#AREA   Shattered Refuge~

#AUTHOR Seccunda~

5 20 0 60

#RESETMSG The earth rumbles with the after-affects of another experiment gone awry...~

0 10

#ECONOMY 0 22706892

child gnome~
a gnome child~
A gnome child is here, deep in thought.
The little tyke looks so innocent sitting here studying. You almost want
to pick him up and hug him.
3 4194856 600 C
7 18 7 3d7+70 2d4+0
300 400
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 1709 0 0 9 64 2
> rand_prog 5~
woman gnome~
a gnome woman~
A gnome woman is standing here, trying to look beautiful.
The woman is short and gnarled, but acts like a woman several times her beauty.
She's starting to look pretty attractive to you ...
1 0 600 C
10 16 5 5d10+100 1d8+0
500 700
8 8 2
18 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 1775 2 0 0 64 2
man gnome~
a gnome man~
A gnome man is walking here, on his way to work.
This is a prime example of a gnome.  He looks short and weak, but at the
same time an intelligent creature who could outsmart you.
1 4194856 500 C
12 15 4 1d12+100 1d8+1
450 900
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 2 0 0 64 2
> rand_prog 5~
> rand_prog 2~
shake $r
scientist gnome~
a gnome scientist~
A scientist wanders around deep in thought.
You see a gnome who is lost deep into some invention that he is about
to make.  His hair is white, but he looks fairly strong.
1 4194856 500 C
12 14 4 5d10+100 1d8+3
1000 1300
8 8 1
18 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 1775 0 0 0 64 2
gnome assistant~
an assistant~
An assistant scientist is here, juggling beakers and vials.
This is a well trained gnome.  He might not have a lot of strength but
he makes up for it with his scientific skills.
1 0 400 C
10 13 3 5d5+90 1d7+2
100 2000
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 1775 2 0 1 64 2
> rand_prog 3~
emote catches a vial just as it falls loose from his hands.
say If only we could create extra limbs!
chief gnome~
the chief gnome~
A powerful looking gnome stands here wearing ornate clothes.
The Chief looks like he could whap you hard.  He looks not only powerful
but wise and resourceful.  You better not mess with him.
3 0 550 C
15 6 -1 5d10+200 1d15+2
8000 15000
8 8 1
18 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 1775 0 0 0 1073741888 524290
> rand_prog 10~
wield electrum
troll large bridge bridgetrolla~
a large troll~
A large troll stands here, guarding the bridge.
The small troll is a short and stocky beast with a human-like face
but with the eyes and fangs of a wild beast.
1073741831 4194856 -900 C
20 12 3 1d50+350 2d5+1
200 2000
8 8 1
16 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1312495 0 0 0 2 2
> all_greet_prog 100~
say Who goes there?
mpechoat $n The troll says 'No one crosses my bridge without paying!
mpechoat $n The fee is 500 in gold! Only by my death may you pass for free!
mpechoat $n The troll pushes you backwards.
> bribe_prog 500~
if isfight($n)
say I am no fool! You now must pass over my dead body!
smile $n
mpechoat $n You are wise not to try me in battle, for I would eat your corpse!
mpechoaround $n $n leaves over the bridge to the west.
mpschoaround $n The large troll tucks away his new gold.
mpechoat $n The troll moves and you walk west across the bridge.
mptransfer $n 1547
mpjunk coins
mouse field~
a field mouse~
A small mouse runs across your foot.
The Mouse is a cute little creature.
5 0 0 C
5 19 9 1d5+50 1d4+0
0 100
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
77 3 0 0 512 513 0
0 0 67117 0 0 0 0 2
rat small~
a rat~
A small rat shrieks and runs around.
The rat is a little evil creature that deserves death.
5 0 -200 C
6 19 8 1d1+66 1d5+1
0 200
8 8 1
18 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
77 3 0 0 512 513 1
0 0 329349 0 0 8 0 2
rat large~
a large rat~
A large rat runs up to you and nibbles on your boots.
You have the urge to kill this vile creature.
5 0 -200 C
8 17 6 1d1+88 1d8+0
0 400
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
77 3 0 0 512 513 1
0 0 329261 0 0 8 0 2
rat giant~
a giant rat~
A giant rat growls at you and prepares to attack.
This rat has grown up to be the size of an average dog.
37 0 -200 C
10 15 4 1d1+111 1d8+1
0 800
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
77 3 0 0 512 513 1
0 0 263853 0 0 8 0 2
the troll~
A giant troll lumbers around.
You see before you a huge mass of living flesh.  You cringe in fear as
he lifts his powerful arm to bludgeon you.
35 0 -800 C
14 7 0 3d5+160 2d8+1
100 10000
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 65 65 0
0 0 1775 0 0 0 2 524290
bat black~
a black bat~
A black bat hangs from the ceiling.
The bat is a grotesque little creature with large wings and fangs.
33 4719144 -500 C
5 16 5 3d4+70 1d8+0
1 1000
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
23 3 0 0 513 513 0
0 0 34349 0 0 0 0 2
gnome scientist traitor~
the traitor~
A gnome scientist wanders about the room, nervous at your intrusion.
This gnome won't meet your eyes at all. He is different from the rest found
here, he is shifty and secretive. He moves across the room, seeming to stop
always over the same place on the floor. 
3 4194856 -700 C
12 14 3 4d12+110 1d8+3
696 2300
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1775 2 0 0 64 2
bat fire~
the fire bat~
The fire bat flames brightly and prepares to attack.
You see a huge flame which resembles the shape of a bat.  The creature
hangs from the ceiling and bites at you.
37 8 -900 C
12 9 2 1d10+60 3d5+0
6000 6000
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 64 2
guard hobgoblin~
the hobgoblin guard~
The hobgoblin guard attacks first, thinks later.
This is an extra large, extra ugly goblin like creature.  He grins evilly
as he attempts to brain you.
35 4194856 -700 C
10 15 4 2d15+100 1d8+1
75 1000
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
43 3 0 0 16384 16385 1
0 0 1775 0 0 0 64 524290
> rand_prog 5~
get fungus helmet
mpecho The hobgoblin munches on a nasty looking piece of fungus.
put fungus helmet
soldier hobgoblin~
the hobgoblin soldier~
A hobgoblin soldier stands here.
This is just a low life hobgoblin, who couldn't make it to the ranks
of the elite guards.  He looks pissed.
35 4194856 -600 C
7 18 7 1d7+70 1d7+0
50 300
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
43 3 0 0 16384 16385 1
0 0 1775 0 0 0 64 524290
> rand_prog 2~
> rand_prog 1~
bodyguard hobgoblin guard~
the hobgoblin bodyguard~
A hobgoblin bodyguard guards the king with his life.
This is one of the elite hobgoblin guards.  He stands tall for his short
stature.  He grins a toothy grin as he prepares to attack.
3 4194856 -500 C
10 14 4 2d15+105 1d7+2
100 2000
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
43 3 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 1775 0 0 0 64 3
king hobgoblin~
the king of the hobgoblins~
There is a great king here, sitting in his throne.
The king is a silly looking hobgoblin whose muscles bulge out of his robes,
destroying the sophisticated effect he was trying to create.
3 4194856 -500 C
18 9 2 5d20+150 2d7+1
500 6000
6 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
43 3 0 0 16385 16385 2
0 0 1775 0 0 0 1073741888 524291
miner hobgoblin~
a hobgoblin miner~
A hobgoblin miner stands here looking for gold.
The miner is totally covered in dust.
5 0 -400 C
5 16 5 1d12+60 1d8+0
700 500
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
43 3 0 0 16384 16384 1
0 0 1773 0 0 0 64 2
> rand_prog 5~
> rand_prog 2~
treasurer hobgoblin tt~
the treasurer~
A treasurer is here counting out money.
The hobgoblin treasurer is an old goblin with glasses.  It appears that he
can only see a couple feet in front of him.
7 4194856 -200 C
13 11 2 3d15+115 2d6+1
5000 2500
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1775 0 0 0 2359296 2
prisoner gnome~
a gnome prisoner~
A gnome prisoner is here resting in the straw.
The prisoner is just barely alive.
7 4194856 1000 C
6 17 8 5d3+50 2d3+1
0 50
5 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 1775 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 2~
prisoner human~
a human prisoner~
A human prisoner is here resting in the straw.
The prisoner is just barely alive.
7 0 100 C
5 17 8 3d5+35 2d3+1
0 50
5 8 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 1775 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 3~
man old hermit~
the hermit~
An old man wanders about this underground home.
This man is very old, and appears to love his solitude. This home
though underground, is fairly well kept. The cluttered items are
from years and years of collecting.
5 0 -10 C
12 16 5 5d10+120 1d8+0
2500 600
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 263205 0 0 0 2 2
cook hobgoblin~
the cook~
A hobgoblin cook stands here, harvesting fungus.
This cook is a dirty and fat hobgoblin. She burps as and farts as she
goes about her work.
3 4194856 -500 C
15 14 4 150d1+1 1d7+1
26 900
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
43 3 0 0 16384 16385 0
0 0 1775 0 0 0 32 2
> rand_prog 4~
> rand_prog 2~
gnome guard~
a gnome guard~
A particularly mean looking gnome guards the path north.
This is a well trained gnome.  He might not have a lot of strength but
he makes up for it with his weapons skill.
3 0 500 C
13 13 3 2d6+120 3d3+2
1500 2000
8 8 1
18 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 1775 0 0 0 64 524290
> death_prog 100~
if level($n) == 50
  mpecho The savagery of the attack leaves the guard's inventory in scraps.
  mpjunk all.fizz
tester mobbie~
a newly created tester mobbie~
Some god abandoned a newly created tester mobbie here.
1073741825 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
> speech_prog xxxxx~
canary cc~
a canary~
A bright yellow canary rests upon her perch here.
This bright yellow canary looks quite at home here. Obviously the pet
of the person who lives here, it is well cared for.
3 0 0 C
5 0 0 1d1+40 1d1+2
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
gnome receptionist woman~
the receptionist~
A gnome woman is here, busy filing notes.
This woman merely looks up at your intrusion, and then returns to her
filing. She is about the oldest female Gnome you have yet run across, 
perhaps the wife of the Chief.
3 4194856 500 C
13 14 4 3d13+130 1d13+0
1000 1300
8 8 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 400641 400641 1
0 0 1775 2 0 0 64 2
> rand_prog 4~
say Filing, filing, and more filing. Must they keep notes on everything?
mpecho You hear the parchments crumple as the reception continues to file.
> rand_prog 8~
say I shall never keep up with this paperwork.
gnome assistant~
an assistant~
An assistant scientist is here, juggling beakers and vials.
This is a well trained gnome.  He might not have a lot of strength but
he makes up for it with his scientific skills.
1 0 500 C
10 13 3 5d5+90 1d7+2
100 2000
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 400641 400641 1
0 0 1775 2 0 1 64 2
> rand_prog 3~
> rand_prog 3~
scientist gnome~
a gnome scientist~
A scientist wanders around deep in thought.
You see a gnome who is lost deep into some invention that he is about
to make.  His hair is white, but he looks fairly strong.
1 4194856 500 C
12 14 4 5d10+100 1d8+3
1000 1300
8 8 1
18 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 400641 400641 1
0 0 1775 0 0 0 64 2
> rand_prog 3~
emote scratches his head in deep thought.
say Ah yes, that has to be it.
child gnome~
a gnome child~
A gnome child is here, tossing around a toy boomerang.
This little tyke looks so innocent, playing here with his toys. You
almost want to join in the play.
5 4194856 600 C
8 18 7 3d7+80 1d6+2
300 400
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 400945 400945 1
0 0 1709 0 0 9 64 2
teacher woman gnome~
the teacher~
An old gnome woman stands here, teaching the class.
The woman is short and gnarled, and she looks ancient! She is busy teaching
the children about physics it appears.
3 4194856 600 C
10 16 5 5d10+100 1d8+0
500 700
8 8 2
18 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 400945 400945 1
0 0 1775 2 0 0 64 2
> rand_prog 3~
> rand_prog 2~
say Even at your young age, you should be planning future creations.
teacher man gnome~
the teacher~
This teacher commands attention from his students merely by his presence.
This is a prime example of a gnome.  He looks short and weak, but at the
same time an intelligent creature who could outsmart you.
1073741827 4194856 500 C
6 15 4 1d12+100 1d8+1
450 900
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 400945 400945 0
0 0 0 2 0 0 64 2
> rand_prog 5~
emote points to a few items on a table.
say To create is the goal of all our lives. To die creating is a blessing.
child gnome~
a gnome child~
A gnome child is here, tossing around a toy boomerang.
This little tyke looks so innocent, playing here with his toys. You
almost want to join in the play.
5 4194856 600 C
8 18 7 3d7+80 1d6+2
300 400
8 8 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 401009 401009 1
0 0 1709 0 0 9 64 2
> rand_prog 5~
> rand_prog 2~
wink $r
child gnome~
a gnome child~
A gnome child is here, skipping rocks.
This little tyke looks so innocent, playing here with his rocks. You
almost want to join in the play.
1 0 500 C
6 0 0 2d6+60 1d4+2
0 0
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 401009 401009 0
0 0 1775 0 0 1 64 2
> rand_prog 5~
smile $r
> rand_prog 2~
woman gnome~
a gnome woman~
A gnome woman is standing here, trying to look beautiful.
The woman is short and gnarled, but acts like a woman several times her beauty.
She's starting to look pretty attractive to you ...
1 0 600 C
10 16 5 5d10+100 1d8+0
500 700
8 8 2
18 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 401009 401009 1
0 0 1775 2 0 0 64 2
patch darkness shadow~
an infant shadow~
A whispy, indistinct patch of darkness shifts amongst the shadows here.
This is a shadow, a baby one at that.  You have heard tales of
their existence, but have never met a person who has seen one
an lived.  This shadow is already almost the size of the room,
it seems to move and mold around you.
3 4194856 0 C
15 0 0 2d30+150 2d7+0
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 2048 2
> death_prog 100~
mpecho Thank you $n, you have freed me from this prison.
mpecho The shadow becomes clear, then is gone!
mpgoto 199
> rand_prog 3~
mpecho You feel an odd chill run down your spine.
say One day my darkness will not be contained in this small room.
troll large bridge bridgetrolla~
a large troll~
A large troll stands here, guarding the bridge.
The small troll is a short and stocky beast with a human-like face
but with the eyes and fangs of a wild beast.
7 4194856 -900 C
20 12 3 1d50+350 5d3+4
200 2000
8 8 1
16 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1312495 0 3072 0 2 2
> all_greet_prog 100~
say Who goes there?
mpechoat $n The troll says 'No one crosses my bridge without paying!
mpechoat $n The fee is 500 in gold! Only by my death may you pass for free!
mpechoat $n The troll pushes you backwards.
> fight_prog 100~
if isnpc($n)
 mer $n The troll sneers in contempt and takes a mighty swing.
 mpdamage $n 30000
> bribe_prog 500~
if isfight($n)
say I am no fool! You now must pass over my dead body!
smile $n
mpechoat $n You are wise not to try me in battle, for I would eat your corpse!
mpecho The air ripples over the bridge, causing the missing section to appear.
mpechoaround $n $n leaves over the bridge to the east.
mpechoaround $n The large troll tucks away his new gold.
mpechoat $n The troll moves and you walk east across the bridge.
mpechoat $n The air ripples behind you, obscuring the bridge again.
mpechoaround $n The air ripples behind $n, obscuring the bridge again.
mptransfer $n 1547
put coins basket
> death_prog 100~
mpecho The troll falls to the ground, mortally hit.
mpecho Gasping, he says, "This ends nothing. I will have final victory."
mpecho With a shudder, the troll expires in death.
mpoload 1546 1
troll large bridge bridgetrollb~
a large troll~
A large troll stands here, guarding the bridge.
The small troll is a short and stocky beast with a human-like face
but with the eyes and fangs of a wild beast.
7 4194856 -900 C
20 12 3 1d50+350 5d3+4
200 2000
8 8 1
16 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1312495 0 3072 0 2 2
> all_greet_prog 100~
say Who goes there?
mpechoat $n The troll says 'No one crosses my bridge without paying!
mpechoat $n The fee is 500 in gold! Only by my death may you pass for free!
mpechoat $n The troll pushes you backwards.
> fight_prog 100~
if isnpc($n)
 mer $n The troll sneers in contempt and takes a mighty swing.
 mpdamage $n 30000
> bribe_prog 500~
if isfight($n)
say I am no fool! You now must pass over my dead body!
smile $n
mpechoat $n You are wise not to try me in battle, for I would eat your corpse!
mpecho The air ripples over the bridge, causing the missing section to appear.
mpechoaround $n $n leaves over the bridge to the west.
mpechoat $n The troll moves and you walk west across the bridge.
mpechoat $n The air ripples behind you, obscuring the bridge again.
mpechoaround $n The air ripples behind $n, obscuring the bridge again.
mptransfer $n 1546
put coins basket
> death_prog 100~
mpecho The troll falls to the ground, mortally hit.
mpecho Gasping, he says, "This ends nothing. I will have final victory."
mpecho With a shudder, the troll expires in death.
mpoload 1547 1
snake adder~
the adder~
An adder snake slithers through the grass, hunting rodents for food.
This snake is about two feet long, a velvety black with shiny zigzag
markings along its length. He appears to be watching your every move.
1 4194856 -400 C
6 0 25 2d5+55 1d4+2
0 0
8 8 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 66561 0 0 0 64 2
> fight_prog 33~
mpechoat $n The snake strikes and bites you! Ouch that hurt.
mpechoaround $n The snake bit $n, and it looked painful!
mpdamage $n 3
guard hobgoblin~
the hobgoblin guard~
The hobgoblin guard attacks first, thinks later.
This is an extra large, extra ugly goblin like creature.  He grins evilly
as he attempts to brain you.
35 4194856 -700 C
10 15 4 2d15+100 1d8+1
75 1000
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
43 3 0 0 399855 399854 0
0 0 1775 0 0 0 0 524290
> rand_prog 2~
> rand_prog 1~
grope self
guard hobgoblin~
the hobgoblin guard~
The hobgoblin guard attacks first, thinks later.
This is an extra large, extra ugly goblin like creature.  He grins evilly
as he attempts to brain you.
33 4194856 -700 C
10 15 4 2d15+100 1d8+1
75 1000
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
43 3 0 0 400031 400030 1
0 0 1775 0 0 0 64 2
hobgoblin tinker~
a tinker~
A hobgoblin is here, tinkering on an odd invention.
You see a hobgoblin who is trying so hard to concentrate, so much as
not to notice your intrusion. The projects here are far less complex
than those the Gnomes were working on. Even though this is obviously
a smarter specimen than the average hobgoblin, he really does not
appear too intelligent.
3 4194856 -700 C
12 14 4 5d10+100 1d8+3
1000 1300
8 8 1
18 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
43 3 0 0 400031 400030 1
0 0 1775 0 0 0 64 2
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho The tinker scratches a scab on his behind. 
mpecho Examining his finger, he licks it clean and goes back to work.
miner hobgoblin~
a hobgoblin miner~
A hobgoblin miner walks around here, barely doing any actual work.
The miner is totally covered in dust.
7 0 -400 C
5 16 5 1d12+60 1d8+0
700 500
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
43 3 0 0 400031 400030 1
0 0 1773 0 0 0 64 2
guard hobgoblin~
the hobgoblin guard~
The hobgoblin guard attacks first, thinks later.
This is an extra large, extra ugly goblin like creature.  He grins evilly
as he attempts to brain you.
3 4194856 -700 C
10 15 4 2d15+100 1d8+1
75 1000
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
43 3 0 0 400031 400030 1
0 0 1775 0 0 0 64 524290
new mob~
a newly created new mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created new mob here.
1073741825 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0
child gnome~
a gnome child~
A gnome child is here, deep in thought.
The little tyke looks so innocent sitting here studying. You almost want
to pick him up and hug him.
3 4194856 600 C
7 18 7 3d7+70 2d4+0
300 400
8 8 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
38 3 0 0 400641 400641 1
0 0 1709 0 0 9 64 2
> rand_prog 3~
nod teacher
aset spacer mob~
a newly created new mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created new mob here.
1073741825 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
8 8 0

key bloody~
a bloody key~
A bloody key is stuck to the floor.~
18 0 1
2 0 0 0
1 1000 100
key dirty~
a dirty key~
A dirty key lies here.~
18 0 1
2 0 0 0
1 1050 105
a boomerang~
A toy boomerang wants to be picked up.~
5 262144 8193
0 2 4 7
5 5 0
staff gnarled~
a gnarled staff~
A gnarled staff is here.~
5 0 8193
0 1 9 7
15 600 60
sword gnome~
a gnome sword~
A gnome sword catches your eye.~
5 0 8193
0 3 3 3
15 4000 400
gnome sword~
This weapon was not made to withstand very many battles. It is more for
show then to actually be drawn on a fight.
shield studded~
a studded shield~
A studded wooden shield lies here.~
9 0 513
4 0 0 0
16 3000 300
potion bloody~
a bloody potion~
A bloody potion lies here.~
10 0 1
15 15 15 39
22 1500 150
cloak bloody~
a bloody cloak~
A bloody cloak lies in a corner.~
9 64 5
4 0 0 0
15 2000 200
17 -5
13 5
25 -1
ring bat~
a bat ring~
A ring in the shape of a bat lies here.~
9 64 3
3 0 0 0
2 2500 250
14 15
necklace bead~
a bead necklace~
A string of beads is here.~
9 0 5
3 0 0 0
8 4000 400
18 2
sword electrum~
an electrum sword~
An electrum sword lies here.~
5 65 8193
0 4 3 3
20 100000 10000
basket wicker~
a wicker basket~
A wicker basket sits here.~
15 0 16385
150 0 -1 0
5 45 4
some peanuts~
Some peanuts lie here.~
19 262144 1
16 0 0 0
9 25 2
some grain~
There is some grain here.~
19 0 1
15 0 0 0
8 22 2
a skiff~
A small skiff is here.~
22 0 1
0 0 0 0
24 1500 150
boots gnome~
a pair of gnome boots~
You notice a pair of gnomish boots.~
9 0 65
4 0 0 0
12 12000 1200
14 40
a pile of coins~
A pile of coins.~
20 0 1
1000 0 0 0
1 1 0
a pile of coins~
A pile of coins.~
20 0 1
5000 0 0 0
1 1 0
a pile of coins~
A pile of coins.~
20 0 1
100000 0 0 0
1 1 0
shield stone~
a stone shield~
A stone slab lies here.~
9 0 513
4 0 0 0
35 9000 900
1 2
mail heavy banded~
heavy banded mail~
A large suit of heavy banded mail is here~
9 0 9
6 0 0 0
30 35000 3500
club large~
a large club~
A large club sits here.~
5 0 8193
0 4 3 7
22 20000 2000
a banana~
There is a banana here.~
19 0 1
6 0 0 0
5 9 0
life potion~
a potion of life healing~
A potion of life healing has left here.~
10 129 1
32 28 3 81
1 1 0
a lever inside the object~
A small lever rests within the object along the wall.~
37 33554432 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
This tiny lever seems to be made of some shiny red material. Slick
to the touch, you have never seen anything quite like it.
> use_prog 100~
mpecho As the lever is moved, a strange voice fills the room.
mpecho "Working late again are we boss? You really should get more rest.
mpecho I'll save you the walk again. Next time go home earlier."
mpechoat $n You feel as if you were being pulled in every direction at once.
mpecho A strange mist envelops the area about the object.
mpechoat $n Everything fades from view, only to be replaced by another view.
mpechoaround $n $n disappears from view within the mists.
mpechoaround $n When the mist clears, only the object remains.
mptransfer $n 1534
mppurge lever
mpoload 1524
A large, strange object hums quietly here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
Looking like an ornate box with fluted tubes sticking out at odd angles,
this quietly humming object is strange indeed. A small door is situated
on the front panel, demanding further examination.
Small gears and springs abound inside this object. A whirring and humming
flows forth like waves off the ocean. As you check inside, your fingers 
run over something. You can't seem to quite find it though. Some more
careful searching would seem to be required if you want to solve this.
The box~
A sturdy box rests securely on the ground here.~
15 0 0
1 5 0 0
0 0 0
Large and sturdy, this box is made of solid iron. Careful examination
shows almost seemless joints. If not for the handle, the door would be
impossible to find. Either designed to protect something valuable, or
to protect others from something dangerous, this box is a wonder in
strength and design.
an odd slick packet~
An odd slick packet rests in a special cradle here.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
Made of some shiny slick material, this dark colored object has been
tightly sealed. Great care seems to have been taken to protect it.
It rests comfortably in a specially designed clamp.
> get_prog 100~
mpechoat $n You feel a sudden flash of heat flow through your hands.
mpechoat $n You are knocked backwards by a small explosion.
mpechoaround $n $n is knocked backwards by a small explosion.
mpdamage $n 30
mpechoat $n Gingerly, you put the packet back before it sets off again.
mpechoaround $n $n gently returns the packet back, with a worried expression.
mpforce $n put packet box
mpforce $n close box
a crack in the wall~
A small crack in the wall has been found here.~
15 33554432 0
10 0 0 0
0 0 0
After careful searching, you find a small crack in the northern wall.
Though natural seeming, it would appear someone has taken advantage of
its presence.
quill black light~
a small quill~
A small, oddly shaped black quill lies on the ground here.~
1 1025 16385
0 0 7200 0
1 0 0
Made of some black crystaline material, this quill is oddly shaped indeed.
No feathers are attached. The tip of the quill is not the standard sharp
dipping tip. It is, instead, a sort of rounded off tube. The other end of
the quill is a cut piece of clear crystal. The quill looks dry and unused.
3 1
14 30
27 256
> get_prog 100~
mpechoat $n A small flash of light sparks forth as you touch the pen.
mpechoaround $n A small flash of light sparks forth as $n touches the pen.
> use_prog 100~
mpechoat $n You wince as the pen tip springs out pricking your hand.
mpechoaround $n $n winces as the pen tip pricks $s hand.
mpechoat $n A small amount of your blood is drawn up into the pen.
mpechoat $n The pen lights with a spectral fire, fed by your blood.
mpechoaround $n The pen lights with a spectral fire as blood courses inside.
mpdamage $n 10
statue stone granite plaque~
a stone plaque~
A large gnome carved from granite stands here, holding a bronze plaque.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
As you gaze upon this large piece of granite, you see a tall plaque
of burnished bronze. Many names are inscribed upon it's surface.
The bronze plaque stands several feet high and  wide. Every inch of its
surface is covered with names.  The title at the top says, "Our fallen
heroes".  Knowing a little of gnomish culture, you realize this is the
list of those scientists who have died in experiments.  The highest
honour a gnome can have is to die young while inventing something
stone gnome carved~
As you gaze upon this large piece of granite, you see a tall plaque
of burnished bronze. Many names are inscribed upon it's surface.
As you gaze upon this large piece of granite, you see a tall plaque
of burnished bronze.  Many names are inscribed upon its surface.
Oaken shelf shelves~
a tall oak shelf~
A tall oaken shelf stands here.~
15 0 0
20 0 0 0
0 0 0
shelf shelves~
Hand made, from pieces of locally cut oak, these shelves show the
pride and caring of a relatively gifted amateur.  Each piece has
been hand carved, obviously using whatever tools the owner had on
hand.  No matter the tools used, the effort has resulted in a
beautiful piece of work.
battered vellum scroll~
a battered scroll~
A weathered vellum scroll rests here.~
2 0 1
25 59 3 34
0 0 0
This battered length of vellum has a faded, arcane script upon it.
Examining the script is difficult, but you can make out the following:
This will recant all magiks upon thee, replacing it with the blessings
and protections of thy Gods.
> get_prog 100~
mpechoat $n A spectral voice echoes in your mind.
mpechoat $n "If you choose to keep me, take note:
mpechoat $n I am for your use only. Do not recite this upon another.
mpechoat $n The results will be unpredictable, and may gain the
mpechoat $n unwanted attention of the Immortals."
fungus glob~
an odd fungus~
A glob of strangely glowing fungus pulses on the ground.~
$n pinch$q $s nose as $e gag$q down this fuzzy fungoid lump.~
19 0 1
5 0 0 0
3 0 0
> sac_prog 75~
mpecho A layer of scum is left on the floor where the fungus had lain.
mpecho As you watch, the scum flows together, reforming into a lozenge.
mpoload 1534
mpat $n drop losenge
fungoid losenge~
a fungoid losenge~
A slimy little losenge sticks to the floor here.~
$n hold$q back a gag as $e slip$q the losenge down $s throat~
26 0 1
20 77 205 208
5 550 55
sword electrum~
an electrum sword~
An electrum sword lies here.~
5 65 8193
0 4 3 3
20 100000 10000
12 25
13 15
18 3
reading glasses~
a pair of reading glasses~
A pair of wire rimmed glasses lie here, complete with thick lenses~
9 524353 131073
6 9 0 0
4 0 0
4 1
3 2
beaker glowing liquid~
a glowing beaker of liquid~
A beaker full of a glowing liquid sits here, brewing and boilding.~
10 65 1
20 3 15 81
0 0 0
grey ratty labcoat~
a ratty grey labcoat~
A pile of ratty grey material lies here in a heap.~
9 0 1025
2 4 0 0
3 1200 120
2 1
3 1
round flat stone rock~
a rounded, flat stone~
A oddly glowing rock lies here.~
3 65 16385
15 1 1 66
5 300 30
apron plaid cotton~
a plaid cotton apron~
An old pile of plaid cotton lies here, dotted with stains.~
9 0 2049
1 3 0 0
3 0 0
This apron is not warn for fashion. There are several large stains
mingled with the green and blue plaid.
1 1
handkerchief cotton~
a plaid cotton handkerchief~
A cotton handkerchief lays here, crumpled in a ball.~
9 0 17
2 2 0 0
1 100 10
cotton handkerchief~
This handkerchief is very beautiful, made of a fine cotton weave. The
blue and green plaid compliments your coloring.
25 1
vial fizz~
a vial of fizz~
A fizzing vial was left here.~
10 0 1
15 15 15 39
22 1500 150
cloak plaid cotton~
a tattered plaid cloak~
A frayed cotton plaid cloak lies here in a heap.~
9 64 5
4 0 0 0
15 2000 200
17 -5
13 5
25 -1
fur robe~
a patchwork fur robe~
An odd pile of bits of fur resembling a robe lies here in disarray.~
9 8421969 1025
2 4 0 0
8 15000 1500
fur robe~
This robe will serve you well, unless a vampire or thief.  The smell of
it would drive a vampire mad and would cause a thief to be detected.
13 10
12 10
18 1
19 1
a gnarled sceptre~
A huge gnarled sceptre encrusted with shards of raw crystal rests here.~
5 84 8193
0 0 0 8
7 14200 1420
This sceptre looks like an enlarged spiked mace blending with a club.
The crystal shards piercing from the end look sharp and dangerous.
19 3
18 3
2 1
A golden disk~
A dusky golden disk rests on the ground here.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 500 50
Made of some soft golden material, this is a strange object indeed.  Odd
runes and arcane symbols swirl about the surface in a hypnotic pattern.
As you look upon it, a strange impression comes upon your mind.
> get_prog 100~
if inroom($n) == 1546
 if ispc($n)
  mpforce $n look disk
  mea $n A spectral voice fills your mind.
  mea $n "You have defeated my master, winning free passage.
  mea $n However, be warned. He is not gone forever.
  mea $n When next you come this way, you will face his challenge again."
  mpe The air ripples over the bridge, causing the missing section to appear.
  mea $n A strange force pushes you across the bridge.
  mer $n A strange force pushes you across the bridge.
  mpe The air ripples over the bridge obscuring things again.
  mea $n The disk glows red hot, causing you to drop it from your fingers.
  mptransfer all 1547
  mpat 1547 mpforce $n drop disk
  mpe The disk crumbles to dust on the ground.
  mpat 1547 mppurge disk
  mpforce $n drop disk
  mpe The disk crumbles to dust on the ground.
  mppurge disk
A golden disk~
A dusky golden disk rests on the ground here.~
13 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 500 50
Made of some soft golden material, this is a strange object indeed.  Odd
runes and arcane symbols swirl about the surface in a hypnotic pattern.
As you look upon it, a strange impression comes upon your mind.
> get_prog 100~
if inroom($n) == 1547
 if ispc($n)
  mpforce $n look disk
  mea $n A spectral voice fills your mind.
  mea $n "You have defeated my master, winning free passage.
  mea $n However, be warned. He is not gone forever.
  mea $n When next you come this way, you will face his challenge again."
  mpe The air ripples over the bridge, causing the missing section to appear.
  mea $n A strange force pushes you across the bridge.
  mer $n A strange force pushes you across the bridge.
  mpe The air ripples over the bridge obscuring things again.
  mea $n The disk glows red hot, causing you to drop it from your fingers.
  mptransfer all 1546
  mpat 1546 mpforce $n drop disk
  mpe The disk crumbles to dust on the ground.
  mpat 1546 mppurge disk
  mpforce $n drop disk
  mpe The disk crumbles to dust on the ground.
  mppurge disk
a grime covered helmet~
This is a grime covered helmet, dented and battered.~
15 0 17
20 0 0 0
4 1234 123
17 -7
25 -1
31 2
aset spacer object~
a newly created aset spacer object~
Some god dropped a newly created aset spacer object here.~
13 1073741824 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
foul spring pool~
a foul spring and pool~
A foul smelling spring trickles down to a small pool here.~
25 0 0
0 0 0 1
0 0 0
A small crack in the wall of the cave has let a stream of water 
trickle in to fall to the cave floor. Foul smelling, it has the
look of something that has been influenced by the evil about it.
A small crack in the wall of the cave has let a stream of water
trickle in to fall to the cave floor. Foul smelling, it has the
look of something that has been influenced by the evil about it.
Small in size, this pool is murky and fetid. You wonder how
anyone could possibly want to drink from this. However, as 
this seems to be the only source of water for the hobgoblins,
they obviously have no compunctions about drinking the water.
> use_prog 100~
if isnpc($n)
  mpecho $n gags and coughs as $e stumbles screaming from the spring!
  mppurge $n
  mpechoat $n The water flows like a glob of putrid slime down your throat.
  mpechoat $n Gagging and coughing, you wonder if that was really smart.
  mpechoaround $n $n gags and coughs as $e stumbles away from the spring.
  mpdamage $n 10
  mpechoat $n You wince as the water falls like a lead ball into your stomach.
  mpechoaround $n $n winces in pain and turns a little green around the gills.
mining shovel~
a dirty shovel~
A dirty mining shovel has been left here on the ground.~
59 0 16385
0 0 0 0
5 1200 120
This shovel looks like it would be good for mining and digging.
5 1
sign signpost~
a signpost~
A strange glowing sign is imbedded in the earth by the roadside.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
Ages ago, in a far off place, there existed a great nation of gnomes.
Builders, tinkers, scientists, they created great and wondrous things.
With their inventive minds and quirky sense of humor, they made their
lands into a marvel of sight and delight.  Travellers, coming to this
land would, oft-times be baffled by the odd and sometimes mysterious
inventions that abounded.
During their expansions, the gnomes at one time came upon a tribe of
hobgoblins.  Slovenly and somewhat dull, the hobgoblins still somehow
won the hearts of the gnomes.  Taking them in, the gnomes began trying
to better the lot of the hobgoblins by teaching them the many ways of
building and invention.  The hobgoblins took a great interest in these
things and strove to make the skills their own.  Cunning and sneaky
though they are, the hobgoblins nonetheless lacked the intelligence to
truly grasp the finer points of what the gnomes were teaching.
Finally, one day, the hobgoblins came to decide that the gnomes must
be hiding some vital knowledge from them - that the gnomes just wanted
control over them.  This they could understand, it being their nature
to understand things from this point of view.  They rebelled.  Taking
up arms, they attacked and tried to overthrow their benefactors.  The
resulting war shattered the gnome nation, driving pockets of gnomes
to the far reaches of the realms.
(A glowing line appears here, stating "LOOK sign2" for further details)
To the east is a small gnome village.  A fragment of the once great
nation of gnomes.  Quiet and peaceful, they have made their home here
in an attempt to find rest at last.  However, a recent development has
shattered that dream.  An advance group of hobgoblins has set up camp
in the caves further to the east.  They are extending the system of
caves there to make space for the rest of their tribe, which is
still some months away.
Contact has only recently been made between the hobgoblins and the
gnomes here.  An unsteady peace currently exists, but may end at any
moment.  Several gnomes have already gone missing.
Explore here cautiously, there are many things to discover.  Remember
to use the LOOK comand often.  You never know what you may find.
This area is designed for levels 5 through 20 approximately.
Written by:
Witherin Seccunda-DethBlayde, the Badger
Brittany Seccunda-DethBlayde, Godmother of the Realms
aset spacer object~
a newly created aset spacer object~
Some god dropped a newly created aset spacer object here.~
13 1073741824 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0

The chief guard~
Large slabs of granite have been haphazardly assembled into a huge desk
of sorts.  Several pieces of rusted weaponry occupy places of honour 
behind the desk.  A large, thick slab of granite forms a door to the north.
0 0 13
The king's chamber
Door granite~
3 -1 1576
A guard room
0 -1 1575
A bend in the trail~
The trail widens here, becoming more a roadway than a mere simple
path. Signs of civilization begin to assail your senses.  The road
continues to the east, while the path fades into the trees off to
the north.
0 4 3
The path continues
0 -1 1502
The trail meanders off into the forest...
0 -1 3588
The area to the east is populated with two distinct groups.
Gnomes, who are tinkerers, scientists, cheerful, meticulous,
and good natured, occupy the village just to the east. The
Hobgoblins, who are sneaky, coniving, envious, slovenly, and
have an evil temperment, have been mining and extending their
influence within caves further to the east. A long standing
rivalry has existed between these two societies. To date, it
remains unresolved.
The level range for this area is from level 5 to approximately
level 20. Use caution and care when exploring. Make use of the
LOOK command to find many hidden details of these two groups.
Area rewritten by:
Witherin Seccunda-DethBlayde, the Badger
Brittany Seccunda-DethBlayde, Godmother of the Realms
Rewrite Completed: Tuesday May 7, 1996
A distant sound~
It is so quiet and peaceful here that you find it difficult to resist
the urge to just sit back against a tree and relax for a while. The
only sound that breaks the peace is a soft hint of metal upon metal.
The pathway splits here. Continuing east and west, with a trail leading
off to the north.
0 4 3
Another pathway
0 -1 1503
A forest pathway
0 -1 1520
A bend in the trail
0 -1 1501
Breaks in the trees~
The pathway continues to the north and south. Breaks in the trees to
the east and west show buildings of an odd design. Large and squat, 
they seem quite sturdily built. Low in height, their creators must not
be altogether too tall.
0 0 3
The trail continues
0 -1 1510
A squat building
0 -1 1506
Connecting to another pathway
0 -1 1502
A squat building
0 -1 1505
Tiny and overflowing, this room contains oddments of every sort and stripe.
Small, carefully labelled boxes line the walls.  One set of shelves is
dedicated to loose items.  Each one is carefully tagged.
0 8 0
The lab
0 -1 1505
Much of what you see here is difficult, if not impossible to
identify. Being able to read the labels does not help matters. One
particularly strange item has the tag of:  Bodntronic socket whittle.
Much of what you see here is difficult, if not impossible to
identify. Being able to read the labels does not help matters. One
particularly strange item has the tag of:  Bodntronic socket whittle.
Meticulous in the extreme, whoever is in charge of this room has
taken great care to miss nothing. As you scan through the items, 
you open up a box of nails. Not only is the box labelled, but each and
every nail has it's own tiny tag stating simply: Nail, quantity = 1.
A small lab~
The moment you walk through this door, your ears are assaulted with a
cacophony of sound. Hundreds of small devices litter the tables around
the lab. Ticking, clicking, scraping, scrunching, you wonder how anyone
can possibly get any work done in such a racket.
0 8 0
A quiet trail
0 -1 1503
A storage room
0 -1 1504
A small lab~
As you walk through the doors, an unnatural quiet envelops you. The
sounds outside disappear as suddenly as if a knife had cut through them.
As your ears adjust to the quiet, you begin to realize that it's not
totally silent. A low, almost inaudible hum permeates the room. As
you focus on it, you see it comes from a strange object set along
the south wall.
0 8 0
A storage room
0 -1 1507
A quiet trail
0 -1 1503
Gears galore~
This storage room is chock full of every gear and spring imaginable.
Racks and racks of them. From the teak to oak, from brass to gold, 
they seem to be made of a myriad of materials. Each and every one
has been carefully labelled and placed.
0 8 0
The lab
0 -1 1506
Careful storage~
A blast, like a wall of air washes over you as you enter this room. Crisp
and somewhat sterile, it is a welcome relief from the smells that assailed
you in the other room. Hundreds of tiny white boxes line the shelves here,
each one meticulously labeled.
0 8 0
A aweful smell
0 -1 1509
Bubbling beakers~
The smell in this place is awful, so much so that you can almost feel
your hair curling up on  end. Beakers and decanters bubble and steam.
One table is covered with small dishes, each containing a different
mix of multicolored powder.
0 8 0
0 -1 1510
Careful storage
0 -1 1508
End of the path~
You've reached the end of the path. Through breaks in the trees, you 
can see three buildings. To the east and west are more of the squat
buildings that you noticed earlier. To the north however, there is
a much nicer building. Smaller than the others, it is grander in 
0 0 3
A bright building
0 -1 1513
A squat building
0 -1 1511
The path continues
0 -1 1503
A squat building
0 -1 1509
A strange garden~
This building seems to be an odd mix of indoor garden and mechanical
laboratory. Rows of hanging plants are being constantly looked over,
primped, and fed, by strange pieces of machinery. Little floating
balls hover and float along the pathways. Their tiny arms extending,
tweeking, and hiding away again. You find you have to keep your head
low, lest you run afoul of the strange objects.
0 8 0
The storage room
0 -1 1512
The path begins
0 -1 1510
Cluttered storage~
The best way to describe this room is organized chaos. Things are stacked
everywhere. Pots are stacked on top of boxes of metal casings. Pouches of
soil are laid alongside intricate tools of the finest workmanship. The
clutter comes from a lack of space, rather than a general disorderly
nature. You can gather this by the fact that everything has a label, and
that while cluttered, all items seem to have been placed with care.
0 8 0
A garden lab
0 -1 1511
A large office~
Obviously the office of the chief Gnome, it is well appointed in 
elegant, if tiny, furniture. Several large paintings adorn the walls.
One table along the western wall holds several odd objects. The floor 
is done in a complex parquet pattern.
0 8 0
The chief's lab
0 -1 1514
The path begins
0 -1 1510
A dank, dark place
trapdoor trap~
2055 1501 1515
The paintings show displays of strange and fantastical inventions. One in
particular shows a metal ball flying over the tip of a mountain, barely
clearing it. Beside the painting is a schematic showing the interior of 
the ball, and the Gnome travellor gently wedged into the padding.
Tiny and intricate, these objects show an exquisite attention to 
detail. One in particular looks like some mad spider with long 
delicate legs that end in tiny blades. A schematic beside the spider
shows a demonstration of it peeling an apple.
Done in a beautiful parquet pattern, the tiny blocks of wood form a
convoluted pattern of swirls and whorls. They draw your eyes to them,
pulling you in. There seems to be something strange about the design.
Something that tugs at your mind.
Done in a beautiful parquet pattern, the tiny blocks of wood form a
convoluted pattern of swirls and whorls. They draw your eyes to them,
pulling you in. There seems to be something strange about the design.
Something that tugs at your mind.
Done in a beautiful parquet pattern, the tiny blocks of wood form a
convoluted pattern of swirls and whorls. They draw your eyes to them,
pulling you in. There seems to be something strange about the design.
Something that tugs at your mind.
The table has several objects placed with care upon it. Tiny and
intricate, these objects show an exquisite attention to detail.
One in particular looks like some mad spider with long delicate
legs that end in tiny blades. A schematic beside the spider shows
a demonstration of it peeling an apple.
All these paintings show displays of strange and fantastical inventions.
One in particular shows a metal ball flying over the tip of a mountain,
barely clearing it. Beside the painting is a schematic showing the
interior of the ball, and the Gnome travellor gently wedged into the
The chief's lab~
The room is divided into two distinct sections. One side has a large
basin made of a solid piece of malachite. Resting in the basin is a
convoluted construct of cut crystal.  Fully 30 feet in diameter, this
object resembles a world shattered and remade. A tiny section of the 
room has been set aside for a small table. 
0 8 0
Back to the office
0 -1 1513
Smooth on the outside, the cracks and fissures running through its 
depths show this to be a fragile object. While appearing to have been 
dropped from some great height and then carefully reconstructed, a
closer examination tells a different tale. Each piece seems to have
been specifically constructed to its shape. Baffled, you have no idea
what this things function might be.
Smooth on the outside, the cracks and fissures running through its
depths show this to be a fragile object. While appearing to have been
dropped from some great height and then carefully reconstructed, a
closer examination tells a different tale. Each piece seems to have
been specifically constructed to its shape. Baffled, you have no idea
what this things function might be.
Tiny tools of the most exquisite detail are carefully arrayed on the
table. A small box of ebony rests upon the table, open to your view.
Inside, you can see miniscule figurines of exacting detail. As you
reach out to pick one up, a sharp shock tingles your finger tips. Some
protective field prevents you from touching anything on the table.
A dank cellar~
You find yourself in a dark, dank cellar.  The wooden walls here show
signs of rot along the edges.  Traces of spider webs tangle in the
corners of the ceiling.  Either this room see little traffic, or the
gnomes have less concern for such places than they do for their labs.
0 8 0
1035 -1 1519
A secure lab
0 -1 1516
A secure lab
0 -1 1517
A secure lab
0 -1 1518
An ornate office
trapdoor trap~
3 -1 1513
You see a crack in the wall here, almost as if it will open to your touch.
On all sides are doors save north, this is a sturdy looking wall. You can
see scrappings on the floor, like maybe the wall moves.
A dark, cold lab~
For some reason, light has difficulty penetrating this room. It is 
more than the mere fact of dark walls and no light source. Something
in the very air seems to draw and pull at the light. As you move
through the room. you notice small tables with tiny, intricate tools
upon them. One table has a small, brightly glowing disk upon it.
0 8 0
The cellar entrance
0 -1 1515
As you move towards the disk to examine it further, the disk seems
to darken for an instant. With a sudden buzzing in the air, the disk
flares in a brilliant flash of light. Wincing in pain, you attempt
to pick up the object. The heat as it touches your skin though, causes
you to quickly drop it and move back.
A brightly lit lab~
Clean and stark, this room has a cold, sterile feel to it.  The walls are
of a light, grey granite, with a brushed metal floor.  A large, bare metal
table occupies the southern wall.  An alcove inset into the eastern wall 
contains a glass enclosed object.
0 8 0
Back to the darkness of the main cellar
0 -1 1515
The stream is pretty small, but it looks too cold to swim.
As you peer inside the glass enclosure, you see a small, roughly oval
shaped object. Made of many materials, and done in intricate detail, 
this is an amazing construct. Somehow, it reminds you of something.
As you look at it once again, you realize what it is. It is some kind
of mechanical model of a heart. Amazing. You wonder why it is so
carefully protected.
As you peer inside the glass enclosure, you see a small, roughly oval
shaped object. Made of many materials, and done in intricate detail,
this is an amazing construct. Somehow, it reminds you of something.
As you look at it once again, you realize what it is. It is some kind
of mechanical model of a heart. Amazing. You wonder why it is so
carefully protected.
A large, private lab~
Although meticulously cleaned, the walls of this room have seen much abuse.
Cracks and fissures, scarring and charring, all show the signs of violence
done in great measure.  Faint traces of some magical powder can be seen
imbedded into the face of the walls.
0 8 0
A dank cellar
0 -1 1515
2099211 -1 1515
Dusty traces of some faint red powder can been seen on the walls. 
Closer inspection shows that the powder has been imbedded into the 
wall face, as if it struck the wall with incredible force. There is
a dim magical glow emanating from the powder.
A secret lab~
This room is small and somewhat musty.  While living up to the usual Gnomish
standard of a clean lab, this place still has the air of disuse.  As you gaze
about you, you wonder if maybe they had forgotten its existance.  The tables
are bare and clean.  Looking about you, a small glint of light catches your 
0 8 0
A dank cellar
1035 -1 1515
As you look towards the light that caught your eye, it disappears.
For some reason your eyes linger upon that part of the room. Patient
waiting, however, does not cause the light to reappear. Mayhap this
puzzle requires a more detailed search.
As you look towards the light that caught your eye, it disappears.
For some reason your eyes linger upon that part of the room. Patient
waiting, however, does not cause the light to reappear. Mayhap this
puzzle requires a more detailed search.
> leave_prog 100~
mppurge crack
mpoload 1528
mpoload 1529 6
put quill crack
Forest pathway~
As you walk along the trail the forest wraps itself about you. The
trees overhead relegating overhead light to thin beams. The sounds
of the forest are all about you.
0 0 3
A less travelled path
0 -1 1537
A thinning in the trees
0 -1 1521
A quiet pathway
0 -1 1502
A thinning in the trees~
The trees thin out here and more buildings are beginning to pop up. It
would appear that you are moving into a small village. Small buildings
are visible to the east and west. The path continues to the north and 
0 0 3
Deeper into the forest
0 -1 1520
A small building
0 -1 1523
The path opens up
0 -1 1527
A small building
0 -1 1522
A small classroom~
This classroom is set up in an open style.  Small desks are set in a
semicircle about the room.  Toys litter the floor like yesterday's
castoffs.  A table at the far wall occupies a place of importance.
Several puzzle toys rest upon this table.  Simple drawings of gears,
levers and the like line the walls.
0 12 0
A forest pathway
0 -1 1521
table puzzles~
There are several puzzles arrayed upon the table. They seem quite
complex in detail. Looking at them, you marvel at their intricacy
and complexity. 
Simple in their aspect, these drawing nonetheless give one a 
complete understanding of how each item works and what its 
purpose may be.
The desks are simple affairs made of pine. Designed more as a chair
with a writing surface attached, they are effective in their simplicity.
A large classroom~
This classroom is much larger than the one across the path. Designed
for the older children, much more space has been set aside for
experiments, studies, and the histories. Huge tables contain myriad
gears, joints, springs and such. A large painting along the eastern
wall depicts a carving of a large gnome, resting in the center of town.
0 12 0
A forest pathway
0 -1 1521
gears joints springs~
All of these items have a larger than life feel to them. Made of some
resilient slick substance, they are colored in bright pastel tones.
The painting depicts the center of the village. A tall figure of a 
gnome carved in granite. An image of a plaque can be seen at the base.
An austere abode~
Everything here is crisp, clean and orderly.  So much so that it reaches
the point of severity.  Not one thing is out of place.  Not one soft line.
Whoever lives here is just too focused for their own good.
0 8 0
On to the road
0 -1 1526
A draggle-tailed jumble~
Littered with the detritus of a lifetime of collecting, you can hardly move
as you look about this hut.  Definitely the home of a pack-rat extraordinaire,
there seems to be at least one of each and every useless item you've ever run
across in your life.
0 1073741832 0
On to the road
0 -1 1526
A small cul-de-sac~
The road ends here in a small cul-de-sac. Three small huts are found
to the north, west, and south. Quaint in design, they look like they
have seen a lot of use.
0 0 3
A small hut
0 -1 1524
The road splits
0 -1 1527
A small hut
0 -1 1530
A small hut
0 -1 1525
The path widens~
Everything is wide and open here. The path opens up to a true road,
and splits to the west and south. A small hut can be seen off to
the east. Several other buildings can be seen on in the distance
along both splits in the road.
0 0 3
The trail continues
0 -1 1521
A small hut
0 -1 1528
The road continues
0 -1 1532
The road continues
0 -1 1526
Toys, clothes and baby bottles all litter the floor of this room.  Children
in abundance must reside here.  Judging by the chaos present, the parents are
having difficulty dealing with them.  Possibly their work is interfering.
0 8 0
Back to the road
0 -1 1527
More a workshop than a home, this gnome obviously prefers to stay at home
to work than to work in the labs. Several tables line the walls of this
large hut. A leather chair with small wheels attached to it rests near
one table. Something odd strikes you about the physical make up of the
room. Something in the way the furniture is arranged. You can't quite put
your finger on it.
0 12 0
On to the road
0 -1 1533
A shimmering portal beckons to you
trap floor trapdoor~
3016715 -1 1585
As you scan about the room, your eyes alight on the floor. Careful
examination shows a thin outline in the floor. Almost as if there 
were a hidden door of some kind.
The furniture seems artfully placed to leave a space open near the 
center of the room, without broadly pointing out that fact. Careful
examination shows a thin outline in the floor. Almost as if there
were a hidden door of some kind.
Fine leather has been further softened through a great deal of use.
This chair has been set with wheels attached to give it the ability
to move back and forth between the various tables.
> leave_prog 100~
close floor
Green thumb~
Plants abound in this bright, airy home. More a structure of glass than
a hut with windows, this home was built with plants in mind. The smell 
of saffron mixes with that of other spices and flowers to produce a 
heady blend. You could spend hours in here, just relaxing, and enjoying
the feel of this place.
0 8 0
On to the road
0 -1 1526
The spices are spread about the entire dwelling, intermixed with
the flowers to give the room a nice balanced feel.
The flowers are spread about the entire dwelling, intermixed with
the spices to give the room a nice balanced feel.
An ill kept home~
Barren and bereft of most furnishings, this place has the bare minimum
one would need for basic comforts. The bed, the single chair, the almost
empty shelves show a home that is either not in use, or is the home
of a workaholic.
0 8 0
Onto the road
0 -1 1532
bed shelves chair~
All the furnishings here are basic in the extreme and look to have
little or no regular use.
A bend in the road~
The road bends around a gentle curve, continuing to the east and 
north. Two more huts can be seen to the south and west. The road looks
to be well travelled. Several pot holes can be seen along sections of
the roadway.
0 0 3
A split in the road
0 -1 1527
A small cul-de-sac lies to the east.
0 -1 1533
To the south is a startling smell.  A small house stands in that direction.
0 -1 1535
To the west is a small, unkept home.
0 -1 1531
A small cul-de-sac~
The road ends here in a small cul-de-sac. Three small huts are found
to the north, east, and south. Quaint in design, they look like they
have seen a lot of use.
0 0 3
A small hut
0 -1 1529
A small hut
0 -1 1534
A small hut
0 -1 1536
A bend in the road
0 -1 1532
A well kept home~
For a small hut, this place has remarkable class and quality in its
furnishings. All betoken comfort and relaxation. Gazing about the room,
you get the definite impression that the owner of this house takes as
much effort in relaxing as he does in working.
0 8 0
On to the road
0 -1 1533
A sloven hut~
Half finished plates of food compete on an equal footing with patches of
dust and the odd spider web. Everything about this place is unkempt.
Whoever owns this home has no respect for their own abode. It makes you
wonder if the inventions this gnome creates are any better cared for.
0 8 0
Onto the road
0 -1 1532
Light and color~
A sea of glass and crystal greet your eyes as you walk into this
small hut. Carvings, lanterns, slats of stained glass, dinnerwear,
all litter the room in a display of organized clutter. One table
shows miniature gears, and even springs made of glass. You marvel
at the talent that such a display represents.
0 8 0
On to the road
0 -1 1533
glass crystal~
Almost everything in this room is made of glass or crystal. What is 
not purely made of these substances, has accents and major portions
of the two.
The carvings run the range from sharp edged samples of cut crystal 
to the soft smooth tones of colored glass. Focussed mainly on images
of fantastic mythical creatures, the carvings run the gamut from
pixies to dragons.
lanterns stained~
Much of the stained glass is displayed in lanterns, hanging from the
ceiling, resting upon the tables, attached to the walls. Other examples
are still unfinished, and lie about in neat stacks in and around the
furnishings. The myriad colors shining forth from the lamps lend a
sparkling rainbowed hue to the room.
Hand blown, these are some of the finest examples of the crafters
art you have ever seen. Artful use of colors lend each plate and
dish its own unique stamp.
table gears springs~
This table holds the most interesting items. Tiny, intricate examples
of gears, joints and springs are carefully arrayed on the table's
surface. As you examine these, some of which at smaller than your
thumbnail, you sigh in wonder at the skill used to create such
The road less travelled~
The trees wrap about you like a warm blanket. The trail is little
more than a broken line in the foliage. You can barely make it out
as you move along. The trail wends its way to the west and southeast.
0 0 3
A wider path
0 -1 1520
A bend in the trail
0 -1 1538
A thin trail~
The trail is so thin here, you almost lose sight of the path altogether.
Ferns and small bushes push their way onto the path, obscuring the trail
0 0 3
A thin trail
0 -1 1539
A thin trail
0 -1 1537
The trail ends~
The trails comes to an end here, the foliage opening up onto grassy
fields. The trees reluctantly giving way to open skies and a cooling
breeze. While the trail was beautiful, it was also cloying. You breath
better knowing it is behind you.
0 4 3
Open fields
0 -1 1540
A thinning trail
0 -1 1538
An overgrown field~
A sea of amber and teal greet your eyes as you stride through this
overgrown field. The grasses wave and swirl about you, like children
capering to a song on the wind.
0 0 2
Walking the fields
0 -1 1541
Walking the fields
0 -1 1542
A thin trail through the trees
0 -1 1539
A field by the river~
This field wends its way down to the river's edge. Grasses slowly changing
over to reeds and cattails. The river itself is a gentle, wide band of
gurgling depths and dark mysteries. It is too active and too deep to cross
here. The northeast is covered in a thick reed forest, that seems to block
all passage in that direction.
0 0 2
Along to river bank
0 -1 1543
Back towards to path
0 -1 1540
A sea of clover~
The entire field is covered with the speckling of tiny white flowers.
The gentle scent of clover fills your nostrils as you stroll along the
path. The soft buzzing of bees tickles at your ears as you see them
flitter about, alighting upon flower after flower.
0 0 2
Entrance to the field
0 -1 1540
A riverside path
0 -1 1543
Skirting the river edge~
The trail winds much closer to the river here. The gurgling and shushing
sounds of the rivers flow washing over you like a breath of fresh air.
Cattails rule the land in this area of the fields. The sway of their
bulbous heads adding to the unique concert of sound.
0 0 2
Following along the river
0 -1 1541
Before a small hill
0 -1 1544
An overgrown field
0 -1 1542
The bottom of a small hill~
The river wanders about the eastern edge of a small hill here.  As you
peer about, you see the pathway wending its way up towards the top.  
Looking further on, you think you can just make out the makings of a
0 0 2
Back along the river
0 -1 1543
Walking up a hill
65536 -1 1545
The hillside~
Oddly, the verdant vegetation fades away as you climb the hill.  It is 
almost as if some malignant presence was nearby.  As if something, or
someone, were stifling the growth.
0 0 2
At the bridge
0 -1 1546
Back to the bottom of the hill
65536 -1 1544
A bridge over the river~
A large wooden bridge spans the river here.  A section in the middle seems
to be missing for some reason though.  As you look carefully at the bridge,
the edge of the missing section seems to shift and flow.  Almost as if the
missing piece were magically obscured in some form or another.
0 1048580 2
Back down the side of the hill
0 -1 1545
A bridge over the river~
A large wooden bridge spans the river here. A section in the middle
seems to be missing for some reason though. As you look carefully at
the bridge, the edge of the missing section seems to shift and flow.
Almost as if the missing piece were magically obscured in some form
or other.
0 1048580 2
Back down the side of the hill
0 -1 1548
The hillside~
Oddly, the verdant vegetation fades away as you climb the hill. It
is almost as if some malignant presence was nearby. As if something,
or someone, were stifling the growth.
0 4 2
At the bridge
0 -1 1547
Back to the bottom of the hill
65536 -1 1549
The bottom of a small hill~
The river wanders about the western edge of a small hill here.  As you
peer about, you see the pathway wending its way up towards the top. 
Looking further on, you think you can just make out the makings of 
0 4 3
Moving away from the river
0 -1 1550
Walking up a hill
65536 -1 1548
A dark path~
The open field about the hill is barely visible through the trees.
Somehow, the forest seems darker on this side of the river. A feeling
of hushed expectation permeates the trees. 
0 4 3
Towards a hill
0 -1 1549
The trees surround you
0 -1 1551
A darkened path~
The trees overhang the pathway.  Cloying and musty, the trees seem twisted,
almost diseased.  It's as if some presence nearby were affecting them.
Slowly, inexorably changing them with its dark influence.
0 4 3
A wide plateau
65536 -1 1552
A break in the trees
0 -1 1550
A wide plateau~
The path crests up onto a wide plateau. Trees still dot the area,
but are more widespread than at lower altitudes. The path continues
to the east along the crest of the hill. Off to the south, across
a bend in the river, you can make out oily streams of smoke winding
up from the forest.
0 4 3
The plateau continues
0 -1 1553
A darkened path
65536 -1 1551
A wide plateau~
The plateau continues here to the east and west. Wide, but shallow, its
edge is a precipitous drop to the river below. On the northern face of
the hill, a dark cave opening can be seen.
0 0 3
A dark cave
0 -1 1554
The plateau ends
0 -1 1557
The plateau continues
0 -1 1552
A dark cavern~
Dark but airy, this cavern appears to be well used. Debris has been
carefully accumulated and placed in a pile near the entrance. A
gentle winding decline leads down deeper into the cavern.
0 8 0
A wide plateau
0 -1 1553
A narrow decline
65536 -1 1555
A quiet home~
An organized jumble meets your eyes as you scan about this home. A
lifetime of nicknacks line the shelves and stand in unsteady piles
along the floor. Quiet and comfortable, this place has the feel 
of great use and solitude.
0 8 0
A comfortable bed
0 -1 1556
Up to the cave entrance
65536 -1 1554
shelves nicknacks piles~
As your eyes scan over the posessions arrayed throughout the
room, you see that the collection runs the gamut from a childs
dusty old toy to several tomes richly tooled in new leather.
More a collection of memories than an assortment of items, the
objects reflect a great and deep soul.
A comfortable bedchamber~
Free of the detritus of the previous room, this chamber is nonetheless
well packed. Shelves of books line both the north and south walls. A
small bed has been gently squeezed in between the shelves, giving the
owner a place to sleep and to ponder the wisdoms held within these tomes.
0 8 0
A quiet home
0 -1 1555
An abrupt end~
The plateau comes to an abrupt end here. The edge has been sheered off,
leaving a thin bridge of land trailing down to the forest below. Looking
down, you see the cause of the destruction. Long years of erosion has 
caused the river to break through the hill, turning this portion of hill 
into a thin, tricky bridge.
0 4 3
The plateau continues
0 -1 1553
A gentle grade
0 -1 1558
A sharp decline~
The hill drops sharply here, extending over the river toward the
forest below. Sharp rocks and slick sections of sandy ground make
the path difficult to traverse.
0 4 3
A dark path
0 -1 1559
The beginnings of a long plateau
0 -1 1557
A break in the path~
The pathway splits in three directions here. One path extends up a
precarious climb along the edge of a hill over the river. The other 
two paths are lost in gloom to the east and west.
0 4 3
Lost in the shadows
0 -1 1560
Near the rivers edge
0 -1 1561
A difficult path
0 -1 1558
A dark pathway~
The gloom of the pathway darkens perceptively as it moves within the shadow
of a large hill.  The path ends just to the south, where a dark cave entrance
can be seen.  Looking more closely, you can just make out a narrow pathway
climbing up the hill alongside the cave entrance.
0 4 3
A dark end
0 -1 1578
A split in the path
0 -1 1559
Near the river edge~
The gloom of this darkened path is broken momentarily as the path wends
past the river.  A break in the trees allows a welcome wash of clean air
to enter onto the pathway.  A path can be seen winding up a hill on the
other side of the river.
0 4 3
A split in the trail
0 -1 1559
Further into the gloom
0 -1 1562
Enveloped in gloom~
The trees overhang the path like dark souls waiting upon ill luck to
bring them their next victim. Long trailers of moss hang from the
branches distorting their already bent and twisted forms. The bushes
along the trail seem to reach towards you as you wend your way through.
Looking southward, the trail can be seen ending in a dark cave entrance.
0 4 3
A dank cavern
0 -1 1563
A break in the trees
0 -1 1561
A dark cave~
Covered in a slimy sweat, those rough hewn walls close in about you like
a wet blanket.  Rotting garbage litters the ground, adding a distinct odor
to the cave.  Holding your nose against the smell and decay, you wonder if
you should explore deeper.
0 8 13
The beginnings of a gloomy pathway
0 -1 1562
A dank passage
0 -1 1564
A dank passage
0 -1 1568
A dank passage~
Dank, putrid air hangs heavily along this passage.  Offal and waste splatter
the walls in in a random patterning of decay and abandon.  Whoever lives here
has no respect for the homes or themselves.
0 8 13
A dusty home
0 -1 1565
A rancid pile
0 -1 1566
A tiny home
0 -1 1567
A way out
0 -1 1563
Dust and decay~
A cloud of dust rises at your entrance, obscuring the room momentarily,
and sending you into a coughing fit. Old, ratty piles of furs dot the
floor of this home. The layers of dust show that this home has not been
used in quite some time.
0 8 13
A dank passageway
0 -1 1564
A rancid pile~
A huge pile of offal and bones occupies almost this entire chamber.
Fumes and colorful gases can be seen rising up from this putrescense,
causing your eyes to water. A strange fungus grows along the walls
of this room.
0 12 13
A dank passage
0 -1 1564
> entry_prog 100~
if race ($n) == half-ogre
or race ($n) == half-orc
or race ($n) == half-troll
or isnpc ($n)
mpechoat $n There's a foul stench here, but you seem able to handle it.
mpechoat $n There's a foul stench here, causing you to gag and choke.
mpechoaround $n $n coughs and gags at the stench in the room.
mpdamage $n 5
mpechoat $n Your lungs hurt a bit from the coughing.
mpechoat $n Hopefully there's no permanent damage.
A tiny home~
Tiny and cramped, this is home to several individuals. At least a
dozen rotting piles of furs line the floor, leaving little room to
maneuver. A small pile of rotting food takes up the southeast corner.
0 8 13
A dank passageway
0 -1 1564
A dank passage~
Dank, putrid air hangs heavily along this passage.  Offal and waste splatter
the walls in a random patterning of decay and abandon.  Whoever lives here
has no respect for their homes or themselves.
0 8 13
A bend in the passage
0 -1 1570
Bones everywhere
0 -1 1569
A way out
0 -1 1563
A home of bones~
Bones litter the floor here forming piles and heaps about the room.  Like
the forgotten castoffs of a child, these bones are the remains of many a
forgotten meal.  Like all other hobgoblin homes, this one has never been
0 8 13
A dank passage
0 -1 1568
A turn in the passageway~
The passage turns here, moving in to the west and south.  As with other 
sections of this tunnel, garbage lines the walls like the putrid remains
of some ghastly parade.
0 8 13
An empty space
0 -1 1571
A dank passageway
0 -1 1568
The end of the tunnel
0 -1 1572
An empty space~
A layer of dust, inches thick, sheets the ground here.  Huge cobwebs cover
the corners, lending this room a more rounded look.  Judging by the amount
of dust and the state of decay amongst the bits and pieces of garbage, this
room has not seen use in quite some time.
0 8 13
A bend in the passage
0 -1 1570
The end of the tunnel~
The passageway comes to an end here. Three chambers can be seen leading
off to the north, south and west. The chamber to the west seems much 
larger than any others you have seen so far. The sound of grunts and
shuffling feet can be heard to the west.
0 8 13
A polluted spring
0 -1 1573
A bend in the passage
0 -1 1570
A reasonably neat chamber
0 -1 1574
The guard room
0 -1 1575
A foul spring~
A small pool of water rests along the northern wall of this small
chamber. The source of the water is a spring bubbling forth from
a crack in the north wall. Another crack in the floor seems to
siphon off the excess water. This seems to be the main source of
water for the hobgoblins.
0 8 13
The beginnings of a passageway
0 -1 1572
Almost neat~
While cluttered and cramped, this room looks almost neat compared to
others found within these passageways.  The piles of furs look almost
nice enough to sleep on.  No hint of rot or putrescence can be found.
This must be the home of a truly remarkable hobgoblin.
0 8 13
The beginnings of a passageway
0 -1 1572
The guard room~
Several rancid piles of fur dot the floor in this chamber.  Rusted pieces
of weaponry and rotting armor line the walls in a sad imitation of military
order.  Whatever chambers lie to the north are obviously important enough
to have warranted a guard chamber here.
0 12 13
The chief guard
0 -1 1500
The beginnings of a passageway
0 -1 1572
The King's chamber~
Large, almost fresh hides and furs hang along the walls of this huge chamber.
As you look at them, there is barely a hint of rot about them.  A tall throne
of roughly cut granite stands at the end of the chamber.  Several torches 
along the walls give this chamber a brighter look than any other chamber you
have found. There is a large throne blocking the travel west.
0 12 13
The chief guard
Door granite~
3 -1 1500
2098223 1500 1577
There is a huge, stone throne here, blocking travel to the west.
The treasure room~
This is the treasure room of the hobgoblins. Not much is actually
here. Sneaky and nasty as hobgoblins are, they lack the resources
to have much of an effect on those around them. A large pile of
gold rests on the ground here, along with other small trinkets.
0 12 13
The king's chamber
throne door~
35 -1 1576
An end to a dark path~
The pathway ends here at the edge of a steep hill.  A large cave mouth
opens up into murky darkness.  Strange sounds can be heard from within
its depths.  A thin trail can be leading off up the hill alongside the
cave mouth.  While a difficult climb, it looks as if it can be made.
0 4 3
A dark passage
0 -1 1560
A murky cavern
0 -1 1581
A difficult climb
128 -1 1579
A precarious climb~
The trail wends its way along the edge of the hill, climbing at a 
steep angle towards crest of the hill. Thin and rocky, traversing
this trail is careful going. Looking out about you, you find you
are just above the trees. Dark and gloomy, they do not look inviting
at all. The hill above you is barren and scarred, giving you pause
as to which direction is more or less appealing.
0 4 3
A desolate guard post
128 -1 1580
A dark and murky forest
128 -1 1578
A desolate guard post~
As you climb up the last few feet, you come upon a desolate spot.
A small lean-to has been built here as a measure of protection
against the elements. But, beyond that, there is nothing here to
make a body feel welcome or safe. This is where the hobgoblins keep
a watch post. From here, they can scan across the entire forest, 
keeping an eye on the pesky gnomes with whom they reluctantly share
this area.
0 4 3
A precarious descent
128 -1 1579
Strange echos~
Walking into this cavern, you quickly find yourself enveloped in
gloom. Your footfalls echo off the walls, reverberating all about
you like the trundling of some spectral army. The cave is larger
than it first appeared, and extends much further off to the east.
0 9 13
The cave continues
0 -1 1582
The beginnings of a forest pathway
0 -1 1578
A darkened turn~
You can barely make out the fact that this cave turns here moving off
to the west and north. The echos persist and cause you to turn about 
in confusion. It is more than simply the sound of your shuffling feet.
Other sounds can barely be heard amongst the jumble. Searching about,
you see a passageway leading off to the west.
0 9 13
The cave continues
0 -1 1593
A dank passage
0 -1 1583
The cave continues
0 -1 1581
A dank passageway~
Rough hewn walls curve to meet a muddy floor in this damp passageway.
Cut from the raw stone, this passage still shows the marks of the 
simple tools used in its shaping. The passageway splits to the north 
and southeast. A large dark cavern can be seen to the west.
0 13 13
The passageway continues
0 -1 1584
A huge dark cavern
0 -1 1582
A small guard room
0 -1 1587
The end of a dank passageway~
The passage ends here with a door to the east. Looking at the door, 
you notice that it is a cell door, made of green hardwood and strips 
of bark. Strangely though, there is no lock on the door, and no
guard post has been established here.
0 13 13
An odd cell
3 -1 1585
The passageway continues
0 -1 1583
The door at first glance appears to be very fragile. Simply made of
long pieces of green hardwood and strips of bark, it is cunningly
made. A careful examination shows it to be quite sturdy.
A cell of a different ilk~
As cells go, this one is quite well appointed. An actual bed, four
posters and all, has been set within. A fine oak table and three
chairs take up the southeast corner. Several neat piles of notes 
rest atop the desk. There is even a nice throw rug upon the floor
here. The pristine nature of this cell, and its distance from the
rest of the cells makes you wonder about its occupant.
0 13 13
The beginnings of a passageway
3 -1 1584
A shimmering portal beckons to you
floor trap door~
3016715 -1 1529
Strangely patterned, this rug depicts some sort of abstract scene
involving gears, struts and other mechanical esoterica. As you
look at it, wondering at the taste of its owner, you realize
there is something unusual in its placement. Looking further,
you catch the unmistakeable signs of a hidden trap door.
A storage room~
This is a small storage room that has been set aside for the mining
equipment being used to clear out this area.  The room seems to be
set up in a temporary state.  The north wall shows signs of recent
work to continue the passages further northward.
0 13 13
A passageway begins
0 -1 1597
A guard post~
A rough, careworn table with two small stools takes up the center
of this room. Oily guttering torches add an indistinct weavy light
to the chamber. A narrow entryway leads to another guard room to
the east. Two doors made of strips of green hardwood and strands of
bark block entry to the cells on the north and south walls.
0 9 13
A barred door
3 -1 1591
0 -1 1588
A barred door
3 -1 1592
The dank passage
0 -1 1583
The doors at first glance appear to be very fragile. Simply made of 
long pieces of green hardwood and strips of bark, they are cunningly
made. A careful examination shows them to be quite sturdy.
The door at first glance appears to be very fragile. Simply made of
long pieces of green hardwood and strips of bark, it is cunningly
made. A careful examination shows it to be quite sturdy.
A guard room~
One rickety stool occupies this otherwise barren room. Resting against
the eastern wall, it has obviously seen extensive use. Two more cells
can be seen to the north and south. The only exit available is back to
the west.
0 9 13
A barred door
3 -1 1589
A barred door
3 -1 1590
Another guard room
0 -1 1587
The door at first glance appears to be very fragile. Simply made of
long pieces of green hardwood and strips of bark, it is cunningly
made. A careful examination shows it to be quite sturdy.
The doors at first glance appear to be very fragile. Simply made of
long pieces of green hardwood and strips of bark, they are cunningly
made. A careful examination shows them to be quite sturdy.
An empty cell~
Barren and empty, this cell is not currently in use. The level of dust
within the room shows that it has been unused for quite some time. The
only evidence of the previous occupant are a few bits of rotted straw,
and some odd scratchings on the walls.
0 9 13
A guard room
3 -1 1588
Looking carefully at the walls, you can barely make out some strange
writings. They seem to be portions of arcane symbols and formulae.
Unfortunately, wear and tear on the walls has obscured portions of
the writings.
A well kept cell~
There is little within this room to make one feel homey. A mildewed
pile of straw acts as a bed, while a simple stool and small table
make up the rest of the furnishings. Remarkeably, although every
item within the room is suffering from the effects or dampness and
rot, the room is quite neat. Whichever poor soul has been forced to
make this his home has taken great care to keep the place liveable.
0 9 13
A guard room
3 -1 1588
A dark cell~
There's an unusual darkness to this cell.  Your light seems to fight
against the gloom, pushing it back with effort.  As you struggle to
look about through the murky darkness, you see that the cell is
otherwise unremarkable.  The standard musty straw bed and small stool
being the only furnishings.
0 9 13
A dirty guard room
3 -1 1587
A cluttered cell~
This cell is filled with odd bits and pieces. Wooden gears compete
with springs and odd sections of metal and wood. Boxes line the
walls, leaving little space for the straw pallet along the south
wall. The room is otherwise bare of furnishings.
0 9 13
A dusty guard room
3 -1 1587
A sharp end~
The cavern comes to a sharp abrupt end here.  Some shifting of the
earth as some point has caused a shaft of rock to spike down here,
bringing the ceiling from towering darkness to something visible
and reachable.  Off to the north, a small passageway can be seen.
It appears to have been cut straight out of the rock face.  Rough
and careworn, it is not a natural occurence.
0 9 13
A dank passage
0 -1 1594
The cave continues
0 -1 1582
A dank passageway~
Rough cut from the surrounding stone, this passageway looks fairly 
new. Dust and small bits of stone along the walls give evidence to
the recent work. Given the untidy nature of hobgoblins though, it
is difficult to tell if has been days or weeks since the work was
0 9 13
A conference room
0 -1 1596
A huge dark cavern
0 -1 1593
An assembly room
0 -1 1595
The passage continues
0 -1 1597
An assembly room~
Boxes and cartons line the walls of this cramped room. Several odd
mechanical assemblages are arrayed about the three tables in this 
chamber. Judging by the manacles and chains extending from the walls,
whoever works here is a reluctant participant, at best.
0 9 13
A dank passageway
0 -1 1594
The boxes are full of odd bits and pieces. Everything from gears and
springs to sections of metal and wood panels.
The cartons are full of odd bits and pieces. Everything from gears and
springs to sections of metal and wood panels.
Odd in the extreme, these conglomerations are a strange mixture of
gears, springs, buttons, and panels. Looking them over and over,
you find you still canoot fathom what their use or purpose may be.
Rusted, but well cared for, these chains have seen recent use. By 
the size of the manacles, you would guess the victim to be roughly 
man sized, although the actual race cannot be determined from so
little evidence.
Rusted, but well cared for, these manacles have seen recent use.
By the size of them, you would guess the victim to be roughly
man sized, although the actual race cannot be determined from
so little evidence.
A conference room~
This room is clean and well kept. Fine oak desks, arrayed about
the room, are covered with neat stacks of paper. Several long 
sheets have been strategically placed about the room. Each 
sheet depicting diagrams, notes, and formulae of an unusual 
nature. As the oddity of such a room as this flashes through
your mind, your eyes fall upon the manacles and chains bolted
to the walls. Mayhap, this room has a place within these caves
after all.
0 9 13
A dank passageway
0 -1 1594
Rusted, but well cared for, these manacles have seen recent use.
By the size of them, you would guess the victim to be roughly
gnome sized, although the actual race cannot be determined from
so little evidence.
Rusted, but well cared for, these chains have seen recent use. By
the size of the manacles, you would guess the victim to be roughly
gnome sized, although the actual race cannot be determined from
so little evidence.
Riffling through the stacks, you find they are full of incomprehensible
diagrams, formulae and the odd bit of arcane symbology. Try as you might,
you cannot make out what any of it means. 
Riffling through the stacks, you find they are full of incomprehensible
diagrams, formulae and the odd bit of arcane symbology. Try as you might,
you cannot make out what any of it means.
Huge diagrams are scrawled over the sheets. Minor notations and 
additions have been made here and there. However, no matter how 
clear the diagrams are, you cannot fathom their purpose, or what,
if any, fantastic devices may be the end result.
While made of the finest material, as you look closer, you see that
the desks have sufered some damage along the way. It is almost as if
they had travelled far to get here and were worse the wear for their
While made of the finest material, as you look closer, you see that
the desks have sufered some damage along the way. It is almost as if
they had travelled far to get here and were worse the wear for their
An end to the passage~
The passageway comes to an end here.  The walls are even more raw than
further down the passageway.  This is definately recent work.  Chunks
and bits of stone and rubble litter the floor all about.  An almost
completed entryway to the north shows the most recent work.
0 9 13
A storage room
0 -1 1586
A decrepit lab
0 -1 1599
A foul stench
0 -1 1598
The passage continues
0 -1 1594
Looking at the rubble, you can see the markings from the tools used
to chip away at the surrounding stone. WHoever has been doing this 
work is strong indeed. The length of some marks upon the wall show
a great deal of force behind the blows.
Looking at the rubble, you can see the markings from the tools used
to chip away at the surrounding stone. WHoever has been doing this
work is strong indeed. The length of some marks upon the wall show
a great deal of force behind the blows.
A foul stench~
The air is thick here with the residue of many a failed experiment.
Beakers and bottles litter the floor and the single table. Rotting
ingredients and dried remains cake the table in an exotic patterning.
Several half filled bottles are stacked in one corner in the table.
Evidence of the last batch of experiments.
0 9 13
A dank passageway
0 -1 1597
beakers bottles~
Caked, crusted, cracked, crazed, every one of these containers has
seen the use and abuse of many a failed experiment. As your eyes
scan over them, you cannot find even one that is clean and pristine.
Rickety in the extreme, this table looks to be on its last legs. The
scarring and caking of its surface adds to its aged appearance.
> entry_prog 100~
if race ($n) == half-ogre
or race ($n) == half-orc
or race ($n) == half-troll
or isnpc ($n)
mpechoat $n There's a foul stench here, but you seem able to handle it.
mpechoat $n There's a foul stench here, causing you to gag and choke.
mpechoaround $n $n coughs and gags at the stench in the room.
mpdamage $n 5
mpechoat $n Your lungs hurt a bit from the coughing.
mpechoat $n Hopefully there's no permanent damage.
A decrepit lab~
As labs go, this is a sad example. One rickety table occupies the
eastern wall. Stacks of junk and oddments litter the floor. Scrawlings
on the wall show sad attempts at design work. Several smashed pieces
of machinery lie on the table, like half forgotten toys.
0 9 13
A dank passageway
0 -1 1597
junk oddments stacks~
Piled high about the room, these piles are a sad mix of poorly
constructed bits of machinery, and pieces of rotting food. It
would seem the hobgoblins take as much care of their experiments
as they do of their homes.
While at first glance these scrawlings look like diagrams and
arcana notations, closer examination shows it to seem more the
playful scratchings of a group of children.
smashed pieces machinery~
Looking at the pieces littered over the table, it is difficult to see
how any of it could possibly have once been something worthwile.  While
relatively complex in spots, the mechanisms are badly assembled with
poor parts.
Rickety in the extreme, this table looks to be on its last legs.
The stacks of junk seem to be pushed against the legs, as if
offering support to them.

M 0 1517 7 1500
M 0 1517 7 1500
M 0 1517 7 1500
M 0 1517 7 1500
M 0 1517 7 1500
M 0 1517 7 1500
M 0 1517 7 1500
D 0 1500 0 1
O 1 1598 1 1501
M 0 1527 2 1502
E 1 1504 2 16
E 1 1505 2 11
G 1 1542 2
E 1 1543 2 3
M 0 1527 2 1502
G 1 1542 2
E 1 1543 2 3
E 1 1504 2 16
E 1 1505 2 11
M 0 1504 2 1505
G 1 1537 4
M 0 1532 2 1505
E 1 1511 4 17
M 0 1504 2 1506
G 1 1537 4
O 1 1525 1 1506
O 1 1524 1 1506
M 0 1532 2 1507
E 1 1511 4 17
M 0 1503 2 1508
E 1 1511 4 17
M 0 1531 2 1510
G 1 1537 4
M 0 1531 2 1511
G 1 1537 4
M 0 1503 2 1511
E 1 1511 4 17
M 0 1530 1 1513
G 1 1501 1
E 1 1536 2 20
D 0 1513 5 2
M 0 1505 1 1514
E 1 1508 1 1
E 1 1509 1 3
E 1 1535 1 16
M 0 1510 2 1515
M 0 1511 1 1515
D 0 1515 0 1
D 0 1515 4 1
M 0 1509 3 1516
M 0 1510 2 1517
M 0 1509 3 1518
M 0 1509 3 1518
O 1 1526 1 1518
P 1 1527 1 1526
D 0 1518 2 1
O 1 1528 1 1519
P 1 1529 1 1528
D 0 1519 2 1
M 0 1537 5 1520
E 1 1539 5 17
M 0 1537 5 1520
E 1 1539 5 17
M 0 1502 4 1521
E 1 1515 4 8
M 0 1502 4 1521
E 1 1515 4 8
M 0 1534 1 1522
E 1 1536 2 20
M 0 1535 1 1523
E 1 1503 1 16
M 0 1538 4 1525
E 1 1541 4 6
M 0 1538 4 1525
E 1 1541 4 6
M 0 1536 3 1527
E 1 1502 6 16
O 1 1530 1 1527
M 0 1538 4 1528
E 1 1541 4 6
M 0 1538 4 1528
E 1 1541 4 6
M 0 1514 1 1529
E 1 1538 1 12
D 0 1529 5 1
M 0 1536 3 1531
E 1 1502 6 16
M 0 1536 3 1531
E 1 1502 6 16
M 0 1533 3 1532
E 1 1502 6 16
M 0 1502 4 1532
E 1 1515 4 8
M 0 1502 4 1532
E 1 1515 4 8
M 0 1533 3 1534
E 1 1502 6 16
M 0 1533 3 1534
E 1 1502 6 16
M 0 1501 3 1535
E 1 1540 3 13
M 0 1501 3 1535
E 1 1540 3 13
M 0 1501 3 1536
E 1 1540 3 13
M 0 1537 5 1537
E 1 1539 5 17
M 0 1537 5 1538
E 1 1539 5 17
M 0 1537 5 1538
E 1 1539 5 17
M 0 1508 4 1540
G 1 1512 2
M 0 1508 4 1540
G 1 1512 2
M 0 1547 2 1541
M 0 1508 4 1543
G 1 1513 2
M 0 1508 4 1543
G 1 1513 2
M 0 1545 1 1546
M 0 1546 1 1547
M 0 1547 2 1550
M 0 1524 1 1555
M 0 1529 1 1556
O 1 1531 1 1556
P 1 1532 1 1531
M 0 1513 3 1563
M 0 1513 3 1563
M 0 1513 3 1563
M 0 1520 6 1563
E 1 1597 1 17
M 0 1520 6 1564
M 0 1526 1 1566
G 1 1534 1
O 1 1533 2 1566
M 0 1520 6 1568
M 0 1520 6 1570
E 1 1597 1 17
M 0 1520 6 1570
E 1 1597 1 17
M 0 1520 6 1570
O 1 1573 1 1573
M 0 1548 5 1575
E 1 1521 10 16
M 0 1548 5 1575
E 1 1521 10 16
M 0 1548 5 1575
E 1 1521 10 16
M 0 1548 5 1575
E 1 1521 10 16
M 0 1548 5 1575
E 1 1521 10 16
M 0 1519 1 1576
G 1 1500 1
E 1 1544 1 12
E 1 1545 2 16
M 0 1518 2 1576
E 1 1520 3 5
E 1 1521 10 16
M 0 1518 2 1576
E 1 1520 3 5
E 1 1521 10 16
D 0 1576 2 1
D 0 1576 3 2
M 0 1521 1 1577
G 1 1523 2
O 1 1518 2 1577
D 0 1577 1 1
M 0 1516 2 1580
E 1 1521 10 16
E 1 1519 3 11
E 1 1548 3 6
G 1 1533 2
M 0 1516 2 1580
E 1 1521 10 16
E 1 1519 3 11
E 1 1548 3 6
G 1 1533 1516
M 0 1515 4 1581
M 0 1515 4 1581
D 0 1584 1 1
D 0 1585 3 1
D 0 1585 5 1
M 0 1551 2 1586
M 0 1549 4 1587
M 0 1549 4 1587
D 0 1587 0 1
D 0 1587 2 1
M 0 1549 4 1588
M 0 1549 4 1588
D 0 1588 0 1
D 0 1588 2 1
D 0 1589 2 1
M 0 1522 3 1590
M 0 1522 3 1590
M 0 1522 3 1590
D 0 1590 0 1
M 0 1539 1 1591
D 0 1591 2 1
M 0 1523 4 1592
M 0 1523 4 1592
M 0 1523 4 1592
M 0 1523 4 1592
D 0 1592 0 1
M 0 1515 4 1594
M 0 1515 4 1594
M 0 1551 2 1595
M 0 1550 3 1598
M 0 1550 3 1599
M 0 1550 3 1599
M 0 1552 1 1584
E 1 1521 1552 16
M 0 1500 2 1522
M 0 1500 2 1522
M 0 1566 3 1523
M 0 1566 3 1523
M 0 1566 3 1523



M  1511 spec_poison
