  <title>Cold Web 0.2</title>

  <h2 align=center>Cold Web 0.2</h2>

  <p align=center><b>Experimental web server</b></p>

  <p>I hacked ColdWeb together as an experiment in what the ColdX Object
  Oriented network db driver could handle.  This is a fully HTTP
  compliant HTTP driver, handling GET and HEAD methods (more to come), all
  composing approximately 569 lines of ColdC code.

  <p align=center><i>-Brandon</i>

  <p><b>Cold Web Supports</b>
    <li><i>Complete</i> HTTP request format for both simple and full requests.
    <li>All HTTP response codes
    <li>Method GET
    <li>Method HEAD

  <b>It will support</b>
    <li>All HTTP methods.
    <li>Netscape SSL
    <li>Cold Gateways (using ColdC, not CGI)
    <li>Netscape push, vi cold gateways

  <p>It will eventually support secure transport layers.

  <p>It will not support proxy request (use a proxy server for that).