This is the code for percentage based Damage messages for Rom 2.4 originally.
Add credit in the opening sequence of your mud as:
"Percentage based damage messages by Ryouga<>."
somewhere in the MOTD.

This is easy, so don't make it harder than it is. =)
in fight.c, look in the function dam_message.

Remove all of the damage messages.

Put this in it's place.

    int pain_percent;
    pain_percent = 1000 * dam/victim->max_hit;
	 if ( dam  ==   0 ) { vs = "miss";	vp = "misses";		}
    else if ( pain_percent <=   5 ) { vs = "scratch";	vp = "scratches";	}
    else if ( pain_percent <=  10 ) { vs = "graze";	vp = "grazes";		}
    else if ( pain_percent <=  25 ) { vs = "hit";	vp = "hits";		}
    else if ( pain_percent <=  30 ) { vs = "injure";	vp = "injures";		}
    else if ( pain_percent <=  40 ) { vs = "wound";	vp = "wounds";		}
    else if ( pain_percent <=  55 ) { vs = "maul";       vp = "mauls";		}
    else if ( pain_percent <=  65 ) { vs = "decimate";	vp = "decimates";	}
    else if ( pain_percent <=  70 ) { vs = "devastate";	vp = "devastates";	}
    else if ( pain_percent <=  80 ) { vs = "maim";	vp = "maims";		}
    else if ( pain_percent <=  90 ) { vs = "MUTILATE";	vp = "MUTILATES";	}
    else if ( pain_percent <=  100 ) { vs = "DISEMBOWEL";	vp = "DISEMBOWELS";	}
    else if ( pain_percent <=  120 ) { vs = "DISMEMBER";	vp = "DISMEMBERS";	}
    else if ( pain_percent <=  140 ) { vs = "MASSACRE";	vp = "MASSACRES";	}
    else if ( pain_percent <=  160 ) { vs = "MANGLE";	vp = "MANGLES";		}
    else if ( pain_percent <=  180 ) { vs = "*** DEMOLISH ***";
			     vp = "*** DEMOLISHES ***";			}
    else if ( pain_percent <=  190 ) { vs = "*** DEVASTATE ***";
			     vp = "*** DEVASTATES ***";			}
    else if ( pain_percent <= 210)  { vs = "=== OBLITERATE ===";
			     vp = "=== OBLITERATES ===";		}
    else if ( pain_percent <= 230)  { vs = ">>> ANNIHILATE <<<";
			     vp = ">>> ANNIHILATES <<<";		}
    else if ( pain_percent <= 250)  { vs = "<<< ERADICATE >>>";
			     vp = "<<< ERADICATES >>>";			}
    else                   { vs = "do UNSPEAKABLE things to";
			     vp = "does UNSPEAKABLE things to";		}

    punct   = (pain_percent <= 90) ? '.' : '!';

That's it.  You can change the percentages if you want (the numbers are %*10)
Thank you, and don't forget to credit me if you use it!