/* The extra value on move_char is for disabling the character seeing any 
   movement message when it is TRUE and showing when it is FALSe. You can
   either edit the calls below or the move_char() function. 

void do_run( CHAR_DATA *ch, char * argument) {
    char arg1[MSL], arg2[MSL];
    int value, door = 0, i;

    argument = one_argument (argument, arg1);
    strcpy (arg2, argument);

    if (!strstr(arg1, "north") && !strstr(arg1, "south") && !strstr(arg1, "east")
            && !strstr(arg1, "west") && !strstr(arg1, "n") && !strstr(arg1, "s")
            && !strstr(arg1, "e") && !strstr(arg1, "w")) {
        send_to_char("run <direction> <amount>\n\r", ch);

    value = atoi(arg2);

    if (value < 1 || value > 20) {
        send_to_char("You can run up to twenty and no less then one.", ch);

    if (!str_cmp (arg1, "n") || !str_cmp (arg1, "north"))
        door = 0;
    else if (!str_cmp (arg1, "e") || !str_cmp (arg1, "east"))
        door = 1;
    else if (!str_cmp (arg1, "s") || !str_cmp (arg1, "south"))
        door = 2;
    else if (!str_cmp (arg1, "w") || !str_cmp (arg1, "west"))
        door = 3;
    else if (!str_cmp (arg1, "u") || !str_cmp (arg1, "up"))
        door = 4;
    else if (!str_cmp (arg1, "d") || !str_cmp (arg1, "down"))
        door = 5;

    for (i = 1; i <= value; ++i)
        if (i != value)
            move_char( ch, door, FALSE, TRUE);
            move_char( ch, door, FALSE, FALSE);