/* Cname "Colored Names" for who and Channels
 * This was created by Phate. For those of
 * you who would like to use this snippet, it
 * should soon be on http://www.kyndig.com.
 * This snippet should work with any Rom or
 * rot MUD. Feel free to
 * try it on other bases.
 * I don't ask for any real credit for this code
 * but if you could just drop me an email at phate@edgeod.ods.org
 * to tell me how it worked out
 * Phate - edgeod.ods.org 6775

--[ merc.h ]--

In struct pc_data add the following line:

    char *              cname;

Find the current #define PERS(ch, looker) and replace it with this one.

#define PERS(ch, looker)        ( can_see( looker, (ch) ) ?             \
                                ( IS_NPC(ch) ? (ch)->short_descr : ch->pcdata->cname != NULL ? ch->pcdata->cname   \
                                : (ch)->short_descr ) : IS_IMMORTAL(ch) ?   \
                                "An Immortal" :         \


In fwrite_char, below...

    if (ch->short_descr[0] != '\0')
        fprintf( fp, "ShD  %s~\n",      ch->short_descr );

Add this...

    if (ch->pcdata->cname[0] != '\0')
        fprintf( fp, "CNa  %s~\n",      ch->pcdata->cname);

In fread_char, below...

            KEY( "Cla",         ch->class,              fread_number( fp ) );

Add this...

            KEY( "CNa",         ch->pcdata->cname,      fread_string( fp ) );


In comm.c in the nanny function, under...

            ch->practice = 8;

Add this...

            ch->pcdata->cname = ch->name;


In void do_who, replace all instances of wch->name in the printing section of who with this...

                wch->pcdata->cname != NULL ? wch->pcdata->cname : wch->name,


In the function do_string in the line...

        send_to_char("    fields: name short long title who spec\n\r",ch);

Replace it with:

        send_to_char("    fields: name short long title who spec cname\n\r",ch);

Below the part in do_string that looks like...

        if ( !str_prefix( arg2, "short" ) )
            free_string( victim->short_descr );
            victim->short_descr = str_dup( arg3 );

Add in:

        if ( !str_prefix( arg2, "cname" ) )
            free_string( victim->pcdata->cname );
            victim->pcdata->cname = str_dup( arg3 );

Clean compile your MUD and you're good to go!!!

Also, unless you want to go through every pfile and add in a cname field in the pfile, I'd SUGGEST a pwipe or something.
