*										    *			
*  This snippet was written by Kaine De'Arque of Vampire Wars: Embrace the Darkness *
*  (VWETD).  If you use this snippet all I ask is that you email me saying that you *
*  used, benefited, didnt like, etc. from it ( shane@computers-mn.com ).	    *
*										    *
*  This snippet should work with any Merc dirivitive, if it doesnt let me know.     *
*  Basicly (in short) I was sick of everyone saying "Hey my eq broke all of a sudden*
*  and I dont know why!!".  So what this snippet does is puts a gauge next to the   *
*  piece of equipment that looks simmilar to this: [++++++++++].  If its condition  *
*  lowers, the pluses in turn lower, it is also setup so that when it goes down the *
*  colors change on the pluses (If your mud doesnt support COL_SCALE remove:        *
*  COL_SCALE(gauge, ch, plus_cnt, 10, MAX_INPUT_LENGTH);  from the snippet.         *
*										    *
*  To install: Simply delete your old 'void do_equipment' from, act_info.c and      *
*  replace it with this one.  Very simple not alot of fuss and muss, lemme know if  *
*  ya like it! - Kaine De'Arque, VWETD, shane@computers-mn.com			    *
*										    *

void do_equipment( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    OBJ_DATA *obj;
    int iWear;
    bool found;
    int   plus_cnt;
    char  buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char  gauge[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    int   i;

    send_to_char_formatted( "You are using:\n\r", ch );
    found = FALSE;
    for ( iWear = 0; iWear < MAX_WEAR; iWear++ )
    if ( ( obj = get_eq_char( ch, iWear ) ) == NULL )

           send_to_char_formatted( where_name[iWear], ch );
           if( can_see_obj(ch,obj))
                    plus_cnt = obj->condition / 10;
                    gauge[0] = '\0';

                    for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                             if(i < plus_cnt)
                                strncat(gauge, "+", MAX_INPUT_LENGTH - strlen(gauge));
                                strncat(gauge, " ", MAX_INPUT_LENGTH - strlen(gauge));
                    COL_SCALE(gauge, ch, plus_cnt, 10, MAX_INPUT_LENGTH);

                    snprintf(buf, MAX_INPUT_LENGTH, "%-38s [%s]\r\n", format_obj_to_char(obj, ch, TRUE));

                    send_to_char(buf, ch);
                  send_to_char_formatted( "something.\n\r", ch );
           found = TRUE;
    if ( !found )
           send_to_char_formatted( "Nothing.\n\r", ch );
