  * You may use this code provided you accept it's usage agreements
  * Usage agreement
  * 1) Is that you do not remove or modify this comment block.
  * 2) You must give due credit in the help files
  * 3) You email me at a_ghost_dancer@excite.com
  * this helps me judge what snippets are popular and i welcome
  * any ideas and if i find them worthy i may decide to code them
  * for GHOST and distribute them on our page.
  * 4) You must abid by all other ROM and MERC licences
  * 5) Finally any improvements/bugs you find or make please share them
  * so we can continue to put out quality snippets.
  * Last thank you to all the ROM amd MERC folks for this wounderful code
  * base know as ROM.
  * The Ghost Dancer MUD Project Team and me TAKA thank you
  * for your interest.
  * You can email me at:
  * TAKA
  * a_ghost_dancer@excite.com

For interp.c (put with other command declerations):

  { "commstat", do_comm_stat, POS_SLEEPING, 0, LOG_NEVER, 0 },
  { "cstat", do_comm_stat, POS_SLEEPING, 0, LOG_NEVER, 0 },

  For interp.h (put anywhere on the list):

  DECLARE_DO_FUN( do_comm_stat );

  For act_info.c (put anywhere, I suggest the end):
  better create and act_newc.c

  I saw comm stat on dark scapes I liked it and it and swiped it
  the idea for me started there the code however is all original
  -- Taka

  void do_comm_stat( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )

  char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH + 80];

  send_to_char("{W Player gos auc mus ? quo gra rac sho qui AFK dea{x\n\r",

  for ( d = descriptor_list; d != NULL; d = d->next )
  CHAR_DATA *victim;
  victim = (d->original != NULL) ? d->original : d->character;

  if ( d->connected != CON_PLAYING || !can_see(ch, d->character ))

  sprintf(buf, "{W%-10s{G %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n\r",
  victim->name, IS_SET(victim->comm,COMM_NOGOSSIP)?"OFF":"ON ",
  IS_SET(victim->comm,COMM_NOAUCTION)?"OFF":"ON ",
  IS_SET(victim->comm,COMM_NOMUSIC)?"OFF":"ON ",
  IS_SET(victim->comm,COMM_NOQUESTION)?"OFF":"ON ",
  IS_SET(victim->comm,COMM_NOQUOTE)?"OFF":"ON ",
  IS_SET(victim->comm,COMM_NOGRATS)?"OFF":"ON ",
  IS_SET(victim->comm,COMM_NORACE)?"OFF":"ON ",
  IS_SET(victim->comm,COMM_NOSHOUT)?"OFF":"ON ",
  IS_SET(victim->comm,COMM_QUIET)?"{RON {x":"{ROFF{x",
  IS_SET(victim->comm,COMM_AFK)?"{YYes{x":"{YNo {x",
  IS_SET(victim->comm,COMM_DEAF)?"{DON {x":"{DOFF{x");
  send_to_char(buf, ch);

  if (IS_IMMORTAL(ch))
  sprintf(buf, "{MGod channel: %s %s\n\r",
  IS_SET(victim->comm,COMM_NOWIZ)?"OFF ":" ON ",
  IS_SET(victim->comm,COMM_SNOOP_PROOF)?"{CImmune to snooping.{x\n\r":
  "{CNot Immune to snooping.{x\n\r");
  send_to_char(buf, ch);
