
This code will allow you to compress an decompress strings into memory. 
It is important to note how you must free. 

string_compress() will not free what you pass to it. It will return a malloced 
string that you are responsable for.

string_uncompress() will not free what you pass to it. It will return a static 
buffer that does not need be freed. In fact, if you do it will crash.

This is only useful for large strings like descriptions. It has a good compression
rate. If you are interested in saving ram on your text based game you might consider
it. I added it into my mud for rooms and character descriptions. It has saved a few megs.

If you want to talk to me about compression send me a message on aim at jeffreybasurto or
email me at auadmin@feltain.org.


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "merc.h"
#include "zlib.h"

char *string_compress(char *string) {
    int len = strlen(string)+1, comprLen = MSL+MSL;
    static char compr[MSL+MSL];
    char *ptr;
    int i;

    memset(compr, 0, MSL+MSL);

    compress((Bytef*)compr, (uLong *)&comprLen, (const Bytef*)string, len);

    ptr = (char *)malloc(comprLen+1);
    for(i = 0;i < comprLen;++i) {
       ptr[i] = compr[i];
    ptr[i] = 0;

    return ptr;

char *string_uncompress(char *string) {
    int comprLen = MSL+MSL;
    char *ptr;
    static char uncompr[MSL+MSL];
    int uncomprLen = MSL+MSL;
    memset(uncompr, 0, MSL+MSL);

    uncompress((Bytef*) uncompr, (uLong*)&uncomprLen, (Bytef*)string, comprLen);

    return uncompr;