#AREA   Planet Namek~

#AUTHOR Kalia~

0 65 0 65


#RESETMSG A calm wind blows over the surface of the planet.~

2 7

#CLIMATE 2 2 2

namek green thief~
the namekian thief~
A short little green man loiters around here, up to no good.
18874373 557056 -1000 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 250
112 112 0
7 100 100 15 25
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a mobzor~
Mobzor is BUFF, attack at your OWN risk.
This is a vicious mobzor
It ownz0rs you.
Fight it at your own risk.
Mobzor hates everyone.
16777219 3670400&1459648 1000 C
51 0 60 500d50+50 6d15+10
-1 750000000000
112 112 2
100 100 100 100 100
0 0 0 0 0
4 4 0 0 1 1 5
5 4 369360895 0 0 0 2101504 7
> fight_prog 100~
> death_prog 100~
mpecho Mobz0r is super duper powerful and will never ever die EVER!!!!
mpmload 5001
Captain Ginyu~
Captain Ginyu~
Captain Ginyu flies about here, wondering where his squad ran off to.
16908355 524416&2048 -1000 C
1 0 35 4d30+50 2d12+0
-1 50000000000
112 112 1
80 100 100 55 60
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 4
15 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
> fight_prog 50~
mea $n $I lowers his shoulder and charges into you!
mer $n $I lowers his shoulder and rams right at $n!
> fight_prog 35~
mea $n $I fires a powerful beam of ki at you!
mer $n $I lets loose a potent ki beam at $n!
mpdamage $n 35
> fight_prog 10~
mea $n $I lowers his shoulder and charges into you!
mer $n $I lowers his shoulder and rams right at $n!
> death_prog 2~
mpoload 5004
namek grocier~
The Namek Grocier~
The grocier sits here behind a long counter.
83886147 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
5 5 5 5 5
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mpecho $I says, 'Good day $n, can I interest you in some bottled water perhaps?'
namek tourist shop salesman~
The Tourist shop owner~
A salesman of the tourist shop is selling his wares here.
83886147 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
100 5 25 5 5
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mpecho $I looks up and notices you walk in.
mpecho $I says, 'Hello there $n, have a look around, take all the time you need.  Got some fine wares today!'
Namekian guard~
a namekian guard~
A tall green man stands here, vigilant of who passes to and from the village.
16777283 0 1000 C
1 0 75 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1000000
112 112 0
70 75 50 90 13
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if isevil($n)
  mea $n The Namekian guard emits a low growl in your direction.
 mpechoaround $n The Namekian guard lets out a growl at $n.
  mea $n The Namekian guard nods at you and shows a slight smile.
  mpechoaround $n The Namekian guard nods and smiles at $n.
A scarecrow~
A scarecrow is planted into the ground here, keeping birds away from the vegetables.
83886083 0 0 C
1 0 80 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 500
112 112 0
13 20 8 20 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 2~
mpecho $I sways slightly in a soft breeze.
> rand_prog 2~
mpecho A small blackbird lands nearby, but quickly flies away at the sight of the scarecrow.
> rand_prog 2~
mpecho A few pieces of straw fall from the scarecrow's loose sleeve.
namek worker~
a Namekian field worker~
A namekian worker is here, turning the soil.
16908291 0 1000 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 5000
112 112 0
75 75 60 100 35
0 0 0 0 0
3 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
namek worker~
a Namekian field worker~
A tired Namekian worker rests here, leaning against its pitchfork.
16908355 0 750 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 25000
112 112 0
85 60 75 95 40
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 1~
mpecho $I pulls out a small cloth and wipes the sweat from its forehead.
> death_prog 25~
mpoload 5020
resting namek worker~
A resting namek~
An exhausted namek sits on the bed here during its work break.
16777283 0 500 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1250
112 112 0
14 14 14 20 14
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Namek Village Elder~
The Village Elder~
The Village Elder is here lounging on a couch, teaching new pupils information from his journal.
83887683&1 0 1000 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 100000
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mea $n $I looks up from his book, noting your arrival.
mer $n $I looks up from his book as $n enters.
mpecho $I says, 'Nice to see you, $n, is there anything I can do for you today?'
namek child~
a Namekian child~
A young Namek splashes around in the shallow coast waters.
16908355 0 1000 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 50
112 112 0
19 45 100 70 95
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The towering Recoome is making his way through the grasses, leaving destruction in his wake.
131139 0 -1000 C
1 0 45 4d20+50 4d5+15
-1 15000000000
112 112 1
220 100 135 95 55
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 3
10 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 50~
mpecho $I delivers a powerful combo!
large crab~
a large crab~
A large crab is here, guarding its eggs from intruders.
131139 0 -250 C
1 0 65 1d20+0 4d5+5
-1 5000000
112 112 0
80 60 75 100 70
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 4096 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
mpecho $I rises slowly, spotting your intrusion..
mpecho $I watches your movements carefully..
mpecho $I senses danger for its young and attacks!
> fight_prog 15~
mpecho $I thrusts its claw swiftly at $n!
> death_prog 1~
mpoload 5022
fish school~
a school of fish~
A school of large fish is swimming around here.
131139 0 50 C
1 0 90 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 25000
112 112 0
40 35 100 45 65
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 25~
mpmload 5014
mpecho The fish summon another group of fish for aid!
Guldo is running around here, tormenting the island's inhabitants.
131139 0 -1000 C
1 0 85 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 10000000000
112 112 1
39 100 45 45 65
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 54 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 35~
mpecho $I lanches a barrage of attacks!
scatter 50
mpecho $I takes a deep breath, looking exhausted.
> death_prog 5~
mpoload 5023
ginyu wannabe~
a Ginyu Force Wannabe~
A Ginyu Force wannabe is here striking poses in an attempt to impress captain Ginyu.
16908355 0 -750 C
1 0 75 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 25000000
112 112 1
60 45 60 60 95
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 8~
mpecho The Ginyu Force Wannabe strikes a rather lame pose.
ginyu thug~
a Ginyu Thug~
A henchman hired by Captain Ginyu is securing the area here.
131171 524288 -100 C
1 0 70 1d20+5 2d5+2
-1 50000000
112 112 0
100 10 45 100 30
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 5~
mpecho $I whips out his blackjack and whomps $n over the head!
mpdamage $n 5
> fight_prog 10~
mea $n $I slides on his brass knuckles and decks you across the face!
mer $n $I slides on a pair of brass knuckles and smashes his fist on $n!
mpdamage $n 10
Jeice is high in the air here, hurling a red ball of energy down upon an inhabitant of the island.
196707 524288 -1000 C
1 0 60 6d40+50 2d6+4
-1 25000000000
112 112 1
60 80 100 60 75
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 20~
scat 35
> fight_prog 2~
mpecho Jeice produces a bright red sphere in his hands, and hurls it at his opponent!
mpdamage $n 30
Burter hovers just about the ground, watching Jeice.
131171 524288 -1000 C
1 0 60 2d20+50 3d8+2
-1 20000000000
112 112 1
80 60 100 90 50
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 20~
mea $n Burter elbows you in the gut!
mer $n Burter sends and elbow into $n!
mpdamage $n 8
> fight_prog 2~
mpecho Burter pauses a few moments, and releases a powerful burst of energy!
> death_prog 25~
mpoload 5008
A large Namek elder seems to be asleep in a giant throne here, coughing faintly.
84017219 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Training Dummy~
a training dummy~
A thick inflatable training dummy is hovering here, awaiting use from an aspiring warrior.
150995011 0 0 C
1 0 0 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 999999999999999
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Frieza hovers a few inches above the ground here, his arms crossed over his chest.
131139 524416&8192 -1000 C
1 0 30 5d30+50 2d12+2
-1 150000000000
112 112 1
100 100 100 100 100
0 0 0 0 0
5 5 0 0 1 1 4
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 75~
> fight_prog 50~
evil thingy~
a newly created evil thingy~
Yamma's little buddy is here.
1073741825 0 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 100~
mpforce zangya say send me home
A green namek citizen~
a newly created A green namek citizen~
Some god abandoned a newly created A green namek citizen here.
1207959553 0 -1000 C
1 0 300 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 150000000000
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 5~
c sen
evil thief~
a newly created evil thief~
Some god abandoned a newly created evil thief here.
1075838977 98306 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yamma helper~
Yamma's little helper~
Yamma's little helper is floating around here.
1 32768 0 C
1 0 100 1d20+0 2d5+0
-1 1
112 112 0
10 10 10 10 10
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 100~
mpforce kunzite say send me home

super duper scouter~
The best scouter ever made~
Someone left the world's best scouter here.~
65 0 131073
0 0 7 0 0 0
1 0 0
A pile of bunny poop~
There is a large pile of bunny droppings here, and it smells.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho A foul stink rises from something nearby.
Kalia's super duper hat~
There is a really cool hat here~
9 8389889 17
0 0 0 0 5000 5000
1 500000 50000
sexy thong~
A black silk thong~
Someone left their thong here.. who coulda done that?~
9 1280 2049 1
0 0 0 0 100 100
1 10000 1000
ginyu armor~
Captain Ginyu's Battle Armor~
Captain Ginyu seems to have left his armor behind here.~
9 8704 1025
0 0 0 0 1500 1500
1 162500 2000000
3 5
A Runestone Dagger~
A small yet powerful dagger lies here.~
5 8389891 8193
12 0 0 11 0 0
1 5000000 500000
4 500
2 500
1 500
3 500
mobzor cookie~
A delicious mobzor cookie~
Mobz0r left his cookie here.. mmm does it look good!~
19 8192 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1000000
mobzor cola~
Refreshing mobzor cola~
Mobzor left some cola behind here!~
17 8192 1
2 2 15 0 0 0
1 0 1000000
remote control~
A small remote control~
A small remote is left behind here.~
18 2 1
1 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0
frieza scouter~
Frieza's Custom Scouter~
A custom-built scouter lies on the ground here.~
65 8704 131073
0 0 20000000 0 0 0
1 0 0
bottled water~
A bottle of water~
A bottle lies here on the ground.~
17 0 1
1 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 25
large water jug~
A large water jug~
A large piece of pottery has been left here.~
17 0 1
5 5 0 0 0 0
5 0 200
teddy bear~
A plush teddy bear~
A cuddly teddy bear has been dropped on the ground here.~
9 0 16385
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1000
green shirt~
A dark green T-shirt~
A green shirt is folded neatly here.~
9 0 9
0 0 0 0 25 25
1 2500 150
fresh glass lemonade~
A refreshing glass of lemonade~
A glass with yellow liquid in it has been left here.~
17 0 1
1 1 6 0 0 0
1 0 50
green breadstick~
A large green breadstick~
A breadstick made on Namek has been tossed aside here.~
19 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 65
ankle bracelet~
A sterling silver ankle bracelet~
A flexible ring of silver shines on the ground.~
9 0 65
0 0 0 0 5 5
1 500 1500
cloth turban~
A cloth turban~
A pile of cloth is lying here.~
9 0 17
0 0 0 0 25 25
1 2500 10000
a bed~
A large bunk bed is neatly kept in the corner here.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
750 0 0
a well~
A very deep well here provides water for the Namekian village.~
25 0 0
100 100 0 0 0 0
500 0 0
a rusted pitchfork~
A dull and rusty pitchfork is lying here.~
59 0 16385
0 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 50
crab eggs~
crab eggs~
Hundreds of small round balls lie on the floor here, lighting up the area.~
1 1 0
0 0 -1 0 0 0
1 -100 -10
> rand_prog 25~
mpecho The eggs all around the room sparkle, shining a beautiful display of colors.
a small crab egg~
A small glowing ball is on the floor here, radiating a brilliant light.~
1 1 16385
0 0 -1 0 0 0
1 -100 -10
antique watch~
A small antique watch~
A small golden watch stands out on the ground here.~
8 8195 4097
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 250000
> rand_prog 1~
mpecho You hear a faint ticking sound nearby.
Thick Steel Belt~
a thick steel belt~
A large coil of steel is lying here.~
9 1075833344 2049
0 0 0 0 0 0
400 387500 38750
1 120
2 35
A heavy lead bracer~
a heavy lead bracer~
A hollow cylindrical chunk of lead is on the ground here.~
9 0 4097
0 0 0 0 250 250
200 0 2500000
1 10
2 -20

A Large Crater~
The ground here has been pounded in by the arrival and departure of the many
transport vessels to Namek.  A large dust cloud still lingers in the air from
the last landing.  The concrete slab used as a landing pad is cracked and worn,
appearing as if it won't stand much longer.  Against the north end of the crater
leans a sturdy wooden ladder serving as the only means of getting out of this
hole in the ground.
0 0 1
0 -1 5001
Approaching a Village~
The grass here is stamped down, forming a path leading north of the landing
pad.  Along the sides of the path the ground is elevated, creating a 
beautiful valley for travelers to move on.  Wonderful smelling Namekian flowers
line the path on both the left and right, providing a nice atmosphere for
visitors to the planet.  To the south the ground is heavily indented, forming
a crater in which the only landing pad on Namek is located, and far to the
north you think you can spot some sort of village.
0 0 1
0 -1 5002
0 -1 100160
0 -1 5000
Entering a Village~
As you move closer to the village, the noises and odors of the settlement
surround you.  Looking around, a race of friendly green creatures roam
freely about here, most waving at you as they pass.  They range from all
different shapes and sizes and ages and shades of green.  Alongside the
main path into and out of the village stands a young namek welcoming and
wishing farewells to tourists.  A dirt path leads south back to the ship's
landing pad, and north takes you into the heart of the village.
0 0 1
0 -1 5003
0 -1 5001
The Village Square~
Here you are in the heart of the Namekian village.  Right in the center of
the area is a large well, serving as a freshwater storage for the residents.
Small houses and huts line the side of the road, and local Nameks walk back
and forth, most them either hard at work or on their break, resting under
the large puffy-topped trees which seem to be popular on this planet.  Paths
lead in every cardinal direction from here, the north path leading to the 
elder's hut and the ocean, the west heading to the shops, the east a long
trail, and to the south the exit to the village leading to the landing pad.
0 0 1
0 -1 5015
0 -1 5016
0 -1 5002
0 -1 5004
A Path Between Two Huts~
You are on a grassy path leading east and west between the village square
and a small field where the village grows a variety of plants and crops.
On either north or south side of the path lies a large hut, both with
large open doors.  The northern hut only has a single word above the door,
"WATER", while the southern hut is a bit more decorated, having an advertisement
board outside the entrance.  The writing on the board however is smudged and 
illegible, so the only way to find out the wares would be to go inside.
0 0 1
0 -1 5005
0 -1 5003
0 -1 5006
0 -1 5007
The Namek Grocery~
You step into the hut to see.. nothing but bottled water stocked on the shelves!
Yes, shelves run along every wall of the hut, at all different heights, holding
bottles and jugs and mugs of all different shapes and sizes, all sealed and
filled with pure fresh water, waiting to be bought.  Just looking around
this shop makes you thirsty, which the shopkeeper would be more than happy
to help you with.
0 8 0
0 -1 5004
Tourist Gift Shop~
This house seems a lot smaller from the inside.  All kinds of Namekian
branded products are stocking the shelves and littering the floor of this
room, making it appear as if some sort of weather disaster occured here.
The products themselves seem to be made for those of different races.. charms,
trinkets, toys, and consumable goods that non-residents to planet Namek may
find unique.
0 8 0
0 -1 5004
Edge of a Small Field~
Passing through an open rusted gate, you find yourself in a field where
many nameks are hard at work growing all sorts of plants and produce.
A short wire fence runs around the perimeter of the field, to keep out
the many types of small animals that can be found on this planet.  There is
a small shed you can spot far to the south, and the field spans out in
several directions.
0 0 1
0 -1 5008
0 -1 5004
0 -1 5009
0 -1 5011
0 -1 5010
0 -1 5012
In a Small Field~
You are within a small field closed off by a wire fencing.  The persistant
Namek sun beats down on you from above, causing a bead of sweat to roll down
your forehead.  Nameks walk around here plowing the field, planting seeds,
harvesting some of the plants, and take care of basically everything else
here.  To the north, past the fence is a large mountain range, and the field
extends to the south and westly directions.
0 0 1
0 -1 5007
0 -1 5010
0 -1 5011
In a Small Field~
In this corner of the field, the larger plants are grown.  Some of the
flowers are growing about 6 feet tall, and the area is covered with bushes
and shrubberies of all sorts.  South of here lies the resting shack, but
the door to get inside isn't here.. instead the wall is covered with
beautiful vines of all different colors, each baring a different variety
of wonderful smelling fruits.. too bad for the Nameks they don't eat.
0 0 1
0 -1 5007
0 -1 5012
0 -1 5011
In a Small Field~
You are within a small field closed off by a wire fencing.  The persistant
Namek sun beats down on your from above, causing a bead of sweat to roll down
your forehead.  Nameks walk around here plowing the field, planting seeds,
harvesting some of the plants, and take care of basically everything else
here.  To the north, past the fence is a large mountain range, and the field
extends to the south and eastly directions.
0 0 1
0 -1 5008
0 -1 5011
0 -1 5007
In a Small Field~
The field extends in every direction except to the west from here, which
the long wire fence runs along.  You seem to be almost directly in the 
middle of the field, giving you a good sight of basically everything that
is going on, such as what the field workers are doing.  To the east is the 
gate back to the village, and all other directions lead to more of the field.
0 0 1
0 -1 5010
0 -1 5007
0 -1 5012
0 -1 5008
0 -1 5009
In a Small Field~
You are in the southern end of the field.  Most of the traffic through
here is Nameks going to the rest shack to the south, either on their breaks
or going to fetch some farm tools to do their jobs.  Not much is being grown
in this particular corner of the field, and some of the few small plants that
are being grown here are a bit trampled from walks to the shed, which the 
door to lies directly south from here.
0 0 1
0 -1 5011
0 -1 5009
0 -1 5013
0 -1 5007
Within a Small Shack~
You are inside a small storage shed used by the Nameks for field work.
Gardening tools of all sorts align the walls, shovels, pitchforks, hoes,
rakes, and a variety of other namekian inventions of all shapes and sizes.
A large dull bulb hanging from the ceiling shines light on the room, although
it isn't needed because enough light shines through the cracks in the walls.
To the east is a small recently added-on room used for exhausted workers to
take a break, and to the north is the exit back into the field.
0 8 0
0 -1 5012
0 -1 5014
Worker's Quarters~
This room has just recently been constructed.  The wooden walls aren't
as decayed as the main room in the shack, and the room in general is in
much better shape.  A few bunk beds are lined up against the southern wall,
some occupied by overworked Nameks.  The lighting of the room is poor, but  
good enough to see.  A table sits in the middle of the room with a deck of
cards, for workers on their breaks.  The only exit is back west into the
main room of the shack.
0 536871948 0
0 -1 5013
Leaving the Village~
You are at the northern gates of the Namekian Village.  A watchman standing
nearby warns you that there has been strange sightings nearby, and not to
wander too far off.  To the north is a beach, where many nameks go to in
their free time to find relaxation or get a tan.. provided that it is even
possible for a namek to get a tan.  Along the western side of the path lies
a solitary hut, bigger than the rest in the village, presumable being the
residence of the village's eldest citizen.
0 0 1
0 -1 5040
0 -1 5003
0 -1 5036
A Winding Trail~
You are along a recently-cut path between tall grasses.  The trail however
winds in front of you, leaving you unable to see exactly where the path
leads to. Fortunately there is only one path, or else this place would be a
maze, as the grass on both sides is at least seven feet tall, and too thick
and heavy to walk through.  From here you can either head west back to the
Village Square, or southeast farther into the path.
0 0 1
0 -1 5003
0 -1 5017
> rand_prog 10~
mpecho Bugs scurry along the path between the grasses.
A Winding Trail~
Moving along the trail, some sort of heavy tracks are in the ground..
none of the nameks you have seen are this big.  The grasses around here
are knocked down and some is even uprooted from the ground!  Surely
it is either a namekian maintainece crew here.. you'd hate to think of it
being anything else.  Nearby you hear the grass shaking.. and see it moving..
Maybe now would be a good time to get your wits about you.
0 2097152&8 1
0 -1 5018
0 -1 5016
A Winding Trail~
The ground here is slightly elevated.  Through a gap in the grasses you
can spot the crater in which the ships land in, possibly even get to it 
from here.  The grasses here are shorter than the rest of the trail, and
to the southeast they seem to pretty much disappear altogether, and from 
that direction you can hear the sounds of the ocean.
0 0 1
0 -1 5017
0 -1 5019
0 -1 5000
End of the Trail~
Here the trail ends at the ocean shore.  The tall grass lining the sides
of the path has been replaced with weeds and cattails.  The ocean water
in front of you is calm, and stretches out as far as you can see.  Old 
seashells lie in the sand and crabs scurry about, but there doesn't 
appear to be any sort of humanoid tracks around here.  You can either head
back to the trail from here, or head towards the ocean.
0 0 1
0 -1 5023
0 -1 5018
> rand_prog 10~
mpecho You catch a strong whiff of salt water.
Flying above the Ocean~
The movement of the water begins to pick up here.  Small waves move below
you, and the clear water gives you a good view of the aquatic life below.
A towering rock wall builds up along the west side of the coast, preventing
any movement in that direction.  You can continue to move over the ocean to
the north, east, south, or the northwest.
0 0 9
0 -1 5037
0 -1 5025
0 -1 5021
0 -1 5038
Flying above the Ocean~
The water here is rather deep.  The dark blue surface is completely calm,
not a wave can be seen.  The serene beauty of it makes you feel at ease
as you fly slowly, making sure not to disturb the perfection below you.
A large cliff wall begins to rise along the west coast, making that way
not an option.  To the east, the water pulls at you with a strong force.
The shallow waters to the south lead back to the shore, and the ocean 
extends to the north.
0 0 9
0 -1 5020
0 -1 5026
0 -1 5023
Flying above the Ocean~
0 4 9
Shallow Waters~
You are floating just above the surface of the water.  You can see the
ground about two feet or so below, but the bottom of the ocean soon drops 
off, and the current picks up, making this beach a not-so-great place to
go swimming.  To the east, the water seems a little darker, covered in 
some sort of white color.. you can't make it out from here.  To the north
and south the waters are calm, and west takes you back onto land.
0 0 9
0 -1 5021
0 -1 5027
0 -1 5024
0 -1 5019
Flying above the Ocean~
The water here is rather deep.  The dark blue surface is completely calm,
not a wave can be seen.  The serene beauty of it makes you feel at ease,
as you fly slowly, making sure not to disturb the perfection below you.
To the north, the water is much shallower, and to the east leads further
out into the ocean.
0 0 9
0 -1 5023
0 -1 5028
Flying Above the Ocean~
The movement of the water begins to pick up here.  Small waves move below
you, every now and again you can spot a fish jumping out of the water.
A solid wall of rock wraps around from far to the east, stretching around
to the north.  The ocean spreads out in many directions from here, leading
to the west, east, south, and northwest.
0 0 9
0 -1 5029
0 -1 5026
0 -1 5020
0 -1 5037
Above Foamy Water~
The water here is so coated in the thick white bubbles than you can't 
see through it at all.   You can feel the coldness of the water reaching
up at you.. stingingly cold, almost numbing.  You can also feel some sort
of strong force pulling you downwards, toward the ocean surface.  The only
way to find the cause of all this would be to plummet straight down, into
the water below.
0 0 9
0 -1 5025
0 -1 5030
0 -1 5027
0 -1 5021
0 -1 5033
Above Foamy Water~
The water here is a very dark shade of blue, and a thick covering of foam
coats the entire surface.  You can sense the bottom of the ocean dropping
even further to the north.  You can feel the cold breeze as it passes over
the nearly freezing waters below.  The ocean is more calm where it extends
to the east, west and south, and to the north the waters grow colder.
0 0 9
0 -1 5026
0 -1 5031
0 -1 5028
0 -1 5023
Flying above the Ocean~
The water here is rather deep.  The dark blue surface is completely calm,
not a wave can be seen.  The serene beauty of it makes you feel at ease
as you fly slowly, making sure not to disturb the perfection below you.
The water northward is a much darker color, with some sort of whiteness
floating on top.  The ocean also expands to the east and west.
0 0 9
0 -1 5027
0 -1 5032
0 -1 5024
Flying Above the Ocean~
The water here is actually moving, unlike the completely still waters to
the southwest, although the waves are small and far between.  This area
of the ocean has a generally more active atmosphere.. birds fly above you,
fish are visibly swimming in small schools below you, and you can feel
warmth from the water underneath.  The rocky wall to the east extends around
to the north, blocking both those directions, and the ocean stretches to
the south and west.
0 0 9
0 -1 5030
0 -1 5025
Flying Above the Ocean~
The water here is rather deep.  The dark blue surface is completely calm,
not a wave can be seen.  The serene beauty of it makes you feel at ease
as you fly slowly, making sure not to disturb the perfection below you.
The waters to the west feel colder, and you can feel the bottom of the
ocean drop further.  The ocean also extends to the north and south.
0 0 9
0 -1 5029
0 -1 5031
0 -1 5026
Flying Above the Ocean~
The water here is rather deep.  The dark blue surface is completely calm,
not a wave can be seen.  The serene beauty of it makes you feel at ease
as you fly slowly, making sure not to disturb the perfection below you.
Water laps against the impassible cliff wall to the east, and the calm blue
water stretches north and south.  The water to the west however is darker,
with a white foam floating on it.
0 0 9
0 -1 5030
0 -1 5032
0 -1 5027
Flying Above the Ocean~
The water here is rather deep.  The dark blue surface is completely calm,
not a wave can be seen.  The serene beauty of it makes you feel at ease
as you fly slowly, making sure not to disturb the perfection below you.
To the east, a high cliff wall rises up from the water, making that direction
impassible, and the ocean reaches further to the west and north.
0 0 9
0 -1 5031
0 -1 5071
0 -1 5028
Swimming Above a Whirlpool~
You are a few feet below the surface of the water.  Directly above a 
thick covering of foam blocks your view, and heavily limits the light
that comes down underwater.  Directly below you the water is moving 
rapidly in a circular motion, you can feel it pulling on you, trying to
draw you in.  From here you can either get back out of the water, or
challenge the whirlpool.
0 2097152 8
0 -1 5026
0 -1 5034
Deep Underwater~
You are directly below the whirlpool.  The light down this far is even
dimmer, you can't even see your outstretched arm without some sort of
light source.  However, all over the ground here lies hundreds upon
hundreds of small glowing balls.. what could they be?  Unfortunately,
they are firmly stuck into the ground.  A trail of them leads to the
southwest, into a small cave.
0 1 8
0 -1 5033
0 -1 5035
A small underwater Cave~
More of the shiny glowing balls are along the floor here.  Small crabs
are crawling all around the cave.. along the walls, on the ceiling, and
basically everywhere else.  As you look around, you notice small fragments
of the balls lying around, littering the cave with small shards.  You don't
have much time to inspect, however, as the very floor below you seems to
0 2097152&8 8
0 -1 5034
The Village Elder's House~
You are inside a large fancy two room house.. well, to someone living on
earth it may not be a large place, but to a Namek, it's a mansion.  The
room you entered is a smaller sort of entrance hall, but the main room
is where most of the action here takes place.  Bookshelves align the
walls, providing all sorts of information that any Namek would need.  In
the center of the room is a large table, surrounded by a dozen or so chairs,
used for village council meetings.  A twin sized bed rests against the
far corner.  The only place to go from here is back out to the village gates.
0 536871944 0
0 -1 5015
Flying above a River~
The water here is moving quite rapidly.  Mid-sized waves roll over the
surface of the ocean, sending some water up high enough to splash you.
The rocky wall to the east stretches around to the north, and far to the
west you can see another wall forming around that side of the ocean,
creating a closed-in river up ahead to the west.  To the southeast and
south is towards the ocean.
0 0 9
0 -1 5020
0 -1 5038
0 -1 5025
A River Valley~
The water here is churning rather rapidly, as the waves below become
rather monsterous in size.  Water travel through here would only be for
the really daring and adventurous risky type, or someone really stupid.
The rock walls close in from the east and west, becoming even narrower
down the river northward.  Fortunately there isn't much risk of flying
through, except getting tired and plummeting into the water below.  The
calmer ocean leads to the southeast and east, and the river stretches on
to the north.
0 0 9
0 -1 5039
0 -1 5037
0 -1 5020
A small strip of Sand~
The beach here is rather small, comparatively to the rest of the island,
anyway.  Here you can see the source of the turbulence of the water in 
the river valley to the south.. some force is shoving the water southward
against its natural flow, creating powerful large waves.  To the north,
you can sense some sort of power, and it doesn't seem friendly.. perhaps
Namek has an unwanted visitor?
0 0 1
0 -1 5062
0 -1 5038
0 -1 5059
The Village's Beach~
You are at a rather crowded beach just north of the Namekian village.
Small Nameks splash in the salt waters, and older citizens lounge around
on beach chairs, holding conversation and enjoying some rays from the ever
present Namekian suns.  The water is a beautiful shade of light blue, and
the temperature is just perfect for swimming, not too cold nor too warm.
To the south heads towards the village, and the ocean begins to the north
and northwest directions.
0 0 1
0 -1 5042
0 -1 5015
0 -1 5041
Hovering above Powerful Waves~
Enormous waves form at the edge of an island spotted to the west, and
are moving east at very high speeds.  Fortunately for the village to the
southeast, the waves are merely passing around that direction.  The waves,
however seem to die off not too far away.. something which isn't exactly
natural.  From here you can move ashore by going either west or northwest,
get to the Namek village's beach to the southeast, or combat some more
large waves to the north.
0 0 9
0 -1 5048
0 -1 5050
0 -1 5049
0 -1 5040
Soaring above Deep Waters~
You are flying directly above the crystal clear waters of Namek's largest
ocean.  Looking down, your vision can penetrate very far into the depths
of the water, but you can't manage to see the bottom, and are not able
to judge how deep the water might be.  The current however is barely even
existent, making the ocean safer than it seems.  To the south is a large
beach, and the ocean extends to the north and east.
0 0 9
0 -1 5043
0 -1 5058
0 -1 5040
Soaring above Deep Waters~
The open sky stretches out in every direction from here, creating a very
beautiful background as you fly over the ocean.  Schools of fish swim
underneath the waves below you, and birds share the sky with you.  All
in all Namek is a wonderful place to behold.. well, for the peaceful type,
anyway.  As far as you can see to the north, south, and west, there is
nothing but the ocean and open air.
0 0 9
0 -1 5044
0 -1 5042
0 -1 5048
Soaring above Deep Waters~
Not much sets the sections of the large Namek ocean apart from each other..
they all contain the same deep clear blue waters, colorful schools of fish,
selections of overhead birds.. generally they all have the same beautiful
atmosphere.  To either the eastern or western directions, you can make out
islands, probably home to more residents of the planet.  From here you can
follow the ocean to the north or south.
0 0 9
0 -1 5045
0 -1 5043
Nearing a Large Island~
Far in the northern distance, you can spot a large island.  This island,
however, has something different than the rest you've seen so far.. at
least you THINK something is different, as you're a bit too far away to
tell exactly what it is.. something mechanical?  The only way to find
out would be to move in closer by moving north.. or if you'd rather not 
find out, you can always head south towards the ocean.
0 0 9
0 -1 5046
0 -1 5044
0 -1 5057
Along a Rocky Shore~
You are on the shore of a large island.  The sand here is littered with
rocks, trash, and assorted scrap metal that was either discarded.. or
something that's falling apart.  Far in the distance you can still spot
a large dome shape to the north, as well as hear some sort of commotion
going on in the same direction.  It sounds something like a commander
yelling at his men.  The only other way to go is south, towards the ocean.
0 0 1
0 -1 5047
0 -1 5045
Along the edge of a Large Island~
Nearing the heart of the island, the dome shape becomes more visible..
looks like some sort of craft or mechanical device, far beyond all the
technology you've seen used by the nameks on this planet.  However, your
attention is diverted by a rather large man striking ridiculous poses,
with all sorts of little goons trying to imitate him, most of which are
criticized heavily by the captain.  Most of them don't even seem to notice
you, the rest look ready to pounce you.
0 2097152&8 1
0 -1 5046
Hovering above Powerful Waves~
You are flying over some humongous tidal waves.. but for some reason, 
they're heading out towards the ocean, away from the island you can spot 
to the west.  This movement of water isn't natural, something nearby must
be the cause of it.  Far to the west, in the direction of the island, you
think you can feel something, but it's hard to tell at such a distance.
To the east is the ocean, to the west is the island, and to the south
the waves continue.
0 0 9
0 -1 5043
0 -1 5041
0 -1 5049
A Steep Slope~
The ground here is elevated, giving you a view of this island.  The grass
on the hilltops is all flat, pushed against the ground by fierce winds
coming from somewhere below, although taller hills block that direction.
From here you can see the water as it is being pushed away from the island,
creating tidal waves out in the distance to the east and southeast.  To 
the south is part of the island's beach, and to the west, the slops increase
rapidly in altitude.
0 0 1
0 -1 5048
0 -1 5050
0 -1 5052
0 -1 5041
Along a Broad Beach~
The beach here is much larger than normal, due to the water being pushed
out much further than it would normally be in low tide.  Something on this
island must be rather powerful if it has enough force to push an entire 
coast.  Further to the west you can feel some sort of strong power, more
than likely the source of the ocean problems.  To the north heads uphill,
the east heads back out to the waves, and southwest is a small field.
0 0 1
0 -1 5049
0 -1 5041
0 -1 5051
A Barren Field~
Something completely unnatural has occured here.  The obvious obliteration
of the region's wildlife is displayed with numerous signs about the area.
Slain animals litter the ground with their corpses, shreds of plants cover
the exposed dirt, and the trees have all fallen, spreading their bark and
splinters all around the surroundings.  This scene however is only a small
portion of the total disaster, which is somewhat visible to the north.
0 0 1
0 -1 5053
0 -1 5050
A Cliff's Edge~
You are on the peak of the cliff on this island.  Over the cliff edge
to the south, you can see a bloody mess.. but you can't exactly spot what
the cause of it might be.  Due to the steep edge's sudden drop, going that
way would be a one way process.  To the north, the cliff isn't nearly as
steep as it drops over Namek's ocean, from here you can spot a small yet
very tall island.
0 0 1
0 -1 5054
0 -1 5049
0 -1 5053
This place is a mess of blood and gore.  The once residents of this island
have been completely annihilated right here.. all you can make out is 
some tattered remains.  Throughout the area you can spot two different
sets of bloody tracks all around, leaving nothing but destruction all
around.  The power of whatever caused this mess must be the force pushing
the ocean back.. an obviously not-so-friendly force.  The only escape is 
to the south.
0 2097152&8 1
0 -1 5051
Over the Cliff's Edge~
You are just below the cliff wall of the island to the south.  Waterfalls
flow on both sides, creating a beautiful scene as the water flows north, 
towards an island previously sighted far in the distance.  A path between
the waterfalls leads to the northwest, where the suns seem to be shining
down especially brightly.. or maybe that's just the reflection on the water.
To the south is over the low cliff wall, up to some high hills.
0 0 9
0 -1 5052
0 -1 5055
Approaching a tall Island~
You are floating just above a strip of shallow water, being probably not
even a foot deep.  The strip heads towards an island which is rather large
height-wise, but small around in terms of circumference.  Looking up, you
can spot what appears to be some structure on the top of the island.. but
it is a bit difficult to tell from this distance, and with the side of the
island blocking the view.  To the southeast is a larger island more on the
main beaten path.
0 0 9
0 -1 5056
0 -1 5054
Base of the Island~
You are on a small ledge on the island, about three feet from the water's
surface.  From here you can barely even see halfway up the island, as
trying to look up that far puts a lot of strain on your neck, not to mention
that the sun is beaming nearly straight down upon you.  The ledge you are
standing on is the only stepping stone anywhere near your current altitude..
the only way up to the next platform would be to fly.
0 0 1
0 -1 5055
0 -1 5064
Between Islands~
You are closing in on a small island to your east, and far northwest you
can see another, much larger island, although you can't make out much 
more than the shore.  The island to the east seems rather uninhabited by
civilized culture, all you can spot are a few small creatures running
about.  The water grows continually shallower towards the eastern beach,
and deeper to the northwest.  You can also move around the small island
by going south.
0 0 9
0 -1 5060
0 -1 5058
0 -1 5045
Near a Small Island~
You are nearing a small island that you can see to the east.  The water
here is growing increasingly shallower in that direction, as you can see
the ocean floor not too far below the water's surface.  The island to the
east seems rather empty of life except for a little bit of small wildlife
romping around.  To the east is the shore, to the north moves along the 
beach, and to the west the ocean grows deeper.
0 0 1
0 -1 5057
0 -1 5059
0 -1 5042
Along a Sandy Beach~
You are on a thick strip of beach on a small island.  The especially
grainy sand moves up rather far inland, making home to hundreds of small
creatures, such as crustaceans and starfish.. as well as the dozens of
discarded shells you could collect, if you had time.  A rather large rock
formation blocks any northern movement along the shore, but you can move
around the island to the southeast, or head towards the ocean to the west.
0 0 1
0 -1 5058
0 -1 5039
Along a Sandy Beach~
You are on a thick strip of beach on a small island.  The especially
grainy sand moves up rather far inland, making home to hundreds of small
creatures, such as crustaceans and starfish.. as well as the dozens of 
discarded shells you could collect, if you had the time to.  A huge rock
formation springs up to the south, blocking any passage that way, leaving
you the only options of moving inland to the southeast, or to the west,
towards the ocean.
0 0 1
0 -1 5057
0 -1 5061
Edge of a Crater~
You are on the northern end of the small island.  Most of the grass in
this particular region is either dead or dying, replaced with quick
sprouting weeds.  To the east is a large crater, which tracks lead out
from, heading to the south from here, meaning something must have landed
inside that crater.  To the south is the center of the island, and to the
northwest is the beach, and heading out towards the ocean.
0 2097152&8 1
0 -1 5070
0 -1 5062
0 -1 5060
On a small Island~
You are roughly in the middle of the little island.  Few animals are about,
and few trees grow around here, most of the island is covered in short
grasses and hills.  Most of the wildlife that is here, however, is oddly
still, worried, and watching the surroundings.  Apparently something is
wrong with this place.. you can spot small tracks leading in from the north,
but these tracks aren't made from anything you've seen so far.  Nearby you
can sense some sort of power..
0 0 1
0 -1 5061
0 -1 5039
Inside a Ginyu pod~
With the door to the craft open, there's enough light to actually see
what's inside of this ship.  The pod seems rather small and cramped, only
one person could have possibly fit inside of it during a flight.  Opposite
of the pod's door is a large seat with consoles and controls all around it,
most likely used to fly the ship, but given the pod's current condition it
probably won't be flying any time soon.  The only way out of the pod is to
climb out the door.
0 2057 0
7 5008 5070
About Halfway up the Island~
You are on a small platform a little below the halfway altitude mark of
the island.  Looking down, you can see just how steep the side of the
island really is.. there's no way anyone could possibly get this high
without flight, and the landing here is far too small to accomodate
any sort of craft.  The side of the island blocks any good view except
out to the ocean, you can barely even see the little ledge below you.
The only way to continue up the island is a narrow ledge to the east.
0 0 1
0 -1 5065
0 -1 5056
Below a Small Building~
The ledge here is very narrow.. a simple misstep would send you crashing
down into the water below, which would be an unfortunate accident, since 
the water is a bit shallow.  The view here isn't too bad, you can see a 
small bit of another island far to the south, and looking up you can spot
a small dome-shaped building far above you.  Apparently someone has taken
residence there.  The platform you are on spirals upwards towards the top
of the island as it thins out.
0 0 1
0 -1 5064
0 -1 5066
Nearing the top of the Island~
Just about four fifths of the way up the island, the spiraling ledge
comes to an end.  Looking up, you can see the top of the island not too
far above you, the strenuous work of climbing the mountain has payed off.
From here, however, you can't see much of what is on top of the island,
for that you would have to continue upwards the rest of the way.
0 0 1
0 -1 5067
0 -1 5065
Outside a Small Building~
The view of Namek from here is wonderful.. you can spot several island
chains from here, see the ocean spread out over the planet, or just sit
back and watch the birds fly past.  Short grasses cover the ground here,
providing comfort for you to lie down and take a rest, as most island 
climbers would need after such an adventure.  However, the bulk of this
island's top is occupied by a large unmarked dome-shaped building, which
looks a smiliar to the houses in the Namekian village.  The only entrance
to the building is through an uncovered doorway to the north, from where
you can sense a welcoming presence.  The only other way to go is back
down the island.
0 0 1
0 -1 5068
0 -1 5066
Within Guru's Residence~
Nothing inside this building is stirring at all.. not a noise can be heard,
not a movement can be senses.  The blue floors are shined so well you can
see your own reflection clearly staring back at you.  The place is dark,
almost no light gets in through the round purple window on the domed ceiling,
the main source of light enters through the doorway.  A larger room is to
the east, but from here you can barely even make it out at all, much
less judge what's inside.
0 1032 0
0 -1 5069
0 -1 5067
Guru's Throne Room~
A large throne sits against the far wall here, occupied by what seems to
be a rather large green figure.. this must be the Namek elder, Guru.  He
is obviously well-aged, as he seems to be sleeping.. although he notices
everything that goes on inside his room.  The look on his face shows that
he is happy to have a visitor, and his greeting expresses the same thing.
Even though you have trouble seeing through the darkness of the room, the
elder seems to not even be affected, as his old eyes have adjusted to the
lack of light.  The only way out is back to the main room to the west.
0 1032 0
0 -1 5068
Within a Small Crater~
The inside of the crater is actually much smaller than it looks from above.
Directly in the center of this hole you can spot some sort of door, halfway
submerged into the dirt ground here, as a cloud of dust still lingers in
the air from the recent arrival.  The door has a purple window on it, but
it is too dark to see anything inside, but you can tell that this must be 
a spacepod of some sort.  Tracks lead out of the crater, to the west.
0 0 1
0 -1 5061
3 5008 5063
A Worn Battlefield~
The surroundings around you display nothing but destruction and devastation
for miles.  All the grass is torn from the ground, the seas now remain
waterless, jagged trunks of uprooted trees barely peek above the ground,
and all native lifeforms have either been destroyed or evacuated.  Huge 
craters are strewn all over, mountains have been reduced to rubble, hardly
viewable due to dust in the air blocking most of the light overhead.  
Obviously, some sort of battle must have taken place here, one of epic
proportions, a conflict between two incredibly powerful opposing forces.
0 4 1
0 -1 5032
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Floating in a void~
0 2097156 1
Hell, Fire, and Brimstone.~
As if picked up by the scruff of your neck by a mighty hand, you find
yourself unceremoniously dumped at a strange gateway.  Here is the
place which will determine your fate.  Whether you will be sent back
to life as you once knew it, or proceed onto a far yet bleaker pathway.
The time has come for you to plead your case and await judgement for the
crimes that have been placed upon your head.  Speak wisely and choose
your words carefully, for your testimony will be written in the ledgers
of the Gods, and will determine the path you will ultimately travel.
            )    | (")      (
            ,(.  |`/ \- y  (,`)
           )' (' | \ /\/  ) (.
          (' ),) | _W_   (,)' ).
0 2098180&24 1
> act_prog p is DEAD!!~
mpat 1500 mptransfer $n 5097
> act_prog p explodes under the strain of the kaioken.~
mpat 1500 mptransfer $n 5097
mpforce $n look
> act_prog p explodes under the strain of using the Kaioken.~
mpat 1500 mptransfer $n 5097
mpforce $n look
The Dojo of supreme butt kicking, or something like that..~
Omg room pwned by koronto.
0 2097156 1
The super duper really secret room!!~
This place is really secret
Shhh, don't tell anyone
Then again there isn't an exit or entrance anyway.  :)
0 2097156&24 1

M 1 5003 1 5005
G 1 5010 1
G 1 5011 1
M 1 5004 1 5006
G 1 5013 1
G 1 5015 1
G 1 5012 1
G 1 5014 1
G 1 5017 1
G 1 5016 1
M 1 5005 1 5002
M 1 5006 1 5010
M 1 5007 1 5011
D 0 5070 5 1
M 1 5008 1 5009
M 1 5009 1 5014
O 1 5018 1 5014
M 1 5010 1 5036
M 1 5011 1 5040
M 1 5015 1 5061
M 1 5018 1 5053
M 1 5019 1 5053
M 1 5013 1 5035
O 1 5021 1 5035
M 1 5014 1 5033
M 1 5017 2 5047
M 1 5016 1 5047
M 1 5002 1 5047
M 1 5017 2 5047
M 1 5012 1 5017
G 1 5025 1
M 1 5020 1 5069
M 1 5000 1 5003
O 1 5019 1 5003
M 1 5022 1 5071
O 1 5009 1 5063
D 0 5063 4 2

 5001    0  0  0  0  0   100  80         0 23    ; a mobzor
 5003    0  0  0  0  0   100  90         0 23    ; The Namek Grocier
 5004    0  0  0  0  0   100  90         0 23    ; The Tourist shop owner


M  5000 spec_thief
M  5096 spec_thief
