
Here's a little something I'm using on my mud.  Seems to work :)
Thanks to all the boys and girls who release code, 'tis much appreciated.

Should be pretty self explanatory.  If you have trouble, I might help you
out if I'm in a good mood.  I ask 2 things if you decide to use this code:

1) some kind of credit in a helpfile somewhere
2) if you make any improvements, etc, send 'em along to me :)

Here's a little additional info before you go to all the trouble of saving
the attachment...

get_mem_data() is designed to pull a specific memory from ch, 
namely, the memory referring to target.  It is used by most of
the other functions included.
mob_remember() is used to set the memory of ch regarding target.
Use in fight.c like:
mob_remember(ch, victim, MEM_HOSTILE);
... to make 'ch' hostile to 'victim'.
mem_fade() is basically a memory update function.  I've 
arbitrarily chosen 4 mud-days as the amount of time it takes 
for a mob to forget a victim.  (It turns out that players 
don't particularly care for mobs that remember them for a week 
of Real Time, tho' us imp types might find it hilarious ;)
You'll probably get some errors if you haven't implemented that
track code...  I don't recall off-hand who did it, but whoever 
it was, thanx :)
mob_forget() strips 'memory' from 'ch'.  Prolly should use
get_mem_data() to pick out which memory to strip...
This code, or something similar, should be added to aggr_update()
            /* Trilby sez:  ACK! He found me! */
            if ( IS_NPC(ch) && can_see(ch, wch) )
                MEM_DATA *remember;
                if ( (remember = get_mem_data(ch, wch)) != NULL)
                    if ( IS_SET(remember->reaction, MEM_AFRAID)
                      && IS_SET(ch->act, ACT_WIMPY)
                      && ch->wait < PULSE_VIOLENCE / 2
                      && number_bits(2) == 1)
                        do_flee(ch, "self");
                    if ( IS_SET(remember->reaction, MEM_HOSTILE)   
                        && ch->fighting == NULL )
                        multi_hit(ch, wch, TYPE_UNDEFINED);

----Trilby the Bad Cat----
       RefugeeMUD 9000

 * ACT_MOB.C:			Trilby@Refugee MUD
 *				Copyright 1997, Lord Thomas Burbridge
 * Mobile memory procedures.
 * This work is a derivative of ROM2.4
 * Copyright 1995, Russ Taylor.

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "merc.h"
#include "tables.h"
#include "recycle.h"

MEM_DATA *get_mem_data(CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *target)
    MEM_DATA *remember;

    if ( !IS_NPC(ch))
	bug( "get_mem_data: ch not NPC", 0);
	return NULL;

    if ( ch == NULL )
	bug( "get_mem_data:  NULL ch", 0 );
	return NULL;

    if ( target == NULL )
	bug( "get_mem_data:  NULL target", 0 );
	return NULL;

    for ( remember = ch->memory ; remember != NULL ; remember = remember->next )
	if ( remember->id == target->id )
	    return remember;

    return NULL;

void mob_remember(CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *target, int reaction)
    MEM_DATA *remember;

    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) )
	bug( "mob_remember: ch not NPC", 0);

    if ( ch == NULL )
	bug( "mob_remember:  NULL ch", 0 );

    if ( target == NULL )
	bug( "mob_remember:  NULL target", 0 );

    if ( (remember = get_mem_data(ch, target)) == NULL )
	remember = new_mem_data();

	remember->next = ch->memory;
	ch->memory = remember;

    remember->id 	= target->id;
    remember->when	= current_time;

    SET_BIT( remember->reaction, reaction);


void mem_fade(CHAR_DATA *ch) /* called from char_update */
    MEM_DATA *remember, *remember_next;

    if ( ch == NULL )
	bug( "mem_fade:  NULL ch", 0 );
    if ( !IS_NPC(ch))
	bug("mem_fade: ch not NPC", 0);

    if ( ch->memory == NULL )

    for ( remember = ch->memory ; remember != NULL ; remember = remember_next )
	remember_next = remember->next;
	if (IS_NPC(ch)
	&&  IS_SET(ch->off_flags, OFF_HUNT)
	&&  ch->hunting == NULL
	&&  IS_SET(remember->reaction, MEM_HOSTILE))
	    ch->hunting = get_char_id( remember->id );

	if ( current_time - remember->when < (96 * 60) )
	    mob_forget( ch, remember );


void mob_forget( CHAR_DATA *ch, MEM_DATA *memory )

    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) )
	bug( "mob_forget:  ch not NPC", 0);
    if ( ch == NULL )
	bug( "mob_forget:  NULL ch", 0);

    if ( memory == NULL )

    if ( memory == ch->memory )
	ch->memory = memory->next;
	MEM_DATA *prev;

	for ( prev = ch->memory ; prev != NULL ; prev = prev->next )
	    if ( prev->next == memory )
		prev->next = memory->next;

	    if ( prev == NULL )
		bug( "mob_forget:  memory not found", 0);