1 -1 16342
The door is made of solid iron.  You strain against it and it finally gives
way after placing your entire weight and strength against it.~ 
This is hole is used for bodily functions.  You can detect the putrid smell
of raw faeces coming from the hole.~
Prison Hall~
You are walking through a large undecorated hall.  The walls are a dismal
grey and the floor is black.  The screams of horror come from the prison

The hall continues east and west, to the south is a prison cell 
0 1|8|8192 1
The prison hall
0 -1 16342
A prison door
1 -1 16345
The prison hall
0 -1 16346
The door is made of solid iron.  You strain against it and it finally gives
way after placing your entire weight and strength against it.~ 
Prison Cell~
You stand in a cramped prison cell.  The walls are black and the floor is
dark grey.  There is no light in this little room.  There is a bench against
the far wall and a hole in the ground in the corner. 

The sole exit is the door to the north
0 1|8|512|8192 1
The prison door
1 -1 16344
The door is made of solid iron.  You strain against it and it finally gives
way after placing your entire weight and strength against it.~ 
This is hole is used for bodily functions.  You can detect the putrid smell
of raw faeces coming from the hole.~
The end of the prison hallway~
You are standing at the end of the hallway.  The floor has changed to a
dark grey and the walls have become light grey.  You can hear the
agonized screams of the prisoners.

The hall stretches east, to the south is a large iron door. 
0 1|8|8192 1
The prison hall
0 -1 16344
A huge iron door
1 -1 16347
This door is made of iron and has no handle.  You apply a little force on it
and it swings open.
Chamber of the Beholder~
You are standing in a large room.  This is where the beholder that controls
the eyes has made his home.  The floor is grey and the walls are also grey. 
There is no furniture or any other comfort.  The huge shape of the beholder
hovers in the air way above your head.

The sole exit is the door to the north
0 1|8|8192 1
A huge iron door
1 -1 16346
This door is made of iron and has no handle.  You apply a little force on it
and it swings open.
The entrance to the Shadow's Shadow~
You stand just inside the Shadow's Shadow.  The Shadow's Shadow is a
tavern where many of the denizens of the Underdark meet to discuss
various topics.  The tavern is dark and smells of smoke and alcohol. 

The tavern lies to the south, north is the entrance
0 1|8|8192 1
The door out
1 -1 16117
The tavern entrance hall
0 -1 16349
The door is a simple wooden door~
Entrance Hall of the Shadow's Shadow~
You are walking through the entrance hall of this tavern.  To the east you
hear the hum of people chatting and talking.  The walls are covered with
animal heads, stuffed trophies of the tavern's owner.  The smell of smoke
and alcohol permeates everything here.

The tavern hall goes east and the entrance is to the north 
0 1|8|8192 1
Before the entrance door
0 -1 16348
The entrance hall
0 -1 16350
0 -1 16000
These are all stuffed heads of many different animals.  You see the head of
a red dragon and realise that the owner of this place is not one to fight
Entrance Hallway~
You are standing just before the eating and drinking room of the tavern. 
You notice that this hall is used by many to fight and for others to talk
without having to sit.  The floor is sticky and the walls have little cracks in

The common room is to the east, the hall goes west
0 1|8|8192 1
The common room
0 -1 16351
The entrance hall
0 -1 16349
Dining Area~
You are standing in the dining area of the Shadow's Shadow.  There are
many tables scattered about this large room.  You stand in the south
western corner and you see the bar to the east.  The air is thick with smoke
and smells deeply of alcohol.

The dining area continues north and east, the entrance hall is west 
0 1|8|8192 1
The dining area
0 -1 16354
The dining area
0 -1 16352
The entrance hall
0 -1 16350
The Dining Area~
You are standing in the south eastern corner of this large room.  The bar
stands here and many patrons sit at the bar drinking deeply from their
mugs of ale.  You can see the faint forms of others sitting at the many

The area continues north and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The dining area
0 -1 16353
The dining area
0 -1 16351
The bar is long and covered with glasses of ale and other alcohols.  The
bar is dirty and cluttered with stools on this side of it.~ 
Dining Area~
You are standing in the north eastern corner of the dining area.  There are
tables all around you and many of the tables have people sitting at them
eating away.  The air is heavy with smoke and the smell of alcohol.  You
can see the bar to the south.

The area continues to the south and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
The dining area
0 -1 16352
The dining area
0 -1 16354
Dining Area~
You are standing in the north western corner of the dining area.  Tables
have been placed where ever they fit.  People sit at the tables slobbering
over the steaming plates of food that are brought to them by the serving
wenches.  The air is thick with smoke.

The dining area continues east and south, the washroom is west. 
0 1|8|8192 1
The dining area
0 -1 16353
The dining area
0 -1 16351
The door to the washroom
1 -1 16355
The door is a simple wooden door with the words "rest room" engraved
into it.~
Washroom of the Shadow's Shadow~
This room is damp and disgusting.  The floor is wet with... well you don't
want to know.  The toilet bowl is wooden and has begun to rot.  The
metallic smell of piss irritates your nose.  A cracked mirror lies on the
northern wall.

The sole exit is the door to the east.
0 1|8|2048|8192 1
A door stands ready
1 -1 16354
The door is a simple wooden door~
The Glowing Hand~
You are standing in the magic shop of the Underdark.  The shop is about
twenty feet by twenty.  There are shelves along all the walls and a few
counters that hold different items of magic.  The shopkeeper stands at the
far side of the shop behind a counter.

The only way out is north
0 1|8|8192 1
The street of the gods
0 -1 16115
The Cracked Sword~
You are standing in the weapon shop of the Underdark.  The shop is about
twenty feet by thirty.  The walls are lined with assorted weapons hanging
by pins, a few counters provide space for daggers and other assorted small
arms.  The shopkeeper walks around the shop watching you and ready to
buy and sell merchandise.

The sole way out is north
0 1|8|8192 1
The street of the gods
0 -1 16114
The Dented Shield~
This is the armour shop for the Underdark.  The shop is about thirty feet by
thirty.  The walls are covered with shields and helms.  There are full suits
of armour that form rows in the centre of the shop.  This is a shop where
you can get any sort of armour you wish.  The shopkeeper wanders about
waiting for you to buy something

The sole exit is to the north
0 1|8|8192 1
The street of the gods
0 -1 16113
The Sparkling Jewel~
You are standing in the jewellers.  This shop is only fifteen feet by fifteen. 
There is a large counter along the southern portion of the store.  The
counter is see through and beneath the barrier lie many different gems and
stones.  A large wizard eye floats in the air watching you to make sure you
do not steal anything.

The only exit is north
0 1|8|8192 1
The street of the gods
0 -1 16112
The Darkened Root~
You are standing in a food shop.  This shop is about twenty feet by twenty
feet.  The shop is dark and the air is musty.  The air smells heavily of
spice.  There are many counters with all sorts of spices and foods on them.

The sole exit is to the north
0 1|8|8192 1
The street of the gods
0 -1 16111
Foyer of Svirfneblin Embassy~
You are standing the foyer of the deep gnome presence in the Underdark. 
The svirfneblin maintain this building for their own merchants and people
should they come into trouble here.  The building has a low ceiling, about
seven feet off the ground.  The walls and ground are earthy in colour and

The door out is east, and the hallway goes west
0 1|8|8192 1
The door out waits to be used
1 -1 16124
The hallway
0 -1 16362
The door is short and made of oak reinforced with bands of iron. ~
Svirfneblin Hallway~
You are standing in the hallway of this building.  The floor in this section
is a polished stone.  The walls have been carved out of solid rock.  It is
dark in the hallway and cool.

The entrance is to the east, the hallway continues south
0 1|8|8192 1
The foyer
0 -1 16361
The hallway
0 -1 16363
Svirfneblin Hallway~
You are walking down a small hallway.  The ceiling is only seven feet off
the floor.  The hallway has been carved out of rock and thus the colour
here is grey.  The air is cool and moist, with the sounds of the city a distant

The hallway continues north and south, to the east is a door 
0 1|8|8192 1
The hallway
0 -1 16362
A door
1 -1 16364
The hallway
0 -1 16365
The door is small and made out of oak
Svirfneblin Chamber~
You are standing in the sleeping quarters of this building.  This is where
those who are in need of the help this building offers sleep.  There is a
simple bed against the far wall and a mirror on the southern wall.  It is
obvious that people are not meant to stay here long.

The only way out is the door to the west
0 1|8|8192 1
A door
1 -1 16363
The door is small and made out of oak
Svirfneblin Hallway~
You are walking down a small hallway.  The hallway is only about six feet
wide and six feet high.  The walls and floor are all made out of the same
rock, as this entire structure was carved out of the living rock years ago.

The hallway continues north and south, there is a door to the east. 
0 1|8|8192 1
The hallway
0 -1 16363
A door
1 -1 16366
The hallway
0 -1 16367
The door is small and stout
Svirfneblin Chamber~
You are standing in a well maintained chamber.  This is where the more
important guests of the gnome community stay.  The bed looks
comfortable even if it only five feet long.  The ceiling is a mere six and a
half feet high here.  There is a large rug that covers the floor.

The sole exit is the door to the west
0 1|8|8192 1
A door
1 -1 16365
The door is small and stout
The rug is that of a bear, the fur is dark brown and clean. ~
Svirfneblin Hallway~
You stand at the end of the hallway, the ceiling here has dropped to a mere
six feet.  The walls are still bare rock and the floor is well polished.  The
air is cool and moist.

The hallway goes north and there is a door to the east.
0 1|8|8192 1
The hallway
0 -1 16365
A door
1 -1 16368
The door is small, wooden and looks to be very strong
Svirfneblin Chamber~
This is the room that the caretaker of this building stays.  The room has all
the comforts of home, a bed, a desk, and a chester drawers.  There is a
chair propped up against the desk.  The ceiling is about six feet off the
ground.  The room is about fifteen feet by fifteen.

The sole exit is the door to the west
0 1|8|8192 1
A door
1 -1 16367
The door is small, wooden and looks to be very strong
Entrance to the Thieve's Guild~
You are standing just inside the thieves guild.  The hallway is large and
spacious.  There are many statues and other objects that have been stolen
from the various rich members of the world.  The floor is dark green and
polished.  The walls are white marble.

The hall continues to the south, there are doors east and west 
0 8|8192 1
The exit to the city
1 -1 16137
A door
1 -1 16370
The hallway
0 -1 16372
A door
1 -1 16371
The exit door is huge and well built.  There is little else to say about it
The door is a beautiful oak door
Thieve's Guard Room~
You are standing in the eastern guard room.  There are a couple bunks
along the walls and a table that has dice on it in the middle of the room. 
The room is about fifteen feet by fifteen feet.  The floor is black and the
walls are grey.  Small rods that are held in little holders along the walls
light the room.

The sole exit it the door to the west
0 8|8192 1
A door
1 -1 16369
The door is a beautiful oak door
Thieve's Guard Room~
You are standing in the western guard room.  There are a couple bunks
along the walls and a table in the middle.  There are a few chair around the
table and on the table is a deck of cards.  The floor is grey and the walls
are black.  Small rods light the room.

The only exit it the door to the east
0 8|8192 1
A door
1 -1 16369
The door is a beautiful oak door
Hallway in the Thieve's Guild~
You are standing at a junction of hallways.  The floor is dark green and the
on the ceiling is a large chandelier.  The thieves have surrounded
themselves with the most expensive of all they have stolen.  You figure
that the thieve's guild is probably richer than most kingdoms. 

The hallway branches north, east, south and west.
0 8|8192 1
The entrance hall
0 -1 16369
The hallway
0 -1 16382
The hallway
0 -1 16378
The hallway
0 -1 16373
Hallway in the Thieve's Guild~
You stand in a hallway in the thieve's guild.  The floor is a beautiful dark
green that has been polished.  The walls are covered in white marble and
you see little rivulets of gold creating chaotic patterns in the marble. 
Small rods that are being held on the walls light the way. 

The hallway continues east and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The hallway
0 -1 16372
The hallway
0 -1 16374
Hallway in the Thieve's Guild~
You are standing at the western end of the thieve's guild.  On the west wall
is a large mural of a thief picking the gate to a palace.  The floor is dark
green and glints in the light.  Next to the door on the north wall is a
pedestal with a large glowing hand.

Door lie north and south, the hallway continues east
0 8|8192 1
A door
1 -1 16375
The hallway
0 -1 16373
A door
1 -1 16376
1 -1 16181
The door is a solid oaken door~
The hand is the amputated hand of some prince that the thieves collected
while robbing his palace, they cut off his hand so he would always
remember the thieve's guild.~
Looking closely at this mural you notice the faint outline of a door where
the gate has been painted, then you notice that the gate's handle looks
Thieve's Guard Room~
This is a guard room.  There are daggers and short swords scattered on the
floor and on the table.  The floor is crimson red and the walls are black. 
There is a rod that give off light sticking off of the northern wall.  A
couple bunks lie against the north and east wall respectively. 

The sole exit is the door to the south
0 8|8192 1
A door
1 -1 16374
The door is a solid oaken door~
Thieve's Guard Room~
You are standing in a guard room.  The floor here is crimson red and the
walls are a very dark grey.  There are two bunks, one against the southern
wall and the other against the western wall.  There is a small round table in
the centre of the room with four chairs around it.  On the table is a deck of

The sole exit is the door to the north
0 8|8192 1
A door
1 -1 16374
The door is a solid oaken door~
Storage Room~
You are standing in a storage room.  It is here that the thieves keep extra
lock picks, daggers, swords, darts and anything else they would need to rob
the world blind.  The room is ten feet by ten feet and the walls are covered
with shelves.  The shelves are lined with these items. 

The sole exit is the door to the east
0 1|8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16378
The door is a simple wooden door~
Hallway in the Thieve's Guild~
You are standing in the hallway of the guild.  The floor here gradually
changed from dark green to dark red.  The walls are pure white and seem
to create an atmosphere of good and well being.  The walls glitter with
gold since there are little rivulets of gold that create many chaotic patterns. 

The hallway continues north and south, there is a door to the west 
0 8|8192 1
The hallway
0 -1 16372
The hallway
0 -1 16379
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16377
The door is a simple wooden door
Hallway in the Thieve's Guild~
You are standing at the southern end of the thieve's guild.  The floor here
is dark red and the walls are white.  You notice the faint aroma of incense. 
You also hear the fain melodious sounds of music.  The whole effect of
the white walls, soft music and incense makes you feel at ease as if you
were in a holy place of worship.

The hallway heads north, there is a door to the west
0 8|8192 1
The hallway
0 -1 16378
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16380
The door is a simple wooden door~
Practice Room~
You are standing in a practice room.  Along the walls are shelves that
contain many different containers, each of the containers is locked with a
different kind of lock.  The floor is dark red and the walls are dark grey. 
Small rods provide a soft glow that lights everything in the room. 

There are doors to the east and west
0 8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16379
A door stands ready
1 -1 16381
The door is a simple wooden door~
Training Room~
You stand in the training room of the thieve's guild.  It is here that thieve's
can train and practice their skills.  A dummy stands against the north wall,
with his back facing you.  There is a large rip down the middle of the back
where thieves have practised their backstabbing abilities.  The floor here is
black and the walls are dark blue. 

The sole exit is the door to the east
0 8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16380
The door is a simple wooden door
Hallway in the Thieve's Guild~
You are walking down a very beautiful hallway.  The floor is a deep green
and the walls are covered with white marble.  Along the sides of the
hallway are statues in the design of many different creatures. 

The hallway continue east and west, to the south is a door 
0 8|8192 1
The hallway
0 -1 16387
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16383
The hallway
0 -1 16372
The door is a simple wooden door~
Thieve's Council Chamber~
You are standing in the room that the thieves use to discuss their plans and
to reward themselves for good jobs.  There is a long table in the middle of
the room.  At the head of the table the head thief sits and delegates work
and rewards.

There is a door to the north, the chamber continues east and south 
0 8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16382
The council chamber
0 -1 16384
The council chamber
0 -1 16386
The door is a simple wooden door.~
Thieve's Council Chamber~
This is where the thieves decide what to do in the future.  You can see why
the thieve's guild has become so powerful, with this type of organization,
which is better than some kingdoms, the thieves easily control their
members and orchestrate them as a single entity.  The large table has
enough room for about twenty people, and at the head sits the master thief.

The chamber continues west and south
0 8|8192 1
The council chamber
0 -1 16385
The council chamber
0 -1 16383
Thieve's Council Chamber~
You are standing in the south eastern corner of the council chamber.  It is
in this part of the chamber that the head of the table is located.  The
thieves guild is a very potent force throughout the underworld, their power
stretching far out of the Underdark into adjacent regions.  The thieve's
guild is more powerful than that of their rival the assassin's guild.  

The chamber continues north and west
0 8|8192 1
The council chamber
0 -1 16384
The council chamber
0 -1 16386
Thieve's Council Chamber~
You are standing the south western end of the council chamber.  The
chamber is large and spacious with great acoustics.  A large table
dominates the room, it is here that the thieves make their decisions on
whom to rob and plunder.  The thieve's guild continues to grow even while
the assassin's guild attempts to prevent it's growth.

The chamber continues to the north and east
0 8|8192 1
The council chamber
0 -1 16383
The council chamber
0 -1 16385
Hallway in the Thieve's Guild~
You are walking down a large spacious hallway.  The floor is dark green
while the walls are covered in a white marble.  The hallway is like an
exhibition in a museum, there are statues along the sides of the hall. 

The hallway continues east and west, there is a door to the north 
0 8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16388
The hallway
0 -1 16389
The hallway
0 -1 16382
The door is a well crafted wooden door~
The statues are of many different creatures.  The most noticeable is that of
a large beholder.~
Personal Chamber~
You are standing in one of the sleeping quarter's of a high ranking thief. 
The room is very well decorated with a large carpet covering the floor and
a large bed.  There is a desk and padded chair.  The room even has a magic
window looking out over the city.

The sole exit is the door to the south
0 1|8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16387
The door is a well crafted wooden door~
Hallway in the Thieve's Guild~
You are standing in the hallway of the thieve's guild.  The floor is dark
green and the walls are white.  There are chairs placed along the side of
the corridor.  The chairs are well made, ornate and padded.  The faint
smell of incense caresses your sense of smell.

The hallway goes west and south, doors lie to the north and east 
0 8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16390
A door stands ready
1 -1 16391
The hallway
0 -1 16393
The hallway
0 -1 16387
The door is made of oak and is well built.~
Mage Chamber~
You are standing in the room that the mage sleeps in.  The mage plays an
important part in the running of this guild, the master thief relies on him
for information and beneficial spells.  There is a bed against the far wall
and a pentagon engraved on the floor.

The sole exit is the door to the south
0 1|8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16389
The door is a well built and made of oak~
Master Thief's Room~
You are standing in the room that the master thief uses to plan and dictate
his desires.  There is a large oaken desk against the east wall and a large
padded chair sits before it.  A large bear skin rug lies on the floor.  The
walls are dark grey with streaks of silver and gold in them.

There is a door to the north and one to the west.
0 8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16392
A door stands ready
1 -1 16389
The door is made of oak and is well built.~
Master Thief's Sleep Chamber~
You are standing in a large spacious chamber.  There is a large bed in the
middle of the chamber.  The floor is covered with many different fur rugs. 
Large paintings adorn the walls.  The ceiling is high above your head and a
chandelier hangs down from it.

There is a door to the south
0 8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16391
The door is a solid oak door
painting paintings~
The paintings all depict unicorns and other mystical beasts.  They are
painted in a soft flowing style.~
Hallway in the Thieve's Guild~
You are walking through a large spacious hallway.  The sides are lined
with many statues and relics of past hoists.  The floor sparkles and glints
with gold that create chaotic patterns in the dark green.  The walls are pure
white and glint with silver.

The hallway continues north and south.  There is a door to the east 
0 8|8192 1
The hallway
0 -1 16389

A door stands ready
1 -1 16394
The hallway
0 -1 16395
The statues are those of many different creatures.  Every creature you have
ever seen has been made into a statue of pure solid grey marble.~ 
The door is made of oak~
Private Room~
You are standing in the sleeping quarters of one of the high ranked thieves. 
There is a large bed against the far wall, exotic carpets on the floor and a
large mirror above an ornate chester drawers against the north wall.  The
room is fifteen feet by fifteen with the ceiling about ten feet from the

The sole exit is the door to the west
0 8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16393
The door is a well built oak door~
Hallway in the Thieve's Guild~
You are standing at the end of the hallway in the thieves guild.  The floor
is dark green with rivulets of gold running through it.  The walls are white
marble, laced with streams of silver.  A statue stands at each of the
corners, to the southeast and southwest.  On the south wall a large painting

The hallway goes north, there is a door to the east.
0 8|8192 1
The hallway
0 -1 16393
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16396
The door is a regular wooden door~
The statue in the south eastern corner is a large unicorn and the one in the
south western corner is a large pegasus.~
The painting is a large gloved hand that is closed about a bunch of gold
coins.  The glove is black and the background is purple.~
Private Chamber~
You are standing in the private quarters of one of the high ranking thieves. 
There is a large bed with silk sheets and a fur cover.  The room is fifteen
feet by fifteen and the ceiling is about ten feet off the floor.  There is a
large fur rug on the floor.

The sole exit is to the west
0 8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16395
The door is a solid oaken door~
The rug is a bearskin rug~
Entrance to the Assassin's Guild~
You are standing just before the entrance to the assassin's guild.  You
stand in a large hallway.  The walls are dark grey and the floor is black
with streams of crimson red running through it.  It is very quiet in here,
and it is cool.

The hallways goes west, the door out is east.
0 1|8|8192 1
The door out
1 -1 16167
The hallway
0 -1 16398
The door is large and made of a dark material.~
Hallway in Assassin's Guild~
You are walking through a dark corridor.  The walls are grey and the floor
is black.  It is very quiet in this building, it's as if death lives here, which in
a way it does.

The hallway goes east and south
0 1|8|8192 1
The hallway
0 -1 16397
The hallway
0 -1 16399
Hallway in the Assassin's Guild~
You are walking through a dark corridor.  It is very quiet in this building,
and very cool.  Death seems to lurk in the shadows along the sides of the

The hallway goes north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
The hallway
0 -1 16398
The hallway
0 -1 16400
Hallway in the Assassin's Guild~
You are standing at a junction in the hallway.  The floor is black with
streams of red.  You look carefully and in this section of the hallway, the
thin red lines form the shape of a skull.

The hallway goes north and west, there is a door to the east. 
0 1|8|8192 1
The hallway
0 -1 16399
A dark door waits to be used
1 -1 16401
The hallway
0 -1 16414
This door is made of a dark substance, much like wood.~
Corridor in the Assassin's Guild~
You are standing in a large corridor.  The floor is dark grey and the walls
are black.  The floor has little rivulets of silver that form many chaotic
patterns and gleam in the light.

The corridor goes east, there are doors to the north, south and west. 
0 1|8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16402
The corridor
0 -1 16404
A door stands ready to be employed
1 -1 16403
A door stands before you
1 -1 16400
The door is black and made out of a wood like substance.~
Chamber in the Assassin's Guild~
You are standing in a small room.  The room is dark and bare.  There is a
simple cot against the north wall, apart from that there is nothing else in
the room.

The only way out is the door to the south
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands ready
1 -1 16401
The door is black and made out of a wood like substance.~
Chamber in the Assassin's Guild~
You stand in a dark room.  The room is about ten feet by ten feet.  A bed
lies against the south wall.  There is a chest at the foot of the bed.  The
floor and walls are dark grey.

The only way out is the door to the north
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands before you
1 -1 16401
The door is black and made out of a wood like substance.~
The chest is locked and magically protected, there is no way in the known
world that you could open it.~
Corridor in the Assassin's Guild~
You are walking down a dark corridor.  The floor is dark grey and the
walls are black.  You notice that it is rather cool and quiet in this corridor.

The corridor goes east and west.  Doors lie to the north and south. 
0 1|8|8192 1
A door blocks you way
1 -1 16406
The corridor
0 -1 16407
A door stands ready
1 -1 16405
The corridor
0 -1 16401
The door is very dark, so dark that it is black.~
Chamber in the Assassin's Guild~
You are standing in a dark room.  There is little of note about this small
chamber.  There is a small bed against the west wall and a small rug on the
ground.  Apart from that, there is nothing else.

The sole exit is the door to the north
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands waiting
1 -1 16404
The door is solid black.~
Chamber in the Assassin's Guild~
This is a small chamber, it is neat and tidy.  There is a chest of drawers
against the east wall and a small bed against the north.  The walls are grey
and the floor is black.

The sole exit is the door to the south
0 1|8|8192 1
A door is ready to be used
1 -1 16404
The door is solid black.~
The drawers are all filled with clothing, ranging from rich clothing to the
simple fares of a peasant.~
Corridor in the Assassin's Guild~
You are standing in a large corridor.  The walls are black and the floor is
grey.  The corridor is dark and cold.  No noises can be heard except that of
your heart pumping and the loud thud of each of your foot steps. 

There are doors to the north, east and south.  The corridor heads west 
0 1|8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16408
A door stands ready
1 -1 16410
The door waits
1 -1 16409
The corridor
0 -1 16404
The door is dark and solid.~
Chamber in the Assassin's Guild~
You are standing in the sleeping chamber of one of the assassins.  The
room is simple, without any decorations.  A cot lies against the west wall
and that is all the furniture in this room.

The sole exit is the door to the south
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands ready
1 -1 16407
The door is black~
Chamber in the Assassin's Guild~
You are standing in a small room.  The room is ten feet by ten and the
ceiling is ten feet off the ground.  A simple bed rests against the southern

The only way out is the door to the north
0 1|8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16407
The door is a simple black door~
Assassin's Meeting Chamber~
You are standing in a large open chamber.  The chamber is cool and quiet. 
There are no chairs and the floor is pitch black.  The walls are dark grey
with glowing lines of red in it.

The chamber stretches to the east and south, to the west is a door 
0 1|8|8192 1
The meeting chamber
0 -1 16411
The meeting chamber
0 -1 16413
A door waits to be opened
1 -1 16407
The door is black and very strong.~
Assassin's Meeting Chamber~
You stand in the north eastern corner of this large chamber.  The chamber
is dark and quiet.  Shadows form all around you.  The floor is black while
the walls are dark grey with glowing lines of red.

The chamber goes west and south
0 1|8|8192 1
The meeting chamber
0 -1 16412
The meeting chamber
0 -1 16410
Assassin's Meeting Chamber~
You stand in the south eastern corner of this large barren room.  This is
where the assassins come together to discuss fees and the people who are
black listed.  If you kill without the knowledge of the guild, the assassins
will send someone out after you.

The chamber continues north and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The meeting chamber
0 -1 16411
The meeting chamber
0 -1 16413
Assassin's Meeting Chamber~
You stand in the south western corner of the meeting chamber.  You look
out across the chamber and see the glowing red lines of the far walls.  The
lines form themselves into different shapes, you one of a dagger another an
open hand.  A weird chamber by far.

The chamber stretches north and east
0 1|8|8192 1
The meeting chamber
0 -1 16410
The meeting chamber
0 -1 16412
Hallway in the Assassin's Guild~
You are walking down the hallway in the assassins guild.  The floor is
black and walls are grey.  The air is cool and it is very quiet in this
building.  On the south wall are a series of glowing green lines, they make
out a shape, but you can't tell what.

The hallway continues north and east
0 1|8|8192 1
The hallway
0 -1 16415
The hallway
0 -1 16400
1 -1 16195
The glowing bands of green form a distorted door.  You wonder if this
could be another exit from this dreadful building...~
Hallway in the Assassin's Guild~
You are walking through a silent hallway.  The walls are grey and the floor
is black.  It is very dismal and bleak in this hallway.  Nothing is colourful
or bright, everything is either black or shades of grey. 

The hallway continues north and south
0 1|8|8192 1
The hallway
0 -1 16416
The hallway
0 -1 16414
Split in the Hallway~
You stand where the hallway splits.  The floor remains the same black
while the walls have turned to midnight blue.  The air is slightly cooler
here, making you shiver.

There is a door to the north while the hall heads west and east, the hallway
goes south.
0 1|8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16417
The hall
0 -1 16420
The hallway
0 -1 16415
The hall
0 -1 16418
The door is a bleak black door, with nothing of note on it~ S
Assassin's Storage Room~
You stand in the weirdest storage room you have ever been in.  It's not that
the room itself is strange, it's the stuff stored here.  On the shelves you see
wires, masks, and black gloves.  You also see a jar full of dead spiders and
other critters.  Everything you see is protected by a barrier of magic.

The sole exit is the door to the south
0 1|8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16416
The door is black~
Hall of the Assassins~
You stand in a large hall.  The walls are dark blue while the floor is black. 
It is very dark here.  You can't hear anything but the sounds that you make.

To the north is a door, the hall goes on to the east
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands ready
1 -1 16419
The hall
0 -1 16416
The door is black.~
Assassin's Training Room~
You stand in the assassins training room.  The room is filled with all sorts
of dummies and items.  The dummies all have been ripped to shreds by the
zealous practising of the guild members.  Contrary to the rest of the
building, this room is actually messy.

The sole exit is the door to the south
0 1|8|8192 1
The door waits
1 -1 16418
The door is black.~
Hall of the Assassins~
You are standing in a long hall.  The floor is black while the walls are dark
blue.  The hall is devoid of any decorations.  The air is chilly and dry.

There is a door to the north while the hall continues east and west. 
0 1|8|8192 1
A door blocks your passage
1 -1 16421
The hall
0 -1 16422
The hall
0 -1 16416
The door is black~
Assassin's Information Gathering~
You stand in the room where the assassins pry information from unwilling
people.  There are various items of torture that hang on the walls. 
Prominent in the middle of the room is a large table, it's purpose to slowly
stretch a person 'till they either talk or split in half. 

The only exit is the door to the south
0 1|8|8192 1
The door waits for you
1 -1 16420
The door is black~
The Hall of the Assassins~
You are standing at the end of the hall.  The walls here are midnight blue
while the floor remains black.  The assassins in this guild believe that their
guild home is a place of work, not for recreation and thus leave it devoid
of any decorations.  Most assassins do not live in this building, and a
bunch do not even live in the Underdark.

There is a door to the north and the hall stretches to the west 
0 1|8|8192 1
A door blocks the way in
1 -1 16423
The hall goes on
0 -1 16420
The door is black~
Assassin's Scrying Chamber~
You are standing in the room that the assassins use to find their prey. 
They have a window set up against the northern wall and below it there are
some words scribbled.  The rest of the chamber is black.

The sole exit is to the south
0 1|8|8192 1
A door blocks the way out
1 -1 16422
The door is black~
This window is used to find their targets.  It is large and opaque at the
The words read as follows

      Speak the words and then the name, the game shall appear~ S
Entrance to Eurandus' Home~
You stand in the foyer of this large mansion that is in the most dangerous
part of town.  The first thing you notice is that fact that it is kept dark in
here.  The walls are dull and the floor is dusty.  Yet you hear some noises
of habitation.  What type of man is Eurandus?

The way out is east, a hall goes north
0 1|8|8192 1
A hall stretches on
0 -1 16429
A door blocks the way out
1 -1 16159
A door blocks your passage
1 -1 16425
The door is a simple wooden door~
Waiting Room~
You are in a room that was designed to pass the time.  There are a couple
chairs and a table.  On the table are a few magical baubles, nothing really
useful, but interesting enough to spend hours staring at. 

The only exit is the door to the east
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands here ready
1 -1 16424
The door is a simple wooden door~
Large Hall~
You are standing in the southwest corner of a large hall.  The hall tries to
capture all that Eurandus stands for.  The hall is dusty and murky.  Statues
stand here and there with no real order, yet there seems to be an aura of
pure power coming from this hall.

The hall stretches east, south and north, to the west is a door
0 1|8|8192 1
The large hall
0 -1 16432
The large hall
0 -1 16430
The entrance foyer
0 -1 16424
A door stands ready
1 -1 16431
The door is a stout wooden door~
Large Hall~
You are in the south eastern corner of this hall.  Through the confusion of
the hall, you think you can almost make out some greater purpose to it. 
You see a skull floating in the air, the eyes of which glow purple.  You see
insects crawling along the floor.

The hall continues north and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The large hall
0 -1 16434
The large hall
0 -1 16429
Guest Room~
You stand in the guest room of this weird house.  The room is currently
occupied by an eccentric fellow.  The room is clean and clear of dirt.  It is
actually lit in here.  A bed lies against the far wall and the room has the
rest of the normal room stuff.

The sole exit is the door to the east
0 8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16429
The door is a stout wooden door~
Large Hall~
You are standing in the north western part of this weird hall.  It is very
dark here, so dark that your light barely pierces the gloom.  You see
figures standing off to the side, yet you can't quite make them out. 

The hall continues east and south.  There is a door to the west 
0 1|8|8192 1
The large hall
0 -1 16434
The large hall
0 -1 16429
A door stands here
1 -1 16435
The door has a face carved into it~
figure figures~
The figures when you peer closely enough seem to be half human half
ghoul.  The combination produces a frightening creature whom you would
never want to meet in your mortal life.~
Large Hall~
You are standing in the north eastern corner of the large hall.  The air is
very thick with smoke and odours...  all sorts of smell assault your nose,
yet none of them are pleasant.  Every now and then a burst of light blinds

To the north is a door, the hall goes south and west
0 1|8|8192 1
A door blocks your way
1 -1 16436
The hall goes on
0 -1 16430
The large hall
0 -1 16432
The door is a simple wooden door~
Eurandus' Room~
You stand in Eurandus' sleeping room.  There is a bed like none you have
ever seen before, the doesn't seem to have a real form and it has no
mattress.  You sit down on it and are surprised to find that the bed is very
soft and comfortable.  The rest of the room is dark and uninteresting.

The sole exit is the door to the east
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands here
1 -1 16432
The door is a simple wooden door~
Experimenting Room~
You are in the experimenting room of this wizards home.  This is where he
takes apart animals and puts them back together again.  With a twisted
sense of humour, he has created many foreign and disgusting creatures. 
Most of them die within hours of being created, yet others survive... 

The room continues to the north, there is a door to the south 
0 1|8|8192 1
The experimentation room
0 -1 16437
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16434
The door is a solid oak door~
Experimentation Room~
You are in the experimentation room, this room is separated from the rest
of the house by it's location.  There are all sorts of weird instruments lying
on a large table against the north wall.  You see scalpels and scissors along
with weird magical wands and devices.  A cage with dead rabbits lies
under the table.

The room continues to the south
0 1|8|8192 1
The experimenting room
0 -1 16436
Entrance to the Cages~
You stand in a very small zoo.  It is here that the keeper keeps some of the
wild creatures that once roamed this area before the city was founded. 
The walls look like cavern walls, natural it looks.  It is dark in here, with
the sounds of snarling and growls.

There is a door to the north, south and west.
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands ready
1 -1 16103
The cage door
cage door~
1 -1 16440
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16439
The door is a sturdy wooden door~
This is a solid iron door.~
Viewing Room~
You stand in a room that looks bare, there is a panel against the northern
wall.  The rest of the wall is empty with a large window on the southern
wall.  Through the window you look into the cage, and see a Xaren.  A
creature who is very fearsome and dangerous.

The sole exit is the door to the east
0 1|8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16438
A sturdy wooden door~
This panel looks as if it can slide out, you test it and see that there is a bed
behind it, you figure that the keeper must also sleep in this room.~ S
The Cage~
This is the cage, this is where they keep a couple very dangerous monsters
that once roamed the caverns and tunnels before the city was founded. 
The floor is rough and the walls drip with water.  It is very cool in this
simulated cavern.  The cavern is about twenty feet by forty feet and the
ceiling rests twenty feet above the ground.

The cavern continues to the west, there is a door to the north 
0 1|8|8192 1
A door stands ready to be used
1 -1 16438
The cavern stretches onwards
0 -1 16441
The door is grey and been coloured so it look like part of the wall.~ 
The Cage~
You are standing in the western end of the this large cavern.  The air is
cool and moist, the walls drip with water.  The floor is rough and uneven. 
The ceiling stretches about thirty feet into the air at this end of the cavern.

The cavern goes to the east
0 1|8|8192 1
The cavern extends in this direction
0 -1 16440
Common Room of the Traveller's Den~
You stand in the common room of the traveller's den, a quiet inn that
cherishes privacy.  The first thing you note is the fact that you can't hear
any clear words from any of the conversations going on in the room. 
There are tables spaces at least five feet away from one another, and a bar
lies to the north.

The room continues north and west, a door to the east leads out 
0 1|8|8192 1
The common room
0 -1 16443
The door out
1 -1 16208
The common room
0 -1 16445
The door is a solid oaken door~
Common Room at Bar~
You are standing in the north east corner of the common room.  It is here
that the bar is located.  You see many people drinking and talking, yet you
cannot make out a single word that they are saying.  You notice that you
can only hear words that are spoken five feet away from you, any farther
and you can't make out a single word.

The common room spreads out to the south and west
0 1|8|8192 1
The common room
0 -1 16442
The common room
0 -1 16444
The bar is about fifteen feet long and is covered by many mugs of ale.  The
bar has a bunch of stools along this side and the inn keep stands at the
other side selling drinks and rooms.~
Common Room~
You are standing in the north western corner of the common room.  There
are tables all around you, each table being spaced five feet away from the
other tables.  You now know why this inn is used so much, you can talk
about anything here knowing that no one can hear what you are saying. 

The common room extends to the east and south, a door lies to the west. 
0 1|8|8192 1
The common room
0 -1 16443
The common room
0 -1 16445
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16446
The door is a solid oaken door~
Common Room~
You are standing in the south western corner of the common room.  Tables
rest all around you and you can hear the buzz of conversation but all the
words and jumbled and incoherent.  The air is heavy with smoke and
smells of alcohol.  The common room has an air of business mixed with

The common room lies to the north and the east
0 1|8|8192 1
The common room
0 -1 16444
The common room
0 -1 16442
Hallway to the Rooms~
You are standing in a long hallway which has doors to the north and south. 
The hall is grey, much like a passage in a dungeon.  The ceiling stands
about ten feet off the ground and the hallway is about seven feet wide. 

The hallway stretches westwards.  Doors lie to the north, east and south 
0 1|8|8192 1
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16447
A door leads to the common room
1 -1 16444
A door waits to be used
1 -1 16448
The hallway continues
0 -1 16449
The door is a solid oaken door~
Inn Room~
You are standing in a room that is fifteen feet by ten.  The room has
everything you would expect from a room in an inn.  The walls are grey
and the floor is also grey.  The ceiling lies ten feet from the floor.  The bed
lies against the far wall and there is a bear skin rug on the floor. 

The sole exit is the door to the south
0 1|8|8192 1
A door leads back out
1 -1 16446
The door is a simple wooden door~
Inn Room~
You stand in a typical inn room.  The room is ten feet by ten and the
ceiling lies ten feet off the ground.  There is a bed against the far wall and
a chest of drawers against the east wall.  The floor is rock and so are the

The sole exit is the door to the north
0 1|8|8192 1
A door leads back out
1 -1 16446
The door is a solid oaken door~
Hallway to the Rooms~
You are walking down the hallway.  The floor continues to be made out of
stone while the walls continue to have wooden doors every fifteen feet or
so.  The hallway is silent and warm.

The hallway goes east and west.  There are doors to the north and south 
0 1|8|8192 1
A door leads into a room
1 -1 16451
The hallway
0 -1 16446
A door leads into a room
1 -1 16450
The hallway
0 -1 16452
The door is a solid oaken door~
Inn Room~
You are standing in a room that is fifteen feet by ten.  The room has
everything you would expect from a room in an inn.  The walls are grey
and the floor is also grey.  The ceiling lies ten feet from the floor.  The bed
lies against the far wall and there is a bear skin rug on the floor. 

The sole exit is the door to the north
0 1|8|8192 1
A door leads back out
1 -1 16449
The door is a simple wooden door~
Inn Room~
You stand in a typical inn room.  The room is ten feet by ten and the
ceiling lies ten feet off the ground.  There is a bed against the far wall and
a chest of drawers against the east wall.  The floor is rock and so are the

The sole exit is the door to the south
0 1|8|8192 1
A door leads back out
1 -1 16449
The door is a solid oaken door~
Hallway to the Rooms~
You stand at the end of the hallway.  The west wall is dark grey while the
floor is light grey.  The entire hallway looks as if it has been carved right
out of stone.

There are doors to the north and south, the hallway goes back to the east 
0 1|8|8192 1
A door leads to a room
1 -1 16453
The hallway
0 -1 16449
A door leads to a room
1 -1 16454
The door is a strong oaken door~
Inn Room~
You are standing in a room that is fifteen feet by ten.  The room has
everything you would expect from a room in an inn.  The walls are grey
and the floor is also grey.  The ceiling lies ten feet from the floor.  The bed
lies against the far wall and there is a bear skin rug on the floor. 

The sole exit is the door to the south
0 1|8|8192 1
A door leads back out
1 -1 16452
The door is a simple wooden door~
Inn Room~
You stand in a typical inn room.  The room is ten feet by ten and the
ceiling lies ten feet off the ground.  There is a bed against the far wall and
a chest of drawers against the east wall.  The floor is rock and so are the

The sole exit is the door to the north
0 1|8|8192 1
A door leads back out
1 -1 16452
The door is a solid oaken door~
Entrance to Demon Clan~
You are standing in the entrance hall of the demon clan.  The demon clan
is a small sect of humans who worship and idolize the demons.  They
serve many of the Demon Lords of the Abyss.  The hall looks as if it has
been burnt up by a major spell from a mage.

The hallway goes deeper into the clan to the north, a door is to the south 
0 1|8 1
The hallway goes on
0 -1 16457
The door blocks the way out
1 -1 16225
The door on this side is just a grey block with a handle.~ S
Hallway in the Demon Clan~
You stand in a dark grey hall, the walls are covered with images of flames. 
The flames seem to be real and light up the hallway.  The floor is dark
grey.  You can hear screams and the air is hot.

The hallway goes north and south
0 8 1
The hallways
0 -1 16458
The hallways
0 -1 16456
Split in the Hallway~
You stand at a split in the hallway.  The floor is dark grey while the walls
continue to appear as if they on fire.  The hall is silent.  You can feel
beings of great power in these halls.

The hallway goes east, south and west.
0 8 1
The hallway
0 -1 16459
The hallway
0 -1 16457
The hallway
0 -1 16473
Hallway in the Demon Clan~
The hall is quiet here.  The air is cool.  The walls are dark and show deep
dark forests with patches of black rock.  The landscape looks totally
chaotic and is constantly changing.  You see lamias running about through
the forests.

The hallway goes north and west, doors lie to the east and south 
0 1|8|8192 1
The hallway stretches on
0 -1 16465
A large iron door stands here
1 -1 16460
A large iron door waits to be used
1 -1 16461
The hallway goes on
0 -1 16458
The door is a huge iron door covered with mystic symbols~
Clan Member's Sleeping Quarters~
You stand in a smallish room that has only one purpose and that is for
sleep.  The room is about ten feet by ten feet, with the ceiling resting ten
feet off the ground.  There is a simple mat on the ground where the clan
member sleeps.  Painted on the walls are scenes from the various planes of
the Abyss.

The sole exit is the door to the west
0 8 1
A door blocks the way to the hallway
1 -1 16459
The door is a strong iron door, covered with mystic symbols~ 
Eastern Summoning Chamber~
You stand in a large chamber that was built to summon the many different
demons of the abyss.  There is a large pentagon in the centre of the
chamber while all the walls are covered with magical wards and holy
symbols to confine a demon once it is summoned.  This chamber
specializes on the level of the abyss that Graz'zt rules.

There is a door to the north, the chamber goes to the east and south 
0 8|8192 1
A large iron door
1 -1 16459
The summoning chamber
0 -1 16462
The summoning chamber
0 -1 16464
The door is a huge iron door covered with mystic symbols~
Eastern Summoning Chamber~
You stand in the north east corner of this chamber.  You can see the large
pentagon that takes up most of the room.  The pentagon also glows red
with power.  The walls are covered with mystic symbols written in both
silver and gold.

The chamber continues south and west
0 8|8192 1
The summoning chamber
0 -1 16463
The summoning chamber
0 -1 16461
Eastern Summoning Chamber~
You are standing in the south eastern corner of this powerful chamber. 
This is where the mages of the clan cast their most powerful summoning
spells to bring the followers of Graz'zt to the material plane.  Graz'zt is a
demon prince whom the clan members worship and revere. 

The chamber continues north and west
0 8|8192 1
The summoning chamber
0 -1 16462
The summoning chamber
0 -1 16464
Eastern Summoning Chamber~
You are standing in the south western corner of this large chamber.  The
pentagon glows red and seems to give off and aura of power and
protection.  The walls are covered with mystic symbols written in gold and
silver.  The floor is black and polish so it gleams in the light.

The chamber continues to the north and east
0 8|8192 1
The summoning chamber
0 -1 16461
The summoning chamber
0 -1 16463
Hallway in the Demon Clan~
You are standing in a long hallway that goes to the sleeping quarters of the
members of the clan.  The west wall depicts scenes from the layers of the
abyss where the demons dwell.  Along the east wall are doors that lead to
the sleeping chambers.

The hallway continues north and south
0 8 1
The hallway
0 -1 16467
A large iron door
1 -1 16466
The hallway
0 -1 16459
The door is made of iron and is covered with many mystic symbols~ S
Clan Member's Sleeping Quarters~
You stand in a small room that has little of note.  There is a simple cot
against the far wall and that is the only piece of furniture adorning this
chamber.  The walls depict scenes from the many layers of the abyss and
constantly change, at one instant showing the hyenas and ghasts from
Yeenoghu's layer to the ariel creatures of Pazuzu's level. 

The sole exit is the door to the west
0 8 1
A large iron door stands here
1 -1 16465
The door is made of iron and is covered with many mystic symbols~ 
Hallway in the Demon Clan~
You are standing in a hallway that leads to the chambers of the members
of the cult.  The hallway is only used when the cult members travel from
their beds to where they work for the demons.  The floor is pitch black and
the ceiling is dark grey.  The west wall depicts the many different levels of
the abyss.

The hallway continues north and south, there is a door to the east 
0 8 1
The hallway
0 -1 16469
A large iron door
1 -1 16468
The hallway
0 -1 16465
The door is made out of iron and is covered with many mystic symbols~ 
Clan Member's Sleeping Quarters~
You stand in a smallish room that has only one purpose and that is for
sleep.  The room is about ten feet by ten feet, with the ceiling resting ten
feet off the ground.  There is a simple mat on the ground where the clan
member sleeps.  Painted on the walls are scenes from the various planes of
the Abyss.

The sole exit is the door to the west
0 8 1
A door blocks the way to the hallway
1 -1 16467
The door is a strong iron door, covered with mystic symbols~ 
Hallway in the Demon Clan~
You are standing in a long hallway that goes to the sleeping quarters of the
members of the clan.  The west wall depicts scenes from the layers of the
abyss where the demons dwell.  Along the east wall are doors that lead to
the sleeping chambers.

The hallway continues north and south
0 8 1
The hallway
0 -1 16471
A large iron door
1 -1 16470
The hallway
0 -1 16467
The door is made of iron and is covered with many mystic symbols~ 
Clan Member's Sleeping Quarters~
You stand in a small room that has little of note.  There is a simple cot
against the far wall and that is the only piece of furniture adorning this
chamber.  The walls depict scenes from the many layers of the abyss and
constantly change, at one instant showing the hyenas and ghasts from
Yeenoghu's layer to the ariel creatures of Pazuzu's level. 

The sole exit is the door to the west
0 8 1
A large iron door stands here
1 -1 16469
The door is made of iron and is covered with many mystic symbols~ 
End of the Hallway~
You stand at the end of the hallway.  The floor is black while the ceiling is
dark grey.  The north and west walls both have scenes from the various
levels of the abyss on them.

There is a door to the east, and the hallway goes to the south 
0 8 1
A large iron door
1 -1 16472
The hallway
0 -1 16469
The door is made of iron and is covered with many mystic symbols~ 
Clan Member's Sleeping Quarters~
You stand in a smallish room that has only one purpose and that is for
sleep.  The room is about ten feet by ten feet, with the ceiling resting ten
feet off the ground.  There is a simple mat on the ground where the clan
member sleeps.  Painted on the walls are scenes from the various planes of
the Abyss.

The sole exit is the door to the west
0 8 1
A door blocks the way to the hallway
1 -1 16471
The door is a strong iron door, covered with mystic symbols~ 
Hallway in the Demon Clan~
You are standing in the western hallway.  The floor is black while the
walls are constantly changing.  Changing from one scene in the abyss to
another.  The members of this clan follow and worship demons, from
Graz'zt to Orcus.

The hallway continues east and west
0 8 1
A split in the hallway
0 -1 16458
The hallway
0 -1 16474
Hallway in the Demon Clan~
You are standing at a turn in the hallway.  The west walls shows a mighty
fortress in the plane of the abyss ruled by Orcus.  The floor is dark grey
and the ceiling is black.

The hallway goes north and east, there is a door to the south 
0 8 1
The hallway
0 -1 16479
The hallway
0 -1 16473
A large iron door
1 -1 16475
The door is made of iron and covered with many mystic symbols~ 
Western Summoning Chamber~
You stand in the western summoning room.  This room is used to summon
the demons from the plane that Demogorgon rules.  The walls are covered
with mystic symbols made of silver and platinum.  On the floor is a huge

There is a door to the north, the chamber stretches east and south 
0 8|8192 1
A large iron door
1 -1 16474
The summoning chamber
0 -1 16476
The summoning chamber
0 -1 16478
The door is made  of iron and covered with many mystic symbols~ 
Western Summoning Chamber~
You are standing at the north eastern end of the chamber.  The large
hexagon stands in the centre of the room and glows green.  The walls are
covered with magical wards and mystic symbols of protection and

The chamber continues to the south and west
0 8|8192 1
The summoning chamber
0 -1 16477
The summoning chamber
0 -1 16475
Western Summoning Chamber~
You stand in the south eastern corner of the chamber.  The hexagon draws
your attention, it glows green and illuminates the room with a weird light
green light.  The symbols on the room glint in the light.

The chamber continues north and west
0 8|8192 1
The summoning chamber
0 -1 16476
The summoning chamber
0 -1 16478
Western Summoning Chamber~
You are standing in the south western corner of the chamber.  The floor
has a large hexagon on it, from which the clan's mages summon the
denizens of Demogorgon's plane in the abyss.  The walls glint in the
greenish light that comes from the hexagon.

The chamber continues to the north and east
0 8|8192 1
The summoning chamber
0 -1 16475
The summoning chamber
0 -1 16477
Hallway in the Demon Clan~
You are standing at the end of the hallway.  Against the north and west
walls are scenes from the many planes in the abyss.  The walls have magic
spells in them that constantly change the view on the planes.  The walls
depict all the planes of the abyss, constantly changing.

There is a door to the east, and the hallway goes to the south 
0 8 1
A large iron door
1 -1 16480
The hallway
0 -1 16474
The door is made out of iron and covered with many mystic symbols~ 
Northern Summoning Room~
You stand in the norther summoning room.  This chamber has not been
dedicated to one of the planes in the abyss.  From here the members of the
clan summon many of the lesser demons and contact the demon lords. 
There is a large pentagon in the centre of the chamber.

The room continues to the north and east, there is a door to the west 
0 8|8192 1
The summoning room
0 -1 16483
The summoning room
0 -1 16481
A large iron door
1 -1 16479
The door is made of iron and covered with magical wards and symbols~ 
Northern Summoning Room~
You stand in the south eastern corner of the summoning room.  The walls
are covered with magical wards and symbols.  The symbols are made of
silver, gold, iron and platinum.  There is a sense of pure evil and power in
this room.

The room continues to the north and west
0 8|8192 1
The summoning room
0 -1 16482
The summoning room
0 -1 16480
Northern Summoning Room~
You stand in the norther eastern portion of the summoning room.  The
whole room is about forty feet by forty feet.  The walls are black with
magical wards and symbols of protection and confinement.  There is a
large glowing pentagon that covers the centre of the room.  The pentagon
is about twenty feet wide and long.

The room goes to the south and west
0 8|8192 1
The summoning room
0 -1 16481
The summoning room
0 -1 16483
Northern Summoning Room~
You stand in the north western corner of the summoning room.  The floor
is black with a large glowing pentagon engraved into it.  The walls are
covered with holy symbols and magical wards.  There is an evil that
resides within this chamber.  You realise with all these magical wards and
symbols that recalling would be impossible.

The room stretches to the east and south
0 8|8192 1
The summoning room
0 -1 16482
The summoning room
0 -1 16480
Denizen of the Underdark's Abode~
You are standing in a simple home.  The house is large, but uninteresting. 
You wander through the whole house noticing the alien decor, but nothing
that is truly interesting.

The way out is to the north
0 8|8192 1
A door leads out
1 -1 16036
The door is a simple wooden door~
Home of a Denizen of the Underdark~
You stand in a large home.  There are many rooms, yet nothing of interest. 
The house is lighted by the same glowing orbs that float throughout the
whole city.  There are some weird decorations in the home but nothing to
write home about.

The exit back to the city is to the north
0 8|8192 1
The door leads back to the city
1 -1 16037
The door is a simple wooden door~
Denizen of the Underdark's Abode~
You are standing in a simple home.  The house is large, but uninteresting. 
You wander through the whole house noticing the alien decor, but nothing
that is truly interesting.

The way out is to the north
0 8|8192 1
A door leads out
1 -1 16038
The door is a simple wooden door~
Home of a Denizen of the Underdark~
You stand in a large home.  There are many rooms, yet nothing of interest. 
The house is lighted by the same glowing orbs that float throughout the
whole city.  There are some weird decorations in the home but nothing to
write home about.

The exit back to the city is to the north
0 8|8192 1
The door leads back to the city
1 -1 16039
The door is a simple wooden door~
Denizen of the Underdark's Home~
You stand in a tidy and well kept home.  This house belongs to one of the
merchants who uses the Underdark.  The house has many rich looking
pieces of furniture.

The way back to the city is through the door to the south
0 8|8192 1
The door leads out to the city
1 -1 16074
The door is a simple wooden door~
Home in the Underdark~
You stand in a well made and expensive home.  This home is very quiet,
and you can't hear the screams of the city.  There are many rooms which
lie empty.  The house is silent and dark.

The exit to the city is to the south
0 1|8|8192 1
The door leads back to the city
1 -1 16075
Home of a Denizen of the Underdark~
You stand in a large home.  There are many rooms, yet nothing of interest. 
The house is lighted by the same glowing orbs that float throughout the
whole city.  There are some weird decorations in the home but nothing to
write home about.

The exit back to the city is to the south
0 8|8192 1
The door leads back to the city
1 -1 16076
The door is a simple wooden door~
Denizen of the Underdark's Home~
You stand in a tidy and well kept home.  This house belongs to one of the
merchants who uses the Underdark.  The house has many rich looking
pieces of furniture.

The way back to the city is through the door to the south
0 8|8192 1
The door leads out to the city
1 -1 16077
The door is a simple wooden door~
Denizen of the Underdark's Abode~
You are standing in a simple home.  The house is large, but uninteresting. 
You wander through the whole house noticing the alien decor, but nothing
that is truly interesting.

The way out is to the north
0 8|8192 1
A door leads out
1 -1 16074
The door is a simple wooden door~
Home of a Denizen of the Underdark~
You stand in a large home.  There are many rooms, yet nothing of interest. 
The house is lighted by the same glowing orbs that float throughout the
whole city.  There are some weird decorations in the home but nothing to
write home about.

The exit back to the city is to the north
0 8|8192 1
The door leads back to the city
1 -1 16075
The door is a simple wooden door~
Home in the Underdark~
You stand in a well made and expensive home.  This home is very quiet,
and you can't hear the screams of the city.  There are many rooms which
lie empty.  The house is silent and dark.

The exit to the city is to the north
0 1|8|8192 1
The door leads back to the city
1 -1 16076
Home of a Denizen of the Underdark~
You stand in a large home.  There are many rooms, yet nothing of interest. 
The house is lighted by the same glowing orbs that float throughout the
whole city.  There are some weird decorations in the home but nothing to
write home about.

The exit back to the city is to the south
0 8|8192 1
The door leads back to the city
1 -1 16110
The door is a simple wooden door~
Denizen of the Underdark's Home~
You stand in a tidy and well kept home.  This house belongs to one of the
merchants who uses the Underdark.  The house has many rich looking
pieces of furniture.

The way back to the city is through the door to the south
0 8|8192 1
The door leads out to the city
1 -1 16109
The door is a simple wooden door~
Home in the Underdark~
You stand in a small hovel in the Underdark.  This home consists of three
rooms.  Each of the room serves it's purpose and has nothing else, so the
bedroom has a bed and some storage room.  The dining room has a table
and a cooking device and the third room is the washroom.  Not a very
interesting place.

The way back to the city is to the south
0 8|8192 1
A door leads out to the city
1 -1 16108
The door is a simple wooden door~

M 0 16001 35 16001 1 *32 enforcer eyes, the guards of the city 
E 0 16001 0 5       * wears eye plate
M 0 16001 35 16008 1 * these ones walk the streets
E 0 16001 0 5       * 
M 0 16001 35 16010 1 * ditto
E 0 16001 0 5       * 
M 0 16001 35 16018 1 * ditto
M 0 16001 35 16032 1 * ditto
E 0 16001 0 5       * 
M 0 16001 35 16035 1 * ditto
M 0 16001 35 16037 1 * ditto
E 0 16001 0 5       * 
M 0 16001 35 16048 1 * ditto
E 0 16001 0 5       * 
M 0 16001 35 16063 1 * ditto
M 0 16001 35 16069 1 * ditto
M 0 16001 35 16080 1 * ditto
E 0 16001 0 5       * 
M 0 16001 35 16087 1 * ditto
M 0 16001 35 16092 1 * ditto
E 0 16001 0 5       * 
M 0 16001 35 16100 1 * ditto
M 0 16001 35 16105 1 * ditto
E 0 16001 0 5       * 
M 0 16001 35 16109 1 * ditto
M 0 16001 35 16120 1 * ditto
E 0 16001 0 5       * 
M 0 16001 35 16129 1 * ditto
E 0 16001 0 5        
M 0 16001 35 16136 1 * ditto
M 0 16001 35 16142 1 * ditto
M 0 16001 35 16148 1 * ditto
E 0 16001 0 5        
M 0 16001 35 16155 1 * ditto
E 0 16001 0 5        
M 0 16001 35 16162 1 * ditto
M 0 16001 35 16172 1 * ditto
E 0 16001 0 5       *; 
M 0 16001 35 16181 1 *; ditto
E 0 16001 0 5       *; 
M 0 16001 35 16186 1 *; ditto
M 0 16001 35 16193 1 *; ditto
E 0 16001 0 5       *; 
M 0 16001 35 16201 1 *; ditto
E 0 16001 0 5       *; 
M 0 16001 35 16212 1 *; ditto
M 0 16001 35 16217 1 *; ditto
E 0 16001 0 5       *; 
M 0 16001 35 16337 1 *; loads eye into headquarters
E 0 16001 0 5       *; 
M 0 16001 35 16336 1 *; ditto
E 0 16001 0 5       *; 
M 0 16001 35 16338 1 *; ditto
E 0 16001 0 5       *; 
M 0 16001 35 16346 1 *; ditto
E 0 16001 0 5       *; 
M 0 16002 24 16003 1 *;18 loads floating eye onto street
G 0 16002 0         *; gives it it's eye
M 0 16002 24 16052 1 *; 18loads floating eye
M 0 16002 24 16087 1 *;18 loads floating eye
M 0 16002 24 16088 1 *;18 ditto
M 0 16002 24 16075 1 *; ditto
M 0 16002 24 16108 1 *; ditto
M 0 16002 24 16113 1 *; ditto
M 0 16002 24 16120 1 *; ditto
M 0 16002 24 16139 1 *; loads floating eye onto street
G 0 16002 0         *; gives it it's eye
M 0 16002 24 16071 1 *; loads floating eye
M 0 16002 24 16020 1 *; loads floating eye
M 0 16002 24 16040 1 *; ditto
M 0 16002 24 16095 1 *; ditto
M 0 16002 24 16096 1 *; ditto
M 0 16002 24 16177 1 *; ditto
M 0 16002 24 16152 1 *; ditto
M 0 16002 24 16047 1 *; loads floating eye onto street
G 0 16002 0         *; gives it it's eye
M 0 16002 24 16047 1 *; loads floating eye
M 0 16002 24 16073 1 *; loads floating eye
M 0 16002 24 16073 1 *; ditto
M 0 16002 24 16083 1 *; ditto
M 0 16002 24 16083 1 *; ditto
M 0 16002 24 16198 1 *; ditto
M 0 16002 24 16198 1 *; ditto
G 0 16002 0         *; give it it's eye
M 0 16003 3  16331 1 *;18 loads prisoner into cell
M 0 16003 3  16334 1 *; 18ditto
M 0 16003 3  16343 1 *; 18ditto
M 0 16004 2  16345 1 *; loads great enforcer eye
G 0 16003 0         *; give him slime
M 0 16004 2  16347 1 *; loads great enforcer eye
G 0 16003 0         *; give him slime
M 0 16005 1  16339 1 *; loads enforcer beholder
G 0 16004 0         *; give him his eye
M 0 16006 1  16239 1 *; loads beholder in beholder's house
G 0 16005 0         *; give him his eyestalk
M 0 16007 16 16089 1 *; 19 loads gnome on street
E 0 16006 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16007 16 16101 1 *; loads gnome on street
E 0 16006 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16007 16 16144 1 *; loads gnome on street
E 0 16006 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16007 16 16056 1 *; loads gnome on street
E 0 16006 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16007 16 16046 1 *; loads gnome on street
E 0 16006 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16007 16 16065 1 *; loads gnome on street
E 0 16006 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16007 16 16063 1 *; loads gnome on street
E 0 16006 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16007 16 16147 1 *; loads gnome on street
E 0 16006 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16007 16 16036 1 *; loads gnome on street
E 0 16006 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16007 16 16034 1 *; loads gnome on street
E 0 16006 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16007 16 16086 1 *; loads gnome on street
E 0 16006 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16007 16 16201 1 *; loads gnome on street
E 0 16006 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16007 16 16209 1 *; loads gnome on street
E 0 16006 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16007 16 16128 1 *; loads gnome on street
E 0 16006 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16007 16 16133 1 *; loads gnome on street
E 0 16006 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16007 16 16110 1 *; loads gnome on street
E 0 16006 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16008 12 16197 1 *; loads drow trader to street
E 0 16007 0  16     *; wields blade of darkness
M 0 16008 12 16177 1 *; loads drow trader to street
E 0 16007 0  16     *; wields blade of darkness
M 0 16008 12 16142 1 *; loads drow trader to street
E 0 16007 0  16     *; wields blade of darkness
M 0 16008 12 16115 1 *; loads drow trader to street
E 0 16007 0  16     *; wields blade of darkness
M 0 16008 12 16112 1 *; loads drow trader to street
E 0 16007 0  16     *; wields blade of darkness
M 0 16008 12 16119 1 *; loads drow trader to street
E 0 16007 0  16     *; wields blade of darkness
M 0 16008 12 16041 1 *; loads drow trader to street
E 0 16007 0  16     *; wields blade of darkness
M 0 16008 12 16133 1 *; loads drow trader to street
E 0 16007 0  16     *; wields blade of darkness
M 0 16008 12 16208 1 *; loads drow trader to street
E 0 16007 0  16     *; wields blade of darkness
M 0 16008 12 16175 1 *; loads drow trader to street
E 0 16007 0  16     *; wields blade of darkness
M 0 16008 12 16080 1 *; loads drow trader to street
E 0 16007 0  16     *; wields blade of darkness
M 0 16008 12 16100 1 *; loads drow trader to street
E 0 16007 0  16     *; wields blade of darkness
M 0 16009 18 16018 1 *; loads duergar on street
M 0 16009 18 16030 1 *; loads duergar on street
M 0 16009 18 16022 1 *; loads duergar on street
M 0 16009 18 16157 1 *;21 loads duergar on street
E 0 16008 0  6      *; wears helm
M 0 16009 18 16140 1 *; loads duergar on street
M 0 16009 18 16132 1 *; loads duergar on street
E 0 16008 0  6      *; wears helm
M 0 16009 18 16210 1 *; loads duergar on street
M 0 16009 18 16218 1 *; loads duergar on street
M 0 16009 18 16167 1 *; loads duergar on street
E 0 16008 0  6      *; wears helm
M 0 16009 18 16134 1 *; loads duergar on street
M 0 16009 18 16134 1 *; loads duergar on street
M 0 16009 18 16115 1 *; loads duergar on street
M 0 16009 18 16111 1 *; loads duergar on street
E 0 16008 0  6      *; wears helm
M 0 16009 18 16113 1 *; loads duergar on street
M 0 16009 18 16097 1 *; loads duergar on street
M 0 16009 18 16097 1 *; loads duergar on street
M 0 16009 18 16109 1 *; loads duergar on street
M 0 16009 18 16103 1 *; loads duergar on street
E 0 16008 0  6      *; wears helm
M 0 16010 1  16135 1 *;43 load necromancer on street
E 0 16009 0  10     *; wears sleeves
M 0 16011 1  16135 1 *; load behir with necro and party
G 0 16010 0         *; give it blood stone
M 0 16012 1  16135 1 *;43 load fighter with party
E 0 16011 0  5      *; wears breast plate
M 0 16013 1  16135 1 *; 43load xevior's priest
E 0 16012 0  17     *; wears holy symbol
M 0 16014 10 16211 1 *; 16loads lizard man
E 0 16013 0  7      *; wears leather pants
M 0 16014 10 16148 1 *; loads lizard man
E 0 16013 0  7      *; wears leather pants
M 0 16014 10 16153 1 *; loads lizard man
M 0 16014 10 16034 1 *; loads lizard man
M 0 16014 10 16091 1 *; loads lizard man
M 0 16014 10 16084 1 *; loads lizard man
M 0 16014 10 16067 1 *; loads lizard man
M 0 16014 10 16117 1 *; loads lizard man
M 0 16014 10 16121 1 *; loads lizard man
M 0 16014 10 16131 1 *; loads lizard man
M 0 16015 1  16221 1 *; loads purple worm
G 0 16014 0         *; gives scale to worm
M 0 16016 1  16220 1 *; loads HUGE purple worm
G 0 16015 0         *; give it scale shield
M 0 16017 3  16228 1 *; 43loads beholder attendant
E 0 16016 0  9      *; wears gauntlets
M 0 16017 3  16229 1 *; loads attendant
E 0 16016 0  9      *; wears gauntlets
M 0 16017 3  16242 1 *; loads attendant
M 0 16018 3  16237 1 *; 46 loads legionnaire
E 0 16017 0  6      *; wears helm
M 0 16018 3  16237 1 *; loads legionnaire
E 0 16017 0  6      *; wears helm
M 0 16018 3  16237 1 *; loads legionnaire
E 0 16017 0  6      *; wears helm
M 0 16019 1  16243 1 *; loads supreme attendant
E 0 16016 0  9      *; wears gauntlets
E 0 16017 0  6      *; wears helm
M 0 16020 1  16238 1 *; loads grell
M 0 16021 1  16247 1 *; loads barkeep
G 0 3002  0
G 0 16093 0
M 0 16022 4  16247 1 *; loads duergar patron
M 0 16022 4  16244 1 *; loads duergar patron
M 0 16022 4  16245 1 *; loads duergar patron
M 0 16023 3  16246 1 *; loads drow patron
M 0 16023 3  16247 1 *; loads drow patron
M 0 16024 2  16244 1 *; loads human patron
M 0 16024 2  16246 1 *; loads human patron
M 0 16025 1  16245 1 *; loads Caris
E 0 3072  0  5      *; wears scale mail
E 0 3073  0  6      *; scale coif
E 0 3074  0  7      *; leggings
E 0 3077  0  10     *; sleeves
E 0 9212  0  14     *; wears elemental bracelet
M 0 16026 1  16245 1 *; loads Antryg
*E 0 10293 0  5      *; wears robe
E 0 1615  0  14     *; wears mithril bracelet
E 0 633   0  7      *; wears leggings
*E 0 14300 0  16     *; wields dagger
M 0 16027 7  16251 1 *; loads gremlin
M 0 16027 7  16253 1 *; same
M 0 16027 7  16254 1 *; same
M 0 16027 7  16257 1 *; same
M 0 16027 7  16260 1 *; same
M 0 16027 7  16263 1 *; same
M 0 16027 7  16273 1 *; same
M 0 16028 3  16258 1 *; loads slime creature
E 0 16019 0  16     *; wields muck branch
M 0 16028 3  16258 1 *; same thing
E 0 16019 0  16     *; wields the branch
M 0 16028 3  16273 1 *; loads slime creature
E 0 16019 0  16     *; wields the branch
M 0 16029 5  16248 1 *; loads rat
M 0 16029 5  16257 1 *; same
M 0 16029 5  16264 1 *; same
M 0 16029 5  16268 1 *; same
M 0 16029 5  16271 1 *; same
M 0 16030 5  16250 1 *; loads jinxkin
E 0 16018 0  16     *; wields pin
M 0 16030 5  16252 1 *; same
E 0 16018 0  16     *; same
M 0 16030 5  16253 1 *; loads jinxkin
E 0 16018 0  16     *; wields pin
M 0 16030 5  16255 1 *; same
E 0 16018 0  16     *; same
M 0 16030 5  16269 1 *; loads jinxkin
E 0 16018 0  16     *; wields the pin
M 0 16031 7  16252 1 *; loads jermlaine
E 0 16019 0  16     *; wields dart
M 0 16031 7  16263 1 *; loads jermlaine
E 0 16019 0  16     *; wields dart
M 0 16031 7  16264 1 *; loads jermlaine
E 0 16019 0  16     *; wields dart
M 0 16031 7  16267 1 *; loads jermlaine
E 0 16019 0  16     *; wields dart
M 0 16031 7  16267 1 *; loads jermlaine
E 0 16019 0  16     *; wields dart
M 0 16031 7  16269 1 *; loads jermlaine
E 0 16019 0  16     **; wields dart
M 0 16031 7  16269 1 *; loads jermlaine
E 0 16019 0  16     *; wields dart
M 0 16032 1  16298 1 *; loads the bodak
*E 0 15008 0  16     *; wields silver sword
E 0 16021 0  17     *; holds wand
E 0 16022 0  13     *; wears girth
M 0 16033 1  16285 1 *; loads drained mage
G 0 16023 0         *; give him his eyes
M 0 16034 3  16290 1 *; loads iron golem
E 0 16024 0  16     *; wields sword
M 0 16034 3  16294 1 *; loads iron golem
E 0 16024 0  16     *; wields sword
M 0 16034 3  16296 1 *; loads iron golem
E 0 16024 0  16     *; wields sword
M 0 16035 4  16283 1 *; loads stone golem
E 0 16025 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16035 4  16286 1 *; loads stone golem
E 0 16025 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16035 4  16293 1 *; loads stone golem
E 0 16025 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16035 4  16297 1 *; loads stone golem
E 0 16025 0  16     *; wields mace
M 0 16036 1  16282 1 *; loads Itreres in guest room
E 0 1704  0  16     *; wields ancient sword
E 0 2009  0  5      *; wears chainmail
*E 0 13045 0  7      *; wears chainmail leggings
E 0 16026 0  11     *; uses his shield
M 0 16037 1  16294 1 *; loads imp
E 0 16027 0  17     *; holds stone
M 0 16038 2  16289 1 *; loads minor demon
G 0 16028 0         *; give horn
M 0 16038 2  16295 1 *; loads minor demon
G 0 16028 0         *; give horn
M 0 16039 2  16280 1 *; loads servant
M 0 16039 2  16287 1 *; loads servant
M 0 16040 1  16288 1 *; loads gibbering mouther
M 0 16041 3  16085 1 *; loads worker of the night
M 0 16041 3  16301 1 *; loads worker of the night
M 0 16041 3  16303 1 *; loads worker of the night
M 0 16042 2  16302 1 *; loads maid of passion
E 0 16029 0  12     *; wear robe
M 0 16042 2  16303 1 *; loads maid of passion
E 0 16029 0  12     *; wear robe
M 0 16043 1  16304 1 *; loads granter of pleasure
E 0 16030 0  13     *; wears belt
M 0 16044 2  16301 1 *; loads customer
E 0 16031 0  1      *; wears ring
M 0 16044 2  16302 1 *; loads customer
E 0 16031 0  1      *; wears ring
M 0 16045 1  16300 1 *; loads pimp
G 0 16032 0         *; give teeth
M 0 16046 3  16310 1 *; loads halfling
M 0 16046 3  16314 1 *; loads halfling
M 0 16047 3  16310 1 *; loads half-orc
E 0 16033 0  16     *; wields broken bottle
M 0 16047 3  16311 1 *; loads half-orc
E 0 16033 0  16     *; wields broken bottle
M 0 16048 3  16308 1 *; loads deep gnome
M 0 16049 1  16314 1 *; loads inn keeper
G 0 3002  0
G 0 16093 0
M 0 16050 1  16310 1 *; loads Limbeck
E 0 16034 0  8      *; wears boots
M 0 16051 1  16318 1 *; loads Geg
E 0 16035 0  6      *; wears hat
M 0 16052 1  16312 1 *; loads Drevlin
E 0 16036 0  8      *; wears boots of flying
M 0 16053 1  16308 1 *; loads Jarre
E 0 16037 0  14     *; wears bracer of str
M 0 16054 3  16308 1 *; loads serving wench
M 0 16054 3  16314 1 *; loads serving wench
M 0 16055 1  16319 1 *; loads the slave dealer
G 0 16094 0
M 0 16056 15 16088 1 *; loads slave trader
E 0 16038 0  16     *; wields whip
M 0 16056 15 16089 1 *; loads slave trader
E 0 16038 0  16     *; wields whip
M 0 16056 15 16092 1 *; loads slave trader
E 0 16038 0  16     *; wields whip
M 0 16056 15 16077 1 *; loads slave trader
E 0 16038 0  16     *; wields whip
M 0 16056 15 16101 1 *; loads slave trader
E 0 16038 0  16     *; wields whip
M 0 16056 15 16068 1 *; loads slave trader
E 0 16038 0  16     *; wields whip
M 0 16056 15 16140 1 *; loads slave trader
E 0 16038 0  16     *; wields whip
M 0 16056 15 16123 1 *; loads slave trader
E 0 16038 0  16     *; wields whip
M 0 16056 15 16198 1 *; loads slave trader
E 0 16038 0  16     *; wields whip
M 0 16056 15 16080 1 *; loads slave trader
E 0 16038 0  16     *; wields whip
M 0 16056 15 16084 1 *; loads slave trader
E 0 16038 0  16     *; wields whip
M 0 16056 15 16089 1 *; loads slave trader
E 0 16038 0  16     *; wields whip
M 0 16056 15 16092 1 *; loads slave trader
E 0 16038 0  16     *; wields whip
M 0 16056 15 16099 1 *; loads slave trader
E 0 16038 0  16     *; wields whip
M 0 16056 15 16325 1 *; loads slave trader
E 0 16038 0  16     *; wields whip
M 0 16057 12 16100 1 *; loads slave buyer
G 0 16039 0
M 0 16057 12 16321 1 *; loads slave buyer
G 0 16039 0
M 0 16057 12 16323 1 *; loads slave buyer
G 0 16039 0
M 0 16057 12 16090 1 *; loads slave buyer
G 0 16039 0
M 0 16057 12 16098 1 *; loads slave buyer
G 0 16039 0
M 0 16057 12 16101 1 *; loads slave buyer
G 0 16039 0
M 0 16057 12 16045 1 *; loads slave buyer
G 0 16039 0
M 0 16057 12 16094 1 *; loads slave buyer
G 0 16039 0
M 0 16057 12 16090 1 *; loads slave buyer
M 0 16057 12 16093 1 *; loads slave buyer
M 0 16057 12 16202 1 *; loads slave buyer
M 0 16057 12 16137 1 *; loads slave buyer
M 0 16058 1  16320 1 *; orc slave at slave dealer
M 0 16059 1  16320 1 *; goblin slave at slave dealer
M 0 16060 1  16320 1 *; male human slave at slave dealer
M 0 16061 1  16320 1 *; female human slave at slave dealer
M 0 16062 1  16320 1 *; kobold slave at slave dealer
M 0 16063 1  16320 1 *; elf slave at slave dealer
M 0 16064 1  16320 1 *; dwarf slave at slave dealer
M 0 16022 4  16352 1 *; duergar patron
M 0 16023 3  16354 1 *; drow patron
M 0 16046 3  16342 1 *; halfling patron
M 0 16048 3  16354 1 *; deep gnome patron
M 0 16065 1  16352 1 *; loads bar tender
G 0 3002  0
G 0 16094 0
M 0 16066 1  16353 1 *; loads Prax
E 0 16040 0  3      *; wears cloak
M 0 16067 1  16353 1 *; loads Thespan
E 0 16041 0  16     *; wields sword
M 0 16068 1  16353 1 *; loads Endolar
E 0 16042 0  16     *; wields dagger
M 0 16069 1  16351 1 *; loads Snaromba
E 0 16043 0  0      *; holds glowing sphere
M 0 16070 1  16351 1 *; loads Anmictes
E 0 16044 0  14     *; wears bracer
M 0 16071 1  16351 1 *; loads Emba
E 0 16045 0  16     *; wields morning star
M 0 16072 1  16351 1 *; loads Shillikif
E 0 16046 0  5      *; wears chainmail
M 0 16073 1  16356 1 *; loads Yie'Stei, magic guy
G 0 16059 0         *; gives scroll of reveal
G 0 16060 0         *; give hand of shocking grasp
G 0 16061 0         *; give potion of detection
G 0 16093 0
M 0 16074 1  16357 1 *; loads Zae'tres, weaponsmith
G 0 16047 0         *; give sword
G 0 16048 0         *; give dagger
G 0 16049 0         *; give mace
G 0 16093 0
M 0 16075 1  16358 1 *; loads Raesarnt, armourer
G 0 16050 0         *; give plate
G 0 16051 0         *; give helm
G 0 16052 0         *; give shield
G 0 16053 0         *; give leggings
G 0 16054 0         *; give bracer
G 0 16093 0
M 0 16076 1  16359 1 *; loads Satori, jeweller
G 0 16093 0
M 0 16077 1  16360 1 *; loads Jiestis, food guy
G 0 16055 0         *; gives brown mushroom
G 0 16056 0         *; gives large mushroom
G 0 16057 0         *; gives red moss
G 0 16058 0         *; gives dirty root
G 0 16093 0
M 0 16078 2  16364 1 *; loads deep gnome
E 0 16062 0  7      *; wears leggings
M 0 16078 2  16365 1 *; same
E 0 16062 0  7      *; wears leggings
M 0 16079 1  16366 1 *; loads gnome dignitary
E 0 16063 0  3      *; wears necklace
M 0 16080 1  16368 1 *; loads gnome caretaker
E 0 16064 0  16     *; wields vision
M 0 16081 16 16015 1 *; loads footpad
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16081 16 16001 1 *; loads footpad
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16081 16 16021 1 *; loads footpad
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16081 16 16039 1 *; loads footpad
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16081 16 16048 1 *; loads footpad
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16081 16 16035 1 *; loads footpad
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16081 16 16024 1 *; loads footpad
M 0 16081 16 16011 1 *; loads footpad
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16081 16 16061 1 *; loads footpad
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16081 16 16071 1 *; loads footpad
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16081 16 16088 1 *; loads footpad
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16081 16 16099 1 *; loads footpad
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16081 16 16130 1 *; loads footpad
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16081 16 16140 1 *; loads footpad
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16081 16 16179 1 *; loads footpad
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16081 16 16190 1 *; loads footpad
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16082 5  16110 1 *; loads cutpurse
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16082 5  16129 1 *; loads cutpurse
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16082 5  16137 1 *; loads cutpurse
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16082 5  16145 1 *; loads cutpurse
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16082 5  16201 1 *; loads cutpurse
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch
M 0 16083 5  16020 1 *; loads filcher
E 0 16066 0  9      *; wears thieve's gloves
M 0 16083 5  16063 1 *; loads filcher
E 0 16066 0  9      *; wears thieve's gloves
M 0 16083 5  16066 1 *; loads filcher
E 0 16066 0  9      *; wears thieve's gloves
M 0 16083 5  16131 1 *; loads filcher
E 0 16066 0  9      *; wears thieve's gloves
M 0 16083 5  16215 1 *; loads filcher
E 0 16066 0  9      *; wears thieve's gloves
M 0 16084 5  16048 1 *; loads rogue
E 0 16067 0  3      *; wears gold chain
M 0 16084 5  16103 1 *; loads rogue
E 0 16067 0  3      *; wears gold chain
M 0 16084 5  16125 1 *; loads rogue
E 0 16067 0  3      *; wears gold chain
M 0 16084 5  16185 1 *; loads rogue
E 0 16067 0  3      *; wears gold chain
M 0 16084 5  16193 1 *; loads rogue
E 0 16067 0  3      *; wears gold chain
M 0 16085 8  16370 1 *; loads sharper
M 0 16085 8  16370 1 *; loads sharper
E 0 16068 0  17     *; holds dice
M 0 16085 8  16371 1 *; loads sharper
M 0 16085 8  16371 1 *; loads sharper
E 0 16068 0  17     *; holds dice
M 0 16085 8  16375 1 *; loads sharper
M 0 16085 8  16375 1 *; loads sharper
E 0 16068 0  17     *; holds dice
M 0 16085 8  16376 1 *; loads sharper
M 0 16085 8  16376 1 *; loads sharper
E 0 16068 0  17     *; holds dice
M 0 16086 3  16378 1 *; loads magsman
E 0 16069 0  3      *; wears cloak
M 0 16086 3  16388 1 *; loads magsman
E 0 16069 0  3      *; wears cloak
M 0 16086 3  16396 1 *; loads magsman
E 0 16069 0  3      *; wears cloak
M 0 16087 3  16383 1 *; loads master thief
E 0 16070 0  18     *; wears earring
M 0 16087 3  16391 1 *; loads master thief
E 0 16070 0  18     *; wears earring
M 0 16087 3  16394 1 *; loads master thief
E 0 16070 0  18     *; wears earring
M 0 16088 1  16385 1 *; loads head thief
E 0 16071 0  16     *; wields jewelled dagger
M 0 16089 1  16390 1 *; loads guild's mage
E 0 16072 0  0      *; uses light
E 0 16073 0  12     *; wears robe
M 0 16090 1  16381 1 *; loads thieve's trainer

M 0 16091 6  16179 1 *; loads assassin (bravo)
E 0 16074 0  16     *; wields blade of poison
M 0 16091 6  16127 1 *; loads assassin (bravo)
E 0 16074 0  16     *; wields blade of poison
M 0 16091 6  16144 1 *; loads assassin (bravo)
E 0 16074 0  16     *; wields blade of poison
M 0 16091 6  16172 1 *; loads assassin (bravo)
E 0 16074 0  16     *; wields blade of poison
M 0 16091 6  16193 1 *; loads assassin (bravo)
E 0 16074 0  16     *; wields blade of poison
M 0 16091 6  16209 1 *; loads assassin (bravo)
E 0 16074 0  16     *; wields blade of poison
M 0 16092 6  16139 1 *; loads assassin (murderer)
E 0 16074 0  16     *; wields blade of poison
M 0 16092 6  16170 1 *; loads assassin (murderer)
E 0 16074 0  16     *; wields blade of poison
M 0 16092 6  16106 1 *; loads assassin (murderer)
E 0 16074 0  16     *; wields blade of poison
M 0 16092 6  16154 1 *; loads assassin (murderer)
E 0 16074 0  16     *; wields blade of poison
M 0 16092 6  16177 1 *; loads assassin (murderer)
E 0 16074 0  16     *; wields blade of poison
M 0 16092 6  16182 1 *; loads assassin (murderer)
E 0 16074 0  16     *; wields blade of poison
M 0 16093 6  16189 1 *; loads assassin (thug)
M 0 16093 6  16175 1 *; loads assassin (thug)
M 0 16093 6  16163 1 *; loads assassin (thug)
M 0 16093 6  16160 1 *; loads assassin (thug)
E 0 16075 0  10     *; wears sleeves
M 0 16093 6  16184 1 *; loads assassin (thug)
E 0 16075 0  10     *; wears sleeves
M 0 16093 6  16188 1 *; loads assassin (thug)
E 0 16075 0  10     *; wears sleeves
M 0 16094 3  16167 1 *; loads assassin (killer)
E 0 16076 0  14     *; wears skull tattoo
M 0 16094 3  16190 1 *; loads assassin (killer)
E 0 16076 0  14     *; wears skull tattoo
M 0 16094 3  16197 1 *; loads assassin (killer)
E 0 16076 0  14     *; wears skull tattoo
M 0 16095 2  16400 1 *; loads assassin
E 0 16077 0  16     *; wields choke wire
M 0 16095 2  16402 1 *; loads assassin
E 0 16077 0  16     *; wields choke wire
M 0 16096 3  16413 1 *; loads expert assassin
E 0 16078 0  6      *; wears mask
M 0 16096 3  16415 1 *; loads expert assassin
E 0 16078 0  6      *; wears mask
M 0 16096 3  16421 1 *; loads expert assassin
E 0 16078 0  6      *; wears mask
M 0 16097 2  16405 1 *; loads senior assassin
E 0 16079 0  14     *; wears flaming dagger tattoo
M 0 16097 2  16423 1 *; loads senior assassin
E 0 16079 0  14     *; wears flaming dagger tattoo
M 0 16098 2  16409 1 *; loads prime assassin
E 0 16080 0  14     *; wears wyvern tattoo
M 0 16098 2  16411 1 *; loads prime assassin
E 0 16080 0  14     *; wears wyvern tattoo
M 0 16099 1  16412 1 *; loads guildmaster assassin
E 0 16081 0  10     *; wears dragon tattoo
M 0 16100 1  16419 1 *; loads trainer assassin
M 0 16101 3  16437 1 *; loads darken beast
M 0 16101 3  16437 1 *; loads darken beast
M 0 16101 3  16436 1 *; loads darken beast
M 0 16102 1  16429 1 *; loads skyzorr'n
M 0 16103 3  16430 1 *; loads dretch
M 0 16103 3  16434 1 *; loads dretch
M 0 16103 3  16432 1 *; loads dretch
M 0 16104 4  16429 1 *; loads platinum golem
E 0 16082 0  6      *; wears diamond helm
M 0 16104 4  16430 1 *; loads platinum golem
E 0 16082 0  6      *; wears diamond helm
M 0 16104 4  16432 1 *; loads platinum golem
E 0 16082 0  6      *; wears diamond helm
M 0 16104 4  16436 1 *; loads platinum golem
E 0 16082 0  6      *; wears diamond helm
M 0 16105 1  16431 1 *; loads guthlac
M 0 16106 1  16435 1 *; loads eurandus
M 0 16107 1  16439 1 *; loads the keeper
E 0 16083 0  11     *; holds shield
M 0 16108 1  16440 1 *; loads xaren
M 0 16109 1  16441 1 *; loads cloaker
M 0 16110 1  16444 1 *; loads lord rygar
M 0 16111 1  16444 1 *; loads orak
E 0 16065 0  15     *; wears thieve's patch

M 0 16112 1  16447 1 *; loads sabrakarn
M 0 16113 1  16448 1 *; loads hangharid
M 0 16114 1  16453 1 *; loads sifrim
M 0 16115 1  16450 1 *; loads wismarel
M 0 16116 1  16454 1 *; loads methuen
M 0 16117 1  16451 1 *; loads cedrena
M 0 16118 1  16443 1 *; loads inn keep
G 0 3002  0
G 0 16093 0
M 0 16054 3  16445 1 *; loads serving wench
M 0 16047 3  16445 1 *; half-orc patron
E 0 16033 0  16     *; wields broken bottle
M 0 16048 3  16442 1 *; deep gnome patron
M 0 16119 3  16458 1 *; loads clan member
E 0 16084 0  1      *; wears clan ring
M 0 16119 3  16471 1 *; loads clan member
E 0 16084 0  1      *; wears clan ring
M 0 16119 3  16474 1 *; loads clan member
E 0 16084 0  1      *; wears clan ring
M 0 16120 3  16459 1 *; loads clan mage
E 0 16085 0  14     *; wears bracer
M 0 16120 3  16462 1 *; loads clan mage
E 0 16085 0  14     *; wears bracer
M 0 16120 3  16470 1 *; loads clan mage
E 0 16085 0  14     *; wears bracer
M 0 16121 3  16456 1 *; loads clan fighter
E 0 16086 0  16     *; wields demon blade
M 0 16121 3  16458 1 *; loads clan fighter
E 0 16086 0  16     *; wields demon blade
M 0 16121 3  16479 1 *; loads clan fighter
E 0 16086 0  16     *; wields demon blade
M 0 16122 3  16462 1 *; loads demon summoner
E 0 16087 0  17     *; holds gem
M 0 16122 3  16477 1 *; loads demon summoner
E 0 16087 0  17     *; holds gem
M 0 16122 3  16482 1 *; loads demon summoner
E 0 16087 0  17     *; holds gem
M 0 16123 2  16460 1 *; loads cambion
E 0 16088 0  5      *; wears demon plate
M 0 16123 2  16475 1 *; loads cambion
E 0 16088 0  5      *; wears demon plate
M 0 16124 2  16461 1 *; loads noble cambion
E 0 16088 0  5      *; wears demon plate
M 0 16124 2  16480 1 *; loads noble cambion
E 0 16088 0  5      *; wears demon plate
M 0 16125 1  16478 1 *; loads clan head
E 0 16089 0  11     *; wears demon fire
M 0 16126 1  16478 1 *; loads hezron
M 0 16127 4  16100 1 *; loads eye of fear and flame
G 0 16090 0         *; gives fire gem
M 0 16127 4  16123 1 *; loads eye of fear and flame
G 0 16090 0         *; gives fire gem
M 0 16127 4  16140 1 *; loads eye of fear
M 0 16127 4  16074 1 *; loads eye of fear
M 0 16128 6  16193 1 *; loads revenant
M 0 16128 6  16170 1 *; loads revenant
M 0 16128 6  16052 1 *; loads revenant
M 0 16128 6  16144 1 *; loads revenant
M 0 16128 6  16210 1 *; loads revenant
M 0 16128 6  16187 1 *; loads revenant
M 0 16129 7  16028 1 *; loads eye killer
M 0 16129 7  16071 1 *; loads eye killer
M 0 16129 7  16061 1 *; loads eye killer
M 0 16129 7  16162 1 *; loads eye killer
M 0 16129 7  16057 1 *; loads eye killer
M 0 16129 7  16120 1 *; loads eye killer
M 0 16129 7  16172 1 *; loads eye killer
O 0 16091 0  16109
P 0 16092 0  16091 1
D 0 16021 1 1
D 0 16274 3 1
D 0 16025 0 1
D 0 16228 2 1
D 0 16030 0 1
D 0 16246 2 1
D 0 16036 2 1
D 0 16484 0 1
D 0 16037 2 1
D 0 16485 0 1
D 0 16038 2 1
D 0 16486 0 1
D 0 16039 2 1
D 0 16487 0 1
D 0 16074 0 1
D 0 16488 2 1
D 0 16074 2 1
D 0 16492 0 1
D 0 16075 0 1
D 0 16489 2 1
D 0 16075 2 1
D 0 16493 0 1
D 0 16076 0 1
D 0 16490 2 1
D 0 16076 2 1
D 0 16494 0 1
D 0 16491 2 1
D 0 16079 0 1
D 0 16275 2 1
D 0 16085 0 1
D 0 16299 2 1
D 0 16088 0 1
D 0 16305 2 1
D 0 16089 2 1
D 0 16327 0 1
D 0 16093 1 1
D 0 16227 3 1
D 0 16103 2 1
D 0 16438 0 1
D 0 16107 3 1
D 0 16337 1 1
D 0 16108 0 1
D 0 16497 2 1
D 0 16109 0 1
D 0 16496 2 1
D 0 16110 0 1
D 0 16495 2 1
D 0 16122 1 1
D 0 16338 3 1
D 0 16137 2 1
D 0 16369 0 1
D 0 16159 3 1
D 0 16424 1 1
D 0 16167 3 1
D 0 16397 1 1
D 0 16181 1 1
D 0 16374 3 1
D 0 16195 0 1
D 0 16414 2 1
D 0 16197 2 1     *Secret door to drow area
D 0 16199 3 1
D 0 16222 1 1
D 0 16208 3 1
D 0 16442 1 1
D 0 16219 0 1     *Secret door to githzerai
D 0 16225 0 1
D 0 16456 2 1
D 0 16230 2 1
D 0 16237 0 1
D 0 16234 1 1
D 0 16240 3 1
D 0 16234 3 1
D 0 16241 1 1
D 0 16235 1 1
D 0 16242 3 1
D 0 16235 3 1
D 0 16243 1 1
D 0 16249 3 1
D 0 16250 1 1
D 0 16251 3 1
D 0 16252 1 1
D 0 16251 2 1
D 0 16253 0 1
D 0 16254 0 1
D 0 16256 2 1
D 0 16254 2 1
D 0 16255 0 1
D 0 16257 0 1
D 0 16258 2 1
D 0 16260 1 1
D 0 16261 3 1
D 0 16262 1 1
D 0 16263 3 1
D 0 16266 1 1
D 0 16267 3 1
D 0 16268 2 1
D 0 16269 0 1
D 0 16271 2 1
D 0 16272 0 1
D 0 16272 3 1
D 0 16273 1 1
D 0 16279 3 1
D 0 16280 1 1
D 0 16281 3 1
D 0 16282 1 1
D 0 16283 2 1
D 0 16287 0 1
D 0 16284 1 1
D 0 16286 3 1
D 0 16285 3 1
D 0 16286 1 1
D 0 16288 0 1
D 0 16289 2 1
D 0 16289 0 1
D 0 16296 2 1
D 0 16294 0 1
D 0 16295 2 1
D 0 16299 0 1
D 0 16301 2 1
D 0 16299 1 1
D 0 16300 3 1
D 0 16306 0 1
D 0 16307 2 1
D 0 16308 2 1
D 0 16309 0 1
D 0 16311 2 1
D 0 16312 0 1
D 0 16311 1 1
D 0 16313 3 1
D 0 16313 0 1
D 0 16315 2 1
D 0 16313 2 1
D 0 16316 0 1
D 0 16317 2 1
D 0 16318 0 1
D 0 16319 0 1
D 0 16320 2 1
D 0 16325 0 1
D 0 16326 2 1
D 0 16327 1 1
D 0 16328 3 1
D 0 16330 1 1
D 0 16331 3 1
D 0 16330 3 1
D 0 16332 1 1
D 0 16333 1 1
D 0 16335 3 1
D 0 16333 3 1
D 0 16334 1 1
D 0 16336 2 1
D 0 16339 0 1
D 0 16337 2 1
D 0 16341 0 1
D 0 16338 2 1
D 0 16340 0 1
D 0 16342 2 1
D 0 16343 0 1
D 0 16344 2 1
D 0 16345 0 1
D 0 16346 2 1
D 0 16347 0 1
D 0 16354 3 1
D 0 16355 1 1
D 0 16363 1 1
D 0 16364 3 1
D 0 16365 1 1
D 0 16366 3 1
D 0 16367 1 1
D 0 16368 3 1
D 0 16369 1 1
D 0 16370 3 1
D 0 16369 3 1
D 0 16371 1 1
D 0 16374 0 1
D 0 16375 2 1
D 0 16374 2 1
D 0 16376 0 1
D 0 16377 1 1
D 0 16378 3 1
D 0 16379 3 1
D 0 16380 1 1
D 0 16380 3 1
D 0 16381 1 1
D 0 16382 2 1
D 0 16383 0 1
D 0 16387 0 1
D 0 16388 2 1
D 0 16389 0 1
D 0 16390 2 1
D 0 16389 1 1
D 0 16391 3 1
D 0 16391 0 1
D 0 16392 2 1
D 0 16393 1 1
D 0 16394 3 1
D 0 16395 1 1
D 0 16396 3 1
D 0 16400 1 1
D 0 16401 3 1
D 0 16401 0 1
D 0 16402 2 1
D 0 16401 2 1
D 0 16403 0 1
D 0 16404 0 1
D 0 16406 2 1
D 0 16404 2 1
D 0 16405 0 1
D 0 16407 0 1
D 0 16408 2 1
D 0 16407 2 1
D 0 16409 0 1
D 0 16407 1 1
D 0 16410 3 1
D 0 16416 0 1
D 0 16417 2 1
D 0 16418 0 1
D 0 16419 2 1
D 0 16420 0 1
D 0 16421 2 1
D 0 16422 0 1
D 0 16423 2 1
D 0 16424 3 1
D 0 16425 1 1
D 0 16429 3 1
D 0 16431 1 1
D 0 16432 3 1
D 0 16435 1 1
D 0 16434 0 1
D 0 16436 2 1
D 0 16438 2 1
D 0 16440 0 1
D 0 16438 3 1
D 0 16439 1 1
D 0 16444 3 1
D 0 16446 1 1
D 0 16446 0 1
D 0 16447 2 1
D 0 16446 2 1
D 0 16448 0 1
D 0 16449 0 1
D 0 16451 2 1
D 0 16449 2 1
D 0 16450 0 1
D 0 16452 0 1
D 0 16453 2 1
D 0 16452 2 1
D 0 16454 0 1
D 0 16459 1 1
D 0 16460 3 1
D 0 16459 2 1
D 0 16461 0 1
D 0 16465 1 1
D 0 16466 3 1
D 0 16467 1 1
D 0 16468 3 1
D 0 16469 1 1
D 0 16470 3 1
D 0 16471 1 1
D 0 16472 3 1
D 0 16474 2 1
D 0 16475 0 1
D 0 16479 1 1
D 0 16480 3 1
D 0 16000 0 1
D 0 16000 5 1
*D 0 16000 6 1

16021      5 0 0 0 0     110 90   0 23     *; bar keep
16049      9 0 0 0 0     110 90   0 23     *; inn keeper
16055      0 0 0 0 0     100 100  0 23     *; the slave dealer 
16065      0 0 0 0 0     120 50   0 23     *; bar tender
16073      2 3 4 10 0    150 75   0 23     *; yie'stei, magic 
16074      5 0 0 0 0     175 65   0 23     *; zae'tres, weapon 
16075      9 0 0 0 0     160 59   0 23     *; raesarnt, armour 
16076      8 20 0 0 0    150 90   0 23     *; Satori, jeweller
16077      19 26 0 0 0   150 60   0 23     *; Jiestis, food 
16118      0 0 0 0 0     150 75   0 23     *; inn keep

M 16004  spec_cast_mage
M 16005  spec_cast_mage
M 16006  spec_cast_mage
*M 16010  spec_animate_dead
M 16013  spec_cast_cleric
M 16018  spec_cast_mage
M 16019  spec_cast_mage
M 16025  spec_cast_mage
M 16026  spec_cast_mage
M 16027  spec_thief
M 16030  spec_thief
M 16031  spec_thief
M 16032  spec_cast_mage
M 16033  spec_cast_mage
M 16037  spec_thief
M 16038  spec_cast_cleric
M 16066  spec_cast_mage
M 16068  spec_thief
M 16069  spec_cast_mage
M 16072  spec_thief
M 16073  spec_cast_mage
M 16081  spec_thief
M 16082  spec_thief
M 16083  spec_thief
M 16084  spec_thief
M 16085  spec_thief
M 16086  spec_thief
M 16087  spec_thief
M 16088  spec_thief
M 16089  spec_cast_mage
*M 16091  spec_assassin
*M 16092  spec_assassin
*M 16093  spec_assassin
*M 16094  spec_assassin
*M 16095  spec_assassin
*M 16096  spec_assassin
*M 16097  spec_assassin
*M 16098  spec_assassin
*M 16099  spec_assassin
M 16104  spec_cast_cleric
M 16106  spec_cast_mage
M 16107  spec_cast_mage
M 16109  spec_cast_mage
M 16111  spec_thief
M 16112  spec_cast_mage
M 16114  spec_cast_cleric
M 16116  spec_cast_mage
M 16120  spec_cast_mage
M 16122  spec_cast_mage
M 16123  spec_breath_fire
M 16124  spec_breath_fire
M 16125  spec_cast_mage
M 16126  spec_breath_acid

O 16011 1 * breastplate of strength
O 16036 2 * boots of flying

O 16011 wear_prog wear_prog_breastplate_strength 
O 16011 remove_prog remove_prog_breastplate_strength 
O 16036 wear_prog wear_prog_boots_flying
O 16036 remove_prog remove_prog_boots_flying
O 16089 wear_prog wear_prog_demonfireshield
O 16089 remove_prog remove_prog_demonfireshield
O 16089 fight_prog fight_prog_demonfireshield
