Reweave 1.0 by...   Rashin of TGH2: Project X          |                  <- Website    |
 telnet://            <- Mud        |		 <- Email       |
All I ask for this snippet is that you email me any fixes,
enhancements, or ideas.

The reweave code adds a down-side to getting killed. It makes players
wait in a room untill fully healed, at which time they will be able
to type 'reweave' and re-enter the main mud area.

1. Ok, so make a new room with no exits and unable to get out of.

2. define the following in merc.h, near say ROOM_VNUM_ALTAR
+#define ROOM_VNUM_DEATH   //room your players, and corpse will go to when they die.
+#define ROOM_VNUM_AES     //room your non-newbie-type players will go to when they leave the death room
+#define ROOM_VNUM_ACADEMY //room your newbie-type players will do to

3. add the defines to interp.c and interp.h for the do_reweave command.

4. add the following code to the bottom of act_move.c

void do_reweave (CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument)
    ROOM_INDEX_DATA* reroom;

    if (ch->in_room->vnum != ROOM_VNUM_DEATH)
        send_to_char ("But you're not dead!\n\r", ch);

    if (ch->hit < ch->max_hit && ch->mana < ch->max_mana && ch->move < ch->max_move)
        send_to_char ("You're to weak to reweave.\n\r", ch);

    if (ch->level < 50)
        reroom = get_room_index (ROOM_VNUM_ACADEMY);
        reroom = get_room_index (ROOM_VNUM_AES);

    send_to_char ("You are reweaved back into the pattern.\n\r", ch);
    act ("$n is weaved back into the pattern.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    char_from_room (ch);
    char_to_room (ch, reroom);
    act ("$n is weaved back into the pattern.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM);
    do_function (ch, &do_look, "auto");

5. find the code similar in the extract_char function of handler.c and replace it with this...

    if (!fPull)
        char_to_room (ch, get_room_index (ROOM_VNUM_DEATH));

I think that's it... if not, improvise? :)

so make clean, make, etc, dont bug me about it chronicly crashin your mud@!