God Worship Snippet Version 1.0

This is my first snippet ever made that ever worked for me so please 
feel free to use it at will. Where there are + do no add those lines,
they are marked to let you know where to stick them in.


Look for do_score and find the similar lines.

+    if (get_trust (ch) != ch->level)
+    {
+        sprintf (buf, "You are trusted at level %d.\n\r", get_trust (ch));
+        send_to_char (buf, ch);
+    }

    sprintf (buf,
             "You worship %s.\n\r",
    send_to_char (buf, ch);

+    sprintf (buf, "Race: %s  Sex: %s  Class: %s\n\r",
+             race_table[ch->race].name,
+             ch->sex == 0 ? "sexless" : ch->sex == 1 ? "male" : "female",
+             IS_NPC (ch) ? "mobile" : class_table[ch->class].name);
+    send_to_char (buf, ch);


const   struct  god_type       god_table      []           = 
     { "God1"},

     { "God2"},

     { "God3"},

     { "God4"},


Add before this line

+ const struct pc_race_type pc_race_table[] = {

***handler.c or lookup.c***

Add down at the bottom

int god_lookup (const char *name)
    int god;

    for (god = 0; god < MAX_GOD; god++)
        if (LOWER (name[0]) == LOWER (god_table[god].name[0])
            && !str_prefix (name, god_table[god].name))
            return god;

    return -1;


Find the similar lines

+ #define MAX_LEVEL          60
+ #define LEVEL_HERO         (MAX_LEVEL - 9)
+ #define LEVEL_IMMORTAL     (MAX_LEVEL - 8)
#define MAX_GOD                    20

+ #define CON_NOTE_TEXT			8
+ #define CON_NOTE_FINISH			9
#define CON_GET_NEW_GOD		   25

struct god_type
     char *      name;      

Add before this line

+ struct    class_type

In char_data

    sh_int             god;

Add where all the other ones are

+ extern             struct    social_type     social_table   [MAX_SOCIALS];
+ extern    char *    const    title_table [MAX_CLASS] [MAX_LEVEL+1] [2];
extern    const    struct    god_type        god_table       [MAX_GOD];

Add in prototypes of handler.c or lookup.c

+ char *  comm_bit_name    args( ( int comm_flags ) );
+ char *    cont_bit_name    args( ( int cont_flags) );
int     god_lookup      args( ( const char *name) );

***comm.c or nanny.c***

+        case CON_GET_NEW_CLASS:
+            iClass = class_lookup (argument);
+            if (iClass == -1)
+            {
+                send_to_desc ("That's not a class.\n\rWhat IS your class? ",
+                              d);
+                return;
+            }
+            ch->class = iClass;
+            sprintf (log_buf, "%s@%s new player.", ch->name, d->host);
+            log_string (log_buf);
+            wiznet ("Newbie alert!  $N sighted.", ch, NULL, WIZ_NEWBIE, 0, 0);
+            wiznet (log_buf, NULL, NULL, WIZ_SITES, 0, get_trust (ch));

            write_to_buffer (d, echo_on_str, 0);
            send_to_desc ("The following gods are available:\n\r  ", d);
            for (god = 0; god_table[god].name != NULL; god++)
                if (!god_table[god].name)
                write_to_buffer (d, god_table[god].name, 0);
                write_to_buffer (d, " ", 1);
            write_to_buffer (d, "\n\r", 0);
            send_to_desc ("What is your race (help for more information)? ",
            d->connected = CON_GET_NEW_GOD;

        case CON_GET_NEW_GOD:
            god = god_lookup (argument);

            if (god == 0 || !god_table[god].name)
                send_to_desc ("That is not a valid god.\n\r", d);
                send_to_desc ("The following gods are available:\n\r  ", d);
                for (god = 0; god_table[god].name != NULL; god++)
                    if (!god_table[god].name)
                    write_to_buffer (d, god_table[god].name, 0);
                    write_to_buffer (d, " ", 1);
                write_to_buffer (d, "\n\r", 0);
                    ("What is your god? (help for more information) ", d);

            write_to_buffer (d, "\n\r", 2);
            send_to_desc ("You may be good, neutral, or evil.\n\r", d);
            send_to_desc ("Which alignment (G/N/E)? ", d);
            d->connected = CON_GET_ALIGNMENT;

+        case CON_GET_ALIGNMENT:


In fread_char

+    fprintf (fp, "Cla  %d\n", ch->class);
    fprintf (fp, "God  %d\n", ch->god);
+    fprintf (fp, "Levl %d\n", ch->level);

In fread_char

+            case 'G':
                KEY ("God", ch->god, fread_number (fp));
+                KEY ("Gold", ch->gold, fread_number (fp));

It's probably poor instructions trying to add them in, also I am not the
greatest of coders so don't send me junk mail that I could have done it
better blah blah blah, you get what I mean.

If you have trouble installing the snippet feel free to e-mail me at