/************************** Description *************************************
*   Snippit name: object find wear location                                 *
*                                                                           *
*   Description:                                                            *
*   Loop through all objects, returning a list of all with a given wear     *
*   location                                                                *
*                                                                           *
*   Exampel:                                                                *
*   ofwl arms , This will retutn all objects with wear location arms        *

/****************************** Install *************************************
* Add this in the end of act_wiz. (From after * Copy from here *)           *
* interp.h:                                                                 *
* Add DECLARE_DO_FUN( do_objectfindwearlocation ); in the end of the file   *
* interp.c:                                                                 *
* Add:                                                                      *
* { "ofwl",	do_objectfindwearlocation, POS_RESTING, 0, LOG_NORMAL, 1 }, *

// * Copy from here *
/************************** License *****************************************
*   Fate of Kingdoms 4.0 is copyright 2000-???? Christian Tusborg (Kazmir)  *
*   By using this code, you have agreed to follow the terms of the          *
*   Fate of Kingdoms snippit license.                                       *
*   License:                                                                *
*   Anyone is allowed to use this snippit, as long you keep this header.    *
*   Fate of kingdoms or Fate of Kingdoms staff can not be hold responsible. *
*   for any damage this snippit may cause on your mud.                      *
*                                                                           *
*     Original Fate of Kingdom Mud (mud.kingdom.dk 4000)		    *
*     Homepage: http://www.kingdom.dk                                       *
*     Fate of Kingdoms publish by snippit@kingdom.dk                        *
*     Bug reporting: snpbug@kingdom.dk                                      *
void do_objectfindwearlocation( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
Called By: File: interp.c | Function: interpret( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
Pre:  ch != NULL | ON PRE ERROR: return and and inform player |if ch == NULL
      then report bug and abort
Post: Send object with a give argument as wear location;
Mobile: Nothing prevent mobiles in this function
 /* Note:
  * Yeah, so what it take over all vnum's (like 10,000 loops).
  * Get_obj_index is fast, and I don't feel like threading another link.
    //extern var
    extern int top_obj_index;
    //internal var
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char arg1[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    OBJ_INDEX_DATA *pObjIndex = NULL;
    int vnum = -1;
    int nMatch = 0;
    bool fAll = FALSE;
    bool found = FALSE;
    int intFind = 0;
    int intFound = -1;

    if (ch == NULL)
	bug( "*BUG* File: objectfindwearlocation.c | Function:  do_objectfindwearlocation | Error: ch = NULL",0 );

    //Splitting argument
    argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
    one_argument( argument, arg1 );

    //Do player use an argument?
    if ( arg[0] == '\0' )
	//Give list with vnums
	send_to_char( "Syntax: ofwl <wear location>.\n\r", ch );
	//Give list without vnums
	send_to_char( "Syntax: ofwl <wear location> <nonvnum>.\n\r", ch );
    //Did user write a real wear location?
    for ( intFind = 0; wear_flags[intFind].name != NULL; intFind++)
     //check if wear location found.
     if (!str_cmp (wear_flags[intFind].name, argument))
       intFound = intFind;
    //The wear location was NOT right
    if (intFound < 0)

    //For all objects on the mud.
    for ( vnum = 0; nMatch < top_obj_index; vnum++ )
	if ( ( pObjIndex = get_obj_index( vnum ) ) != NULL )
	    //Check if right wear location
	    if ( fAll || CAN_WEAR(pObjIndex, wear_flags[intFound].bit) )
		found = TRUE;
		//how do we write it to the player.
		if (str_cmp(arg1,"nonvnum"))
		    sprintf( buf, "[%5d] %s\n\r",pObjIndex->vnum, pObjIndex->short_descr );
		    sprintf( buf, "%s\n\r",pObjIndex->short_descr );
		//Send it to the player.
		send_to_char( buf, ch );

    //We didn't find any objects with the wear location.
    if ( !found )
	send_to_char( "No objects with this wear location found.\n\r", ch );
