From: "Dominic J. Eidson" <>

Hmm... say we invent a new wear location for dragons and other tailed 

1. Add a new line to the item types in merc.h

#define ITEM_WEAR_FLOAT         (Q)
#define ITEM_WEAR_FACE          (R)
/* New entries go below */
#define ITEM_WEAR_TAIL		(S)

2. Add a new line to the wear locations list in merc.h

#define WEAR_TAIL                    28

3. Increase MAX_WEAR to (last wear location +1)

4. Add an entry to apply_ac() in handler.c

    case WEAR_HOLD:     return     obj->value[type];
    case WEAR_FACE:     return 2 * obj->value[type];
/* New entry added below */
    case WEAR_TAIL:	return     obj->value[type];

5. Add an entry to the end of item_type in tables.c

    {   "float",                Q,      TRUE    },
    {   "face",                 R,      TRUE    },
/* New entry below */
    {   "tail",			S,	TRUE	},
    {   NULL,                   0,      0       }

6. Add a new entry to the end of where_name in act_info.c

/* ... current list goes here....*/, 28 /* This number corresponds to the 
                                           #define WEAR_TAIL 28 in merc.h */

7. Add the corresponding code to do_wear() in act_obj.c
   (look at the entry for wearing stuff on other wear locations for 
   examples... whenI expanded to 28 locations, all I did was cut&paste and 
   modify it a bit)

this should be all the steps needed...

When creating a new object, make sure to flag it wearable tail (if in 
OLC), or be sure to add 'S', if editing offline


P.S> If I have left anything out, look at the existing wear locations and 
figure it out from there.

Dominic J. Eidson                  "Baruk Khazad! Khazad ai-menu!" - Gimli
       MUD:                        The Infinite Point (