the + shows what lines are added
in healer.c add these lines!

        /* display price list */
	act("{W$N {Gsays 'I offer the following spells:'{x",ch,NULL,mob,TO_CHAR);
	send_to_char("  {Mlight:   cure light wounds     {y 10 gold{x\n\r",ch);
	send_to_char("  {Mserious: cure serious wounds   {y 15 gold{x\n\r",ch);
	send_to_char("  {Mcritic:  cure critical wounds  {y 25 gold{x\n\r",ch);
	send_to_char("  {Mheal:    healing spell	     {y 50 gold{x\n\r",ch);
	send_to_char("  {Mblind:   cure blindness        {y 20 gold{x\n\r",ch);
	send_to_char("  {Mdisease: cure disease          {y 15 gold{x\n\r",ch);
	send_to_char("  {Mpoison:  cure poison	         {y 25 gold{x\n\r",ch);
	send_to_char("  {Muncurse: remove curse	         {y 50 gold{x\n\r",ch);
	send_to_char("  {Mrefresh: restore movement      {y  5 gold{x\n\r",ch);
	send_to_char("  {Mmana:    restore mana	         {y 10 gold{x\n\r",ch);
+	send_to_char("  {Mcancel:  cacnels spells	     {y100 gold{x\n\r",ch);
	send_to_char(" {GType heal <type> to be healed.{x\n\r",ch);

in healer.c add this

+	else if (!str_prefix(arg,"cancel"))
+    {
+        spell = spell_cancellation;
+		sn    = skill_lookup("cancellation");
+		words = "cancel";
+	 	cost  = 10000;
+    }

above to be added just befor these lines!
	act("$N says 'Type 'heal' for a list of spells.'",

in magic.c
+ void cancelation (......

	if ((!IS_NPC (ch) && IS_NPC (victim) &&
		 !(IS_AFFECTED (ch, AFF_CHARM) && ch->master == victim)) ||
-		/*(IS_NPC (ch) && !IS_NPC (victim))) {*/
+		(IS_NPC (ch) && !IS_NPC (victim) && !IS_SET(ch, AFF_IS_HEALER))) {
		send_to_char ("You failed, try dispel magic.\n\r", ch);