From: moongate <>

I've got lycanthropy on my mud, and what I did was very simple...

I put 2 checks in the weather update function, which looks to see what 
time it is (at the end of the function) and if it's the right time, it 
calles activate_lycanthropes() or decativate_lycanthropes(). That then 
checks the player list to see if there are any people online with the 
lycanthropy bit set (I added a lycanthropy part to char_data.. wherein i 
is saved when they log off. When they quit, remove_lycanthropy(ch) is 
called (which is also called in that deactivate_lycanthropes() function)
which removes their CURRENT lycanthropy affect, but leaves then with 
their lycanthropy flag, so that next time 6PM rolls around, they change 
back, regardless of wherever they are.

I made lycanthropes have armor class etc based on level, since I figured 
that when changed they wouldn't be able to equip themselves or anything, 
and added some special attacks for them in the fight functions.

To become a lycanthrope, a player is bitten by a mob with 
spec_lycanthrope set (which is simply spec_poison with some 
modifications). They are then given the lycanthropy flag. They won't know 
it unless they type score (where a message will be displayed) or night 
time rolls around.

I have two moons orbiting in my mud, Trammel and Feluca, which also 
control lycanthropy and the forms a player takes when he transforms. The 
moons each have different orbits and therefore the different conjunctions
change over several hours of game time.

If the moons are both full, he becomes a weretiger.

Depending on which moon is full, he becomes a werewolf or wererat.

If neither moon is full, he becomes a werebat.

If the moons are new, nothing happens.

The moon conjunctions must occur at exactly 6 PM, the time when a 
lycanthrope transforms (at the setting of the sun).

The curse of lycanthropy can be removed from them at the any healers for 
a steep fee.

If anyone is interested, I will post my functions for lycanthropy, but 
will not be supporting or changing them as they call bits and other such 
things that are specific to my mud :>


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