name			i3~
args			~
descr			~
function		I3_other~
level			Mort~
connected		false

name			i3help~
args			~
descr			~
function		i3_help~
level			Mort~
connected		false

name			i3listen~
args			<localchannel>~
descr			To tune into a channel.~
function		I3_listen_channel~
level			Mort~
connected		true

name			i3afk~
args			~
descr			Toggles AFK on i3 network.~
function		I3_afk~
level			Mort~
connected		false

name			i3chanlist~
args			[all] [filter]~
descr			List channels available.~
function		I3_chanlist~
level			Mort~
connected		true

name			i3mudlist~
args			[filter]~
descr			List muds connected to I3.~
function		I3_mudlist~
level			Mort~
connected		true

name			i3chanwho~
args			<channel> <mud>~
descr			To see who is listening on another mud.~
function		I3_chan_who~
level			Mort~
connected		true

name			i3mudinfo~
args			<mud>~
descr			Information on another mud.~
function		I3_mudinfo~
level			Mort~
connected		true

name			i3invis~
args			~
descr			Make yourself invisible to I3.~
function		I3_invis~
level			Mort~
connected		false

name			i3who~
args			<mud>~
descr			Who is on a mud on I3?~
function		I3_who~
level			Mort~
connected		true

name			i3finger~
args			<name@mud>~
descr			Details for a person on an I3 mud.~
function		I3_finger~
level			Mort~
connected		true

name			i3locate~
args			<name>~
descr			Locate a person on I3.~
function		I3_locate~
level			Mort~
connected		true

name			i3tell~
args			<name@mud>~
descr			Tell someone on I3 something.~
function		I3_tell~
level			Mort~
connected		true

name			i3reply~
args			<name@mud>~
descr			Reply to an i3tell.~
function		I3_reply~
level			Mort~
connected		true

name			i3emote~
args			<name@mud> <emote>~
descr			Emote to someone on I3.~
function		I3_emote~
level			Mort~
connected		true

name			i3beep~
args			<name@mud>~
descr			Beep someone on I3.~
function		I3_beep~
level			Mort~
connected		true

name			i3ignore~
args			<name@mud>~
descr			Ignore someone who annoys you.~
function		I3_ignorecmd~
level			Mort~
connected		false

name			i3color~
args			~
descr			Toggle I3 color.~
function		I3_color~
level			Mort~
connected		false
alias_first		i3colour~

name			i3connect~
args			[router-name]~
descr			Connect to the Intermud-3 network.~
function		I3_connect~
level			Imm~
connected		false

name			i3disconnect~
args			~
descr			Disconnect from the Intermud-3 network.~
function		I3_disconnect~
level			Imm~
connected		true

name			i3user~
args			<name@mud>~
descr			User request.~
function		I3_send_user_req~
level			Imm~
connected		true

name			i3ucache~
args			~
descr			Local I3 user cache.~
function		I3_show_ucache_contents~
level			Imm~
connected		true

name			i3perms~
args			<user>~
descr			I3 permissions for a user.~
function		I3_permstats~
level			Imm~
connected		false

name			i3deny~
args			<user> <localchannel>~
descr			Deny a user access to an I3 channel.~
function		I3_deny_channel~
level			Imm~
connected		true

name			i3permset~
args			<user> <permission>~
descr			Toggle persmissions for a user.~
function		I3_permset~
level			Admin~
connected		false

name			i3setchan~
args			<i3name> <localname>~
descr			Set a name for a channel.~
function		I3_setup_channel~
level			Admin~
connected		true

name			i3chanlayout~
args			<localchannel> <message> <emote>~
descr			Setup the layout of a channel.~
function		I3_chanlayout~
level			Admin~
connected		true

name			i3addchan~
args			<channelname> <localname> <type>~
descr			Add a channel.~
function		I3_addchan~
level			Admin~
connected		true

name			i3removechan~
args			<channelname>~
descr			Remove a channel.~
function		I3_removechan~
level			Admin~
connected		true

name			i3adminchan~
args			<localchannel>~
descr			Administer who recieves channel on I3.~
function		I3_admin_channel~
level			Admin~
connected		true

name			i3editchan~
args			<localchannel>~
descr			Edit a channel.~
function		I3_edit_channel~
level			Admin~
connected		true

name			i3ban~
args			<user@mud|*ip>~
descr			Ban someone on I3.~
function		I3_bancmd~
level			Admin~
connected		false

name			i3config~
args			<option> [args]~
descr			Configure your I3 setup.~
function		I3_setconfig~
level			Admin~
connected		false

name			i3mudlisten~
args			<localchannel>~
descr			Make an I3 channel public to the mud.~
function		I3_mudlisten~
level			Admin~
connected		true

name			i3stats~
args			~
descr			General statistics.~
function		I3_stats~
level			Admin~
connected		false

name			i3hedit~
args			<topic> [name|perm] <field>~
descr			Editor for intermud3 helps.~
function		i3_hedit~
level			Admin~
connected		false

name			i3cedit~
args			<command> <arg> <field>~
descr			Editor for intermud3 commands.~
function		i3_cedit~
level			Imp~
connected		false

name			i3router~
args			[add|remove|list]~
descr			I3 router admin.~
function		I3_router~
level			Imp~
connected		false

name			i3debug~
args			~
descr			Toggle packet debugging.~
function		I3_debug~
level			Imp~
connected		false