 *  Original Diku Mud copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer,        *
 *  Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.  *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Merc Diku Mud improvments copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Michael          *
 *  Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                              *
 *                                                                         *
 *  In order to use any part of this Merc Diku Mud, you must comply with   *
 *  both the original Diku license in 'license.doc' as well the Merc       *
 *  license in 'license.txt'.  In particular, you may not remove either of *
 *  these copyright notices.                                               *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are          *
 *  benefitting.  We hope that you share your changes too.  What goes      *
 *  around, comes around.                                                  *

*	ROM 2.4 is copyright 1993-1998 Russ Taylor			   *
*	ROM has been brought to you by the ROM consortium		   *
*	    Russ Taylor (rtaylor@hypercube.org)				   *
*	    Gabrielle Taylor (gtaylor@hypercube.org)			   *
*	    Brian Moore (zump@rom.org)					   *
*	By using this code, you have agreed to follow the terms of the	   *
*	ROM license, in the file Rom24/doc/rom.license			   *
Two modified commands are offered for your use, as long as you are following the
Diku license. Please read the above.

The first is a sorted "command" command. The commands are sorted by a new
category called "cat" which is coder-configurable. The second command is a wizhelp
that's been sorted by level as well as showing which level the commands are gained at.
There's not too much work involved in this, so please make sure you understand what's
going on. I'm fairly new at coding, but with the help of great snippet writers and
well documented code, I've been able to learn really fast. This is my first contribution
to the MUD community, so please be gentle with any flames ;)

Comments are welcomed, you can email admin@1mud.org or visit One Percent at
1mud.org port 9000. We're still in beta, so don't expect much ;)
Atlas (Mark Nielsen)

FIRST: You need to add the new element "cat" (category) to the following structure found
in interp.h
This is what will be used to do the categorizing and sorting of the command list.

 * Structure for a command in the command lookup table.
struct	cmd_type
    char * const	name;
    DO_FUN *		do_fun;
    sh_int		position;
    sh_int		level;
    sh_int		log;
    sh_int              show;
    sh_int		cat; /* <---------- ADD THIS */

SECOND: You will need to go through EACH command listed in interp.c and add the "cat"
field. For my purposes, I used 8 categories, listed below.
	0) Immortal commands
	1) Configuration commands
	2) Common Commands (read: no better place to put these ones)
	3) Communication commands
	4) Informational commands
	5) Object Manipulation commands
	6) Movement commands
	7) Combat commands
Of course, you can easily alter these to better fit your MUD, I'll explain how later.
For each command, you need to insert the number for which category you want the command
to show up in.
For example:
                                                                           ADD THIS #
    { "commands",	do_commands,	POS_DEAD,	 0,  LOG_NORMAL, 1, 4 },
The addition of the 4 puts this command in the Informational commands category.

    { "murder",		do_murder,	POS_FIGHTING,	 5,  LOG_ALWAYS, 1, 7 },
Notice that this command is in category 7, combat commands.

As you can see, the category is the 6th element (our counting starts at 0 ;) This relates to the
new "sh_int   cat;" element we added in the interp.h file. This is what we'll sort on.

interp.c further down
Find the do_commands function, and replace it with the below function. I always suggest commenting
out the original first, then adding the new function. This makes it easy to restore the old function
if you have problems. Of course, good backups must be kept as well ;)

 * Contributed by Alander.
 * Modified to sort by category by Atlas of One Percent MUD. 1mud.org port 9000
 * Please read and follow the DIKU license, as this modification is a derivative work!
void do_commands( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    int cmd;
    int col;
    int category;
    col = 0;

 /* I had to categorize the immortal commands, but not print them to mortals, 
  * so immortal commands are category 0, and I started the loop with category
  * 1 commands. There's probably a better way to do this, but hey, it works!
  * I also have the commands that I felt were most important in the higher 
  * categories, which print out last. The more useless commands are in lower 
  * categories so they might scroll off the screen.
    for( category = 1; category < 8; category++ )
      case 1:
	      send_to_char("*** Configuration Commands ***\n\r", ch);      
      case 2: 							
	      send_to_char("*** Common Commands ***\n\r", ch); 		 
      case 3:
	      send_to_char("*** Communication Commands ***\n\r", ch);
      case 4:
	      send_to_char("*** Informational Commands ***\n\r", ch);
      case 5:
	      send_to_char("*** Object Manipulation Commands ***\n\r", ch);
      case 6:
	      send_to_char("*** Movement Commands ***\n\r", ch);
      case 7:
	      send_to_char("*** Combat Commands ***\n\r", ch);
       for ( cmd = 0; cmd_table[cmd].name[0] != '\0'; cmd++ )
           if ( cmd_table[cmd].level <  LEVEL_HERO
           &&   cmd_table[cmd].level <= get_trust( ch ) 
	   &&   cmd_table[cmd].show
	   &&   cmd_table[cmd].cat == category) /* <--- this ensures the category equals the current category loop value */
	       sprintf( buf, "   %-12s", cmd_table[cmd].name );
	       send_to_char( buf, ch );
	       if ( ++col % 6 == 0 )
		  send_to_char( "\n\r", ch );
       if (col % 6 != 0 )
       send_to_char( "\n\r", ch );
       col = 0;
    if ( col % 6 != 0 )
	send_to_char( "\n\r", ch );
I've also removed my color codes, since not everyone uses Lope's colour. (so I hear, anyways).
It looks alot better to add some color to the category header. I hope what this is doing is 
apparent to everyone. I tried to comment it a bit so even the newbie coder (much like myself just
a short time ago) can easily implement this and see what's going on.

If you'd like your categories a little different, no problem! This is highly configurable. Simply
change the name of the category, move them up or down in the switch statement, or whatever suits your
needs. It's also quite simple to move commands from one category to another. Simply change the
command category number up above.

One last thing, some commands don't make sense to show. Characters that don't have certain skills
shouldn't see that command in their command list, IMHO. Something I found out about during my addition
of this is that there's a way to hide the command.
    { "backstab",	do_backstab,	POS_FIGHTING,	 0,  LOG_NORMAL, 0, 8 },
The 5th element (starting our counting at 0) after LOG_NORMAL is an integer to either show or not show
a command in the command list. I hid all commands for which there existed skills. So in the above
example, backstab is set to NOT show in the command list by having the show field set to 0.
Characters with backstab will see it in their skills, so why show it in commands too?

I hope this command helps to improve your MUD. Feel free to send me an email with any problems, or if
you'd just be kind enough to let me know it's being put to good use. I require no credit whatsoever for
the command, especially since all I've done is modify Alander's work a bit.

I've also added this sorted do_wizhelp for anyone interested. I received this from
one of my immortals, Ambuoroko (although badly broke at the time). It's a wizhelp
which is sorted by level, and also shows at which level each wiz command is granted.
Just replace your do_wizhelp (in interp.c near do_commands) with the following.

void do_wizhelp( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    int cmd;
    int col;
    int clevel;
    col = 0;

    for( clevel = LEVEL_HERO + 1; clevel < MAX_LEVEL + 1; clevel++ ) 
        for ( cmd = 0; cmd_table[cmd].name[0] != '\0'; cmd++ )
            if ( cmd_table[cmd].level >= LEVEL_HERO
            &&   cmd_table[cmd].level <= get_trust( ch ) 
            &&   cmd_table[cmd].show
	    &&   cmd_table[cmd].level == clevel)
	        sprintf( buf, "{c[{x%-3d{c] %-12s{x", cmd_table[cmd].level, cmd_table[cmd].name );
	        send_to_char( buf, ch );
	        if ( ++col % 5 == 0 )
		    send_to_char( "\n\r", ch );
    if ( col % 5 != 0 )
	send_to_char( "\n\r", ch );