* Ok this should slap right into your act_wiz.c (have mine in act_wiz2.c)
* Just put the code into the file, add the do_ps to interp.c and interp.h
* and voila, you can no use ps inside your mud, make sure you put the
* TEXT (TXT) file somewhere appropriate for your mud! update the code accordingly
* Also note, you may need to change its trigger name in interp.c to something other then
* ps (mine is psu) due to name conflicts.
* Syn

void do_ps ( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) //<-- fuckin thing wont work!
if ( argument[0] == '\0' )
	      send_to_char ( "ps what?\n\r", ch );

    FILE *fp=NULL;
    char proc[MSL];
	char line[80];
   	char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   	BUFFER *output;
   	output = new_buf(); // <-- This doesnt need to be large at all - Syn

        xprintf( proc, "ps %s > ../txt/ps.txt ", argument );
        system( proc );

        //* open file *
	    fp = fopen( "../txt/ps.txt","r" );

        while( fgets( line, 80, fp ) != NULL )
			sprintf(buf, "%s", line);

		fclose( fp );
		send_to_char(  buf_string(output), ch );
