From: Gerry Smith <>
> Irc logins ?? I'm interested to know how you did it... ?


Ok, ok..I'll share :)  It is a simple one line script for the IRC client as

mIRC Alias:  f12 msg $me $chr(1) $+ DCC CHAT CHAT 3459940112 4000 $+
pIRCh Alias: /ctcp $me DCC CHAT chat 3459940112 4000

In either case, replace the 3459940112 with the LongIP of your MUD server,
and the 4000 with whatever port you happen to be using. Once done, press
F12 (or whatever hotkey you used) and it opens a DCC Chat connection to
yourself, via the MUD. Kinda spiffy if you ask me.


the Looking Glass (still not accpeting telnet)