 * Here is a littl more complex checking for a Critical Strike, but it checks for misses
 * due to code placement and the such. Also allows for improvement and ability.
 * Valnir - Legend of the Nobles
 * telnet://play.legendofthenobles.com: 5400
 * http://www.legendofthenobles.com
 * Please feel free to contact me with questions, I will help where I can.
 * valnir@legendofthenobles.com

 * Add in fight.c in 'bool damage' just above the call to dam_message.

    /* check for critical hit */
    if ( dam >= 10				/* make sure it's a hit worth a critical */
    && dam_type <= 3				/* NOT a backstab */
    && dt >= TYPE_HIT )				/* only non-spell damage */
        if ( check_critical(ch,victim) )
            dam *= 2;

 * Put this in fight.c and declare it at the top.
 *	bool		check_critical		args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim ) );
 * throw_damage is a fight.c local boolean used in our mud. Please remove the throw check
 * or modify to fit your mud.

bool check_critical(CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim)
    OBJ_DATA *obj = NULL;
    int chance;

    /* check for damage from hand-held weapons */
    if ( !throw_damage )
        obj = get_eq_char(ch,WEAR_WIELD);

        if (
             ( ( obj == NULL && get_skill(ch,gsn_hand_to_hand) != 100 ) ||
             ( obj != NULL && get_weapon_skill(ch,get_weapon_sn(ch)) < 90 ) )
                return FALSE;
        if ( get_skill(ch,gsn_throw) < 90 )
            return FALSE;

    /* mob even get a 1% chance of landing a Critical Hit */
    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) )
        chance = 1;
        if ( obj == NULL )	/* no weapon? 2% chance for hand to hand */
            chance = 2;
        else			/* increased chance when weapon skill is >= 90% */
            chance = 10 - ( 100 - get_weapon_skill( ch, get_weapon_sn( ch ) ) );

        if ( IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) )	/* Immortals?? 50% chance, just cause you rock */
            chance = 50;

    if ( number_range(0,100) > chance )
        return FALSE;			/* check to see if it was your lucky day */

    /* Now, if it passed all the tests... */
    if ( obj == NULL )		/* you personally strike */
        act("$n ^cCRITICALLY STRIKES^0 $N!",ch,NULL,victim,TO_NOTVICT);
        act("You ^cCRITICALLY STRIKE^0 $N!",ch,NULL,victim,TO_CHAR);
    else			/* your weapon strikes */
        act("$p ^cCRITICALLY STRIKES^0 $n!",victim,obj,NULL,TO_NOTVICT);

    /* let the victim know they just got a beat down */
    act("^cCRITICAL STRIKE!^0",ch,NULL,victim,TO_VICT);
    return TRUE;