Temple of Sanctum~
   You stand inside a massive temple dedicated to the gods of Sanctus.  The
ceiling is supported by fluted columns and a main spiral stairwell that leads
both up and down.  Small rooms adjoin this chamber in all four cardinal
directions.  It is here mortals come to stay informed and discuss their
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info credits~
   Builder   : Rumble
Zone         : 1 Sanctus
Related Zones: 2 Sanctus II, 3 Sanctus III
Began        : 2000
Player Level : 1-34
Rooms        : 100
Mobs         : 100
Objects      : 76
Shops        : 6
Triggers     : 33
Theme        : A mortal starting town.
Plot         : Fabric of time torn, world going to hell. Sanctus one of the few
               safe havens remaining.
Notes        : None
Zone 1 is linked to the following zones:
  2 Sanctus II                     at   100 (down ) --->   251
  3 Sanctus III                    at   101 (south) --->   365
  2 Sanctus II                     at   111 (down ) --->   207
  2 Sanctus II                     at   112 (down ) --->   213
  2 Sanctus II                     at   114 (down ) --->   243
  2 Sanctus II                     at   115 (down ) --->   248
  2 Sanctus II                     at   118 (down ) --->   254
  2 Sanctus II                     at   119 (down ) --->   259

  2 Sanctus II                     at   121 (down ) --->   289
  2 Sanctus II                     at   122 (down ) --->   295
  3 Sanctus III                    at   128 (down ) --->   340
  3 Sanctus III                    at   129 (down ) --->   341
  3 Sanctus III                    at   132 (down ) --->   345
  3 Sanctus III                    at   133 (down ) --->   346
  3 Sanctus III                    at   139 (down ) --->   362
  2 Sanctus II                     at   189 (south) --->   200
  2 Sanctus II                     at   194 (south) --->   201
  2 Sanctus II                     at   195 (south) --->   202
  2 Sanctus II                     at   196 (south) --->   203
  2 Sanctus II                     at   197 (south) --->   204
  2 Sanctus II                     at   198 (south) --->   205
  2 Sanctus II                     at   199 (south) --->   206
The Temple of the Gods~
   You have reached the highest point in the kingdom of Sanctus.  It is from
here that the worshippers of the gods come to pay tribute to those who have
saved them from the chaos and destruction beyond the sanctuary of the city
walls.  Large windows reach from the floor to the ceiling, giving an excellent
view of the city and countryside beyond.  An altar stands in the middle of the
room with a statue on each side.    
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   The altar is made from black granite and has been carved into a small basin
with a high back.  Almost as if it was meant to be some sort of seat.  
Inscriptions in some foreign tongue are written on every square inch of the
altar.  You wonder what they must say and who could have written it.    
   As you examine the statues more closely you realize they must resemble the
two gods responsible for the creation and ongoing protection of Sanctus, Ferret
and Rumble.  They both radiate a strength and power that resembles the solid
white marble they were crafted from.    
Inner Sanctum~
   You have reached the highest room in the tower of Sanctum where only those
devoted to the guild of Clerics are allowed to practice their skills and spells
to become masters of their discipline.  The walls are covered in a white see-
through cloth giving you the impression of being inside of a tent rather than
in a room.  The room glows brightly, though you cannot tell from what source.
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High Council Meeting Room~
   This is the meeting room for the guild of clerics.  All orders and affairs
are resolved in this room by the High Council of Clerics.  They are responsible
for the health of all the citizens of Sanctus and are obligated to aid anyone who
is in need.  A large rectangular table with thirteen chairs surrounding it
fills the center of the room.  A large pane window overhead admits a glowing
aura that fills the room with serenity.    
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   A large sturdy oak table with two sturdy silver candelabras placed in the
center.  The twelve chairs on the sides are used by the councillors while the
head chair, which is garnished in silver, is only used by the High Councilman.
Inner Void~
   This room is exempt from all normal laws of reality.  You have entered the
realm of magic where the laws of science no longer exist.  The void you find
yourself in is created within your mind and is the perfect place to practice
your mystical arts.  For those who have trained hard enough they shall receive
assistance in their pursuit of knowledge and power.  Others will find peace in
this void and never be able to return.    
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   How can you look at something that does not even exist.    
Meeting Room of the Magi~
   Those who have achieved the power and fame to be considered a Magi rule the
Mages Quarter of Sanctus.  They are responsible for the upkeep of the magical
barrier that protects the city from the chaos of the outside world.  They may
also be called upon to protect the city in case of an attack.  The Magi are the
most reverred of all the classes as they are the most powerful.  But that power
has a price.  Only five Magi have survived.  Five decorative cushions are
placed in a circle in the middle of the room.    
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   Each cushion is of a different color.  Red, Blue, Green, Black, Yellow.  
You notice two other cushions lined against the wall before a small altar.  
They are Grey and Purple.  Those colors symbolize the stages in the raising of
a Magi.  Few every achieve that honor.  None have for the Order of the Purple
or Grey Robe.    
Above the Northern Gate~
   In between the Thieves and Warriors Quarter the Northern Gate is the main
defensive hold in case of an attack.  At this distance you can just barely make
out the shimmering dome that was created by the gods and is now sustained by
the Magi.  The dome curves along the walls of the city and can not be seen for
more than a few feet in any direction.  It reminds you of looking at a mirage.
You can only see it if you glance to one side, it disappears as soon as you try
to look straight at it.  Stone stairs lead down into the city wall.    
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dome barrier shimmering~
   Created by Rumble and Ferret, the dome holds back the magical chaos that was
created by Drakkar.  The dome is used to keep balance within the city limits
and allows everyone to exist in peace.  Those brave enough to venture beyond
the dome do so at their own risk.  Beyond the dome the scale of balance has
collapsed and the laws of science and nature are in disorder.    
Training Room~
   Pads of cloth line the walls and floor softening warriors falls as they are
thrown about by their trainers.  This is where fighters come to hone their
battling skills.  Racks of weapons line two of the four walls.  The room is
filled with a smoky haze from four brass lanterns suspended from the ceiling.
The room smells of sweat and blood.    
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War Room~
   A large hearthstone fireplace blazes in one wall.  Maps, charts and other
strategic planning tools are placed on a large glass table with a map of the
realm encased within.  This is where the War Master plans how to protect the
city in case of an attack.  The room is a mess with maps piled high and
scattered haphazardly wherever there is room.  This is where the defense of the
city is run from.    
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   The table is made out of cherry.  It is worn from years of use.  The glass
top allows for an excellent view of the map protected within.    
   The map is a geographic representation of Sanctus.  Not even really a map,
more of a scaled model.  The walls and buildings of the city are raised higher
than the rest of the map to give it a third dimension.  Small soldiers are
scattered around the top of the table to help the War Master place his men.  

Thieves Retreat~
   All the curtains are pulled tight, the shades drawn low.  A feeling of
mystery and secrecy blankets the room.  Dim lights cause a dancing of shadows
that plays tricks on the eyes.  A few of the shadows may actually be people,
hidden easily in the darkness Those who have chosen the discipline of thievery
can learn invaluable skills here to further their training and wealth.    
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Scheming Room~
   The masters of the underground gather here to devise their plans for the
running of Sanctus.  Their abilities in deception allowed them to take over the
internal affairs of the city.  They control the trade and finances of the city.
Many disagree with this concept but none can disagree with the results.  
Thieves are masters when it comes to politics.    
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Northwest Corner of the Inner Wall~
   To the north you hear the clang and crash of the smithies in the Warriors
Quarter.  To the west you see the barracks and the gate to the outside.  The
Temple of Sanctus rises above you to the southeast.  It's single spire reaching
up into the sky higher than any other building in the realm.  A stone stairwell
leads down to the inner city.    
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Northeast Corner of the Inner Wall~
   The city to the north is covered in shadows and gloom, the Thieves Quarter.
To the east you can see the gate and a long warehouse.  The Temple of Sanctus
rises above you to the southwest.  A light breeze brings a bit of refreshment
and a strange smell.  Few people know, or want to know, what lies beyond the
city walls and the safety of the dome.  A stone stairwell leads down to the
inner city.    
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Quest Room~
   In times of need citizens come here to seek the help of brave adventurers to
recover stolen items, or seek revenge on people who have wronged them.  This
small room is decorated with paintings of famous quests and the exulted hereos
that have become common names throughout the realm.  It is said that completing
a quest is a prerequisite towards immortality.    
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paintings heroes~
   These masterpieces were painted by the famous L'Haspi.  They depict battles
of various heroes.  One shows monsters of umimaginable horror rending human
bodies with their fangs, tusks, and jaws.  Another displays a gallant warrior
in shining golden armor waving a bejewled sword high over his head, roaring a
challenge to some unseen beast within a nearby cave.  All are supposedly true
tales, but most have been forgotten with the passing of time.    
Above the Western Gate~
   Atop the battlements over the western gate you can see the luminescent glow
of the dome that protects the city.  You hear the occasional rattling of armor
as the sentinels grow weary from their standing their posts hour after hour.  
The city to the east looks tranquil and safe.  You can not see much to the west
past the shimmering dome.    
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shimmering dome luminescent~
   Created by Rumble and Ferret, the dome holds back the magical chaos that was
created by Drakkar.  The dome is used to keep balance within the city limits
and allows everyone to exist in peace.  Those brave enough to venture beyond
the dome do so at their own risk.  Beyond the dome the scale of balance has
collapsed and the laws of science and nature are in disorder.    
Above the Inner Wall~
   The battlements on top of the inner wall are the last defense in case of an
invasion.  All citizens are required to move within the inner city and prepare
to fight.  The city has never fallen to this day.  To the north you see the
barracks, to the south the Hall of Clerics.  A stone stairwell leads
down to the inner city.    
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Travelling Room~
   This used to be a travelling room.  Entire sections of the floor are now
embedded in the ceiling and you can even see to the outside through a hole in
one wall.  This is what happens when a portal becomes unstable.  You remind
yourself to flee the second you think a portal may be falling apart.  The
charred silhouette of what once must have been a man is blasted into one of the
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   You can look out over the inner wall to the western side of Sanctus.  The
smell of charred human remains and smoldering plaster makes your eyes water so
it is difficult to see much else through the tiny hole.    
man silhouette~
   The distinct outline of a human body that must have taken the brunt of the
blast when the portal imploded.  You wonder what or who it might have been.  
You can still see pieces of cloth and bone buried deeply into the wall inside
the shadow of the unlucky man.    
Travelling Room~
   This rooms stands empty as it is being prepared for a portal summoning.  
The walls are glistening white plaster with a vaulted ceiling.  Powerful mages
are said to be able to create portals through their arcane arts.  But many die
in the process.  The skill is as of yet unmastered.  It is rumored that the
evil Drakkar has achieved this mastery, but none have ever witnessed it.    
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Above the Inner Wall~
   On top of the battlements you have a good view of the eastern side of the
city.  To the north you see the Thieves Warehouse,, to the south the Mansion
of the Magi.  The Temple of Sanctus rises from the center of the city to the
west.  All looks well from this perspective.  You cannot see beyond the city
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Above the Eastern Gate~
   The radiant dome of energy protecting the city curves over your head.  The
powerful magic causes the hairs on the back of your neck and arms to stand on
end.  The Magi are responsible for keeping the dome up.  But two of the seven
have already died.  The War Master is planning for the worst, and preparing the
army for battle.  The guards stir restlessly below you.  A stone stairwell
leads down to the gate.    
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dome radiant shimmering~
   Created by Rumble and Ferret, the dome holds back the magical chaos that was
created by Drakkar.  The dome is used to keep balance within the city limits
and allows everyone to exist in peace.  Those brave enough to venture beyond
the dome do so at their own risk.  Beyond the dome the scale of balance has
collapsed and the laws of science and nature are in disorder.    
Travelling Room~
   A few of the higher mages of Sanctus have been able to control the gateways
that have opened between realms.  One of these controlled portals is kept in
this room.  It is a one way ticket to the realm of midgaard.  The portals are
still eratic and uncontrollabe so anyone who uses them does so at their own
risk.  The flickering of the portal casts eerie shadows along the white walls.
This must be the only room in the temple that has an uneasy feeling about it.
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Southwestern Corner of the Inner Wall~
   Through the clouds you catch a glimpse of the shimmering dome.  A good omen.
To the west you can see the Hall of Clerics.  To the south the Tower of the
High Council of Clerics glows pristinely white.  The town seems peaceful and
untroubled by the turmoils outside the walls.    
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dome shimmering~
   Created by Rumble and Ferret, the dome holds back the magical chaos that was
created by Drakkar.  The dome is used to keep balance within the city limits
and allows everyone to exist in peace.  Those brave enough to venture beyond
the dome do so at their own risk.  Beyond the dome the scale of balance has
collapsed and the laws of science and nature are in disorder.    
Southeastern Corner of the Inner Wall~
   A glimpse of shimmering light above you in the clouds reminds you of the
protecting dome that ensures your safety.  To the south the black stone of the
Tower of the Magi glistens serenely.  To the east you can see the Mansion of
the Magi in all its extravagance.    
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dome shimmering~
   Created by Rumble and Ferret, the dome holds back the magical chaos that was
created by Drakkar.  The dome is used to keep balance within the city limits
and allows everyone to exist in peace.  Those brave enough to venture beyond
the dome do so at their own risk.  Beyond the dome the scale of balance has
collapsed and the laws of science and nature are in disorder.    
   Clean white linen is stacked neatly on shelves with pristine white towels,
cloths, bandages, slings, and other items used in the art of healing.  
Apprentices rush in and out grabbing what they need to aid the wounded.  Robes
of fine wool hang on pegs in the back of the closet.  They look like the same
robes the apprentices wear.    
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High Councillors Chambers~
   The room is barren of luxuries that most people enjoy in a home.  The floor,
ceiling, and walls are all bright white and almost painful to look at.  A bed,
table, desk, and a small personal shrine are the only furniture in the room.  
Even the highest priest is not allowed the luxuries that they deserve.    
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   A beutiful shrine.  It has two white marble figures facing each other with a
painting of the city below them.  The two figures seem to be looking down at
the city with looks of worry and hopelessness.  An unlit candle and mirror lay
on the floor beside the small shrine.    
table desk chair~
   The table, desk, and chair are made from solid oak of the highest quality.
A thin goose down mattress and pillow are the only comfortable looking items in
the room.  The desk is bare and all the drawers are empty.  It is as if no one
even lives here.    
Plane of the Magi~
   You find yourself in a place of non-existence.  The walls recede from your
vision until you stand only in a bleak greyness.  You can no longer discern
anything in three dimensions.  The floor, ceiling, and sky all are the same
bleak grey color.  It is in the Magi come to test their mystical arts.  It is
not a good place to get lost in.    
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Plane of the Magi~
   The world you knew has vanished.  You stand in the middle of greyness.  In
every direction you can neither tell distance or see any distinguishable
landmark.  A person could easily get lost in this nothingness.  It is this
nothingness that helps the Magi hone their abilities before unleashing them
into the real world.    
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Healer's Room~
   This room has been created by the High Council of Clerics to give aid to
novices who receive injury in their adventures.  For the more experienced
adventurers aid can be sought, but for a price.  Apprentices gowned in white
robes bring water and fresh bandages to the experienced healers who aid the
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Tower of Sanctum~
   It is within these walls that the High Council meets and decides on how they
can best serve the gods and Sanctus to improve the safety of the realm and
eventually restore order to the world that Drakkar had so horribly imbalanced.
With time the High Council believes they can restore order.  With the help of
the gods this may be possible.    
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Tower of Sanctum~
   This tower was one of the first to be constructed after the temple was
completed.  It was made from a combination of magic and manpower.  The white
alabaster stone is said to still have some magical residue that benefits those
who come here to seek aid.    
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Bunk Room~
   Racks, three tiers high line all three walls of this cramped room.  It seems
this is where the sick and wounded are put up for the night.  Even the
apprentices sometimes stay here when they are too tired to go home after a hard
days work.  The room is empty now, the healers must have done their jobs well.
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Home of the Magi~
   Since the creation of the dome to protect the city a Magi has been required
to stay within the towers.  The five Magi share this duty and are responsible
for the safety of the Orb of Sanctum.  The Orb is what was given to the Magi by
the gods to sustain the protective dome.  As long as the orb is safely in place
and a Magi is present to sustain it the dome will remain.    
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Tower of the Magi~
   Within the halls of this Tower lies the Orb of Sanctum.  It is the
responsibility of all to ensure it's safety.  Without the orb the dome would
collapse and chaos would rule.  The Magi have been given the honor of it placed
within these halls.  The orb is rumoured to have been created by the Gods
Rumble and Ferret.  But, no one knows for sure.    
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Tower of the Magi~
   The Magi come here to ensure the safety of the Orb of Sanctum.  The power of
the Orb is one of balance.  An oft overlooked power.  Balance is what is
required for the world to exist.  The Orb is the last balance left in the
realm.  If it were to be taken all hope would be lost.  Without it the city
would quickly be overrun by Drakkar and his followers.    
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Orb of Sanctum~
   It is here that the Orb has been placed to ensure its protection.  The
entire room is a made of black stone that seems to absorb all light.  A huge
pedestal sits in the center of the room surrounded by statues of every Magi to
ever live.  It is up to them to protect the Orb from any who wish to steal or
cause harm to it.    
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Healers Chambers~
   A stark white room that is glaringly white.  A simple bed, desk, and chair
are the only inhabitants.  All of them are made out of wood and are polished to
a glossy shine.  A single window looks out over the Southern Gate.  To live a
life as a Cleric is to life a life without desire and need.    
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   The bed is made of a sturdy pine.  A thin mattress covered in a white sheet
with a down pillow overlaying it.  The mattress is too thin to hold anything of
   The desk is made of sturdy pine with a heavy coating of wax that was
probably applied by the apprentices.  A small quill and pad of paper are
centered on the top of the desk.  The desk has three drawers.  All of them are
   It's just your standard wooden chair.  Uncomfortable and only real
usefulness would be as firewood.    
   Overlooking the western gate you can see the shimmering protective dome.  
You hope it lasts, peace and tranquility is a good thing.    
   At first glance this room seems to be made just to prepare food for the
towers occupants, but on second glance you realize a few of the cooks are
actually clerics and they are working over cauldrons of liquids that could not
possibly be food.  At least it does not smell like food.  This must be where
they make their healing elixirs, salves, and potions.    
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Supply Room~
   Shelves full of various ingredients required for the casting of arcane
spells line all three walls.  Everything from potions to pills and everything
in between.  Some of the jars contain strange beasts soaking in a strange
liquid.  The smell of dust and strange herbs permeates the room.    
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Room of the Magi~
   This is a meeting room of the higher level mages who are seeking to become a
Magi.  It is here they must prove themselves both physically and mentally.  
Most never make it.  The Magi of the Purple and Grey robes has never been
achieved.  The actual testing to be a Magi remains a mystery as only the Magi
themselves have witnessed it.    
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Above the Southern Gate~
   The dome of protection glows brightly here since it is closest to the Orb of
Sanctum.  To the north you see the Temple of Sanctus towering above the Tower
of the High Council and the Tower of the Magi.  All three structures are
impressive works of architecture and magic combined.  To the south the dome
rises above you blocking all view to the chaotic world beyond.    
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dome protection~
   Created by Rumble and Ferret, the dome holds back the magical chaos that was
created by Drakkar.  The dome is used to keep balance within the city limits
and allows everyone to exist in peace.  Those brave enough to venture beyond
the dome do so at their own risk.  Beyond the dome the scale of balance has
collapsed and the laws of science and nature are in disorder.    
Northern Gate of Sanctus~
   Steel reinforced gates large enough to pass two wagons abreast are being
guarded diligently.  These gates are normally locked at night to ensure the
safety of the city.  Only the east and west gates remain open all day.  The
luminescent dome encompassing the city can be seen just to the north.    
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dome luminescent~
   Created by Rumble and Ferret, the dome holds back the magical chaos that was
created by Drakkar.  The dome is used to keep balance within the city limits
and allows everyone to exist in peace.  Those brave enough to venture beyond
the dome do so at their own risk.  Beyond the dome the scale of balance has
collapsed and the laws of science and nature are in disorder.    
Entrance to the Warriors Guild~
   It is here the Warriors of Sanctus come to improve their training in the art
of warfare.  Not only does this include brute force and the taking up of arms,
but also the cunning art of tactics that can decide the outcome of any battle.
A stairwell in the back of the room leads to the training room upstairs.    
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Hannibal's Bar~
   The room is filled with a haze of thick cigar smoke and the stench of
unrefined liquor.  A noticeable blanket of dust and filth covers every inch of
this local tavern.  Excessive drinking is looked down upon by all in Sanctus,
but the occasional drink never hurt anyone.  Unless they were stupid enough to
go walking through the Thieves Quarter after a few too many.    
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Letzgo Inn~
   The only Inn in Sanctus.  The Letzgo Inn appeals to those who need to take a
break or maybe just get away from home for a few days to receive one of the
many "treatments" available by the fine staff.  The sole proprietor goes by the
name of Orlok and has been known to be rough, even deadly, to any customers
that treat his "employees" unfairly.  The Inn appears to be well kept.  
Further to the north you can see a winding staircase and a plethra of adjoining
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Shiro's Weaponry~
   You enter a large wood building with rack upon rack of weapons lining every
wall, the floor, and even some suspended from the ceiling.  The sound of
someone honing a fine blade can be heard in the background.  Some of the finest
weapons in the realm are made right here under the supervision of Shiro, the
master wesponsmith.    
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Sarge's Smithy~
   The Smithy used to be run by the Warriors Guild for protection of the city.
But when Sarge retired from his service in the guild they let him keep the
smithy that he created as a retirement gift.  Of course the fact that they had
no one that could replace him and do his quality of work was the real reason.
But, Sarge would never complain.  He has spent his life hammering metal into
weapons of mass destruction or armor of superior quality.  It is rumoured that
has never been given a task that he could not complete.    
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The Northern Road~
   The Northern Gate of Sanctus and the impressive wall surrounding it looms
above you to the north.  The dull sound of hammering comes from the building to
your west and no sound escapes the building to the east.  The North Way splits
the city of Sanctus into two Quarters.  The thieves quarter in the east and the
Warriors Quarter to the west.    
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Logan's Pawn~
   Various useless items line the walls of this cluttered and disorganized
shop.  Once in a while this store is rumored to have great deals on rare
equipment.  It is often normal to purchase clothing with small tears and blood
stains in the small of their backs, but no one ever asks questions given the
excellent prices.    
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The Rustic~
   The only Restaurant in Sanctus.  The Rustic serves up decent meals to anyone
that can afford them.  The prices are fair and the service is excellent.  The
place is rather deserted and only a few customers are chatting idly in the
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The Leather Shop~
   The smell of tanning hides from the back of the shop is very unpleasant.  
The assortment of leather goods is very extensive and they are well made.  
Anyone needing some armor but does not want to give up alot of movement and
flexibility need only come here.    
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Thieves Retreat~
   This gloomy bar has an uneasy feeling about it.  Better be careful as this
bar is frequented by the less honorable class in Sanctus.  Very few people drink
here since as soon as you are inebriated you will be relieved of any gold you
may be carrying.  The bar seems to sell alot more than just drinks as large
shelves walls hung with equipment fill the place.  
1 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 163
0 0 109
Entrance to the Thieves Guild~
   A thief stands in the back infront of a stairwell.  Obviously making sure no
one goes by without his permission.  The room is shabby with little furniture.
Just a table and a few wooden chairs.  A few expensive tapestries look out of
place hanging on the walls.    
1 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 164
0 0 110
The Warriors Barracks~
   This is where the army of Sanctus keeps the barracks for those who wish to
lead a life of service to protect the city.  They are all over worked and under
paid.  But they serve their terms with pride.  You stand in the northwest
corner of the barracks.    
1 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 153
0 0 167
The Warriors Barracks~
   You are in the entrance of the barracks of the army of Sanctus.  This is
where the army bases it's operations from.  Everything they need is located
within this building.  Adjoining rooms are to the west and south.  The warriors
avenue is just to the east.    
1 d 0 0 0 0
1 0 154
0 0 168
0 0 152
The Warriors Quarter~
   You are in the northwest corner of the city.  The warriors guild is just to
the north and the army barracks are in the building to the west.  Various
stores lie further along Warriors Avenue to the east.  There is a fair amount
of people, mostly soldiers, going about their daily lives.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 141
0 0 155
0 0 169
1 0 153
Warriors Avenue~
   A loud rucous to the north must be the local bar where soldiers go to
relieve themselves of their worries.  The cobblestone street is clean and well
maintained.  The buildings around you are made of wood and some are several
stories tall.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 142
0 0 156
1 0 170
0 0 154
Warriors Avenue~
   The towns only Inn towers over you to the north.  It is one of the biggest
structures in Sanctus, excluding of course the temple.  Many travellers go
there to relax and unwind.  Several small houses are to the south along this
road while the northern half seems to consist mostly of shops.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 143
0 0 157
1 0 171
0 0 155
Warriors Avenue~
   Several soldiers rush past in a hurry to make their watch in time.  You can
hear someone working a grindstone to the north, most likely the weaponsmith.  
A small house to the south is shadowed by the tower of Sanctus in the middle of
the city.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 144
0 0 158
1 0 172
0 0 156
Warriors Avenue~
   The clang and clash of metal being worked to the north could only be the
towns Smithy.  The street continues east and west with a small house to the
south.  Townspeople walk the streets going about their business.  You are just
another adventurer to them.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 145
0 0 159
1 0 173
0 0 157
The Northern Intersection~
   To the west you can hear the hammering of the smithy and the grinding of a
wetstone in the Warriors Quarter.  To the east the Thieves Quarter is covered
in shadows and mystery.  Not a single sound escapes from that section of the
city.  You are standing on the North Way which runs from the North Gate down to
the Temple of Sanctus.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 146
0 0 160
0 0 174
0 0 158
Thieves Avenue~
   You stand in the beginning of the thieves quarter where the less honorable
class has formed a base of operations.  The thieves of the city are responsible
for the economic policies of the city and do a very good job.  Of course they
are so worried about keeping one another from stealing from the city that they
don't dare do it themselves.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 147
0 0 161
1 0 175
0 0 159
Thieves Avenue~
   A few cloaked figures glide past you with a skill and dexterity that reminds
you to hold your gold very tightly while in this quarter of the city.  The
thieves may run the cities finances fairly, but they could care less about a
single adventurer.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 148
0 0 162
1 0 176
0 0 160
Thieves Avenue~
   A strange smell comes from the north, the unforgettable smell of tanning
hides.  Must be the towns leather shop.  Tall buildings to the south must be
the houses of the locals.  Probably shouldn't go wandering around, this place
is full of thieves as it is and you may be mistaken for one.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 149
0 0 163
1 0 177
0 0 161
Thieves Avenue~
   The smell of booze and smoke filters through an open door to the north.  
The local bar for the thieves.  The town used to have only one bar until the
warriors and thieves got into a huge braul and ended up burning the place to
the ground.  A few citizens walk past staring at you curiously.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 150
0 0 164
1 0 178
0 0 162
Thieves Quarter~
   The guild of thieves lies just to the north while a huge warehouse rises
above you to the east.  Thieves Avenue makes a turn here to the south or west.
You are now in the northeastern corner of the city, in the heart of the Thieves
Quarter.  Better keep an eye on your purse.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 151
1 0 165
0 0 179
0 0 163
The Thieves Warehouse~
   You work your way through boxes and crates of supplies.  Small corridors
lead between them, making a small maze within the building.  Looks very easy to
get disoreientated and lost.  This is where the city keeps the majority of it's
supplies.  Kind of an oxymoron that the thieves of the city handle the
1 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 166
0 0 180
1 0 164
A Storage Room~
   Wooden crates and boxes are neatly stacked into columns standing about twice
your height with rows inbetween that barely allow you to walk through.  Hard to
believe anyone could find their way out of this place, let alone know where to
find anything.    
1 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 181
0 0 165
The Warriors Hallway~
   An elaborate hallway decorated with paintings of various victorious battles
the city has fought in.  Sanctus has never fallen.  Various weapons and suits
of armor are all bolted to the floor and walls.  A small doorway leads into the
bunk room to the east.  The hall continues north and south.    
1 d 0 0 0 1
0 0 152
0 0 168
0 0 182
The Bunk Room~
   You find yourself walking between bunks where the majority of the army
sleeps.  Some people are already in their racks since a watch must be stood
twenty four hours a day.  You here someone grumbling in their sleep about how
they always get stuck with the midwatch.    
1 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 153
0 0 183
0 0 167
Warriors Avenue~
   The Barracks rise above you the west and a small cozy home is to your east.
A well-travelled road continues north and south.  You are in the Warriors
Quarter where the army of Sanctus bases it's operations.  Several recruits rush
past on assignment.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 154
0 0 184
A Fine Home~
   A fine home of Sanctus.  The smell of baking bread and the sounds of a
roaring fire.  The house is cluttered with the usual things that makes a house
look lived in.  You could be happy spending the rest of your life living in a
house like this.    
1 d 0 0 0 0
1 0 155
A Beggars Home~
   The filth in this house is disgusting, an overflowing chamber pot almost
sends you immediately back out the door.  This room should not even be
considered a home.  You can barely even stand up the ceiling is so low and
cracks in the walls let you see outside.    
1 d 0 0 0 0
1 0 156
An Extravagant Home~
   This house looks out of place considering it's neighbors.  The pine walls
are polished to a shine and the floor is made out of some strange type of
cement.  Cushioned chairs surround a table set for dinner with expensive dishes
and silverware.    
1 d 0 0 0 0
1 0 157
A Poor Home~
   The house is made from rooten timber and the floor is just bare dirt.  A
baking oven and a few piles of straw are the only things in the room.  This
must be the poorest house in the entire city, how could anyone live like this.
1 d 0 0 0 0
1 0 158
The Northern Road~
   You walk between houses occupied by the local citizens.  The wide Northern
Road is packed solid from years of traffic from people, wagons, and horses.  A
small amount of dust is kicked up by every footstep.  Directly to the south you
can see the Temple.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 159
0 0 189
An Extravagant Home~
   One of the more successful thieves of the quarter must live here.  Rugs
cover the entire floor.  A candelabra sits in the middle of a polished oak
table.  A four post bed can be seen in the back of the house.  Nothing like
living the good life.    
1 d 0 0 0 1
1 0 160
A Cramped Home~
   A large table that could sit a family of about seven fills the majority of
this house.  Small mattresses lay on the floor in the back of the room.  Not
much hope for privacy in this house.  A few dolls are having a tea party in one
1 d 0 0 0 1
1 0 161
A Small Home~
   You walk right in as if it was your own house.  Don't worry about
trespassing, I'm sure no one will mind.  The house is very compact.  The
kitchen and bedrooms are not seperated by any walls.  This must be a house for
the poor.    
1 d 0 0 0 1
1 0 162
A Clean House~
   Everything is dusted, shined, waxed, and polished.  This home is spotless.
Well maintained it seems.  Not everyone is rich enough to afford a housekeeper,
but these folks must be.  You can hear a baby crying, sounds hungry.    
1 d 0 0 0 1
1 0 163
Thieves Avenue~
   The tall warehouse holding the supplies and emergency stores of the city is
to the west.  The entrance looks to be a ways further north in the heart of the
Thieve's Quarter.  South you can see another intersection and the northest
corner of the inner wall.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 164
0 0 194
The Thieves Warehouse~
   A pathway has been opened here to allow for small carts and wagons to pass.
You can hear a few workers in the distance pushing the large crates over the
dusty floor.  A large box and tackle swings back and forth on a strangel pulley
system above you.    
1 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 165
0 0 195
A Storage Room~
   The rows of crates and boxes continue to the north and south.  Everything is
nailed shut, some even wrapped in chains and padlocked.  Enough stores to last
the city for a year must be packed away in this place.  Everything is
surpringly clean and well maintained.    
1 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 166
0 0 196
The Warriors Hallway~
   The hallway end abruptly at a set of double doors to the south.  You can
hear people talking behind the doors, but cannot discern what they are saying.
The army of Sanctus is very well disciplined and your presence may not be
exactly appreciated.  They do not take kindly to strangers.    
1 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 167
0 0 183
0 0 197
The Bunk Room~
   The sound of snoring comes from a few of the dozen or so racks crammed
together in this confined room.  The racks are stacked four high with only a
foot or two of space for someone to sit up.  The mattresses are only about an
inch thick and look very uncomfortable.    
1 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 168
0 0 198
0 0 182
The Northwest Intersection~
   You come to an intersection of Warriors Avenue and Warriors Alley.  The
alley crosses the city east to west behind the homes of the local citizens.  
The alley is very narrow and dark as the inner city wall follows it on the
southern side.  Warriors Avenue continues north and south.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 169
0 0 185
0 0 199
Warriors Alley~
   You walk amongst the shadows in the cramped alley.  A few piles of garbage
are waiting to be cleaned up by the street sweeper.  An alley cat hisses at you
and then bolts as you trespass on its territory.  This alley does not look safe
and you wonder whether or not you will be running into some thugs.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 186
0 0 184
Warriors Alley~
   The inner city wall rises above you to the south.  The sound of footsteps
and the rattling of armor can be heard from the guards patrolling the top of
the wall.  The alley is even darker here and a person could easily hide in the
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 187
0 0 185
Warriors Alley~
   A line of houses block your way to the north.  They seem to have back doors
but all are bolted, locked, or nailed shut.  This is definitely not the most
friendly section of the city.  An alley cat bolts past you as a large pile of
garbage almost collapses on it.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 188
0 0 186
Warriors Alley~
   The alley is a little brighter here as you are next to the Northern Road.  
The sound of creaking wagons and the pound of horse hooves on the dirt road
become trapped between the inner city wall and the houses within the alley
making strange echoing sounds that are very distracting.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 189
0 0 187
The Northern Road~
   You walk along the Northern Road with few other travellers.  The streets
seem to be surprisingly empty for some reason.  You notice shadowy alleys to
the east and west along the inner city wall.  To the south is the Northern Gate
to the inner city.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 174
0 0 190
0 0 200
0 0 188
Thieves Alley~
   The alley is cluttered with debris, maybe the street sweeper doesn't even
bother cleaning this place up.  The sound of a fight can be heard further to
the east within the alley.  This is definitely the most dangerous section of
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 191
0 0 189
Thieves Alley~
   The sounds of someone fighting suddenly grow louder, then stop.  Seems like
that dispute was settled one way or the other.  The inner city wall to the
south keeps the alley eternally in shadows, no matter the time of day or night.
Houses to the north have their back doors shut and locked.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 192
0 0 190
Thieves Alley~
   A pool of blood lies in the center of the alley, a trail of blood leads to a
garbage pile a few feet away.  A mangy mutt trots past you and starts licking
up the pool of blood.  You should keep moving unless you want to draw attention
to yourself.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 193
0 0 191
Thieves Alley~
   The inner city wall to the south towers over you, blocking out most of the
light.  The wall looks to be made from stone blocks and some sort of filler.  
You can't tell how thick it is, but judging from the height you would guess at
least half as wide as it is tall.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 194
0 0 192
The Northeast Intersection~
   The Thieves Avenue comes to an intersection with a shady alley to the west.
You are at the northeast corner of the inner city wall.  On top of the wall you
can see some type of post where the guards watch for any trouble.  A large
building to the east must be some sort of warehouse.    
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 179
0 0 201
0 0 193
Wagon Bay~
   Huge double doors have been built into the western wall of the warehouse.  
They are closed, barred, and locked with a padlock the size of your head.  No
one gets in or out without that key.  An aisle to load and unload wagons runs
to the east.    
1 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 180
0 0 196
0 0 202
Wagon Bay~
   A path is opened up between the crates here for wagons to load and unload.
The floor has turned to packed dirt and traces of horse manure leave an
unpleasant smell.  Three wagons fill the center of the room.  All look empty.
1 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 181
0 0 203
0 0 195
A Work Room~
   This building is cluttered together in no apparent order, wherever there is
room they simply use it.  This hallway has been converted into a small room for
the upkeep of armor and weapons.  A grindstone is in one corner.  In another
baskets of arrows are being sorted.  A recruit is polishing some armor and a
large sack of equipment looks like it is ready to be taken to the Smithy.    
1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 182
0 0 198
0 0 204
The Mess Hall~
   A dozen tables fill the room.  All bare except for a few people eating
before they go on their next watch.  The food does not look very appetizing,
but it serves it's purpose.  The army has had financial problems since it's
1 d 0 0 0 0
0 0 183
0 0 205
0 0 197
Warriors Avenue~
   In the distance you can hear some sargeant screaming at his recruits in a
booming voice that echoes off the buildings and walls around you.  The clank of
armor and weapons is all about you as guards change watches and work on their
1 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 184
0 0 206